National Center for Higher Education Management Systems nchems.org higheredinfo.org You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29, 2016

You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,

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Page 1: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


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Page 2: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


65%ofAlaska’sworkingagepopulationwillhaveapostsecondaryeducationcredential– adegreeorcertificate

ofvalue– by2025.

Page 3: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,




Page 4: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,

AttainmentGoalDescriptionsState Goal TargetAges GoalDate Notes

Alaska 65% 25-64 2025Arizona 60% 25-64 2030Arkansas 60% 25-64 2030 Arkansashasagoalofincreasingthenumberofpostsecondary

credentialsby40percentover2013-14academicyearlevels.Colorado 66% 25-34 2025 Reduceattainmentgapsamongunderservedpopulations.

Connecticut 40%Bacc;30%Assoc. 25-64 2025 Goalis40%withaBaccalaureateand30%withanAssociate’sDegree.

Georgia 60% 25-34 2020Hawaii 55% 25-64 2025 UHincreaseby6-9%everyyear.Idaho 60% 25-34 2020Illinois 60% 25-64 2025Indiana 60% 25-64 2025Iowa 70% 25-64 2025 Goalis"educationortrainingbeyondhighschool"

Kansas 60% 25-64 2025Kentucky 58% 25-64 2025Louisiana 42% 25-64 2025 Goalof7.2%annualgrowthrate.Maryland 55% 25-64 2025Massachusetts 60% 25-34 2020Minnesota 70% 25-44 2025Missouri 60% 25-64 2020Montana 60% 25-64 2020Nevada 60% 25-64 2020NewHampshire 65% 25-64 2025

Oregon 40-40-20 25-64 2025 40%withaBaccalaureate, 40%withanAssociateDegreeorCertificate,and20%withaHighSchoolDiploma.

RhodeIsland 60% 25-64 2025SouthCarolina 29%w/Bachelor'sor

Higher25-64 2030

Tennessee 55% 25-64 2025Texas 60% 25-34 2030Utah 66% 25-64 2020Virginia 60.50% 25-64 2030 Top10%BenchmarksWashington 70% 25-44 2023

Page 5: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Stateshavenotadaptedtothe“newnormal”• Taxstructureshaven’tkeptpacewithchangesinunderlying

economies• Taxcollectionsfallingshortofbudgetedfigures– evenwhen




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Dataisestimated forNewMexico,RhodeIsland,Connecticut,andNewJersey

Page 7: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,

• Moststrategiesfordealingwithbudgetcutsreallyaren’tstrategies.They’restepsofleastinstitutionalinconveniences.– Cutsareanaberration–waitayearortwoandwecanresume

businessasusual– Cutsseldommadeincontextofthelongview

Page 8: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• RaiseRevenue.Thistypicallymeanstakingstepstoincreasetuitionrevenue– Raiserates– Differentialtuitionforhighcostprograms– Enrollmoreoutofstatestudents

Page 9: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


Page 10: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


Page 11: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Maketheeasycuts– thosethatdon’tinvolvepeople.– Don’tfillemptypositions– Reduceexpenditureson

• Travel• Supplies• Maintenance• Equipment

– Thereisnothingaboutsuchapproachesthatreferences/protectspursuitofgoals

– Theyarelargelyexercisesinpostponement,notreduction

Page 12: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Maketheharder,buteasilydefendedcuts.– Cutprogramsthatareleastproductive– SubstitutePTemployeesforFTemployees– Outsourcefunctionsthataren’tcentraltoinstitutionalmission– Eliminateservicesatremotesites

Theseareretrenchmentstrategiesthatlikelyresultinservingfewerstudents– inconsistentwithgoalattainment

Page 13: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Redesigncourses.– Typicallylarge,lower-divisioncourses– ReengineercoursesinawaysimilartothatadvocatedbytheNational

CenterforAcademicTransformation(NCAT)– Evidenceindicatesthisapproachyields

• Improvedlearningoutcomes• Atreducedcosts(≈ 40%less)


Page 14: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Redesignprogramsandtheirdelivery.– Redogeneraleducation

• Substantiallyreducethenumber ofcourseseligible forgeneraleducationcredit– Takecuesfromchoicesstudents aremaking

– Standardizemajors– removeoptionsthatresultinsmallclasses– Consideralternativedeliverymodes

• Online• Competency-based


Page 15: You Are Not Alone - University of Alaska system · You Are Not Alone Pursuing Goals in the Face of Budget Cuts University of Alaska Leadership Summit Anchorage, Alaska November 29,


• Redesignthesystem– Startwiththepropositionthatneedsofstudentsandemployersinall

partsofthestatemustbemet– Determinethearrayofassetsneededtomeettheseneeds– Differentiatetheeducationalcapacityoneachcampus– Usetechnologytodeliverthiscapacityto

• Studentsonothercampuses• Remotesites

– Ensure“hightouch”servicesareavailableateachsite– Standardizeprocesses– Centralizebackofficeoperations