IEEE Network • January/February 2011 50 0890-8044/11/$25.00 © 2011 IEEE tate-of-the-art anomaly detection systems deployed to monitor pipeline (oil, steam, water, and sewer) networks have major shortcomings. Supervisory Con- trol And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems [1] for pipeline networks in oilfields, for example, are expensive (equipment and maintenance), not scalable (low density in time and space), inflexible (protocol change and software update), not interoperable (hardware and software), and pro- vide the data or result with long delay. Moreover, field engi- neers need to control and maintain the equipment manually. Furthermore, because SCADA systems utilize long-range point-to-point communications between the control room and each well, they are less energy-efficient to operate for the long term, and do not support collaboration among wells for in situ automation for monitoring. The wireless sensor network (WSN) is an attractive tech- nology for applications in extreme environments such as oil- fields, which have dangerous chemicals at high pressure and temperature. Furthermore, equipment is located down holes or sometimes under the sea. Production and injection wells can be distant from power, control, and operator. Once a sys- tem is deployed, it is difficult to physically access the sensors, so it is desirable to be able to maintain and monitor the sys- tems remotely as much as possible. Such a network of sensors consists of battery powered nodes that collaborate to observe and conclude the health of an oilfield. If we use inexpensive sensors, it becomes economically feasible to deploy a large number of sensor nodes over a large area to cover the entire oilfield, providing much higher spatial and temporal resolu- tion in sensor readings. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual diagram of steamflood monitoring using a WSN. We have designed a system using WSNs, called the Steam- flood and Waterflood Tracking System (SWATS), to detect, S S SunHee Yoon, Stanford University; Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California Wei Ye, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California John Heidemann, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California Brian Littlefield, Chevron Corporation Cyrus Shahabi, University of Southern California Abstract State-of-the-art anomaly detection systems deployed in oilfields are expensive, not scalable to a large number of sensors, require manual operation, and provide data with a long delay. To overcome these problems, we design a wireless sensor network system that detects, identifies, and localizes major anomalies such as blockage and leakage that arise in steamflood and waterflood pipelines in oil- fields. A sensor network consists of small, inexpensive nodes equipped with embedded processors and wireless communication, which enables flexible deploy- ment and close observation of phenomena without human intervention. Our sensor- network-based system, Steamflood and Waterflood Tracking System (SWATS), aims to allow continuous monitoring of the steamflood and waterflood systems with low cost, short delay, and fine-granularity coverage while providing high accuracy and reliability. The anomaly detection and identification is challenging because of the inherent inaccuracy and unreliability of sensors and the transient characteristics of the flows. Moreover, observation by a single node cannot capture the topologi- cal effects on the transient characteristics of steam and water fluid to disambiguate similar problems and false alarms. We address these hurdles by utilizing multi- modal sensing and multisensor collaboration, and exploiting temporal and spatial patterns of the sensed phenomena. SWATS: Wireless Sensor Networks for Steamflood and Waterflood Pipeline Monitoring This research has been funded in part by NSF grants EEC-9529152 (IMSC ERC), IIS-0238560 (PECASE) and the NSF Center for Embed- ded Networked Sensing (CCR-0120778), and partly funded by the Center of Excellence for Research and Academic Training on Interactive Smart Oilfield Technologies (CiSoft); CiSoft is a joint University of Southern California-Chevron initiative. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors) and do not necessarily reflect the views of any of the above organizations or any person connected with them.

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IEEE Network • January/February 201150 0890-8044/11/$25.00 © 2011 IEEE

tate-of-the-art anomaly detection systems deployedto monitor pipeline (oil, steam, water, and sewer)networks have major shortcomings. Supervisory Con-trol And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems [1] for

pipeline networks in oilfields, for example, are expensive(equipment and maintenance), not scalable (low density intime and space), inflexible (protocol change and softwareupdate), not interoperable (hardware and software), and pro-vide the data or result with long delay. Moreover, field engi-neers need to control and maintain the equipment manually.Furthermore, because SCADA systems utilize long-range

point-to-point communications between the control room andeach well, they are less energy-efficient to operate for the longterm, and do not support collaboration among wells for in situautomation for monitoring.

The wireless sensor network (WSN) is an attractive tech-nology for applications in extreme environments such as oil-fields, which have dangerous chemicals at high pressure andtemperature. Furthermore, equipment is located down holesor sometimes under the sea. Production and injection wellscan be distant from power, control, and operator. Once a sys-tem is deployed, it is difficult to physically access the sensors,so it is desirable to be able to maintain and monitor the sys-tems remotely as much as possible. Such a network of sensorsconsists of battery powered nodes that collaborate to observeand conclude the health of an oilfield. If we use inexpensivesensors, it becomes economically feasible to deploy a largenumber of sensor nodes over a large area to cover the entireoilfield, providing much higher spatial and temporal resolu-tion in sensor readings. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual diagramof steamflood monitoring using a WSN.

We have designed a system using WSNs, called the Steam-flood and Waterflood Tracking System (SWATS), to detect,


SunHee Yoon, Stanford University; Information Sciences Institute, University ofSouthern California

Wei Ye, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern CaliforniaJohn Heidemann, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California

Brian Littlefield, Chevron CorporationCyrus Shahabi, University of Southern California

AbstractState-of-the-art anomaly detection systems deployed in oilfields are expensive, notscalable to a large number of sensors, require manual operation, and providedata with a long delay. To overcome these problems, we design a wireless sensornetwork system that detects, identifies, and localizes major anomalies such asblockage and leakage that arise in steamflood and waterflood pipelines in oil-fields. A sensor network consists of small, inexpensive nodes equipped withembedded processors and wireless communication, which enables flexible deploy-ment and close observation of phenomena without human intervention. Our sensor-network-based system, Steamflood and Waterflood Tracking System (SWATS),aims to allow continuous monitoring of the steamflood and waterflood systems withlow cost, short delay, and fine-granularity coverage while providing high accuracyand reliability. The anomaly detection and identification is challenging because ofthe inherent inaccuracy and unreliability of sensors and the transient characteristicsof the flows. Moreover, observation by a single node cannot capture the topologi-cal effects on the transient characteristics of steam and water fluid to disambiguatesimilar problems and false alarms. We address these hurdles by utilizing multi-modal sensing and multisensor collaboration, and exploiting temporal and spatialpatterns of the sensed phenomena.

SWATS: Wireless Sensor Networks forSteamflood and Waterflood

Pipeline Monitoring

This research has been funded in part by NSF grants EEC-9529152(IMSC ERC), IIS-0238560 (PECASE) and the NSF Center for Embed-ded Networked Sensing (CCR-0120778), and partly funded by the Centerof Excellence for Research and Academic Training on Interactive SmartOilfield Technologies (CiSoft); CiSoft is a joint University of SouthernCalifornia-Chevron initiative. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors) anddo not necessarily reflect the views of any of the above organizations or anyperson connected with them.

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identify, and localize major problems that arise insteamflood and waterflood pipeline networks inoilfields. Our system aims to allow continuousmonitoring of the steamflood and waterflood sys-tem with low cost, short delay, and fine-granulari-ty coverage while providing high accuracy andreliability. Our system detects and identifiesmajor anomalies in steamflood pipeline networks:blockage, leakage, outside force damage, genera-tor, and Splitigator malfunction. These anomaliesare disambiguated from many false alarms: gen-erator outage, downhole pressure change, phasesplitting at piping tees, change in two-phasesteam quality, sensor noise and sensor fault, andenvironmental effects. SWATS also detects andidentifies major anomalies in waterflood pipelinenetworks such as blockage and leakage withminor changes.

Detecting problems in steam and waterpipeline networks is challenging because sensorsinherently have inaccuracies. Erroneous sensorreadings coupled with transient changes in flowrate, temperature, or pressure might trigger falsealarms, which makes it challenging to confidentlydetect a problem in steam and water pipelinenetworks.

Challenges in identification arise from the com-plexity in pipeline topology (split, merge, etc.). Asingle sensor cannot capture the topologicaleffects on the transient characteristics of steamand water fluid to disambiguate similar problemsand false alarms. Low energy, processing, and storage avail-ability in sensor nodes create further constraints in the designof our system. Designing intelligent collaboration algorithms ischallenging with conflicting requirements such as low-endhardware, long lifetime, and accurate results.

We address these challenges by creating a multimodal sens-ing and multisensor collaboration algorithm that utilizes adecision tree for anomaly identification and localization. Webuild a decision tree to capture the salient pressure and flowcharacteristics of each problem and distinguish them fromfalse alarms. Even though we use low-fidelity sensors, weincrease accuracy by combining the sensor readings from mul-tiple sensors and exploiting the underlying data correlations.We form clusters of WSNs with energy-efficient short-rangemultihop communication for wells physically close each other,and deploy an IEEE 802.11 mesh network with a long-range-high-speed communication network among the clusters andthe control room.

We make three contributions in this study. First, we pro-pose to use WSNs to monitor oilfields. Steamflood andwaterflood pipeline monitoring is a novel application forWSNs. Second, SWATS introduces the first domain-specificcorrelation-based decision tree algorithm to automate detec-tion, identification, and localization problems in the steam-flood and waterflood pipeline. Third, SWATS improves onstate-of-the-art steamflood and waterflood pipeline moni-toring. By using a WSN, it enables dense and continuoussteamflood and waterflood pipeline monitoring cost effec-tively.

Related WorkWe classify some studies related to SWATS in two dimen-sions: applications and techniques.

ApplicationsThere are two kinds of monitoring applications closely relatedto SWATS: pipeline monitoring and target tracking.

Pipeline Monitoring — Pipeline monitoring is widely used inindustry applications to monitor pipelines conveying water [2],oil [3], multiphase gas [4], and two-phase steam [5]. Most ofthese pipeline monitoring systems, however, are expensive,manually maintained, only a little scalable, inflexible, and notinteroperable, and provide data or results with long delays. Kimet al. [6] proposed a household water usage monitoring systemby measuring the flow on each water outlet in a householdusing vibration sensors. Like Pipenet [2], SWATS is an emerg-ing application using WSNs, which have complementary charac-teristics with the above systems. SWATS monitors steamfloodand waterflood pipelines in oilfields cost effectively.

Target Tracking — SWATS, although similar, is fundamentallydifferent from target tracking applications [7, 8] in sensor net-works. SWATS attempts to localize the static location of aproblem, while target tracking localizes the position of a mov-ing object. The problems in an oilfield are confined within apipeline, while an object being tracked in a tracking applica-tion might move in an undetermined and open path. In

Figure 1. A conceptual diagram of a steam distribution system and monitoring itusing a WSN.

Generator or Co-gen



Production well Injection well Control room Users

Table 1. Comparison between SCADA and WSN systems for oilfield monitoring.

System Architecture Storage and control Flexibility Cost Node density Data rate Network protocol

SCADA Centralized Central site Inflexible Expensive Low Low Proprietary

WSN Decentralized Local sensor node Versatile Inexpensive High High Non-proprietary

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SWATS cross-check only across the neighboring sensors alongthe trajectory of the fluid is required to validate a reading,while in target tracking such comparison and correlation isdone across all the neighboring nodes. Many explicit rules areused to identify and classify problems and many types of falsealarms in SWATS, while very few, if any, rules are used in tar-get tracking. SWATS performs in situ sensing, while targetmonitoring performs remote sensing.

TechniquesThere are three main techniques related to SWATS in the lit-erature: SCADA, collaborative fusion, and decision tree.

SCADA Systems — SCADA [1] is a computer system for gath-ering and analyzing real-time data, which usually consists ofremote telemetry and sensors, controllers, networks, a dataserver, and a user interface. SCADA systems are used tomonitor and control a plant or equipment in industries suchas water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining, andtransportation. This system is neither flexible nor interopera-ble, and is expensive to deploy and maintain. Table 1 com-pares the differences between SCADA and WSN systems.

Liou [3] proposed a software-based pipeline leakage detectionsystem for crude oil and refined petroleum using the SCADAsystem. Unlike SWATS, this system only detected pipeline leak-age. Erickson and Twaite [4] developed a Pipeline IntegrityMonitoring System (PIMS) that helps detect pipeline leakageand track the gas composition of the wet gas pipelines. However,PIMS only considers the single problem of pipeline leakage.

There are new approaches to replace expensive SCADA sys-tems. Stoianov et al. proposed Pipenet [2], a WSN-based proto-type pipeline monitoring system deployed by the Boston Waterand Sewer Commission (BWSC). Three online monitoringapplications (hydraulic and water quality monitoring, remoteacoustic leak detection, and monitoring combined sewer out-flows) feature high sampling rate, fine-time synchronization,and complicated signal processing. Although Pipenet andSWATS detect anomalies based on the correlations in sensorreadings, Pipenet did not provide an in-network processingalgorithm such as SWATS that reasons about the sensor dataand makes decision at local sensor nodes through collaboration.Thus, existing systems are limited to data collection or arespecifically designed to address a single class of problem.

Collaborative Fusion — Collaborative fusion is the process ofcombining (fusion) and evaluating information obtained frommultiple heterogeneous sensors into a single composite pic-ture of the environment.

Gu et al. [7] built a distributed surveillance application sat-isfying requirements of low-end hardware, long lifetime, andprocessing sophisticated functions such as signal processingand classification functions. Liu et al. [8] proposed a distribut-ed and dynamic group management method for multiple tar-get tracking. Both approaches utilize collaborative sensorfusion and conserve energy by trying to maximize local com-putation and minimize communication. They have simpleproblem sets (a few different objects or multiples of the sameobject) to be classified. Unlike SWATS, these approaches didnot use the decision tree algorithm to detect, classify, andlocalize the tracked objects.

Decision Tree — The decision tree takes as input a set ofproperties describing an object or a situation, and outputs ayes/no decision (Boolean outcome) or classification tree (dis-crete outcome) or regression tree (continuous outcome) [9].Implementation of a decision tree is simple and computation-ally efficient, which makes it appropriate for the complicated

online diagnosis applications in WSNs. However, understand-ing the domain knowledge is crucial to build a decision tree.

Ramanathan et al. [10] designed a debugging tool calledSympathy that detects, classifies, and localizes the sensor net-work failures. Sympathy uses the empirical decision tree todetermine the most likely cause of packet loss in the network,while SWATS uses a theoretical decision tree based on fluiddynamics to determine the anomaly in the steam and waterpipelines. Sympathy uses a simple binary decision tree (yes/nodecision), while SWATS uses a complicated multidimensionaldecision tree (classification tree). Zhao et al. [11] proposed aprototype diagnostic system that integrates both approachesof model-driven signature analysis and utility-driven sensorqueries. However, this system detects and classifies problemsoccurring in a single node, but does not diagnose problemsover WSNs. Thus, they do not explore the localization prob-lem because all problems occur at the designated node intheir case studies.

MotivationHeat delivery to an oil well is a major cost in the operation ofthermally heated oil wells. This cost can be significantlyreduced by finer and faster control of heat delivery to themalfunctioning equipment or pipelines. Steamflooding is oneof the thermally enhanced oil recovery (TEOR) techniques,and utilizes the heat contained in the steam to make heavy oil(< 20° API) more fluid for easier oil recovery [12]. This is aneconomics-driven problem because the steam generation anddistribution uses about half of the total budget for the entireoilfield operation. The goal of steamflooding is to optimizethe quantity of steam injected to each injection well so thatthe amount of heat delivered by the stream pipeline networksis fair and constant.

Waterflooding is the dominant method of enhanced oilrecovery (EOR) [12]. Water is an effective fluid for maintain-ing reservoir pressure and driving oil toward a producer fornon-heavy oil. The goal of waterflooding is similar to steam-flooding; maintaining fair and constant delivery of water toeach injection well at the maximum efficient rate for costreduction.

Critical flow rate refers to the flow rate when it reaches asonic velocity in the throat of an orifice or a choke [5, 13]. Aproperty of critical flow is that the flow rate is dependent onlyon the upstream conditions and the physical description of theorifice or a choke. Maintaining the critical flow rate is impor-tant in steamflood systems because it ensures the delivery of aconstant amount of heat to each well. Providing constantdelivery of water to each target well is important because theamount and angle of individual injection are designed formaximal production by understanding the correlation amongvarious factors: the level of permeability, geological formationand heterogeneity, angular unconformity, and degree of subsi-dence and uplift. Oilfield engineers want to detect the situa-tion where the actual flow rate is out of target injection insteamfloods and waterflood, identify its causes, localize its ori-gin, trigger an alarm immediately, and provide feedback tothe machines that control steam or water injection to haltsteam or water injection until further diagnosis. Figure 2shows the equipment currently used in the SCADA steam-flood monitoring system.

Problems resulting in the out of critical flow rate in steam-flooding can be due to blockage, leakage, equipment malfunc-tion in both generator and Splitigator, and outside force orthird-party damage (Table 2). Problems resulting in the out oftarget injection can be leakage, plugging, and equipment mal-function.

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Blockage and leakage are the major concerns, which canresult in out of critical flow rate of steam. Blockage, which isoften observed at the Splitigator and choke, is often causedby scale deposition from saturated steam or leftover debrisand foreign objects after construction. Leakage, oftenobserved near pipeline flange and joint, is caused by pipelinecorrosion and loose junction. Blockage and leakage are alsothe primary concerns in waterflood monitoring. Incipientdetection of these problems is challenging because at theearly stage of problem the pressure and flow rate change isdifficult to distinguish from those of normal or transient fluc-tuations and false alarms. Moreover, in s real environmentmultiple problems can happen simultaneously in addition tovarious false alarms, which makes anomaly detection andidentification even more challenging. Generator malfunctionand Splitigator malfunction are equipment-specific problemsfor which we strategically deploy multiple sensors near theequipment. Outside force or third party damage happens lessfrequently than blockage (plugging) and leakage, and theyare easy to detect because they show a sudden change inpressure and flow rate.

The anomaly detection system in use in the steam andwater pipelines has prohibitive cost, long delays in measure-ment, and coarse measurements, and requires periodic manu-al inspection. Field engineers are interested in automating thismanual and slow detection and correction process with a sys-tem that can detect problems fast, make decisions rapidly, andtake actions to fix the problems quickly. Economic considera-tions dictate that such a system has to cost less than the cur-rent manual system and eventually save cost in oilfieldoperation by detecting and fixing problems in a timely man-ner. Our goal is to design a system that detects, identifies, andlocalizes problems reliably, quickly, and accurately whilereducing cost.

Research ChallengesIn this section we describe the main research challenges inmonitoring of steam and water pipeline networks in oil-fields.

Reliable Detection

Detecting problems in steam pipeline network is challengingbecause sensors inherently have inaccuracies. Erroneous sensorreadings might trigger false alarms, which makes it challenging toconfidently detect a problem in a steam pipeline network. More-over, our measurement of the pressure and flow rate of steam ina pipeline changes even under normal operation because ofpipeline friction and differences in pipeline diameters at differentplaces. The transient characteristics of two-phase steam changesthe steam quality even without any anomaly.

Correct IdentificationThere are several causes of false alarms that make the correctidentification of problems challenging (Table 2). The transientphysical characteristics of steam and water fluid also make dis-tinguishing problems from false alarms difficult. Due to multi-ple problems and false alarms, and the complicated steamproperties and pipeline topology, the physical phenomena ofeach anomaly and false alarm can only be distinguished by:• Comparison over nodes at a certain distance upstream and

downstream in the pipeline• Multimodal sensing and validation at each nodeSince we cannot identify problems nor distinguish problemsfrom false alarms using single-node processing, we need todesign accurate and efficient collaboration algorithms, whichis challenging.

Timely LocalizationLocalization is less challenging than detection and identifica-tion once the system detects and identifies the problem cor-rectly. One of the benefits of using a decision tree algorithmsuch as SWATS is simplifying the localization; the origin ofthe problem is at the best matching node for the rule identify-ing the problem.

Efficient Network ProtocolsBecause anomalies can occur anywhere in the pipeline net-work in an oilfield, in situ in-network processing capability isneeded on each node to support multiwell collaboration for

Figure 2. Equipment currently being used in the SCADA system for steamflood pipelines monitoring in an oilfield: a) an overview of theoilfield in Kern River field, Bakersfield; b) injection well (top part); c) downstream pressure meter (left) and upstream Orifice flow meter(right) of Choke (middle); d) Orifice flowmeter; e) splitigator, which controls steam quality constant between upstream and down-stream; f) steam generator; g) co-gen(erator) of steam and electricity; h) steam stimulator.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

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automated monitoring. However, de facto SCADA systemscommonly used in oil fields utilize expensive, inefficient,long-range point-to-point communications between the con-trol room and each well, and do not support communicationamong wells. In order to address these problems, we formclusters of wireless sensors located near wells physically closeto each other. All the nodes in a cluster conduct peer-to-peer communications because the problem is ubiquitous, andall the nodes are expected to sense and process data withapproximately equal levels of intelligence. With an energy-efficient short-range multihop communication protocolrather than less efficient long-range communication, the sys-tem will be able to run on batteries and solar power foryears. More important, sensor network enables multi-wellinteraction and collaboration, so that intelligent sensing andcontrol algorithms such as SWATS can be implemented overmultiple wells in an area. A long-range, high-speed commu-nication network such as the IEEE 802.11 mesh network canbe used to relay communication from clusters to the controlroom. Figure 1 illustrates our proposed wireless networkarchitecture.

Designing an energy-efficient medium access control(MAC) protocol with low duty-cycle accompanied by a seman-tic communication protocol coupled with intelligent process-ing of SCADA data is critical for optimizing energy efficiencyof resource constrained wireless nodes. We can achieve ener-gy-efficient communication by utilizing domain knowledgesuch as the frequency of each anomaly. A customized sleepschedule accordingly will save the energy spent due to idle lis-tening.

Reliable DeliveryThe importance of a single data from in-network processing isincomparable to raw data. Moreover, an alarm notifying of ananomaly from the processing of SCADA data is time critical.Sometimes, a system designer might have to decide to tradeprecious energy for guaranteed delivery. To make an inher-ently unreliable low-power network reliable, the system mustbe robust against interference from the physical structure inan oilfield such as pipelines and generators, interference fromexisting point-to-point SCADA communication radios, andinterference between low-power wireless networks and 802.11networks. We need to design a network protocol that deliversdata reliably in low-power wireless networks even with concur-rent 802.11 mesh networks.

In short, the reasons the above challenges are difficult are:• Low-cost sensors can be unreliable, inaccurate, and ineffi-

cient in its use of limited energy supply.• False alarms can be mistaken for real anomalies.• Topological effects of a pipeline must be taken into consid-

eration.• Transients in steamflood and waterflood must be taken into

consideration.There are other constraints, such as limited energy and pro-

cessing power on each node, that may complicate system andalgorithm design. Evaluating different design trade-offs andparameter selection are also challenging issues. We plan toinvestigate the trade-off between the centralized and distribut-ed algorithms. Various parameters, such as sampling rate, theduration of the sample window, and the size of a neighboring

Table 2. Classification of anomalies in steamflood monitoring in oilfield. All the events need multiple sensors for detection.

Events to detect Physicalphenomena Where to deploy sensors Reasons


Blockage Blockage Splitigator (water leg orifice,valve, steam leg orifice), choke Scale, something left over after construction

Leakage Leakage Flange, joint Pipeline corrosion, pipeline junction loose


Leakage orblockage Generator Generator breakdown

Splitigatormalfunction Phase splitting Before and after Splitigator Splitigator malfunction

Outside-force orthird-party damage Leakage Flange, junction, near obstacles Earthquake, stone


Change in steamsupply

Leakage orblockage Generator Generator outage, shortage in steam supply

Downhole pressurechange

Downholepressure change Injector Vertical permeability, geological

formation, heterogeneity

Change in steamquality

Change insteam quality

Inlet of pipeline, before and afterSplitigator, obstacles, and pipelineelevation

Due to the elevation or pressure change, or2-phase transient property of steam

Phase splitting atpiping tees Phase splitting All branches including

SplitigatorsDifference in steam quality betweenupstream and downstream of branches

Sensor noise andsensor fault

Inaccuracy insensor readings

A pair of nearby sensors in themiddle of pipeline for sanity check

Inaccurate and unreliable pressure meter,thermometer, and flow meter


Inaccuracy insensor readings

A pair of nearby sensors in themiddle of pipeline for sanity check

Environmental noise unique to this systemsuch as pipeline friction, ambienttemperature, etc.

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group should be tuned for correctness, timeliness,and efficiency of the algorithm.

A Pipeline Monitoring System in anOilfield Using Wireless SensorNetworksOverview of Our ApproachThe key technique of our algorithm is the identi-fication of both real problems and false alarmswith a decision tree by collaboratively exploitingspatial and temporal correlations in the sensorreadings. We define the decision tree by captur-ing the salient characteristics of the pressure (ortemperature) and flow rate in space and time asa consequence of each problem and false alarm.

The intuition behind our approach is that theneighboring sensor nodes in a pipeline shouldobserve a coherent impact for each anomaly onpressure and flow rate in steam and water flow.We assume that inexpensive temperature, pres-sure, and acoustic flow meters are strategicallyplaced in the pipeline network.

Because of possible inaccuracy in sensor readings,we use multimodal multinode collaboration toimprove the correctness of problem diagnosis.Although we may detect the problems and falsealarms correctly at a single node, single-node pro-cessing is not enough for correct identification ofproblems and false alarms. Most of the problems andfalse alarms present the same phenomena in pres-sure and flow rate in a node such as gradual drop,sudden drop, or ephemeral change. Several problemsand false alarms are only distinguished by analyzingthe physical signature over upstream and down-stream nodes, and by comparison with multiplemodalities such as pressure and flow rate simultane-ously. We create spatial and temporal patterns in ourdecision tree algorithm by understanding the uniqueindications of each problem in fluid dynamics.

Steamflood Monitoring Algorithm in SWATSOur steamflood monitoring algorithm tries to determine thepotential causes resulting in out of critical flow rate at thecritical flow choke, which can be blockage, leakage, equip-ment malfunction, or outside force damage. Because a deci-sion tree algorithm can be sensitive to the choice ofthresholds, thresholds used in this steamflood monitoringalgorithm are tuned with the domain knowledge such as theparameters of pipelines, equipment, and the out of criticalflow rate. We plan to optimize these threshold values offlineusing reinforcement learning techniques such as the Markovdecision problem (MDP).

Our proposed algorithm consists of two stages (single-nodeprocessing and multinode collaboration) with six components.

Single-Node Processing — At each node, our algorithem per-forms in-node sensor readings validation (using multimodalsensing) and noise reduction. Then it analyzes the temporaltrend locally to detect the onset of events.

Step 1: In-Node Sensor Readings Validation — In order tocheck the validity of sensor readings, we cross-check data in anode from multimodal sensing (pressure and temperature) at agiven sampling frequency, f.

Step 2: Noise Reduction — In order to clean the raw datasamples, we compute the average pressure and average flowrate over s raw samples. A single averaged value consistes of asingle valid sensor reading.

Step 3: Event Detection — SWATS uses temporal trending todetect events. For the temporal trending at a local node, wecapture the temporal pattern of pressure and flow rate by per-forming a linear regression of sensor readings over the win-dow W, which results in the numeric slope and intercept forboth pressure and flow rate. We determine the five classes oftemporal trend (big increase, small increase, constant, smalldecrease, big decrease) using the slope for pressure and flowrate.

Multinode Collaboration — Our decision tree algorithm uti-lizes collaboration of neighboring nodes to reach consensus intheir detection and identification results for the same phe-nomena:

Step 4: In-Network Event Detection Validation — In order toverify the local detection result, SWATS cross-checks the clas-sified local temporal trend with both upstream and down-stream neighbors for the same W. For this cross-check and

Figure 3. Some branches of the decision trees on a) pressure; b) flow rate toidentify the blockage.










Unidentified Blockage LeakageDownhole pressure change


Downstream node

Upstream node Upstream node

Temporal duration Temporal duration Temporal duration

Local node










Unidentified Leakage BlockageDownhole pressure change


Downstream node

Upstream node Upstream node

Temporal duration Temporal duration Temporal duration

Local node



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other communications with neighboring nodes, a reliablepoint-to-point routing protocol can be used; we address rout-ing in our future work. SWATS uses voting over Numneighbornumber of upstream and downstream nodes to further vali-date the determination made at a node. The local eventdetection is validated if the result from voting is larger than V,where V is the threshold for agreement in voting for pressureand flow rate.

Step 5: Problem Identification — Once the events are validat-ed, SWATS identifies the causes of problems by using thedecision trees (discussed below) with the inputs of the classi-fied temporal trends for pressure and flow rate across a givennumber of neighbors (Numneighbor). To provide the stabledetection result, SWATS reports the identification result afterk-consecutive identical classification. In addition, each nodeutilizes metadata such as pipeline elevation, logical location,equipment maintenance schedule, and physical proximity toequipment such as generator, branch, Splitigator, and choketo identify problems correctly.

Step 6: Problem Localization — To localize the problem,SWATS finds the best matching, most upstream node with therule for the identified problem in the decision trees. The nodesatisfying the specific condition in the decision trees is the ori-gin of the problem.

Decision Tree AlgorithmSWATS classifies the anomalies into five types of problemsand six false alarms (Table 2). The decision tree checks fromcritical to trivial causes: problems to false alarms. The algo-rithm first compares the problem set using the rules in thedecision tree. Then it tries to distinguish the candidate prob-lems from the related false alarms using:• In-depth comparison of phenomena using a decision tree

that is programmed on all the nodes• The prior information such as scheduled outage or pipeline

elevation disseminated from the central database• The reported event from other nodes• The information about proximity to equipment

We now present an example of a decision tree used toidentify blockage in a pipeline. Blockage causes a gradualdrop over a long time (small decrease) in both pressure andflow rate at the local and downstream nodes, while the pres-sure at upstream nodes increases due to the constant injectionwith a valve, and the flow rate drops. Alternatively, if thepressure at upstream nodes drops and the flow rate increases,while all other conditions are the same as with blockage, thealgorithm considers the problem to be a leakage. On theother hand, if both the pressure and flow rate for the upstreamnode do not change and those readings for a local node dochange (either fluctuate, increase, or decrease), the algorithmidentifies the event as a downhole pressure change, a falsealarm. Figure 3 shows a part of the decision trees used in thisexample.

ConclusionWe describe a new problem and designed an in-network pro-cessing system that successfully monitors a steamflood andwaterflood pipeline to detect, identify, and localize anomaliessuch as blockage and leakage. In SWATS we created a deci-sion tree algorithm for problem and false alarm identificationby collaboratively exploiting spatial and temporal correlationsin sensor readings. SWATS represents a new approach to oil-

field monitoring that has the benefits of low cost, flexibledeployment, continuous monitoring, and accurate problemdetection, identification, and localization quickly, reliably, andaccurately, thereby improving the current SCADA system.Because SWATS utilizes the changing pattern of flows overtime and space, it works better in a scenario in which anoma-lies introduce non-negligible changes in flow rate.

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BiographiesSUNHEE YOON [M] ([email protected]) is a member of research staff at StanfordUniversity. Her research interests are in using mobile phones for collaborativeapplications and wireless sensor networks. She was previously a member of theTinyOS developer group, and has done research on sensor network applicationsfor oilfield and environment monitoring, geospatial decision making, and fault-tol-erant overlay networks. She received her B.S. and M.S. from Sookmyung Women’sUniversity, Seoul, Korea, and her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.

WEI YE ([email protected]) is a senior staff scientist at Broadcom Corporation. Hecontributed to this work when he was at USC, where he was a research assistantprofessor in the Computer Science Department and the Information SciencesInstitute (ISI). He worked and published extensively in the area of wireless sensornetworks and underwater acoustic networks. He received his B.S. and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering from Xidian University, China, and his M.S.degree in computer ccience from USC in 1991, 1996, and 2001, respectively.He has served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

JOHN HEIDEMANN [SM] ([email protected]) is a senior project leader at USC/ISI anda research associate professor at USC in the Computer Science Department. AtISI he leads I-LENSE, the ISI Laboratory for Embedded Networked Sensor Experi-mentation, and investigates network protocols and traffic analysis as part of theAnalysis of Network Traffic (ANT) group. He received his B.S. from the Universi-ty of Nebraska — Lincoln and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Califor-nia at Los Angeles. He is a senior member of ACM and a member of Usenix.

BRIAN A. LITTLEFIELD ([email protected]) is a Facilities Advisor Engineerwith the Heavy Oil Unit of the Chevron’s Energy Technology Company (ETC). Hereceived his B.S. in chemical engineering from Oregon State University, and hisM.B.A. in business from California State University Bakersfield in 1981 and1992, respectively.

CYRUS SHAHABI [SM] ([email protected]) is currently a professor and the directorof the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB) at the Computer Science Department andalso a research area director at the NSF’s Integrated Media Systems Center(IMSC) at USC. He has two books and more than 100 research papers in theareas of databases, GIS, and multimedia. He is a recipient of a U.S. PresidentialEarly Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

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