YOM KIPPUR - Hillcrest Progressive School...Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year and many Jews spend the entire day in the Synagogue or Temple, fasting and praying. Before Yom

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  • YOM KIPPURTHE LAST DAY of the High Holy Days is called Yom Kippur. (Day of Atonement). All week we have tried hard to be better people. We have told our friends and relatives we were sorry for any wrongs we had done to them and we have asked them to forgive us. We have also forgiven them for any wrongs they had done to us.

  • Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year and many Jews spend the entire day in the Synagogue or Temple, fasting and praying. Before Yom Kippur, at home, when the family sits down together to eat, the motzi is said and everyone dips a slice of challah into honey with a prayer that the new year will be a "good and sweet one." After the meal Mother lights the candles, and nobody eats after that. People who are elderly or sick, however, need not fast. Nor children, although some may try to fast for part of the day. And of course any pets are fed as usual. At the Temple on Yom Kippur, the Rabbi and the Cantor and choir are dressed in white and the covers of the Ark and reading desk are white. The evening service opens with the Kol Nidre. This is a prayer with a very quiet and beautiful melody sung by the Cantor and choir. In it we ask forgiveness for any promises we have made to God - promises which we have tried to keep but were not able to. In the service on the next day there are special prayers when we remember relatives who have died. Again there is a service for children in the Synagogue or Temple. Children lead the prayers, take out the Torah clothed in white and read from it, and children also chant prayers together. In these prayers we tell God we are sorry for all the things we have done wrong, and we ask God to help us become better people. By sunset, all the Yom Kippur prayers have been said, and a long, shrill blast of the shofar is sounded. Everybody now feels full of hope for the new year. We wish everyone a wonderful new year and we start for home. There we enjoy a very good supper with our family.

  • Shalom Chaverim(Peace Be With You)

    Shalom ChaverimShalom ChaverimShalom ChaverimLehitraotLehitraotShalom Shalom

    Hi-Ney Mah Tov Hiney mah tov u mahnayim Shevet achim gam yachad Hiney mah tov u mahnayim Shevet achim gam yachad Hiney mah tov Shevet achim gam yachad Hiney mah tov Shevet achim

    Wait and See

    Wait and see, wait and see, what a world this would beIf we share, if we care, you and meWait and see, wait and see, what a world this would beIf we share, if we care, you and me.

    Soon the day will arrive, when we shall be togetherand no longer will man live in fear.

    And the children will smile without wondering ifon this day dark new cloudswill appear.

    Oh tiray, Oh tirayCumma tov eayaBashana, bashanaHabaha(Repeat again)

  • The More We Get Together The more we get together Together, together The more we get together The happier we'll be

    For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get together The happier we'll be.

    Hands Can Clap

    Hands can clapAnd hands can slapHands can holdAnd things enfold

    Hands can takeAnd hands can shakeLet's shake hands

    It's good to be so friendlyLet's shake handsIt's good to be so friendlyLet's shake hands.

    coverYK pg2YK pg3YK songs1YK songs2