Ymæd Eras

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  • 8/6/2019 Ymd Eras


    Ymd Eras 2Chapter One: Hishgagrai thaleras 2Chapter Two: Navdshyv Ymd thaleras 3Chapter Three: Jattth Yttanfili: hsitesi 5

    Chapter Four: Of The Tribes Of The hsitesi 6Chapter Five: Of The Ayrtesi & the Blood Oath Of The Iperatesi 8Chapter Six: Of The Beginning Of The Nimmtithynns 12Chapter Seven: Of The Exodus Of The Iperatesi 16Chapter Eight: Of The Coming Of Men 21Chapter Nine: Of The Corruption Of Zhozurak 23Chapter Ten: Of The Doom Of Tesiquish 29Chapter Eleven: Of The Phsh Issaysaras 40Chapter Twelve: Of The Fyllme Jitthavariniv 44Chapter Thirteen: Of The Retribution Of Esozami 54Chapter Fourteen: Of The Ronith 58

    Chapter Fifteen: Of The Rhysemen 61Chapter Sixteen: Of The Tesyraphi 64Chapter Seventeen: Of The Heln Ofennsfesh 64Chapter Eighteen: Of rasusth Etilowor & Osylesoara 71Chapter Nineteen: Of Elufong Foynefaf 92Chapter Twenty: Of Heln Onish Erietym 113

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    Goddess Of Prophecy & Death.1

    Demi-Goddess Of Inertia.2

    Demi-God Of Gravity.3

    Ymd Eras

    The Story Of Creation

    Chapter One: Hishgagrai thaleras

    From out of non-existence came into being Tohpo - the very thought of existence.

    By thought alone non-existence became existent. Thru the thought of Tohpo came into

    being all that is. From thought formed darkness. From out of the darkness came a

    vibration that radiated outwards moving faster & faster in broad frequencies. And this

    vibration lead to light which illuminated the four elements: earth, air, water & fire.

    Surrounding all of this was the force of life itself & the force of death.

    From out of these elements awoke the Hishgagrai - the Nine Lords Of Being. By the

    thoughts of the Hishgagrai came into being the Planes of Existence. Ekhri awoke from

    a dream with the ability to touch all of the elements & to allow movement between them.

    From out of the force of death - whose mistress is Owehari - was beget Ehydsapri, Lady1

    Time. Tyri & Nasra also awoke. Thus was movement - beyond Thought & Vibration -2 3


    From out of Lyshveris Fires was born Rri who spread her mistress warmth

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    throughout existence. Rris counterpart, Sahra was born in the air realm of Hishtid - as

    was Sahras brother Egepra - the wind. These two mighty heralds of Hishtid brought forth

    Hishtids will for all to see & feel. Hishtids consort, Tmry, brought forth her own herald:

    Tmtyra who lights up wherever she goes with brilliant blue electrical fire. While in thedepths of the Plane of Earth, Pyra brought forth into being Gyri & her realm - the stablest

    of all the planes for Gyri brought together all of the elements into equality creating a place

    for life to commence.

    Within Vmras Darkness awoke Gaknyra the Lord of Chaos as well as Izomra The

    Shdaow. The Heralds of Darkness created the counterbalance to existence that was

    required in order for the progression of things to start. The final two Heralds came into

    being with specific duties. The first, Asahdri - beloved of zmri - came into being to

    protect the edges of Creation from fading into the great void of non-existence beyond. The

    second, Orodsapri - Lady Ice - came into being to balance the power of Lyshveris Fires &

    Rris heat so that a balance of temperature could exist.

    So was the actualization of the Hishgagrai & the Tysrai - The Lords & the Heralds

    of Existence.

    Chapter Two: Navdshyv Ymd thaleras

    Upon the formation of Gyris realm, the great Herald of Pyra spoke the words of

    making and concentrated her power in the center of her realm. From out of her words &

    from out of her thought came into being a great spark which exploded with such force that

    the entire span of Gyris realm shook with great force. And as the force of this explosionvibrated outward uncountable numbers of particles stretched forth from the central point

    to the outer reaches of the realm.

    With another word and another thought, Gyri called upon her brothers & sisters as

    well as her masters & mistresses to help her in her great task. At the appointed hour, at the

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    appointed place all of the Hishgagrai & all of the Tysrai convened, joining their thoughts

    & words putting form to Gyris particles. The particles began to move towards each other -

    no longer simply flying forth to the perimeter of her realm. Some of these particles &

    larger groupings began to collide at great speed with the help of Nasra & Tyhri. And asthey made contact Lyshveri, Rri & Tmry put their forces together igniting them into

    brilliant stars that began to sparkle thru the cosmos.

    Nasra added his power to these newly formed stars and soon particles & objects

    began to spin around each of these stars. Sahra & Lyshveri focused their powers on these

    particles & objects - mixing their wills & their faculties to create millions of planets, moons

    & asteroids across the entire span of existence.

    As the cosmos began, the Hyshgagrai & the Tysrai rested knowing that for that

    moment their work was done.

    Some of the planets, moons & asteroids were fated to stay barren rock worlds

    spinning coldly around their stars. Others were giant balls of gas that one day might rival

    their parent star. But a select few were fated to progress. To support life. These worlds

    were blessed by Dethrora & Hishtid. They had full & rich atmospheres & oceans, lakes &

    rivers. Combine these with the light of their parent stars and soon life itself appeared. At

    first, life was small but slowly the earth & the seas of these planets, moons & asteroids were

    filled with life. The lowest forms were so small that most of the time they are never seen

    while the highest forms are able to move, think, dream & even surpass themselves.

    On one such world, one that the great ones called Navdshyv, there awoke many

    kinds of higher species of life. It is their tales that shall be told herein.

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    F: The First Born: The Children Of The Stars4

    F: Lake Of The Stars5

    F: Star Sea6

    F: Flower Of The Stars7

    Chapter Three: Jattth Yttanfili: hsitesi4

    At the appointed time, Tmry sent forth a blinding globe of light into the waters of

    Eyztesi . A great explosion rocked the entire planet of Navdshyv & when the tremors5

    subsided, Tesimeth & his consortAntesra stepped forth from the blue waters of the lake6 7

    of stars & tasted existence for the first time. It was the dead of night, tho both of

    Navdshyvs moons were full & reflected the suns light upon the waters of Eyztesi.

    Tesimeth & Antesra looked about them & saw that the world was beautiful. And within

    the dark waters of Eyztesi they saw the light of all the stars of the heavens reflected. They

    were filled with wonder & humility at the raw beauty of the lake.As they gazed upon the beauty of the land, Owehari came to them saying: Know

    that you are as beautiful as the stars & the forest that surrounds you & that I, as mistress

    of Death, shall never take you or your people from this world unless you so wish or

    violence is done against you. Know, also, that I see in your future great things, as well as

    great suffering. But such is the fate of all who shall live in this world. You, however, will

    witness it all, for you shall be the guideposts for those who will come after. But now is the

    time for you to call forth your people. Call them forth from the waters of Ezytesi & let life

    unfold upon this world as it is meant to be.

    And so, at the goddess command, Tesimeth & Antesra turned their eyes back to

    the waters of Ezytesi saying: shyp quolls hsitesi nissl ryr l jattth yraphi l Ezytesi.

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    F: Come forth Children Of The Stars from out of the waters of Ezytesi. Step forth8

    into our fate.

    Oshosh qolls iwype ytho phesh! And so, out from the waters of the lake of stars, stepped8

    forth the hsitesi, the Children of the Stars.

    When all were assembled upon the shore of Ezytesi, the goddess Owehari said unto

    them: This lake & the vale which surrounds it is sacred, for from its waters were you born.

    Within its very essence you will be able to feel its power. Remember this in times of need

    for this vale is the cradle of the world.

    Tesimeth & Antesra lead their people around the vale until they found a suitable

    place. And there upon the eastern shore of Ezytesi they built a city whose beauty goes

    beyond the means to describe it. And the hsitesi called their city ratesi - The City of

    the Stars - the everlasting home of all first born. The hsitesi would live in harmony inthe glorious city of ratesi for nineteen score & sixteen years.

    Chapter Four: Of The Tribes Of The hsitesi

    This is an account of the original division of the hsitesi as they grouped

    themselves in those peaceful years in the beautiful city of ratesi.

    The Tesimethi, as they were called - for they held Tesimeth & Anstesra as their

    Lords, were the fairest of the hsitesi & those most enamoured with the stars above.

    They lived in tall, graceful white towers that shone with magical light in the daytime &

    reflected the sparkle of the stars at night. The tops of their towers were open to the skies

    above where they would sit peacefully and contemplate the thousand points of light above

    them, opening themselves up to the voice of Tmry who would sometimes sing on the

    most beautiful of nights.

    Those hsitesi who found wonder in the Stars of the Earth were known as the

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    Wood Elvan: Grey People9

    F: Fairy People - the Fairy Races10

    F: Angels - the Spirits11

    Wood Elvan: Might In Magic - Grey Cloak12

    F: Wood People13

    Iperatesi. Every manner of jewel & gem held a special place in their hearts - for these

    beautiful stones reflected & transformed the divine light of the stars. The Iperatesi became

    the greatest smiths amongst the hsitesi, creating jewelry & other objects of sublime

    beauty that would only ever be matched by the cunning & patient hands of the Rhysemen -which men call dwarves - much later. Aquishwo was their Lord, for he - amongst all the

    hsitesi - loved most the beauty of jewels as they sparkled.

    There were certain hsitesi who loved the great lake Ezytesi & rarely, if ever, left

    its warm & sacred waters. The Tesyraph, as they were named, not only learned to build

    beautiful ships that would set sail upon the surface of the divine lake, but also learned to

    swim both above & below the water. For them, the lake from which all hsitesi

    originated captivated their minds & hearts & held them spellbound. The beautiful

    Imethpezthra was their Lord as she was the most skilled at sail-craft & the most at home

    in & on the waters of Ezytesi.

    The Ronith loved to learn from the Pophith as well as from the Errshi . They9 10 11

    favoured grey clothing that the Errshi seemed to love. Amongst the Ronith were the

    greatest conjurors & sorcerers who ever walked upon the earth of Navdshyv. Nallmyn

    Ronish was the greatest amongst them & was counted as their Lord. But his tale & the fate12

    he chose will be told anon. For it is a tale of great deeds & of great sorrow that many songs


    The remaining hsitesi were known as the Sosith , for they wandered thru the13

    forests & lands beyond ratesi singing songs & recounting stories of their travels. They

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    F: Wood Master14

    F: Lights Chant15

    were a joyous & musical people who enjoyed celebrations & gatherings as well as

    communing with the wilderness they called home. They called no one Lord for they felt

    equal kinship amongst themselves & amongst all hsitesi. But the greatest amongst

    them, the one who found it easiest to commune with the wilderness, was named Solas -14

    great friend of animals & of trees. For from the trees he learned much lore & magic - some

    of the greatest secrets any being who was born on Navdshyv would ever discover.

    These were the original divisions of the hsitesi, divisions that would become

    larger as the years pressed onward.

    Chapter Five: Of The Ayrtesi & the Blood Oath Of The Iperatesi

    The god Vmra called upon his herald, Izomra, saying: Go amongst the hsitesi

    & cast yourself upon the hearts of one third of their number. For, as my sister Owehari has

    foretold, there must be suffering upon the world & thru this division shall we bring about

    the suffering that is necessary for all to progress. The hsitesi know Light for the touch

    of my sister Tmry within their souls. Let them now know of the Shadows & of the


    And so it came to pass that Izomra went amongst the hsitesi and cast himself

    upon the hearts of a third of their number. One such hsitesi whose heart was touched

    by the Shadow of Izomra was named wone - a beautiful hsitesi who immediately15

    felt the power of the possibilities opened up to her by the Shadow that now caressed her

    heart. wone became very proud & gathered to her disciples & followers - those who also

    had been touched by Izomras Shadow.For too long we hsitesi have cast our gaze upon the light of the stars. wone

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    F: The Dark Stars16

    F: Darkness Chant17

    F: Court Of Light - The High Council of the Elves.18

    F: Great Houses19

    told her followers. And what has it gained us? Nothing! We are without death. Are we

    to spend all our time upon this world gazing at the lights in the sky? Is there not more to

    this life then the motion of the stars above? Was there not a greater purpose for which we

    were called forth from the waters of Ezytesi? Comrades, let me tell you that there is moreto this life, there is a greater purpose for us! Cast your gaze not at the lights above but at

    the darkness below. Within the darkness there lies a greater power - greater then anything

    we hsitesi have ever felt. This power - this Shadow that fills us all - will lead us to our

    destiny! For it has been foretold by the goddess of death that we are the guideposts of

    everything that will come after. How are we to guide if we can not see beyond the lights

    above that bedazzle us? The stars of darkness shall be our guides. Let us forsake the stars

    of light above. Forever after we shall be theAyrtesi .16

    We must cure this star-lust within our people. We must make them see how they

    have erred - make them see what we see. Yes, Comrades - and if they refuse to see what

    we see then they shall enter the halls of the goddess of death on the tips of our swords!

    And the Ayrtesi cheered their leader. No longer did they call her wone, but

    instead, they called herAyrone . And so it came to pass that the Ayrtesi took up arms17

    against those hsitesi who refused to see the Shadows of the world. Suffering & death

    were felt for the first time in the glorious city of retesi.

    Upon the seventh day of summer, Tesimeth & Antesra called together the

    Omshwo to find a solution to the Ayrtesi rebellion. Much debate was held amongst the18

    leaders of the Igpli who could not come to a consensus. Three solutions were19

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    F: Sword Of Light20

    F: Second Stars


    F: Sea Maiden22

    F: Stars Of The Water23

    F: Walk Of Many Years24

    F: Night Lord25

    proposed. Tesimeth & Antesra wished to banish the Ayrtesi. Aquishwo of the Igpl20

    Iperatesi lead the faction who wished to fight back against the Ayrtesi whilst21

    Imethpezthra of the Igpl Tesyraph wished to leave the suffering & strife of the great22 23

    city of retesi.Upon the fourteenth day of summer, Tesimeth called together all of the hsitesi

    saying: Children of the Stars. A Shadow has descended upon our glorious city. The

    powers of Izomra have crossed some of our hearts & we are no longer a united people.

    This is indeed a sad day. The Omshwo have come to the decision that the Ayrtesi are

    to be banished for all time from the city of retesi. They are free to leave our homeland

    & shall not be accosted by any hsitesi who chooses to remain here. Antesra & myself

    wish them our good will & hope that one day they may again find the light.

    Thus began the sundering of the kindred as well as the Nimmtithynns of the24

    Ayrtesi. Ayrone lead her people out of the vale of the lake of stars to the mountains to the

    north east. But the Ayrtesi did not leave the city of stars peacefully. Upon learning that

    Aquishwo wished to fight back against the Ayrtesi, Ayrone called for her most trusted

    lieutenant -Aphitowor - and instructed him thusly: A message must be sent to stifle the25

    pride of Aquishwo. Under the cover of darkness, go to his dwelling & slay his first born.

    Leave behind our symbol so that the arrogant father understands what we think of his


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    F: Star Of Freedom26

    And so, upon the eve in which the Ayrtesi departed retesi forever, Aphitowor

    used his magic & his skill to go into the dwelling of Aquishwo. Quietly & masked by the

    Shadow Magic that he was master of, the Ayrtesi assassin crept into the sleeping chamber

    of Tesopi & slew the htesi prince whilst he slept. Aphitowor left a single black opal26

    on the bedside of the slain Tesopi so that the proud father of the Igpl Iperatesi would

    know who had slain his first born.

    As the sun rose over the horizon, the slain body of Tesopi was discovered & the

    news of his murder was swift to spread throughout the city. The rage of Aquishwo knew

    no bounds. Romra, Tesopis mother, was stricken with an unbearable sadness & lost the

    will to live. Aquishwo, along with his other children, watched helplessly as Romras tears

    slowly changed to a sort of dark fire which gathered in a pool at her feet. As the pool of

    darkness grew with each falling tear, Romra sank down into the pool until she was no

    more & all that was left was the dark pool of fiery tears that mingled with the tears of her

    family who had watched her demise in horror.

    Father, Tesm, now the eldest of the family, vowed, know that I shall not rest

    until the murder of my brother & the death of my mother are avenged.

    Looking deep into his sons eyes, Aquishwo uttered the Blood Oath of the

    Iperatesi: Should any of our people come upon the Ayrtesi, I command them to

    mercilessly slay the godless animals as retribution for the crimes committed against us this

    day. And let every single one of our people swear this before me & place one drop of their

    blood upon my sword.

    And so it came to pass that every single member of the Iperatesi came before

    Aquishwo & swore the dread oath & gave of their blood to the sword of their prince.

    With each passing oath, the gleaming silver sword of Aquishwo became redder & redder

    until finally it shined with its own macabre hue. Great incantations were laid upon its

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    Fae: Blood Fang27

    F: Brass River28

    blade in the hopes that it would aid its wielder in slaying the accursed Ayrtesi. And the

    Iperatesi called Aquishwos sword Qynnitto , whose fate would be irrevocably locked27

    to the fate of the Iperatesi & all the suffering they would endure.

    Chapter Six: Of The Beginning Of The Nimmtithynns

    Ayrone lead her people from out of retesi onto the plains of night. For fourteen

    months they traveled north west to the flowing headwaters of the Neposyl . Along the way28

    they encountered the beasts of the land - many of which had been the prey of the hsitesi

    hunters since their awakening from the waters of Ezytesi. But the beasts of the landattacked them not for the beasts could sense the shadows that had been cast over the hearts

    of the Ayrtesi.

    At the headwaters of the Neposyl, Izomra came to the Ayrtesi were they had made

    camp. Calling them forth from their tents, Izomra presented the Ayrtesi with gifts for their

    courage to tread down the Shadow Path. To Ayrone, Izomra bequeathed a staff of black

    ore. To Aphitowor he gave a long sword forged from the same dark metal. And to all of

    Ayrtesi he presented three tablets carved from Obsidian which had golden symbols etched

    into their faces.

    Followers of the Shadows, he called them to him, I have come amongst you to

    teach you of your fate. The Shadows upon your hearts have been placed there for a reason.

    Strife and Suffering are to be yours to create & control. I task you with the duty of bringing

    Strife and Suffering where ever you go and in everything you do. The Darkness is to be

    your guide as the Light is to be the guide of the kin you left behind in the City of Stars. I

    give unto you these gifts - my Tablets of Obsidian; the Staff of Dark Stars; and the beautiful

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    Dark Elvan: Dry Grass29

    blade Shadowgrip - to help you complete your task. But before you discover the place that

    shall be your dwelling for the rest of Time, you must first undergo a quest for me.

    In the lands to the west across the great ocean, a new race of beings has awoken.

    This race has not been created from the power of the Stars as you have been, but has beenthe culmination of the three great forces that reside within all things. And most different

    of all, they will feel the cold touch of Owehari. They will know Death and bask in its

    necessity. For they will be a race who will begin as the beasts who already walk the land.

    Thru the gift of Death & the Suffering you will bring unto the world, they will have the

    opportunity to learn & progress - to overcome their own frailties & weaknesses. To become

    as Great as they are intended to be. And for helping them achieve this, you shall be

    rewarded beyond your wildest imaginations or dreams!

    Go forth then & seek them out. Drive Strife and Suffering into their hearts & lives.

    Steal away their innocence and navit by teaching them the hard lessons they must learn.

    After one third of their number have suffered by your designs, I will come back amongst

    you to guide you to your home. Know that if you follow the Shadows, you will never err

    in your task!

    And so it came to pass that the Ayrtesi left the headwaters of the Neposyl. They

    followed a game trail that lead north west - moving ever further from lands that were

    known to the hsitesi. From the mountains that harboured the headwaters of the

    Neposyl they descended into rolling foothills that were rife with many forms of life. Tall

    trees shaded their path from the heat of the sun above whilst the plentitude of deer and

    other game animals allowed them to eat night after night.

    From out of the foothills, the Ayrtesi descended, entering into a vast shrubland that

    stretched out to the mountains to the west. The Ayrtesi came to call this vast plain Issugiz29

    for they could find very little water to sustain themselves. Ayrone sent scouts in all

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    Elvan name for Dethrora - God of Water & the Sea.30

    Dark Elvan: Long Ear31

    Elvan name for Izomra.32

    Dark Elvan: Silver Sentry33

    Dark Elvan: Sly Mind34

    Dark Elvan: Minor Denial35

    directions seeking water for her people began to grumble and complain. What fools we

    are to have left the beautiful shores of Ezytesi. they bemoaned amongst themselves far

    from the earshot of Ayrone or Aphitowor. Now we are here in these dry plains with no

    water to drink and very little to eat. Where is the God of Shadows now when we need

    water? Perhaps we should raise our voices in prayer to Eraphri so that perhaps he will30

    make it rain upon our sorry & thirsty souls!

    Itthat , the shrewd, heard what his fellow Ayrtesi were saying & brought word of31

    their dissent to Ayrone. Lady of the Shadows, Itthat counseled, our people plot

    against thee. They bemoan the lack of water to satiate their thirst. Some wish they had

    never left the waters of Ezytesi behind to follow this mad quest across the world.Bring the leaders of the dissenters before me, Itthat. Ayrone commanded, I will

    show them what happens to those who question the authority of the servant of Ephashra


    And so it came to pass that the three leaders of the dissenting Ayrtesi were brought

    before Ayrone. Their names were as follows: Iqirattt , Thuqivis & Unitas . When33 34 35

    questioned, they freely admitted their dissent & their desire to return to Ezytesi. There was

    much grumbling amongst the gathered Ayrtesi as the dissenters shared their opinions.

    Ayrone, along with Aphitowor & Itthat stood before them letting the air fill with the

    discontent of the Ayrtesi. But suddenly, the Lady of Shadows raised the Staff of Dark Stars

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    Dark Elvan: Dread Death36

    and spoke but one word: Nuntipt .36

    Shooting forth from the tip of the Staff of Dark Stars was a cone of grey elemental

    energy. The cone grew larger & larger until it enveloped Iqiratt, Thuqivis & Unitas

    entirely. The entire assembly of Ayrtesi held their breath & collectively moved away from

    the blast. When the energy subsided, Iqiratt, Thuqivis & Unitas were seen writhing in pain

    on the ground, their flesh scourged by the magical energy that had devastated their bodies.

    Their screams of pain & torture filled the plains of Issugiz for leagues in all directions.

    Let this be a warning to those who dare question my authority. Ayrone

    threatened. The reward for those who are disloyal to me is a slow & painful death.

    Again, the cone of grey elemental energy shot forth from the Staff of Dark Stars enveloping

    the prone dissenters. Their pain filled screams echoed across the plains. Ayrone repeated

    the terrible punishment three times more, savouring in the pain she was administrating to

    the dissenters. After the fifth blast, with the three Ayrtesi beyond even the ability to beg

    for their deaths, Ayrone raised her right hand and pointed her palm in the direction of the

    shriveled bodies before her. Nun! she bellowed releasing a ball of magical fire which

    quickly engulfed the three dissenters, burning their pitiful bodies into smoking piles of ash.

    Without further words, the Lady of Shadows turned & left her people to absorb the

    devastation she had created.

    With the rise of the sun on the following day, Ayrone sent scouts in all directions to

    seek a source of fresh water. In the mean time, the Ayrtesi - now subdued by the torturous

    retribution of their Queen - continued onward to the north west. On the afternoon of the

    third day after the executions of Iqiratt, Thuqivis & Unitas, a pair of scouts returned from

    the north reporting that they had discovered a vast lake which would supply them with

    all the water they would need. Ayrone announced to her followers that they would now

    be heading north to this newly discovered lake.

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    F: The Great Scout37

    Dark Elvan: Coast Town38

    Dark Elvan: Blue Lake39

    Dark Elvan: Silver Gorge40

    Dark Elvan: White Mountains41

    It took the host of the Ayrtesi five more days to reach the shores of the lake. Once

    there, they made camp & satiated their thirst. They rested by the shores of the lake for two

    days and then followed its shore westward. After a few days, the shore began to turn

    towards the north & the Ayrtesi continued to follow its rocky shoreline - avoiding the dryshrubland to the south and to the west. Beyond the shrubland to the west, they could see

    tall mountain peaks raising up into the clouds above. The weather was beginning to

    become colder & Ayrone knew that they would need to cross the mountains before the

    snow set in. And so, again, she sent forth her scouts - this time tasked with finding a pass

    thru the mountains.

    After many weeks of searching, the leader of the Ayrtesi scouts,Afethip , returned37

    to the host to announce that a pass thru the mountains had indeed been found. However

    snow had already fallen in the highlands & the way was no longer passable. And so it

    came to pass that the Ayrtesi built a small town on the shores of the lake. Ugarit they38

    called this town for it lay upon the shore of the great lake Ansthuiz . The Ayrtesi39

    wintered in Ugarit until the spring when the pass they named Iqirattt , for a great waterfall40

    tumbled down over a precipice therein, had lost enough snow so that they could find

    themselves on the other side of the western mountains which they called Iripar Upav - for41

    they never lost their white caps even in the dense heat of summer.

    Chapter Seven: Of The Exodus Of The Iperatesi

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    High Elvan: Cursed Worm42

    High Elvan: The Plains Of Tears43

    Black Speech: Bane Of Existance44

    Now as it has been told, all of the hsitesi who were loyal to Aquishwo swore

    the terrible Blood Oath of the Iperatesi & that this terrible curse would be the source of all

    the suffering their noble house would endure until the end of days. It has also been told

    how Aphitowor, the assassin of the Ayrtesi, crept into the home of Aquishwo &murdered his first born son, Tesopi. However, Aquishwo had many sons, all of which

    were great and terrible Princes amongst the Iperatesi. Their deeds, some terrible & some

    far more noble then any other deed that has ever been performed upon the world of

    Navdshyv, would become legendary beyond measure. For even in this day, songs are

    sung that recount the heroic exploits of the Iperatesi & their mighty Lords.

    Now the surviving sons of Aquishwo & Romra were as follows: Tesm, who -

    as it has been told - was the first to swear the dread Blood Oath of the Iperatesi. Tesiquish,

    the third son, was a great warrior most renown for slaying Enerileth , the father of the42

    Dragonkin. wotesi, the fourth son of the King of the Iperatesi, was a terrible Prince who

    lead his people to great shame on the plains of Phypha Ifypha & was later killed by the43

    Dmon Lord Ggthz . The fifth & last son of Aquishwo & Romra was named Eazwo44

    who was the greatest of the hsitesi in the creation of beautiful & powerful objects,

    including the implements of war that his fathers people used to enact their vengeance

    upon the Ayrtesi.

    When twelve score days had passed since the exile of the Ayrtesi & the murder of

    Tesopi, Aquishwo went before the Omshwo to declare his intentions. The great

    debate still unfolded regarding the actions of the Ayrtesi & their exile. The children of the

    stars still could not come to a consensus regarding the vile actions of the Ayrtesi as well as

    the pain & suffering they had caused in the great city of retesi.

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    High Elvan: Field Of Stars45

    High Elvan: River Vale46

    High Elvan: The Vein River47

    High Elvan: The Cloudy Mountains48

    Brothers & Sisters of the Stars, Aquishwo pronounced, The vile crimes of the

    Ayrtesi have shattered the peace of our people. They have destroyed our innocence. They

    have slain our brothers, our sisters, our sons & daughters. By foul means they have

    corrupted our existence & now have been banished for all time from our birthplace. But,I say unto all you who have gathered here, is such punishment enough for the vile crimes

    they have committed? Is it enough to send them forth into the world beyond with no

    further consequence to the pain they have caused us?

    Ayrone, the accursed took from me my eldest son and my wife. She has taken the

    lives of many of my people. We refuse to stand by and allow these criminals to have

    freedom in the wilds beyond the shores of the sacred lake. My people have sworn an oath

    to me & we now intend to leave retesi and seek justice from those foul criminals who you

    so lightly scorned.

    Drawing forth his mighty sword, Qynnitto, Aquishwo declared: I vow, before

    the gathering of the Omshwo, that my people shall not return to this glorious city until

    we have found justice for the crimes committed against our house!

    And so it came to pass, like their dark kin who had been exiled before them, the

    Iperatesi left the shores of the sacred lake & the beauty of Ezytesi behind in order to find

    their destiny in the world beyond.

    From the south shores of Ezytesi, they traveled south west into Tashites . From out45

    of Tashites, they found the pass of Osylrt , for the two branches of the river Etosyl46 47

    flowed from the Iripar Upav, the White Mountains, to the north & from the Iripar Ilona to48

    the south joining together in the pools of Etos in the center of the beautiful vale. A great

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    High Elvan: Ruby Song49

    High Elvan: The Siren Of The Vein River50

    many beasts made the Vale of Etos home & the Iperatesi felt at peace amongst these

    creatures & the beauty of the land. For a time, they were able to forget their sorrows & the

    suffering they had endured at the hands of the Ayrtesi & they were able to remember the

    happier times in retesi before Izomras shadow had crossed the hearts of the Ayrtesi. It

    was whilst traveling thru this beautiful vale that Sylarr , the greatest of the Iperatesi49

    bards, composed the famous hsitesi song,Amosyl Etos :50

    ra eryth the srrshas onsh eraph

    holn phylne qolls nissl iripti enor

    iwy ra larshahesst eshsh sasois ra holshsiptallem qietor mewniqish leme elt erre

    ra torshoweti opine eshyn etar ttoshti

    shor othesh pyshshon fysh ra etosti

    larshahesst nissl ra ephashiqish phat

    ra wo hesss etymes ilal assre

    apho nitph nysho ra apo l ra op

    ali leme ra holshsipt physhsh pypm ammt

    isho iwy ra larshahesst ra ryrrm ryrrnshas pe etyme

    etymawasashl asiqish thamnssnen ali shapoir elor

    s ammy oqare thiqst ofosa hess s a etor

    ishn efip eraphoir etyme lemen ammyan shir

    eith hysho remm l remsti larsh eshyn ra oti

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    The wind dances upon blue water/That rushes forth from mountains high/In51

    the distance peace surrounds the watcher/As timeless beauty fills his eye/The ripplescourse down ancient paths/Their power seeped thru the veins/Far away from theshadows wrath/The light here shall never wane/Her song touches the heart of thefree/And fills the watcher with much hope/But in the distance the world continues tobe/Beware its ensnaring & boundless rope/For one may only tarry here for atime/Whilst your thirst be quenched once more/We dream yet of places far down theline/Which none have seen before

    High Elvan: Yellow Stone Pass52

    High Elvan: Great Sea53

    High Elvan: Cloudy River54

    shillph qiphe ysa onnn etymsin51

    From out of the Vale of Etos, the Iperatesi traveled west thru the Eshryhyp pass &52

    out into the western coast where the great sea - Ipmeth - was first sighted by any of the53

    hsitesi. Down thru the foothills of the Iripar Ilona they came, finding at last the

    headwaters of the Ilonasyl , which they followed until they reached the sea. And where54

    the cloudy river met the great sea, the Iperatesi built beautiful sailing ships, for they wished

    to sail northward & find the haven of the Ayrtesi who they hoped would soon pay for the

    evil crimes they had committed in the beautiful city of retesi.

    So it came to pass that the Iperatesi completed their work & sailed northward alongthe coast, searching for the haven of the Ayrtesi. After many trials and a treacherous

    storm, they came at last to a cove where their hated enemies were constructing their own

    fleet of ships in order that they might sail to the west. By the light of the two full moons,

    the Iperatesi attacked the Ayrtesi in their ship yards taking their dark cousins by surprise.

    The battle lasted well into the night, culminating with Aquishwo calling upon Ayrone to

    be held accountable for the murder of his son. But it would not be the queen of the Ayrtesi

    who would face the king of the Iperatesi. The Lord of the Night, Aphitowor, stepped forth

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    wielding Shadowgrip & took up the challenge for his mistress taking great delight in the

    melee with his most hated adversary. The combat was fierce & passionate & both warriors

    held their ground. But the tide of the melee as well as the battle itself turned when Ayrone

    stepped forth from the tower she had raised at the center of the Ayrtesi ship yards & casta great storm of shadows upon the Iperatesi using the Staff of Dark Stars. The brave

    warriors of the Iperatesi were forced to retreat, Aquishwo lead them, and they sailed off

    to the west, intending to discover the lands of the mortals before their hated enemies.

    Chapter Eight: Of The Coming Of Men

    The memory of Man is very poor as compared to the hsitesi, for the Children of

    the Stars are immortal & are able to remember thousands of years of experiences - yet Man

    is mortal & his memory can easily become confused or put aside for more pressing present

    concerns. It is for this reason that when the first hsitesi encountered Men the later

    could not tell the former where they first awoke. For seven generations of men had passed

    since their awakening & their first encounter with the Children of the Stars. Fanciful tales

    are told of Mans humble beginnings but no hsitesi has ever been able to learn the truth

    of the origin of Man.

    One tale speaks of a beautiful & wild forest, where the first Men walked amongst

    the trees & the beasts of the wilds - in a very similar fashion as to the animals. But then a

    beautiful & powerful woman appeared amongst them & taught them speech & how to

    make shelters & tools. But the memory of her presence is vague amongst Men, for soon

    they began to confuse their own speech and fashion different tools. And then there wasstrife among Man for some followed certain leaders over others and each of these leaders

    took followers, bidding them to speak but one tongue - one different from the other groups

    of men & the other leaders. Each of these leaders of Men chose a territory for themselves

    and jealously guarded it against the other leaders. Soon the followers of the leaders of Men

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    came to give them great tittles such as King or Emperor or even Overlord and the

    unity & innate freedom of Mankind was forever fractured.

    Another tale speaks of a cavern deep in the depths of the earth where slowly, over

    a long & dangerous journey, Man climbed up to the surface & saw the glorious light of theSun for the first time. At first Man was blinded & the light of the sun hurt the eyes - for

    Man had existed only in the darkness of his Cave. But slowly, over time, Man adapted to

    the sunlight & learned to enjoy its warmth & see the beauty in all the things that

    surrounded him. But in learning of Beauty, Man also learned fear - for at night, when the

    Sun disappeared from the sky, great & terrifying beasts roamed the world. Beasts that

    would harm & kill many Men. And so Man created Fire - as a distant memory of the Sun

    while it slept in the night. And with Fire, Man learned to build tools & protect himself

    from the beasts & from other Men who were just as jealous as he was jealous. For Man is

    a jealous beast & covets all the things that he does not control. And so groups of Men

    would gather & plan ways to control other Men & the things those other Men controlled.

    And each of these groups had their own speech so as to hide their plans from the ears of

    the other groups.

    And so it came to pass that the ships of the Iperatesi, that had traveled far across the

    sea, came at last to the shores of the great western continent. In the primal forests they

    discovered Man, a primitive beast clinging to life like the animals he hunted for sustenance.

    Man lived in primitive huts and used primitive tools of stone or of bronze. He spoke a

    language that sounded harsh to the musical ears of the Iperatesi, one which was hard for

    them to understand. And so it came to pass that the Iperatesi taught these simple men

    their language as well as some of their great skill at crafting. Time passed in an instant forthe immortal Iperatesi and they watched Man live and die in fleeting moments which to

    their elder eyes seemed like short moments. But as time marched forward, so too did

    Mans understanding of those things the Iperatesi taught. Soon (in the timeless eyes of the

    Iperatesi), Man was forging steel from iron and was building great castles to shelter

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    themselves from the elements and the beasts who preyed upon them.

    The greatest friend of the Iperatesi amongst Men called himself Erupua and he was

    a great lover of the knowledge the immortals had taught his people. He was wise in the

    ways of Man as well as wise in those things he had been able to learn from the Iperatesi.His people - whom the Iperatesi called the Erupuan - loved him and loved the Iperatesi.

    The Erupuan were great crafters and builders and they were also great hunters and

    warriors who loved the beauty of the natural world that surrounded them. They sang

    great songs and danced merrily around great fires singing praise to the gods & to their

    Iperatesi friends. And the Iperatesi often joined the Erupuan in their celebrations, enjoying

    the comradery and music as all hsitesi do.

    But as has been told, Man is a jealous and envious beast who covets that which he

    does not have but sees in others. And so it came to pass that other tribes of men saw the

    knowledge and skill of the Erupuan as well as their sacred friendship with the immortal

    Iperatesi and became jealous and envious. The leaders of these other tribes began to plot

    and scheme, desiring the knowledge and skill of the Erupuan for their own. War and strife

    came amongst the nations of Man as tribe fought tribe in the hopes of controlling the best

    knowledge and skill. Many lives were lost in these petty Wars of Steel and the Iperatesi

    wept for they understood that it was their friendship with the Erupuan that had caused this

    strife amongst Mankind. And so it came to pass that Aquishwo sent each of his sons

    amongst the tribes of Man to teach them the same skills and lore they had taught the

    Erupuan. And so a relative peace was to be found amongst Mankind for a time.

    Chapter Nine: Of The Corruption Of Zhozurak

    Still, the tribal leaders of Man were jealous of the friendship between the Erupuan

    and the Iperatesi for they say this special alliance was closer then the relationship they

    themselves shared with the immortals. Although all men now shared the Iperatesi

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    Ancient Goblin: Evil Man55

    Ancient Goblin: The Craft Master56

    knowledge and skill, many desired more. The most envious and jealous of Men was

    named Zhozurak , a cruel and greedy man who wanted to dominate all Men and the55

    Iperatesi as well. Zhozurak saw the power the Erupuan had and rightly understood that

    his people would never match the expertise and skill of the Erupuan unless they

    discovered their own means to learn knowledge and skill. And so Zhozurak ordered that

    a great underground complex be built where his people would seek new knowledge and

    skill out from the eyes of the other tribes of Men.

    And so it came to pass that a dark stranger came amongst the people of Zhozurak

    and taught them dark magics and new skills which had never been taught to Man by the

    Iperatesi. The people of Zhozurak called this dark stranger Ejocatu and he became the56

    most trusted advisor to Zhozurak, teaching the Dark Lord of the Caverns the greatest black

    magics Man has ever understood. But the greatest evil that Ejocatu gave unto Zhozurak

    was the knowledge of how to brew the Elixir of Oweharis Distress - giving the evil lord

    the gift of an unending life span. But Ejocatu the cruel cursed the Elixir for with each

    passing year that Zhozurak lived, so did he and his people become hideous in their

    appearance. Their once great stature diminished and their skin became grey or green.

    Their hair grew coarse and covered their bodies like the hides of some beasts. Certain

    individuals amongst them grew tusks and all throughout their tribe did cruelty and the

    spirit of violence take over their hearts.

    From out of their great Cavern, the people of Zhozurak made war upon the Erupuan

    and the Iperatesi. The Erupuan stood aghast at the terrifying corruption of the people of

    Zhozurak whilst the Iperatesi began to call themgoblins, for their vile appearances and

    cruel ways disgusted the first born beyond measure. And so the first Goblin Wars ravaged

    the lands of the Erupuan and the Iperatesi, for the goblins were a race who could procreate

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    in great numbers. For six score years did the goblin hoards make war upon the Iperatesi

    and the Erupuan and many battles were fought with great loses on both sides.

    Whilst calmly scheming up upon the summit of the Goblin Mountain (as the

    Erupuan came to call the home of the peoples of Zhuzurak), Ejocatu the Cruel smiled.Pleased was he with the work of creating suffering and strife amongst the Humans and

    with his ancient foe the Iperatesi. The Ayrtesi Lord began to formulate his next campaign

    of terror and suffering, for war amongst Mankind was a simple thing indeed and the

    creation of the goblin race was but an experiment for the vile Ejocatu. He desired greater

    suffering and the creation of a race of beings far greater in power to command. And so it

    came to pass that Ejocatu locked himself away within the confines of his rooms within

    Zhuzuraks cavernous domain. For years the warlock worked, experimenting with all

    manner of beasts. From out of these dark researches came a number of vile creatures that

    Men and Elves both call monsters. Yet Ejocatu laboured on, seeking to create the most

    fearsome and powerful race of creatures to be seen in the world. Now it came to pass that

    Ejocatu succeeded in his design, creating the great and powerful dragon named Enerileth.

    And Ejocatu was pleased with his creatures, but most pleased was he with the Dragonkin

    and their father Enerileth. For through their intelligence and magical power, the Dragons

    of Ejocatu wrought much suffering and destruction in the world.

    Now it came to pass that the first Goblin Wars continued to rage whilst Ejocatu

    laboured in his vile laboratory and breeding pits. When one of his monstrous creations was

    complete he would then let them loose upon the world. The Goblin King, Zhozurak, used

    these monsters in his assaults upon the Erupuan and Iperatesi and relished in the blood

    and death they created. For with each new creature Ejocatu gave to Zhozurak, the GoblinArmies became stronger and the Goblin King began to number the days in which his

    detested foes would walk upon the earth.

    Now it came to pass that the brave Erupuan and their Iperatesi allies did make one

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    Erupuan: Star Mounds57

    Iperatesi: Elm-Fortress City58

    Iperatesi: Cold Glass - i.e. Eog59

    last defense against the Goblin Hoards in the high places of Eblanoich where the Iperatesi57

    had built a great fortress-city called lanesel Tr . For the fortress of elms was a magical58

    wonder which the Iperatesi had caused to be raised forth from the very roots of the

    mountains. The walls of the citadel stretched higher into the sky then any other building

    known upon the face of the world and these great walls were made from the very stone of

    the mountain itself but having the magical substance the Iperatesi call Wittin covering59

    their entirety. Seven wondrous towers spiraled around the core of the main structure, each

    surmounted at its pinnacle with a massive jewel in the form of a majestic elm tree. These

    glorious jeweled trees reflected the sunlight in all directions creating magical luminous

    auras that stunned all who beheld them with their beauty.In the topmost tower, Aquishwo sat in his throne room and from its ornate hall did

    he issue forth battle plans for the defense of the Iperatesis greatest architectural creation

    and the final stand of Men and Elves against the Goblin Hoards. While at his side stood

    Erupua, the first elf friend, old in age as mortals reckon, yet still as strong and as wise as

    the Lord of the Erupua had been when the Iperatesi first came amongst Men. Looking

    down from the circular windows of Aquishwos throne room to the gathering hoards of

    Goblins and fell creatures bellow, the wise old Erupua knew that this would be his last

    battle against the Goblinkin. For if the violence of battle did not bring Mankinds bane to

    ferment within his body, the dire situation his people and the Iperatesi found themselves

    in would surely force him to end his life honourably.

    The time has come, dear Aquishwo. Erupua spake, For now the hoards of

    Zhozurak do marshal outside the gates of your city. My destiny awaits, as does the destiny

    of my people - and I fear, this shall be but one more tragic moment of suffering for you and

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    Iperatesi: Beast-Slayer60

    Black Speech: Skillful-Slayer61

    your people. Your friendship and guidance I will always cherish, and so it is with heavy

    heart yet firm resolve that I leave you now to lead my people forth from out of your gates

    to do battle with Zhozurak and his fiends. Let your bards remember this day and the deeds

    of Erupua and his people!And Aquishwo was saddened by the speech of his friend, for he knew that Erupua

    spoke the truth. Yet the King of the Iperatesi did not let the King of the Erupuan leave

    without a token of their friendship. For into the hands of Erupua did Aquishwo place the

    great blade tonen harkening Erupua to use it to rid the world of Zhozuraks evil. With60

    heavy heart did the friends part and the immortal king of the Iperatesi watched as the

    mortal king of the Erupuan lead the charge of his people from out of the gates of lanesel


    Now it came to pass that the great charge of the Erupuan at the Battle of lanesel

    Tr was to be the final achievement of Erupua, the Elf-Friend, for as the King of the

    Erupuan came upon the first ranks of the Goblin Hoards, the vile fiends parted allowing

    the Erupuan to pass unharmed. And came they upon the elite troll warriors of Zhozurak

    who did engage the charging Erupuan in battle. And it is told by all who witnessed this

    great melee that the Erupuan cut down the troll guard of Zhozurak as if they were but

    vegetation. When the last troll guard fell, Erupua issued forth a challenge unto Zhozurak

    himself and so did the Lord of the Goblins take up Erupuas challenge for his pride was

    great and the hatred of Erupua burned through the Goblin Kings entire being.

    Zhozurak drew forth the evil scimitar Ackgzc which sang as he swung its61

    shining silver blade at Erupua. The latter tried to block the blow with his shield but was

    taken aback by the force of Zhozuraks strike, standing stunned as the Goblin Lord readied

    a second attack. This second swing grazed the edge of Erupuas armour bringing his

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    Black Speech: The Hidden Mists62

    senses back into focus upon the vile face of Zhozurak. The King of the Erupuan swung his

    flaming sword, tonen, which shattered Zhozuraks left hip knocking the Goblin Lord to

    the ground and searing the flesh of his leg with tonens magical fire. Screaming in pain

    and stunned by the power of Erupuas attack, Zhozurak lifted his great scimitar to protecthimself as Erupuas next attack came crashing down upon him. It was all that the vile Lord

    of the people of Zhozurak could do as Erupuas assaults continued uncontested. Again

    Erupua swung his flaming blade tonen and yet again sparks flew as Zhozurak

    desperately parried the attack with his great scimitar Ackgzc.

    Yield Zhozurak! commanded Erupua as both paused to catch their breaths. Take

    your hoards from out of this place and never return, or my people will hunt you down and

    finish what I have done to you this day!

    You are a fool, Erupua! the fallen Goblin King spat, For this is the end of your

    race. I shall be ruler of Men and you will lie in the dust at my feet!

    Defiantly, Zhozurak swung his scimitar Ackgzc, but Erupua deftly parried the

    blow with his flaming sword tonen. Turning his fiery blade, Erupua reversed the motion

    of his parry and struck Zhozuraks weapon arm. The evil scimitar Ackgzc dropped

    from the Goblins grip as the magical flames of tonen burned fiercely, searing the flesh

    of Zhozuraks arm and immolating the fabric of his black robes. Screaming a deathly wail,

    Zhozurak cursed Erupua and his people as the flaming power of the latters sword ended

    the vile Goblin Lords life.

    A great cheer arose from the gathered Erupuan Warriors and their Iperatesi allies

    who had come out of the gates of lanesel Tr to engage their enemy. The gathered goblin

    hoards immediately understood the implications of the demise of Zhozurak and began toflee. Seeing the retreat of their enemy, the Erupuan and the Iperatesi gave chase attacking

    goblin and troll units all the way back to the vile caverns ofKtztipzum where Zhozurak62

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    Ancient Human: Ax-Tribe63

    and Ejocatu had first stirred their jealous and cruel hearts to make war upon the Erupuan.

    Now it came to pass that none of the Goblin-Kin came forth from the caverns of

    Ktztipzum for ten score years after their defeat before the gates of lanesel Tr, as the

    loss of their leader created a void within their corrupt society. The Goblin Nation wasnever to be unified again after the Battle of lanesel Tr as new Goblin Chiefs took

    command of smaller groups of the once unnumbered hoard of Zhozurak. Many of these

    Goblin Tribes left Ktztipzum in search of their own lairs and kingdoms where they could

    wreak havoc upon Men and Elves from other fronts. But the threat to lanesel Tr and

    the Erupuan was dispatched, though the corruption of the people of Zhozurak was far

    from ended.

    And it is said in some tales of the Iperatesi that the vile Ayrtesi Lord, whom the

    Goblins called Ejocatu, fled Ktztipzum with his creatures and minions when he heard of

    the death of Zhozurak. It has been told by some that Ejocatu returned to his people and

    to his mistress Ayrone, heralded as a hero of the Ayrtesi for the suffering he single

    handedly caused amongst Man. And to this very day, the Iperatesi curse his elvan name:

    Itthat - Lord Of The Thirteen Fires, at each instance that one of his vile creations strikes

    fear and suffering in the hearts of Elves and Men.

    Chapter Ten: Of The Doom Of Tesiquish

    Now as has been told, Aquishwo sent his sons amongst the tribes of Man to teach

    all Mankind the skills and knowledge of the Iperatesi so as to stem the bitter fighting

    between Men. The Iperatesi Kings third son, the great and proud Prince Tesaquish went

    amongst the proud and boisterous tribe of Men who called themselves the Hanoteac for63

    they favoured axes as tools and weapons. The great Iperatesi Prince Tesaquish became the

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    Ancient Northern: Thunder-Mind Son-Of-The-Chief64

    Ancient Northern: Bear-Killer65

    Ayrtesi: Dark Frenzy66

    close advisor to the Hanoteac chieftainAlluoplef TuiJethe and counseled the great leader64

    in all the affairs of his people. For in those days the Hanoteac were united under the

    leadership of the TuiJethe Clan and Tesaquish helped to guide them to greatness. But the

    Hanoteac were fond of their drink and of boisterous song which often lead their warriors

    to demonstrations of their skills.

    Upon every twenty first day Alluoplef held a tournament of warriors for he wished

    to know who amongst his people were the greatest at their craft. Great contests were

    staged and all the men of the clans would gather to demonstrate their abilities with the axe,

    with the bow and in the hunt. For the greatest contest of Alluoplefs tourney was the

    Grand Hunt where the champion to be named was to be the warrior who could slay a cave

    bear by utilizing only his ax. To be named Alluoplefs Ojierallas was the greatest honour65

    amongst his people.

    Now it is well understood that Tesaquish and his Iperatesi warriors enjoyed the

    celebration of Alluoplefs tournament as much as the Hanoteac. Therefor, they would

    participate in the Grand Tournament, pitting their prowess against that of the greatest

    Hanoteac warriors. Now it would come to pass that this idle fascination of Tesaquish with

    the warrior culture of the Hanoteac would usher forth his doom. For it is told by the sages

    of the Iperatesi and the wise men of the Hanoteac that during one Great Hunt, Tesaquish

    and his Iperatesi warriors came upon the AyrtesiArisayra , the very daughter of the vile66

    Ayrtesi Matron, Ayrone. Arisayra had traveled forth from the lands where the Ayrtesi

    now resided in search of the Tribes of Man. The charge the dark daughter of Ayrone had

    undertaken was to further divide Man and bring suffering and jealousy amongst them. For

    it was her greatest desire to see the Tribes of Man turn upon their Iperatesi allies and sow

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    the seeds of dissent and suspicion.

    Within a dark vale high in the mountains above the lands of the Hanoteac did

    Tesiquish and his warriors come upon Arisayra. Upon first perceiving the Ayrtesi virago,

    the Princes rage which is the doom of the Blood Oath of the Iperatesi filled Tesiquishsheart and the hearts of his warriors. Six were they in number and their Prince was the

    seventh. For they circled Arisayra, their long swords gleaming in the rays of the sun

    floating through the ceiling of oaken leaves which basked the entire vale in eerie

    luminescence. But the heart of the Iperatesi Prince was filled with a vile darkness which

    mirrored the very soul of his victim. For in that instant within that dark vale, Tesiquish

    dishonoured the memory of his murdered brother and brought about a doom more

    poisonous to his soul then the Blood Oath he had sworn upon his fathers blade.

    Now it came to pass that Tesiquish defiled the femininity of Arisayra amongst the

    ancient oaks of that dark vale. For his warriors held the Ayrtesi on the ground and urged

    their lord on with his vile deed. In the spirit of vengeance did the Iperatesi Prince maculate

    the honour of the Iperatesi and of his house. For the doom of the Blood Oath is as

    corrupting to the Iperatesi as the darkness which sits upon the hearts of the Ayrtesi. Truly,

    the depravity of Tesiquishs act was to be the darkest hour of the Iperatesi.

    Arisayra rejoiced in the vileness of the violation for she immediately understood that

    there were no real differences between the Ayrtesi and the Iperatesi. For the only

    difference that existed were the choices each made in regards to their thoughts and actions.

    But most mirthful of all for Arisayra was the fact that the engine of Tesiquishs doom was

    slowly being formed within the warmth of her womb. For Arisayra knew that the child she

    would bear as the consequence of Tesiquishs rape would one day slay her detested fatherand bring more suffering to the House of Aquishwo.

    Now it came to pass that Arisayra returned to her mother, rejoicing in the aftermath

    of the events in the Dark Vale of Hanoteac for she could feel within her womb the small

    little seed that would one day spell the death of another Prince of the House of

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    Ayrtesi: Souls Ache67

    Black Speech: Soldiers Of Black Ash68

    Ancient Northern: Fire-Fist69

    Black Speech: Cruel-Blade70

    Aquishwo. For when Arisayras daughter was born she named her Esozani for the child67

    would one day bring suffering to the souls of so many Iperatesi. And Ayrone gave her

    grand-daughter the dark blessing, foretelling the day when the rape-child of Tesiquish

    would bring doom upon his House.

    And thus, a number of years passed in the lands of the Hanoteac while Tesiquish

    and his warriors lived amongst the boisterous men of the north, teaching them and sharing

    in their virtues. And it came to pass that a number of goblins who had fled the disorder

    of Ktztipzum after the fall of Zhozurak settled in some of the caverns in the mountains

    above the lands of the Hanoteac. For shortly after their migration, this new goblin tribe,

    who called themselves the Kzyzg-yzg for they made their lair in the caverns within the68

    fiery mountain the Hanoteac called Feykiof , began to raid Hanoteac villages and towns69

    causing fear & death amongst the clans. And so it came to pass that the clans of the

    Hanoteac made war upon the Kzyzg-yzg, battling them in small clashes in the mountains

    and vales. It was to be a long and never ending fight which took the lives of many of the

    Hanoteac as well as a number of Tesiquishs warriors.

    Yet from the secret lair of the Ayrtesi, the vile creator of monsters, Itthat heard of

    the war between the goblins and the Hanoteac. Sensing an opportunity to spread more

    death amongst Mankind and the Iperatesi, Itthat gathered to him his Dragons and

    traveled to the lair of the Kzyzg-yzg. The Goblin King of the Kzyzg-yzg, a vile creature

    named Apygk , was immediately receptive to Itthats offer of aid. For the Ayrtesi70

    Warlock was remembered well in the goblin kings memory as the advisor to Zhozurak.

    And when Apygk first saw Enerileth, the father of Dragonkind, the grey skinned Orc

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    Black Speech: Fire-Caves71

    Iperatesi: Dragon Bane72

    began to foam at his fangs as he envisioned the destruction the great drake would create.

    Know that the Clans of the Hanoteac shall tremble in fear at the sight of Enerileth.

    Ejocatu the cruel (for Itthat again used the name the people of Zhozurak had given him

    amongst the goblins) beguiled. Your dominance of these lands is assured. I will letEnerileth loose from out of your lair while your army waits for the dragon to destroy your

    foes. When all is burning, then your warriors may swoop in and take the land from the


    And so it came to pass that Man and Elf first suffered from Dragonkind, for

    Enerileth flew forth from the gates of Gyzjyzguk , the lair of the Kzyzg-yzg, and wreaked71

    death and conflagration amongst the Hanoteac. So great was the power of the fiery breath

    of Enerileth that whole towns were destroyed in moments, their inhabitants mostly

    reduced to ashes or charred remains. The valiant Hanoteac warriors tried to defend their

    kin, but their arrows would not penetrate the scaly skin of the Father of Dragons as he flew

    above them.

    Desperately, Tesiquish sent word to his father in lanesel Tr for Iperatesi Warriors

    to come to the aid of the embattled Hanoteac. And so it came to pass that a legion of one

    thousand Iperatesi warriors marched forth from the gates of lanesel Tr north to the

    lands of the Hanoteac. Leading the Iperatesi army was Eazwo, the greatest smith of the

    Iperatesi and brother to Tesiquish, who brought with him new weapons forged in order

    to combat the goblin-kin and the threat of Enerileth. And so it came to pass that Eazwo

    gave unto his brother the great spear Etilq . The shaft was forged of the magical72

    substance Wittin and the spear point was carved from a single shard of sapphire which

    glowed blue in the presence of any goblins or dragons.

    And so it came to pass that the warriors of the Clans of Hanoteac and the army of

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    Ancient Northern: Chiefs-Home73

    Iperatesi: Battle Hymn Of Jetheoplin74

    the Iperatesi gathered at the Hanoteac citadel called Jetheoplin as a final stand against73

    Enerileth and the Kzyzg-yzg goblin army. At dusk a great and monstrous form was seen

    on the horizon, its large wings gently propelling it forward in a macabre dance that

    bequeathed only fear and apprehension. Below, from out of the shadows of the forest of

    Jetheoplin could be seen the shadowy forms of the goblins as they advanced towards the

    citadel. Drumbeats could be heard across the distance and the great roar that was the battle

    cry of thousands of goblins befell the ears of the defenders. From atop the tallest turret of

    the citadels ramparts came a long blast of a trumpet in response and as its intonation

    subsided the voices of the Hanoteac cried in fury and the Iperatesi began to sing the now

    famousAsseryt Jetheoplin :74

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsrr ra fat!

    eothoenen etho isher

    s ra awasar l etho oheti

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsr ra fat!

    eselat ql iq

    s elloph nesss lannr eselat

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsr ra fat!

    toton etho anash ytho

    s ra otheshoy l etho oqyat

    ripsrr ra aqish!

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    Iperatesi: take up the sword!/take up the spear!/avenge our fallen/for the memory of our

    fathers/take up the sword!/take up the spear!/strength is supreme/for those who wieldit/take up the sword!/take up the spear!/let our enemy fear/for the power of our arms/takeup the sword!/take up the spear!/march forth on battle ground/for the glory of ournation/take up the sword!/take up the spear!/victory is ours to take/for the glory of ournation/take up the sword!/take up the spear!/avenge our fallen/for the memory of ourfathers/take up the sword!/take up the spear!/avenge our fallen/for the memory of ourfathers

    ripsr ra fat!

    lofpa nissl shas asseiqes

    s ra ryshot l etho mpp

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsr ra fat!

    itapa ql ethoti peripa

    s ra ryshot l etho mpp

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsrr ra fat!

    eothoenen etho ishers ra awasar l etho oheti

    ripsrr ra aqish!

    ripsrr ra fat!

    eothoenen etho isher

    s ra awasar l etho oheti75

    As the first moon was beginning to rise hails of arrows began to shower down upon

    the north west tower of Jetheoplin where Clan TuiOnohatotin Archers were stationed. The

    brave Clan TuiOnohatotin sustained only minor casualties before returning fire and

    slightly thinning the ranks of the goblin archers. Suddenly there came a horn blast that

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    Ancient Northern: Ax Of The Chief76

    Ancient Northern: Hold Fast!77

    pulsed forth from out of the rear of the goblin hoard and the multitude of catapults the

    Kzyzg-yzg had wheeled up before the walls of Jetheoplin began to lob their stones. Small

    cracks began to form in the north wall yet the defenders feared not. For through the din

    of battle came the shrill sound of the trumpet atop the battlements of the citadel. A greatsound was heard at the gates as the massive steel doors swung open allowing the long lines

    of Iperatesi warriors to issue forth, lead by their Lord - Eazwo. And at the vanguard of

    their march came forth the warriors of Alluoplef TuiJethes own Clan shouting their battle

    cry as they rushed forth to engage the goblin hoards. For at their head was Alluoplef

    TuiJethe himself, wielding his great ax Ohinjethe , furiously screaming his Clans battle cry:76

    Keinj Jebler!77

    As the TuiJethe Clansmen engaged the ranks of Kzyzg-yzg archers, the slain bodies

    of goblins began to pile up for the goblins were no match for the experienced human

    warriors. The long ranks of Iperatesi warriors continued the march past their TuiJethe

    allies engaging the goblin infantry who formed up ranks behind the archers. The melee

    that ensued was bloody, taking the lives of nearly half the goblin infantry and slaying one

    eighth of the Iperatesi warriors.

    Suddenly the skies above the battle field and the citadel of Jetheoplin grew darker

    as the black form of Enerileth flew above the battling hosts. And with his evil presence

    came the dreaded Dragon Fear which swept through the ranks of the Hanoteac and

    Iperatesi Warriors causing many to route or simply stand frozen in the midst of the melee,

    unable to defend themselves from goblin scimitars. And it came to pass that Tesiquish,

    who stood tall upon the battlements of the north east tower of Jetheoplin, raised his great

    spear Etilq which filled the entire vale with the blue light emanating from its sapphire

    point. For as the father of dragons prepared to blast the citadel with his fiery breath, the

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    Iperatesi: Air Lord - the Elvan name for Hishtid, god of Air & the Sky78

    brave Iperatesi Prince impelled Etilq forward, aiming for the breast of Enerileth.

    Now it is recounted by the Iperatesi Bards that the hand of Ephiowor aided78

    Tesiquishs throw, however the warriors who were present on that famous day know

    otherwise. For it is True that the glowing sapphire point of Etilq did indeed pierce the

    heart of Enerileth and that the great drake died immediately upon receiving the strike.

    And the great black scaled body of the dragon fell from the sky upon the very spot where

    the brave Iperatesi warriors were battling the Kzyzg-yzg infantry and many elves and

    goblins lost their lives, crushed were they under the great bulk of the dragon. And even

    in death, a dragons body is dangerous, for the blood of the drake runs rich with the

    elemental magic that gives the vile beast its power. For all those who were sprayed with

    the fiery blood of Enerileth as the great father of dragons fell to the ground, died in agony

    and their tormented cries still fill the dreams of men and elves with visions of horror.

    And so it came to pass that the Battle of Jetheoplin was won but at great cost to the

    gathered Clans of Hanoteac and to the Iperatesi. But from the death and suffering the

    battle caused came the hope that the power of dragonkind could be defeated. And it is

    with heavy heart that men and elves remember their first victory against the great winged

    serpents who have wrought so much suffering and destruction in the world. For although

    the tide of war against the Kzyzg-yzg turned that wretched day, the cost was so great as

    to be lamented for millennia to come.

    And so it came to pass that Tesiquish and Eazwo departed from the company of

    Alluoplef TuiJethe and the Hanoteac, for they and the surviving warriors of the Iperatesi

    returned to their fathers magnificent citadel lanesel Tr to mourn the loss of their

    comrades and to devise a plan to bring peace back to the tribes of Men. For the Iperatesi

    tired of war and the constant battling against the goblin-kin and the monsters of Itthat

    were beginning to take their toll upon the hearts of the noble Iperatesi. For Tesiquish

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    understood that peace would not be had until the vile schemes of the Ayrtesi were foiled

    and the fulfillment of the Blood Oath was at hand.

    It was in Aquishwos secret chambers that the princes of the Iperatesi gathered to

    devise some means to thwart the plots of their ancient foes, the Ayrtesi. For this gatheringwas called the Council Of The Iperatesi and it did make plans for the protection of the

    Iperatesi and for the Tribes of Man. And much debate was to unfold amongst the Princes

    as to the best course to follow in their war against their enemy. Yet Aquishwo himself did

    not offer his counsel, for the king of the Iperatesi was of heavy heart. The suffering of his

    people and of the Tribes of Man was great due to the Blood Oath and the wise king knew

    not how to resolve the difficulty. For deep in his heart, Aquishwo knew that the Blood

    Oath was a terrible curse upon his people. And yet the Iperatesi were all bound by the

    Oath, until their doom came to be.

    It is the way of the elves that no decision is made in haste, for the immortals consider

    that time is not truly an issue to be taken into consideration when deliberating great

    concerns. And so the Council Of The Iperatesi lasted for a score of years as the great

    Princes debated what should be done. But finally it was Tesiquish himself who stood

    before his father and his brothers and stated that he would take an army into the

    mountains east of the lands of the Hanoteac and find the secret lair of the Ayrtesi. For, as

    the great Prince reasoned, it was impossible to fight an enemy if one did not know their


    And so it came to pass that Tesiquish set forth from the gates of lanesel Tr backed

    by an army of one thousand warriors. The March Of Tesiquish, as it came to be called by

    the bards, was hard and filled with danger. For once the Iperatesi departed the lands ofthe Hanoteac they were set upon by goblins and other vile creations of Itthat. For the

    Lord of the Thirteen Fires knew of the March from his spies and so placed obstacles in

    Tesiquishs way. But the brave Prince fought onward until at last he reached the gates of

    Itthats lair.

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    Ayrtesi: The Fire Lords Lair - Itthats underground citadel in the Great Eastern79


    And what befell the Iperatesi before the gates ofJitthavariniv is not often spoken79

    of amongst the elves, for their sorrows are great. Even the Bards sing no songs, for the

    pain is far too great. For it came to pass that the doom for which Tesiquish created with

    the rape of Arisayra would finally be fulfilled. For out from the black gates of Jitthavariniv

    strode forth Esozami all alone and her appearance beguiled the sense of her father. For

    upon seeing her for the first time, Tesiquish recognized her and immediately understood

    that his doom was upon him.

    Father! cried she in her deep voice, Send your army home and they will be

    spared, for my quarrel is solely with you. For within the Dark Vale of in the lands of the

    Hanoteac you defiled my mother and for this vile act I have come to repay you in kind.

    And it came to pass that Esozami raised up her arms and spake one word in the

    language of the arcane magics. Yet there was no recourse for Tesiquish for the Doom was

    at hand and his rape-childs magic was greater then his own will. For it came to pass that

    he was immediately transported through the ether along with Esozami into the pits of

    Jitthavariniv where she spent the next one hundred years torturing her father until his

    body was so broken and scarred that the brave Iperatesi Prince lost his will to live. In his

    final living act, Tesiquish cursed his daughter for all time and then passed beyond the veil

    of the material plane to finally find peace and rest.

    And so it came to pass that the great Prince Tesiquish of the Iperatesi passed from

    this world into another. And it is told that his army was indeed allowed to return to

    lanesel Tr unharmed by their Ayrtesi foes or the vile creatures they commanded. And

    the sorrow of the Iperatesi as to the Doom of Tesiquish continues onward to this very day,

    for it is with heavy heart that the followers of Aquishwo do remember the great and

    terrible deeds of Tesiquish Dragonslayer.

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    Iperatesi: Group Of Strength In The Distant Past & The Future - The League Of80


    Iperatesi: Speaking Stones81

    Iperatesi: Small Stones82

    Chapter Eleven: Of The Phsh Issaysaras

    When Aquishwo heard of his sons capture by the Ayrtesi, his melancholy turned

    to a fire of rage as he relived the murder of his first son in his mind and now envisioned the

    tortures Tesiquish would suffer. At once he convened the Council Of The Iperatesi within

    his secret chambers and set about the plan for the vengeance of his house upon the Ayrtesi.

    Each of the Iperatesi Princes, who were his sons, he ordered to return to the Human Tribe

    that they had mentored and to build a great citadel on the outskirts of that tribes land.

    And he commanded his youngest son, Eazwo to create some means by which these

    citadels as well as the citadel of lanesel Tr could communicate amongst themselves. To

    each citadel Aquishwo would send one thousand Iperatesi warriors and they were to

    train the humans for the final conflict with the Ayrtesi. And Aquishwo, the High King

    of the Iperatesi, called this plan the Phsh Issaysaras .80

    And so it came to pass that each of Aquishwos sons went back amongst the Tribes

    of Man whom they had been mentors for and built great citadels near the Tribal lands.

    And Eazwo devised the Qathotryhsti and gave one to each his brothers and one to his81

    father. But the talented alchemist of the Iperatesi also created the Torshryhsti and gave one82

    to each of the leaders of Men so that they could communicate with the citadels of the

    Iperatesi. For through the stones could all men and elves communicate and keep watch for

    the schemes of the Ayrtesi or the armies of goblins who would herald the work of the dark


    And many generations of Men passed as the Citadels of the Iperatesi were raised,

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    Iperatesi: Dragon-Hold Tower83

    Iperatesi: Loyal Oak84

    Ancient Northern: Heavens Spike85

    Iperatesi: Eraphris Song Eraphri is the Iperatesi name for Dethrora, god of Water.86

    yet ever watchful were the elven lords for signs of Ayrtesi plots or goblin armies. From

    time to time goblin tribes would assault the lands of Men and the Iperatesi who helped

    guard those realms and each time the allied forces repelled the attacks. And sometimes

    dragons would terrorize the lands, but the strength of the Phsh Issaysaras held fast.And as the Iperatesi citadels rose ever higher, the warriors of Men trained side by side with

    the Iperatesi preparing for the battle that would surely come.

    Now these are the Citadels which belonged to the Phsh Issaysaras. In the north

    amongst the Clans of the Hanoteac did Eazwo erect Etillannr Tr in memory of83

    Tesiquish and the great deeds he had done amongst those proud Men. And the great

    Iperatesi Warrior Rymmipa , who had been Tesiquishs lieutenant in Hanoteac, was84

    named its Lord. Etilannr Tr was a beautiful spire carved into the single peak of the

    mountain the Hanoteac called Ofhinjhien . It rose one league up into the air above a small85

    plateau which overlooked a beautiful vale three hundred feet below. And upon the eastern

    edge of the plateau coursed a sparkling river which rushed over the edge of the cliffs to fall

    powerfully into the vale. The sound of the waterfall was sacred to both the Iperatesi and

    to the Hanoteac and they called the great cataract Eraphrinitpho for they felt the spirit of86

    the god of the waters and the sea could be felt within its rushing flow. And at the heart

    of the citadel itself was the trophy that Tesiquish had carried back from the Battle Of

    Jetheoplin, the heart of the great dragon Enerileth which the great Prince had carved out

    of the dragons corpse. Eazwo had cast powerful enchantments upon it, causing the

    monstrous organ to continue to beat and encassing it in a massive magical ruby so as to be

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    Eastern Common: Demon-Spear93

    Iperatesi: Rhysras Hope Tower - Rhysra is the Iperatesi name for Pyra, god of the94

    Earth & Mountains.

    Eastron: Black Mountain95

    Iperatesi: Steel-Hold Tower96

    Iperatesi: Star-Iron This is the same substance as Tolkiens Mithril97

    to hide from.

    Eazwo returned, after many long years, to the people who called themselves the

    Pyabliat. The Pybliat occupied the great valley kingdom to the west of the lands of the

    Pliac and worshiped strange gods whom the Iperatesi had no knowledge of. For indeed,the Pyabliat had discovered a means to communicate with demons who existed beyond the

    bounds of the material plane and the tribesmen worshiped the power of the greatest lords

    of these vile creatures. And Eazwo was wroth to go amongst the demon worshipers for

    he sensed the evil that exuded from their devotions. But alas, as he had been tasked by his

    father, he at last formed a friendship with one tribal chieftains known as Ir-kri . Now Ir-93

    kri was a great manipulator of natural forces and aided Eazwo to create the most

    enchanted Iperatesi Citadel that has ever stood. Located in the mountains above the valley

    that Ir-kris people called home, the towering spire that was called Rhysrammt Tr .94

    And the two great alchemists built a great forge in the heart of Rhysrammt Tr which

    rivaled Eazwos forge at lanesel Tr and would be the place where many legendary

    items of power would be forged.

    And Pezethoyslra, Aquishwos daughter by his second wife Ettanwora, went

    amongst the mystical people who called themselves the Weyshploan whose lands were

    west of the Pyabliat. And up upon the summit of the great mountainAniaphoshin she built95

    the citadel Oshlannr Tr , for it was raised with walls of magical steel that the Iperatesi96

    called teswosh . But the tale of Pezethoyslra and the Weyshploan will be recounted anon.97

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    Iperatesi: North-Star Tower98

    Iperatesi: The Raid Of Jitthavariniv99

    Iperatesi: Star Of Fate100

    The final citadel which was the northern most beacon of the Phsh Issaysaras was

    called Paotes Tr and was built by Aquishwos youngest son by Ettanwora: Apoysli.98

    This great citadel was located in the nomadic lands of the Keytuiat who took little concern

    with the struggles of elves and men, simply wishing to live off the land in peace. And

    Apoysli kept a watchful vigil upon the cold lands in the north from the tallest tower of

    Paotes Tr, for often cruel Ice Dragons would lead armies of Snow Trolls and other vile

    monsters down out of the tundra and into the plains and forests that the Keytuiat called


    For these are the Iperatesi Citadels which belonged to the Phsh Issaysaras and

    some of these great fortresses still stand and hold their vigil against the schemes and plots

    of their Ayrtesi foes even to this day. And when all the towers were complete and their

    Qathotryhsti in place, then Aquishwo began to plot the rescue of Tesiquish from the pits

    of Jitthavariniv where the great elvan High Kings granddaughter kept her father in a state

    of continual suffering.

    Chapter Twelve: Of The Fyllme Jitthavariniv99

    Now it came to pass that Aquishwo called upon the great Iperatesi warrior

    Tesiphesh . And he spake unto the warrior of the plan he had devised to rescue Tesiquish100

    from the pits of Jittavariniv. And indeed, if the great Iperatesi Prince had passed from this

    world, then Tesiphesh was to bring back some token of his death. And the High King of

    the Iperatesi gave unto this great hero all manner of items to aid him in his quest, for

    Aquishwo could not bear to lose the life of another of his sons to the actions of the

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    Iperatesi: Loyal101

    Ancient Northern: Son Of The Stone Men102

    accursed Ayrtesi.

    And so it came to pass that Tesiphesh departed from the gates of lanesel Tr,

    accompanied only by his faithful friend Rym . Together the two elves journeyed to the101

    evil vale where Tesiquish had met his doom. For they journeyed high up into the

    mountains and through deep valleys, battling beasts and Itthats foul creations and

    minions. For seven days they traveled thus, never completely resting for fear of attack. But

    the valiant and brave warriors arrived at last at the vale of Jitthavariniv and looked down

    upon its enclosure to survey the land and plan their approach.

    What tales those survivors of Tesiquishs doomed assault upon the Ayrtesi citadel

    had not prepared Tesiphesh for the security the Warlocks domain enjoyed. For the valley

    floor was devoid of trees or shrubs and the guards upon the towers that flanked the mighty

    gates could perceive all movement within the vale. The sole feature within the canyon

    other then the grasses that rustled gently in the chill wind was a cold mountain river which

    rushed past the gates of the dread lair only two score feet from the watchtowers. And

    Tesiphesh understood the geography of this land well, knowing that those swift waters

    that protected the very approach to the citadel would kill with their chill any individual

    foolish enough to attempt to swim in its waters.

    However, to the south east of the watchtowers on the gate side of the cold rushing

    river there stood the charred ruins of a Hanoteac outpost. For in the days before the

    coming of the Ayrtesi to this valley, the brave warriors of Clan TuiOfhuofian once kept102

    watch on the mountains while their farmer