Hardness of pricing loss leaders Yi Wu IBM Almaden Research Joint work with Preyas Popat

Yi Wu IBM Almaden Research Joint work with Preyas Popat

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Hardness of pricing loss leaders

Yi WuIBM Almaden Research

Joint work with Preyas Popat

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Example: supermarket pricing

Buy cereal and milk if under 10$

Buy coffee and milk if under 7$

Buy coffee and alcohol if under 15$

How to price items to maximize profit?

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Input: ◦ items.◦ buyers. each of the buyer is interested in a

subset of the items with budget ◦ single minded valuation: buyer buy either all the

items in if the total price is less than or buy nothing.

Algorithmic task: price item with profit margin to maximize the overall profit.

Problem Definition

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-hypergraph pricing: each buyer is interested in at most of the items.

Graph pricing: each buyer is interested in at most of the items.

Special case: -hypergraph pricing

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Items are aligned on a line and each buyer is interested in buying a path (consecutive items).

Special case: highway pricing

Driver 1 Driver 2 Driver 3

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For item pricing with items m buyers: -approximation [Guruswami et al.] hard[Demain et al.]

For -hypergraph pricing O()-approximation [Balcan-Blum] 4-approximaiton for graph pricing (k=2) [Balcan-Blum 06]17/16-hard [Khandekar-Kimbrel-Makarychev-Sviridenko 09], 2-hard assuming the UGC (Unique Games Conjecture)

For highway problemPTAS [Grandoni-Rothvoss-11] NP-hard[Elbassioni-Raman-Ray-09]

Previous Work

All the previous work assumes that the profit margin is positive for every item.

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10 10


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Optimal Positive Pricing Strategy




10 10




Profit is 40.

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Even better strategy




10 10




Profit is 50.

Loss leader

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Definition: A loss leader is a product sold at a low price (at cost or below cost) to stimulate other profitable sales.

Example of loss leader◦ Printer and ink◦ E-book reader and E-book◦ Movie ticket and popcorn and drink

Loss leaders

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Discount Model[Balcan-Blum-Chan-Hajiaghayi-07]The seller assign a profit margin to each item and have profit with the buyer interested in set if the buyer purchase the item.

Discount model

What if the production cost is 0 such as the highway problem?

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Coupon Model [Balcan-Blum-Chan-Hajiaghayi-07]The seller assign a profit margin to each item and have profit with the buyer interested in set

Coupon Model

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[Balcan-Blum 06]: The maximum profit can be log n-times more when loss leaders are allowed (under either coupon or discount model).

Profitability gap

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What kind of approximation is achievable for the item pricing problems with prices below cost allowed?

Open Problem [Baclan-Blum 06]

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[Balcan-Blum-Chan-Hajiaghayi-07]: “Obtaining constant factor appropriation algorithms in the coupon model for general graph vertex pricing problem and the highway problem with arbitrary valuations seems believable but very challenging.”

Make a guess:

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Main Results

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For 3-hypergraph pricing problem, it is NP-hard to get better than -approximation under either the coupon or discount model. [W-11, Popat-W-11]

For graph vertex pricing (i.e.,) and the highway pricing problem, it is UG-hard to get constant approximation under the coupon model. [Popat-W-11]

Our results:

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Positive profit prices

Loss leaders

Item pricing -approxmation-hard

3-hyper graph vertex pricing

8.1-approxmiatoinAPX-hard, 2-UGhard -hard

Graph vertex pricing

4-approximation2-UGhard Super-constant UG-


Highway pricing PTASNP-hard Super-constant UG-


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The pricing problem is also a CSP.◦ Variable: ◦ Constraint: each buyer interested in with

valuation is a constraint with the following payoff function: Discount model: Coupon Model:

Item pricing: a special Max-CSP

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A instance of item pricing with items indexed by

A pricing function is a function defined on

Dictator Test for item pricing

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Completeness ◦ There exists some function such that for every ,

the pricing function has a good profit .

Soundness ◦ For non-dictator function, it has profit .

(c,s)-dictator Test.

[Khot-Kindler-Mossel-O’Donnell-07]:assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, it is NP-hard to get better

than -approximation.

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Dictator Test for 3-hypergraph pricing

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Generate and randomly. Generate such that each with probability

and random from with probability . Randomly generated a and add a equation

Hastad’s (1-Dictator Test for

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Completeness: if , this will satisfy fraction of the equations.

Soundness: ◦ Technical Lemma [Austrin-Mossel-09]: non-

dictator function can not distinguish the difference between pairwise independent distribution and fully independent distribution on .

Analysis of Hastad’s Test(informal proof)

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Generate and randomly

Add a equation

Equivalent Test for non-dictator (1)

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Generate and randomly

Add a equation

Equivalent Test for non-dictator (2)

Passing probability is 1/q.

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Generate and randomly. Generate such that each with probability

and random with probability . For every Add a buyer interested in )with

budget .

The Dictator Test for 3-hypergraph pricing

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For , we know that with probability we have that and Then for

The profit is then at least


Completeness c = q log q.

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Generate randomly. Add a buyer interested in with budget for


Soundness Analysis:Equivalent test for non-dictator (1)

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Generate randomly. Add a buyer interested in with budget for

every .

Then for any , suppose , then the profit is at most

Equivalent test for non-dictator (2)

Soundness is q.

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Real valued price function.

NP-hardness reduction

Discount model

Things not covered

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Dictator Test for graph pricing and highway problem

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Generate randomly and such that with probability and random in with probability

For every add a equation

Khot-Kindler-Mossel-O’Donnell’s Dictator Test for

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Notation: as the the indicator function of whether .

Let us assume (without justify) that is balanced; i.e., for every

Key Technical Lemma: for any non-dictator , if , then

Informal Proof KKMO (1)

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Informal Proof of KKMO(2)

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Generate randomly and such that with probability and random in with probability

For every add a buyer interested in with budget

A Candidate Test for graph pricing

We can not prove the soundness claim for this test.

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Generate randomly and such that with probability and random in with probability

For every add a buyer interested in with budget

Dictator Test for graph pricing

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Unbalanced price function

Real value price function

Thing not covered

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Lemma 1: The approximability of bipartite graph pricing is equivalent to highway problem on bipartite graph.

Lemma 2: Super-constant hardness of graph pricing also implies super-constant hardness of bipartite graph pricing.

Highway problem

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Suppose we have n segments of highway with price The constraints are of the form .

If we change the valuable to then the constraint becomes

On bipartite graph for highway problem, we can make the constraint

Proof of Lemma1.

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Given a non-bipartite instance G, we can randomly partition the graph into two parts G’ and only consider the bipartite sub-graph.

We know that for any price function, the profit change by a factor of 2 in expectation.

Proof of Lemma 2.

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Pricing loss leaders is hard even for the those tractable cases under the positive profit prices model.


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Getting better upper and lower bound for hypergraph pricing problem

Can we have a -dictator test for CSP of the form for

Open Problem