THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. MONDAY SEPTEMBER YfifU 5 THE DIAMOND FIELD. l A The Northwestern League Winds "Up Its Career at Milwaukee. National League and American Association Records to Date. 4. Close Game Between St. Paul ami Mil- waukee Results' in Favor of the Latter. 1 , Northwestern League. I < The Northwestern league has at last j •cached that stage of dissolution at which it ; is proper to pronounce its funeral oration. j As we write the telegraph brings tbe news \u25a0 that the resplendent organization which opened its playing career in the base ball , world a year ago last Ma; has passed Into history. All things earthly must cross the threshold of the grave and become apart of tbe mysterious world beyond death's river, but an existence closed in the midst of youth and promise leaves behind a sadness which lingers in the memory for many days. The fate which has befallen the Northwestern league has been foreshadowed for a month past, but the shock occasioned by the an- nouncement of the end will be felt none the* less by those int. rested in its success. At this juncture it will riot be out of place to review this most remarkable geographiealcoin- bination,andpoint out some of the reasons for its early demise. On the 27th of October, 1884, representatives from eight cities in Illinois, Indiana. Ohio and Michigan mi I at Chicago and organized tbe Northwestern league, the teams being those of Qulncy, Peoria, Springfield, Fort Wayne, Toledo, Saginaw, Bay City and Grand Rapids. Ev- ery club fulfilled its engagements during the season of 1883, and although none of the associations had much money in the treas- ury at its close, none of them were heavy. Snancial sufferers. In all of the cities pro- fessional base ball was a new thing, the ;rowds were large and the flow of currency .ibcral. sides this, the relative situation of the cities was such as to make traveling expenses light The success of the league's opening season caused other places to make application for admission, and at the meeting held last January the association admitted six new clubs to member- ship, dropped that of Springfield, that of Toledo withdrew, and retained those of Quincy, Peoria, Fort Wayne, Sagi- ' saw, Bay City and Grand Rapids, of the old league. The new clubs were Muskegon, Terra Haute, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Still- water and St. Paul. The reorganized league was therefore composed of twelve dubs, and tbe more sanguine of its friends predicted that it wool 1 live and prosper, but those who made a close study of the situation con- fes6ed'that their hope was mingled with a . considerable degree of apprehension. A casual glance at the map told them a story -of enormous expense in moving from place to place, and it dawned upon them that the support must be extraordinarily good, else the geography of the problem would force the league into bankruptcy. It is easy for everybody to see now that, though there were other causes militating against the financial success of the league, the dimen- sions of the audiences at the games and the traveling ex] en of the team- were bo in- compatible that the result which followed was one of the most natural in political economy. More enthusiastic support or less distance from place to place was necessary. .As in every other business to spend money ind receive none in return must produce ultimate collapse. No other argu- ments an- needed to prove that the North- western league of 1884 could not live, hut there are some which assisted in burning It to an untimely grave. The most conspicuous of these is the salaries paid play- ers. The boom in base ball all over the country In the early months of 1884 was the greatest ever known in . tbe history of the game, and the management of every team In the country, in attempts to secure the best players, paid, ,>r agreed to pay, twice and thrice what their services were worth, and by the opening of July all the teams of the Northwestern league were loaded up with players receiving sums •entirely out of proportion to the labor per- formed. Then there are some towns in the circuit whose population was divided on the method of management of the team, the lo- cation of grounds, etc. The early disband- nient of the Peoria club was due to a quarrel between the Centra] railway people and other citizens of the place. Another cause for the demise of certain teams was the extrava- ganceof the management in ordinary ex- uses. The most conspicuous example of failure through this cause was that of the splendid Minneapolis team. Besides getting seriously involved by making an April trip to SI. Louis, Cincinnati, Toledo and other points, the manager of the team carried most of the season from fourteen to seventeen men, and on the league tours stopped with his whole outfit at the best hotels. a Tie dissolution of the Northwestern fescue, however, should not deter St. Paul and Min- neapolis from seeking to cuter some associa- tion next year. The experience of this sea- son will be valuable to both, but the interest manifested in the national sport in ttie two cities is sufficient to warrant arrangements for IS85, either with some existing organiza- tion or by the formation of a new one. There is plenty of encouragement for the future. St. Paul will disband because she can find nobody to play with and Minneapolis ceased to exist because of inefficient management, neither being forced to the wall by the pub- lie. The chief argument to be used against the twin cities is their distance from other principal cities, but they each have 100,000 inhabitants and are but ten miles apart, and the support given visiting nines will average far more than traveling expenses and team salaries. We wish it were possible for St. Paul, Minneapolis and Milwaukee to become members of the American association, but it is probably not possible at present unless several teams drop out. An ideal western elation would be St. Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Toledo, Detroit. Colum- bus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City. National League. The Providence team has played ball a full month without losing a single game, the most remarkable record in the league for the season. The team lias now such a lead that nothing short of a collapse can prevent it from taking the pennant There is now only an average of twenty-two games tobe played and no team outside that of Boston has a shadow of a chance of winning. Even the Boston team has hardly a fighting chance, as it is seven games behind the leader. Boston cannot be prevented, however, from taking second place. Chicago, New York and Buf- falo are working for third position, the latter now holding i: and having a fair show of re- taining it. Chicago won four games in suc- cession of New York during the week. Phila- delphia has finally worked up to even terms with Cleveland and will probably have the advantage a week from to-day. The Detroit team got its first two victories of the trip dur- ing the week. The summary is appended: ' -- -- ~ v. ~ ~z o a ills Sia « fii,§!i CLUBS =.= = IpjS'f % '|-. \u25a0 I* \u25a0 '""ii i-*". p 2 i e i \u25a0 : - i l Boston '— | 6 si 9:ili - 13l 7i 62*89 Buffalo I 2 10 14 12 3 6' 2, SI -8 Chicago j 8 6— j 8.11! - 6| S 45 91 Cleveland I lis 8— 9' 3 6: J ; SI 91 I'eir. It j lj 4 5 7—1 0 4 0. si 91 Sew V-.rk 81 8 4] » 71— 11 8 50 90 j.-lptils I 3 ( 2; 6 1 8 5 | > 8191 Providence j 9, 7 'J IjlJ 13 13- ! 69 ( S9 allies Lost « 37 16 70 40 60,2o!36oi— Atnerican Association. The Metropolitan team is playing the stead- iest game of any club in the league, and has increased its lead during the week. Colum- bus has lost three out of five games, and the prospects of the team seem not so good as last week. Louisville retains third place, and the next three teams arc pretty well bunched. The Virginia club has had a remarkable week, adding materially to its winnings. It is but five weeks to the end of the season, mt the struggle for the pennant is still S. cry interesting one. The summary follows: iV^b •*; rir 2 - ; » j H < OO £ Hi 2 T - £ sr ' S. s ; - - >! 5 3 §.g 5lill[I'| Is :- - - - z s g - g < -s s . s \u25a0© , a -.£' = .-— Z -. \u25a0 » S-3 s . is| s J ' : : off clubs. ::::: j?l: \u25a0;: : J: : ? | : i: : : : : r : |: Athletic ...— 7 « 1 4; 3' ji] ! 1 \u25a0' - 2 . 5 9 51 86 Baltimore... I 3— 5 2 1 2 6 16 8] 3 4; 6 4.'i M Brooklyn.... 3 1 5 - j i 1 3 3 <• « 2 4; c SI lUuciniiatt... 2 4 4!—! SSI 4 0, 4! 7, n 52 s; Columbus... 3! 3 51 7j— S 51 3 61 II6 M ST Indianapolis.! 3; 0 8 l! 114 3 3 4 25 S5 Louisville...; 4! 4 \ 4 1 5 5 9— 2 4! 9 9 , ">j 84 Metropolitan] 7 8 9 ! 4 3 5 l'— '.' 1 4 8 61 Bl Pittsburg.... 2 16 11 'A *| 1 Oj 9 5 S3 68 St. Louis.. ..I 6 3 4 6 5 " 5 1 G.— ! 5. 5 6.' S5 Toledo j lj 2 2 3 ll CI lj 2 3 5 1 - 9 31 S6 Virginia.. .. I I 1: 3 0 i; 2 11 2 9 1 1 19 V3 Games lost . . JSSJISJSO 35 23 6'J 29 21 62*31 !.">5 64 510 St. l'aul r.«. Milwaukee. [Special Telegram to the Globe. Milwaukee, Sept 7.—The Northwestern league expired in a creditable manner this afternoon, the closing game being one of the closest and most exciting games that baa been played here. A peculiar feature of the game was that each side made its runs all in one inning. The game was a contest be- tween the pitchers as far as the Dumber of base bits scored, but the batting was in reality very fair, and offered a chance for excellent fielding on both sides. Hen- \u25a0I'ie as usual won the applause of the crowd by bis superb work at second, every chance offered him being difficult. In the fourth inning Sexton distinguished himself when he stopped Dunn's apparently safe ground- er over second base and recovered In time to throw out the runner. Thc fielding of Tilley was also a feature of the game, three flies being gathered In by him in fine style. Bchel's three-base bit in the sixth inning aided materially in winning the game. "Old Reliable'' Dunn was on band as usual with a basket when it was needed, while his first base play was up to his usually good standard of excellence. The pitching of Porter was excellent, and eight times the visitors failed to find tbe ball at all. Big- null's work behind the bat was hardly up to his usual standard, and bis passed ball in the second inning gave the St. Pauls both their runs. For the visitors Barnes, Dunn and Dealey bore off the honors in the field. The score is as follow-: MILWAUKEE. It P PO A B Sexton, 2b 0 0 2 '\u25a0', 0 Bogan, rf 0 0 1 0 1 Behel, If 115 0 0 Griffin, lb 12 8 0 0 Morrisscy, 3b 0 0 I 2 1 Moynahan, ss 10 0 2 1 Patch, cf 0 10 0 0 Porter, p 0 0 '.1 4 0 Bignall, c 0 0 1 11 2 Totals 3 4 27 22 5 ST. FAVI. It 15 PO A E Carroll, rf 0 0 1 0 1 Barnes, cf 0 13 0 0 Hengle, 2b 0 0 4 10 O'Brien, 3b 0 1 1 2 0 Dealey, c 0 0 4 2 1 Dunn, lb 117 0 0 Tilley, If 1 0 3 0 0 Werrick, ss 0 0 0 2 1 Galvin, p 0 0 10 4 Totals 2 3 24 7 7 SI QBE BY INMNOS. Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 *— St. Paul 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2; Earned ran Milwaukee- 1. Two base hit Barnes. Three base hit— Behel. Total bases on clear hits Milwaukee 6, St. Paul 4. Left on base? Milwaukee 4, St. Paul 4. Reached base on called balls Ilogan 1. Griffin 1, Moynahan 2. Struck out Carroll 2. Hengle 1. Dealey 2, Til- ley 1, Galvin 2. Total, 8. Strikes called— Porter 17, off Galvia 8. Balls railed Porter 40, on Galvin 73. Passed balls Bignall2. Time of game One hour and fifty minutes. Umpire Foley, of St. Paul. Yesterday's Haute. lKDiAXAroi.is, Ind.. Sept. 7. The Indianapolis and Brooklyn clubs played an exhibition game here to-day in the presence of 3,000 people. The batting was bard and the fielding careless. The Score i- a- follows: Indianapolis 0 0 1*C0 0 12 0 I Brooklyn, 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 ,1 0—7 Earned run Brooklyn, 1. Columbus, <)., Sept. 7.— Tie- Alleghenies de- feated the Columbus club to-day by the follow- ing score : Columbus 0 0 10 0 10 0 1—3 Allegheny 11100810 *— 7 Puns earned Columbus 2, Allegheny 2. Louisvir.i.E, Ky., Sept. 7. The Louisvilles de- feated the Baltimore* to-day. Sullivan's bands were hurt, and he had to quit the game in the sixth inning. Following is the score: Louisville, 0 0 0 0 0 110 * 2 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Puns earned Louisville 1, Baltimore 1. At St. Louis St. Louis Athletics 2. Horse vs. Bicue.lt:. St. Louis. Ho., Sept. 7. An eight day contest between Xille Armaindo and W. .1. Morgan on bicycles, and Charles Mandersou with seven running horses, began at the Union Base Ball park this afternoon. They are to ride from 4 to 4 o'clock p. m. each day, the winner to receive three-quarters and the loser one-quarter of the gate money. The aqpre at 11 o'clock to-night was: Morgan, 57 miles; Armaindo, 49 miles 2 laps; total. 106 miles 2 laps; Anderson 110 miles. Anderson was thrown from one of his horses, somewhat stunned and consider- ably bruised, but notwithstanding this be made the first 100 miles in six hours and twenty minutes, the fastest on record. Mor- gon was also thrown from bis bicycle, and one side was a good deal bruised, but he continued riding. Nearly 4,000 people vis- ited the park during the contest J The Kansas City Walk. Kansas Citt, Mo., Sept. 7.— The six day walk at Viceroy park closed to-night. O'Leary won, making 513 miles, •'» laps. Miller and Waters combined scored 507 miles, 4 laps: divided. Miller 2G0 and 7 lags, Waters 246 and 7 laps. "I Have Suffered!" With every disease imaginable for the last three year*. Our Druggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending "Hop Bitters'' to me, I used two bottles ! Am entirely cured, and heartily recom- mend Hop Bitters to every one. J. D. Walker, Buekner, Mo. I write this as a Token of the great appreciation I have of your Hop * * * Bitters. I was afflicted With (nflamstory rheumatism '. : : For nearly Seven years, and no medicine seemed to do me any Good hi ! Until I tried two bottles of your hop Bit- ters, and to my surprise I am as well to-day as ever I was. I hope "You may have abundant success" "In this great and" Valuable medicine. Anyone! ** wishing to know more about my cure? l - ' Can learn by addressing me, E. M. Williams, 1108 lf.th street, Washington, D - c - 1 consider your Remedy the best remedy in existence For Indigestion, kidney Complaint "And nervous debility. I have just" Returned "From the south in fruitless search for health, and find that your Bitters ere doing me more Good! Than anything else; A month ago I was extremely "Emaciated!!!" " ..y And ' scarcely able to walk. Now I am Gaining strength! and "Flesh!" And hardly a day passes hut what I am * * ***.**\u2666» complimented on my improved appearance, and it is all due to Hop Bitters'. J. Wiekliffe Jackson, Wilmington, ZM. f^~Xone genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white, lable. Shun all the vile, poi- sonous stuff with "IIop"or'Uops" in their name. PASSENGER RATES. A General Manager Gives the "Globe" ' Some of the Reasons for Demoralization. The Sy item of Paying for Advertising With 1,000-31 lie Tickets Pernicious. I Special Telegram to the Globe. | Chicago, Sept. 7. Passenger rates be- tween Chicago and Council Blhffs have been unsettled for tome time and scalpers are now selling tickets at leas than one-half the regular far . Ii Is said that a traffic mana- . ger of a Council Bluffs line remarked Friday that if rates did not firm up before i to-day an open cut would be declared. Pas- senger rah to Kansas City, St.. Paul and the I east are in about the same condition. Bo general Is the demoralization that railway ! circles are exceedingly alarmed and man- i agers arc nervously awaiting an outbreak j which Is liable to occur at any time. A well- known serai manager to-day Imparted to a Globe reporter rather startling Informa- tion outlining the facta thai he believes tobe at the bottom erf the passenger rate trouble, "Railroad managers," said be, "have for some time been at a loss to know why pas- senger rate agreements are not carried out. Compacts of the strongest kind will be signed and penalties without number will be pro- scribed for the violators, but yet rates cannot ' be maintained. Wo have wondered why such should be the condition of things, sad lately I have been devoting cvtry effort to , discover the cause. Recently, you remem- ber, one of the trunk Uses was i alleged to have paid for advertising with; an enormous quanity of 1,000-mllc tickets, which were made transferable and good un- til used. These were said to have . been | sold by the man who did the advertising to j scalpers at a low figure, and they, in turn, offered them at a rate materially lower than tariff. This gave me an idea and I set on foot a rigid investigation, but I found that the practice was carried to an extent that was simply appalling. So many roads have been in the habit of doing this and seapling shops are so stocked with these tickets that there is .not a passenger agent in Chicago to-day who can make his own rate to any competitive point. The former has been taken out of their .-.. Is entirely, and the scalpers control the rate taking privilege. To such magnitude has this pernicious practice grown that pas- senger agreements arc practically a dead let- ter, and I have become convinced that this is the prime cause of the present extensive de- moralization. The system is certainly the most absurd I ever heard of, and why it has been allowed to grow to such proportions is more than I can tell. An advertising solicitor asks $50 cash for an advertisement. The advertising agent of a road where the mileage ticket sys- tem is in vogue offers instead of the cash from seven to fifteen mileage books contain- ing 1,000 miles of coupons. The average is about ten books for a $50 advertisement. These at 2J^C per mile would be worth 825 each, or $250 for the ten. The solicitor will sell the book's to scalpers for about $12 apiece, and they will sell to the public for *ls or $20 what the railroad asks $25 for. * To make everything straight on the company's books $250 worth of advertising will be charged up and in the other columns will be entered $250 worth of 1000-mile tickets. Both arc ; fictitious, the company makes no money by the transaction a;."l the tickets go on the market to demoralize rates and Indirectly sacrifice hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of revenue. "It was this practice which disrupted the Council Bluff's passenger pool and which has led to a threatened war between that point and Chicago. One road stocked the market j with milage tickets to pay for advertising and rates could not be maintained. Scalping offices, in Chicago, Rock bland, ' Council Bluffs, Omaha and other Intense diate points were literally flooded with these tickets, which brokers were selling at a little over one-half the regular rate. The brokers were ticketing all the business. One other line essayed to counteract the effort by issu- ing a specie] class of triplicates, with which they paid for their advertising, but the-,- were so sick of it that they gathered their tickets in as fast as they could. Nothing could be done to compete with the free mileage tickets and the pool dissolved. The above named road is still paying its advertising bills in tie same way and the scalpers are making the rates between Chicago and Council Bluffs, and this has not only effected through rates but local as well. A passenger wishing to go to Rock Island i- sold a mileage ticket and a broker at that point takes it. By this means he has saved $1 or more on a , ticket to Rock Island. IP- does it by buying an advertising mileage ticket of scalper. Brokers are growing rich because this practice, while the railroads are sacrific- ing revenue every day which properly be- longs to them. A fair sample of what the mileage tickets are doing is found in Dea Moines. Two years ago there were but two brokers in that place. Now there are six and all them making money. The regular rate to Des Moines is $10.45. By purchasing a mileage ticket of a scalper the journey will cost from $6 to $6.50. The brokers at Chi- cago and i<- - Moines are making a fortune out of it. while the railroads are losing the business. If the railroad issuing the tickets was realizing a profit in the deal it would not be so objectionable, but the tickets are counted for just one-fifth their actual value when given in for advertising. This makes the practice absolutely without reason and why a general agent can be so foolish is too deep for me to fathom. "Aside from the actual loss to the roads, providing the business is conducted squarely, another feature is presented. The tempta- tion to the employe's who make the contract aud deliver the tickets is too great for most men to resist. The opportunities to make an over issue, to receive commissions for 'crooked' work, and in other ways beat the company, are practically submitted. The very nature of the practice necessitates great looseness in the matter of checking the mile- age ticket account-, and no road which adopts this system of paying for its advertis- ing pretends to watch the transactions care- fully. The conductors are instructed to ask no questions when the tickets are presented, and as a consequence no suspicious looking mileage tickets are reported to headquarters. There seems to be a sort of tacit understanding that any apparent irregularity must be winked at, so the employes directly connected with the transaction have full latitude to all that a dis- honest nature would suggest. There is no doubt that lots of spurious tickets are on the market, and the laxness in the orders regard- ing this class of tickets prevents their dis- covery. Some of the roads have system and are trying to put a stop to it. So long as the system remains in vogue, it will be simply- impossible to maintain passenger rates to any point, no matter how many agreements , are signed. We have got to root out this i evil practice or give up all hope of making | any money in the. passenger department of . the railroads." •-;,. -.•b -' Colored Republicans. New York, Sept, C.*—Anumber of repre- ; sentative colored men met at thc Fifth Ave- | nue hotel to-night in response to an invita- i tion issued by Col. William Mnnell. The | session was private, Rev. W. B. Derrick, of this city, presided. The principal subjects discussed -were threats made by United States Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, against \u25a0 the colored race, and a plan for following j the colored Democratic speakers in Ohio j with colored Republicans. GONE UP IN SMOKE.'' The Fire Fiend Takes Possession of Ten Acres of Cleve- land, 0. Property to the Value of T,wo Millions of Dollars Destroyed- The Cause Shrouded in Mystery. But as Usual Haiti to be Incendiarism. Cleveland, O., Sept. 7. A great confla- gration Is raging OB the flats. The entire fire department is In service, and telegrams were rent to Akron, Youngstown, Paines- villc. Erie, Sandusky and Toledo for assist- ance. The origin of the tire is unknown. Incendiarism is expected by some, hut the most probable theory Is that sparks from a tag set fire early in the evening to a pile of shavings, from which the flames spread un- til Wood's Perry &' (Jo's, extensive lumber yard was ablaze. The fire continued to ex- tend, defying all efforts of the firemen. The lumber yards of Potter. Bird sail A: Co., and C. G. King & Co. were also consumed, and the Variety Iron works were des- troyed. Stanley's caudle factory was burned, and a part of Sberwin,Arlliums & Go's, varnish works. and at 10 o'clock the conflagration threatens to become still more extensive. About ten acres of lumber and frame buildings were aflame at one time, and huge clouds of smoke, thickly studded with blazing cinders, were blown by the changing wind for miles, causing intense excitement, lest the myriads of sparks should kindle fires in every direc- tion, and perhaps lay waste a large part of the city. An alarm was turned in at C:50 o'clock by the night watchman, Joe Simmons, and his story throws no light on the cause of the fire. Said he, '"I had just completed my rounds and arrived at the mill. I went, as usual, all over the ground, on both sides of Carter street, and along the river. ami made sure there was no fire or anything else wrong in the yard. I went through the mill, and after that was going to set down outside the door when I saw a bright flame shoot up in the air right in the middle of the lumber piles between our yard and Mr. King's. It was in our No. 1 alley, and the moment I opened the door I ran for box 13, under the New York. Pennsylvania »t Ohio bridge, on Car- ter street. Then I came back and the en- gines were herein a few minutes." At 7:30 fire was confined to an area of 200 feet square, Sad in the midst of this the flames were savagely burning and sending out a myriad of sparks and lignt pine torches. Slowly the fire gained on the fire- men, the sparks being carried over their heads by the wind, which had began to rise. Itwould set fire to a small spot in the center of a pile of lumber, and because of its height and the fierceness of the flames, nothing could be done until the flames reached the end of the pile, when a stream would be di- rected that way. The lanes or alleys were so narrow that it was impossible to getts stream to play on any but the edges of the different sections of the lumber. The spot where the lire started was built up of green lumber, and put in from Michigan pine woods, and thought it would not be ex- pected to burn well, the beat was so intense that the element continued . beyond the power of the department to control. By 8 o'clock it was in alleys three and four, and as the area of burning wood be- came larger the men were forced to spread out and had less effect over the work that could be done. At this time some of the firemen were in the alleys completely sur- rounded by fire, and to keep from burning the stream of water was directed against them. Nearly every man was thus wet down, ami only thus could they secure comfort. At 8:30 o'clock Carter street became im- passable. The heat prevented any one from going by the building, and only in some places could the firemen stand. The owners of the Variety Iron works had been on the roof of their large brick building for half an hour past, throwing water and guarding it in the hope that the fire might be kept within I bounds and they escape without loss. They succeeded in putting out the flames in sev- eral places, which had caught from sparks. Until thc region of their building became red hot they were successful, but at 6 o'clock thc lumber in the yards of C. (J. I King caught from the east end of Woods, Perry & Co's. yard, and soon the 4,000,000 I feet in that yard was in a blaze. The heat j along the side of the central way soon be- came too intense for contort, and despite the brisk west wind which had sprung up the flames crept up in the south- erly direction and very quickly reached the strceL The Variety Iron works now caught on the roof, and these flames were subdued after a short tight. At the same time the wooden building, a good sized shed belonging to Wood, Perry & Co., west of this, had also caught on the front side, from the heat of the burning lumber just opposite, and attention was directed to that. Then the firemen were called back to the Iron works building, and at 9 o'clock both of these buildings were burning and the fire was under such headway that the engines which could be kept in the streets were unable to cope with It. Much cause of delay was found in the water. It was dirty and the engines would get clogged. In this manner oue of the engines which had been throwing a stream on the southwest sidt of the yard, near the railroad, was forced to suspend work for repairs. .At '.-• o'clock the shops and buildings from Scranton avenue to the Wood, Perry & Co. planing mill, on Carter street, was on fire, aud it looked a , though nothing could save | them. The tiny spark was fanned in a < minute into a leaping flame and undid years jof toil, care and capital judiciously applied. ! The Are started in the midst of tbe lumber, and on all sides there was plenty of the same ] dry fuel. The center of the flames, boiiing like a witches' cauldron, leaped yards through ' the air and clasping irw eager arms every- ; thing that came in their reach, shouted, hissed and reveled while high piles of lum- ber, strong houses and thick walls of brick - were crushed and crumbled into ashes. The j flames shot a hundred feet Into the air, and myriads of sparks as large as a bushel basket j hovered and floated amid the glare and ; smoke. The awful glare penetrated to the furthermost parts of the city and the community turned out almost en masse to witness the awful : spectacle. They -collected on housetops, clogged the thoroughfares leading to the flats, and covered the brows of the "hills like swarming bees. In the very heart of the conflagration were the men whose property was burning up, the toiling firemen, police- men and a large crowd of adventurous loaf- ers. All but tbe latter fought the fire with courage and termination, but the immense furnace roared and hissed complaccntyl, mocking them, and reached out gradually and surely sucking into its vertex everything possible to reach. The sparks puffed up like chaff from a fanning machine, and fell like a shower of rain. Some were hot sparks, but great brands. The terrible heat bearing them slowly up like by bellows, tbe wind carrying them miles away. .*•"\u25a0."••' At 1:30, when the fire was approaching I the occupants of Potter, Birdsall & Co.'s : office, it was decided to move out. John McBride and his wife lived in the upper i rooms, and Mr. McBride has been so ill that I he was unable to more. The police officers and other willing hands carried him outside and he was removed across the railroad to a place of safety. A large safe in Wood, Perry & Wo.'s office was rolled out by twenty ; men with many - crow bars, and that i heavy piece of furniture was soon rolled up jthe sidewalk to tbe bridge. The office of the i Cleveland board of lumber dealers, between '. Wood, Perry & Co.'s and Potter & Birdsall, '\u25a0 was likewise cleaned out. and by the time 1 tbe flames reached these offices there was ; nothing of value in them to burn, and the structures themselves were reduced to ashes in an incredibly short space of time. The aggregate loss is estimated from two millions to two millions and a half. It is impossible to giver individual figures to- I night. Wood, Perry & Co. had no insur- j ance, their policies lately run out. King & Co. had $20,000, and Potter, Birdsall & Co. <] $57,000 Insurance. . J At 1 o'clock the fire seems practically un- der control. Relief engines arrived from Akron and Erie. Others are expected. The entire militia of the city were ordered to be in readiness if necessary to do police duty, £ but have not yet been ordered out. No se- rious accidents arc yet reported. Woods, Perry & Co. lose a quarter of a million. House & Davidson lose $50,000, both their planing mills being destroyed. Hubbell & Westover's lumber . yard Is going; loss, $40,000; King & Company's lumber yard destroyed, loss $10,000. The Variety Iron works, loss was not ascertained. Loss on Stanley's' candle factory about . $10,000.: Howell's Coal company sheds were burned, loss not given. About fifty freight cars belonging to different roads, which were standing in Woods, Perry & Co.'s yard were burned. Eynon ' & Son's machine shop was destroyed, loss $.'),0Q0. The New York .Pennsylvania ' & Oulo freight house was saved. The fire extended along the river from Scranton avenue to the Bee line tracks and back to the bonded warehouse. Everything within that district was consumed. At 1 o'clock it has crossed the Bee line track and is eating up the lumber yards of Hubbell <fc Westover and Caywood & Hutchinsons. t Passenger Rate War. , [Special Telegram to the Globe. | Chicago, Sept. 7. There are indications in the air that all the eastern trunk lines are ] cutting passenger rates in some way or other, , but the prevailing rate has not as yet dropped below $16. Two or three are cutting over their counters, while others are meeting the i rate through scalpers and by liberal com mis- I sions to agents. The strife thus far has been of a conservative character, each line ap- parently being desirous of merely retaining ( its own patronage, without reaching out . aggressively for that of its competitors It is believed that by Monday it will be de- I termincd whether rates will be dropped to a very low basis or the whole matter ajdustcd. The trunk line presidents are now in session in New York and it is not improbable that they may agree to restore rates. No advices, however, have been received tending toward an amicable stttlcment of the troubles. I Assurances were vouchsafed yesterday that the present guerilla warfare would not be continued after Tuesday. If the conference of presidents should be without favorable re- sults, decisive action will be taken to bring matters to a focus without further delay. I A general passenger agent remarked yester- : day that he was greatly surprised that open war had not been declared during the *eek, and he confidently expected it early this week. His line was not in position to as- sume an aggressive attitude, being content to follow in the wake of the older lines. The only hope of averting a gigantic struggle was in the meeting of presidents now in session, and should that prove futile, nothing could , avert most disastrous complications. Plenary Council Called. Baltimore, Sept. 7. A pastoral letter from Arch-Bishop Gibbons was read in all I the Catholic churches of the arch-diocese to- day, relating to the assembly of the plenary council In November. The pastoral states our Holy Father Leo XIII out of his paternal ' solicitude for the welfare of all the faithful I committed to his care, has described all the bishops of the United States to assemble in plenary council to consider the best means for promoting the salvation of souls in this part of the Lord's vlneyord, and because of the firm health of his Reverence, the cardi- nal arch-bishop of New York, who was so welt qualified to preside, not only on ac- count of his high office, but also his mature wisdom and weight of merits. His Holiness was pleased to appoint us to con- vene by bis apostolic authority bird plenary council at Baltimore, and pre- ide over the same as an apostolic dele gate. We therefore, dearly beloved brethren and children, now make known to you that, in witness of this authority, we have by our let- ters of the date of March 27, of this year, convoked a third plenery council to convene in our Metropolitan church, at Baltimore, on the 9th of November, of this year of our Lord, 1SS4. Eighteen years have now elapsed since the last plenary council was held, and we have reason to be devoutly thankful to God for the steady progaess which religion has made in the United States since that period. It cannot fail to be a source of consolidation and benefit to the chief pastors church. A Scoffer's Text. Cassadaga, V. Y., Sept. 6. The national convention of the Free Thinkers to-day lis- tened to addresses by Ex-Rev. Samuel Put- nam. President Brown, Mrs. Clara Watson, Mrs. Hannah Stearns, of Colorado. E. Bil- lines, of Iowa, and Ex-Rev. J. H. Burnham, of Michigan. The last named preached from the text, "Blessed are the pure in liver, for of such is the kingdom of man." CENTURY LITEEAEV NOTES. The Century Co., have in hand for imme- diate publication a new book of stories, rhymes, and pictures for little folks, to be called "Baby World." It has been edited by Mary Mapes Dodge, and, like "Baby Days," of which 20,000 copies were sold, will consist i of selections from St. Nicholas Magazine, es- ' pecially adapted to the very little ones. "Baby World" will be larger and finer than "Baby Days," and the editor and publishers intend it to be the most beautiful children's book- that has yet been made. The Rev. Newman Smyth will tribute an article to the forthcoming century on '•The Late Dr. Dornerand of the New Theol- ogy." It will give a sketch of his life and of his theological method, ana will contain some persona] reminiscences by the writer. "EmileLIttre," the celebrated French lexi- cographer, will be the subject of a biograph- ical spetch in the September Century. A full-page portrait accompanies the article. Minnesota Patents. The following patents were granted to citi- j zens of Minnesota, bearing date Aug. 26, \ Reported expressly for this paper by Louis , Bagger & Co., Mechanical Experts and Solici- tors of Patents, Washington, D. C. Cole Lewis, Minneapolis, necktie and col- lar fastener 303.9S5. Porter, J. F., Red Wing, evaporating- pan 304.027. ——-— .^ \u25a0MggMggHmnaMpna i \u25a0 IN b ! «— \u25a0\u25a0IIW.. I .J»«..J .\u25a0. -JKil-JLI.—I il WONDERFUL 'W^T//' I 1 WONDERFUL VVUi(\ § CURES OF iB '^1 I ; I KIDNEY DISEASES 0) \ AND S* \ ! LIVER COMPLAINTS, o \ Swages it art* on the LIV EC, BOWELS and I KIDXEIS at the game funs. 1 Because It cleanses the system of the poison- I cms humors that develops in K.daoy and Uri- 3 nary Diseases, Tiriniiiii— . Jaundice, Consttpa- I IS—i Piles, or in <\u25a0—, K euralgia, Her- I vous Disorders and ail Female Complaints, tFHOUD PROOF OF THIS. I IT WILL SCSELT CUXLZ CONSTIPATION, PILES, : ->_£_. and RHEUMATISM, 1 By causing TBXS ACTUS? of all too organs 9 and functions, thereby CLEANSING the BLOOD i restoring the normal power to throw off disease. I THOUSANDS OF CASES H of the worst farms of these terrible diseases fl have been Quickly relieved, and in a short M— f PERFECTLY CURED. 1 rSICE, ft. LIQCTn ob bit, sold r.v druggists, 8 Dry con be sent by mail. I ' U'KliT.q, AtlCTTAftDSOar ft Co., Burlington, Tt. H 3 Scad ituipfor Diary Algmiarfor US4. I mmmEaaaammaamm waam mammk •» f^^r^P^VRRP^^VrBCSjHBv^yB^svssm . n asss—saacaeBBBsawiini.,. boh— GEORGE W. GETTY, BOAT BUILDER. . i«|I FOR SALS. * WHITE BEJlS. - ' .' - - - MINN \u25a0 saaMkatw I COURT HOUSE BIDS. t n "M i County Acditou's Office, 1 Ramsey Couxty, Minn.. >• St. Paul, August 22d, 1884. | Notice is hereby given and advertisement hereby made, for proposals, or bids for all that lart of the work and of the material for the Building and Construction OF THE GITYHALL&GOURTHOUSE Located on Court House Square, (the same being Mock twenty (SO) of Saint Paul Proper,) in the *ity of Saint Pan!, Ramsey county, Minnesota, Screin»fter stated, that is to say : all the work ind all the materials for the excavation, masonry md iron work, in the building, erection and con- struction of said City Hall and Court House, Op To and Including the Wa- ter fable, According to the plans and specifications on file in the office of K. P, Bussford, Architect, at Hoom 28, in Gilfillan I lock, at the corner of Fourth and Jackson streets, in said city of Sain' Paul, and all of said work to be . . ,., FULLY COMPLETED A3D FINISHED On, or before the 1st day ofSeptember A.D. 1885. Such proposals or bids -willbe received at th« Office of the County Auditor, for said Ramsej county, in said city of Saint Paul, until 4 O'Clock, P.M., \u25a0 OS Mr 22, A. D. 1884 All bids to be addressed to the Chairman of the Court House and City Hall Special Commission- ers. The right is hereby reserved to reject all bids of Incompetent or irresponsible persons, and all such bids as may be unreasonable. No bid will be received or considered unless accompanied by the bond of the bidder, or bid- ders with satisfactory sureties in the penal sun: of ten thousand (S10.OO0) dollars, conditioned, that if the bid shall be accepted aud the contract awarded to the bidder or bidders, he, or they, will enter Into and execute such contract or by a deposit with the commissioners of a check for : the sum of five thousand (So, WW) dollars on some bank in the city of Saint Paul, duly certified as security in lieu of such bond. No bid will be accepted unless the bidder or bidders will enter into such bond and give such security for the performance of hi* or their con- tract, as may be required by the Commissioners, and approved by a three-fourths vote of the County Commissioners and Common Council of the city of Saint Paul, of the members elect in joint session. By order of the Court House and City Hall Special Commissioners, J. J. McCABDY, ~35td County Auditor. CONTRACT WORK! -(Mag Temperance Street. OFFICE OF THE BOABU OF PUBLIC WoitKS. 1 City or St. Pall, Minn.. Sept. 1, 1884. f Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said city until 12 in. ou the 15th day of September, A. D. 1884, tut the grading of Temperance street, from Tenth (10th) street to Thirteenth (With) street, in said city, according to plans and specifi- cations on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a sum of at least twenty (i.)) per cent, of the gross amount bid. must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN F. HOYT, President pro tern. Official: R.L. GOBSCAJE, Clerk Board of Public Works}, v, 210-2515 MAMATO ADTOTBEaim MACIIIXERY. Mali liteii li, FOUNDRY &m SHOP. MANUFACTURE Steam Engines, Haw Mill* rrntl JffiU Xvchin+ry, Iroti «C Brass I anting* AND ALL KINDS OF HEP AT MANKATO, - - MINN 245* SHONE. W. B. CKAIGE & CO. Empire Lite Mi Stone, Be Best BaiMiD£ Stone, TIis Best Bridge S'one. Be MfurliM Stone in tig West ! Will stand 7,000 lbs. pressure to the inch. ' MANKATO, MINN. DPI" ETC. MOORE, PIPER & CO., WHOLESALE DbDBBISIS & JOBBERS in Paints, Oils, etc. We ship Carbon oil and Gasoline from the fallowing stations: Winnebago City, Tracy, Minn. : Watertown, Volga, 1). T. We solicit the trade of dealers only. 245tf LIXsEED OIL. Mi Linseed Oil MANUFACTORY- Limed Oil and <Vk« by tin Old Process chord cjh for mm, Constantly on Hand. ''. r M.]i. Jliglittt Prices Paid for Flax Seed. MANKATO, . \u25a0 MINN. P. H c^rjstyv - WHOLESALE WISES, LIBORs & cigars, Jactsca street. bet. Front ami second, 184* MAXKATO, MINX. LOANS. ETC. .-..':: GEO. A. CLARKE, Heal Estate, Loan & mm Broker Office under Citizens-" National Bank. jO r.t.'.N'KATO. MINX. " BUILDING CONTRACTORS. O. R. MATHER, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Manufacturer of Red and Cream Brick, and dealer n allkinds ofManltato Stone. Quarry and Work* Nort Front street. i MAXKATO. MINN « FEST YOPR BAKING POWDER TMAT! . Brands advertised as absolutely pure . CONTAIW AMMONIA. THE TEST: i*^ Place a can top down on a hot stove untilheated, then ••move the cover and smell. . A chemist will not be re- ulred to detect the presence of ammonia. an \u25a0j*"dL_i-J^'*u.! **'a DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. « TS HKALTUFl HiS NEVER BEES QLKSTIOSED. In a million homes for a quarter of a century Ithas itood the consumers' reliable test, . THE TEST_OF_THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING PONDER CO., \u25a0 MAKERS OF \u25a0 ] "Dr. Price's Special Flayoring Extracts, : The ilnii;«l,aiiit itflleluus milnttnral AlterluM>wa,ar.d Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gam. For Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop Yeast in the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CKICACO. - ST. LOUIS. CATABH H MR : P^l^LY'S*^^^ Ie a type of catarrh ! l?rTPril«l Rs\USS3 having peep liar syrup : lfpj^^"^0\lra tom8 ' It is attended m PrtcJM^SfRES. IN bT an Inflamed con- MzT$&7#H t0 HFAnS dit!on « f the lining 3?!©^- °*0,jft.$ 7*"* membrane of the fHAVFEVERi?ig nostrils, tear-ducts NTrtHMfciw* &Mi and throat ' affecting B*W. &*obM§i tlle ' an C - An acrid jtff / *§c,bap3 mucus '8 secreted, Bf^^^v' f.rjS^-'ffijL ine discharge is ac- S^?v-*3, «'® X ,^M I ,arlied with a ByyHfii^^j^/O^I burning sensation. BIlSwWSvO^X^*^'* There are severe SSsMy^V^^ U.SA. 1 spasms of sneezing, *-*W-FJ£VE^ frequent attacks of +m <^T " KB. VS.K headache, watery and inflamed eyes. ' ', C&E.Oi Bat.m Is a remedy founded on a correct diagnosis of this disease and can be depended upon. 50c at druggists, 60c by mail. Sample bottles by mail 10c. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, X. Y. -yS^&mk This BELT or Regener y^^^i^firjBP^^ tor la made expressly for fa^fir* c v«V« the cureof derangements W' 'Z/tfc'CHEEVtjvJ \ ot the generative organs. ttillitt R\C)BEltJ There is no mistake about wCTV / FOR |\\j^? this instrument, the con- . \£p~ as ">^ tinuotis stream of ELEC- Ib^lsV^^JW^ JTRICITY permeating flqr?s\l^i^L»lllY thr0T1 S h the parts mast iVlrNW^nNI ! restore them to healthy JVIL.IV •***]&* UHLl action. Bo not confound his with Electric Belts advertised to cure all ills rom head to toe. It is for the ONE specific pur- ose. For circulars giving full information, ad- ress Cheever Electric Belt Co., 103 Washington street, Chicago, Gentle Women Who -want glossy, luxuriant and wary tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIllON. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast, keeps it from tailing out, arrests and cures gray- ness, remoTes dandruff and itching,. makes the Hair strong, giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Bean* tifnl, healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. *Sl1_ -J^ Will pnrifrthe LOO 33, rem- ml« late LlVtK aud KIUSEVK, *M~ ..JH an " Kf-STOiuc the HEALTH \^S»iA and VIGOR of YOUTH. Dys- pepsla. Want ofAppetite, In- >»?Vj'--! **>K dljrestlon, I,ack of Strength, anUTlreilFcclIiiKabsolu'lfly cured. Bonos, muscles and nerves receive new force. "^•aaat Enlivens the mind and \u25a0 A SS a SB Sa „8"Pi>Hes Brain Power. fiflll 8 £3 Suffering from complaints M4VIfii %*9 peculiarto their sex will find in SB. KARTiafS IKONTONIC a safe and speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeiting: only add to the popularity of the original. Do not ex- periment—get the Original and Best. HARTES'S ChlyAhti.Coh5tjpatich . inTcnnia i o H the world. Lit El it mILLOCripe,Sidken or Leave m \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0j*.» aa Mwggsg Bowels Constipated. Persons sufferingf rom TORPIDITY; of the LIVER cr In activity of the Bowels, will find a permanent CURE bytbfl nse of these Pills. No r=©d'clce eboald be taken without first Olainslng the (itnraneh and Bowels witha dose of BARTER'S LIVERPILLS, Sample dose Sent Free on application by postal. (Send your addresatoTheDr. HarterMed.Co.'V Rt.Loois, >lo..for oar "DREAM BOOK." B Fnllef rti«waad uf*"fnl infonn»"'>a. free. W 'Jm'ia/BW^FVt* : *rir Thc reputation ;J|\ [»»%. 'S-«S".ss |flj4#" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 8 Skill V St "™arh Bitter- Ig V CELEBRATED T* **^ as a preventive of ' .' -^ ' ."'. ieirfC -epidemics, astoin- achic, an tevfgor- fe^k 6TOIV1 ACH A r_ more than twenty \u25a06*5^M^gr^gSi f&r^?h years experience. E^gy B si >P_ W9^^ and can no more * I ftSJ •* he shaken by -the claptrap nostrums of unscientific pretenders, than the everlasting hills by the wind* that rustle through their defiles. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally TERRA COTTA, EDacHDRicn, E. A. BoA-arntATr, I). M. Bap.cock. Prea. Treos. Sec. * Man. Blr. THE MINNESOTA Terra ColLnterCfl. FACTORY IT POST'S SLDI..6, Office— 363 Jackson Street. Absolutely Fire Proof. Uon-Condnctor of heat, cold and sound. Adapted to all departments of interior architecture. Cost of material with- in reach of all intending to build, SAMPLES AT EITHER OFFICE. Minneapolis Agents: .LEEDS & DARLING. Room 26 Syndicate block. I


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Page 1: YfifU THE DIAMOND FIELD. GONE UP IN SMOKE.'' TMAT!€¦ · PAUL DAILY GLOBE. MONDAY SEPTEMBER YfifU 5 THE DIAMOND FIELD. l A The Northwestern League Winds "Up ... Buffalo I 2 —



The Northwestern League Winds "UpIts Career at Milwaukee.

National League and American AssociationRecords toDate.

4. Close Game Between St. Paul ami Mil-waukee Results' in Favor of the Latter.

1,Northwestern League. I <

The Northwestern league has at last j•cached that stage of dissolution at which it ;is proper to pronounce its funeral oration. jAs we write the telegraph brings tbe news \u25a0

that the resplendent organization whichopened its playing career in the base ball ,world a year ago last Ma; has passed Intohistory. All things earthly must cross thethreshold of the grave and become apart oftbe mysterious world beyond death's river,but an existence closed in the midst of youthand promise leaves behind a sadness which

lingers in the memory for many days. Thefate which has befallen the Northwesternleague has been foreshadowed for a monthpast, but the shock occasioned by the an-nouncement of the end will be felt none the*less by those int. rested in its success. Atthis juncture it will riot be out of place to

review this most remarkable geographiealcoin-

bination,andpoint out some of the reasonsfor its early demise. On the 27th of October,1884, representatives from eight cities

in Illinois, Indiana. Ohio and Michigan mi Iat Chicago and organized tbe Northwesternleague, the teams being those of Qulncy,Peoria, Springfield, Fort Wayne, Toledo,Saginaw, Bay City and Grand Rapids. Ev-ery club fulfilled its engagements during the

season of 1883, and although none of theassociations had much money in the treas-ury at its close, none of them were heavy.Snancial sufferers. In all of the cities pro-

fessional base ball was a new thing, the;rowds were large and the flow of currency.ibcral. sides this, the relative situationof the cities was such as to make travelingexpenses light The success of the league'sopening season caused other places to makeapplication for admission, and at themeeting held last January the association

admitted six new clubs to member-ship, dropped that of Springfield,that of Toledo withdrew, and retainedthose of Quincy, Peoria, Fort Wayne, Sagi-

' saw, Bay City and Grand Rapids, of the oldleague. The new clubs were Muskegon,Terra Haute, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Still-water and St. Paul. The reorganizedleague was therefore composed of twelvedubs, and tbe more sanguineof its friends predicted that it

wool 1 live and prosper, but thosewho made a close study of the situation con-fes6ed'that their hope was mingled with a .considerable degree of apprehension. Acasual glance at the map told them a story-of enormous expense in moving from placeto place, and it dawned upon them that thesupport must be extraordinarily good, else

the geography of the problem would forcethe league into bankruptcy. It is easy foreverybody to see now that, though therewere other causes militating against thefinancial success ofthe league, the dimen-sions of the audiences at the games and thetraveling ex] en of the team- were bo in-compatible that the result which followedwas one of the most natural in politicaleconomy. More enthusiastic support or lessdistance from place to place was necessary..As in every other business to spend moneyind receive none in return must produce

ultimate collapse. No other argu-ments an- needed to prove that the North-western league of 1884 could not live, hutthere are some which assisted in burning Itto an untimely grave. The mostconspicuous of these is the salaries paid play-ers. The boom in base ball all over thecountry In the early months of 1884 was thegreatest ever known in . tbehistory of the game, and themanagement of every team In the country,in attempts to secure the best players, paid,,>r agreed to pay, twice and thrice what theirservices were worth, and by the opening ofJuly all the teams of the Northwestern leaguewere loaded up with players receiving sums•entirely out of proportion to the labor per-formed. Then there are some towns in thecircuit whose population was divided on themethod of management of the team, the lo-cation of grounds, etc. The early disband-nient of the Peoria club was due to a quarrelbetween the Centra] railway people and othercitizens of the place. Another cause for thedemise of certain teams was the extrava-ganceof the management in ordinary ex-

uses. The most conspicuous example offailure through this cause was that of thesplendid Minneapolis team. Besides gettingseriously involved by making an April tripto SI. Louis, Cincinnati, Toledo and otherpoints, the manager of the team carried mostof the season from fourteen to seventeenmen, and on the league tours stopped withhis whole outfit at the best hotels.a Tie dissolution of the Northwestern fescue,however, should not deter St. Paul and Min-neapolis from seeking to cuter some associa-tion nextyear. The experience ofthis sea-son will be valuable to both, but the interestmanifested in the national sport in ttie twocities is sufficient to warrant arrangementsfor IS85, either with some existing organiza-tion or by the formation of a new one. Thereis plenty of encouragement for the future.St. Paul will disband because she can findnobody to play with and Minneapolis ceasedto exist because of inefficient management,neither being forced to the wall by the pub-lie. The chief argument to be used againstthe twin cities is their distance from otherprincipal cities, but they each have 100,000inhabitants and are but ten miles apart, andthe support given visiting nines will averagefar more than traveling expenses and teamsalaries. We wish it were possible for St.Paul, Minneapolis and Milwaukee to becomemembers of the American association, but itis probably not possible at present unlessseveral teams drop out. An ideal western

elation would be St. Paul, Minneapolis,Milwaukee, Chicago, Toledo, Detroit. Colum-bus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis,St. Louis, Kansas City.

National League.

The Providence team has played ball a fullmonth without losing a single game, themost remarkable record in the league for theseason. The team lias now such a lead thatnothing short of a collapse can prevent itfrom taking the pennant There is now onlyan average of twenty-two games tobe playedand no team outside that of Boston has ashadow of a chance of winning. Even theBoston team has hardly a fighting chance, asit is seven games behind the leader. Bostoncannot be prevented, however, from takingsecond place. Chicago, New York and Buf-falo are working for third position, the latternow holding i: and having a fair show of re-taining it. Chicago won four games in suc-cession of New York during the week. Phila-delphia has finallyworked up to even termswith Cleveland and will probably have theadvantage a week from to-day. The Detroitteam got its first two victories of the trip dur-ing the week. The summary is appended:' - - - - ~ v. ~ ~z o a

ills Sia « fii,§!iCLUBS =.= = IpjS'f % '|-.

\u25a0 I* \u25a0 '""ii i-*".p 2 i e i \u25a0: - ilBoston '—| 6 si 9:ili - 13l 7i 62*89Buffalo I 2 — 10 14 12 3 6' 2, SI -8Chicago j 8 6— j 8.11! - 6| S 45 91Cleveland I lis 8— 9' 3 6: J ;

SI 91I'eir. It j lj 4 5 7—1 0 4 0. si 91Sew V-.rk 81 8 4] » 71— 11 8 50 90

j.-lptils I 3 ( 2; 6 1 8 5 —| > 8191Providence j 9, 7 'J IjlJ 13 13- ! 69(


allies Lost « 37 16 70 40 60,2o!36oi—

Atnerican Association.The Metropolitan team is playing the stead-

iest game of any club in the league, and hasincreased its lead during the week. Colum-bus has lost three out of five games, and theprospects of the team seem not so good aslast week. Louisville retains third place, andthe next three teams arc pretty well bunched.The Virginia club has had a remarkableweek, adding materially to its winnings. Itis but five weeks to the end of the season,

mt the struggle for the pennant is still S.cry interesting one. The summary follows:

iV^b •*; rir 2 -; » jH < O O

£ Hi2 T- £ sr ' S. s ; - - >! 5 3§.g 5lill[I'|Is :- - - -z s — g • - • g < -s s . s \u25a0© , a-.£' = .-— Z -. — \u25a0 » S-3

s . is| s J ' : : offclubs. ::::: j?l: \u25a0;: : J: : ? |

: i: : : : : r

: |:Athletic ...— 7 « 1 4; 3' ji] ! 1 \u25a0' - 2 . 5 9 51 86Baltimore... I 3— 5 2 1 2 6 16 8] 3 4; 6 4.'i MBrooklyn.... 3 1 5 - j i 1 3 3 <• « 2 4; c SI t«lUuciniiatt... 2 4 4!—! SSI 4 0, 4! 7, n 52 s;Columbus... 3! 3 51 7j— S 51 3 61 II6 M STIndianapolis.! 3; 0 8 l! 114 3 3 4 25 S5Louisville...; 4! 4\ 41 5 5 9— 2 4! 9 9 , ">j 84Metropolitan] 7 8 9! 4 3 5 l'— '.' 1 4 8 61 BlPittsburg.... 2 16 11 'A *| 1 — Oj 9 5 S3 68St. Louis.. ..I 6 3 4 6 5 " 5 1 G.—! 5. 5 6.' S5Toledo j lj 2 2 3 ll CI lj 2 3 5

1 - 9 31 S6Virginia.. .. I I 1: 3 0 i; 2 11 2 9 1 1— 19 V3

Games lost . . JSSJISJSO 35 23 6'J 29 21 62*31 !.">5 64 510 —St. l'aul r.«. Milwaukee.

[Special Telegram to the Globe.

Milwaukee, Sept 7.—The Northwesternleague expired in a creditable manner thisafternoon, the closing game being one ofthe closest and most exciting games that baabeen played here. A peculiar feature of thegame was that each side made its runs all inone inning. The game was a contest be-tween the pitchers as far as the Dumber ofbase bits scored, but the battingwas in reality very fair, and offered a chanceforexcellent fielding on both sides. Hen-\u25a0I'ie as usual won the applause of the crowdby bis superb work at second, every chanceoffered him being difficult. In the fourthinning Sexton distinguished himself whenhe stopped Dunn's apparently safe ground-er over second base and recovered In timeto throw out the runner. Thc fielding ofTilley was also a feature of the game, threeflies being gathered In by him in fine style.Bchel's three-base bit in the sixth inningaided materially in winning the game. "OldReliable'' Dunn was on band as usualwith a basket when it was needed, while hisfirst base play was up to his usually goodstandard of excellence. The pitching ofPorter was excellent, and eight times thevisitors failed to find tbe ball at all. Big-null's work behind the bat was hardly up tohis usual standard, and bis passed ball inthe second inning gave the St. Pauls boththeir runs. For the visitors Barnes, Dunnand Dealey bore off the honors in the field.The score is as follow-:


Sexton, 2b 0 0 2 '\u25a0', 0Bogan, rf 0 0 1 0 1Behel, If 115 0 0Griffin, lb 12 8 0 0Morrisscy, 3b 0 0 I 2 1Moynahan, ss 10 0 2 1Patch, cf 0 10 0 0Porter, p 0 0 '.1 4 0Bignall, c 0 0 1 11 2

Totals 3 4 27 22 5ST. FAVI.

It 15 PO A ECarroll, rf 0 0 1 0 1Barnes, cf 0 13 0 0Hengle, 2b 0 0 4 10O'Brien, 3b 0 1 1 2 0Dealey, c 0 0 4 2 1Dunn, lb 117 0 0Tilley,If 1 0 3 0 0Werrick, ss 0 0 0 2 1Galvin, p 0 0 10 4

Totals 2 3 24 7 7SI QBE BY INMNOS.

Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 *—St. Paul 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2;

Earned ran—Milwaukee- 1.Two base hit— Barnes.Three base hit—Behel.Total bases on clear hits Milwaukee 6, St.

Paul 4.Left on base? —Milwaukee 4, St. Paul 4.Reached base on called balls —Ilogan 1. Griffin

1, Moynahan 2.Struck out Carroll 2. Hengle 1. Dealey 2, Til-

ley 1, Galvin 2. Total, 8.Strikes called— Porter 17, off Galvia 8.Balls railed — Porter 40, on Galvin 73.Passed balls Bignall2.Time of game —One hour and fifty minutes.Umpire—Foley, of St. Paul.

Yesterday's Haute.lKDiAXAroi.is,Ind.. Sept. 7. —The Indianapolis

and Brooklyn clubs played an exhibition gamehere to-day in the presence of 3,000 people.The batting was bard and the fielding careless.The Score i- a- follows:Indianapolis 0 0 1*C0 0 12 0 —IBrooklyn, 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 ,1 0—7

Earned run —Brooklyn, 1.Columbus, <)., Sept. 7.—Tie- Alleghenies de-

feated the Columbus club to-day by the follow-ing score :Columbus 0 0 10 0 10 0 1—3Allegheny 11100810 *—7

Puns earned —Columbus 2, Allegheny 2.Louisvir.i.E, Ky., Sept. 7. —The Louisvilles de-

feated the Baltimore* to-day. Sullivan's bandswere hurt, and he had to quit the game in thesixth inning. Following is the score:Louisville, 0 0 0 0 0 110 *—2Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 —

Puns earned —Louisville 1, Baltimore 1.At St. Louis —St. Louis Athletics 2.

Horse vs. Bicue.lt:.St. Louis. Ho., Sept. 7. —An eight day

contest between Xille Armaindo and W. .1.Morgan on bicycles, and Charles Mandersouwith seven running horses, began at theUnion Base Ball park this afternoon. Theyare to ride from 4 to 4 o'clock p. m. eachday, the winner to receive three-quartersand the loser one-quarter of the gate money.

The aqpre at 11 o'clock to-night was:Morgan, 57 miles; Armaindo, 49 miles 2laps; total. 106 miles 2 laps; Anderson 110miles. Anderson was thrown from one ofhis horses, somewhat stunned and consider-ably bruised, but notwithstanding this bemade the first 100 miles in six hours andtwenty minutes, the fastest on record. Mor-gon was also thrown from bis bicycle, andone side was a good deal bruised, but hecontinued riding. Nearly 4,000 people vis-ited the park during the contest J

The Kansas City Walk.Kansas Citt, Mo., Sept. 7.—The six day

walk at Viceroy park closed to-night.O'Leary won, making 513 miles, •'» laps.Miller and Waters combined scored 507miles, 4 laps: divided. Miller 2G0 and 7lags, Waters 246 and 7 laps.

"I Have Suffered!"With every disease imaginable for the last

three year*. OurDruggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending"Hop Bitters'' to me,Iused two bottles !Am entirely cured, and heartily recom-

mend Hop Bitters to every one. J. D.Walker, Buekner, Mo.

I write this as aToken of the great appreciation I have of

your Hop* * * Bitters. Iwas afflicted

With (nflamstory rheumatism '. : :For nearly

Seven years, and no medicine seemed todo me any

Good hi !Until I tried twobottles ofyour hop Bit-

ters, and to my surprise Iam as well to-dayas ever Iwas. Ihope

"You may have abundant success""In this great and"Valuable medicine.Anyone! * * wishing to know more

about my cure? l- 'Can learn by addressing me, E. M.Williams, 1108 lf.th street, Washington,

D- c -1consider your

Remedy the best remedy in existenceFor Indigestion, kidney —Complaint

"And nervous debility. Ihave just"Returned"From the south in fruitless search for

health, and find that your Bitters ere doingme more

Good!Than anything else;A month ago I was extremely"Emaciated!!!" " ..yAnd' scarcely able to walk. Now I amGaining strength! and"Flesh!"And hardly a day passes hut what I am

* * ***.**\u2666»complimented on my improved appearance,and it is all due to Hop

Bitters'. J. Wiekliffe Jackson,— Wilmington, ZM.f^~Xone genuine without a bunch of green

Hops on the white, lable. Shun all the vile, poi-sonous stuff with "IIop"or'Uops" in their name.


A General Manager Gives the "Globe" 'Some of the Reasons forDemoralization.

The Syitem of Paying for Advertising With1,000-31 lie Tickets Pernicious.

ISpecial Telegram to the Globe. |

Chicago, Sept. 7.—Passenger rates be-tween Chicago and Council Blhffs have beenunsettled for tome time and scalpers arenow selling tickets at leas than one-half theregular far . Ii Is said that a traffic mana- .ger of a Council Bluffs line remarked Fridaythat if rates did not firm up before ito-day an open cut would be declared. Pas-senger rah to Kansas City, St.. Paul and the Ieast are in about the same condition. Bogeneral Is the demoralization that railway !circles are exceedingly alarmed and man- i

agers arc nervously awaiting an outbreak jwhich Is liable to occur at any time. Awell-known serai manager to-day Imparted toa Globe reporter rather startling Informa-tion outlining the facta thai he believes tobeat the bottom erf the passenger rate trouble,

"Railroad managers," said be, "have forsome time been at a loss to know why pas-senger rate agreements are not carried out.Compacts of the strongest kind willbe signedand penalties without number will be pro-scribed for the violators, but yet rates cannot 'be maintained. Wo have wondered whysuch should be the condition of things, sadlately Ihave been devoting cvtry effort to ,discover the cause. Recently, you remem-ber, one of the trunk Uses was i

alleged to have paid for advertising with;an enormous quanity of 1,000-mllc tickets,which were made transferable and good un-til used. These were said to have . been |sold by the man who did the advertising to j

scalpers at a low figure, and they, in turn,

offered them at a rate materially lower thantariff. This gave me an idea and I set onfoot a rigid investigation, but I found thatthe practice was carried to an extent thatwas simply appalling. So many roads havebeen in the habit of doing this and seaplingshops are so stocked with these ticketsthat there is .not a passenger agentin Chicago to-day who canmake his own rate to any competitive point.The former has been taken out of their

.-.. Is entirely, and the scalpers control therate taking privilege. To such magnitudehas this pernicious practice grown that pas-senger agreements arc practically a dead let-ter, and Ihave become convinced that this isthe prime cause of the present extensive de-moralization. The system is certainly themost absurd I ever heard of, and why it hasbeen allowed to grow to suchproportions is more than I cantell. An advertising solicitor asks $50

cash foran advertisement. The advertisingagent of a road where the mileage ticket sys-tem is in vogue offers instead of the cashfrom seven to fifteen mileage books contain-ing 1,000 miles ofcoupons. The average isabout ten books for a $50 advertisement.These at 2J^C per mile would be worth825 each, or $250 for the ten.The solicitor will sell the book'sto scalpers for about $12 apiece,and they will sell to the public for *ls or$20 what the railroad asks $25 for. * To makeeverything straight on the company's books$250 worth of advertising will be charged upand in the other columns will be entered$250 worth of 1000-mile tickets. Both arc

; fictitious, the company makes no money bythe transaction a;."l the tickets go on themarket to demoralize rates and Indirectlysacrifice hundreds and thousands of dollarsworth of revenue.

"It was this practice which disrupted theCouncil Bluff's passenger pool and which hasled to a threatened war between that pointand Chicago. One road stocked the market jwith milage tickets topay for advertising andrates could not be maintained. Scalpingoffices, in Chicago, Rock bland, '

Council Bluffs, Omaha and other Intensediate points were literally flooded with thesetickets, which brokers were selling at a littleover one-half the regular rate. The brokerswere ticketing all the business. One otherline essayed to counteract the effort by issu-ing a specie] class of triplicates, with whichthey paid for their advertising, but the-,- wereso sick of it that they gathered their ticketsin as fast as they could. Nothing could bedone to compete with the free mileage ticketsand the pool dissolved. The above named roadis still paying its advertising bills in tie sameway and the scalpers are making the ratesbetween Chicago and Council Bluffs, andthis has not only effected through rates butlocal as well. A passenger wishing to go toRock Island i- sold a mileage ticket and abroker at that point takes it. Bythis means he has saved $1 or more ona , ticket to Rock Island. IP- doesit by buying an advertising mileage ticketofscalper. Brokers are growing rich becausethis practice, while the railroads are sacrific-ing revenue every day which properly be-longs to them. A fair sample of what themileage tickets are doing is found in DeaMoines. Two years ago there were but two

brokers in that place. Now there are sixand all them making money. The regularrate to Des Moines is $10.45. By purchasinga mileage ticket of a scalper the journey willcost from $6 to $6.50. The brokers at Chi-cago and i<- - Moines are making a fortuneout of it. while the railroads are losing thebusiness. If the railroad issuing the ticketswas realizing a profit in the deal it wouldnot be so objectionable, but the tickets arecounted for just one-fifth their actual valuewhen given inforadvertising. This makesthe practice absolutely without reason andwhy a general agent can be so foolish is toodeep for me to fathom.

"Aside from the actual loss to the roads,providing the business is conducted squarely,another feature is presented. The tempta-tion to the employe's who make the contractaud deliver the tickets is too great for mostmen to resist. The opportunities to make anover issue, to receive commissions for'crooked' work, and in other ways beat thecompany, are practically submitted. Thevery nature of the practice necessitates greatlooseness in the matter of checking the mile-age ticket account-, and no road whichadopts this system of paying for its advertis-ing pretends to watch the transactions care-fully. The conductors are instructed to askno questions when the tickets are presented,and as a consequence no suspiciouslooking mileage tickets are reportedto headquarters. There seems tobe a sort of tacit understanding thatany apparent irregularity must be winked at,so the employes directly connected with thetransaction have full latitude to all that a dis-honest nature would suggest. There is nodoubt that lots of spurious tickets are on themarket, and the laxness in the orders regard-ing this class of tickets prevents their dis-covery. Some of the roads have system andare trying to put a stop to it. So long as thesystem remains in vogue, it will be simply-impossible to maintain passenger rates toany point, no matter how many agreements

, are signed. We have got to root out thisi evil practice or give up all hope of making| any money in the. passenger department of. the railroads." •-;,.

-.•b -' Colored Republicans.• New York, Sept, C.*—Anumber of repre-

; sentative colored men met at thc Fifth Ave-| nue hotel to-night in response to an invita-i tion issued by Col. William Mnnell. The| session was private, Rev. W. B. Derrick, of

this city, presided. The principal subjectsdiscussed -were threats made by UnitedStates Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, against

\u25a0 the colored race, and a plan for followingj the colored Democratic speakers in Ohioj with colored Republicans.

GONE UP IN SMOKE.''The Fire Fiend Takes Possession

of Ten Acres of Cleve-land, 0.

Property to the Value ofT,wo MillionsofDollars Destroyed-

The Cause Shrouded in Mystery. But as UsualHaiti to be Incendiarism.

Cleveland, O., Sept. 7.—A great confla-gration Is raging OB the flats. The entirefire department is In service, and telegramswere rent to Akron, Youngstown, Paines-villc. Erie, Sandusky and Toledo for assist-ance. The origin ofthe tire is unknown.Incendiarism is expected by some, hut themost probable theory Is that sparks from atag set fire early in the evening to a pile ofshavings, from which the flames spread un-til Wood's Perry &'(Jo's, extensive lumberyard was ablaze. The firecontinued to ex-tend, defying all efforts of the firemen. The

lumber yards of Potter. Birdsail A: Co., andC. G. King & Co. were also consumed,and the Variety Iron works were des-troyed. Stanley's caudle factorywas burned, and a part ofSberwin,Arlliums & Go's, varnish works. andat 10 o'clock the conflagration threatens tobecome still more extensive. About tenacres of lumber and frame buildings wereaflame at one time, and huge clouds ofsmoke, thickly studded with blazing cinders,were blown by the changing wind for miles,

causing intense excitement, lest the myriadsof sparks should kindle fires in every direc-tion, and perhaps lay waste a large part ofthe city.

An alarm was turned in at C:50 o'clock bythe night watchman, Joe Simmons, and hisstory throws no light on the cause ofthe fire.Said he, '"I had just completed my roundsand arrived at the mill. I went, as usual, allover the ground, on both sides ofCarter street,and along the river. ami made sure therewas no fire or anything else wrong in theyard. Iwent through the mill, and afterthat was going to set down outside the door

when Isaw a bright flame shoot up in theair right in the middle of the lumber pilesbetween our yard and Mr. King's. Itwasin our No. 1 alley, and the moment Iopenedthe door I ran for box 13, under the NewYork. Pennsylvania »t Ohio bridge, on Car-ter street. Then I came back and the en-gines were herein a few minutes."

At 7:30 fire was confined to an area of 200feet square, Sad in the midst of this theflames were savagely burning and sendingout a myriad of sparks and lignt pinetorches. Slowly the fire gained on the fire-men, the sparks being carried over their

heads by the wind, which had began to rise.Itwould set fire to a small spot in the centerof a pile of lumber, and because of its heightand the fierceness of the flames, nothingcould be done until the flames reached theend of the pile, when a stream would be di-rected that way. The lanes or alleys wereso narrow that it was impossible togetts stream to play on any but the edges ofthe different sections of the lumber. Thespot where the lire started was built up ofgreen lumber, and put in from Michiganpine woods, and thought it would not be ex-pected to burn well, the beat was so intensethat the element continued . beyond thepower of the department to control.

By 8 o'clock it was in alleys three andfour, and as the area of burning wood be-came larger the men were forced to spreadout and had less effect over the work thatcould be done. At this time some of thefiremen were in the alleys completely sur-rounded by fire, and to keep from burningthe stream of water was directed againstthem. Nearly every man was thus wet down,ami only thus could they secure comfort.

At 8:30 o'clock Carter street became im-passable. The heat prevented any one fromgoing by the building, and only in someplaces could the firemen stand. The ownersof the Variety Iron works had been on theroof of their large brick building for half anhour past, throwing water and guarding itin the hope that the firemight be kept within

I bounds and they escape without loss. Theysucceeded in putting out the flames in sev-eral places, which had caught fromsparks. Until thc region of their buildingbecame red hot they were successful, but at6 o'clock thc lumber in the yards of C. (J.

I King caught from the east end of Woods,Perry & Co's. yard, and soon the 4,000,000

I feet in that yard was in a blaze. The heatj along the side of the central way soon be-came too intense for contort, and despitethe brisk west wind which had sprung upthe flames crept up in the south-erly direction and very quicklyreached the strceL The Variety Ironworks now caught on the roof, and theseflames were subdued after a short tight. Atthe same time the wooden building, a goodsized shed belonging to Wood, Perry & Co.,west of this, had also caught on the frontside, from the heat of the burning lumberjust opposite, and attention was directed tothat. Then the firemen were called back tothe Iron works building, and at 9 o'clockboth of these buildings were burningand the fire was under suchheadway that the engines which could be keptin the streets were unable to cope with It.Much cause of delay was found in the water.It was dirty and the engines would getclogged. In this manner oue of the engineswhich had been throwing a stream on thesouthwest sidt of the yard, near the railroad,was forced to suspend work for repairs.

.At '.-• o'clock the shops and buildings fromScranton avenue to the Wood, Perry & Co.planing mill, on Carter street, was on fire,aud it looked a , though nothing could save

| them. The tiny spark was fanned in a< minute into a leaping flame and undid yearsjof toil, care and capital judiciously applied.

! The Are started in the midst of tbe lumber,and on all sides there was plenty of the same

] dry fuel. The center of the flames,boiiing like a witches' cauldron,leaped yards through ' the airand clasping irw eager arms every-

; thing that came in their reach, shouted,hissed and reveled while high piles of lum-ber, strong houses and thick walls of brick- were crushed and crumbled into ashes. The

j flames shot a hundred feet Into the air, andmyriads of sparks as large as a bushel basket

j hovered and floated amid the glare and; smoke. The awful glare penetrated to thefurthermost parts of the city andthe community turned out almosten masse to witness the awful

: spectacle. They -collected on housetops,clogged the thoroughfares leading to theflats, and covered the brows of the "hills likeswarming bees. In the very heart of theconflagration were the men whose propertywas burning up, the toiling firemen, police-men and a large crowd of adventurous loaf-ers. Allbut tbe latter fought the fire withcourage and termination, but the immensefurnace roared and hissed complaccntyl,mocking them, and reached out gradually andsurely sucking into its vertex everythingpossible to reach. The sparks puffed up likechaff from a fanning machine, and fell likea shower of rain. Some were hot sparks,but great brands. The terrible heat bearingthem slowly up like by bellows, tbe windcarrying them miles away. .*•"\u25a0."••'

At 1:30, when the fire was approachingI the occupants of Potter, Birdsall & Co.'s: office, it was decided to move out. John

McBride and his wife lived in the upperi rooms, and Mr. McBride has been so ill thatI he was unable to more. The police officers

and other willing hands carried him outsideand he was removed across the railroad to aplace of safety. A large safe in Wood,Perry & Wo.'s office was rolled out by twenty

; men with many - crow bars, and thati heavy piece of furniture was soon rolled up

jthe sidewalk to tbe bridge. The office of thei Cleveland board of lumber dealers, between'. Wood, Perry & Co.'s and Potter & Birdsall,

'\u25a0 was likewise cleaned out. and by the time1 tbe flames reached these offices there was; nothing of value in them to burn, and thestructures themselves were reduced to ashesin an incredibly short space of time.

The aggregate loss is estimated from twomillions to two millions and a half. It isimpossible to giver individual figures to-

I night. Wood, Perry & Co. had no insur-j ance, their policies lately run out. King &

Co. had $20,000, and Potter, Birdsall & Co. <]$57,000 Insurance. . J

At 1 o'clock the fire seems practically un-der control. Relief engines arrived fromAkron and Erie. Others are expected. Theentire militia of the city were ordered to bein readiness if necessary to do police duty, £but have not yet been ordered out. No se-rious accidents arc yet reported. Woods,Perry & Co. lose a quarter of a million.House & Davidson lose $50,000, both theirplaning mills being destroyed.Hubbell & Westover's lumber . yardIs going; loss, $40,000; King & Company'slumber yard destroyed, loss $10,000. TheVariety Iron works, loss was not ascertained.Loss on Stanley's' candle factory about .$10,000.: Howell's Coal company sheds wereburned, loss not given. About fifty freightcars belonging to different roads, whichwere standing in Woods, Perry & Co.'s yardwere burned. Eynon ' & Son'smachine shop was destroyed, loss$.'),0Q0. The New York .Pennsylvania '& Oulo freight house was saved. The fireextended along the river from Scrantonavenue to the Bee line tracks and back tothe bonded warehouse. Everything withinthat district was consumed. At 1 o'clock ithas crossed the Bee line track and is eatingup the lumber yards of Hubbell <fc Westoverand Caywood & Hutchinsons. t

Passenger Rate War. ,[Special Telegram to the Globe. |

Chicago, Sept. 7.—There are indicationsin the air that all the eastern trunk lines are ]cutting passenger rates in some way or other, ,but the prevailing rate has not as yet droppedbelow $16. Two or three are cutting overtheir counters, while others are meeting the i

rate through scalpers and by liberal com mis- Isions to agents. The strife thus far has beenof a conservative character, each line ap-parently being desirous of merely retaining (

its own patronage, without reaching out .aggressively for that of its competitorsIt is believed that by Monday it will be de- Itermincd whether rates will be dropped to avery low basis or the whole matter ajdustcd.The trunk line presidents are now in sessionin New York and it is not improbable thatthey may agree to restore rates. No advices,however, have been received tending towardan amicable stttlcment of the troubles. IAssurances were vouchsafed yesterday thatthe present guerilla warfare would not becontinued after Tuesday. If the conferenceof presidents should be without favorable re-sults, decisive action will be taken to bringmatters to a focus without further delay. IA general passenger agent remarked yester- :day that he was greatly surprised that openwar had not been declared during the *eek,and he confidently expected it early thisweek. His line was not in position to as-sume an aggressive attitude, being contentto follow in the wake of the older lines. Theonly hope of averting a gigantic struggle wasin the meeting of presidents now in session,and should that prove futile, nothing could ,avert most disastrous complications.

Plenary Council Called.Baltimore, Sept. 7.—A pastoral letter

from Arch-Bishop Gibbons was read in all Ithe Catholic churches of the arch-diocese to-day, relating to the assembly of the plenarycouncil In November. The pastoral statesour Holy Father Leo XIIIout of his paternal 'solicitude for the welfare of all the faithful Icommitted to his care, has described all thebishops of the United States to assemble inplenary council to consider the best meansfor promoting the salvation ofsouls in thispart ofthe Lord's vlneyord, and because ofthe firm health of his Reverence, the cardi-

nal arch-bishop of New York, who was sowelt qualified to preside, not only on ac-count of his high office, but also his maturewisdom and weight of merits. His Holinesswas pleased to appoint us to con-vene by bis apostolic authoritybird plenary council at Baltimore, and pre-ide over the same as an apostolic dele gate.We therefore, dearly beloved brethren andchildren, now make known to you that, inwitness ofthis authority, we have by our let-ters of the date of March 27, of this year,convoked a third plenery council to convenein our Metropolitan church, at Baltimore, onthe 9th of November, of this year of ourLord, 1SS4. Eighteen years have nowelapsed since the last plenary council washeld, and we have reason to be devoutlythankful to God for the steady progaess whichreligion has made in the United States sincethat period. Itcannot fail to be a source ofconsolidation and benefit to the chief pastorschurch.

A Scoffer's Text.Cassadaga, V. Y., Sept. 6. The national

convention of the Free Thinkers to-day lis-tened to addresses by Ex-Rev. Samuel Put-nam. President Brown, Mrs. Clara Watson,Mrs. Hannah Stearns, of Colorado. E. Bil-lines, of Iowa, and Ex-Rev. J. H. Burnham,of Michigan. The last named preached fromthe text, "Blessed are the pure in liver, forof such is the kingdom of man."


The Century Co., have in hand for imme-diate publication a new book ofstories,rhymes, and pictures for little folks, to becalled "Baby World." Ithas been edited byMary Mapes Dodge, and, like "Baby Days,"of which 20,000 copies were sold, will consist

i of selections from St. Nicholas Magazine, es-' pecially adapted to the very little ones. "BabyWorld" will be larger and finer than "BabyDays," and the editor and publishers intendit to be the most beautiful children's book-that has yet been made.

The Rev. Newman Smyth will tributean article to the forthcoming century on'•The Late Dr. Dornerand of the New Theol-ogy." Itwill give a sketch of his lifeand ofhis theological method, ana will containsome persona] reminiscences by the writer.

"EmileLIttre," the celebrated French lexi-cographer, will be the subject ofa biograph-ical spetch in the September Century. Afull-page portrait accompanies the article.

Minnesota Patents.The following patents were granted to citi-

j zens of Minnesota, bearing date Aug. 26,\ Reported expressly for this paper by Louis, Bagger & Co., Mechanical Experts and Solici-tors of Patents, Washington, D. C.

Cole Lewis, Minneapolis, necktie and col-lar fastener 303.9S5.

Porter, J. F., Red Wing, evaporating- pan304.027.

————-——— .^\u25a0MggMggHmnaMpna i \u25a0 IN b

! «—\u25a0\u25a0IIW.. I.J»«..J .\u25a0. -JKil-JLI.—Iil WONDERFUL 'W^T//' I1 WONDERFUL VVUi(\§ CURES OF iB '^1 I


! LIVER COMPLAINTS, o\ Swages itart* on the LIVEC, BOWELS and I

KIDXEIS at the game funs. 1Because It cleanses the system of the poison- I

cms humors that develops in K.daoy and Uri- 3nary Diseases, Tiriniiiii—. Jaundice, Consttpa- IIS—iPiles, or in —<\u25a0—, Keuralgia, Her- Ivous Disorders and ailFemale Complaints,




By causing TBXS ACTUS? of all too organs 9and functions, thereby

CLEANSING the BLOOD irestoring the normal power to throw off disease. I

THOUSANDS OF CASES Hof the worst farms of these terrible diseases flhave been Quickly relieved, and ina short M—f

PERFECTLY CURED. 1rSICE, ft. LIQCTn ob bit, sold r.v druggists, 8

Dry con be sent by mail. I 'U'KliT.q,AtlCTTAftDSOar ft Co., Burlington, Tt. H3 Scad ituipfor Diary Algmiarfor US4. I

mmmEaaaammaamm waam mammk•» f^^r^P^VRRP^^VrBCSjHBv^yB^svssm . n

asss—saacaeBBBsawiini.,. boh—



* WHITE BEJlS. - ' .' - - - • MINN\u25a0 saaMkatw I


t n "M i

County Acditou's Office, 1Ramsey Couxty, Minn.. >•

St. Paul, August 22d, 1884. |Notice is hereby given and advertisement

hereby made, for proposals, or bids forall thatlart of the work and of the material for the

Building and ConstructionOF THE

GITYHALL&GOURTHOUSELocated on Court House Square, (the same beingMock twenty (SO) of Saint Paul Proper,) in the*ity of Saint Pan!, Ramsey county, Minnesota,Screin»fter stated, that is to say : all the workind all the materials for the excavation, masonrymd iron work, in the building, erection and con-struction of said City Hall and Court House,

Op To and Including the Wa-ter fable,

According to the plans and specifications on filein the office of K. P, Bussford, Architect, atHoom 28, in Gilfillan I lock, at the corner ofFourth and Jackson streets, in said cityof Sain'Paul, and all of said work to be . . ,.,


1st day ofSeptember A.D. 1885.Such proposals or bids -willbe received at th«

Office of the County Auditor, for said Ramsejcounty, in said city ofSaint Paul, until

4 O'Clock, P.M.,\u25a0 OS

Mr 22, A. D. 1884Allbids to be addressed to the Chairman of the

Court House and City Hall Special Commission-ers.

The right is hereby reserved to reject all bidsof Incompetent or irresponsible persons, and allsuch bids as may be unreasonable.

No bid will be received or considered unlessaccompanied by the bond of the bidder, or bid-ders with satisfactory sureties in the penal sun:of ten thousand (S10.OO0) dollars, conditioned,that if the bid shall be accepted aud the contractawarded to the bidder or bidders, he, or they,will enter Into and execute such contract or bya deposit with the commissioners of a check for :

the sum of five thousand (So, WW) dollars on somebank in the cityof Saint Paul, dulycertified assecurity in lieu of such bond.

No bid will be accepted unless the bidder orbidders will enter into such bond and give suchsecurity for the performance of hi* or their con-tract, as may be required by the Commissioners,and approved by a three-fourths vote of theCounty Commissioners and Common Council ofthe cityof Saint Paul, of the members elect injointsession.

By order of the Court House and City HallSpecial Commissioners,

J. J. McCABDY,~35td County Auditor.

CONTRACT WORK!-(Mag Temperance Street.

OFFICE OF THE BOABU OF PUBLIC WoitKS. 1City or St. Pall, Minn.. Sept. 1, 1884. f

Sealed bids will be received by the Board ofPublic Works in and for the corporation of thecity of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in saidcity until 12 in.ou the 15th day of September, A.D. 1884, tut the grading of Temperance street,from Tenth (10th) street to Thirteenth (With)street, in said city, according to plans and specifi-cations on file in the office of said Board.

A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a sumof at least twenty (i.)) per cent, of the grossamount bid. must accompany each bid.

The said Board reserves the right to reject anyor all bids.

JOHN F. HOYT, President pro tern.Official:R.L. GOBSCAJE, Clerk Board of Public Works}, v,



Mali liteiili,FOUNDRY &m SHOP.


Haw Mill*rrntlJffiUXvchin+ry,

Iroti «C Brass Ianting*AND





Empire Lite MiStone,Be Best BaiMiD£ Stone,TIis Best Bridge S'one.

Be MfurliM Stone in tig West !Willstand 7,000 lbs. pressure to the inch.





We ship Carbon oil and Gasoline from thefallowing stations: Winnebago City, Tracy,Minn. : Watertown, Volga, 1). T.

We solicit the trade of dealers only. 245tf



Limed Oil and <Vk« by tin Old Process

chord cjh for mm,Constantly on Hand. ''. rM.]i.

Jliglittt Prices Paid for Flax Seed.MANKATO, . \u25a0 MINN.

P. H c^rjstyv-


WISES, LIBORs & cigars,Jactsca street. bet. Front ami second,


LOANS. ETC. .-..'::

GEO. A. CLARKE,Heal Estate, Loan & mm Broker

Office under Citizens-" National Bank.

jO r.t.'.N'KATO. MINX.



CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,Manufacturer of Red and Cream Brick, and dealer

n allkinds ofManltato Stone. Quarry and Work*Nort Front street.


FEST YOPR BAKING POWDER TMAT! .Brands advertised as absolutely pure .


THE TEST: i*^Place a can top down on a hot stove untilheated, then••move the cover and smell. . A chemist will not be re-ulred to detect the presence of ammonia.

an \u25a0j*"dL_i-J^'*u.! **'a


Ina million homes for a quarter of a century Ithasitood the consumers' reliable test, .THE TEST_OF_THE OVEN.


MAKERS OF \u25a0 ]

"Dr. Price's Special Flayoring Extracts, :The ilnii;«l,aiiititflleluus milnttnral AlterluM>wa,ar.d

Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gam.For Light, Healthy Bread, The Best Dry Hop

Yeast in the World.


CATABHH MR :P^l^LY'S*^^ Ie a type of catarrh !l?rTPril«l Rs\USS3 having peep liar syrup :lfpj^^"^0\lra tom8

' It is attendedm PrtcJM^SfRES. IN bT an Inflamed con-MzT$&7#Ht0HFAnS dit!on «f the lining3?!©^- °*0,jft.$ 7*"*membrane of thefHAVFEVERm£ i?ig nostrils, tear-ductsNTrtHMfciw*&Miand throat


B*W. &*obM§itlle 'an C - An acridjtff / *§c,bap3 mucus '8 secreted,Bf^^^v' f.rjS^-'ffijL ine discharge is ac-S^?v-*3, «'®X ,^M I,arlied with aByyHfii^^j^/O^I burning sensation.BIlSwWSvO^X^*^'* There are severeSSsMy^V^^ U.SA. 1spasms of sneezing,

*-*W-FJ£VE^ frequent attacks of+m <^T "KB.VS.K headache, watery andinflamed eyes. ' ',

C&E.Oi Bat.m Is a remedy founded on a correctdiagnosis of this disease and can be dependedupon. 50c at druggists, 60c by mail. Samplebottles by mail 10c.

ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, X. Y.

-yS^&mk This BELT or Regenery^^^i^firjBP^^ tor la made expressly for

fa^fir*„ c v«V« the cureof derangementsW' 'Z/tfc'CHEEVtjvJ \ot the generative organs.ttillittR\C)BEltJ There is no mistake aboutwCTV / FOR |\\j^? this instrument, the con-. \£p~ —as

">^tinuotis stream of ELEC-

Ib^lsV^^JW^ JTRICITY permeatingflqr?s\l^i^L»lllY thr0T1 Sh the parts mast

iVlrNW^nNI! restore them to healthyJVIL.IV •***]&*UHLl action. Bo not confoundhis with Electric Belts advertised to cure all illsrom head to toe. Itis for the ONE specific pur-ose. For circulars giving full information, ad-ress Cheever Electric Belt Co., 103 Washingtonstreet, Chicago,


Who -want glossy, luxuriantand wary tresses ofabundant,beautiful Hair must useLYON'S KATHAIllON. Thiselegant, cheap article alwaysmakes the Hair grow freelyand fast, keeps it from tailingout, arrests and cures gray-ness, remoTes dandruff anditching,. makes the Hairstrong, giving it a curlingtendency and keeping it inany desired position. Bean*tifnl,healthy Hair is the sureresult of using Kathairon.

*Sl1_ -J^ Will pnrifrthe LOO 33, rem-ml« late LlVtKaud KIUSEVK,*M~ ..JH an" Kf-STOiuc the HEALTH\^S»iA and VIGOR of YOUTH. Dys-

pepsla. Want ofAppetite, In->»?Vj'--!**>K dljrestlon, I,ack of Strength,

anUTlreilFcclIiiKabsolu'lflycured. Bonos, muscles andnerves receive new force.

"^•aaat Enlivens the mind and\u25a0 A SS a SB Sa „8"Pi>Hes Brain Power.fiflll8 B» £3 Suffering from complaintsM4VIfii%*9 peculiarto their sex willfind in SB. KARTiafS IKONTONIC a safe andspeedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion.Frequent attempts at counterfeiting: only addto the popularity of the original. Do not ex-periment—get the Original and Best.

HARTES'S ChlyAhti.Coh5tjpatich .inTcnnia i o H the world.

Lit Elit mILLOCripe,Sidken or Leavem \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0u« j*.» aa Mwggsg Bowels Constipated.Persons sufferingf rom TORPIDITY; ofthe LIVERcr Inactivityof the Bowels, will find a permanentCURE bytbfl nse of these Pills. Nor=©d'clce eboaldbe taken without first Olainslng the (itnraneh andBowels witha dose of BARTER'S LIVERPILLS,

Sample dose Sent Free on application by postal.

(Send your addresatoTheDr. HarterMed.Co.'VRt.Loois, >lo..for oar "DREAM BOOK." BFnllef rti«waad uf*"fnlinfonn»"'>a. free. W

'Jm'ia/BW^FVt* :*rir Thc reputation;J|\ [»»%. 'S-«S".ss|flj4#" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 8 SkillV St "™arh Bitter-

Ig V CELEBRATED T***^as a preventive of

' .' -^' ."'. ieirfC -epidemics, astoin-

achic, an tevfgor-

fe^k 6TOIV1 ACH Ar_ more than twenty\u25a06*5^M^gr^gSi f&r^?h years experience.E^gy B si >P_ W9^^ and can no more

• * ™ I ftSJ •* he shaken by -theclaptrap nostrums of unscientific pretenders,than the everlasting hills by the wind* that rustlethrough their defiles. For sale by all druggistsand dealers generally


EDacHDRicn, E. A. BoA-arntATr, I). M. Bap.cock.Prea. Treos. Sec. *Man. Blr.


Terra ColLnterCfl.FACTORY IT POST'S SLDI..6,

Office— 363 Jackson Street.Absolutely Fire Proof. Uon-Condnctor of heat,

cold and sound. Adapted to all departmentsof interior architecture. Cost of material with-inreach of all intending to build,


.LEEDS & DARLING.Room 26 Syndicate block.