Yezambique Poem[1]

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  • 8/16/2019 Yezambique Poem[1]


    God of thunder storms and flood, you yet again exude great atomic depth. I suffer not from the absence of gills

    at the wrath of your aquatic will ... As you unravel your frequency, in my own substance I bathe again at your

    medicinal will, no choice of the body of mine but great pleasure of our eternal entities. Let us bond eternally

     joint at the spine energy efficiently intertwine, roped tighter than my sengalese twists. !elease the mist" I come

    alive with the rise of this exuberant thrill . #leansed of cleanliness the way our muddy minds would have it.

    $tatuesque of might come down on me, meet me at the moments will, momentum spills upon our souls, the

    giant mills turn. %he wind frustrated by the motion of liberty, catapulting feverishly at our conjoint covert

    caress. #leverly orchestrated breath, exhaling life with each utterance and breathing in a new, waging wildlife

    with your whispers, inhale me, your cosmic energy never diverted it&s source. $ha'e me with your tremors

     before they ta'e a new course. thunder voice moaning coarse, the God in you roars. (e have entwined our

    astral bodies, sitting on astrology our bottoms bla)ed on stars watching below as *agles fly

    from our other eye. *ncapsulating our abnormal enthralling orgasmic conversation of the advanced supremacist

    intimacy of being nine times wise as we unleash ultimate mental stimulation.