yes we write 2009

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It was a very scary night, it was cold, and nobody were in the street, there

weren’t stars in the dark sky, but there was a big and beautiful moon. An owl was

singing on the tree behind Sally’s house. Suddenly, she woke up.

She couldn’t sleep, so she went out of her room, downstairs to the kitchen and took

a glass of cold water.

When she was going to go to bed, she heard a desperate little voice outside, so

Sally went out to her garden…

There was an old and very ugly lady speaking with a little girl.

Sally got worried about the little girl and shouted at the old lady:

-Hey, what are you doing to her?

The old lady looked at Sally, her eyes were cold blue and she had a horrible


-Who are you? Stay away from me…

Sally got closer to the lady and said to the little girl:

-Why are you crying?

-Please go home, I didn’t obey my owner I deserve it.

-What? What are you doing with her?

-She has not obeyed me; she must pay with her own blood.

-No!!-Sally was very angry-you can’t do it, she is just a little girl, what has she


-I ordered her to bring me gold and silver and she didn’t

-You are crazy!! You use this little girl to steal? You should be in the jail; I won’t

let you hurt her.

-Alright, then I will take your blood so she can walk away…


Sally took the little girl in her arms and ran home, she closed the door and she

went upstairs.

Sally put the little girl on her bed and said to her:

-It is very late, you must sleep a bit, and tomorrow we will go to the police, good


At the next morning, Sally went to the bed, and she saw that the little girl wasn’t

there, was it a dream? A nightmare? Or was it real?


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A Scary A Scary A Scary A Scary StoryStoryStoryStory

The night was cold and dark. A girl was walking alone and fast in the streets. Alice only wanted to leave everything because she was sad and very angry too. Suddenly, she stopped in front of a house… that house. She knew that she had to go home… but it was impossible for her to leave. Alice couldn’t move her eyes from that old house, where nobody had lived since many years ago. It was enormous and terrifying but… it was so beautiful too!. A part of her wanted to walk again, but her hand was faster than her mind and she opened the house’s door. While Alice was crossing an enormous garden, she saw lots of statues which were looking at her too. She was very scared! But a few minutes later she was crossing the main door of the house, with her flashlight in her hand. There was not any obstacle in her way!. Suddenly, she felt a horrible smell, but then the girl looked inside the house for the first time and she discovered that she liked it. The house was dirty and cold but Alice didn’t want to leave that nisterious place. There were fantastic lamps, incredible furniture and wonderful pictures where she found the most beautiful face that she had ever seen. A young boy with a perfect smile looked her from the picture and she smiled as well. Alice had been walking for a long time inside the house when… the temperature fell down and she felt the cold but she felt something else too. Alice was not alone. Somebody was looking at her. Then she wanted to run but it was too late. In that room there were lots of black shades and in the middle of them the boy of the picture was watching her and he was showing his terrifying teeth. Later everything was cold, noise, darkness and confusion. The last thing that she felt was a strange kiss on her neck and a red hot on her skin. Everything had finished and she knew it . Then, everything was silent, her silence, silence for ever… or maybe not, now she was thirsty she only wanted one thing to drink … BLOOD!!!


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Nelly Iñiguez 4ºEso A


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BerlinBerlinBerlinBerlin Berlin is a beautiful city is such a big city and it´s so lively, but Berlin is noisy and expensive too. Berlin has got such beautiful parks, big shops and there are many places to visit, for example the big wall of Berlin. These places have got many history and they are so beautiful. Here you can go shopping, go to the cinema, go in cafés… you can never get boring there. The people of Berlin are so friendly and peaceful. To move in Berlin you can use bus, a train, the underground or taxis. If you want to go in a party, Berlin has got such good clubs and Dj, but you want to relax, you can go in a spa or in a park, when you can

sleeping or spend a good time with your partner.


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Let’s go to Italy! If you go to the Italy you should know:

• This country is famous all over the world because there are some archaeological excavations. In Roman times all the Mediterranean area was conquered by the Romans (Italy).

• Italy is a peninsula in the Mediterranean coast. Its capital is Roma. Italy is visited by many people all year.

The Monuments The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. This monument was in a upright position but since 1773, it leans to one side. The Coliseum called Amphitheatrum Flavium in Roman times. It’s a big building in centre of Roma. In there, there were 50000 persons. And Trevi Fountain! The food Pasta and pizza are the most important food of Italy. The Italian invented the paste with the Chinese food and the American tomatoes. And the pizza is a flat bread of flour. In it put mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and other ingredients. Shopping in Italy The first thing we think about is the brand of the cloth and the cars. Milan is the capital of fashion world y and most famous designers are here. In Italy we see a lot of Ferraris because it’s a very important brand here for this country. To buy here in Italy it could be a good trip to see the beautiful streets


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History: Many years ago people had a

dream, they wanted living in America because in this country there were many opportunities. Many people emigrated to different states from Europe, especially to New York. If you want to visit New York, you must know several things:

In New York there are 8.213.839 millions of American people and a lot of famous musicians as ‘’The Ramones’’, a group of punk music. They played this music from 1974.

The colours of the New York flag are blue, white and orange, these colours are the same the United province used when they found New Amsterdam. In the centre appeared a stamp of the town bought in 1686.


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In New York, you can visit the ‘’Liberty Statue’’ created by Édouard Laboulaye, a french architect to

keep the friendship between France and U.S.A.

You can travel trough New York

by several transports as taxis, limousines, ships and the famous underground.

The most famous buildings in New York are: ‘’Empire State’’ (the place of the famous film ‘’King Kong’’).

‘’Rockefeller Center’’ or the famous ‘’ONU’ ’(The United Nations) founded in 24th

October in 1945.

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London is the capital of England. It is in the Thames river, in the South of Great Britain. The romans called it Londinium, year 43.

And it has 7.000 inhabitants. The west end is a place of london for the leisure where the people goes shopping. You can go to the restaurants, cinemas, theatres,

clubs, shops and more. The most important place is the Trafalgar Square and The Oxford street is the most famous of the World

because there are many shops and it is so beautiful.

TheBig Ben, is a famous building and is the great clock of Westminster , it´s near of britain parlament.

There are many Bridges: The tower bridge cross the Thames river and it can rise, and there are many museums: for example, The Science museum, Victoria and albert museum or the natural History museum, There are such interesting places.In London There are many Parks, The regent´s park is one, or hyde park.

Cynthia Rica Gómez

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Then, The london eye is a attraction where you can see all the city, It has magnificent views and it is so wonderful.

In London the double red buses, with a floor for tourits and the black taxis are typical of there.

The Buckingham palace is the home of Queen and there, they do many spectacular ceremonies.

The Queen´s garden parties are so famous, it has had up 8000 guests, they take tea and sandwiches.

Today, London is a city very popular,a place where you can visit, take a break and explore, there they will celebrate the next

olympic games in 2012.

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Germany is big. I go to Germany on summer since 1999 and I love this place. The first thing you have to do when you arrive in the airport of Munich, for example, is to find the exit, because the airport is such a big place! When you are alone, you must find a taxi, which drives you to your hotel. In the city,

there are many shops, restaurants, coffeehouses...etc. You can do everything! There is also a special place where you can go to eat: it is a garden, but there are long tables and banks. You can eat sausages, bread, meat, potatoes, chips and fish and of course you can drink the most famous beer. If you go to Munich in october, there is a very big place, where you can do similar things to an adventure park: carousels, ferrisweels, ghosttrains, and so on. And also tents with restaurants in there and many many people! This “October-Event” is such a big place you can´t imagine.

I can´t go to this great event, because I must go to school. When you are in Germany, you should have a map, to find the different places, because Germany is as big as United Kingdom! And you should also speak English or German.

And finally if you go on autumn or winter, you must bring many clothes because its too cold! Niko Grabowski

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London is a such a tourist place because is very beautiful, because is very interesting. The population is extremely big. Eight millions citizens. If you go to London you should visit the real palace because is so

luxurious . London is a really great city, if you have money you should visit the “west end” this place is really known because in this zone there are a lot of shops and entertainments. All what you need you have it in that place. If you have time you should be in the “tower bridge” this is a incredible bridge. If you like the museum you should visit the

British museum . Besides if you wanna get fun you should visit the pubs,theatres,markets like the CoventGarden ,Parks and the night life.


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London is the capital of both England and the united Kingdom, the largest parks in the central area of London are the Royal parks of Hide Park and its neighbour Kensington Gardens at the western edge of central London and Regent's Park on the northern edge. London is home of many museums, galleries and other institutions that is one tourist attraction.

If you visit London you should visit the eye of London, the big Ben, and more beautiful places, The

centerpiece of the public transport network is the London Underground which has eleven interconnecting lines, The London Underground is the oldest, longest, and most expansive metro system in the world, dating from 1863. London is such a beautiful city, in London you can past a relax day or a funny day, you can go shopping, at any swimming pool, at amusement park or a zoo. In London the breakfast is bigger and more abundant than the Spanish breakfast, and in London the people eat at 7o’clock.


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Italy is in the south of Europe and is a special country. There, you can do many things: You can find monuments. There most famous is the Fontana di Trevi; it is such a beautiful source!! It is a tradition to throw money and wish something and there are usually a lot of people. There are other important monuments too: the tower of Pizza and the Coliseum. In the history of Italy you can see that are characteristics the opera, the food, the architecture and the football. The most important food in Italy is pasta and pizza. If you go to Italy you should eat pizza is very good. Italy is near two important islands: Sicilia and Serdeña where the people speak Italian too. The people in Italy are the clear eyes, the blond hair and they are tall. They have always been people very nice and lively. There, in Italy you will get a good travel and see many things.


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Dear diary:Dear diary:Dear diary:Dear diary:

I need to write to feel better, because today has been really horrible!

First, I get up very late and then, I had to run to arrive at school. But in

my way, I fell off in middle of the street and lots of people laughed at me!

I wish I was alone on the street. It was very embarrassed! When I arrived

at school, late of course; I lost my first class where everybody watched such

a fantastic film. While I was copying and copying, what I really hate. So I

was very cross and angry. In conclusion, my school´s day was horrible

because I forgot some homework and failed several exams. When the

school finished, I had to go home. It started to rain and I hadn´t got an

umbrella, so I got wet and I was very annoyed. After that, I didn’t find my

keys and my family wasn´t there. I waited them for a long time and I

thought: I wish I had my mobile here to call them. At night, my sister was

ill, so I had to do my and her housework. And when I was cooking the

dinner, I burnt it. I also broke some dishes. If only they were made of

plastic! I was really stressed and my parents were upset and worried.

I wish I hadn´t a day like this again. But the best is that, it finally has



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Dear diary:Dear diary:Dear diary:Dear diary: I had a terrible day, it was raining but in spite of it, I had to I had a terrible day, it was raining but in spite of it, I had to I had a terrible day, it was raining but in spite of it, I had to I had a terrible day, it was raining but in spite of it, I had to go shopping because tomorrow is mom’s birthday.go shopping because tomorrow is mom’s birthday.go shopping because tomorrow is mom’s birthday.go shopping because tomorrow is mom’s birthday. Next year I will take more time, because I hate buying Next year I will take more time, because I hate buying Next year I will take more time, because I hate buying Next year I will take more time, because I hate buying presents at the daypresents at the daypresents at the daypresents at the day before, it is so stressful. before, it is so stressful. before, it is so stressful. before, it is so stressful. The last days I had a lot of exams and I hadn’t got time for it.The last days I had a lot of exams and I hadn’t got time for it.The last days I had a lot of exams and I hadn’t got time for it.The last days I had a lot of exams and I hadn’t got time for it. So, I am going to tell you what happens today:So, I am going to tell you what happens today:So, I am going to tell you what happens today:So, I am going to tell you what happens today: First I went to ‘MANGO’ but just then when I saw a beautiful First I went to ‘MANGO’ but just then when I saw a beautiful First I went to ‘MANGO’ but just then when I saw a beautiful First I went to ‘MANGO’ but just then when I saw a beautiful blue and white stripped Tblue and white stripped Tblue and white stripped Tblue and white stripped T----shirt, a woman took quickly shirt, a woman took quickly shirt, a woman took quickly shirt, a woman took quickly the last the last the last the last one, oh man I was so angry…one, oh man I was so angry…one, oh man I was so angry…one, oh man I was so angry… I wish I had taken it before her. I wish I had taken it before her. I wish I had taken it before her. I wish I had taken it before her. So I took my anger and ran to ‘DIFFERENTSo I took my anger and ran to ‘DIFFERENTSo I took my anger and ran to ‘DIFFERENTSo I took my anger and ran to ‘DIFFERENT ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘.... I asked the saleswoman for a black dress with a golden I asked the saleswoman for a black dress with a golden I asked the saleswoman for a black dress with a golden I asked the saleswoman for a black dress with a golden brooch shaped like a star brooch shaped like a star brooch shaped like a star brooch shaped like a star I had seen it a few weeks before I had the exams.I had seen it a few weeks before I had the exams.I had seen it a few weeks before I had the exams.I had seen it a few weeks before I had the exams. Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes, they showed me the beautiful black dress, but when I they showed me the beautiful black dress, but when I they showed me the beautiful black dress, but when I they showed me the beautiful black dress, but when I saw the price, my world broke down. I couldn’t believe it, 175$ saw the price, my world broke down. I couldn’t believe it, 175$ saw the price, my world broke down. I couldn’t believe it, 175$ saw the price, my world broke down. I couldn’t believe it, 175$ it’s about it’s about it’s about it’s about 136€.136€.136€.136€. I hadn’t got enough Money.I hadn’t got enough Money.I hadn’t got enough Money.I hadn’t got enough Money. I wish I had taken my cell phone, so I could phone my daddy.I wish I had taken my cell phone, so I could phone my daddy.I wish I had taken my cell phone, so I could phone my daddy.I wish I had taken my cell phone, so I could phone my daddy. But suddenly I remembered that my But suddenly I remembered that my But suddenly I remembered that my But suddenly I remembered that my friend Jessie had friend Jessie had friend Jessie had friend Jessie had Jewellery and it was just around the corner. So I hurried up Jewellery and it was just around the corner. So I hurried up Jewellery and it was just around the corner. So I hurried up Jewellery and it was just around the corner. So I hurried up and asked Jessie give me a golden necklace, I promised her to and asked Jessie give me a golden necklace, I promised her to and asked Jessie give me a golden necklace, I promised her to and asked Jessie give me a golden necklace, I promised her to give her the money in a few weeks. I only I had taken more give her the money in a few weeks. I only I had taken more give her the money in a few weeks. I only I had taken more give her the money in a few weeks. I only I had taken more money with me, all these problems wouldn’t have occurredmoney with me, all these problems wouldn’t have occurredmoney with me, all these problems wouldn’t have occurredmoney with me, all these problems wouldn’t have occurred.... From now on I be more consequent.From now on I be more consequent.From now on I be more consequent.From now on I be more consequent.

Janina Janina Janina Janina

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3º B Eso Cynthia Rica Gómez 3º B Eso Cynthia Rica Gómez 3º B Eso Cynthia Rica Gómez 3º B Eso Cynthia Rica Gómez

“Chatting with my grandson”“Chatting with my grandson”“Chatting with my grandson”“Chatting with my grandson” One day I asked my grandmother:One day I asked my grandmother:One day I asked my grandmother:One day I asked my grandmother: How was the life in your time? And she anHow was the life in your time? And she anHow was the life in your time? And she anHow was the life in your time? And she answered this:swered this:swered this:swered this: In my time the life was more difficult than today, at that time there weren´t many resources and In my time the life was more difficult than today, at that time there weren´t many resources and In my time the life was more difficult than today, at that time there weren´t many resources and In my time the life was more difficult than today, at that time there weren´t many resources and nothing was easy.nothing was easy.nothing was easy.nothing was easy. In my family there were four Brothers, and I was the only girl.In my family there were four Brothers, and I was the only girl.In my family there were four Brothers, and I was the only girl.In my family there were four Brothers, and I was the only girl. I had to clean the house, make the food, help my father with thI had to clean the house, make the food, help my father with thI had to clean the house, make the food, help my father with thI had to clean the house, make the food, help my father with the farm that we had, go Shopping e farm that we had, go Shopping e farm that we had, go Shopping e farm that we had, go Shopping and look after my Brothers because they used to break everything.and look after my Brothers because they used to break everything.and look after my Brothers because they used to break everything.and look after my Brothers because they used to break everything. Besides this I had to go to school, study and do my homework.Besides this I had to go to school, study and do my homework.Besides this I had to go to school, study and do my homework.Besides this I had to go to school, study and do my homework. We had a big housWe had a big housWe had a big housWe had a big house in the country but it wasn´t ve in the country but it wasn´t ve in the country but it wasn´t ve in the country but it wasn´t very luxurious, there was only one bathroom, twoery luxurious, there was only one bathroom, twoery luxurious, there was only one bathroom, twoery luxurious, there was only one bathroom, two very big bedrooms very big but they only had one very small bed, and I had to sleep with my very big bedrooms very big but they only had one very small bed, and I had to sleep with my very big bedrooms very big but they only had one very small bed, and I had to sleep with my very big bedrooms very big but they only had one very small bed, and I had to sleep with my Brothers. We had a Farm, My father grew potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.Brothers. We had a Farm, My father grew potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.Brothers. We had a Farm, My father grew potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.Brothers. We had a Farm, My father grew potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lettuce. And my mother Looked after the hens.And my mother Looked after the hens.And my mother Looked after the hens.And my mother Looked after the hens. I wanted to do more things that I like.I wanted to do more things that I like.I wanted to do more things that I like.I wanted to do more things that I like. For For For For example: play with my friends, ride around the street with a bike, do sport…example: play with my friends, ride around the street with a bike, do sport…example: play with my friends, ride around the street with a bike, do sport…example: play with my friends, ride around the street with a bike, do sport… But I had to do other more important things.But I had to do other more important things.But I had to do other more important things.But I had to do other more important things. When I was sixteen, I went out for the first time with my friends, and that day was very happy When I was sixteen, I went out for the first time with my friends, and that day was very happy When I was sixteen, I went out for the first time with my friends, and that day was very happy When I was sixteen, I went out for the first time with my friends, and that day was very happy because I met your grandfather, he Lookbecause I met your grandfather, he Lookbecause I met your grandfather, he Lookbecause I met your grandfather, he Looked at me and I smiled at him.ed at me and I smiled at him.ed at me and I smiled at him.ed at me and I smiled at him. I was wearing a short dress, it vas beautiful. I was wearing a short dress, it vas beautiful. I was wearing a short dress, it vas beautiful. I was wearing a short dress, it vas beautiful. Suddenly he walked over me and he said:Suddenly he walked over me and he said:Suddenly he walked over me and he said:Suddenly he walked over me and he said: ---- Hi! What´s you name? Hi! What´s you name? Hi! What´s you name? Hi! What´s you name? ---- My name is Adelaida My name is Adelaida My name is Adelaida My name is Adelaida –––– I said I said I said I said ---- Your name is very beautiful and you too Your name is very beautiful and you too Your name is very beautiful and you too Your name is very beautiful and you too –––– he said he said he said he said ---- thanks thanks thanks thanks –––– I answered him I answered him I answered him I answered him I haI haI haI had a dream that I would see him again, he was very handsome and I knew nothing about d a dream that I would see him again, he was very handsome and I knew nothing about d a dream that I would see him again, he was very handsome and I knew nothing about d a dream that I would see him again, he was very handsome and I knew nothing about him, not even his name.him, not even his name.him, not even his name.him, not even his name. One Tuesday, in the evening, my friends invited me to hang around and see an art exhibition, One Tuesday, in the evening, my friends invited me to hang around and see an art exhibition, One Tuesday, in the evening, my friends invited me to hang around and see an art exhibition, One Tuesday, in the evening, my friends invited me to hang around and see an art exhibition, but first I had to clean the house.but first I had to clean the house.but first I had to clean the house.but first I had to clean the house.

When I was there, When I was there, When I was there, When I was there, I was so happy because I liked painting and I had never gone to an art I was so happy because I liked painting and I had never gone to an art I was so happy because I liked painting and I had never gone to an art I was so happy because I liked painting and I had never gone to an art exhibition. The Pictures were very beautiful and so nice!exhibition. The Pictures were very beautiful and so nice!exhibition. The Pictures were very beautiful and so nice!exhibition. The Pictures were very beautiful and so nice! I went to a room and suddenly I saw him, he was sitting on a chair and he was painting a big I went to a room and suddenly I saw him, he was sitting on a chair and he was painting a big I went to a room and suddenly I saw him, he was sitting on a chair and he was painting a big I went to a room and suddenly I saw him, he was sitting on a chair and he was painting a big picture.picture.picture.picture. I approached him and I approached him and I approached him and I approached him and I said:I said:I said:I said: ---- Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! ---- Oh! The beautiful girl of the other day Oh! The beautiful girl of the other day Oh! The beautiful girl of the other day Oh! The beautiful girl of the other day –––– he said he said he said he said ---- yes, jajaja yes, jajaja yes, jajaja yes, jajaja –––– I laughed I laughed I laughed I laughed ---- Well, what are you doing here? Well, what are you doing here? Well, what are you doing here? Well, what are you doing here? –––– he asked me he asked me he asked me he asked me ---- I am seeing the art galley, do you paint? I am seeing the art galley, do you paint? I am seeing the art galley, do you paint? I am seeing the art galley, do you paint? –––– I asked him I asked him I asked him I asked him ---- yes, all the Pictures are mine yes, all the Pictures are mine yes, all the Pictures are mine yes, all the Pictures are mine –––– he said he said he said he said ---- Oh! You paint Oh! You paint Oh! You paint Oh! You paint very well, I like painting too. very well, I like painting too. very well, I like painting too. very well, I like painting too. ---- I love painting, I like painting what I feel. I love painting, I like painting what I feel. I love painting, I like painting what I feel. I love painting, I like painting what I feel. ---- Oh good! And what´s your name? Oh good! And what´s your name? Oh good! And what´s your name? Oh good! And what´s your name? –––– I asked him I asked him I asked him I asked him ---- Mike, my name is Mike Mike, my name is Mike Mike, my name is Mike Mike, my name is Mike –––– he said he said he said he said ---- Ok, I gotta go, see you soon! Ok, I gotta go, see you soon! Ok, I gotta go, see you soon! Ok, I gotta go, see you soon! ---- me too me too me too me too –––– he said he said he said he said I remember this words and I never forget itI remember this words and I never forget itI remember this words and I never forget itI remember this words and I never forget it.... We begun a love story, we painted together and we had fun, he was my first love of my life, and We begun a love story, we painted together and we had fun, he was my first love of my life, and We begun a love story, we painted together and we had fun, he was my first love of my life, and We begun a love story, we painted together and we had fun, he was my first love of my life, and now he is my husband.now he is my husband.now he is my husband.now he is my husband. That was the most beautiful thing of my life because the life in that time was very difficult.That was the most beautiful thing of my life because the life in that time was very difficult.That was the most beautiful thing of my life because the life in that time was very difficult.That was the most beautiful thing of my life because the life in that time was very difficult.

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“Chatting with my granddaughter ”

I used to cook everyday, my uncle went to work early and my brother was very small. The life was hard in the town. I wanted to play with the girls in the plaza and visit my friends, but I had to work in the house and I was with my brother. I didn’t have parents, they died when my brother was three years old and I was ten years old. My uncle looked after us.

One day I got up at six o’clock to do the breakfast for my small family. Then I went to rhe market because I had to buy eggs and vegetables. The market was very big and you could buy many things from all over world there but I only needed food. Suddenly I saw a small shop in the corner of the market. The woman in the shop was playing a shiny instrument. It was very beautiful. It was a flute.

I asked the woman “How much does the instrument cost?” The flute cost £ 200, I thought “Oh my God”, I didn’t have any money to buy new shoes!

I needed that money, I loved the flute. My mother played the flute too…I used to listen to my mother when she played the flute in her bedroom.

I looked around for a solution to my problem. I saw a man in a house with a many boxes on the floor, I asked the man “Can I help you?” The man smiled and he said: “Can you carry all these boxes to the lorry?” I answered: “Of course” I went to the carry and put the heavy boxes in it. I had wounds in my hands. The man looked me, and put on my casualty hand £ 100. I smiled and I said: “Thank you!”

I ran to the woman in the shop and I said “I only have £ 100, Can I buy your instrument, please? I love it.” I told my history to the woman. She saw around. She took a black bag and she put the flute in it. The woman gave me the bag and she said “It’s free, my daughter.”

I was speechless… She was my mother! She said me that she was kidnapped with my father but he saved to my mum and he died. I was crying…My mother said “Don’t cry I’m happy. How is your brother, my son?” We went to our house… I was happy…I am happy with you, my granddaughter.

The End


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Dear grandson.Dear grandson.Dear grandson.Dear grandson. When I was When I was When I was When I was five years. I used to play with my friends, my friends were five years. I used to play with my friends, my friends were five years. I used to play with my friends, my friends were five years. I used to play with my friends, my friends were brillbrillbrillbrilliiiiants.ants.ants.ants. I used to go to the school every days but the war started. I and my friends I used to go to the school every days but the war started. I and my friends I used to go to the school every days but the war started. I and my friends I used to go to the school every days but the war started. I and my friends used to play football alter school, then we never placed football again. I was used to play football alter school, then we never placed football again. I was used to play football alter school, then we never placed football again. I was used to play football alter school, then we never placed football again. I was a child used to looka child used to looka child used to looka child used to look after myafter myafter myafter my sister but she died in the war, a bo sister but she died in the war, a bo sister but she died in the war, a bo sister but she died in the war, a bomb killed her. mb killed her. mb killed her. mb killed her. When i was a fifWhen i was a fifWhen i was a fifWhen i was a fifteen years every days i went to the grave of Daniela. I teen years every days i went to the grave of Daniela. I teen years every days i went to the grave of Daniela. I teen years every days i went to the grave of Daniela. I always creed for my sister. Four years later, my mother and my father dialways creed for my sister. Four years later, my mother and my father dialways creed for my sister. Four years later, my mother and my father dialways creed for my sister. Four years later, my mother and my father died ed ed ed too. As a child a didn`t usetoo. As a child a didn`t usetoo. As a child a didn`t usetoo. As a child a didn`t use to go the grave of my parent to go the grave of my parent to go the grave of my parent to go the grave of my parents. Why s. Why s. Why s. Why grandaddy…?. Because i was afraid and a was so sad. One day i was grandaddy…?. Because i was afraid and a was so sad. One day i was grandaddy…?. Because i was afraid and a was so sad. One day i was grandaddy…?. Because i was afraid and a was so sad. One day i was walking along the swalking along the swalking along the swalking along the street, suddenly i was a beautiftreet, suddenly i was a beautiftreet, suddenly i was a beautiftreet, suddenly i was a beautiful girl. Her name was ul girl. Her name was ul girl. Her name was ul girl. Her name was Ursula. Ohhhhh …!!! My granUrsula. Ohhhhh …!!! My granUrsula. Ohhhhh …!!! My granUrsula. Ohhhhh …!!! My granddddmother…!! Jajaj yes Daniel she was you mother…!! Jajaj yes Daniel she was you mother…!! Jajaj yes Daniel she was you mother…!! Jajaj yes Daniel she was you grandmother. I and you grandmother got marrigrandmother. I and you grandmother got marrigrandmother. I and you grandmother got marrigrandmother. I and you grandmother got married. We used to kiss very ed. We used to kiss very ed. We used to kiss very ed. We used to kiss very muc. The weeding was fantastic. Three days later you grandmother said to muc. The weeding was fantastic. Three days later you grandmother said to muc. The weeding was fantastic. Three days later you grandmother said to muc. The weeding was fantastic. Three days later you grandmother said to me. ¨ i am pregname. ¨ i am pregname. ¨ i am pregname. ¨ i am pregnamt ¨ you grandmother was pregnanmt ¨ you grandmother was pregnanmt ¨ you grandmother was pregnanmt ¨ you grandmother was pregnant of yout of yout of yout of yourrrr father and father and father and father and o fo fo fo f you uncle. The story is very beautiful grandadd you uncle. The story is very beautiful grandadd you uncle. The story is very beautiful grandadd you uncle. The story is very beautiful grandaddy thank for this story. y thank for this story. y thank for this story. y thank for this story. I have learI have learI have learI have learned very much. ned very much. ned very much. ned very much. ¡¡ Muuuuuuacks!! ¡¡ Muuuuuuacks!! ¡¡ Muuuuuuacks!! ¡¡ Muuuuuuacks!!


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La Palma is North west of the Canary islands. La Palma belongs to Tenerife. People call it La isla Bonita because the environment is perfect. The sky in La Palma is one of the best in the world and a big telescope is here. La Palma is a very quiet island with no so much population. In La Palma you can find many rural houses where the people sleep after trekking. My favourite place is El Roque de los Muchachos because it has beautiful views. In the North of the island near Puntagorda, Garafía, there are big forests and deep cliffs and ravines. In the middle of the island you can visit La Caldera where you can camp. La Caldera has very high mountains, many trees and even a river. There are also some little waterfalls. On the west of La Caldera there is an enormous raven that finishes in a beach in the town of Tazacorte. In La Palma there are many beaches and I usually play in the shore with the waves in the Summer time. There is a high lighthouse near my favourite beach in Pto. Naos. The south is completely different, there are volcanoes so you must be careful!!. This is my island


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This is La Palma and it belongs to the Canary islands. It is on the North west of the Archipelago. The Atlantic ocean surrounds the island and it is enormous. The sky of my island is the cleanest in the world so I can see millions of stars at night. My favourite place is Charco Verde which is a little beach on the west coast. In La Palma there are many volcanoes on the South of the island. Some of them exploded many years ago. There is a big forest on the North too. There are many ravens, for example on the west of the island. That is very big! Next to the river there is a small church. There are high and dangerous cliffs on the North west of the island, on the coast. In La Palma there are also many beaches. On the south there is an old lighthouse in Fuencaliente. You will see lots of banana trees when you visit us. La Palma is the ideal place to live.


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I Live in La Palma. It is one of the Canary islands. La Palma is called La isla Bonita because it has a beautiful landscape. At night the sky of the island is full of stars. In this island the people practice trekking. Tourists prefer the rural houses to stay to the hotels. La Caldera is a National park it is situated in the heart of the island. You should visit it. The highest place of the island is El Roque de los Muchachos. Living in this island is like living in the paradise. La Palma is situated in the Atlantic ocean. There are many volcanoes in the South of the island and lots of ravens all over it. The capital of the island is Santa Cruz de La Palma, the airport is near it. The island has amazing beaches and deep forests where many different animals live. Lighthouses, cliffs, volcanoes and clean waters are also part of the landscape. There are also natural water swimming pools on the North. I love this place.


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What is the weather likeWhat is the weather likeWhat is the weather likeWhat is the weather like????

NorthNorthNorthNorth AmericaAmericaAmericaAmerica

It will be snowy in the east of Canada so take

the shovel.

It will be rainy in the west of Canada so take your


There will be thirty-five degrees in Hawaii but it will be windy too be careful with the clothes.

It will be sunny in New York so you must put on shorts but, look out! Because in the afternoon it will be cloudy.

There will be a flood in Mexico so take a rubber ring but don´t make it splote.

There will be a twister in Florida in two days so look out because you could fly away.

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SouSouSouSouth Américath Américath Américath América

There will be a thunderstorm in Argentina at the weekend don’t stand under a tree.

It will be minus twenty degrees so you must eat chillies to get hot.

There will be thunder in Brazil so you must buy lighting rod but it will be sunny

There will be some clouds in Colombia but the sun will appear so you must go to the beach.

It will rain sweets and candies in Venezuela because the clouds are made of sugar.


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Horoscopes AquariusAquariusAquariusAquarius ( 20 January / 18 February) ( 20 January / 18 February) ( 20 January / 18 February) ( 20 January / 18 February) YouYouYouYou will find a lottery ticket in the street, you must keep will find a lottery ticket in the street, you must keep will find a lottery ticket in the street, you must keep will find a lottery ticket in the street, you must keep It because you will win a prize, when you find it go to theIt because you will win a prize, when you find it go to theIt because you will win a prize, when you find it go to theIt because you will win a prize, when you find it go to the Lottery seller because the ticket might expire! Lottery seller because the ticket might expire! Lottery seller because the ticket might expire! Lottery seller because the ticket might expire! PiscesPiscesPiscesPisces (19 February/ 20 march)(19 February/ 20 march)(19 February/ 20 march)(19 February/ 20 march) You will have the opportunity to change your job. You will earn more money You will have the opportunity to change your job. You will earn more money You will have the opportunity to change your job. You will earn more money You will have the opportunity to change your job. You will earn more money . Your boss will be angry. Your boss will be angry. Your boss will be angry. Your boss will be angry....

AriesAriesAriesAries (21 March/ 19 April) (21 March/ 19 April) (21 March/ 19 April) (21 March/ 19 April) Don’t go out today. You will get lost and lose your keys!Don’t go out today. You will get lost and lose your keys!Don’t go out today. You will get lost and lose your keys!Don’t go out today. You will get lost and lose your keys! At home. You will receive an important phAt home. You will receive an important phAt home. You will receive an important phAt home. You will receive an important phone call. one call. one call. one call.

TAURUSTAURUSTAURUSTAURUS( 20 April/ 2o may)( 20 April/ 2o may)( 20 April/ 2o may)( 20 April/ 2o may) Look out! Because is very possible that your best friend is in love Look out! Because is very possible that your best friend is in love Look out! Because is very possible that your best friend is in love Look out! Because is very possible that your best friend is in love with you.with you.with you.with you. GeminiGeminiGeminiGemini (21(21(21(21 May/ 20 June) May/ 20 June) May/ 20 June) May/ 20 June)

You will have a depression because You will have a depression because You will have a depression because You will have a depression because the best friend will disloyal. You will the best friend will disloyal. You will the best friend will disloyal. You will the best friend will disloyal. You will also meet a Chinese friendalso meet a Chinese friendalso meet a Chinese friendalso meet a Chinese friend

CancerCancerCancerCancer( 21 June/ 22 July)( 21 June/ 22 July)( 21 June/ 22 July)( 21 June/ 22 July) Don’t worry! Your bad luck will end. You will meet the girl/ boy of your life. Don’t worry! Your bad luck will end. You will meet the girl/ boy of your life. Don’t worry! Your bad luck will end. You will meet the girl/ boy of your life. Don’t worry! Your bad luck will end. You will meet the girl/ boy of your life. You will get married and have fiveYou will get married and have fiveYou will get married and have fiveYou will get married and have five children. children. children. children.


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LeoLeoLeoLeo (23 July / 22 August) (23 July / 22 August) (23 July / 22 August) (23 July / 22 August) When you are thirty you will fall in love and onWhen you are thirty you will fall in love and onWhen you are thirty you will fall in love and onWhen you are thirty you will fall in love and on Your firstYour firstYour firstYour first Date you will discover that your girlfriend is your cousinDate you will discover that your girlfriend is your cousinDate you will discover that your girlfriend is your cousinDate you will discover that your girlfriend is your cousin

VirgoVirgoVirgoVirgo( 23 august/ 22 September)( 23 august/ 22 September)( 23 august/ 22 September)( 23 august/ 22 September)

You will have a serious problem at work a snake will enter the window and a You will have a serious problem at work a snake will enter the window and a You will have a serious problem at work a snake will enter the window and a You will have a serious problem at work a snake will enter the window and a sleep under your desk! sleep under your desk! sleep under your desk! sleep under your desk!

Libra Libra Libra Libra( 23 September/ 22 October)( 23 September/ 22 October)( 23 September/ 22 October)( 23 September/ 22 October)

A friend will be disloyal be careful if you have plans with you friendsA friend will be disloyal be careful if you have plans with you friendsA friend will be disloyal be careful if you have plans with you friendsA friend will be disloyal be careful if you have plans with you friends at the at the at the at the weekend.weekend.weekend.weekend.

ScorpioScorpioScorpioScorpio (23 October/ 21 November) (23 October/ 21 November) (23 October/ 21 November) (23 October/ 21 November) A scorpion will sting you and you will have a temperature. You will sleep for A scorpion will sting you and you will have a temperature. You will sleep for A scorpion will sting you and you will have a temperature. You will sleep for A scorpion will sting you and you will have a temperature. You will sleep for three daysthree daysthree daysthree days

SagittariusSagittariusSagittariusSagittarius ( 22 November/ 21 December) ( 22 November/ 21 December) ( 22 November/ 21 December) ( 22 November/ 21 December) You will wake up with a strange colour skin.Don´t worry you You will wake up with a strange colour skin.Don´t worry you You will wake up with a strange colour skin.Don´t worry you You will wake up with a strange colour skin.Don´t worry you must go the must go the must go the must go the doctor. It is probable that you have bad luck. doctor. It is probable that you have bad luck. doctor. It is probable that you have bad luck. doctor. It is probable that you have bad luck.

CapricornCapricornCapricornCapricorn (22 December/ 19 January) (22 December/ 19 January) (22 December/ 19 January) (22 December/ 19 January)

A friend from your childhood will declare his love. You will be surprisedA friend from your childhood will declare his love. You will be surprisedA friend from your childhood will declare his love. You will be surprisedA friend from your childhood will declare his love. You will be surprised....

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