Yes society behavior can be effected from the environment, and can gain genetically behave from the mosquitos قاماتن في موضوع احيارمه بعض الغير صان واحيارمة بعض الصاين القوانسها حكومة ماليزيا بام تجللدنيا ولمت ا أقاصحانب واجاحقة كثير من ا تعسفيا بملماضية وقامتم في الشهور الطلبة وغيره والفيز لجر بحجة ان الفيز غيرلمتا ب اء بريئة من هؤى دائرة الجوازات والهجرة وبأن الدائرةمحسوبين علص الشخا كثير من ا طبعا قام بتزويرهالحه والتي صاي كانت مسروقه التك الجوازاتتلخروج فقط للختام لموا بتزوير الذين قان اسأل من ا لها. أ يعملوا شخاص وبأنهم ا وتدبي؟؟ أليس هذا يعيبيضار هذا انكا ودائرة الهجرة ا تقدر الحكومةمنكوبة. هلئرة اللطاص على اشخاء ا ر امور سفر هؤذهدرة على توقيف همر القسلطة في هذا أحب ال لصاسائل هل امور كثيره.. العالم فيلقيتها لل في مصدابلد ويقل هذا اللناس وبحياتهم و المهزلة والعبث في امور اسلطات الهمال لسفر لماليزيالحذر من اخذ باجانب أجانب أم على أصة ا خالغرباء بهائحين والسا بأمور اWas it a sign of the existence of corruption in the immigration and passport division at the Malaysian government.? What have happened with the issue of the 2 passengers on the flight that has been missing in the past 4 days? How did those two passengers have exiting stamps from immigration stand at the airport and never had entering visas or even stamps? Is it rules and regulations that are flexible to the desire of the immigration employee to enforce and not to? Knowing that as someone have been in this country for a while and have been victimized as a shop owner by the immigration and because of what happened ( recently the arbitrary prosecution of many foreigners and shopkeepers under the pretext that visa or permit is false) personal I say nothing is weird or shocking to me to see this happened with the immigration desk at the airport to falsify a document or to do something needed by any one as long as money and bribery is been made. I know that few months ago lots of people have lost their paid visas and permits and found out or told by immigration that they have been doing business or going to school on a false visa or permit. Now who initiate this visa or permit it is an immigration person or who claims to be, and you have to pay for the consequences and be jailed or fined or deported or all the above. And one thing you need to know in Malaysia that Malaysians do not do mistakes it is always you who is in fault regardless . even If you have any issue in the period you stay here weather someone have stolen or done any harm to you by a Malaysian it is always you in the wrong and you can never expect from the law to prosecute the native. And that is why you see the native is behaving as he or she is the PM of the country and every single one of them is PM to be ware. Can the government and the Department of Immigration to deny this too? And most important will they do anything to fix such major issue or they cannot because it is so deep in and it is so wide of a society disease? And sometimes I wonder which is more dangerous in this society the dengue mosquito issue that kills hundreds of people a year in Malaysia or the corruption that is killing the economy and the tourist side? But at the end I compare the 2 diseases dengue mosquito and corrupted society as the same .

Yes society behavior can be effected from the environment

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Missing Malaysian flight, missing Boeing 777, missing flight, flight, flight disappeared, Malaysian flight, Flight 370, Flight MH370 , crashed plane

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Yes society behavior can be effected from the environment, and can gain

genetically behave from the mosquitos

أقامت الدنيا ولم تجلسها حكومة ماليزيا بالقوانين الصارمة بعض األحيان والغير صارمه بعض األحيان في موضوع اإلقامات ب المتاجر بحجة ان الفيز غير والفيز للطلبة وغيرهم في الشهور الماضية وقامت تعسفيا بمالحقة كثير من االجانب واصحا

صالحه والتي طبعا قام بتزويرها كثير من األشخاص المحسوبين على دائرة الجوازات والهجرة وبأن الدائرة بريئة من هؤالء األشخاص وبأنهم ال يعملوا لها. أالن اسأل من الذين قاموا بتزوير األختام للخروج فقط لتلك الجوازات التي كانت مسروقه

ر امور سفر هؤالء االشخاص على الطائرة المنكوبة. هل تقدر الحكومة ودائرة الهجرة انكار هذا ايضا؟؟ أليس هذا يعيب وتدبيهذا البلد ويقلل في مصداقيتها للعالم في امور كثيره.. السائل هل لصاحب السلطة في هذا أألمر القدرة على توقيف هذه

خاصة األجانب أم على أألجانب أألخذ بالحذر من السفر لماليزيا إلهمال السلطات المهزلة والعبث في امور الناس وبحياتهم و بأمور السائحين والغرباء بها

Was it a sign of the existence of corruption in the immigration and passport division at the Malaysian government.? What have happened with the issue of the 2 passengers on the flight that has been missing in the past 4 days? How did those two passengers have exiting stamps from immigration stand at the airport and never had entering visas or even stamps? Is it rules and regulations that are flexible to the desire of the immigration employee to enforce and not to? Knowing that as someone have been in this country for a while and have been victimized as a shop owner by the immigration and because of what happened ( recently the arbitrary prosecution of many foreigners and shopkeepers under the pretext that visa or permit is false) personal I say nothing is weird or shocking to me to see this happened with the immigration desk at the airport to falsify a document or to do something needed by any one as long as money and bribery is been made. I know that few months ago lots of people have lost their paid visas and permits and found out or told by immigration that they have been doing business or going to school on a false visa or permit. Now who initiate this visa or permit it is an immigration person or who claims to be, and you have to pay for the consequences and be jailed or fined or deported or all the above. And one thing you need to know in Malaysia that Malaysians do not do mistakes it is always you who is in fault regardless . even If you have any issue in the period you stay here weather someone have stolen or done any harm to you by a Malaysian it is always you in the wrong and you can never expect from the law to prosecute the native. And that is why you see the native is behaving as he or she is the PM of the country and every single one of them is PM to be ware. Can the government and the Department of Immigration to deny this too? And most important will they do anything to fix such major issue or they cannot because it is so deep in and it is so wide of a society disease? And sometimes I wonder which is more dangerous in this society the dengue mosquito issue that kills hundreds of people a year in Malaysia or the corruption that is killing the economy and the tourist side? But at the end I compare the 2 diseases dengue mosquito and corrupted society as the same .