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Andrea Gilardoni Fabrizio Cantarini Martina Maisto Manila Luzi Deborah Benetti

Stefano Monaco Luca Lolletti

From Milan, Italy, Andrea has worked as a swimming instructor since 1982 and is currently employed at Virgin Active. A national federation first and second level certi-fied swimming instructor, he holds a degree from Bocconi University in Milan and has achieved all EAA certifica-tions. He is the creator of the Aquatreadmill program and collaborates for the Aqua-bike program. He is and in-ternational presenter in Por-tugal, Switzerland, Denmark, Russia and France.

From Ancona, Italy, Fabrizio is an EAA Professional Trai-ner and Technical and Scien-tific Committee member. Creator of many water trai-ning programs, he is on the staff of the AXE programs through which he has taken part in all the major conven-tions around the world over the last 15 years. He is also Fitness Director of the Co-nero Wellness Fitness Club, hydrokinesiologist, personal trainer and sports masseur.

From Italy, Martina is an EAA Professional Trainer and Te-chnical Advisor. She has par-ticipated as a presenter at the most important conven-tions, such as Aquafitness Days, Winter Marathon and Rimini Wellness. She mana-ges the AquaBoxe program in partnership with the Ita-lian Boxing Federation and is a Fitness and Aquafitness instructor at the amateur swim club Amatori Nuoto of Perugia.

From Perugia, Italy, Manila has a degree in Foreign Lan-guages and Literature. Since 1995, after extensive expe-rience in athletics, she has obtained numerous vocatio-nal training certifications in the fitness and aqua fitness industry. She collaborates with the club Amatori Nuoto Libertas of Perugia. She is an EAA Professional Trainer and has been presenter at several editions of Aquafit-ness Days, Winter Marathon and Rimini Wellness.

From Italy, Deborah is an EAA Professional Trainer and is AEA certified. Specia-lizing in technical programs with a large dose of fun, she is promoter of the new Step & Jump aXe program. For the last 6 years, she has always been present at internatio-nal conventions in Switzer-land, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Estonia, Russia, Brazil and the United States, presenting the ‘Express Yourself Fit & Fun’ pre-choreographed wa-ter program. She is author of several technical articles on ‘Happy Aquatics’.

From Turin, Italy, Luca is a university lecturer in the Faculty of Exercise Science in Turin for the course ‘Ath-letic Preparation in Water’. He is author of ‘Training in Water’ (published by Elika Editrice) and numerous ar-ticles for health and fitness magazines. He is a presenter and Fitness in Water Master Trainer. He is the creator of numerous aqua-fit educa-tional programs and videos, including the latest AQUA-BEAT BUSTER.

From Bologna, Italy, Stefa-no has a degree in Exercise Science and Sports Mana-gement. He is a water polo coach and athletic trainer and the Fitness Manager and Coordinator for the club President of Bologna. He is a new entry in the EAA faculty with his AQUAXFIT project.

Michela PietribiasiFrom Castelfranco Veneto, Italy, Michela is the creator of the Acquami program. An expert in Pilates and wa-ter-lover, she works closely with professional sportsmen and women, athletes, sports trainers and coaches, who have collaborated with her in developing the innovative Acquami project.

Caterina BorgatoFrom Padua, Italy, Caterina is a former multiple Italian swim champion. She is a swimming instructor specia-lized in neonatal and early childhood water activities and EAA Trainer for Acquami and Neonatal training.

Gessica BernardiniFrom Lucca, Italy, Gessica is a swimming instructor with twenty years of experience and AEA certified aqua fi-tness trainer with EAA,. In 2014, together with Roberto Terconi, she designed the Ac-quaBalance program and de-veloped a range of routines for the aquatic beam.

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Cristina Tandurella Stefania ManfrediGabriele Tufano Andrea Ronchi Anna Rita Misciglia

Giorgia Collu Marco Gagliassi Simona Natale


From Turin, Italy, Cristina graduated in Physical Edu-cation from the Interfaculty School of Sports Science (SUISM) of the University of Turin and has been an Aquafitness, Aquastep and Aquabike instructor since 1991. She is creator, teacher, lecturer and presenter of the AGUA MOVIDA FITNESS program and of the same methodology applied to Jump Aquatic. She has been a presenter of aqua-fit and choreography at numerous fairs and events. She is an EAA and MOVIDA FITNESS program Professional Trai-ner and personal trainer at Palestre Torino specialized in training programs in and out of water, also for pregnant women.

From Turin, Italy, Stefania has a degree in Physical Education and is a swimmer, qualified athlete and water fitness instructor trainer. She is co-creator of the Ac-qua Pole fitness program and has participated in major industry events across Italy, the United States, Portugal, Russia, the Netherlands, Bel-gium, France and Singapore as a presenter and Acqua Pole instructor.

From Milan, Italy, Gabrie-le is a EAA Master Trainer and Technical Advisor, as well as a renowned perso-nal trainer on both land and in the water and freelance consultant in Milan at Virgin Active. He has participated in numerous events in Italy such as Aquafitness Days, RiminiWellness, Winter Marathon and internatio-nal events in Russia and Denmark. He comes from a background of combat sport of which his mastery is undi-sputed.

From Perugia, Italy, Anna Rita is a Higher Institute of Physi-cal Education (ISEF) gradua-te, EAA Professional Trainer, former competitive swimmer and dancer. She has garnered considerable experience at various sports centres since 1990 and numerous voca-tional training certifications. Since 2002, she has been involved in the management of several sports centres and in the amateur swim club Amatori Nuoto Perugia. She has authored the programs “Aqua Street Dance”, “Aqua Big Five” and “Axe Deep Wa-ter”.

From Rome, Italy, Marco was among the first EAA in-structors, is an Italian Swim Federation (FIN) presenter and trainer and regularly creates and presents aquatic programs. He has 20 years of experience in the industry and Technical Director for Hydrorider and the Sporting Palace of Rome.

A graduate of the Higher In-stitute of Physical Education (ISEF) of Bologna, Simona has been working in the water fitness industry since 1990. She has been a na-tional trainer for the Italian Union of Sport for All (UISP) and Aquaria Bologna regio-nal coordinator since 1992, and aqua fit coordinator for Sport 2000 Bologna since 1990. She is administrator and coordinator for the club Circolo Vita in Pavullo nel Frignano. She is an elderly, baby and pain-relief swim instructor who works with a wide range of equipment.

From Rome, Italy, Andrea has a degree in Sports Scien-ce and Technique and is a Physical Education teacher at the Highlands Institute of Rome. Since 2010, he has been an AFS instructor for AQUAFITNESS and BODY EXPRESSION courses at Sports Science University Institute (IUMS) of Rome. He is an EAA Master Trai-ner and has participated as a presenter at various inter-national events and national events, such as Aquafitness Days and Winter Marathon as well as several editions of Rimini Wellness.

From Cagliari, Italy, Giorgia is an Italian Swim Federation (FIN) and AEA International Trainer and HYDRORYDER Master Trainer. She has wor-ked in the field of wet and dry fitness for over 25 years and was among the very first EAA instructors.

Piero PigliapocoFrom Ancona, Italy, Piero is a Physical Education teacher, swim coach and water reha-bilitator. He is in charge of aquatic fitness and functio-nal rehabilitation in water at various swimming centres in Ancona, is an EAA Trainer and Master Trainer, a Italian National Olympic Commit-tee (CONI) Instructor and creator of “Aqua Contrology”.

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Ekaterina KhapkovaFrom Russia, EKATERINA has been EAA Head Coor-dinator for Russia for over a year. Since 2000, she has been a popular presenter at international conventions in Moscow and is organizer of the Water World Internatio-nal Convention (WWIC). She is a synchronized swimming Master Instructor, Associa-tion of Fitness Professionals (FPA) Instructor and author of various sector magazine articles.

Claudia ContrerasPoblete

Vera LuciaGonçalves Margit Lipstuhl

From San Salvador, El Sal-vador, Claudia is a teacher of Physical Education and international Aquafitness presenter. She is the creator and pioneer of various aqua-tic programs in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Chile. She is EAA International Instructor for Latin America. For seve-ral years now, she has been promoting and teaching aquatic fitness, writing arti-cles for magazines and appe-aring on television and radio programs.

From Brazil, Vera graduated in Physical Education from the University of São Paulo and specialized in Physiology at the College of Medicine of São Paulo. She has been AEA trainer for over 10 ye-ars and runs various courses and conferences in Brazil, Italy, Spain and Argentina. She teaches a graduate cour-se at the University of São Paulo and is the creator of the Power Poll System. She is technical coordinator for aqua fit at the sports clubs Esporte Club Pinheiros and Club Hebraica and at the Centre for Sports Practice of the University of São Paulo (CEPE-USP).

From Estonia, Margit is an international fitness trainer with over 15 years experien-ce in the water sector. She holds a degree in Physical Education from the Univer-sity of Talin and the 4th level of Aquatic Fitness Instructor of the Federation of Estonian Gymnastics. She is the foun-der of the Estonian Aquatic Fitness Association and or-ganizes various aqua fit con-ventions in her country.

Javier BergasFrom Spain, Javier has been an international presenter of Aquafitness since 2006 and is director of Aquadvance-LifeStudio in both Spain and Russia. In his career as Aqua-fitnessSpecialist Trainer he has earned numerous inter-nationally recognized quali-fications. As swim instructor, he is an expert in therapeutic swimming for the treatment of back problems, for pre-gnant women and in neonatal and infant swimming. He is co-author of several aqua fit articles and books published in collaboration with the University of the Balearic Islands.

Stephan GaltierFrom France, Stephan has considerable experience in aqua fit and nutrition. He has a degree in Anatomy, Physiology and Fitness Tea-ching Methodology from the University of Paris and is the author of the book ‘Manual of Fitness’, as well as numerous articles on well-being, health and nutrition published in va-rious women’s magazines. He is the creator of many fitness programs, has organized many sports events and was Reebok Master Trainer from 1999 to 2013.

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thursday 1 SEPTEMBER


FRANCESCO CONFALONIERI: Specialist in Sports Medicine, European Aquatic Association Scientific Committee President and co-founder, Expert in Training and Dietetic Methodology.

MANOLO CATTARI: Sports psychologist and psychotherapist, scientific director of Project Albatross and connected sports therapy projects.

DOMENICO FIORAVANTI: At the Sydney Olympics in 2000, Domenico was the first Italian swimmer to win two gold medals in 100m and 200m Breaststroke and won world silver and bronze the following year in Fukuoka. Today, he is poolside ambassador for the Italian Swim Federation (FIN). He has also worked as a pundit for the television channels Mediaset and RAI at all the major swimming events. In 2005, Domenico, together with the Dell’Andrea family, founded Akron, a company specializing in costumes and technical equipment for water sports entirely made in Italy and subject to strictest technical and quality controls, which earnt the company the official approval of the International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA). Medals include 2 Olympic Golds in 100m and 200m Breaststroke (Sydney 2000), 1 World Cup Silver in 100m Breaststroke (Fukuoka 2001), 1 World Cup Bronze in 50m Breaststroke (Fukuoka 2001), 2 European Championship Golds in 100m and 50m Breaststroke (Istanbul 1999, Hel-sinki 2000), 1 European Championship Silver in 200m Breaststroke (Helsinki 2000) and 46 Golds, 16 Silvers and 4 Bronzes in the Italian National Championships.

CAMELIA POTEC: One of the few swimmers to prevail over our champion Pellegrini (Athens 2004), Camelia has swam for years at the highest levels, training for a long time in France, under the technical guidance of Philippe Lucas and today one of the most famous sports personalities in Romania. She occupies top managerial and institutional positions and closely follows all aquatic, wellness and fitness disciplines. Medals include Olympic Gold in 200m Freestyle in Athens in 2004, World Cup Bronze in 200m Freestyle in Fukuoka in 2001, World Cup Bronze in 1500m Freestyle in Rome in 2009, European Championship Silver in 200m Freestyle, Bronze in 400m Freestyle and Bronze in 800m Freestyle in Eindhoven in 2008, European Championship Gold in 200m Freestyle, Silver in 400m Freestyle and Bronzes in 800m Freestyle and 4x200m Freestyle in Madrid in 2004, European Championship Silver in 200m Freestyle and Bronze in the 400m Freestyle in Berlin in 2002, European Championship Gold in 4x200m Freestyle and Bronzes in 200m Freestyle, 400m Freestyle and 4x100m medley in Helsinki in 2000.

STEFANO CANDIDONI: Swim Coach and Manager of the club Libertas Rari Nantes Perugia for over 30 years.

GIANLUCA ALBERANI: Former high-ranking swimmer, Gianluca is a qualified coach with many years of experience. Since 2013, he has been manager and head coach of Azura Florida Aquatics, and, since 2014, head coach at the David Posnack Hebrew School. At the Olympics in Rio in 2016 he will act as coach for the El Salvador national team, which he also led during the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, where his athlete Marcelo Acosta qualified in 4th place in the 1500 Freestyle.

STEFANO NURRA: Coach at the Federal Sports Centre of Bursa in Turkey, Stefano is an expert in biomechanics applied to swimming and swim analysis consultant to various clubs.

LUCA SPECIANI: Medical Surgeon and Doctor in Agricultural Science with an International Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, he is university professor of Master’s courses in Phytotherapy and Clinical Nutrition. He is nutritional physician for the Ultra-marathon Italian National Team, President of the Association of Doctors for Signal Dietetics (AMPAS) and national coordinator of the professional network GIFT. He has written several books in relation to medicine and sports nutrition, and has collaborated with numerous scientific journals and popular magazines.

EDOARDO COGNONATO: Leadership and Team Building Trainer for national and multinational companies such as Mazda Italy, NH Hotels, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Venice Casino and Lugano, he graduated in Political Science specializing in Relational Psychology and Counseling. He collaborates with the Faculty of General Psychology of the University of Padua, is a contributor and collaborator for the magazine Il Nuovo Club and is now head of Trainer training at the European Aquatic Association, of which he is also co-founder.

PAOLO GROSSO: Leadership and Team Building Trainer for national and multinational companies such as Mazda Italy, NH Hotels, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Venice Casino and Lugano, he graduated in Political Science specializing in Relational Psychology and Counseling. He collaborates with the Faculty of General Psychology of the University of Padua, is a contributor and collaborator for the magazine Il Nuovo Club and is now head of Trainer training at the European Aquatic Association, of which he is also co-founder.

WORKSHOP:SWIMMING: “FORMING YOUNG SWIMMERS:current trends and new prospects”Francesco Confalonieri: Essential elements for training programmes and improvement management of young swimmers.Manolo Cattari: The correct interpersonal and individual psychological management of young swimmers.Domenico Fioravanti e Camelia Potec: From swimming lessons to Olympic Gold: Comparing experiences.Stefano Candidoni, Luca Alberani, Stefano Nurra: Forming young swimmers: the Italian, American and Turkish models.Stefano Nurra: The role of technique and its evolution in the formation of high-level athletes.

TEACHING: “MASTER TRAINER HIGH-SPECIALISATION WORKSHOP BY EAA”with Fabrizio Cantarini, Annarita Misciglia and Andrea Gilardoni

MARKETING: “PLAN AND EXCITE:the ingredients for a successful relationship with the client”with the intervention of Edoardo Cognonato and Paolo Grosso

DIET: “NUTRITION AND SPORT: comparing different approaches”Three different methods, all rigorous and scientifically proven, to address one of the most debated topics of our times. With the intervention of Francesco Confalonieri (Sports Physician, President of CTS EAA), Luca Speciani (Physician and Nutritionist) and an expert from the Enervit Team.


h. 10.00 - 17.00

h. 10.00 - 13.00

h. 14.00 - 17.00

ore 10.00 - 17.00

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MASTERCLASSES POOL A - outdoor olympic pool

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Stefano Monaco

Cristina TandurellaLuca Lolletti

Fabrizio Cantarini

Gessica Bernardini

Giorgia Collu

Gabriele Tufano

Andrea Gilardoni

Staff EAA


MASTERCLASSES POOL B - outdoor above ground pool

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Javier Bergas

Deborah Benetti

Stefania Manfredi

Cristina Tandurella

Marco Gagliassi

Vera Lucia Gonçalves

Manila Luzi vsDeborah Benetti

Marco Gagliassi

AQUAXFIT: circuit training alternating upper and lower limb exercises with the help of different size accessories and free body exercises. ACCESSORIES: Aqquacombat Gloves, Round Jump, Free Body

AQUA BEAT BUSTER: carried away by the changing rhythms of the “beat buster” music. Training to the rhythm of music has never been so effective and fun. Discover the first programme that uses innovative custom made music tracks. ACCESSORIES: Bpm Aqquabike, Free Body

AXE WATERWALKING: the AXE model for today’s water walking trainer. Teaching and com-munication to create a unique and unforgettable experience. ACCESSORIES: Star Treadmill, Aqua Bands

DEMO: Acquabalance

AQUA FLUID PILATES: balanced workout combining muscle endurance and centre of mass con-trol exercises. ACCESSORIES: Aqquniversal Rings

INTERMITTENT TRAINING: high intensity intermittent training. Obiettivo: miglioramento del-le capacità aerobiche. ACCESSORIES: Star Treadmill

INTERVAL BIKE: interval training designed to satisfy the individual needs of a heterogeneous team. ACCESSORIES: Bpm Aqquabike

AQUA-CROSS-BIT: challenge yourself with this new circuit and its unusual, charming acces-sory!!! ACCESSORIES: Wibit

NON STOP TRAINING: will try a full-body, non-stop workout, using only water, a step and lots of exercise combinations. Fancy training with us? ACCESSORIES: Puzzle Step

JUMP & KOMBAT: like in a ring. Just keep jumping, kicking and fighting! ACCESSORIES: Round Jump, Aqquacombat Gloves

ACQUAPOLE REVOLUTION: have fun in the water using small Acquapole. ACCESSORIES: Ac-quapole, Aqua Bands

AGUAMOVIDA JUMP: the aguamovidafitness programme applied to jumping. The fun you get from the accessory’s rebound effect is increased by the prearranged choreography supported by very engaging music. ACCESSORIES: Round Jump

INCREASE YOUR INTENSITY STEP BY STEP: this session will include cardio and toning exer-cises, transforming something simple in a proper training workout. ACCESSORIES: none

HYDRO CARDIO JUMP: if you are looking for an intense workout, you have found it. Improve your general and specific aerobic capacity jumping with Jump!!! ACCESSORIES: Round Jump

DUEL: STEP G&G: combination of exercises for leg and bum muscles, customisable for all diffe-rent levels. ACCESSORIES: Puzzle Step

FUNCTIONAL CRAZY FUSION: a fun and effective session that mixes choreography blocks with a proper workout for legs and arms. ACCESSORIES: Wave Bells

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MASTERCLASSES POOL C - deep indoor pool

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Manila Luzi

Anna Rita Misciglia

Margit Lipstuhl

Stephan Galtier

Andrea Gilardoni vs Fabrizio Cantarini

Ekaterina Khapkova

Simona Natale

Andrea Ronchi


MASTERCLASSES POOL D - indoor baby pool10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Vera Lucia G. e Claudia Contreras P.

Piero Pigliapoco

Martina Maisto

Michela PietribiasiCaterina Borgato

Piero Pigliapoco

Javier Bergas

Michela PietribiasiCaterina Borgato

Piero Pigliapoco

- FITNESS AQUATIC CIRCUIT - permanent demo -

friday night at 18.3020 YEARS CELEBRATION TIME with all EAA TEAM

Celebrate EAA’s 20th anniversary with usmasterclass + buffet dinner

We wait for you!!!

POWER CORE: training options focussed on core power exercises. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

INSTABILITY: dynamism and constant search for balance are essential elements in a session with an increasing pace. ACCESSORIES: Cloud Foot, Superior Belt (optional)

ABS POWER IN DEEP: workout that targets specifically the abdominal muscles. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

DEMO: Sup’p (with permanent demo and info upon request)

DUEL: DEEP FUNCTIONAL: deep water as a tool to harmonically improve all motor skills. A new model of wellness based on water. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt, Happy Flower

POWER LEGS: a session that focusses on developing leg muscles and coordination skills.ACCESSORIES: Ankle Cuffs, Superior Belt (optional)

DYNAMIC CORE: the core is the body’s muscular corset upon which posture and wellness both depend.ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

DEEP ENERGY SYSTEM: searching for new movements using specific motor skills, for an alter-nating aerobic workout.ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

HIDRO “FOUR FUN”: how about working out in groups and then changing group and exercises at the same time? See you in the pool!!! ACCESSORIES: none

DEMO: Aquacontrology

AXE AQUAFIGHTING: combine the AXE programme with the fun of fighting! Simplicity and in-tensity. ACCESSORIES: Aqquacombat Gloves

DEMO: Acquami

DEMO: Aquacontrology

AFROKOMBAT RESURRECTION: the return of kombat style choreography, mixing tribal and classic kombat movements accompanied by the energy of tribal music. ACCESSORIES: none

DEMO: Acquami

DEMO: Aquacontrology

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saturday3 SEPTEMBER

MASTERCLASSES POOL A - outdoor olympic pool

MASTERCLASSES VASCA B - outdoor above ground pool

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Giorgia Collu

Andrea Ronchi

Cristina Tandurella

Fabrizio Cantarini

Margit Lipstuhl

Andrea Gilardoni

Stefano Monaco

Staff EAA

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

Deborah Benetti

Vera Lucia G. eClaudia Contreras P.

Stefania Manfredi

Cristina TandurellaLuca Lolletti

Martina Maisto vs Gabriele Tufano

Stefania Manfredi

Simona Natale

HYDRO TONE HIT: combinations of high-intensity Interval Training with specific muscle wor-kouts while recovering. ACCESSORIES: none

STARLIGHT TREADMILL: each wave created by movement has a different light. Which will yours be? ACCESSORIES: Star Treadmill

AGUAMOVIDA FITNESS: aquafitness activities that combine general cardiovascular muscle workouts with fun and entertainment. ACCESSORIES: Wave Bells

AXE WATERCYCLING: AXE’s version of watercycling: teaching, excitement, effectiveness, per-ception. Thanks to EAA’s 20 years of experience and research, here is a modern version of water-cycling. ACCESSORIES: BPM Aqquabike, Aqua Bands

REPEAT AND BURN: different combinations of exercises for a metabolic and continuous wor-kout. ACCESSORIES: Ankle Cuffs

AQUA FUSION TRAINING: workouts targeted to a variety of objectives: endurance, speed, co-ordination. ACCESSORIES: Star Treadmill, Puzzle Step

AQUAXFIT: circuit training alternating upper and lower limb exercises with the help of different size accessories and free body exercises. ACCESSORIES: Aqquacombat Gloves, Round Jump, Free Body

BIG AQUA CIRCUIT: dive in with us, test your endurance…have fun!!! ACCESSORIES: Star Tre-admill, BPM Aqquabike, Round Jump, Puzzle Step

SUPER JUMP: high-intensity total body workout using Jump and other small muscle toning acces-sories. ACCESSORIES: Round Jump, Wave Bells, Extra Wave Bar

HYDRO CROSS TRAINING: a session involving all body muscles with an innovative circuit. Are you ready? ACCESSORIES: Wave Bells, Ankle Cuffs, Round Jump

ACQUAPOLE ABS: abs galore! ACCESSORIES: Acquapole

AQUA BEAT BUSTER: get carried away by the changing rhythms of the “beat buster” music. Trai-ning to the rhythm of music has never been so effective and fun. Discover the first programme that uses innovative custom made music tracks. ACCESSORIES: Round Jump, Free Body

DUEL: AQUABOXE: boxing techniques meet their objective! Unwind and have fun with your fi-sts, kicks and music. ACCESSORIES: Boxing Bag, Aqquacombat Gloves

UPPER BODY WORKOUT: tone your upper body using the T-barre. ACCESSORIES: Acquapole, T-Barre

VINTAGYM: 1990 - 2016 the evolution of water training. An intense and overwhelming session that will transport you from the past to the present. ACCESSORIES: none

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saturday3 SEPTEMBER

MASTERCLASSES POOL C - deep indoor pool

10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

17.00 - 17.45

Simona Natale

Martina Maisto

Anna Rita Miscigliavs Antonio Russovs Manila Luzi

Ekaterina Khapkova

Marco GagliassiGiorgia Collu

Margit Lipstuhl

Anna Rita MiscigliaLeonardo PiccioneValentina Nesi

Stephan Galtier

- FITNESS AQUATIC CIRCUIT - permanent demo -

MASTERCLASSES POOL D - indoor baby pool10.00 - 10.45

11.00 - 11.45

12.00 - 12.45

13.00 - 13.45

14.00 - 14.45

15.00 - 15.45

16.00 - 16.45

Ekaterina Khapkova

Michela PietribiasiCaterina Borgato

Gabriele Tufano

Piero Pigliapoco

Andrea Ronchi

Michela PietribiasiCaterina Borgato

Gessica Bernardini

SINCRO GYM: gym and synchronised swimming combined. High-intensity water session. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

SPEED UP “BPM” 3.0: following the huge success of the first two versions, the breathtaking In-terval Training is back on popular demand. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

DUEL: LEGS AND ABS SOLUTION: DUEL: LEGS AND ABS SOLUTION: various sequence com-binations for legs, abs and bums. ACCESSORIES: Ankle Cuffs, Superior Belt (optional)

INTERVAL MIX: general cardiovascular activity, toning of all body muscles including the abs mu-scle belt. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt, Aqquacombat Gloves

FIT FITNESS CIRCUIT: try all swimming sports in this fun training session.ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt

AQUA BOOT CAMP: discover the potential of combining water training with boot camp style training. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt, Ankle Cuffs, Aqquacombat Gloves

HIGH INTERVAL TRAINING: session targeted to improving aerobic capacity all the way to vo-2max. ACCESSORIES: Superior Belt (optional), Ankle Cuffs

DEMO: Sup’p (with permanent demo and info upon request)

POWER ABS: arm muscles workout and coordination improvement session.ACCESSORIES: Aqquacombat Gloves

DEMO: Acquami

FREE AND FUN: use your body and your fun side to make the most of our sessions.ACCESSORIES: none

DEMO: Aquacontrology

ENERGY SYSTEM: searching for new movements using specific motor skills, for an alternating aerobic workout. ACCESSORIES: none

DEMO: Acquami

DEMO: Acquabalance

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with M. Pietribiasi and C. Borgato

An absolute innovation in the field of water activities, Acquami focuses on forward mo-vement, posture and breathing while deve-loping muscle strength and endurance.

FITNESS AQUATIC CIRCUITwith F. Cantarini, F. Confalonieri and Wellink

Developed synergistically by Wellink, AQ-QUATIX and EAA, this is a new aquatic con-cept where a section of water space is equip-ped for circuit training for people on special training programs set by instructors.

AQUA CONTROLOGY, l’evoluzione di un metodo di grande successowith P. Pigliapoco

Method used primarily for the treatment of muscle disorders that allows the patient and the therapist to focus not only on the specific disorder, but also on concurrent postural abnormalities that may involve adjacent muscle groups. Static and dynamic postures and exercises are specifically desi-gned for medium-low water.

SUP’Pwith S. Galtier

Toning, balance and training in and out of the water, with exercises done on the board requiring lots of balance, alternated with various submerged exercises.

ACQUABALANCEwith G. Bernardini

Particularly suitable for those wanting to strengthen arms, sculpt abs, tone legs, improve muscle elasticity and above all BA-LANCE. Acquabalance or Beam Aquatics is addressed to a large audience without limits of age or capability.

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INFO & COSTSTo participate in the activities of AQUAFITNESS DAYS, simply choose from these packages:

WORKSHOP (max 2 workshop)

MASTERCLASSES (max 8 masterclasses)



BOOKING CONDITIONS:Reservations will be confirmed at the time of payment (no later than 28th August). Please pay the full amount due, specifying “Aquafitness Days 2016” as reason for the bank transfer and the se-lected package, using the bank details indicated below.The invoice for the booked service will be sent electronically.

Events by Impianti & Computer Srl - Unicreditbanca Roma Ag. CaravaggioIBAN IT 27 Z 02008 05276 000010944968 - BIC SWIFT UNCRITM1MQ4


20% discount, in addition to all other benefits of the EAA ADVANTAGE CARD, on all training and EAA Master courses scheduled until December 2016.

20% discount on any on-demand training courses for your club.

aXe e-learning at 290 Euros instead of 390 Euros.

REQUEST THE EAA CARD AND CHECK OUT ALL THE ADDITIONAL BENEFITSThe membership fee of 30 Euros can be paid by:

PLEASE NOTE! There are NO REFUNDS in case of suspension of the Master-class due to bad weather. IMPORTANT! Access to the event will be allowed only to subscribers equipped with identification passes. During the event, checks will be carried out by authorized personnel and who-ever is found without a pass in the reserved areas will be escorted to the entrance and will have to pay the fee for the whole day, also in the case of lost passes.During the event, checks will be carried out by authorized personnel and whoever is found wi-thout a pass in the reserved areas will be escorted to the entrance and will have to pay the fee for the whole day, also in the case of lost passes.To participate in AQUAFITNESS DAYS 2016 you will need: • to be in possession of a valid certificate of health for the current year; • to be aware that it is non-competitive event.; • to accept and respect the rules in force at PISCINE DI VICENZA pools; • to authorize the organization Events I&C European Aquatic Association to use your personal data to receive information and for purposes strictly related to its services, reserving the right to modify or withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with Italian Law 196/2003. Events I&C European Aquatic Association assumes no liability for damages and injuries that may occur to people or things du-ring the course of the event that are not directly and unequivocally attributable to such organizations. By subscribing, the participant authorizes Events I&C European Aquatic Association to use still or moving images in which the participant may appear, collected on the occasion of their participation in AQUAFITNESS DAYS 2016.

for informations:EAA OFFICES +39 049 9600938 [email protected] register:www.eventsiec.com

€ 40,00

€ 65,00

€ 90,00

€ 50,00

€ 75,00

€ 100,00

€ 70,00

€ 100,00

€ 145,00

€ 20,00



from 30/07

* BANK TRANSFER:to European Aquatic Association ASDIBAN IT66U0103062523000001915667

Page 12: Yellow C 287 C · i.p. media partners location official sponsor partners main sponsor & technical supplier powered by yellow c 287 c under the patronage of agency ® eaa supports



Piscine di Vicenzav.le Arturo Ferrarin 72 - Vicenza

T. +39 0444 924868

















3. POOL A outdoor olympic pool

4. POOL B outdoor above ground

5. POOL C deep indoor pool

6. POOL D indoor baby pool














7on first floor








2 second workshop area on first floor

for informations: EAA OFFICES +39 049 9600938 [email protected]