SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN SAINT JOHN ENGLISH YEAR 3 MARCH 2015 NAME : _________________________________________________________ CLASS : _________________________________________________________ chris_jane2015

Year Three Semester 1 Mid

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March Exams

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chris_jane2015Section A: Fill in the correct letters. [10 marks]

c __ c l _ n gb __ e a __ __ a s tf o __ t __ __ l lh o __ __ w o __ __

o __ __ o n n __ __ d __ e s s __ e a __

g __ a n __ __ o t h e ___u __ c __ e c __ __ s __ n

Section B: Read the text. List the nouns in the correct group. [10 marks]

Anne goes for piano lessons every Saturday with her sister, Sarah. They take lessons from Mrs Lim. She is their piano teacher. They take a bus to Taman Bahagia to go for their lessons. Common NounsProper Nouns

1. ___________________________2. ___________________________3. ___________________________4. ___________________________5. ___________________________1. __________________________2. __________________________3. __________________________4. __________________________5. __________________________

Section C: Underline the correct answer. [6 marks]

1. Siti and I are best friends. (We, They, She) are classmates.

2. The acrobat dancer balances three bowls on her head. (He, She, I) is walking carefully.

3. The cat is sleeping under the chair. (She, He, It) is sleeping soundly.

4. My grandfather is very old. (It, She, He) walks slowly.

5. Aiman and Jacob like to play football. (They, He, We) play football every day.

6. Lee lives near the school. (She, I, He) cycles to school every morning.

Section D: Write the singular and plural nouns correctly. [8 marks]CarrotSquidsMangoHen


Singular NounPlural Noun

1. Cow________________________________

2. _______________________________Mangoes

3. Squid________________________________

4. _______________________________Hens

5. Banana________________________________

6. _______________________________

7. Potato________________________________

8. _______________________________Carrots

Section E: Read and complete the phrases and sentences. [5 marks]Health is Wealthby Dr Peter PaulThere is nothing like being healthy and staying happy. Practise these tips to live a healthier and a happier life. Remember, being healthy is one of the key ingredients to being happy. Tip 1:Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.Tip 2:Eat less oil, sugar and salt.Tip 3:Drink plenty of water.Tip 4:Exercise at least 3 times a week.Tip 5:Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

SK. SAINT JOHN1. chris_jane201572. Who wrote the tips to be healthy?A. Dr Sheila AbuB. Dr Sheikh FaizC. Dr Peter Paul3. How many tips are there in the poster?A. Four B. Five C. Six 4. What food should we eat more? A. Sweets and ice creams B. Vegetables and fruitsC. Sugar and salt 5. How many times should we exercise every week?A. ThreeB. One C. Five 6. We should sleep at least ____________ a day. A. 8 hours B. 7 hours C. 6 hours

Section F: Rearrange the words. [12 marks] teacher.ismotherMya

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________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________thelibrary.Wegoing toare

__________________________________________________________________________________________________and Carol studySiti, Amyoftentogether.


Section G: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. [10 marks]

looks afterplay withhelps withfour membersrespect and care about

This is my family. There are (1) ____________________________________ in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.When I am sick, my mother (2) ___________________________________ me. My father always (3) ____________________________________ my homework. I (4) __________________________________ my little brother when my mother is busy. I love my family. We (5) _________________________________________________ each other. We are a very close family.


Prepared by, ____________________J. BONAVENTURE Checked by,_____________________________MDM. NURFARIEHA MD. NOR