YEAR OF JUBILEE YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE DAY 1- MONDAY 28TH JANUARY (PEOPLE) Thank God for a healthy nation and daily provision of fresh food available throughout our country. We have relative peace in many of our towns, although exposed daily to dangers, so give thanks to God for His Protection. Thank Him for his unfailing love, his abundant mercy and the many prophecies that have been spoken over this country. Ask that they would come to pass in Jesus’ name. Psalms 140:13: Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence. Our country is truly a land of contrasts. Give thanks for the diversity found in our people, from the El Molo in Turkana to the Aweer at the Kenyan Coast, from the Luhya of Western Kenya to the Kamba of Eastern Province. Celebrate our cultural heritage and thank God for this gift. Ask that we may find unity in diversity when we think of our tribes and that we would learn from one another rather than focus on our ethnicity. Gal 3: 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus Kenya has a redemptive gift of being a ‘city of refuge’. Give thanks for the opportunity to be a blessing to the many citizens of neighboring countries who have sought refuge in our nation. We have received them hospitably, they have been trained academically and equipped to begin life afresh. Thank God for the hospitality and friendliness of many Kenyans and for enabling us to open our doors to those who are distressed. DAY 2- TUESDAY 29TH JANUARY (ELECTIONS) YEAR OF JUBILEE 40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 21 JANUARY - 1 MARCH 2013 We are privileged to be citizens of this great country. This week, take time to give thanks to God for what He has done and will do for our great country Kenya. Our petitions must be made known, but we must also give thanks for that which the Lord has placed in our midst. 1Chronicles 16:8: Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. WEEK 2 -MONDAY 28 TH - SUNDAY 3 RD FEBRUARY THANKSGIVING

YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE … and... · YEAR OF JUBILEE YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE Give thanks to God for the nominations that have

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Page 1: YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE … and... · YEAR OF JUBILEE YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE Give thanks to God for the nominations that have



DAY 1- MonDAY 28th JAnuArY (PEoPLE)

Thank God for a healthy nation and daily provision of fresh food available throughout our country. We have relative peace in many of our towns, although exposed daily to dangers, so give thanks to God for His Protection. Thank Him for his unfailing love, his abundant mercy and the many prophecies that have been spoken over this country. Ask that they would come to pass in Jesus’ name.

Psalms 140:13: Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

Our country is truly a land of contrasts. Give thanks for the diversity found in our people, from the El Molo in Turkana to the Aweer at the Kenyan Coast, from the Luhya of Western Kenya to the Kamba of Eastern Province. Celebrate our cultural heritage and thank God for this gift. Ask that we may find unity in diversity when we think of our tribes and that we would learn from one another rather than focus on our ethnicity.

Gal 3: 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus

Kenya has a redemptive gift of being a ‘city of refuge’. Give thanks for the opportunity to be a blessing to the many citizens of neighboring countries who have sought refuge in our nation. We have received them hospitably, they have been trained academically and equipped to begin life afresh. Thank God for the hospitality and friendliness of many Kenyans and for enabling us to open our doors to those who are distressed.

DAY 2- tuEsDAY 29th JAnuArY (ELECtIons)


21 JAnuArY - 1 MArCh 2013

We are privileged to be citizens of this great country. This week, take time to give thanks to God for what He has done and will do for our great country Kenya. Our petitions must be made known, but we must also give thanks for that which the Lord has placed in our midst. 1Chronicles 16:8: Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.


Page 2: YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE … and... · YEAR OF JUBILEE YEAR OF JUBILEE | 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING GUIDE Give thanks to God for the nominations that have



Give thanks to God for the nominations that have just been held in various parts of the Nation irrespective of the outcome. Thank Him for our nascent democratic space and all the existing political parties. We have come a long way from the previous political space where democracy was stifled. Thank God for a new political dispensation, for the counties and new boundaries instituted. Pray that in the upcoming elections, God will go before us and give us safe and fair elections. Thank God for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) which will be overseeing the elections and for the structures they have put in place. Present before Him all the Commissioners, Returning Officers and government agencies, that they will do their work in service to the Nation and not favour specific individuals. Pray against any intimidation or influence from political heavyweights and ask that the Commissioners will be available to serve this nation in truth and justice.

Thank God for the media present in this country and for their role during the just concluded nominations and the elections to come. They have kept us well informed and pointed out anomalies found in different voting areas. Pray that the media will be positively used to promote peace, love and unity. Kenya is also a hub for International Media who will be closely watching the elections. Pray that they will report in fairness and not be overly sensational of what is happening during the election period, or portray a negative image of the country at this time.

DAY 3 – WEDnEsDAY 30th JAnuArY (PoLItICs AnD GoVErnAnCE) 1 Tim 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Thank God for our political space. Pray for wisdom, knowledge and salvation for the President of Kenya, Hon. Mwai Kibaki, the Prime Minister Hon. Raila Odinga, and the Vice President Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka. Thank God for the leaders of government and those in other state institutions. Ask that God will direct their hearts and minds towards the policies and decisions He desires. Also ask that He will reveal His plan of healing and development of the Kenyan economy and plead for a general improvement in the economic, social and political situation.Pray that the Lord would direct our leader’s hearts towards justice for the oppressed and homeless, commitment to improve the lot of Kenyans and implement the constitution; and purpose to pursue justice and reform institutions. Pray for a concerted determination to fight impunity.

Thank God for the commissions that have been formed in Kenya. These include the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC), the Public Service Commission (PSC) the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC), the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Constitution Implementation Commission (CIC) and the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC). Pray that God would give clarity of mandate to the leaders of these teams and that they would use their

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positions to bring change in the various sectors in which they lead.

DAY4 – thursDAY 31st JAnuArY (BusInEss AnD EConoMY)

We thank God for men and women who diligently labour in this country. Thank Him for the small scale businessmen and casual laborers who work so hard despite their meager pay. Celebrate the enthusiasm among Kenyans and their resilient spirit in the face of adversity. Ask that as our country grows, the large semi-skilled force would find employment and grow their skills and bring up their children in better environs than they grew up in.

We celebrate our large businesses and the great ideas found in this nation. Just last week our President commissioned the Konza Technopolis City, also dubbed ‘Africa’s Silicon Savannah’, the flagship project under our Vision 2020. Thank God for our good road and air networks which continue to promote Nairobi as a major business and transport hub in this continent. Pray that our plans for a great Kenya would flourish and that business ideas would continue to take off.

Thank God for our Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Economy. These enterprises play a significant role in Kenya’s economic development and are a source of employment for a significant portion of the population. Thank God for the company you work for and your bosses. Pray for new ideas and funding for businesses so that we would be creators, not just imitators wherever we work.

Many countries and individuals with significant business interests in Kenya are now looking at how our elections will play out. Cover this country with the blood of Jesus. Ask that God would protect our economy from inflation over this election period and that the price of commodities will be within reach, even for those on a low wage scale.

DAY 5 – FrIDAY 1st FEBruArY (hEALth AnD EnVIronMEnt)

We thank God for a strong and competent health care system. Thank God for our doctors and nurses who choose to work here even when we have serious ‘brain drain’ in this sector. Thank God for that we still have some of the best specialists in the region. Pray that the Ministry of Health would prioritize and allocate funds equitably.

Thank God for better maternal and infant health care available today in our hospitals. Pray for continued care from health workers towards those living in the slums and the rural areas. Ask that the Lord would allow for equitable distribution of the country’s health workers and that newly posted doctors would be willing to serve the people in marginalized areas with compassion.

Pray for effective prevention and mitigation against chronic illnesses and that people living with HIV/AIDS and other debilitating illnesses will get the right treatment, care and support in good time. Pray that we will lend a helping hand more so towards those within the family structures and not leave everything to the government.

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DAY 6 – sAturDAY 2nD FEBruArY (EDuCAtIon)

We thank God for the resources to support Free Primary Education in our schools. Thank God for the many children who now stand a chance at a better life because of this. Pray for the teachers that the Lord would grant them wisdom and diligence as they raise the next generation.

Pray for an increase in godliness and ethical standards to be felt in our schools in Jesus name. Pray that every plan of the enemy against our school going children will be exposed, especially those pertaining to drugs, wrong music and immorality. Pry that no weapon fashioned against our education system will be allowed to prosper in any school in this nation.

Pray for the institutions of higher education as they expand; that they would not be too focused on making money, but rather on offering quality education that nurtures kingdom builders. Pray for good governance for those officials who that have been mandated with the responsibility of execution and implementing the policies for higher education.

DAY 7 – sunDAY 3rD FEBruArY (thE roLE AnD MIssIon oF thE ChurCh In KEnYA)

Thank God for many churches which are equipping the body of Christ to do the work of ministry, transforming lives, and impacting the world for Him. Praise Him for the freedom of religion we have been allowed in this nation. Pray that true religion, as the Bible requires in James 1:26-27 would be lived out in our lives as Christians in Kenya. Pray that as a church, evangelism and discipleship would be key in our ministries as the Bible instructs in Matthew 28:18-20.

We thank God for a time of prayer in the Kenyan church. Many churches are praying and fasting for good leaders and asking that the outcome of the elections would be fair. Pray that a revival would spring from this moment. Thank God for unity and commitment to see Kenya’s fortunes restored, even spiritually. Ask that God would hear us and because we lifted up our hands, this country will be saved.

Pray that our church leaders would speak the truth from their pulpits, that they would remain shepherds over God’s flock, showing direction and not creating disunity. 1 Peter 5: 1-2 states Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly. Pray for unity as they speak in one voice over the forthcoming elections, offering advice to the church. Refuse for any of our pulpits to be used for political gain, instead let the name of the Lord be lifted high. Pray for your church leaders according to Ephesians 6:19 that whenever they open their mouth, words would be given to them so that they will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel (paraphrased)