YEAR 9 SCIENCE UNIT 1 – POLYMERS AND PLASTICS Week Sessi on Activity Page 1 2+3 Student Info Homework task Post Box Glossary & Quiz Theory – periodic table, atoms, carbon, protons, neutrons, electron shells Below Below Below Below notes 4 Making molecular models and drawing structural formulas 24 2 1 Internet Activity: http://www.thetech.org/exhibits/ online/topics/50a.html Below 2+3 EXP – Glu Goo Over to you questions 1-5 22 26 4 Theory – polymers, plastics, rubber & fibre DEMO – Paperclips notes 28 3 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity Below 2+3 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity 4 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity 4 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity 2+3 EXP – Making plastic from milk Electron configuration sheet 27 Below 4 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity 5 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity Revision glossary sheet Below 2+3 EXP – Rubber latex Findword activity 31 Below

YEAR 9 SCIENCE - danielleinwood.files.wordpress.com€¦ · Web viewUNIT 1 – POLYMERS AND PLASTICS. Week Session Activity Page 1 2+3 Student Info. Homework task. Post Box. Glossary

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Week Session

Activity Page

1 2+3 Student InfoHomework taskPost BoxGlossary & QuizTheory – periodic table, atoms, carbon, protons, neutrons, electron shells


4 Making molecular models and drawing structural formulas


2 1 Internet Activity:http://www.thetech.org/exhibits/online/topics/50a.html


2+3 EXP – Glu GooOver to you questions 1-5


4 Theory – polymers, plastics, rubber & fibreDEMO – Paperclips


3 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity Below2+3 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity4 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity

4 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity2+3 EXP – Making plastic from milk

Electron configuration sheet27Below

4 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity5 1 Plastics, Rubber & Fibres research activity

Revision glossary sheet Below2+3 EXP – Rubber latex

Findword activity31Below

4 EXP – Balloon kebab 326 1 Plastic video & questions Below

2+3 EXP – Fibres under the microscope 344 Fabric label activity Below

7 1 Oral presentations from research activity2+3 EXP – Making Rayon

Over to you questions 1-53539

4 Oral presentations from research activityRevision & quiz Below

8 1 Revision & quiz Below2+3 TEST

STUDENT INFORMATIONIn Year 9 Science, we study the following topics:

Term 1: Atoms, polymers and plasticsTerm 2: The digestive and nervous system including the brainTerm 3: LightTerm 4: Earth

You will be assessed on the following skills, habits and outcomes:

Listens and follows instructions Contributes to discussion and activities Works co-operatively when required Works independently when required Asks for help when needed Completes set tasks and homework Works safely and effectively during practicals Brings correct materials to class

Materials you will need to bring to class:

Garton, A., Williamson, K. 2005. Science for Life 9. Macmillan Education, Australia.

Folder or exercise book Pens, greyleads, rulers, erasers, etc

Layout for Science folder:

Put the date for each class Use different colored pens and clearly title the chapters of


2.1 Carbon Compounds Do drawings in greylead – do clear drawings not sketches These will be your notes to help you study when it comes

to test time If you miss a class come to me to get a copy of the notes

Grades will be given for the following:

1. Practical Reports

2. Research and Assignments3. Tests

1. Practical Reports

Students will be required to write practical reports at the completion of any practical done. The way they should be written up and assessed is as follows:

    Assessment Title: Copy from text book /1   Aim: Copy from text book /1   

Method"Refer to <title of prac>, pages <pages of prac>" /1

   Results Use pencil for all drawings (1/2)    Tables neat and clear (1/2)

 Answer questions relating to results (2) /3

   Discussion Relate results back to theory (1)  

 Answer questions relating to discussion (2)  

  Did the prac work? Why/why not? (1) /4  Total /10* Don’t write out the questions - write answers with the questions in them * Use a different color pen for title and sub headings       

2. Research and Assignments

Students will be given research and assignment tasks to complete on a variety of science topics throughout the year. These can be either written or oral assignments. The way they are presented will vary with the assignments but assessment will be as follows:

Effective research and answers to questions /10An appropriate amount of information about the topic /5Sentences written and/or spoken in their own language /5Creative, attractive and effective visual/oral /5

presentationCorrect referencing and use of resources - bibliography /5

Total /30

3. Tests

Tests will be given at the end of a topic. At least 2 revision lessons will be given prior to the test, and at least a weeks notice on when the test will be given. Assessment will be determined on the test.

TOPIC: Chapter 2 - POLYMERS, PLASTIC, RUBBER & FIBREVerbal-Linguistic









Do an A-Z of words about the topic

Gather pictures on the topic. How many ways can you group them

Do a poster displaying pictures on the topic

Mime an area of the topic

Find songs with the topic as its feature

Try and explain the topic to someone

Start a learning log about the topic including what you want to find more about

Record how people & animals use the topic differently


How would you describe the topic to someone from outer space?

Draw the different areas of the topic

Make a model of the topic

Role-play an area of the topic

How is the topic related to noise? How are the different polymers connected?

Work with a friend to find out about the topic

Research an area of the topic

Why do you think different types can be found in different places?

Applying Make up a ‘What am I?’ game on the topic

Using materials, make an obstacle course that can be used to test the topic

Use a picture on the topic and make a jigsaw

Act out an area of the topic

Make an audio tape of what the topic might sound like

With a friend, make a model of the topic

How is the topic related to you? Explain in detail.

Record examples of people & animals that use the topic differently

Analysing What are some similarities and differences on this topic?

Survey people on the topic. Draw a graph of your findings

Draw a diagram of the topic and label each part

Make plasticine parts on the topic

Sort pictures of the topic according to the noises they make

Work with a partner and decide what made the model you studied a good one

Analyse the uses of the materials. How would you do this?

What precautions should you take when studying the topic out in the environment?

Evaluating List 5 things you think are most important on the topic

In your opinion, which area of the topic is the most useful? Give

Paint a poster showing your feelings about the topic

Suggest five reasons why you think your design on the topic is a good

What do you think about the audio tape you made? What do you

Have a debate with a friend about an issue on the topic

Describe how you feel about the topic.

Should specimens be taken from the environment and kept in

many reasons for your selection

one think makes it special?

collections? Why?

Creating Create a story on the topic

Write down some ways that people may use these materials. Create a new or unusual method

Design a new stamp with the topic being the theme

Use plasticine to create a new brain or nervous system of your own design

Create a title and cover design for the audio tape you made earlier

Work with a partner in creating a new design of the topic

Write a story about ‘a day in the life’ of an area of the topic

Create a play about the topic and how it has an important place in nature







GLOSSARY: CHEMICAL SCIENCEATOM:Matter is composed of atoms. They are the smallest unit of a chemical element. They contain electrons, protons and neutrons.

Atoms are held together by a strong attraction between the protons and electrons. Example, Hydrogen has one proton and one electron.ATOMIC NUMBER:The number of protons in an atom. Atoms are electrically neutral so the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom equals the number of electrons in its surrounding shell.ATOMIC WEIGHT:The average mass of naturally occurring atoms of an element.CARBON:An element in the periodic table derived from living or once-living organismsCOMPOUND & MOLECULE:A substance that consists of more than one kind of atom.ELECTRON:A particle with a negative charge found in the surrounding shell of all atoms.ELEMENT:Elements are different types of atoms each with a unique character.HYDROCARBON:Molecules of Hydrogen and CarbonINORGANIC CHEMISTRY:The study of all compounds except carbon. E.g. compounds of chlorine.MASS NUMBER:The combined total of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.MATTER:Is anything that takes up space and has a massMONOMER:Small number of moleculesNEUTRON:A particle with a neutral charge found in all atoms.ORGANIC CHEMISTRY:The study of carbon-based compounds.PERIODIC TABLE:An arrangement of the known elements by ascending atomic number and by similar propertiesPOLYMER:A very long molecule containing thousands of atomsPOLYMERISATION:Linking together monomers to form polymersPROTON:

A particle with a positive charge found in all atoms. The charge of a proton is equal and opposite to that of an electron.


TECH TOPICS: MATTERACCESS THE WEBSITE:http://www.thetech.org/exhibits/online/topics/50a.htmlSECTION 1: STRUCTURE OF MATTERDON’T DO Activity 1, 2 or 3

1) Give 3 examples of matter2) Draw the structure of a Hydrogen atom and

a. label the nucleus, proton, neutron, electronb. label the charges of the proton, neutron, electron

3) Draw the structure of a Carbon atom labeling it like question 24) Where are the protons and neutrons found in an atom?5) Where are the electrons found in an atom?6) What is an electron shell?7) How are elements classified?8) How many elements in the Periodic Table?9) Draw the close up view of Boron and label it as shown.10) Using the ‘Web Elements’ Link in Activity 2 complete the


Element Symbol Atomic # Electron shell

Draw the structure

Calcium Ca 20 2, 8, 8, 2


C 6


18 2, 8, 8

SECTION 3DON’T DO Activity 1 or 2

1) What is a compound?

2) What needs to be broken to separate the compound?3) Draw the compound water. Include its electron shells4) What is salt made up of?5) Draw the compound of salt. Include its electron shells6) Can you give another example of elements that combine to

form a molecule?7) Draw this compound.



We have now looked at atoms, molecules and polymers. Polymers are very long molecules that are found in many things we use. For example, we can find them in plastic, rubber and fibres. Your assignment is now to look up these examples and find out more about their properties and how these materials have contributed to scientific and technological development.

PART A: PLASTICWorking in PAIRS you will research plastics and answer the following questions:Partner _____________________________________ .

1) When, Who and How was it discovered?2) Identify 2 objects that are thermoplastic. 3) Identify 2 objects that are thermoset.4) Describe the 4 objects design and how they influence

the materials shape (i.e. discuss polymer chains, crosslinks, moulds, etc)

5) Describe how plastics can be shaped.6) How are people using these objects in society?7) How has it contributed to scientific and technological

development?8) What advantages or disadvantages does it have?

9) Describe its impact on the environment?10) What are its biodegradable properties?

Due date _______________ .

PART B: RUBBERWorking INDIVIDUALLY you will research rubber and answer the following questions:

1) When, Who and How was it discovered?2) Explain why rubber is so stretchy. Use diagrams to

show what you mean. 3) Discuss what vulcanised and unvulcanised rubber is.4) How has it contributed to scientific and technological

development?5) Describe its impact on the environment

Due date _______________ .

PART C: FIBRESWorking INDIVIDUALLY you will research rubber and answer the following questions:

1) What animal can naturally makes a fibres and how?2) How have fibres been made into clothes?3) What is the difference between a natural fibre and a

synthetic fibre?4) Why are clothes often made from a blend of two or more

types of fibres?5) Explain the difference between a fibre and a fabric.

Due date _______________ .

You will be able to present your research findings in a number of ways. You can make models, posters, powerpoint presentations, newspaper articles, pamphlets, research reports. You can do the same or different ones for each of the

topics. If you have something more creative let me know! If you’re stuck ASK ME!

You should attempt to know all these questions at the end as it may be on your test!

PART D:Finally, in PAIRS you will present your findings on one of the topics in a 5minute talk to the class.

Talk date ____________________ .

Finding information: Your text book ‘Science for Life 9’ has most of the

information Other Science text books will be available The library will have books on these topics Websites will have information available.

You will be given 7 sessions to complete this work.


Effective research and answers to questions /10An appropriate amount of information about the topic /5Sentences written and/or spoken in their own language /5Creative, attractive and effective visual/oral presentation /5Correct referencing and use of resources - bibliography /5

Total /30

Rubric for marksMarks awarded depending on how many questions. Marked as follows:Answer incorrect.

0 marksAnswer partially correct.

Half marks

Answer correct.Full marks

Didn’t use the text book. Used only their knowledge and gave short answers to questions.

1 mark

Used some information from the text book. But only gave short answers to questions.

2 marks

Used the text book and/or other sources but only gave short answers to questions with some inaccuracy.

3 marks

Used the text book and gave detailed descriptions about the topic.

4 marks

Used the text book and other sources. Provided additional descriptions about the topic not found in the text book.

5 marks

Paragraphs & sentences copied from the sources.

1 mark

Paragraphs & sentences copied from the sources and rearranged.

2 marks

Sentences copied from the source with own language used intermittently.

3 marks

Majority of work written in own language but still has occasional sentence copied.

4 marks

Used key words from sources but clearly wrote information in their own language.

5 marks

Messy. Showing no interest in presentatio

Attempted to achieve an attractive,

Attempted to achieve an attractive,

Neat and tidy but uses no pictures

Neat and tidy. Using pictures and images


1 mark

neat and tidy presentation but uses no pictures and images.

2 marks

neat and tidy presentation using pictures and images.

3 marks

and images to discuss concepts.

4 marks

to discuss ideas and concepts.

5 marks

*You do not loose marks for handwriting or typing your project.No attempt at a bibliography.


Some attempt made at a bibliography with wrong information shown.

2 marks

Only some resources shown.

3 marks

Author and title of books. Web addresses shown but no date.

4 marks

Author, year and title of book. Date and address for websites shown.

5 marks

Feedback:Students that received high marks:

Had lots of additional and correct information from many sources in relation to the topic and questions.

Used the text book and other sources. Provided additional descriptions about the topic not found in the text book. They expanded and provided information in more detail and other contexts

to what was discussed in the text book. They proof read and checked spelling before handing it in. Sentences were clear and concise and related to the questions. They were

easy to understand (try reading your project aloud to see if it makes sense). Students clearly used their own language or attempted to. Provided a bibliography of the sources they used.

Examples:“Rubber was discovered in the early fifteenth century but is said to have been discovered by Aztecs long before any European explores found it. Rubber was only discovered by the Europeans when they found the new world. But tribes have been using it for thousands of years before that.”

“Synthetic rubber was first invented in 1930 in replacement of normal rubber because they were running short on supplies.”

“Rubber stretches because all the polymers are scrunched up together and when you stretch it the polymers straighten up and the rubbers length grows.”

“Vulcanized rubber is rubber that has sulfur and has been heated to 132°C for several hours. That makes rubber weatherproof and won’t melt in the heat or go brittle in the cold.”

“Vulcanization is made up of molecules straightened out. The more there are sulphur rings the harder the rubber is.”

“Although rubber is very useful to the environment in many different ways, it is very hard to break down, so it would be hard to get rid of. It is able to be reused though.”

“Rubber as a huge impact on the environment, like tyres being dumped and used as landfill.”

Students that received low marks: Had little detail for the time allowed in class to research. Only used the text book when they had opportunity to research on the

internet during class time. Copied out paragraphs from the text book to answer questions. Had spelling and grammar errors making it difficult for someone to

understand what they were saying. Used the internet and obtained the wrong information without checking what

the text book and our class notes discussed. Did not attempt a bibliography.

“They use rubber for all kinds of things like: tyres, elastic bands, a pencil rubber, shoes and door and car mats” (Needed to discuss how these objects help us.)

“Rubber is contributed in many ways such as, in recent the production has been rose by 5.2% to 91million.” (Needed to read aloud and check for spelling and grammar errors.)

“Stretching a rubber band is like compressing an ideal gas and relaxation equal to its expansion.” (Need to relate the stretching to the atoms, molecules and polymers. This is what we have been looking at and what was discussed in the text book.)



Fl Ar Na Mg

Al Si P S

Cl Ne K Ca


1) Fill in as many definitions as you can remember then go through your notes and fill in and LEARN what you have forgotten!



























2) Using what you have learnt so far this year, fill in the gaps completing the chemical equations and then write the equation writing out the elements and molecules made.

Fill in the missing symbols

Explain in written terms

Example:C + 2O CO2 Carbon + Oxygen Carbon

DioxideNa + NaCl + Chlorine Sodium

Chloride2H + O

+ 4H CH4

3) Come up with as many other equations you can think of.

PEOPLE & POLYMER WORDFINDe m u l s i o n g h h y d r o c a r b o n o s i l k w o r m WORDS      t p r o p d a c r y l i c e p o c s o r c i m e y o h u h o acrylic fibre monomers spideri a a o i e p v e e s y n t h e t i c u r d s a s a e f e l atoms fibreglass moulding stockpileds a y w d t o n a d e h c l o t h i n g a p p r e c y c l e bacteria formulas natural structureo y o o e e l a s t i c b i o d e g r a d a b l e e a s t c Baekeland four nylon strongp n n v r r y m e l t a e r a n r w i n d s c r e e n s d u bakelite glass oxygen sulfurm y t e h g e o a i r s c e r a m i c s t s u l f u r y e l balloon glucose periodic table surface tensiono l a n f e s n o n e e u o g e o t l o m t t s o s o f s e biodegradable gluegoo

photodegradable synthetic

c o t t o n t o c e p i t h o f s c o r o r h g r t p a o s biopolymers Goodyear plastic taili n o l u t e m a n o n t l e y e u m u u u e n m n m d l c carbon grease polyester thermoplasticn n m p r i r e c a r b o n i h t r o b l b r i u e p e u h casein greaseloving polymer thermosetso e s y o k o r u h p a v c e g s a m b d b m v l m e l l o cellulose guncotton polymerisation vinegari s f u p l e s t r u c t u r e h u n e i e o o a a f i l n cellulose

nitrate head polythene waters r a n l a y v i d r o e l a o x t i r n r p l s l i p e b ceramics hydrocarbon properties waterlovingn e e n a a e t l l e r b i f g s e p b g t l r r i l k c e cheap hydrogen rayon West Indiese m c x s e t h h a k r a g l a s s o k a r a e n f d c d i clothing insulators recycle wheyt y o t t h x o c e r o v o o g e u l g a e s t t o l o w n Columbus kebab reduce wildlifee l l e i r h e r e n d n i y o u e y i a e t a i n i t r o composite kevlar reuse windscreensc o u l c e u b t s a e c k n y o r m u n a i w r o w s x i compounds kinked rot woola p m b b e r s e a a k l i m e d y e t o k c w o m n y r t corrode landfill rubber wovenf o b a a k r i i t l a s s a l g e r b i f s f y o g u a a cotton latex rubbertree yarnr i u t c k a n o o l l a b r a l a n d f i l l r e e i k s crosslinks light safetyu b s c t y e a t a n l k e k r s t r o n g i h n o l e n i curds linen salts d p i e t y l a r u t a n e n v i r o n m e n t e b y e r detergents lycra Schonbeinh e a d r e d o i u w i w a t e r g n i v o l e s a e r g e elastic marketing sheepe k l o i f o l s t t o p t i n o t t o c n u g b a l k o m emulsion melt shellacl n i i a a o s h e e p n d n a l e k e a b l y c r a g r y environment microscope silkl i r r i s g g e s o c u l g h h t w e s t i n d i e s d l ethane milk silkworma k o e c e l l u l o s e n i t r a t e c u d e r n r a y o extrusion molecules skewerc o m p o u n d s k e w e r k e l b a d a r g e d o t o h p fermentation

monofilaments soap

PLASTIC VIDEO & QUESTIONS1. What objects would disappear if we didn’t have plastic?



2. The following is a timeline of plastics development. Fill in the


__________ The first artificial plastic took cellulose from plants to

make cellulite for film.

__________ The first totally man-made plastic is made – Bakelite.

__________ Plastics are now made into fibres to replace expensive


__________ The consumption of plastics multiplies.

3. What is the essential raw material needed to make plastic?


4. What percentage (%) of oil is used in the production of



5. Name the two processes to make carbon atoms join to form


i) ___________________________________

ii) ___________________________________

6. Do all plastics bend and stretch? Give examples.




7. What examples did they give to explain the properties of:






crosslink plastic: ___________________________________________________

8. What machine shapes the plastic beads?


9. Polyethelene can be flexible (the sauce bottle) or hard (the

milk crate). What properties of the polymers causes this?



10. What causes the different plastics?



11. What example is given for elastimers?


12. Using more plastic in car development is environmental

friendly. How?



13. What emerges most from the waste bin over time?


14. What could possible degradable properties be to reduce

plastic waste?

i) ___________________________________

ii) ___________________________________

15. What can be done to plastic in order to reduce it?

R____________________________ and

R____________________________ !

OUR MATERIAL WORLD - FABRICSOur clothes are made of many different fabrics. In earlier times clothing was made from only natural fibres such as wool, cotton, silk and fur. However, fabrics used today to make clothes contain “synthetic materials.

Q1. What is a natural fibre and provide some examples.Q2. What does synthetic mean?Q3. Draw up a table like this and fill in the information using the labels collected.

Label Materials listed on the label

Natural Synthetic Combination

1 Acrylic, Wool X

Q4. Examine some examples of different fabrics, including the clothes you are wearing. What types of fabrics do you prefer? Why?


Self evaluation:Plastics Assignment

Do you feel you both contributed equally to this assignment? YN

Do you feel you did more work? YN

Do you feel your partner did more work? Y NAre you happy with your results? Y NIf no, what can you do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Partner:Name: Date:

Self evaluation: Plastics Assignment

Do you feel you both contributed equally to this assignment? YN

Do you feel you did more work? YN

Do you feel your partner did more work? Y NAre you happy with your results? Y NIf no, what can you do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Partner:Name: Date:

Self evaluation: Plastics Assignment

Do you feel you both contributed equally to this assignment? YN

Do you feel you did more work? YN

Do you feel your partner did more work? Y NAre you happy with your results? Y NIf no, what can you do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Partner:Name: Date:

Peer evaluation: Oral presentation for _______________________

Was the presentation entertaining? Y NDid it go for 5 minutes? Y NDid they both contribute to the presentation? Y NWas the information accurate? Y

NWhat can they do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Score: /5

Peer evaluation: Oral presentation for _______________________

Was the presentation entertaining? Y NDid it go for 5 minutes? Y NDid they both contribute to the presentation? Y NWas the information accurate? Y

NWhat can they do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Score: /5

Peer evaluation: Oral presentation for _______________________

Was the presentation entertaining? Y NDid it go for 5 minutes? Y NDid they both contribute to the presentation? Y NWas the information accurate? Y

NWhat can they do to improve your results for next time?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Score: /5


QUIZ REVISION Have students revise all their work in both their science book

and work book. Get them to write 5 questions and answers on a sheet of paper. Cut them up and use them as the quiz questions

Science for Life 9 – Chapter review. All questions on pages 41 & 42.

Heinmann - Chapter review. All questions on page 51.


Science for Life 9


Multiple choice: Read each question and circle the most correct answer.

1 Carbon atoms can:a. form four chemical bonds to a wide range of moleculesb. only form chemical bonds with hydrogenc. only form chemical bonds with metalsd. only form chemical bonds with non-metals

2 The electron shell configuration for Calcium (Ca) is:a. 2, 8, 10b. 2, 8, 9, 1c. 2, 8, 8, 2d. 2, 8, 7, 3

3 Which one is not a compound:a. H2O – waterb. NaCl – saltc. CO2 – carbon dioxided. Li – lithium

4 A monomer is:a. a single atomb. a single moleculec. a small number of moleculesd. none of the above

5 A polymer is:a. a synthetic or natural moleculeb. made up of repeating sub-units called monomersc. a large molecule that has varying properties determined by its structured. all of the above

6 A hard and brittle material that doesn’t soften when heated is a polymer that has:a. long, parallel chains of molecules, called a thermoplasticb. molecules in a cross-linking structure, called a thermoplasticc. molecules in a cross-linking structure, called a thermosetting plasticd. long, parallel chains of molecules, called a thermosetting plastic

© Macmillan Education Australia 2006Written by Lynnette Dickinson









Science for Life 97 Which of the following sentences best describes the difference between

vulcanised rubber and raw rubber?a. Vulcanised rubber has sulfur molecules that act as bridges between the

rubber polymers, creating a more stable, stretchy, parallel-like structure.b. Vulcanised rubber has a tangled structure where the molecules are pulled

out straight when the rubber is stretched.c. Raw rubber has sulfur molecules that act as bridges between the rubber

polymers, creating a more stable, stretchy, parallel-like structure.d. None of the above.

8 The best process of forming fibres into clothes includes:a. fibres, fabric, clothesb. fibres, yarn, fabric, clothesc. fibres, clothesd. fibres, fabric, yarn, clothes

9 Nylon is an example of:a. a natural polymerb. a synthetic polymerc. rubberd. none of the above

10 Material that contains two or more combined materials is called a:a. polymer such as glassb. composite material such as fibreglassc. fibre such as cottond. natural material such as ceramics

/10 marks

State whether the following statements are true or false.T F One carbon atom can form four bonds with other atoms.T F The neutrons, protons and electrons are all found in the nucleus of an

atom.T F A thermoplastic cannot be remoulded after it is made.T F Rubber is a polymer that consists of long, highly kinked molecules that

give rubber its elasticity.T F Blending fibres such as cotton and polyester, only gives the fabric

properties of one of the fibres./5 marks

© Macmillan Education Australia 2006Written by Lynnette Dickinson









Science for Life 9Use the words listed below to complete the sentences.




1 The ______________ arrange themselves in the electron ______________ shell,

depending on the elements ______________ mass.

2 ____________ cannot be broken down and used as food by bacteria and fungi,

so they are not _____________.

3 ______________can be heated and reshaped in a number of different ways,

including ____________ moulding.

4 When __________ is made, it is softened by heating and extruded through a

______________ to make a nylon fibre.

5 _______________ and heat reacts with rubber to form _______________

between the polymer chains, which makes the rubber ______________.

/6 marksMatch up the words to their definition.

1 Carbon ___ The linking together of monomers to form polymers

2 Matter ___ A particle with a negative charge found in the surrounding shell

of all atoms

3 Polymerisation ___ An element in the periodic table derived from living or once-

living organisms

4 Polymer ___ A very long molecule containing thousands of atoms

5 Electron ___ Anything that takes up space and has a mass

/5 marks

© Macmillan Education Australia 2006Written by Lynnette Dickinson










1 Draw the structural formulas for the following molecules.i. Helium (He) ii. Oxygen (O) iii. Aluminium (Al)

/3 marks2 Describe how soap molecules remove grease and dirt from surfaces.

/2 marks3 Raul mixed two substances and immediately applied the mixture onto two pieces

of broken plastic. He then put the surfaces together and left them to dry. When Raul returned to the mixture it had formed a hard and brittle kind of plastic that could not be broken.a. What kind of plastic was formed by mixing the two substances?

/1 markb. Draw how the molecules of the new polymers might look.

/3 marks

4 Rubber cannot be recycled because it does not melt. Currently, some of the 18 million used tyres produced annually in Australia are shredded to make crumbed rubber and used in playgrounds and on roads. Suggest two other ways to re-use this shredded rubber?

/2 marks

5 Explain why clothes are often made from a blend of two or more fibres. Use examples in your explanation.

/2 marks

6 You have done a number of research projects this term: plastics, rubber and fibre. You now need to remember one and write a paragraph with as much information as you think is necessary. You may want to include information on its discovery, polymer structure, examples, its impact on society, its effect on the environment and any other relevant information.

/5 marksPractical

We completed a number of practical activities this term. You now need to remember one and write it up as you remember it.




DISCUSSION:Suggest 1 use for what you have made.Describe its properties in terms of atoms, monomers and polymers.

/6 marks

TOTAL /50 marks