EXPECTATIONS AND STANDARDS A practical guide for parents and students on our ethos, expectations and standards 2017/2018

Year 7 induction pack - Westfield Academy

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A practical guide for parents and students on our ethos,

expectations and standards


As a minimum requirement, students are expected to have attendance at 95% or above.

This is the national average set by the Department for Education. All students are expected

to attend school every day. The only exceptions are if they are unwell or observing a

religious day. If your child needs to attend a medical appointment, we ask that these are

booked outside of the school day. We also cannot authorise any holidays or period of leave

during term time.

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, we ask that you phone the absence

line on 01923 651025 before 8am or via [email protected]

It is important that students start their day with a good morning routine. To support this

we expect students to arrive to school no later than 8:10am, in order to be ready for an

8:15am start.

Students who do arrive late, will be expected to sign in at Main Reception. As a

consequence to this, they will be set a lunch time detention on the same day.

It is important that students are fully equipped to school every day and ready to learn. As a

basic requirement we expect students to bring the following equipment to school each day;

Pen Pencil Rubber Ruler Sharpener Planner (Blue or Black)

Each day, each form tutor will check to ensure that each student has the basic equipment. If

students do not have their equipment, they are expected to purchase any missing items

from the school shop. (A full set can be purchased for 40p & replacement planners are £3) If

they fail to do so, an after school detention will be set which will take place with the Head

of Year. You will be notified in advance of this, via ParentMail.

Additional equipment needed for Maths

Scientific Calculator Compass Protractor

Attendance and Punctuality


The student planner is a student’s daily organiser.

Within this they will have a space to write in their

timetable. They will also be expected to record their

homework daily.

Our expectation is that parent/carers check this

planner weekly to support their child with the

completion of their homework. It is also expected that

parent/carers sign this weekly.

Each week, form tutors will also check this and sign to

say that they have done so. This can also be used as a good tool to communicate with staff

Each week, form tutors will issue detentions for students who do not have their planner

signed. Positive referrals will be added to Go4Schools for those students who consistently

get their planner signed each week.

When students arrive at school in the correct uniform they are a real credit to us all and

this also helps the students to take pride in themselves and their Academy.

Alongside this when students are in the correct uniform each day they are ready and

prepared for work in the classroom.

If students arrive to school without the correct uniform, we hold a stock of uniform (ties,

blazers, trousers, shoes) which they will be expected to borrow for the day. Students will

not be allowed to attend lessons if they are not in the correct uniform and will be provided

work to complete under supervision.

Our current uniform supplier is: Mapac. For more information on uniform prices please visit


Blazer White Shirt/Blouse Westfield Tie Trousers Skirt Black shoes

(No trainers, boots,

vans or plimsolls)

(Knee length) (Boys & girls but must

not be denim material or

tight fitting i.e. leggings)

Student Planner

School Uniform

Westfield Polo Shirt Westfield Shorts Westfield Trousers Westfield Socks Trainers

Students who forget their PE Kit, will be given kit by the PE department to ensure they are able to take

part in the lesson. If they are unable to take part due to a medical condition, parents are expected to

contact their child’s PE teacher. If this is a long term medical condition, a medical certificate is required

and this must be given to reception

All students in Year 7 and 8 are expected to use the Westfield bag when they enrol. They can

purchase this through our uniform supplier for £10. Students in other year groups may also

purchase this however if they choose not to, they are expected to have a reasonable size back

pack that can accommodate A4 books. Small handbags or small backpacks are not permitted.

Acceptable School Coats

We expect students to come to school wearing a plain black or navy coat. We also expect students to

remove these whilst in the building and place these within their lockers.

Unacceptable School Coats

PE Kit

School Bags

Outdoor Coats

It is our expectation that students follow the guidelines below on jewellery;

Students with pierced ears may wear one stud per ear in the lobe.

No other piercings are allowed (i.e. tongue, nose or stomach)and

should be removed for the duration of the school day.

Jewellery and watches should be removed before taking part in PE activities or any physical school activity. The health and safety of our

students is of paramount importance.

Students are not permitted to wear bracelets and necklaces, unless they are for religious


Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Two tone, shaved hair less

than a Grade 2 or with patterns are not acceptable. Hair should be

of natural colourings and hair accessories need to be simple in nature

and not ornate or colourful in any way. All students with long hair

must have it tied back during PE lessons or any practical activity.

A discreet amount of make‐up is allowed for students however, no bright lipsticks or eye shadows are to be worn. Make up should be

natural looking and blended into the student’s natural skin

colouring. Nails need to be of natural colours, soft neutral shades or French manicure only. Extensions are permitted but must be in

a square or soft rounded shape (no extreme/sharp edged shapes

will be allowed) and of an appropriate length to meet with PE and Health and Safety


Non Uniform Days

During the year, we will hold non-uniform days to raise money for specific charities. For these

days, we ask that students are dressed appropriately for the planned activities. Extremes of

fashions including crop tops/vests or tight clothing are not permitted due to their unsuitability.

Jewllery & Piercings


Make Up

Non-Uniform Days

To ensure that our students are not distracted in their learning, we

expect mobile phones to be switched off and placed into their bags or

blazers. These should not be seen. If students use their mobile phone

or it is seen out by a member of staff this will be confiscated and can

be collected by students on a Monday at 2:40pm.

Social Media

We strongly advise that students in Year 7 and Year 8 do not use websites and apps such as

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. The guidelines set by these

services state that users should be 13 or above. We also strongly advise

parents to ensure they are aware of what websites their children are

accessing on their electronic devices and that guidelines are set around the

use of these. We also expect students from the academy to communicate

appropriately via social media and that parents are aware of who their

children are talking to and the types of conversations they are having. For further guidance on

how to keep your child safe online please visit; https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/

At all unstructured times, we have a mixture of duty staff and senior staff

who are on duty. To ensure students know who to approach during these

times, staff on duty wear an orange high visability jacket/bib. If students

have any issues they are to approach these designated members of staff at

all times.

In order to ensure students are properly hydrated for

school, we ask that students only drink water in lessons

and throughout the school day. We also expect students

not to bring fizzy/energy drinks to school or to drink them

before school. If they are seen, they will be confiscated.

Westfield water bottles can be purchased from the school

shop for £1.

Students who wish to cycle to and from school are expected to ride their

bike in a safe manner. From September 2017, students who travel by

bike MUST wear a cycle helmet. We also expect all students to ride their

bike in a safe and appropriate manner when entering and leaving the school

site. (No wheelies) This is to ensure their safety of themselves and all members of our


Electronic Devices

Social Media

Student Safety


Cycling Safety

We expect students to work quietly within their lessons. At the start of the lesson, students

will be expected to place all of their equipment on their desks and wait for the teacher to

ask them to sit down. For each lesson there will be a seating plan and students are expected

to sit where the teacher places them.

Students are also expected to maintain the highest of standards around the presentation of

their work. This involves writing in blue or black pen and underlining dates and titles with a

ruler. Diagrams and pictures must be drawn in pencil.

Within lessons, teachers will give positive referrals for good behaviour. This will be

recorded using Go4Schools. This will contribute to their overall positive behaviour score

and will be celebrated in the end of term assemblies.

Where behaviour does not meet the required standards, students are given warnings using

our consequence system.

Verbal Warning

C1 = Written warning on the board

C2 = Second written warning – plus a 5-10 min break or lunch detention

C3 = Removal to Head of Department – plus 1 hour after school detention

Behaviour that severely disrupts the learning of others will result in a senior member of staff

being called to the lesson. Throughout the course of the day, your child’s Head of Year will

be visiting lessons regularly. This is to check that the high standards around students

learning is upheld by all students

Behaviour For Learning

- Staff enter positive referrals using Go4Schools for the following;

o Excellent effort (+5 points)

o Neat presentation (+5 points)

o Excellent homework (+5 points)

o Attendance at an extra-curricular club (+10 points)

o Representing the academy (+10 points)


WEEKLY: Top 3 overall points in each year group (weekly) receive a certificate from HOY with a small prize

Staff will send positive postcards home to inform parent/carers of their child’s excellent progress in their


Staff issue students raffle tickets for going above and beyond. This is for behaviour/effort that is

above the expected standard.


FORTNIGHTLY: Heads of year draw three raffle tickets during HOY assemblies. Students can then chose

from a selection of prizes

OR students can bank their ticket for the termly draw

Heads of Year nominate a student from their year group. This could be for;

o Consistently meeting the expectations of the academy

o Excellent academic achievement

o Outstanding service to the school community

o Most improved (Behaviour/Attendance/Punctuality)

This is then displayed centrally within the school as a hall of fame for each year group.

Reward = Money voucher for shopping centre

The form group with the best attendance for that half term will receive a breakfast (croissants/juices) with

their form tutor on the last Friday of half term.

Positive Referrals – Go4Schools (Daily)

Positive Postcards Home (Fortnightly)

Student of the half term (Half Termly)

Above and Beyond Raffle (Fortnightly)

Best Form Group Attendance (Half Termly)

Rewards System

TERMLY: Top 25 overall points in each year group have access to an activity (i.e. movie afternoon in the hall)

at the end of each term

For those student who ‘banked’ their above and beyond’s or have 100% attendance for that half

term, there will be a draw at the end of each term. This will be drawn by the Head of Year at

the end of term assembly.


1st prize = Money voucher for shopping centre 2nd prize = Money voucher for shopping centre

Here’s just a small selection of what you could win in our fortnightly raffles!

Activity Afternoon (Termly)

Above and Beyond Raffle (Termly)

Within our system, there are five types of detentions.

1) Punctuality detentions (late to school) – Every lunchtime (1:10pm – 1:40pm)

Punctuality detentions are designed for students who are late to school. This is a same day lunchtime

detention. Those students who attend and those who don’t, are expected to sit an hour after school on the

same day. (Heads of year to contact parents to inform them of this)

2) C2 – break or lunchtime detention – Daily

These are for students who have received a C2 within their lesson. These are designed to be 5-10 min

opportunities for staff to re-enforce expectations and for the student to have reasonable sanction for their

behaviour within a lesson.

3) Organisational, Homework, Behaviour Detentions (Behaviour4Learning) – Mon – Weds

(2:40pm – 4:40pm)

Staff who input negative referrals for the following reasons will automatically generate a 1 hour after school

detention. These will be centralised detentions run by designated members of middle/senior leaders.

- Equipment and planners

- No homework

- Poor homework

- Punctuality to lessons

- C3 Shadow timetable

- Out of lesson incident

- Persistent uniform infrindgement

- Failure to attend break/lunch detention

Parents will be notified by ParentMail at least 48 hours before the detention

4) SLT detention (2 hours) – Thursday’s (2:40pm – 4:40pm)

This detention is for students who fail to attend a detention Mon-Weds or have been persistently late to

school and have failed to improve.

5) Headteacher Detention – Saturday’s (9am – 11am)

Saturday detentions will be issued to students for;

- Missing 2nd chance detention (Thurs) - Truanting lessons/school - Bullying (first stage)

Parents will be given advanced notice of the Saturday detention. Any student who fails to attend a Saturday

detention, will spend the following week in isolation and must sit the detention the following Saturday.

Detention System























1:10PM – 1:40PM




1:10PM – 1:40PM




1:10PM – 1:40PM




1:10PM – 1:40PM




1:10PM – 1:40PM

If student misses

detention, moves to

1 hour after school

(same day)


DETENTION - Equipment & Planners

- Punctuality to Lesson

- Persistent uniform




- No Homework

- Poor Homework




- Failed Report Card

- Outside of lesson incident

- Failure to attend

break/lunch detention



(2nd chance – 2


- Failure to attend


- Persistent lates


If missed on a Friday,

1 hour on Monday

If a student fails to attend – 2nd

chance to be set for Thurs (2



If student fails to attend

SLT detention Saturday

detention is set. (Phone

calls to be made on

Thursday afternoon)


- Bullying (First Stage) - Persistent failure to attend detentions - Truanting

9:00AM – 11:00AM

Failure to attend Saturday

detention will result in

student being isolated until

the Saturday detention has

been completed

This code of conduct is visually displayed throughout the school and

something in which all students are expected follow

I will follow instructions

I will wear the correct uniform and bring my full equipment

I will stand behind my chair quietly, until the teacher is ready

I will sit in the correct seat and stay there unless asked to move

I will use appropriate and respectful language

I will show respect to other people and the school environment

I will be on time to all lessons and ready to learn

I will only eat at break time and lunch time

I will complete all of my work to the best of my ability

I will allow adults to resolve any issues

I will not use any electronic devices in school

I will walk on the left hand side throughout the school

I will take my coat off whilst inside the school building

Westfield Academy

Code of Conduct