School Newsletter Summer Term 3A 27/05/2021 As you will see, staff continue to be proud of the way children at Clifton continue to work hard and behave well. Of course, this is going to have a big impact on their learning. Teachers continue to prioritise learning so that children make up for lost time as effectively as they can. As always, this newsletter shows the variety of work that pupils have the opportunity to cover as they complete their journey through the school. It is lovely to see the children putting so much energy into what they are doing! As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we have been able to bring back some after-school clubs, starting with sports clubs. Each week a separate year group has had the opportunity to take part. We have had a 50% take up, on average, across the year groups, which is very positive. In the near future, we hope to increase the opportunities that our pupils have to take part in clubs. This will be in line with the easing of government restrictions, in particular when we can start mixing bubbles again. I am pleased to say that we are also going to be starting breakfast club up again after half term. We will be offering a much smaller club to begin with – again because at the moment we cannot mix bubbles and are therefore very limited on space. We are offering places initially to families where both parents work, or where a single parent works, and we have contacted those families whose children stay on a Tuesday afternoon. If you would like to put your child’s name on our waiting list please contact the school office. As soon as guidelines allow (all being well this will be 21 st June), we will be able to offer more places at our Breakfast Club. The 21 st June is also the date from which we are aiming to start serving dinners to pupils in our two halls. We are really looking forward to being able to offer a full, normal menu to all children again! Thank you for your patience as we have worked our way through things this year. Thank you also to all parents who have bought school shoes for their child. We want every pupil to arrive at school looking smart and ready for learning. It has been a very challenging year but hopefully we are nearing the end of government restrictions. In the meantime, please continue to follow national guidelines over the half term break. As before, if you do need to tell us about a positive test result or symptoms, you can do this by contacting us on the enquiry email address, [email protected] Thank you again for your understanding. I wish you a restful break and look forward to seeing you again when the new half term starts on Monday 7 th June. Mr Lambert

Year 6 School Newsletter

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Sky Room

Sky Room have been really busy! We have studied length and capacity in maths,

as well as practising our multiplication and division. We are now moving on to

fractions. Sky have loved reading different books this half term, including ‘Handa's

Surprise’ by Eileen Brown and ‘We're going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. The

children have worked really hard on describing characters from the text.

In IPC our topic has been 'Superhumans' and the pupils have loved learning

about the body and senses. We've also planted our seeds and seedlings in the school


We are all really excited about beginning our new @superherotri adventure and will try to do as many

kilometres as possible during the holiday!

Year 6

What a busy term Year 6 have had! We would like to thank parents for their

continued support throughout the year and for ensuring that all children attended.

After a year of many changes, the Year 6 teachers are proud of the mature and

positive manner in which the children responded to these challenging times.

This term in English, we are studying ‘Rooftoppers’ by Katherine Rundell. This is an

exciting adventure story set in London and France. We have linked our wellbeing

afternoons to France and the children have been food tasting, playing French Boules, creating

pointillism pictures in the style of Georges Seurat and making origami Eiffel Towers. The children really

enjoyed tasting authentic French food.

This term we trialled a new DT project – Bean to Cup; The Coffee Journey - it was a

great success. We had an action-packed day with the children researching

where coffee comes from, the extraction process and exploring the different

types of coffee. They enjoyed tasting (decaffeinated of course!) and making their

own cups of coffee.

We are looking forward to our charity fund-raising day on Thursday 27th May. The

children will be creating hats and selling cakes to raise money for the Headway

charity. Last year, we raised almost £200, and this year we are hoping to break this


We wish you a well-deserved break and we look

forward to seeing you all again on

Monday 7th June


Nursery have had an amazing start to the summer term. We have welcomed

a new group of Nursery children who have recently turned three years-old,

and they have settled in wonderfully to Foxes group. The current Nursery

children have been very welcoming and kind to their new friends.

We have started learning some letter sounds in Phonics. We have been

having a go at writing letters everywhere and drawing things that start

with our letter of the week.

The children have also been growing in confidence with their counting

skills and lots of us can now recognise numbers 0-10. They love to count

how many children are in their groups, and they are able to say which group has more or

fewer children.

Our theme this half term has been ‘Making Good Choices’, and Nursery have

certainly risen to the challenge! We have been saying “Please” and “Thank you” to

each other and playing well together, sharing toys and working as a team. In the

picture above, we are using the parachute to create a tent. It took everyone

working together and following the rules to make it work.

After reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr, we painted pictures of

tigers at the easel. The children have shown great improvements in their fine motor

control and their use of colours. We had lots of discussion about the shapes that they

needed to create for the tiger, and the children thought carefully about the

markings and where they were on the tiger’s face.

School Newsletter

Summer Term 3A 27/05/2021

As you will see, staff continue to be proud of the way children at Clifton continue

to work hard and behave well. Of course, this is going to have a big impact on

their learning. Teachers continue to prioritise learning so that children make up

for lost time as effectively as they can. As always, this newsletter shows the

variety of work that pupils have the opportunity to cover as they complete

their journey through the school. It is lovely to see the children putting so much

energy into what they are doing!

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we have been able to bring back some after-school clubs,

starting with sports clubs. Each week a separate year group has had the opportunity to take

part. We have had a 50% take up, on average, across the year groups, which is very positive. In

the near future, we hope to increase the opportunities that our pupils have to take part in clubs.

This will be in line with the easing of government restrictions, in particular when we can start

mixing bubbles again.

I am pleased to say that we are also going to be starting breakfast club up again after half term.

We will be offering a much smaller club to begin with – again because at the moment we

cannot mix bubbles and are therefore very limited on space. We are offering places initially to

families where both parents work, or where a single parent works, and we have contacted those

families whose children stay on a Tuesday afternoon. If you would like to put your child’s name

on our waiting list please contact the school office. As soon as guidelines allow (all being well

this will be 21st June), we will be able to offer more places at our Breakfast Club.

The 21st June is also the date from which we are aiming to start serving dinners to pupils in our

two halls. We are really looking forward to being able to offer a full, normal menu to all children

again! Thank you for your patience as we have worked our way through things this year.

Thank you also to all parents who have bought school shoes for their child. We want every pupil

to arrive at school looking smart and ready for learning.

It has been a very challenging year but hopefully we are nearing the end of government

restrictions. In the meantime, please continue to follow national guidelines over the half term

break. As before, if you do need to tell us about a positive test result or symptoms, you can do

this by contacting us on the enquiry email address, [email protected]

Thank you again for your understanding. I wish you a restful break and look forward to seeing

you again when the new half term starts on Monday 7th June.

Mr Lambert

Year 3

It’s been another jam packed half

term for our pupils in Year 3. As

always, we have been so proud

of their efforts in school and their

ongoing positive attitudes.

In English and Whole Class

Reading, we have been studying

the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted

Hughes. It’s been lovely

exploring the book together and

discovering who the mysterious character is that’s

been eating all the farm vehicles. We have used lots

of techniques to help understand the story in depth,

and we have also been creating our own

newspaper reports based upon it.

In Maths, we’ve been having a big push on

understanding our fractions. We focused on this key

objective so that our pupils have a firm

understanding ready for the next academic year.

In IPC, we’ve become ancient history experts by

learning all about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.

Our pupils have learnt lots of new terminology, and

we definitely have some budding archaeologists in

our midst.

In Science, our topic has been ‘Light’. We’ve

explored different light sources and discovered

which surfaces are good reflectors. We’ve also

discussed the importance of sun safety; we just

need the weather to

improve so we can put it

to good use!

We’re now looking

forward to our final half

term in Year 3, with many

more exciting topics to


Year 4

In English, we have become proficient at

training dragons! Year 4 have thoroughly

enjoyed reading and studying the book

'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida

Cowell. We have learnt how to write

instructions, analyse characters and write

character descriptions. We have also

developed our skills in comprehension

and oracy, writing speech and using

more adventurous vocabulary.

Year 4 have been working extremely hard in Maths this half

term. We have been focusing on decimals. We have learnt

about tenths and hundredths as a fraction and decimal,

how to make a whole and how to write decimals. We have

also challenged ourselves by comparing, ordering and

rounding decimals.

Our IPC topic has taken us around the world. We have been

exploring and comparing the many different islands around

the globe. Year 4 started the topic by becoming

shipwrecked and finding ways to survive the ordeal! We

have learnt how to use an atlas, compared the features and

lives of each island and explored the British Isles.

In Science, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors to

explore our changing world. Year 4 have been identifying

and classifying trees, leaves and flowers

and looking at different habitats. We have

learnt that living things can be grouped in

a variety of ways and have used

observations, diagrams and branching


Year 4 have become very good at golf this

half term. With the support of Bishop

Challenor, we have learnt how to develop

an athletic posture, improve our aim and

co-ordination and use different putters. It

has been great fun!

Year 5

Year 5 have had a productive and enjoyable half term. All the teachers have been really proud of

the way the children have returned to school and settled back into lessons with enthusiasm and


In English and Whole Class Reading, we have really enjoyed reading our book, ‘Varjak Paw’ by S. F.

Said, and have written diary entries from the point of view of the main characters as well as

newspaper reports all about the exciting events at the end of the story. We have also learnt how

dialogue can be used to advance action and create characters in a story, how to use figurative

language and how to use common prefixes and suffixes.

In Maths, we have continued to expand our understanding of fractions and have learnt how to add and

subtract decimals with a different number of decimal places. We have also been introduced to percentages and

can now convert fractions, decimals and percentages interchangeably as well as solve some reasoning problems.

In IPC, we have been learning all about ‘Our Wonderful World’ and have explored some of the world’s most famous

landmarks, creating an eye-catching calendar to decorate our classrooms. We have also learnt about how tsunamis

are generated, what a biome is and where different biomes are located, and some of the impacts of global warming

on the Earth.

In Science, we have continued to learn about different materials and have focused this half term

on changing states, conducting experiments to change liquids to solids when

we made ‘ice cream’ as well as investigating which substances speed up and

slow down reactions.

Our PE focus this half term has been rounders, and we have enjoyed learning

the correct techniques for overarm and underarm throws as well as how to

work as a team to pass the ball between stumps to get the other team out as

quickly as possible. The children have enjoyed wearing their Moki wristbands

and have generated some impressive step counts, demonstrating a passion

for keeping fit and protecting their mental and physical well-being.

Year 1

The Year One team are very proud of the children and would like to say thank you for all your

enthusiasm and hard work this term.

In English, the children have been learning about ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The children

have researched owls and written factual sentences about them. They have ‘hot seated’

Mother Owl after writing questions to ask her. The children have also used a text map to help

them learn the main events of the story and have used this to re-tell the story. This week, the

children innovated the story by changing the characters to ducks to help them write their own version of this


In Maths, the children have been learning a range of calculation strategies to help them to add and subtract. They have

learned to use a number line and have drawn on their knowledge of number bonds to help them solve maths problems.

More recently, they have learned to count reliably to 50. They have practised grouping objects into groups of tens and ones

to support them with counting to fifty. The children have also practised counting in twos and fives. They have counted pairs

of objects to twenty and groups of five to fifty.

In IPC, the children have been learning about themselves and about animals. The children have particularly enjoyed

learning about their five senses and investigating and experimenting with each of these! The children have also learned

about a range of animal groups. These groups include mammals, birds and amphibians. They have learned about the

characteristics and features of each of these animal groups.


The children in Reception have been working so hard in class this term. The teachers would

like to say ‘well done’ and tell them that we are really proud of them all.

Our topic this term was ‘People Who Help Us’. The children have really enjoyed all the

different role play areas that have been created throughout the term including a vet’s

surgery, a doctors’, a school and a dentist. The children have improved their communication

skills by getting into role as one of these occupations.

In Phonics, we have been learning new Phase 3 sounds, which include diagraphs (two

letters, one sound) such as /sh/, /ch/ and /th/. We have used the sounds we have learnt so far to segment

and blend words, and we are beginning to read and understand sentences. We have also been practising reading and

spelling our Phase 2 and 3 tricky words.

In English, we read the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. To begin with, we used our language skills to talk about the taste and

texture of vegetable soup. We helped the children to talk in full sentences and encouraged them to extend their

sentences by using ‘and’ and ‘because’. We have also made links to other subjects in our English lessons by planting cress

seeds and writing instructions.

We have retold the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ using puppets and masks and changed the story to make it our own, for

example ‘The Enormous Carrot’. This term we have encouraged the children to write more independently and to come up

with their own sentences. They rose to the challenge and have written some fantastic sentences.

In Maths, we have been learning to count, recognise, order and write numbers to 20. We have represented numbers to 20,

using a variety of maths resources, including bead strings, Numicon and Dienes, and we can now say how many tens and

ones are in a number. We have also been solving addition and subtraction problems within 20. Throughout the term, we

have been learning the names of 3D shapes and searching for them in the environment.

The Reception team hope you all have a well-deserved rest during half term, and we look forward to seeing you all back for

the last half term of the school year.

Year 2

What a wonderful half term it has been! The children continue to show enthusiasm towards their learning and have been

trying their best in everything they do.

In Maths, we have been focusing on key arithmetic skills and developing confidence in problem solving and reasoning. The

children have used their success criteria to solve addition and subtraction equations independently. Children have also had

the opportunity to answer word problems independently and have really impressed us with their mathematical reasoning.

In English, the children have really enjoyed reading ‘Amazing Grace’ by Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch. We have

been learning about a country that features in the book, Trinidad. The children were able to recall facts about food,

weather and sports in Trinidad and compare it to the United Kingdom. Using a story map, the children have been able to

retell their own version of ‘Amazing Grace’. We have also had a high focus in SPaG on word classes. The children are now

able to identify nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs and use them in their writing.

We have had much fun in Science this half term. The children planned and carried out an investigation to identify what a

seed needs in order to grow. The children very much enjoyed watching the seeds germinate and identifying the effects that

the environment had on them. The seedlings have now been planted in the school vegetable patches or, if the child chose

to, have been sent home.

In Geography, children have consolidated their understanding of continents and oceans, in particular

they loved listening to the continent’s song. In PSHE, the children have been learning to stay safe at

home; in the water; at the park and by the road. In R.E, the children have been learning all about

Ramadan and Eid, and they enjoyed making their Eid card for their families. We very much

loved hearing all about the Eid celebrations the children took part in!

We look forward to spending the next half term with the children and watching them grow in


Year 3

It’s been another jam packed half

term for our pupils in Year 3. As

always, we have been so proud

of their efforts in school and their

ongoing positive attitudes.

In English and Whole Class

Reading, we have been studying

the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted

Hughes. It’s been lovely

exploring the book together and

discovering who the mysterious character is that’s

been eating all the farm vehicles. We have used lots

of techniques to help understand the story in depth,

and we have also been creating our own

newspaper reports based upon it.

In Maths, we’ve been having a big push on

understanding our fractions. We focused on this key

objective so that our pupils have a firm

understanding ready for the next academic year.

In IPC, we’ve become ancient history experts by

learning all about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.

Our pupils have learnt lots of new terminology, and

we definitely have some budding archaeologists in

our midst.

In Science, our topic has been ‘Light’. We’ve

explored different light sources and discovered

which surfaces are good reflectors. We’ve also

discussed the importance of sun safety; we just

need the weather to

improve so we can put it

to good use!

We’re now looking

forward to our final half

term in Year 3, with many

more exciting topics to


Year 4

In English, we have become proficient at

training dragons! Year 4 have thoroughly

enjoyed reading and studying the book

'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida

Cowell. We have learnt how to write

instructions, analyse characters and write

character descriptions. We have also

developed our skills in comprehension

and oracy, writing speech and using

more adventurous vocabulary.

Year 4 have been working extremely hard in Maths this half

term. We have been focusing on decimals. We have learnt

about tenths and hundredths as a fraction and decimal,

how to make a whole and how to write decimals. We have

also challenged ourselves by comparing, ordering and

rounding decimals.

Our IPC topic has taken us around the world. We have been

exploring and comparing the many different islands around

the globe. Year 4 started the topic by becoming

shipwrecked and finding ways to survive the ordeal! We

have learnt how to use an atlas, compared the features and

lives of each island and explored the British Isles.

In Science, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors to

explore our changing world. Year 4 have been identifying

and classifying trees, leaves and flowers

and looking at different habitats. We have

learnt that living things can be grouped in

a variety of ways and have used

observations, diagrams and branching


Year 4 have become very good at golf this

half term. With the support of Bishop

Challenor, we have learnt how to develop

an athletic posture, improve our aim and

co-ordination and use different putters. It

has been great fun!

Year 5

Year 5 have had a productive and enjoyable half term. All the teachers have been really proud of

the way the children have returned to school and settled back into lessons with enthusiasm and


In English and Whole Class Reading, we have really enjoyed reading our book, ‘Varjak Paw’ by S. F.

Said, and have written diary entries from the point of view of the main characters as well as

newspaper reports all about the exciting events at the end of the story. We have also learnt how

dialogue can be used to advance action and create characters in a story, how to use figurative

language and how to use common prefixes and suffixes.

In Maths, we have continued to expand our understanding of fractions and have learnt how to add and

subtract decimals with a different number of decimal places. We have also been introduced to percentages and

can now convert fractions, decimals and percentages interchangeably as well as solve some reasoning problems.

In IPC, we have been learning all about ‘Our Wonderful World’ and have explored some of the world’s most famous

landmarks, creating an eye-catching calendar to decorate our classrooms. We have also learnt about how tsunamis

are generated, what a biome is and where different biomes are located, and some of the impacts of global warming

on the Earth.

In Science, we have continued to learn about different materials and have focused this half term

on changing states, conducting experiments to change liquids to solids when

we made ‘ice cream’ as well as investigating which substances speed up and

slow down reactions.

Our PE focus this half term has been rounders, and we have enjoyed learning

the correct techniques for overarm and underarm throws as well as how to

work as a team to pass the ball between stumps to get the other team out as

quickly as possible. The children have enjoyed wearing their Moki wristbands

and have generated some impressive step counts, demonstrating a passion

for keeping fit and protecting their mental and physical well-being.

Year 1

The Year One team are very proud of the children and would like to say thank you for all your

enthusiasm and hard work this term.

In English, the children have been learning about ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The children

have researched owls and written factual sentences about them. They have ‘hot seated’

Mother Owl after writing questions to ask her. The children have also used a text map to help

them learn the main events of the story and have used this to re-tell the story. This week, the

children innovated the story by changing the characters to ducks to help them write their own version of this


In Maths, the children have been learning a range of calculation strategies to help them to add and subtract. They have

learned to use a number line and have drawn on their knowledge of number bonds to help them solve maths problems.

More recently, they have learned to count reliably to 50. They have practised grouping objects into groups of tens and ones

to support them with counting to fifty. The children have also practised counting in twos and fives. They have counted pairs

of objects to twenty and groups of five to fifty.

In IPC, the children have been learning about themselves and about animals. The children have particularly enjoyed

learning about their five senses and investigating and experimenting with each of these! The children have also learned

about a range of animal groups. These groups include mammals, birds and amphibians. They have learned about the

characteristics and features of each of these animal groups.


The children in Reception have been working so hard in class this term. The teachers would

like to say ‘well done’ and tell them that we are really proud of them all.

Our topic this term was ‘People Who Help Us’. The children have really enjoyed all the

different role play areas that have been created throughout the term including a vet’s

surgery, a doctors’, a school and a dentist. The children have improved their communication

skills by getting into role as one of these occupations.

In Phonics, we have been learning new Phase 3 sounds, which include diagraphs (two

letters, one sound) such as /sh/, /ch/ and /th/. We have used the sounds we have learnt so far to segment

and blend words, and we are beginning to read and understand sentences. We have also been practising reading and

spelling our Phase 2 and 3 tricky words.

In English, we read the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. To begin with, we used our language skills to talk about the taste and

texture of vegetable soup. We helped the children to talk in full sentences and encouraged them to extend their

sentences by using ‘and’ and ‘because’. We have also made links to other subjects in our English lessons by planting cress

seeds and writing instructions.

We have retold the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ using puppets and masks and changed the story to make it our own, for

example ‘The Enormous Carrot’. This term we have encouraged the children to write more independently and to come up

with their own sentences. They rose to the challenge and have written some fantastic sentences.

In Maths, we have been learning to count, recognise, order and write numbers to 20. We have represented numbers to 20,

using a variety of maths resources, including bead strings, Numicon and Dienes, and we can now say how many tens and

ones are in a number. We have also been solving addition and subtraction problems within 20. Throughout the term, we

have been learning the names of 3D shapes and searching for them in the environment.

The Reception team hope you all have a well-deserved rest during half term, and we look forward to seeing you all back for

the last half term of the school year.

Year 2

What a wonderful half term it has been! The children continue to show enthusiasm towards their learning and have been

trying their best in everything they do.

In Maths, we have been focusing on key arithmetic skills and developing confidence in problem solving and reasoning. The

children have used their success criteria to solve addition and subtraction equations independently. Children have also had

the opportunity to answer word problems independently and have really impressed us with their mathematical reasoning.

In English, the children have really enjoyed reading ‘Amazing Grace’ by Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch. We have

been learning about a country that features in the book, Trinidad. The children were able to recall facts about food,

weather and sports in Trinidad and compare it to the United Kingdom. Using a story map, the children have been able to

retell their own version of ‘Amazing Grace’. We have also had a high focus in SPaG on word classes. The children are now

able to identify nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs and use them in their writing.

We have had much fun in Science this half term. The children planned and carried out an investigation to identify what a

seed needs in order to grow. The children very much enjoyed watching the seeds germinate and identifying the effects that

the environment had on them. The seedlings have now been planted in the school vegetable patches or, if the child chose

to, have been sent home.

In Geography, children have consolidated their understanding of continents and oceans, in particular

they loved listening to the continent’s song. In PSHE, the children have been learning to stay safe at

home; in the water; at the park and by the road. In R.E, the children have been learning all about

Ramadan and Eid, and they enjoyed making their Eid card for their families. We very much

loved hearing all about the Eid celebrations the children took part in!

We look forward to spending the next half term with the children and watching them grow in


Sky Room

Sky Room have been really busy! We have studied length and capacity in maths,

as well as practising our multiplication and division. We are now moving on to

fractions. Sky have loved reading different books this half term, including ‘Handa's

Surprise’ by Eileen Brown and ‘We're going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. The

children have worked really hard on describing characters from the text.

In IPC our topic has been 'Superhumans' and the pupils have loved learning

about the body and senses. We've also planted our seeds and seedlings in the school


We are all really excited about beginning our new @superherotri adventure and will try to do as many

kilometres as possible during the holiday!

Year 6

What a busy term Year 6 have had! We would like to thank parents for their

continued support throughout the year and for ensuring that all children attended.

After a year of many changes, the Year 6 teachers are proud of the mature and

positive manner in which the children responded to these challenging times.

This term in English, we are studying ‘Rooftoppers’ by Katherine Rundell. This is an

exciting adventure story set in London and France. We have linked our wellbeing

afternoons to France and the children have been food tasting, playing French Boules, creating

pointillism pictures in the style of Georges Seurat and making origami Eiffel Towers. The children really

enjoyed tasting authentic French food.

This term we trialled a new DT project – Bean to Cup; The Coffee Journey - it was a

great success. We had an action-packed day with the children researching

where coffee comes from, the extraction process and exploring the different

types of coffee. They enjoyed tasting (decaffeinated of course!) and making their

own cups of coffee.

We are looking forward to our charity fund-raising day on Thursday 27th May. The

children will be creating hats and selling cakes to raise money for the Headway

charity. Last year, we raised almost £200, and this year we are hoping to break this


We wish you a well-deserved break and we look

forward to seeing you all again on

Monday 7th June


Nursery have had an amazing start to the summer term. We have welcomed

a new group of Nursery children who have recently turned three years-old,

and they have settled in wonderfully to Foxes group. The current Nursery

children have been very welcoming and kind to their new friends.

We have started learning some letter sounds in Phonics. We have been

having a go at writing letters everywhere and drawing things that start

with our letter of the week.

The children have also been growing in confidence with their counting

skills and lots of us can now recognise numbers 0-10. They love to count

how many children are in their groups, and they are able to say which group has more or

fewer children.

Our theme this half term has been ‘Making Good Choices’, and Nursery have

certainly risen to the challenge! We have been saying “Please” and “Thank you” to

each other and playing well together, sharing toys and working as a team. In the

picture above, we are using the parachute to create a tent. It took everyone

working together and following the rules to make it work.

After reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr, we painted pictures of

tigers at the easel. The children have shown great improvements in their fine motor

control and their use of colours. We had lots of discussion about the shapes that they

needed to create for the tiger, and the children thought carefully about the

markings and where they were on the tiger’s face.

School Newsletter

Summer Term 3A 27/05/2021

As you will see, staff continue to be proud of the way children at Clifton continue

to work hard and behave well. Of course, this is going to have a big impact on

their learning. Teachers continue to prioritise learning so that children make up

for lost time as effectively as they can. As always, this newsletter shows the

variety of work that pupils have the opportunity to cover as they complete

their journey through the school. It is lovely to see the children putting so much

energy into what they are doing!

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we have been able to bring back some after-school clubs,

starting with sports clubs. Each week a separate year group has had the opportunity to take

part. We have had a 50% take up, on average, across the year groups, which is very positive. In

the near future, we hope to increase the opportunities that our pupils have to take part in clubs.

This will be in line with the easing of government restrictions, in particular when we can start

mixing bubbles again.

I am pleased to say that we are also going to be starting breakfast club up again after half term.

We will be offering a much smaller club to begin with – again because at the moment we

cannot mix bubbles and are therefore very limited on space. We are offering places initially to

families where both parents work, or where a single parent works, and we have contacted those

families whose children stay on a Tuesday afternoon. If you would like to put your child’s name

on our waiting list please contact the school office. As soon as guidelines allow (all being well

this will be 21st June), we will be able to offer more places at our Breakfast Club.

The 21st June is also the date from which we are aiming to start serving dinners to pupils in our

two halls. We are really looking forward to being able to offer a full, normal menu to all children

again! Thank you for your patience as we have worked our way through things this year.

Thank you also to all parents who have bought school shoes for their child. We want every pupil

to arrive at school looking smart and ready for learning.

It has been a very challenging year but hopefully we are nearing the end of government

restrictions. In the meantime, please continue to follow national guidelines over the half term

break. As before, if you do need to tell us about a positive test result or symptoms, you can do

this by contacting us on the enquiry email address, [email protected]

Thank you again for your understanding. I wish you a restful break and look forward to seeing

you again when the new half term starts on Monday 7th June.

Mr Lambert