Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 Name: ____________

Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

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Page 1: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Year 4

Home Learning Pack 4

Name: ____________

Page 2: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Week 6

Monday Reading –

Read The Boy

Who Grew


Chapter 6

Spellings –

Weekly Spellings

from 3/4

statutory spelling


Maths –

Year 4

Dividing by 10

Science –

Plants life cycles

Tuesday Reading –

Role on the wall

about Tomas

Grammar –

Read text for the


Adjective game

Maths –

Year 4


Theme –



Wednesday Reading –



Grammar –

Relative clauses

Maths –

Year 4

Hundredths as


RE –


Thursday Reading –



Writing –

Planning our own

information text

Maths –

Year 4

Hundredths on a

place value grid

Art &Design-

Street Art

Friday Reading –



Writing –

Writing our own

information text

Maths –

Year 4

Dividing by 100

Well-being –

Message in a


Don’t forget that you also have a log in to access Times table Rock Stars:

Online, you can also access extra maths home learning on the White Rose Maths site. Use the

link below and click on your year group!


Page 3: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Reading- Monday- Week 6

This week’s comprehension activities will be based on chapter 6 from our class text- The Boy

Who Grew Dragons. The chapter has been typed up for you to read and the questions will be

based on what you have read in this chapter. On Friday’s we will look at a separate non-

fiction text

The Boy Who Grew Dragons- Chapter 6

Banana Blobalob

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was swing my head over the edge of

the bed and look underneath. And there he was. My dragon. Curled up in the shoebox nest I’d

fashioned for him, the loo roll expertly shredded into a cosy bed. His bright eyes were fixed

on mine, his shimmering red body glowing like a hot ember. Yup, I had a dragon! I didn’t need

a groomable guinea pig or dog who could dance, or even a camouflaged lionfish. Nope. I had a

dragon. Beat that, Liam! And OK, I admit he was small. You might even say titchy-something I

knew all about, being the smallest in my class- but it didn’t seem to be bothering him. Maybe

if I glowed like that and could fly it won’t bother me so much either.

I wondered how fast he’d grow and suddenly thought of Lolli. She’d be a bite-size snack for a

growing dragon! As if to reassure me, the little dragon hopped towards my cheese plant-

which isn’t actually made from cheese, though how cool would that be for late night snacks?-

and started tearing chunks of it.

“Phew,” I laughed. “Well at least that’s one thing I know now. You eat plants. Let’s just hope I

can fill you up with enough of those”.

The only question really was how I was going to keep him? Because I was pretty sure a

dragon was not on Mum’s list of ideal houseguests. In fact, although my Mum and Dad put up

with quite a lot, looking round at the devastation in my room I thought even they’d object to

this. I’d already had to hide Dad’s old Batman comic- well, the sad, charred remains of it. And

seven of my socks, singed to smithereens after I’d used them as mittens to put out sparks.

And the of course there was the huge hole in Mum’s best towel. Oh and the endless ticking

time bomb poo grenades that lurked here, there and everywhere. You see, apart from

smelling like rotten fish wrapped in stinky cheese with sprinkling of burnt toast, dried-out

dragon poo is highly combustible. Which means that it can explode without warning.

Something that I’d found out at four o’clock in the morning. Let’s just say that once you’ve

woken to find your bed splattered with detonated dragon droppings you get really particular

about picking them up. And keeping a close eye on where they land!

At breakfast I sat next to Lolli, with my dragon tucked away in my hoodie pocket. I could

hear Mum and Dad upstairs, both reeling out their list of ‘To Do’s’. It was beginning to sound

like a competition of whose list was the longest. I just hoped none of those ‘To Do’s’ ended up

coming my way!

Page 4: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Now Lolli may only be little, but she’s not daft. She sees stuff. If I’ve got a sweet in my

mouth- even if I’m not chewing- she still knows. And her hand goes out quick as a flash

demanding one too. So when I kept absentmindedly fiddling with my pocket, I think she

thought I had some sweets hidden in there. She leaned over and pulled at my hoodie,

stretching the pocket open.

“Lollwanlollwanlollwan,” she grabbed.

Before I could stop him the dragon saw his chance for freedom and shot out. But in his

excitement he managed to sneeze and poo at the same time. Shooting out fiery sparks from

one end that scorched Lolli’s toast, and leaving a squelchy mess from the other all over my


Alarmed by Lolli’s shrieks of delight, he soared up to the ceiling light, dropping more well

timed poo bombs along the way. One of which perfectly met the sole of dads shoe as he

strode into the kitchen. If my Dad had picked up any tips in our one and only ice-skating

lesson he might have been fine. And if the table hadn’t been there he might have slid

smoothly through and out the back door. But as it happened he sort of just folded over it

like a crocodiles mouth shutting and landed with his face in Lolli’s plate of mashed banana.

At least Lolli thought it was funny. I quickly opened my pocket and the dragon zipped in out

of sight. Just in time too, as Mum came running in to see what all the noise was about.

“What on earth is going on now?” she groaned, seeing the mess.

Now the good thing about Lolli is that because she can’t talk much yet you can blame quite a

lot on her- and the best thing is she finds everything so funny she doesn’t even mind and

Mum and Dad don’t get cross with her because she’s only little.

“Lollibob was painting another banana picture and this pigeon flew in and ate it,” I said.

Lolli flapped her arms, launching another blob of banana that delicately splatted on Dad’s

nose and made her squeal again. Mum raised her eyes and sigh. Lolli giggled and stuck her two

thumbs up, both covered in banana.

“Lolli blobalob,” I said, laughing.

She waved her banana-y fingers about like little puppets- which was pretty hysterical and

even mum couldn’t help smiling. I told you we stick together. Me and Lolli.

Anyway, while mum acted like a hyperactive octopus, mopped up Dad, the floor and Lolli, I

was able to escape. Which was just as well because I needed to get back to Grandad’s


Page 5: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Grammar- Monday Week 6

Page 6: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Maths- Monday Week 6

Page 7: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 8: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 9: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Science- Monday Week 6

Moving forward from last week’s science (dissecting and labelling the parts of a flower), we

are going to look at a plants life cycle. To help with the activity today you need to watch the

following short video clips to show how insects help to pollinate flowering plants:

Bees and apple plants - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/insect-


Bees and balsam - http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/adaptations/Pollinator#p00lx91s

Beetles and daisies - http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/adaptations/Pollinator#p0144x0t

Flowers are brightly coloured and sweet smelling to attract insects.

For today’s activity, we are cutting out and sticking images in the correct order to make a

diagram of the pollination cycle. As this is a cycle, we need to arrange the images in an oval-

shape with arrows showing the direction that the cycle moves.

Page 10: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 11: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Reading- Tuesday Week 6

Can you do a role on the wall all about Tomas- what have we learnt about him so far? Think

about his appearance, character traits, attitude and his family. Draw lines coming from him

with all your ideas.

Page 12: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Grammar- Tuesday Week 6-Text and Adjective game

Read the text that we are going to be using this week to inspire our own writing

Page 13: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 14: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 15: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 16: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 17: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Maths- Tuesday Week 6

Page 18: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 19: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 20: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Theme- Tuesday Week 6

Did you know that 2020 has been designated as Year of the Nurse and Midwife? This is

because it will be 200 years since the birth of a very famous nurse.

Florence Nightingale was a pioneer and rule breaker. She was born into a wealthy Victorian

family where she was expected to follow the rules of society. However, Florence rebelled

against this and decided to go into nursing, a job that was seen as inferior to someone of her

social standing. She was asked by the British Minister of War to lead the first team of

female nurse to be sent to military hospitals and she ended up in Scutari during the Crimean


Read the information below. There are 3 challenges all based around what

you will have read and you will need to do some research of your own. You may

choose only to complete one of the 3 challenges or you could do them all.

Don’t forget to share what you’ve been up to!

Page 21: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Challenge 1: Find out what life and conditions were like for

the British soldiers at this time. Compare the hospital in

Scutari with a modern hospital. What are the main

differences? What challenges did Florence face? Jot down

your findings

Scutari Hospital Modern Hospital

EXT (optional) What are the similarities and differences

between Florence Nightingale and a modern nurse? Make a

list of 5 things for each.

Florence cared very much about the welfare of her patients.

She would work tirelessly during the day and then would

patrol all the wards during the night, making sure

everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname.

Challenge 2: Around the illustration below, jot down all the

things you think Florence Nightingale did to help and

improve things for the soldiers

Page 22: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Challenge 3: Imagine you are a British soldier during the

Crimean War. You have been wounded and are in Scutari

hospital. Write a short postcard home describing conditions

before Florence nightingale arrived and then write another

one after she’s been working in the hospital.

























Page 23: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Reading- Wednesday Week 6

Can you answer the questions below about the chapter? Remember you can read the chapter

again and keep looking at it to help you.

1. Who do you think Tomas wanted to impress with his new pet dragon?


2. Do you think Tomas was insecure about how he looks? What makes you think this, cane

you give evidence from the text?




3. Why did Tomas feel relieved when his dragon ate a plant?


4. Do you think Tomas’s Mum and Dad were unreasonable parents from what we have

read? What makes you think this, can you find evidence from the text to support your






Page 24: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Grammar- Wednesday Week 6- Relative clauses

Page 25: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Maths- Wednesday Week 6

Page 26: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 27: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 28: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

RE- Wednesday Week 6

Sharing Listen to the story ‘Stone Soup’ by Jon J Muth on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_TXIoiuBd4 Think about the following questions or discuss them with an adult or sibling. What do we learn from this story about sharing? Why is it important to share? Is it because you are told to or because it is the right thing to do?

When do you have to share? Task: Design a poster that shows the importance of sharing. You could include when you share, when you think it important to share, why it is important to share and sketch a picture that shows an example of the importance of sharing. Don’t forget to tweet us your final posters.

Page 29: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Reading- Thursday Week 6

Can you answer the questions below about the chapter? Remember you can read the chapter

again and keep looking at it to help you.

1. Do you think Lolli was frightened by the dragon? What tells you this?



2. Do you think that Tomas feels guilty for always putting the blame on Lolli? How do you

know this?




3. Does Tomas’s mum believe the excuse that Tomas gives at breakfast for the

commotion? Why?



4. Why do you think Tomas is desperate to get back to his Grandad’s garden? Explain

your thoughts.





Page 30: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Writing- Thursday Week 6-Planning an information text

Page 31: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 32: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Maths- Thursday Week 6

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Page 34: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 35: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Art & Design- Thursday Week 6

Street Art can provoke strong opinions. Some people love it, some people hate it!

Street art is any art created in a public place. It can be temporary and you’ll find it in

unconventional places. There are many different types of street art which include:

graffiti, stencil graffiti, sticker art, wheat pasting, street poster art, video projection, flash

mobbing and yarn bombing!

Here are some examples of these different art types. Look carefully at the pictures, choose

1 piece to appraise and then answer the following questions:

What is it about this piece that appeals to you?

What do you think the artist has done well?

Why do you think the artist has chosen to paint this?

Have a go at sketching something in your chosen street art style, if you can.

Page 36: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 37: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Reading- Friday Week 6

Page 38: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 39: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 40: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Writing- Friday Week 6- Writing an information text

Page 41: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Maths- Friday Week 6

Page 42: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 43: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around
Page 44: Year 4 Home Learning Pack 4 - gilberdykeprimary.co.uk · patrol all the wards during the night, making sure everybody was ok; the soldiers even gave her a nickname. Challenge 2: Around

Wellbeing- Friday Week 6

Messages in bottles have been turning up on the shores of beaches for thousands and thousands of

years. Those people wrote messages for lots of different reasons, to seek help, to get information to

others when there was no other means of sending it, to send information to help others out- as they

were able to learn from it or to send out information about themselves.

If you were to write a message in a bottle to send out to others, informing them of your experiences

of staying at home over the last few weeks, what would you write?