Program Information and Agreement Details Year 10 2020 eLearning Program Contacts: Program Manager – Deb Brown Technical Support & Enquiries – Leisa Telford Finance Enquiries – Megan Drennan Phone: 4945 0111

Year 10 2020 eLearning Program - Proserpine State …...Adobe Design Premium CS5 - Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Acrobat 9 Pro, Flash Professional, Dreamweaver, Fireworks (installed

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Contacts: Program Manager – Deb Brown Technical Support & Enquiries – Leisa Telford Finance Enquiries – Megan Drennan Phone: 4945 0111

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eLearning Program 2020 PROGRAM INFORMATION

Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 2

Why is this initiative essential for our students? “Effective digital learners: demonstrate creativity and intellectual curiosity resulting in enjoyment, fun

and resilience

exhibit a sense of self-confidence and enjoyment

are self-directed and can work independently, collaboratively and cooperatively to learn and to develop products of use to themselves and others

demonstrate accountability and adaptability

display innovation and entrepreneurship

use ICT purposefully to engage in real research

communicate globally through eLearning spaces

continually develop communication and collaboration skills

are able to research effectively and have information fluency

have developed digital literacy and understand technology operations and concepts

have developed digital proficiency to work effectively in 21st Century environments

understand digital citizenship and work on issues and challenges that are real and relevant, that make a difference to them and to others

have developed skills to design, create, share and publish

build critical and systems thinking, enabling problem identification, formulation and solution, through informed decision making

explore new ideas and tools in authentic contexts

exhibit and exercise the attributes of a lifelong learner: they are a knowledgeable person with deep understanding, a complex thinker, a creative person, an active investigator, an effective communicator, a participant in an interdependent world and a reflective and self-directed learner.”

Smart Classrooms Byte, Education Queensland

Program Features: Students will have access to a school owned device that can be used at school and at home. It is light weight, has a long battery life, comes with a protective case, internet filtering, anti-virus software, operating system and accidental damage protection. Software:* Students will have access to network based software while at school. The laptops will come with a wide variety of pre-installed software to support curriculum delivery at school and at home. Additional software will be installed as needed. Microsoft Office 2016 - Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, One Note Adobe Design Premium CS5 - Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Acrobat 9 Pro, Flash Professional, Dreamweaver, Fireworks (installed on request to the school’s Technical Support Team)

Windows 10 Anti-plagiarism Software ClickViewAudacity Photo Story 3 Graphmatica Inspiration

Pea Plant Genetics Lab Sebelius Rocky Shore Ecology Sunflower for Science

Human Body Systems Food Webs Wet Stone Sharpening System

Network Connection: Students will have access to a wide range of school resources via wireless connectivity throughout the school campus. This includes curriculum unit plans, curriculum resource material, electronic textbooks, assessment tasks, online virtual classrooms and a communication portal. * at time of publication and subject to change including additional software

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eLearning Program 2020 PROGRAM INFORMATION

Personal Device … Enhanced Learning 3

Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills Technology is woven into every aspect of our lives

and education is no exception

Success in the 21st Century requires knowing how to learn and using technology should be seen as an opportunity to acquire more knowledge not an excuse to know less. This modern world needs all kinds of minds and technology in schools enables us to power education and innovation by sharing powerful ideas about learning. We now have continuous access to information and social interaction and are able to easily create and share digital content. No longer does learning have to be one-size fits all or confined to the classroom. Science, maths, arts, sports and practical

subjects all benefit from technology. It allows us to re-imagine 21st Century education by empowering us to teach students how to teach themselves, in order to become effective digital learners for life. As educators, we have always had a responsibility to do whatever we can to help our students develop into employable, responsible and valuable citizens. To achieve this, we, with your help as parents, need to encourage students to develop strong critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills in order for them to be successful in this increasingly interconnected and complex world. At Proserpine State High School we are committed to support education in our school by allowing teachers to use technology to inspire classrooms, improve education and foster student achievement. Right now we can provide the tools for students to ensure they are successful in developing learning and innovative skills, digital literacy skills, career and life skills. This is possible through easy and ready access to communication, networking and computing technology both in and out of the classroom.

To be confident in our ability to provide this advanced, collaborative eLearning environment we have applied “whole of school” approach to re-invent the processes that support learning. Our staff have become effective digital learners, engaging the students and wider community to embrace our schools vision for the technological evolution of our future focussed curriculum. So strong has been our school’s desire, not merely to accept, but to challenge, innovate and develop existing eLearning models that we are recognised by Education Queensland as innovators in this field.

“Technology has become an

indispensable tool in today’s

education” Alan November

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eLearning Program 2020 PROGRAM INFORMATION

Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 4

Year 10 Acer Switch

12 Alpha


Student device for Year 10 students – Acer Switch 12 Alpha

The 12” Acer Switch tablet is the latest technology in fanless ‘liquid loop ‘cooling enhancing the performance of the device. It is portable and versatile and weighs less than 1.3 kg. It includes a keyboard, active stylus and touchpad.

Additional features include:

*Accidental damage protection details p 5

Intel Core i5 processor 128gb SSD (solid state drive) 4gb memory Scratch resistant LCD Front facing camera Full size keyboard USB 3.0 port and 3.1 type-C Bluetooth

Up to 8 hours battery life Front and rear facing camera Adjustable kickstand with rubber anti-slip

strip Accidental damage protection* Rubberised outer case Hard sided slip case

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eLearning Program 2020 AGREEMENT DETAILS

Personal Device … Enhanced Learning 5

Equipment ownership The device remains the property of Proserpine State High School at all times. At the end of the warranty period, all devices will be returned to the school. The devices will have all licensed software and data removed and will be restored to their original factory state. Education Queensland will make a decision regarding the disposal, sale or recycling of the used devices, as appropriate at that time.  

If the student completes their schooling or transfers from the school, the device must be returned to the school. If the device is not returned, reimbursement will be sought. A prorata refund of the levy will be calculated. Payment will be made in accordance of financial procedures with the school. 

It is also a requirement of using the device that students provide authorised school staff with access to the device and personal holdings associated with the use of the device if requested.  

Fee for provision of device To participate in the device home‐use program parents and/or caregivers are required to make a contribution. This will supplement the costs incurred by the school in providing and supporting the device. Our school P&C has endorsed a co‐contribution for 2020 of $275.00 to be charged per device, per annum for Year 10 students. Continued participation in the eLearning program is on the proviso of Student Resource Scheme payments are up to date. 

Damage or loss of equipment All devices and batteries are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty which covers manufacturing defects through normal usage. In addition, devices are covered against accidental damage, which is determined by the vendor. There is no cover for negligence, abuse or malicious damage. Students will be required to replace lost or damaged chargers or cases. Any software or hardware issues, vandalism, damage, loss or theft of the device must be reported immediately to the school. 

Accidental damage Students are expected to keep their device in the protective zip case. In the event of damage occurring without the use of a case accidental damage warranty may not apply. Accidental damage charges are set by the vendor (Acer) at the time of purchase: 

For Year 10 students, a service fee of $25 is applied for the first repair and full charge for any subsequent repairs in the calendar year.  

Non-warranty damage Non‐warranty damage is where damage is not covered by warranty and not classified as accidental damage. The Acer warranty does not cover the device for any wilful damage, carless damage, theft or negligence. 

Examples of items not covered are:  

Any keys being removed from the keyboard due to excessive force applied.  

Damage caused by animals 

Leaving the tablet unattended and as a result it was damaged by someone or something else other than the user or assigned owner.  

No explanation whatsoever can be provided for how the resulting damage occurred.  

Repeating cases for the same device which may have previously been termed as accidents.  

Faults are reconciled by the hardware vendor, and are subject to change. The final determination of warranty coverage is made by the hardware vendor.  

Where a device is deemed non‐warranty damaged, the following costs apply (including GST): 

Repair excluding repair or replacement of LCD screen and/or motherboard $161.00

Repair including repair or replacement of LCD screen and/or motherboard $428.00

NB: Where a school determines that damage has been intentionally caused to a device, the full cost or replacement of the device may be charged.

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eLearning Program 2020 AGREEMENT DETAILS

Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 6


If the device is stolen outside of school, the parent/caregiver will need to report the incident to the police.  Evidence that reasonable security measures were taken and forced entry must be proved. The following documentation is required when informing the school ‐ police crime number; and statutory declaration (usually completed with the police). In this instance a $75.00 replacement fee will be charged. If reasonable security was not provided, full cost (less depreciation) will be charged. 

There is no cover for loss of the device. 

Device care The student is responsible for taking care of and securing the device and accessories in accordance with school policy and guidelines. The device must be cleaned and maintained in good working order and condition. 

Data security and back ups

Students must understand the importance of backing up data securely. Should a hardware or software fault occur, assignments and work that has taken considerable time to prepare may be lost. 

The student is respo nsible for the backup of all data. While at school, students are able to save data to the school’s network which is safeguarded by a scheduled backup solution. They are also able to save data locally to the device for use away from the school network. The backup of this data is the responsibility of the student and should be backed‐up on an external device, such as external hard drive or USB drive. 

Students should also be aware that, in the event that any repairs need to be carried out the contents of the device may be deleted and the storage media reformatted. 

Acceptable computer and internet use Upon enrolment in a Queensland Government school, parental or caregiver permission is sought to give the student(s) access to the internet, based upon the policy contained within Acceptable Use of the ICT Facilities and Devices. These conditions apply to the use of the device and internet both on and off the school grounds. Additionally, communication through internet and online communication services must comply with the Responsible Behaviour Plan available on the school website.  

In adhering to the acceptable use of ICT and Responsible Behaviour Plan, students should not:   disable settings for virus protection, spam and/or internet filtering that have been applied as part of the 


create, participate in or circulate content that attempts to undermine, hack into and/or bypass the hardware and/or software security mechanisms that are in place  

copy or use unauthorised programs and intentionally download unauthorised software, graphics or other data files that may violate copyright laws. Any illegal (unlicensed) software; pirated music, defamatory documents, images, or any content not suitable for viewing by persons under the age of 18 are deemed inappropriate. 

use another student or staff member’s username or password to access the school network, including not trespassing in another person’s files, home drive, email or accessing unauthorised network drives or systems 

intentionally damage or disable computers, computer systems or Education Queensland networks  

divulge personal information (eg name, parent’s name, address, phone numbers), via the internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the school 

Note: Students’ use of internet and online communication services may be audited at the request of appropriate authorities for investigative purposes surrounding inappropriate use.  


Passwords must not be obvious or easily guessed; they must be kept confidential, and changed when prompted or when known by another user. Personal accounts cannot be shared. Students should not allow others to use their personal account for any reason.  

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eLearning Program 2020 AGREEMENT DETAILS

Personal Device … Enhanced Learning 7

Digital citizenship

Students should be conscious creators of the content and behaviours they exhibit online and take active responsibility for building a positive online reputation. They should be conscious of the way they portray themselves, and the way they treat others online.  

Students should be mindful that the content and behaviours they have online today are easily searchable and accessible. This content may form a permanent online record into the future.  

Interactions within digital communities and environments should mirror normal interpersonal expectations and behavioural guidelines, such as when in a class or the broader community.  

Parents are requested to ensure that their child understands this responsibility and expectation. 

Web filtering Education Queensland operates a web filtering system to protect students and restrict access from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites.  

The web filtering system is installed on departmentally‐owned computers, including Computer for Student (CFS devices). There is also a locally installed Web filtering client, which resides on the device and is active when using a non‐Education Queensland wireless connection to ensure filtering is always applied.  

When students are connected through Education Queensland managed networks they will have a high level of filtering applied. This level restricts them from websites such as:  

Social networking sites e.g. Facebook  

Open/Mixed content sites e.g. YouTube  

Translation sites e.g. Google translation  

Chat sites e.g. MSN Messenger  

Internet telephony e.g. Skype  

Media Sharing e.g. Prezi  

When students use their devices at home the filtering system (proxy client), functions with two levels of filtering, high (more restrictive) and medium (less restrictive). 

A high level of filtering at home provides a less restrictive access then than at school however a greater level of protection than medium. Websites and web applications that are blocked at school but are available to students at home include:  

Blogs/personal pages  

Chat/Instant Message e.g. MSN Messenger  

Internet Telephony e.g. Skype  

Media Sharing e.g. Flickr  

Online Storage e.g. Dropbox  

Software downloads  

In partnerships with schools, parents/caregivers can allow their child medium level filtering when they are connected to a non‐departmental internet connection, such as their own home internet. Medium level filtering provides a less restrictive level of protection. Students with this level can access a wider range of websites, which include:  

Social networking e.g. Facebook  

Adult/mature content  


Alternative spirituality/belief  

Translation websites  

It is important to remember filtering systems do not replace the need for parental supervision when students are online. If parents/caregivers allow their children to have a medium level of filtering at home, they need to be aware that the child’s online activities are the shared responsibility of the parent and the student. This process requires sign off of the eLearning Agreement indicating your willingness to support your child’s access to medium filtering.  

Parents, caregivers and students are encouraged to visit the Office of the eSafety Commissioner website at https://esafety.gov.au/ For further information on the web filtering system visit the Smart Classrooms website: http://education.qld.gov.au/smartclassrooms/enterprise-platform/web-filtering/index.html

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eLearning Program 2020 AGREEMENT DETAILS

Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 8

Students’ reporting requirements

Students are required to report any internet site accessed that is considered inappropriate. Any suspected security breach involving students, users from other schools, or from outside the Education Queensland network must also be reported to the school.  

Privacy and confidentiality

It is important that students do not publish or disclose the email address of a staff member or student without that person’s explicit permission. The student should not reveal personal information including names, addresses, photographs, credit card details or telephone numbers of themselves or others. It should also be ensured that privacy and confidentiality is always maintained. 

Intellectual property and copyright

Students should never plagiarise information and shall observe appropriate copyright clearance, including acknowledging the original author or source of any information used. It is also important that the student obtain all appropriate permissions before electronically publishing other people’s works or drawings. The creator or author of any material published should always be acknowledged. Material being published on the internet or intranet must have the approval of the principal or their delegate and have appropriate copyright clearance.  

Misuse and breaches of acceptable usage

Students should be aware that they are held responsible for their actions while using the internet and online communication services. Students will be held responsible for any breaches caused by other person(s) knowingly using their account to access internet and online communication services. The misuse of internet and online communication services may result in disciplinary action which includes, but is not limited to, the withdrawal of access to services. 

Software The software loaded on the device is licensed to the Education Queensland or the school. The parent or caregiver must ensure that the software is not copied, deleted or transferred, without prior written consent from the school. Unauthorised use may breach copyright laws and the parent or caregiver may be held liable for any damages incurred. 

Software installed on the device is required for the student’s education. All school software must be available when required. Students who delete programs can have their laptop rebuilt and are likely to have their administrative rights removed. 

Elevated access

Devices may have elevated permissions which would provide the ability to complete tasks such as installing home items including home printers, cameras and/or licensed software.  

This access may allow further permissions above and beyond those available on other MOE (Managed Operating Environment) built workstations and devices. Students should not misuse these privileges. The misuse of this access may result in disciplinary action which includes, but is not limited to, the withdrawal of access to services.  

If given elevated access, students have the ability to install additional software onto the device. However, only licensed software can be installed. The student must hold a valid licence for any software installed and the licence must be appropriate for installation on the device. Devices may be audited by a school requiring students to present a valid software licence for any personal software installed. Devices may be rebuilt at any time for numerous reasons without consultation with students or parents and all local data may be lost in this process.  

The school will manage the provision of elevated access and may require a parent/guardian approval. Elevated access and home internet filtering levels need to be indicated on the eLearning agreement form. 

Monitoring and reporting

Students should be aware that all use of internet and online communication services can be audited and traced to the account of the user.  

All material on the device is subject to audit by authorised school staff. If at any stage there is a police request, Education Queensland may be required to provide the authorities with access to the device and personal holdings associated with its use. 

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Personal Device … Enhanced Learning 9


OOVVEERRVVIIEEWW OOFF TTHHEE PPRROOGGRRAAMM Will students need to bring the laptop to school every day? Yes. Teachers are transforming the way they teach to take advantage of students having unlimited access to technology. The new digital platform curriculum means that computers will be essential tools in each classroom.  It is an expectation of students in the eLearning program to bring their device, fully charged each day. 

I have just purchased my child their own laptop. Why can’t this be used at school? A private device will not be able to access the school’s wireless network and therefore there will be no access to school files, software, internet, printers and class resources. Education Queensland does not support privately owned devices connected to a school’s network. The main reason for this is to maintain the security of a state wide network as well as continuity of service to all school students. 

A home device is not permitted to have the Managed Operating Environment and school software installed due to licencing agreements. The school, not the private individual, is licenced for the software. Technical support and teacher assistance is more readily available with the standardisation of devices provided to students. 

Will students be permitted to use the laptop during school holidays? Once the device is issued to the student, they are permitted to keep this over most holiday periods. This is dependent upon whether the Technical Support Team needs to recall the device for re‐imaging, software upgrades, maintenance or annual stocktake. Prior to the end of term 4, the device must be returned to the Resource Centre. If all current fees are up‐to‐date and the annual charge for the following year is paid, there is likely to be an option for the device to remain with the student over the Christmas break. Devices owned by Proserpine State High School are not permitted overseas without the permission of the Principal. 

Will the students in different year levels have different devices? Yes. As computers get faster, lighter, smaller and more powerful every 6 months, the model rolled out to the year group is different. The type of device supplied to each year level will remain with the student/group for the duration of the program or their enrolment at Proserpine State High School. Where a device needs to be replaced, every effort will be made to replace the device with one the same as or similar to that being used by the year level cohort. 

What other computer related costs can I expect to pay in the eLearning program? USB Storage Device: a memory stick and/or an external hard drive will assist with students keeping a copy (backup) of their data. Mouse: some students may prefer the use of a mouse instead of the touchpad or touchscreen and stylus. In time the student will become more confident in operating the device. 

How is the laptop kept safe when not in use? Students will have their laptop with them at all times except during non‐classroom activities such as practical HPE lessons. Arrangements will be made by the classroom teacher in these instances and for excursions. Students have the option of utilising a locker that will assist in these instances and at  break times. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the laptop is not left unattended and is safe at all times.  

Do students need to backup the data stored on their laptop? Yes. Work completed at school can be saved to the school’s servers H: home drive. However, work completed at home or stored on the laptop will need to be backed up (copied) in case of a device failure. Sometimes a student can spend considerable time on writing assignments and loss of data can be avoided by having an additional copy. Please remind and encourage your child to copy their documents regularly to an external dev ice.  

If a device requires service or repair, it is important that students have a current back up their data. The technical support team will not be responsible for backing up data. This is the student’s responsibility. 

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Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 10

FFIINNAANNCCIIAALL IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN What happens if I cannot afford to take part in the take home program? Success of the program relies on maximum participation. To assist families to take part in the program for their children, the cost of the program has been kept to a bare minimum. Students without a device will continue to have access to quality teaching and learning experiences in the classroom, however they will not have the advantage of seamless connectivity between school and home. Our P&C are also offering a number of bursaries – please contact the school’s Finance Officer for details of eligibility. 

DDAAIILLYY OOPPEERRAATTIIOONN How will the computer connect to the school network and internet? At school there is both wired and wireless access dependent upon class location and curriculum needs.  

How will the laptop connect to the internet away from school? The laptop can connect to the home internet where the medium or high level of filtering, selected by the parent, applies. The use of home internet connections will require the student and/or parent/guardian to arrange connectivity via third parties.  

Will the school use Classroom Management Software? The school uses ‘Impero” to assist with the management of the school network and classes. The program can be used to monitor the student’s work and internet history. The software provides teachers with additional tools to facilitate their teaching and the learning experience for students. Additionally, the program assists the Computer Technician in providing technical support and software maintenance.  

Will my child be using the laptop all day in every lesson? It is not envisaged the student will use their device each lesson. It is essential students bring their device to school each day charged. The use of the laptop will be at the teacher’s discretion. The usage will depend upon the nature of the subject and curriculum being delivered at the time. The device is a learning tool and will be incorporated at appropriate times to facilitate the student’s education.  

Students will still require the traditional tools of learning, including writing books and pens. The benefit of the take home program is that the student can continue with their educational requirements with the ability to access software and curriculum resources out of school hours. 

Although an asset number will be visible, can my child personalise their device? A removable label or sticker can be attached to the outer casing of the device. Personalisation must be suitable to an educational environment and leave the device unchanged once removed. All school labels must remain intact to assist with the identification of the device. Permanent markings are not allowed on the laptop case. A charge may apply if the device and/or case are altered due to personalisation. The slimline satchel can have bag tags attached to also help with identification. 

WWHHAATT IISS PPEERRMMIITTTTEEDD OONN TTHHEE LLAAPPTTOOPP Can students install their own software on the laptop? This is possible if the elevated access level is selected by the parent. A valid software licence is always required. The laptop is still school owned and students must not store illegal or inappropriate materials on it as per the school’s Computer Use Agreement and Responsible Behaviour Plan. Games and movies are not permitted on the hard drive. Any illegal (unlicensed) software; pirated music, defamatory documents, images, or any content not suitable for viewing by persons under the age of 18 are deemed inappropriate.  

Applications installed on the device must be suitable to a school environment and adhere to national copyright guidelines. The laptop is school owned and students must not store inappropriate material on the hard drive. Devices will be periodically audited by the school. Students who breach this agreement will have their laptops restored to the original settings and all data stored on it (school and personal) lost. Additional consequences can be applied including the possible removal from the eLearning program.  

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Personal Device … Enhanced Learning 11

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Lifelong Learners with 21st Century Skills 12

RREEPPAAIIRRSS AANNDD MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE What if the device is damaged? All take home devices have accidental damage cover and some items are covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. There is an expectation that students will be responsible and take care of this valuable asset. There is no cover for negligence, abuse or malicious damage. Students will be required to replace lost or damaged chargers. 

The Acer Aspire devices have an excess that applies – the cost ranges from $25 to $428.00. See “Agreement Details” section for more information on the fee schedule and damage classifications – page 5. 

Will students have access to a replacement laptop should the home laptop require repair? The school will make every effort to provide an alternative option for the student whilst the assigned device is being repaired. The school has a number of ‘pool devices’ that may be issued for an extended period of time while the device is under repair.  

Who is responsible for data stored on the laptop? The school has a backup procedure in place to ensure students do not lose educational data saved by the student on the school network (H: drive). However, for any school or personal data stored on the laptop (D: drive), it is the students’ responsibility to have a copy of this elsewhere. It is recommended they do so to a USB device (drive or memory stick) on a regular basis.  

If a device requires service or repair, it is important that students have a current back up of their data. The technical support team will not be responsible for backing up data. This is the student’s responsibility. 

Will my personal software and data be restored? No. Students must be aware that should a laptop require repair, all data could be wiped as the machine is restored to its original settings. It is the student’s responsibility to have a backup of their data and to copy it back to the device. 

Where can students access assistance? The school’s Technical Support Team operates from the Resource Centre and will be available before school and during lunchtime. Students are strongly encouraged to see the staff for any issues, concerns, faults or difficulties they may be experiencing with their device. 

CCYYBBEERRSSAAFFEETTYY What should students be aware of and what action should be taken? If a student believes they have received a computer virus, spam (unsolicited email), or they have received a message or other online content that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable, they must inform their teacher, parent and/or caregiver as soon as is possible.  

Parents, caregivers and students are encouraged to visit the Office of eSafety Commissioner for resources and information https://www.esafety.gov.au/ . Additionally students are encouraged to explore and use the ‘Cybersafety Help’ button to talk, report and seek advice about a range of cybersafety issues. https://www.esafety.gov.au/complaints‐and‐reporting/cyberbullying‐complaints/i‐want‐to‐report‐cyberbullying   Students must never initiate or knowingly forward emails, or other online content, containing:  

A message sent to them in confidence  

A computer virus or attachment that is capable of damaging the recipients’ computer  

Chain letters or hoax emails  

Spam (such as unsolicited advertising).   Students must never send, post or publish: 

Inappropriate or unlawful content which is offensive, abusive or discriminatory  

Threats, bullying or harassment of another person  

Sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content or correspondence  

False or defamatory information about a person or organisation.