1 Yap Climate Change Toolkit Training Report September 23-27, 2017 Nimpal Channel Marine Conservation Area Prepared by: Wayne Andrew (PIMPAC) -Region Mentor & HOPE Director

Yap Climate Change Toolkit Training Report September 23-27, 2017 · 2018. 2. 26. · • Micronesia Challenge: In 2006, Micronesian leaders from the Federated States of Micronesia,

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Page 1: Yap Climate Change Toolkit Training Report September 23-27, 2017 · 2018. 2. 26. · • Micronesia Challenge: In 2006, Micronesian leaders from the Federated States of Micronesia,


Yap Climate Change Toolkit Training Report September 23-27, 2017

Nimpal Channel Marine Conservation Area

Prepared by: Wayne Andrew (PIMPAC) -Region Mentor & HOPE Director

Page 2: Yap Climate Change Toolkit Training Report September 23-27, 2017 · 2018. 2. 26. · • Micronesia Challenge: In 2006, Micronesian leaders from the Federated States of Micronesia,


Executive Summary Wayne Andrew assisted Lance Sulong of Yap CAP and Mr. Thomas Gorong with NIMPAL Marine Conservation Program and Berna Gorong with The Nature Conservancy to train 13 community facilitators from 2 communities on the main island of Yap (Gachpar and West Fanif) and three communities from the outer islands of Yap (Eurepik, Wottegai and Lamotrek) on how to use the newly developed climate change toolkit with videos. The participants spent 3 days learning to use the videos and going through exercises that they themselves will help facilitate with their communities with the support of their partners. Toolkit trainers from Yap also gained experience and confidence on how to deliver training to other communities in the use of the tools. All participants of the five communities were given electronic copies of the toolkit and they were able to develop next steps on how to follow through in facilitating an adaptation plan. The video toolkit contains a guidebook, two case studies vides (Helen Reef in Palau and Nimpal Marine Program in Yap), a Marine Resource Video, Water Resource Video, Shorelines and Nearby Structures, Agriculture Video, a Tutorial Video, and a Climate Change Video. “The training was a great success”, remarked the Governor of Yap at the closing ceremony. The training was supported through the generous funding from USAID and PIMPAC. Background The Pacific Islands Marine Protected Area Community (PIMPAC) began in 2005 as a pilot program to identify and address the unique set of challenges faced by Marine Protected Area (MPA) managers in the region. These challenges include limitations in human and financial resources, isolation from one another restricting the ability of managers to learn from and apply approaches that have been successful elsewhere, and building on traditional management approaches while adapting to modern technology and practices. PIMPAC was designed to address these challenges and support an on-going capacity development framework for site based conservation practitioners to gain skills, learn from one another, and share resources; ultimately to improve site based management effectiveness. PIMPAC did not develop it’s own conservation goals, rather aimed to support local and regional conservation initiatives including the following. • Micronesia Challenge: In 2006, Micronesian leaders from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands committed to “effectively conserve at least 30% of the near-shore marine resources and 20% of the terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2020”. This, known as the Micronesia Challenge (MC), is a regionally led conservation initiative that provided a conservation target that PIMPAC could aim to support through capacity development. • Aloha + Challenge, and Sustainable Hawaii Initiative: In Hawaii, government leaders in combination with community partners set ambitious goals through the Aloha + Challenge, and Sustainable Hawaii Initiative that include goals such as “effectively manage 30% of near shore ocean waters by 2030” and “protect 30% of priority watersheds by 2030”. Mr. Wayne Andrew assisted Yap CAP and Berna Gorong in facilitating the training of community facilitators from Yap in the use of the newly revised climate change video tools. Mr. Andrew reach out to PIMPAC Coordinator Mr. Michael Lameier and with approval, he was able to travel to Yap to assist Yap CAP and Berna Gorong and Thomas Gorong deliver the training. The training is funded by USAID through HOPE. The training was conducted from September 23-27, 2017 with 13 community facilitators

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from 5 communities all over Yap including the outer island certified in the use of the newly developed tools.

Day One (Sunday September 22, 2017) Mr. Wayne Andrew arrive into Yap early morning of Sunday and rested in the morning then met up with other facilitation team from Yap (Ms. Berna Gorong with The Nature Conservancy, Thomas Gorong with Nimpal Marine Conservation Program). At this meeting the facilitators reviewed all the workshop agenda, watched the videos and agreed on facilitation roles and exercises. The review of workshop agenda and the tools took the whole afternoon, then they decided to rest and meet again at lunch the next day with the other facilitators from Yap Community Action Program (YapCAP) over lunch to review the final agenda and roles before the workshop begins at 3pm.

Participants of the Yap Climate Change workshop watching training videos.

Photo: Wayne Andrew Day Two (Monday September 23, 2017) Mr. Wayne Andrew met up with Lance Sulog of Yap CAP and Mr. Andy Tafleichig, Manager of Yap CAP Environmental Program in the morning to brief on logistics. Later they visited the training venue and set it up and printed and prepare the workshop materials and supplies. At noon, the Team from Yap CAP with Mr. Andrew met with Berna Gorong and Thomas Gorong to review once again the workshop agenda, and finalize roles. At 3pm the workshop was officially opened by Ms. Berna Gorong who welcomed all the participants and did expectations and introductions. Mr. Andrew then continued with overview of the project including history of the toolkit and the reason for the newly revised and improved tools. The participants were introduced to the tools and their roles as community facilitators. Ms. Berna Gorong led the

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introduction to the Local Early Action Planning Process (LEAP) and then introduced the first educational video on climate change. Mr. Thomas Gorong and Lancen Sulog then led the community facilitators in the community planning videos that includes exercises on historical timeline and choosing or prioritizing resources.

Community facilitators from Gachpar presenting their Historical Timeline.

Photo by: Wayne Andrew At the end the first day we conducted a plus delta exercise to see what went well and what we could improve as the trainings goes and future delivery of the training. Below is the participants response including comments on the videos they watched. Plus/Good and should keep doing Delta/ Need to change or improve next time 1. Training Materials (Videos) were very effective.

1. Need to do more cleaning of the conference room.

2. Case study video from Helen Reef was very inspiring and will really help them in planning with their community.

2. Need cover for food because there are ants and bugs climbing over them.

3. Appreciated the level of experience of Mr. Wayne Andrew and Berna Gorong in their leadership, knowledge and delivery of the training on the first day.

Comments on the Climate Change Video 1. The video makes it easy for community members to understand climate change, its causes and effects since it's a complex issue and hard to explain. This video is definitely very useful with the community.

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2. The video contains images and clips from the Micronesia region and is very helpful because people can relate to. 3. Language used and animation's will be very easy for young and old folks in the community to understand. Comments on Tutorial Video 1. Timeline exercise with this video is very helpful, it also helps break the ice and get people talking and engaged. 2. Choosing resources is very important and community facilitators need to explain a bit more on the process so that it's not confusing or misleading. 3. We learned a new word "Resilience" and how it applies to climate change discussion. Comments on the Helen Reef Case Study Video 1. Overall this video was excellent. It provides many key messages that is needed to help us motivate our leaders, community members. 2. The video provide much guidance on what a community can do to address a complex and difficult problem. Lays forward the important elements of success. 3. The key messages we really liked are:

1. Taking ownership of the problem by the community and not waiting for outside help to come find them. 2. Strong commitment from the community and its leadership. 3. Organized community can do a lot. 4. Aggressive in going out and looking for help. 5. Having a plan to help them unit in voice and efforts is very helpful. 6. Seeking outside help. 7. Building local capacity for long term success. 8. Resources rebounding as sign of success.

Day Three (Tuesday September 24, 2017) The second day of the training we started with a recap of the day before led by Thomas Gorong. The Mr. Wayne Andrew lead the introduction and exercises for Marine Resources Video. Thomas Gorong led the introduction and exercises on Shorelines and Nearby Structures Video. Mr. Lance Sulog led the exercises on Agriculture Video and Ms. Berna Gorong led the introduction and exercises on Water Resource Video. The introductions to the video and exercise went really well. At the end we also did a plus delta to get feedback from the participants on how the delivery and content of the second day. Plus/Good and should keep doing Delta/ Need to change or improve next time 1. (Videos) were very simple and effective. 1. Need to have time keeper so we don't run

over time. 2. Marine Resources Video had some really good examples of what a community can do.

2. Need more time for exercises especially in the community where more people what to share their ideas and experiences.

3. Good information on shipwreck from Wayne Andrew in the Helen Reef example.

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4. Good to know that Seawall not always the best solution, which most of the time communities think it's what we need.

5. The mapping exercise was really good and effective in getting the participants engaged.

Comments on Marine Resources Video 1. This video was really good because it had some really good examples of what a community can do. 2. The animation was very helpful and easy to understand the concept presented. 3. Again examples from the region really helps because we can relate to them. 4. Good to have local leaders and scientists speak to the importance of marine resources. 5. Very inspiring too. 6. Mapping exercise was really good but needs more time to work on.

Community facilitators from Eurepik working to develop their resource map.

Photo by Wayne Andrew. Comments on Nearby Structures and Shorelines Video 1. Good to know that seawalls are not always the best solution because our communities think most of the time it is the best option but we also see its causing more damage. 2. From our experience with past typhoon, the community traditional houses where the easiest to repair because materials available locally plus the system to rebuild is usually community so easier with our leaders calling on everyone to help come together take responsibility. Comments on Agriculture Video 1. This video has some really good examples of what we can do especially remote islands.

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2. In Yap in the aftermath of typhoon Sudal, our communities rushed to harvest the food crops that were damaged and could be salvaged and because we still depend on our gardens we were able to survive. 3. This video is very good and helpful. Comments on Water Resources Video 1. This video is very helpful. 2. We need this video for the outer islands of Yap because from our experience with past droughts and typhoons, water is the most scarce and important resource on the remote islands. Day Four (Wednesday September 25, 2017) On the third day of the training, we started with a recap of the day before. Ms. Berna Gorong facilitated the putting together of the information gathered from the exercises to for a plan using blank templates in their guidebook. This exercise gave them an idea of what it takes to complete a plan and what it should look like. Mr. Wayne Andrew shared with the participants partners that can assist with moving their more forward including PIMPAC and others. The training was concluded with the understanding that the formal closing ceremony will be held on Friday evening with the Governor and other leaders attending to witness their accomplishment. Day Five (Thursday September 26, 2017) On Thursday, Mr. Wayne Andrew worked with Yap CAP to coordinate the closing ceremony. They worked set the program and followed up on invitations. Mr. Wayne Andrew also met separately with the NIMPAL project and the Nguluu leadership to follow up on their work with marine resource management. The team also met to debrief and discuss next steps to help the community facilitators advance their work with each of their community. Day Six (Friday September 27, 2017) On Friday, we finalized all the participants certificates and held their graduation ceremony. The Honorable Tony Ganinayan was able to attend the closing ceremony and gave a very strong and inspiring closing remarks after Mr. Wayne Andrew gave an overview of the training. Governor Ganinayan helped award the certificates and copies of the tools on flash drives to the participants. The participants selected two videos to be show at the closing ceremony and they picked the Marine Resources Video and the Helen Reef Case Study Video. The participants together with their families and leadership of Yap CAP and Yap State thanked Mr. Wayne Andrew of HOPE for working to complete the videos that will be very helpful even to the schools, and different agencies of the government. They also extended their thank you to USAID and PIMPAC for their generous support to the people of Yap. Day Seven (Saturday September 28, 2017) Mr. Wayne Andrew had final meetings with Yap partners and then departed back to Palau in the evening. Outputs The outputs of the training are:

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1. A total of five communities in Yap (2 on the main Island and 3 on the outer island) have trained facilitators to help advance their community in planning to adapt to the impacts of climate change. 2. 13 community facilitators trained. 3. 5 communities have copies of the climate change tools to use in facilitating their community adaptation plans. 4. Local partners in Yap (Yap CAP, and Nimpal) are experience and trained in the delivery of future trainings. 5. 5 Communities in Yap can begin to develop their plans to become resilient. Next Steps After the training the facilitators met to debrief and discuss the follow up work with the communities: Below are their recommendations and the follow up next steps by the community facilitators.

1. Yap Partners and PIMPAC will work with community facilitators to provide the support they need to advance their work with their communities.

2. Work with local and regional partners to secure additional resources for follow up work with each of the community.

3. PIMPAC to help support a follow up train visit by Mr. Andrew to work with local partners and take at least two community through the process with their local facilitators leading and them mentoring.

These are Next Steps identified by community facilitators according to village/island groups after completion of LEAP Video Toolkit training held on Sept. 25-27, 2017 in Yap, FSM.

WEST FANIF Action By Whom Timeline Status Brief village chief about training and discuss establishing core planning team

• Identify potential community members that can be trained in toolkit

J. Rikin October 2017

Present to chief and his cabinet during one of their meetings

• Request for designations of members to

J. Rikin By Oct. 31, 2017

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establish a core planning team

Train & develop more community facilitators

• Request assistance from Resource Team as needed

J. Rikin By Nov. 30, 2017

Presentation to individual villages

• Work with chief and cabinet members to schedule village meetings

• Request assistance from Resource Team as needed

J. Rikin/village chief/village cabinet members

Start January 2017

GACHPAR Action By Whom Timeline Status Inform the leaders & elders of our training and discuss dates to facilitate LEAP exercises

Nov. 5, 2017 *Leadership meeting 1st Sunday of every month

Formulate plan to conduct facilitation of the LEAP

Make sure elders, men, women, and youth are represented in community planning to draft LEAP

Identify partners to support the LEAP process

• Community youth • Government

Conduct survey of resources that are important to the community after the LEAP


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Action By Whom Timeline Status Collect information from LEAP Video Toolkit training

Community facilitators

Gather information from other sources

• Map from Marine resources

• Typhoon listing from Weather office

Meet with leaders of community

EAURIPIK Action By Whom Timeline Status Collect resource materials

• Map at Marine Resources

• Typhoon listing (dates) from Weather office

Community facilitators

Brief island chief of the LEAP training and exercises

Ask for help/support from community to create a core planning group

LAMOTREK Action By Whom Timeline Status Meet with and present what we learned from LEAP video toolkit training

• Community leaders • Youth organization


Community facilitators

By 10/01/17 By 10/09/17

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• Island school teachers

• Men and women organizations

• Whole community

By 10/16/17 By 10/23/17 Dependent on ship schedule

Identify youths that can be members of the LEAP Core Facilitation Team

By 10/22/17

Attachments: A. Final Workshop Agenda

Local Early Action Planning with Video Toolkit

Training Community Facilitators


Sep. 25-27, 2017

Yap CAP Conference Room

Yap, FSM

Training Objectives: To familiarize and train community facilitators on the LEAP Video Tool process on simple action planning for communities.

Training Outcomes: Trained community facilitators will be comfortable using the LEAP Video Tool and can initiate initial meetings to facilitate communities through simple action planning.

Day 1: Monday – September 25, 2017 3:00 – 3:30 pm 30 mins.

Welcoming & Overview - Prayers & introductions - Ground rules & Expectations - Administrative: stipend

Berna/Lance/Thomas -attendance sheet

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3:30 – 3:45 pm 15 mins.

How we got here - brief history/background on works and this project, why this project - Overview of agenda


3:45 – 4:15 pm 30 mins.

What’s this toolkit -Go over overview of toolkit: (Workbook pg 3-5 Background, Intro, and Contents)8 videos, workbook, factsheets

Wayne-Mention that part of training is watching how the Facilitators are conducting the sessions

4:15 – 4:45 pm 30 mins.

LEAP Process Overview Workbook pgs 6-8. Overview of Steps, Suggested Process, and Template as the Outcome.

Berna-Workbook and Videos Guide the process.

4:45 – 5:30 pm 45 mins.

Getting started -Watch climate change video and discuss organizing group

Berna-Discuss why we are leading planning with climate change and discussion of importance of organizing a planning group After video:

• Field questions, if any

• Get feedback on video

• and summarize key point

5:30 – 5:45 pm 15 mins.


5:45 – 6:30 pm 45 mins.

Planning step 1 -Watch tutorial video and practice historical exercise

Thomas - After watching video, Facilitator will lead historical timeline exercise and have participants work in groups. See where it

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fits into LEAP template Pause video at historical timeline:

• Field questions, if any

• Refer to workbook section on historical timeline

• write up example of historical timeline

• working in small group and do historical timeline

• present back to bigger group

6:30 –7:15 pm 45 mins.

Planning step 2 -Continue tutorial video and practice choosing resources exercise

Lance - Facilitator continue leading exercise in choosing resources and participants work in groups See where it fits into LEAP template After video:

• field any questions, if any

• Refer to workbook section on Choosing resources

• In small group, discuss resources, choose and prioritize

• Present back to

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bigger group 7:15 – 7:45 pm 30 min.

Case study video -Watch Helen Reef & Tobi case study

Wayne - End Day 1 with a case study to get the participants to see how an actual community has gone through the process and timeline

PLUS/DELTA Lance Day 2: Tuesday – September 26, 2017 RECAP Wayne 3:00 – 4:00 pm 1hr

Developing actions exercise – Marine Resources

-Watch video and do exercise for marine resources video including mapping exercise which can be used for all of the videos.

Wayne - Discuss the different actions in the videos. Add actions they think are missing? Make a list of resources/organizations to support this work. See where it fits into LEAP template

4:00 – 5:00 pm 1 hr

Developing actions exercise – Shoreline & Nearby Structures

-Watch video and do exercise for shoreline & nearby structures video

Thomas - Discuss the different actions in the videos. Add actions they think are missing? Make a list of resources/organizations to support this work. See where it fits into LEAP template

5:00 – 5:15 pm 15 mins.


5:15 – 6:15 pm 1 hr

Developing actions exercise - Agriculture

-Watch video and do exercise for agriculture

Lance- Discuss the different actions in the videos. Add actions they think are missing? Make a list of resources/organizations to support this work. See where it fits into LEAP template

6:15 – 7:15 pm 1 hr

Developing actions exercise – Water Resources

-Watch video and do exercise for water resources

Berna - Discuss the different actions in the videos. Add actions

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they think are missing? Make a list of resources/organizations to support this work. See where it fits into LEAP template

PLUS/DELTA Thomas Day 3: Wednesday – September 27, 2017 3:00 – 3:30 pm 30 mins.


3:30 – 3:15 pm

LEAP action plan template

-Review LEAP action plan template


3:15 – 4:00 pm 45 mins.

Putting the action plan together

Gather info from the exercise sessions and start filling out the template

4:00 – 4:15 pm 15 mins.


4:15 – 5:00 pm 45 mins.

Completing action plans

5:00 – 5:30 pm 30 mins.

Where do we go from here

-what are existing state, national, regional, and global initiatives that such plans link to -what can now be done with action plans -discuss Next Steps for the training, i.e. community consultation visits with identified community groups

Wayne - *show examples of YBSAP and MC Discuss how to engage with partner organizations/agencies, what resources can plans be now used to access


Materials to Print: 1. Workbooks for all Facilitators 2. Several sets of fact sheets for all facilitators (maybe 5 sets for each? Since they are for the

community to use during planning)

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3. Copies of the Water for Life Info about calculating water (sent by Bertha a couple months back) 4. Attendance sheet with contact info


1. Flipchart and white-board markers 2. Masking tape 3. 16 G USB


1. Projector 2. Multimedia speakers

B. Participants Sign Up Sheet

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C. Sample Certificates

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D. Closing ceremony sign in sheet