This was the end. This was the sum total of This was the end. This was the sum total of hundreds of generations of living and hundreds of generations of living and building, of Torah and piety, of free building, of Torah and piety, of free thinking, of Zionism of Bundism of struggles thinking, of Zionism of Bundism of struggles and battles, of the hopes of an entire people and battles, of the hopes of an entire people - this empty desert. - this empty desert. I Iooked around me at what had been the Jews I Iooked around me at what had been the Jews of Warsaw. I felt one hope and, I feel it of Warsaw. I felt one hope and, I feel it now., May this sea of emptiness bubble and now., May this sea of emptiness bubble and boil, may it cry out eternal condemnation of boil, may it cry out eternal condemnation of murderers and pillagers, may it forever be murderers and pillagers, may it forever be the shame of the civilized world which saw the shame of the civilized world which saw and heard and chose to remain silent. and heard and chose to remain silent. (Goldstein, B., 2005) (Goldstein, B., 2005)

Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

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Page 1: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

This was the end.  This was the sum total of hundreds This was the end.  This was the sum total of hundreds of generations of living and building, of Torah and of generations of living and building, of Torah and piety, of free thinking, of Zionism of Bundism of piety, of free thinking, of Zionism of Bundism of struggles and battles, of the hopes of an entire struggles and battles, of the hopes of an entire people  - this empty desert.people  - this empty desert.

I Iooked around me at what had been the Jews of I Iooked around me at what had been the Jews of Warsaw. I felt one hope and, I feel it now., May this Warsaw. I felt one hope and, I feel it now., May this sea of emptiness bubble and boil, may it cry out sea of emptiness bubble and boil, may it cry out eternal  condemnation of murderers and pillagers, eternal  condemnation of murderers and pillagers, may it forever be the shame of the civilized world may it forever be the shame of the civilized world  which saw and heard and chose to remain silent.  which saw and heard and chose to remain silent. (Goldstein, B., 2005)(Goldstein, B., 2005)

Page 2: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Page 3: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh (Mendele Moykher-Sforim) and his grandchildren, ca. 1900. (YIVO)

Page 4: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Sholem Aleichem at his writing desk, Saint Petersburg, 1904. (Beit Scholem Aleichem, Israel)

Page 5: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Dovid Pinski (right) with his nephews Hirshe Zhorov from Orenburg (seated, left) and Yoysef Tsaytlin (standing) from Mohilev, Russia (now in Belarus), 1894. Photograph by L. Perelmann. (YIVO)

Page 6: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Rokhl Korn, ca. 1930s. (YIVO)

Page 7: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Portrait of Avrom Reyzen from the frontispiece of Shriftn (Writings), the first volume of his Gezamelte lider (Collected Poems; Kraków: Yosef Fisher, 1908). Reyzen has inscribed the book in Yiddish to Dr. Shmul Ellisberg in New York, “a good friend, a comrade, and lover of Yiddish literature.” (YIVO)

Page 8: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Isaac Bashevis Singer

Page 9: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Avrom Sutskever

Avrom Sutskever

Page 10: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Jacob Glatstein

Page 11: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

Chaim Grade

Page 12: Yankev Dinezon, Y. L. Peretz, and Shloyme Zaynvl Rapoport (S. An-ski), Poland, ca. 1910. (YIVO)

► Yiddish Writers Murdered in Holocaust:Yiddish Writers Murdered in Holocaust:

► Hertsl Apshan Hertsl Apshan ► Moyshe (Zak) Aronski Moyshe (Zak) Aronski ► Moyshe-Zisl Beylin Moyshe-Zisl Beylin ► Leybush Dreyfus Leybush Dreyfus ► Yankev-Kopl Dua Yankev-Kopl Dua ► Moyshe Dubilet Moyshe Dubilet ► Ester Eliashev Ester Eliashev ► Mordkhe Gebirtig Mordkhe Gebirtig ► Shloyme Gilbert Shloyme Gilbert ► Hirsh Glik Hirsh Glik ► Yankev Gotlib Yankev Gotlib ► Moyshe GoldshteynMoyshe Goldshteyn► Yerakhmiel Grin Yerakhmiel Grin ► Arn-Yitskhok Grodzenski Arn-Yitskhok Grodzenski ► Motl Hartsman Shimen Horontshik Motl Hartsman Shimen Horontshik ► Hershele (pseudonym of Hersh Danilevich) Hershele (pseudonym of Hersh Danilevich) ► Kalmen-Khayim HeysherikKalmen-Khayim Heysherik► Shloyme-Leyb Kava Shloyme-Leyb Kava ► Alter-Sholem Kacyzne Alter-Sholem Kacyzne ► Yitzhak KatzenelsonYitzhak Katzenelson► Yosef KirmanYosef Kirman► Yoyne (Jonas) Kreppel Yoyne (Jonas) Kreppel ► Hinde Naiman-Grin Hinde Naiman-Grin ► Buzi OlevskiBuzi Olevski► Moyshe-Leyb Pitshenik Moyshe-Leyb Pitshenik ► Leyb Rashkin Leyb Rashkin ► Simkhe-Bunem Shaevich Simkhe-Bunem Shaevich ► Moyshe ShalitMoyshe Shalit► Fayvl Sito Fayvl Sito

► Miryem Ulinover Miryem Ulinover ► Dovid Umru Dovid Umru ► Yisroel Shtern Yisroel Shtern ► Oyzer Varshavski Oyzer Varshavski ► Dvora VogelDvora Vogel► Yakir VarshavskiYakir Varshavski► Naftole Vaynig Naftole Vaynig ► Shmuel Vulman Shmuel Vulman ► Hillel ZeitlinHillel Zeitlin► Hersh-Leyb Zhitnitski Hersh-Leyb Zhitnitski ► MoysheYitzhak Katzenelson MoysheYitzhak Katzenelson ► Yosef Kirman Yosef Kirman ► Yoyne (Jonas) Kreppel Yoyne (Jonas) Kreppel ► Hinde Naiman-Grin Hinde Naiman-Grin ► Buzi Olevski Buzi Olevski ► Moyshe-Leyb Pitshenik Moyshe-Leyb Pitshenik ► Leyb Rashkin Leyb Rashkin ► Simkhe-Bunem Shaevich Simkhe-Bunem Shaevich ► Moyshe Shalit Fayvl SitoMoyshe Shalit Fayvl Sito► Miryem Ulinover Dovid Umru Miryem Ulinover Dovid Umru ► Yisroel Shtern Yisroel Shtern ► Oyzer Varshavski Oyzer Varshavski ► Dvora Vogel Dvora Vogel ► Yakir Varshavski Yakir Varshavski ► Naftole VaynigNaftole Vaynig► Shmuel Vulman Shmuel Vulman ► Hillel Zeitlin Hillel Zeitlin ► Hersh-Leyb Zhitnitski Hersh-Leyb Zhitnitski ► Moyshe Zilburg. Moyshe Zilburg.