ISSUE 7!  AUGUST 15, 2010 PAGE 1 Yankee United News On th e Thr eshold of a Dream  Academy Stars F all One Point Short of T itle Bi d in National Cup IX Virginia Beach, VA. July 27, 2010 -- At the team dinner on Sunday night, Coach Wayne Mones was very direct about was needed to make it to the Championship game on T uesday mor ning:  with one game left the Stars had six points, compared with four points each accumulated by the two other contenders: the Chicago Eclipse and  Jacksonville Fury. Each team had a legitimate chance to make the nal but only two would advance. One point ( a draw  ) would guarantee it for the Ac ademy Stars.  The Stars had reached this point by playing hard-nosed defense in their rst two games and using the counter -attack to set up goal scoring opportunities. T he defensive third wa s anchored by keeper Megan FitzGerald, and centerbacks Megan Manzo, Jill Scholler and Dana Cosmedy. They were assisted by a platoon of outside defenders, including Siri Andrews, Sabrina Toole, Taylor Pratcher , and Katie Danaher. Over the three days of tournament play, the defense recorded two shut - outs and had an excellent shot at a third straight were it not for an untimely penalty kick. In the opening game, the Stars faced the Khona Krushas, a Hawaii-based team that was the U-16 Champion from the San Bernardino, CA Regional. The Stars dominated play in both halves but were unable to nish when they had opportunities until late in the rst half when Alysa Christo took a through ball down the left side of the eld and lofted a beautiful shot past the Krusha s keeper who had come off her line. The k eeper collided w ith Christo just after she shot but it was too late as the ball tucked inside the left corner of the net for the only score of the game. From then on it was up to the defense, with assistance from the mideld, to

Yankee Newsletter August 2010-1

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  ISSUE 7!  AUGUST 15, 2010


Yankee United NewsOn the Threshold of a Dream 

 Academy Stars Fall One Point Short of Title Bid in National Cup IX 

Virginia Beach, VA. July 27, 2010 -- At the team dinneron Sunday night, Coach Wayne Mones was very direct about was needed to make it to theChampionship game on Tuesday morning: with one game left the Stars had six points,compared with four points eachaccumulated by the two othercontenders: the Chicago Eclipse and Jacksonville Fury. Each team had a legitimate chance to make the final butonly two would advance. One point ( a 

draw  ) would guarantee it for the Academy Stars.

 The Stars had reached this point by playing hard-nosed defense in their first two games andusing the counter-attack to set up goal scoring opportunities. The defensive third was anchored by keeper Megan FitzGerald, and centerbacks MeganManzo, Jill Scholler and Dana Cosmedy. They wereassisted by a platoon of outside defenders,

including Siri Andrews, Sabrina Toole, TaylorPratcher, and Katie Danaher. Over the three daysof tournament play, the defense recorded two shut-

outs and had an excellent shot at a thirdstraight were it not for an untimely penalty 


In the opening game, the Stars faced theKhona Krushas, a Hawaii-based teamthat was the U-16 Champion from the

San Bernardino, CA Regional. The Starsdominated play in both halves but were

unable to finish when they had opportunitiesuntil late in the first half when Alysa Christo took a through ball down the left side of the field andlofted a beautiful shot past the Krushas keeper whohad come off her line. The keeper collided withChristo just after she shot but it was too late as theball tucked inside the left corner of the net for theonly score of the game. From then on it was up tothe defense, with assistance from the midfield, to

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preserve the victory, a challenge they collectively  were up to.

In Game 2 against Ohio Elite, a familiar patternemerged: strong defensive eff ort, excellent passing by the midfield and difficulty converting the many 

scoring opportunities available to them. In nearly the same type of play, Alysa Christo took a throughball deep down the left side, drawing out thekeeper. Then a shot and a collision with the keeperresulting in a goal. However, this time theiropponent would not go quietly, pressuring theYankee defenders with a very direct off ensivestyle that made ample use of though balls andcounter-attacks off of failed Yankee scoring opportunities. Elite had an apparent goal nullifiedby an off side call and several shots on goal flying just wide of the goal. With the final whistle and

the victory preserved, the stage was set for a showdown with Chicago Eclipse in Game 3.

 Another bright spot in the play by the Academy Stars was the play of their midfielders: Autumn Sorice, Carly Cugine, Keely Lockwoodanchoring the center midfielder positions. Withthe wide, low -cut grass fields at Hampton RoadsSoccer Complex, the perimeter of the pitchbecame the fast lanes for the Stars and theiropponents. Outside midfielders Turner Block, Eliza Paltauf, Lyndsey Macri, Abby Fagan worked hard getting upfield to assist in scoring opportunities,

only to hustle back to their own 18 moments later when the inevitable counter-attack ensued.

With the temperature in the mid-90s for theentire tournament and a heat advisory for the area,coaches worked hard to shuttle players on and off  

the field every ten minutes. Mandatory waterbreaks were instituted by the US Club TournamentDirector. Iced towels and gatorade helped butthere was no real escape from the blistering heat.

 Those conditions persisted for the Stars whenthey faced off against the Chicago Eclipse, thenumber 3 team in the State of Illinois and theMidwest Regional Champion. Eclipse began theday with 4 points, which meant a loss or a tie wouldnix their chance to play in the final. The sweltering heat and their size of their roster were not in theirfavor.

Soccer is a sport that requires skill, intelligence,hustle and, above all, a passion to win. From theopening whistle the Eclipse played like champions with their backs against the wall: they were fiesty,daring, skillful and smart. They spent most of thefirst half parrying with the Yankee defense.Working the ball down the sidelines to the cornersand lofting crosses in front of the net. But anequally strong group of defenders thwarted eachforay, sending those crosses skyward and out of play. At half -time, with the mercury holding in the

low 90s, the score was knotted at 0-0.

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In the second half, the two sides played moreevenly, with the Stars doing a better job of preventing Eclipse players from crossing the ball intheir defensive third. Yankee also was moving theball much better in the off ensive thirdand in the midfield.

Withjust ten minutes left inthe game and thescore tied 0-0, it

looked as though the game was headed for a draw, which wouldhave vaulted the Starsinto the final.

However, theEclipse managed toforce a series of corner kicks thatproved pivotal to theoutcome of the

match. One afterthe other thecorners were thwarted by theStars, who had everybody back to help out.However, putting that many bodies in the box makes for more contact and the potential for theball to take a bad bounce. On one such corner, theball ricocheted off several colliding players and was

bouncing out of the PK area when it accidentally struck the hand of a Yankee player. Every Eclipseplayer on the field yelled “Hand ball !!” pointing at

the off ending player and a PK was awarded.

& On the ensuing kick, the Eclipse

shooter buried the ball in the corner witha hard strike that Stars keeper MeganFitzGerald had no chance for. Having secured the lead, the Eclipse thenproceeded to put on a clinic on how torun out the clock: clearing balls fromtheir defensive third to the other endof the field, taking the ball to thecorners and holding it while the Starsdouble teamed to regain possession,the keeper waiting to pick up the balluntil challenged by a Yankee player.

&  To their credit, the Eclipseplayed a smart game that creatednumerous opportunities to score. They were able to capitalize on onemistake and then manage the clock

to ice the win.

“This was a  very goodexperiencefor the girls,and I am

 very proud of the way they played.”observedCoach WayneMones.“They came very close tomaking thefinal. Often atthis level thediff erence

between winning andlosing can be

 very small, perhaps one call or one play. That wascertainly the case here. Even though the finalresult was not what we hoped for, it was still a greatfinish to our Academy Program training and I thinkeveryone that participated learned a lot.”

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 Yankee Board Members

President/Coaching Director

Wayne Mones


Dee Demers


 Jack Nogueira

Director YUFC Academy 

Matthew Mones

Referee Assignor

Eduardo Mozzo

Goalkeeper Coach

Mark Pataky

Coaching Assignments for 2010-11 Season 

U11 Heat& Cristiano Pereira/Matt Mones

U12 Revolution& & Joe Andrews

U13 Pride & Matt MonesU14 Hurricanes & Dan Uhrlass / Steve Waizenegger

U15 Strikers &  Jack Nogueira 

U16 Blaze & Nicki Tessier-Pereira 

U17 Stars & Wayne Mones / Cristiano Pereira 




WHEN: AUGUST 16-20 5:30-8:00 PM

AUGUST 23-27 9:00 - 11:30 AM

***If only doing one week please circle which week you are doing***

AGES: 10 – 17 years old (Boys and Girls)

COST: $125.00 a session $225.00 both sessions.

DIRECTORS: Wayne Mones, Former Head Soccer Coach – Western Conn. State

University; NCAA Div. III New England Coach of the Year 1993;

Yankee United Stars U-15.

Jack Nogueira, Head Girl’s Soccer Coach – St. Joseph H.S.

2007 and 2008 Class “M” State Champions Ranked #1 in ConnecticutFormer State Girl’s Coach – Olympic Development Program.

Yankee United U-18 Boys Premier Coach. 2007 Open Cup Champions.

FCIAC Coach of the year (2001 and 2007).

Camp Features:

•  Individualized instruction in all fundamental soccer skills, i.e. passing, shooting,

Heading, juggling, etc.

•  Offensive and defensive tactical analysis.

•  Use of multiple goals to incorporate a variety of shooting and goal tending drills

•  Daily soccer games to combine drills learned into game situations.

•  Individual team training.

Please send the registration form below with your check made out to Wayne Mones and mail to:

19 Rutlee Drive Trumbull, Connecticut 06611. If you need further information, please contact

Wayne Mones, 203-261-4844.



Name ____________________________Age___________Grade_________________ 

Home Address_____________________________Home Phone___________________ 


Parent/Guardian’s Name_______________Work/Emergency Phone_____________ 

My child has my permission to participate in the Soccer Camp. I understand that any medical costs

incurred due to injuries suffered by my child while participating in the camp will be assumed by me,

the parent, and that neither the camp directors or FSSA will be liable.

Signed______________________________________(Parent or Guardian) 

Y a n k e e  U n i t e d  P l a y e r s  p a y  $ 7 5  f o r  1 w e e k  , $ 15 0  f o r  b o t h