19th TEAR ,.„A ¦, d"-'rt>d ^*'%dií7A. -: -A*-, A . ,"¦/'-*•: . j . ..¦• : .-A ;.' , .-y V <"'í ' -- -¦: ':¦• A'. ;#Ídr %J Mo de Janeiro. Sovember 9,1883 1.41 THE ANOtO-MltUAlí TIME$ f" -( for Rrav.il IO# |*« per tniiiiiii Uorl2*. SUtes Çnor 12$ SÍ-CTG^-tiE OOÍPIES 300 réis .; PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES A MONTH / Messrs. Rates, Hendy k Co _ , \ 4 Old Jewry, E. C. London agents: s m^Síí&wac-, {. 30 CornhilT, E. C. RÍO d6 JanOirOí 49 rua Primeiro de Março COMMERCIAL BANK OF RIO DE JANEIRO >. ¦'':¦& G. . Capital..,. R«- 12.000:000$000 Sharesi> •*•• 7.000:000*000 Reservo fund..... R*. Net profits ndt -divide»! R». 910:704*516 453:776*144 f> l.36l:*»70SOOO Ttti« l*nk draws on Tlie London k County Rank. London Tlie Bank of Portugal, payahh in Lislion Oporto and in London.,.." Lialmn The Branch nf Portugal, payalil* in Lisbon and in London Oporto The Comptoir d'K»cotnple— Pftris PiacountaTreaaury. Rank and Coiiiinerolal Rill» ; receive* money at interrat in accounteurr-nt, aud on Bill» at lixed cime and tran«ael» everv other tleacriptiOn oi Ranking butineos. ROTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LONOON ANO LIVERPOOL Capital. £2,000,000 Accumulated Funds . £ 4,260.595 li»«tlf*,Ojrairtft th* ri-kftl ftie.houM»*, tfool* and m»»rh~iidi»- »v«r)' kind ai Natartil tat«-«. JOK3ST MOORE & CO. AiíKNTS POR LL0Y1W NO. 8, ItüA DA CANDKLAUIA, NO. S The Marine Insurance Company LIMITKD ESTABLISHED 183e CaplUl ...«.». £ 1.000.000 RoeervoFund £ 340,000 20 OLD BROAD STREET. LONDON THE NEW LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK LIMITED Late London and Brazilian Bank, Limited INCORPORATED BY IMPERIAL OECREIS OF OCTOBER 2nd 1802 AND lst AUGUST 1872 Capital £ 1,000,000 Capital paid up 3* 500,000 Reserve Fund,..'.. £ 200,000 Trcaaury Bills. Commercial RjlUand signo»! Accounts diseountod or advanced upon. Loan» fcflectod íor lixed jièrioil* on approved "aeçuri*"»; Money recoived on deposit, at interest, lor rixod periods, by Billd.or receipts subject to notice for withdrawal. I^ttora ot credit and circular notes issued. Bills of Kxchangu lnmtrht and sold. The Bank issue» Bills of Kxehange, payable on demand or at 3 to !H) days aight, on London òh Measrs. Oíyn, Mills, Currie *. Co. " on Tho Ilend OIUco of tho Rank. Parig. on Messrs. Mallet Frères k Co. Hamburg ón Motors. .1. Henry Sohroder ft Co. Liflbon & Oporto, on Branches of the Bank there i establixlu-d. New York.... on Memnt, Morton Bliss A Co. Also : on Pernambuco Branch, Willtain .1. Haynea, Manager; ori Bahia Branch, W. II. Bílton... Manager; on Rio-Grande do Sul Branch, H A. iU-iin ,.'Manager; on Pará Branch, A. A. IVreira..,. Manager; on Santos Branrh, ('. I'. Nielwn. Manager on S. Paulo Agency A. I'. Tavar-s Manager ou Montevidéo Branch. W. K. Harvey,.,,. Manager; i')RRKSI'ONI>KNTS BANCO DO COMMERCIO 77 RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO 77 RIO DE JANEIRO ingM Bank of Rio de Janeiro rt-_8J_ tv.* (LIMITED) HEAD OFFICE IN LONDON llRAXCHKS : Río le Janeiro, Pernambuco. Sautosaud Pará Capitai. 1,000,000 Ditto. paid np 000,000 Reservei! Fund, 100,000 Royal Mail Steam Psickéi Company ! _____ -> . ..;'V'¦' Under contracts with the British and Brazilian Oovernments for th 3 conveyanoe of maus. Draws on the London .Joint Stock Bunk and transaets every ilescription of Banking busineso. ã MÕCÜ LLOCHBÊBCBÊB&ã 41 and 43 Wall Street New York RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, 91 RIODEJANKIRO TraiiHact a General Ranking, Mereantile and Shipping fiusiness. Advnncps made on OonsjghiitentH oi MercliandÍHe and Frright. Regular inonthly Linos of Steamers and Sailing Packctn running botween above Ports. ünrivalled facilities for buying nnd selling Bri.- rilian Produce and American Staples at most ad. viuitageoUK teiins. "WILSON, SONS & CO." ( Limited ) m Praça das Marinhas 5 BIO IDE J^IT-BI-RO This Coinpany's steamers leave Southampton on the lst., 9th ancl2.th of every month and arrive in Rio Janei- TO on the I6th, 25th and 30th, proceeding to Santos aud The River Plate after the necessary delay. Tlie hoineWard lionnd ateainera leave Rio on the 9th ano 24th of every nionth, calliiij; at the northern porta as usual. For passages, treiglit and further particular» apply to the Agency 49 RÜA PRIMBIRO DE MABfiO 49 DEPARTURES for Europe: ELBENovember 9 E.W.May, Superintendent. Through passages to Paris (single or rtturn) granted by ali steamers of this company.. d.íÍA A^vU ri*, amr d^i|4K,n of m-r,han.l,«-. and , Maianhain Meair., Joio Kerrrira da Silva .Iiinior A Co. Kpw-York" Kabbri .V Clianncoy, " " Morton Bliaa * Co. Rio de Janeiro RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA Comur of UVA DA (ANDELAIUA KüWAHD llKlíIlMAN, MASAtiKK. f.r ali twri» «1 »!»« «TOild. 榦./'"¦ % » > foliçiM iitty I* n*lf iMjraU' at any of th»? Con l*ny's Ae-oc»*», ¦¦ Low r»tw. liberal *euWn«-nU. and nmleniaW* «vurity. r.. W. MAY 40 RÜA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO 49 THE PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE.— LONDON No 2, Old Broad Stroot, JoilS" BraTO.V, Manager. AC1KNT 49, IUIA IMUMKIIU) I)K M.VKíT), 49 CARSONS II0TE1, HOME AND COLONIAL Marine Insurance Co. LIMITEI» AuUioritwl by Imperial Decree, ia prej^ml to takç anv Maiitiine liiaurnito- riak. PROPRIKTÓR •W. JD. CARSOK IliO LtUA 1)0 CATTETE RIO DE JANEIRO N. B. -The Botanical Gardens Rail Road cars pass the door every 5 minutes. mm of thb Pacific Steam Navigation Company UNITEDSTATES * BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHII* CO. THE XKW ZEA LAN D SH IPPINO Co., Ll MITED nnd the COMMERCIAL UNION (FIRE & MARINE) ASSURANCE CO. ('OAL. Wiisohi Sons .V Qo. (Limited) supply «nal under Contracts, to : The Imiioriál Bnw.üian Oovçrniiioiit; Her Britaniiic Majesty'» llovcmnient; 1'acilic Steam Navigation (?o. : Royal Mai! Steam Packet Co. : Tho New Zealsiid Shipping Co., Ld. ; The Westeni k Bnizihan Telogrílph Co.,Ld.; U. S. k Bra/.il Mail Stcanship Co. : Sociéte Q_uèralo de Transports Maritimes :'i Vapeur; hlosmos Steanisbip Co, ; North German L!oyd's Cx: Austro-Hungarian Lloyd'a Co. ; Ciei Maritnno du Pacifique. ; Chargeurs Béunis Co.; Haniliurg and South An crican Co. ; Scrviiüoiídstalo Itàlianr (Rocco Piaggio k Figlio). ; National (Bra/ilian) Steaiiiship Co., etc. Liverpool, Brazil, andRiverPlat» Mail Steamers UNDER CONTRACT WITH THK BELGIAN AND BRAZILIAN GOVERNMEITS FOR Bahia, Rio de Janeiro. Santos, Montevid-O, Buenos-Ayres and Rosário, via Lisbon Sailing from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday and Saturday Sailing from LONDON, ou the aí, lOth, 17th and 26th. Sailing from ANIWÜB11- --** Ou the Stli, IStlo, 22-kI and «th. > „'A,. Sailing from RIO DE JANEIRO every Saturday »r NEW-YORK for and on tho láth and 29th, for SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP. Other steamers anil monthly for EUROPE and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as per special advertisemeut, The Coasting Mait Packel»,belonging to the sauic Company, run iu connexionwith the above named steai.iers, leaving RIO DEJANEIRO every Wednesday for PARANAGUÁ', SANTA CATHARINA, RIO-GRANDE DO SUL, PELOTAS and PORTO-ALEGRE. For freight and paosageeapply *•;:•'dddfr ¦;.*¦ .*>-;- Low mtiM aml |>rompt payment Apply to: IO NORTON, WM & C. 82 Rua Primeiro de Março 82 «HIS FOB THE EMPIRE OF BRAZIL Orden received by Telephone roKTruuiMc JOB J.C. Y.MENDES COMTMCTOI TO H. 0. ft SHIPS 4C. 1C. Provision Mcrchant, Shipping Grocer and General Dealcr EDROII. 1 ijitk rAüce «ífAitr. RIO DB JANEIRO Receive» twice a nionth. by the Rovai. Mau. and Lam- rowTílotííSmei-. FRfflÍH HAMS. RACOX. ÇHKKSE and 11UTTER. Has always on haud tbe c-lebrated English RREAKFAST TEA, ali kinds of PROVISIONS from the beat manufacturers, vis iCrosoe * Blackwell, .1. T. Morton 1'h.lippe * C-naml. llo.lel * F.ls ifrèm, «^He^sayi THREE STAR ClHiNAC. Kinualians L. h. t\HlSKh\. TcachersSCOTCHandUOURROiS' WH1SKEVS, etc., etc WAITE & OOMPY., GENERAL MKRCHANTS, 12, HARP LANE, LONDON, Are i>rel>aied to íorward Quotatiõns and Sainplca, (where uracticablê ) of everv description of Go^bi. 1'ro.luce realised on the IümhÍwii Market. and Advance» inadeon Consigninenta. rOBRBHPOSiüEXlli KOMUTKD. DOCK. The " Diiiuc do Cominorcio " at Mocangnâ fcquuno Island. 4."> feet wide at entranço and 40,"» fe t long, is cut out of solid rock, and capable of adinittmg vessels of almost any si/.e. Every facility is aflorded to vessels requiring repairs. BOXIIEU W.4KEIIOI SES on the Island THJ BOATS always rcady for service. ESTABLISIIMEXTHt Wilson, Sons k Co. ( Liniit.i.1) London, Rio, Rahia, Pernambuco, aml Parahyba do Norte. 1, PRAÇA DE 1). P ª.*.* 1.11 ul' Ull'l í~*__j_£<s_^bN Lamport & Holt 21 WATER STREET, UVERPOOI-, or Arthur Holland i Oo. 17, Leadenhall Str—t . LOÍET-DOIT W'ír ¦c:í,í' UNITED STATES & BRAZIL MAIL S. S. Go. Brazilian Steam Navigation Go. Steamers sailing from RIO on the lOth. '.llth and :»th of every month for: Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Parahyba do Norte, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara, Maranhão and Pará, The Steamer of 30th tonches also at VICTORIA, lioth going and retuniing. Office:—Rnado General Camara,10| The new packet RELIANCE will sail for on the 14th of November CALLING AT Bahia, Pernamb., Maranham, Fará and 8. fhonai For Cargo only, apply to W. O. 6, PRAÇA DO COMMERCIO, 6 AOBNTS: WIISON, SONS & C, LIMITED 2, PRAÇA DAS MARINHAS, 2 AgentH in Rio de Janeiro Norton, Megawi Co., RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO NO. 82 NOVEMBER DEPARTURES : To New-York: MemiionNovamber 3rd. Pascal (loading at Santoa alao)" lOw. Halley (loading at Santos alto)" 17th. Holbein (loading at Santo» also)" ítth. To Europe: Dalton November 15 Belgian Mail Leibnitz2* " ^f^- Extra Steamer» : Donati, for Ne* York November lOth. Archimeiles, for New Orleans;l«b. Vandyck, for Antwerp and Liverpool....lOth. To the Southern Porto Cavonr Novtmbtr M. Chatham Ä»**• Cauning (new steamer)ffW- Cavour.¦'¦.¦Y,#;. To the River Plate: On tbe 3r»l and l«th. :'*¦ *:• ¦ m -F. D.MACHAD0. Ã

y ¦ V

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19th TEAR,.„A ¦, d"-'rt>d ^*'%dií7A. -:

-A*-, A . ,"¦/'- *•: . j . ..¦• : .-A ;.' , *¦

.-y _¦ V <"' í „ ' -- -¦: ':¦• A'.

;#Ídr %J

Mo de Janeiro. Sovember 9,1883 1.41

THE ANOtO-MltUAlí TIME$f" ( for Rrav.il IO# |*«per tniiiiiii

Uorl2*.SUtes Çnor 12$

SÍ-CTG^-tiE OOÍPIES300 réis



_ , \ 4 Old Jewry, E. C.London agents: s m^Síí&wac-,

{. 30 CornhilT, E. C.

RÍO d6 JanOirOí 49 rua Primeiro de Março


Capital..,. R«- 12.000:000$000Shares i> •*•• 7.000:000*000

Reservo fund..... R*.

Net profits ndt -divide»! R».910:704*516453:776*144


Ttti« l*nk draws onTlie London k County Rank. LondonTlie Bank of Portugal, payahh in LislionOporto and in London.,.." Lialmn

The Branch nf Portugal, payalil* in Lisbonand in London Oporto

The Comptoir d'K»cotnple— PftrisPiacountaTreaaury. Rank and Coiiiinerolal Rill» ; receive*

money at interrat in accounteurr-nt, aud on Bill» at lixedcime and tran«ael» everv other tleacriptiOn oi Rankingbutineos.


Capital. £2,000,000Accumulated Funds . £ 4,260.595

li»«tlf*,Ojrairtft th* ri-kftl ftie.houM»*, tfool* and m»»rh~iidi»-OÍ »v«r)' kind ai Natartil tat«-«.



The Marine Insurance CompanyLIMITKD


CaplUl ...«.». £ 1.000.000RoeervoFund £ 340,000



Late London and Brazilian Bank, LimitedINCORPORATED BY IMPERIAL OECREIS

OF OCTOBER 2nd 1802 AND lst AUGUST 1872

Capital £ 1,000,000Capital paid up 3* 500,000Reserve Fund ,..'.. £ 200,000

Trcaaury Bills. Commercial RjlUand signo»! Accountsdiseountod or advanced upon.

Loan» fcflectod íor lixed jièrioil* on approved "aeçuri*"»;

Money recoived on deposit, at interest, lor rixod periods,by Billd.or receipts subject to notice for withdrawal.

I^ttora ot credit and circular notes issued.Bills of Kxchangu lnmtrht and sold.The Bank issue» Bills of Kxehange, payable on demand

or at 3 to !H) days aight, onLondon òh Measrs. Oíyn, Mills, Currie *. Co.

" on Tho Ilend OIUco of tho Rank.

Parig. on Messrs. Mallet Frères k Co.

Hamburg ón Motors. .1. Henry Sohroder ft Co.

Liflbon & Oporto, on Branches of the Bank there

i establixlu-d.New York.... on Memnt, Morton Bliss A Co.

Also :on Pernambuco Branch,

Willtain .1. Haynea, Manager;

ori Bahia Branch,W. II. Bílton ... Manager;

on Rio-Grande do Sul Branch,H A. iU-iin ,.' Manager;

on Pará Branch,A. A. IVreira..,. Manager;

on Santos Branrh,('. I'. Nielwn. Manager

on S. Paulo AgencyA. I'. Tavar-s Manager

ou Montevidéo Branch.W. K. Harvey,.,,. Manager;




ingM Bank of Rio de Janeiro





Río le Janeiro, Pernambuco. Sautos aud ParáCapitai. 1,000,000Ditto. paid np 000,000Reservei! Fund, 100,000

Royal Mail Steam PsickéiCompany !

_____ ->

. .. ;'V'¦'

Under contracts with the British and BrazilianOovernments for th 3 conveyanoe of maus.

Draws on the London .Joint Stock Bunk and transaetsevery ilescription of Banking busineso.

ã MÕCÜ LLOCHBÊBCBÊB&ã41 and 43 Wall Street


RIODEJANKIROTraiiHact a General Ranking, Mereantile and

Shipping fiusiness.Advnncps made on OonsjghiitentH oi MercliandÍHe

and Frright.Regular inonthly Linos of Steamers and Sailing

Packctn running botween above Ports.

ünrivalled facilities for buying nnd selling Bri.-

rilian Produce and American Staples at most ad.

viuitageoUK teiins."WILSON, SONS & CO."

( Limited )m Praça das Marinhas 5


This Coinpany's steamers leave Southampton on thelst., 9th ancl2.th of every month and arrive in Rio Janei-TO on the I6th, 25th and 30th, proceeding to Santos audThe River Plate after the necessary delay.

Tlie hoineWard lionnd ateainera leave Rio on the 9th ano24th of every nionth, calliiij; at the northern porta as usual.

For passages, treiglit and further particular» apply to theAgency


ELBE November 9


Through passages to Paris (single or rtturn)granted by ali steamers of this company..


A^vU ri*, o» amr d^i|4K,n of m-r,han.l,«-. and , Maianhain Meair., Joio Kerrrira da Silva .Iiinior A Co.Kpw-York " Kabbri .V Clianncoy,

" " Morton Bliaa * Co.



f.r ali twri» «1 »!»« «TOild.¦¦ ./'"¦

% • » _¦ >

foliçiM iitty I* n*lf iMjraU' at any of th»? Con

l*ny's Ae-oc»*», ¦¦

Low r»tw. liberal *euWn«-nU. and nmleniaW* «vurity.



HEAD OFFICE.— LONDONNo 2, Old Broad Stroot,

JoilS" BraTO.V, Manager.




HOME AND COLONIALMarine Insurance Co.


AuUioritwl by Imperial Decree, ia prej^ml to takçanv Maiitiine liiaurnito- riak.



N. B. -The Botanical Gardens Rail Road

cars pass the door every 5 minutes.

mm of thbPacific Steam Navigation Company



('OAL. — Wiisohi Sons .V Qo. (Limited) supply «nalunder Contracts, to :The Imiioriál Bnw.üian Oovçrniiioiit;Her Britaniiic Majesty'» llovcmnient;1'acilic Steam Navigation (?o. :Royal Mai! Steam Packet Co. :Tho New Zealsiid Shipping Co., Ld. ;The Westeni k Bnizihan Telogrílph Co.,Ld.;U. S. k Bra/.il Mail Stcanship Co. :Sociéte Q_uèralo de Transports Maritimes :'i Vapeur;hlosmos Steanisbip Co, ;North German L!oyd's Cx:Austro-Hungarian Lloyd'a Co. ;Ciei Maritnno du Pacifique. ;Chargeurs Béunis Co.;Haniliurg and South An crican Co. ;Scrviiüoiídstalo Itàlianr (Rocco Piaggio k Figlio). ;National (Bra/ilian) Steaiiiship Co., etc.

Liverpool, Brazil, andRiverPlat»Mail Steamers



Bahia, Rio de Janeiro. Santos, Montevid-O,Buenos-Ayres and Rosário, via Lisbon

Sailing from LIVERPOOLevery Wednesday and Saturday

Sailing from LONDON,ou the aí, lOth, 17th and 26th.

Sailing from ANIWÜB11- --**Ou the Stli, IStlo, 22-kI and «th. > „'A,.

Sailing from RIO DE JANEIROevery Saturday

»r NEW-YORKfor

and on tho láth and 29th,for SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP.

Other steamers anil monthly for EUROPE and UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICA, as per special advertisemeut,

The Coasting Mait Packel», belonging to the sauicCompany, run iu connexion with the above namedsteai.iers,

leaving RIO DE JANEIROevery Wednesday


and PORTO-ALEGRE.For freight and paosageeapply *•;:•'dddfr ¦;.*¦ .*>-;-

Low mtiM aml |>rompt paymentApply to:

IONORTON, WM & C.82 Rua Primeiro de Março 82

«HIS FOB THE EMPIRE OF BRAZILOrden received by Telephone

roKTruuiMc JOB


Provision Mcrchant, Shipping Grocer and GeneralDealcr

EDROII. 1ijitk rAüce «ífAitr.

RIO DB JANEIROReceive» twice a nionth. by the Rovai. Mau. and Lam-

rowTílotííSmei-. FRfflÍH HAMS. RACOX. ÇHKKSEand 11UTTER. Has always on haud tbe c-lebrated EnglishRREAKFAST TEA, ali kinds of PROVISIONS from thebeat manufacturers, vis iCrosoe * Blackwell, .1. T. Morton1'h.lippe * C-naml. llo.lel * F.ls ifrèm, «^He^sayiTHREE STAR ClHiNAC. Kinualians L. h. t\HlSKh\.TcachersSCOTCHandUOURROiS' WH1SKEVS, etc., etc



Are i>rel>aied to íorward Quotatiõns and Sainplca, (whereuracticablê ) of everv description of Go^bi. 1'ro.luce realisedon the IümhÍwii Market. and Advance» inadeon Consigninenta.


DOCK. — The " Diiiuc do Cominorcio " — at Mocangnâfcquuno Island. 4."> feet wide at entranço and 40,"» fe t long,is cut out of solid rock, and capable of adinittmg vesselsof almost any si/.e. Every facility is aflorded to vesselsrequiring repairs.


THJ BOATS always rcady for service.

ESTABLISIIMEXTHt Wilson, Sons k Co. ( Liniit.i.1)London, Rio, Rahia, Pernambuco, aml Parahyba do Norte.

1, PRAÇA DE 1). P• .*.* 1.11 ul' Ull'l



or Arthur Holland i Oo.17, Leadenhall Str—t .




Brazilian Steam Navigation Go.Steamers sailing from RIO

on thelOth. '.llth and :»th

of every month for: —

Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Parahybado Norte, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara,

Maranhão and Pará,The Steamer of 30th tonches also at VICTORIA, lioth

going and retuniing.

Office:—Rnado General Camara,10|

The new packet

RELIANCEwill sail for

on the 14th of NovemberCALLING AT

Bahia, Pernamb., Maranham, Fará and 8. fhonaiFor Cargo only, apply to




AgentH in Rio de Janeiro

Norton, Megawi Co.,RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO NO. 82


Memiion Novamber 3rd.Pascal (loading at Santoa alao) " lOw.Halley (loading at Santos alto) " 17th.Holbein (loading at Santo» also) " ítth.

To Europe:Dalton November 15 Belgian MailLeibnitz 2*

" ^f^-Extra Steamer» :

Donati, for Ne* York November lOth.Archimeiles, for New Orleans ;l«b.Vandyck, for Antwerp and Liverpool.... lOth.

To the Southern PortoCavonr Novtmbtr M.Chatham »**•Cauning (new steamer) ff W-Cavour .¦'¦.¦ ,#;.

To the River Plate:On tbe 3r»l and l«th.



¦ m




2 The Anglo-Brazilian Times


ESTABLISHED IN 1831Burnham,Pany, Williams &Co»,


Locomotives supplied for any kind of workand construeted fer any page, Steam StreetCars etc, etc.


Illustrated Catalogues furnished

Sole Agents for BrazilNORTON, MEGAW & C.°

82 Rua Primeiro de Março 82

Mason & Hamlin Cabinet OrgansJwÇ*

MD jWtiwif/Ãfonilin ltí"\ '

*w^J^^nttiirw«TC»»*«.>_^^ 1; tf | OanciaCi i-Qm^^m ]

JOHN HODSOLL,Representativa in

South America ofthe Mason & Ham-linOrgan and PianoCompany, has now

i on exhibition andfor sale halfa dozenof these widely ceie-brated òrgeins, andat prices within the

^reach of everyone.Unrivalled in purity and sweetncss of toneas well as in workmanship and material,these instruments are superior to those ofevery.other manufacturer in the World,and they have always maintained theirsupremacy. They have received the higlv-est awards at all the great Exhibitions,thev do not ge-t out of order, and they areabsolutely faultless. Some of these whichhave been in use for over i 5 years arejust as good to-day as they were whennew, consequently they are always worththe money paid for them. They are to beseen at



for a short time only

Desembargador Joio Baptista Gonçalves Campos has beenappointeil Minister of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice.

The custom house of Rio tle Janeiro collecteil in Octoberfrom iinports Jancl exporta the sum of 3,509*014$, against3,618:74Gj;iii October 18S*2. viz:-from importa 2,S1 ">:S"»5S,

ngaitist 2,053:320$, aml from exporta 693:259.?, against905:425$ iii 1SS2.

The exports of eoliee in October were 332,443 bags,against 548,27.! in 1SS2.

Any person who wanta a bargain anil a gooil cabinet nrganhad better pay a very early visit to Mr, HoilsolPa temporarydepòt at 135 Rua da Quitanda, comer of Tlicopliilo Ottoni,Ist Floor.

present state of the country, amount to over ten milliona ofpo.tuds Bterling.

£ 5,000,000 applicil yeárly to the making of roads andrailways and to the purcliasing of good lands for iir.migrantswould do wonders.

Uefore applying this law gcnerally, a large amount ofresearch, atfording uncertain results, would be lequired. SoI proposc an experimeiit on a small acale, in tlie Neutra!Municipality of Rio. (anil if giving fair results it might begradually extended), say over au área of five aquare leagues,all to the north of an imaginary line drawn from the Pontado Caju towards the west. This would ii.cludc the vastswamps arouitd Pilar, Villa de lguasaú, etc. A fairvaluation of this «listrict, say at 20 reis per squaro braça, oralxmt 10$S00 per acre, wotil.l Itring up tlie total to 900:000$,which if assessed at the one tiftieth part of this nominalvalue would give annual receipts of 18:000$, half of whichwould in a few years convert, by ilraiiiingthem, the nowuseless lands into highly produetive ones, espccially for riceand tobacco, crops that would give more rapid return toneedy itnmígraiits than plantiiig colTeo trees, Another greatpoint would be the supply, of vegetables to the Rio market areturn still more rapid.

The 1S:0008 meiitioned would also pay for the deepeningof the bar of the river Iguassú, which could be dono at asmall cost by thd uso of uredging mnehines, and enal.le tlircultivators to export their produotions at any time of tid<-.

1 pro|iosc that five years' payinonts in ádvattce, aml inland at tlie nominal price of 20 ruis per square braça, aliuiil.labsolve all proprictora from any future paymcnt. Tina de-duetion of ono teuth from tl.c urra of their now almost une-less land would surcly bo recompensei!, as they must soe, bythe greãt improvoment iu tlie valuc of the rciiiainiug, ninetentíis, by draiiling, free navigation; etc.

Nine millious of square braças, or ".,000 acres, Woulll tliuifali into the l.ai.ds of tho State an<l would give room for 70familios (75 acres of good arnblo land being quito sufllcientfor tliosiipport ofa family of five persons) aml tliui avoid

ties tliat are praòtioàlly prpliibitõry, «u: nccessity of senditig them into inaooossiblo dittricts,lu regard to priva te lands the positión of the iiiiiiiigrnnt! mddlii desci ibed by your ii.foniiant, (<ir I myaelf liave aa-

is hardly better. There are abuildailCO of plantatious and | signed to iiumigraiits lands on which they would haVetOÚIOlarge tracta of land to be sold. judicially or othcrwise, but as ' a rope ladder to reach the place to work an<l whereona rule tlie capital of an iminigrant is small and they are as j they would have to hold on#to ono coíleo tree while theyeflbctiíólly béypiiil his reach as if they lay in Siritis. Moreover, • w°re hooing anothor.iii.lowners, unpressed hy any tax on land, are rarely vvillihg | Were this plan to meet the approval of the General

Assembly, it might lioilispos<-d t<i ndvance theaiims requirw

The immigrant questionThe interesting coinmunication of Mr. W. ,1. Lindsay

relates to a subject which is acknowledged to be of tlieutmost iinportance to the future of tlie Empire—the encour-agemeiit ot a permauent ininiigration, to cultiva te its landsaml promote its material and moral progress. lu fact, a kindof revi vai has, after many years of profound discou ragcment,oceurred again of late, the lirst ellects of which have beenthe recent foundation of two Rio societies for proinotiiigiminigration, and Sr. Manoel Maria de Carvalho, actingItispector-Gèrierhl of Lands and Colonization, is now carnestlyengaged on the orgaiiization of an activo propaganda iu (ler-many, France and Italy,

It ívill bo seen, however, by tlie cominuuicatioi. of Mr.Lindsay, whose wide professional iicquniiltance with Hrazilqualifica him to speak authoritatively, tliat the iminigrantseeking gpyofníriçiit land to settle on is pretty much in thepositión of the Ancient Marincr, when lie saw water, watercverywhere but never a drpp to driuk. And, as we have alsofreqiiontly pointed out, tlie purchase of government land,when it can lie found, Olltside a few colonies of very eontinedárea aud inoie or less doiibtful fitness for agricnltural settle-ment, is sutronndeil with dilatorv fonnalities and uncertain-

rarelyto sell a small part, aiid it must bo said that tlie cost uiultiouble of ostablishing a oleár titlo free from not only récor-tled mortgages but also fipiíl the liost of possiblc taoit liensand unrecorded bliarges,are reasonable oxcuso for their iiiiwil.

to complete at once thé sySteni <ií ilrainage, the execution <<fwhich would probably rediico to n míiiimum the intennUtentfevers which pcrlòdieally reiguover these diatricla. lu hrool

" Not having brought with me any weapon with which toatten.pt an etlicacious defence, I made use of the victim's caneand enilenvoreil with it to drive off the nnhridlcil orowd—auscleaa defence for him as he was mortallv wnunded, anil onmy part I had my right ann and foot badly bruised, so thatI an. atill under treatment and can aa yct hardly walk."But when the carriage waa attackcd 1 heard. notwith-standing the confuaion that then provailed, a voice calliugout:—" Do cot attack, tlie man ia guaranteed by CaptainÁvila ".

" Desembargador Hei I anui no knowa and admita that Idefendei! Apulcho de Castro, aud the fact ia so notoriouathat niorejthaii one police employec can affirm it. NeverthelesaI am aware that aome peraona of no weight have atteinptedto cast a slur on my charaeter; but I am confidont that lateron, when hced ia uo longer given to the «vil and depravei!tendencies of a certain claaac virtually outside aocicty andwhen real opiniou cai. apeak out, the iuainuatioua atteinptcdagainst my iiame will fali to the ground." Ilefore and after the acai.daloua affair of Rua do LavradioI never heard any one aay that the intcntinii waa to aaaaa-sinate Apulcho de Castro; all I waa told waa that the iu.iig-naiitcrowd proposed to tohip him; and it aeema to me thatthis was what the ex-cluel thougl.t. beoáltse had the queationbeen of the graver caae of deatíi II. Kv. would have waitcdfor the police force he had called for, to avoid expoaing moaml tl.c ui.happy vietim to what oceurred -- a force whichindeed was betliought of, but without jatience to put it atthe di»|«»sal oí order. "

lingncss. 1'inally, ií tlu* \\niild-hesettler Bucceeds in oflecting i ?[ l''i«cm becited thei.oigliborhood of llataiia, iu Java, tIta purchase, the Treasury stejis in and taxes him (i %-/úpou j swamps rounil which city uicil toklll 50,000 peraòiu Oertlio príce, ahdhe lias besides to bear tlie cost of an uiiueccs* j aniiuni, but which, h.hv they have been tyatcmatioall)sarily oxpensivò lleod of transfer. j drained. lias Ih-coiiic one of lhe Itosltlltest tropical citias.

It scems to us, therefore, that beforo organizing a newl.George "own, In Dòtnçrara, also fornialiei a notAble example;

propaganda in Europe. to stimuláto with more or less biiccíoüs m rIm "ll* improveinont oi th<* licalth Ol the city of Olinda,allogatioiis spontaneoiis einigration to au iinrCAtly Brnzil, the Ou rernstubiieò, after even only |«irtial ilralnáge oi theefforts ofòur colonization societies aml ollicinls should ln'|s«amps of tho Boboribc.first diroctod to a zealous pi*opaganda within Hrazil itself, to jprepare it for Bppntàncòus immigratipii of a permauent cha-racter, as {pèhnanonco is iu tlie inaiii correlatei! with theacquisition of land.

ÜX JEUNE IIO.MMK FRANÇA1S ilésirc entfer

(lans n'iinpôi*tn quèlle iiiaison de coiiiniürce auxappointcinciits tres modestes, II doiincnut gratuite-ment dos leçoií^ de frauçáis aux enfans Úp, Ia peraorineque 1'einploirrait et poürrait au besoin lour .servir deprécepteur.

Ecrire a Mr. Paulet, 17 rue de Ptitéaux á Paris

Land for Immifrrants and a Land TaxMr. Editor.— The onginecra engaged in tho ítirvoya of

governmeiit land are frcqilétltly aceused of chooslng ba<lground for iininigiaiits. The laiilt is not tlléir's: the reasoi. istliat there is very little uiipccupied land iu Brazil, excopt intlie very far centres nf Mntto < Irossp and the Alto Amazonas,1 do not exclutlo evèn tlio province of Goyaz, for since thenavigation of the Araguaya abovo lhe falls nenrly nll tlie landsworth aiiythillg at all have owners.

To 8UII1 up : a collectioti of poor fainilies cani.ot live togo-ther and Bupport theniBolves without boing within a rcaso-nable dístaiice (even fifty milrs) from a towu, having docciltcònimunication therewitli, aud there does not exint in anypart of tlio Empire any land under these circúinstaucèsDolonging to tho Government, save suph acraps bÇodds andends deseiibed in your paper;

One little incide.it 1 think will show I ain not writingfrom hearsay. In 1877 1 cõntraotõtl with Itlio Ministry ofAgriculture for the survey and suhdivision of a (uajfug <>fland about 150 miles above the cclcbrated Cataract W. !'auloAffonso. When I state that I sent a man to hey tliecmi-monest writing paper aud that he was absent four dny>; thatone ...au iu my service, the Inspector of the Indiana, waakilled by a rattlesnake: tliat íor three days we were íollowi-dby a large tiger, so that no man dared to separnto írom thèrest; and tliat one nioriling I was awaki-ned by a cry: "TliePraias are about! " and ue were iminctliately surrüundctl l>yhundreils of wild indiana—it will hardly bo believed that 1could not possibly find Bllfbciont land without an owner tocomplete that one squaro lèagtie,

Brazilian engineers have many sins to answer f"r, but 1think iu this case you are a little hard on them.

The cause of this state of thillgs is BÍmplo enough -— thecure not so easy.


W. .1. Lindsay.Ilha do Governador, Novombcr.l, I8S3.

Carta BilheteAnother pulai accommodfttlon will U* faollitated to tho

mblicoii the l.*ith oí Novcmbèr hy thozealoui and energetloLuiz Be tim !'»<•« Leme, Director-üenornl of 1'oata, who

loaeano op|mrtuinty to forward Ih* uiti-rc-t« 0Í thr publicanil to ii.crcA.so the eilicteney oí tlie po»t olfico to lhe higlieatdegree oompatible with its fnr too acanty cndowmcnt fromtliegcneral receipts, On that day «ill tak<- place Üie laaucoí neat nml very coiivonient Cartas llilhctea, or cloalngnóttal barda, bcarítigfiO rftiaalamp íor the urban dcllverlca,l(Ki nis Btaii.p í<<r ilraeill&ticirculalion ãnd200 reisstampfor abroad, Their ooiivotiienco an<l econoiny «ill render themhighly nppivciat.il bv men oí business above all. »» llioircloaillg hy mi-ans 01 Unir giimu.i-<l iil^es m.<leia lheiicontenta ns secret a<i though encloaod In snjenvolopc and Iheyare ensily and rnpidly opcnoil l>y iiu-rcly tearíng nll lhecomentei! marginí, an operation íacilitat/-.! by the jK-rfuta-tions which lepãraU tlu-m from lhe h-ttrr.

\Y"o have to thank the «orthy Chief of the 2<lSr. Francisco Joaé de Lima llarros, for ipecimemkind and oxptanatipni oí their use.

tSeeuon,oí t-ac).

The Anglo-Brazilian TimesKIO DÊ JA.SKIUO, .NOVK.M1IKK 9tll, ÍSSII

Summary of NewaThe last eigbt days have passed without any renewal of

the vioting which oceurred here in the latter part, in sequenceto the assassinatiou of the owner of the Corsário, and the newChief of 1'olice's preventivo measures. which iucludo for-biddance of aggrcgations of persons in the streets, besidesnumerous arrests of disorderly characters and expulsion oftliose not Brazilian citizens, are in general approved of bythe rest of the coinmunity.

As regards the actual assassina of the owner of the Cortaria,nothing is as yet authoritatively knowii.nnd the imjuiry intothe crime continues to be a secret one.

At the request of the Chief of Police tho government liasauthorized the expulsion from Brazil of nll disorderlyforeigners infesting Rio and in the hnnds of the police. .Sincethe new Chief has been in, the beacheombers have becomeremarkable by their absence from Rio, but tlie tramp hasmultiplied in the provinces of Kio de Janeiro, Minas Geraesand S, Paulo. The same Chief has issued orders to the policeto pursue the capoeiras aud inake it a principal objoct toextirpate them.

The Juiz de Direito of Rio Novo has ordered the prosecu-tipn of the Juiz Municipal for declaring free some Africanslaves assunied to havo been iniported after 1831. At Ale-grete, Rio Grande do Sul, on the other hand, the Juiz deDireito lias declarei! free six African slaves for the samereason.

Dr. Augusto Teixeira de Freitas Júnior, a distinguislicdjurisconsult and author of various valuable law text books,died in Rio on the 2d inst., after a long illncss, at the ageof 41 years,

Up to the end of October 48 persons, chicfly foreigners,have been vaccinated by Dr. Domingos Freire with atten-uated cultures of the yellow fever microbe, in the expectation,açcording to bis experimenta, of obtaining iminuiiity fromattacks of yellow fever. A regular service of the vaccinationis soon to be opened at the Instituto Vaccinico, by authori-xation of the Junta Central de Hygiene Publica.

The Companhia Assucareira de Tietê, which has under-taken to estal.Iisl. a central sugar factory in the municipality of Tietê, in S. Paulo, has received the favora of art. 0 ofthe regulation of December 24, 1881, except guarantee ofinterest.

The Rio de Janeiro Central Sugar Factories company hasboen permitted to change the largcr factory to Araruamaand the smallcr to Mangaratiba, the latter lieing little likelyto have a large supply of cane.

ReceivedKr.visTi DE EmikmiaIiu, Anno V, No 7(1

Tho contenta of tbis number arei—'The N'ew York andUrooklyn Bridge; Companhia de Mineração Goyana.; Compa-uliia 1'autista: rejxirt oí Engineer .1. P. llchoucai on thenavigation oi Üie Mogy, Panlo and Grando ; Olficial AcU ¦.Noticth-, Banks an<l Companies,

A I-Oticmk, Anno XII, N». :i0In accordancc with the new rule, this second number ol

October coutaina two oolorod platoa oí fasliioiu, beiidea tbeabUhdant variolv oí íully adorned young lailiei and buiiklnawho «ith UlO llcSCriptiVa tevt till up ri^ht |ia);<«. J'hrrenre also the costuinary two fine líthographa, oonaiaüug ín

anles, l«.<thIt.is ontirely owing to the rockless nianiier in whieli pri- , ,, . , ¦

vate persons, either with or without the direct consei.t oí • thisnuinlierof A Ruslio Soeneand A llaptbm ui>the Government, have been allowed to |iosscss themselves pi, "ve<'"'-'l,t*

'large tracts which they will not sell and cannot work ; an<l _ ,, ,,to tho eiiormouB donations given bj* the old government íor *"° Oorsano murdertritling services to the State. I presume the intention was to j The ex-ebief oí police and Captain João Antônio de Ávilahnihl up a strong landed aristocraoy, which, owing every-; have \*A\\ come out in print an<l liíted a little the veil vrhlehthing to tlio Crown, would natiirally Bttpport its atithority. ; jg iiiaintaim-d ii|h.u the morder <.í the proprielor of the Cor-Ifso, it fnilnd most egregiõusly, \iario nnd which no one expecta will be removeil l<y lhe

Various means to improve this state of aílairs have becn police inquirv still going Oll with clnanl doon. Di-4mlwir-suggósted. The plnn most nearly meeting with luccess jgador Bellarmino wiitei ihat he wa» induced t<. allowappearstomcinostuiijiistaiid foòlisll, viz:—to tax such parts Apulcho de Castro to leave the ollice willioul a «uani bccauaflof a maifs land as he does not cultivatc. i „f th<- n^iirniid- oi CapUlh Ávila that he could guaranteeWithout entering into the oriormoua cost of a survey to : tho aiíety of Apulcho, a», allliough the i 'in.-fs

intenl ba Ideal even moderately fairly with eaeh proprletor, aml the : becn to give nn escort oí |>olice cavalry. aml he had «-ul I...amount of ensuing litigation — what would be tho result í • them, lio considere I it would 1«- n sligbt t« Captain AviU t<<Why. that nll the valuable timber would ln* cut down. to doubt his guarantee, nnd silso a slur on the aimy to doubtplant a worthless crop of mandioca to save paying n few I the promiso of lho nrmy olficcri outalde to refraiu ír..in »tmilreisof tax. like the indiana in Para, who cut down tho j tacking Apulcho if accoin|mnieil l.v Capitain d'Avila. Inr,.agnificeiit Bra/il-imt tices for thesake oí the fniit. I reply Captain dAvila aays that when hc arrivenl at the

Now, 1 do not say that it is not n atop in the right i police ofnce:direction, but it does not no nearly far enough. The tax j

•• The Chiei of Police, repi-nting the account oí the Dele-inustbe extended over all tlie land in the Empire, ciiltivated . gato wliom he had sent to see , appoarwl fearful that evenor uncultivatcd — om* half oí the receipts of this ux to be | the offico would bo aasaulUxl, aml »«I had Ik-.-ii tol<l thatemploycd in making railway, roads, etc

Each comarca in the Empire should bo allowed to taxitself, perfectly indepeiulciitly oí the province in which it issituated, and having direct relations w ith the Crown.

The Coiiiiiiissionary Juclges, who, na a rule, are very com-petent men, would ba admirably ndapted to control theseilepartments, aad being, as a rule, men of some j.ropcrty, avery mederate salary (rcgularly paid) would stimulate themto their work.

The tax should be collcetcd on each m.in's own atatementof the land be iiossesses, by which a most costly surveywould bonroided. A man inight declare he owned 800 acreswhilst he really owned only 50: theduty of the departmeiitwould he to receive the tax on 800 acres — there are othercourts toolucidate bis right to any land at all.

It may beobjected that even in one comarca nn equal taxaçcording to acreage would fali mnch more heavily on somethat. ou others. Thia is not so unjust as it looks at lirstsight.

A lias 500 acres and he cultivates it all.B haa 500 acres and he cultivates one tenth.A pays t'30 a year bnt he does not teel the tax.B pays €30 a year andit crushes him.The first answer to the objectiot. would naturally be : —

Serves B right, why does hc not cultivatc itall ?Not so fast. There may be an excusc for B yet: hia land

may bo situated so far from a towu that he cannot sell hiaproduce at a profit, so lie contit.es himself to growing onlyenough to BUpport hi-> family. What ougl.t B to do ? lí he isa wise mau aml can allord to wait, he had better do so,rememhcring that £15 a year would he spenton improvinghis own menus of cornmunication. If not, he had better sell200 acres at a íixed rate to the department of governmentlanda of his comarca, who should bo bouml to receive

ever required to do boA Conselheiro anil Senator, who is at the same time the

owner of large tracts of land, agrcea with me that a tax ofone mureis per acre would in twenty years, even in the

some nrmy ollicers were among the moat excited, I Iiast<-in4lto gootlt to see lf tlie tale wen- true.

'* At the cornei- oí Rua do Senado, aml there alone. I sawaome ollicers. 1 went np to tlu-m anil III thé mune 01 orderaml of tho íiulitary discipline I reproscnted in the authòrítyof the Adjudaiit-lleneral, I onnmaixlid them to wlthdraW,as ollicers of the army were being aceused 0Í having tlieintention of doing hiirt to Apulcho, nml aa, thev befng inthe middle of the erowd asseinhle<l iu tl.c ueigllUOrhood ofthe police ollice, it yrould not he diliiciilt to coníouml themwith the rowdies that proposed tocoimuit the alleged píTenOf;moreover, I told them that my presenco there on auch ai.oceasion imported au unequivocal guarantee to the Intfndedvietim.

" The reply given to me was most aatisfactory, aa theyassurcil mo that if Apulcho de Castro was under iny protee-tion no li ii rt would otcur to him.

" Eneournged by thia asaurance, I returned to Deaemliar-gaiioi Bellarmino, after making every eudeavor to ad viso anddissolve the inultitiide tilling lhe Rua do Lavra<lio and totnoderate their excitement, and aa soou aa 1 could a|ieak tothe Desembargador, 1 told him, relying on the reply of mybrother ollicers nnd companions iu arma, that, to avoid anydiareapect to authorlty, I was willing to guarantee Apulchoif he would leave in my company.

"On Apulcho beingaaked by the ex-Chief of Police who-ther he wished to leave with me or remain in the Secretariatof Police, he decided on accepting the firat option, ao greatwas the confidence my words and posiüon inspired in hiatroitbled inind. Iu view of thia expreaa acquiesceuce, a hackcarriage, drawn by two tbin mulea, waa at once got for ua." We started aml when a few tiacea from the Secretariata large group of aísailants, detachèd from the denso erowdthat crainmed the street. tlircw themselves with horril.le

payment of the tax m land at previoualy fixed rates, when- cries Upon the carriage. I called out to the coachman to driveon and whip up the mulos, bnt he answered : "I cannot'." Then a acene aa rapid as ferocions t<K.k place, and I canhardly account for mv escapo with Iife from amidat that rainof sticks, daggers and revolvera.

RailwayThe question between tho Companhia I.co|>oldina and tht

Minister oí Agriciiltuie relativ» to the oliahges inado by thelatt<:r when appn.vi.ig oí new tariffa, ha» Uíen referred toarl.itr.itio.., lhe company chiK.siug Cona«lhviru i/>urtncoCavalcanti de Albuquerque aml the imnistèr ConselheiroElunrdo de Andrade Pinto.

-- The Southern llraxillan Ri o (Iran de do Sul RailwayCompany has received atlthbrization to raise the latt oí thoI3,52l:453| ol guaranteed capital for lhe <xm»truction of theRio Orando tollagd railway, 280 kilnmetera long.

The Compagnie GcnArale <le« Cheminade Fer (Paranárailway) hn» U-eu ri*fu»e«l the guarantee interest on lhe pai 1up part of the Ust ô u.illioiis í.a..c< of the 32 1/2 mill.oni ofguaranteed capital, bocauao Um Intorest on thu»e S milliomwaa to begin only two yoara after deiioaít oí 27 \H milliomor as ikmi.i a» the lino was <ij«-n, ..either ol which hypothétealias yet been iiali/nl.

Provlatonal intuo h»« i«K-n autborited on the r.ratseélipUi tbat from Pareuagui to Morrelea, oí ibe Paranárailway.

Approval lios i«'o.. givon to tho plana íor )unotiou lothe I), l'e-ln< II railw»y oí th^ Juw <le r<>f» to Piau railway.

A ooin;iauy onütled tho Companhia da E%t.».l» ,i,-Ferrado Norte has luvn formo.| to ootistrual »n<l work lherailway from Rn» t<» Mago1 coneeded Ui AIIplo Luix Pereira¦1» Silva Th» capital h*» been «uliwrilMNl ai„t ||,P tim <I.mv-tory oonaiata oí Commembuior Lutt Plínio de Oliveira,Mathew* G. Mr^n and B Si. Ilaroelloa. Work u u> bo com-iiiancc shortly.

Pro%*incinlThr prmnlc.it ol ,\m»x<n»s li»« lino.1 tho Amarnn St«»tn

Navigalion Cotnpany '2:'iOO( fot faiiurc oí tho AHman 1^make th«- r.vrr Junla tnp.

Much »i--kuo*« alonü thr lowet j>*rt oí lho Punia.Tlio Bnt.»h »to»iiiei Tkrrr;,n,i. which. nol tinding a

p.iot at thr tn.H.th of tho ParáOfl thr t>th tilf.. «rnlonupthe tivrr, r»u oi. lhe Taluma >|,it »fi<<r {laxaing Uio iui.1¦i.iiici.it .i.'<>igatàon.

Tbe Companhia Pará * Amaíooaa, reototlj or^animl»t Par.i. has bõugbi tho material of tho Marajó iioam na.i-gatmn ram|>any í«r siX>-000|. GOO.fKKII at C.!l2 an.l ISmonlhaaikI 200-OOuS .o ahareik T*he serrioe i» to eotntneooe on J»-nuary Ul IHS4 aud tu Juur noW ttcaiurr» Im.biin^ m th»r.nir.l StatM khooltl arrive,

•-¦ Al Uenevldea a man "i»<--i anoUier an.l c*llr,l emaÍiíoikI to craelt tbat othor » »kull wilh » »tnk. Tbo aeOOttt'moilaling íno..<l acoordinglv «tr-uok w.th all h.« lorw Imt<<w..i4 t<ia in-ivomotit <>l tlu* int, o !<•-! vL-iw lho »Uck lot th»"wraug ikttll ¦>''¦'¦ sttiaahed It, ¦¦ »imn^ <U *tl,.

-- A «Ui»*»»; >•»• ihmittM tm t«<u,| uf Ih» KlTIichktoamrr Jmni .loor.ii »ítrr Imiitig Par* íor Cayc-on* and «atln> min Waa beliovtd u> Im a »lavo ho «ai nol Un<tnl »iCayeflneaad «a» brooghl bték to Mtfaoham, whorr he ooo<f< »»p,i t-. Wing a »iavr oí Pari Deaa»mbarg>do< SeiasstiâoJoio da Silva Braga, oi lh« KolacAo, d.o-d tt M»i*ih»oiOetobet íntl..

At Maranham a (VarotiM- womãO jpíTI h»r huaband oíl'i >o»t»' aUndlag » mort*l »ub u. tho urer, purely Io )oko,ahr alleged.

Ou lho'iT.1 ofOclober tlio |«>oi.lpof tho cily of IVrnam-buco wcrio iurpti*o.| a«<l .Irli^hud bj u,P rntrj- tnlo lb»mnor fort. itm.de thr it-í-í, ol thr Royal Vl»d jtoaaaef PackrtCoinpaay's »t«amei itomtfyo, of I.Ó3Í* toai rteiater, aml.IrAWiiii,* 17 írolaítiiol I'.'forward. whieh íound no dirtu-jillyir. roanolng tlio liglilliuuw and bríngia{ up ir th» Kr»nnuiaanchOTSge. Tho MondtjO WM bj í»r thr ;»;,-< »t «Uamct l:.»llii \o| anchcirr.l iolillo tlio ro-rf

Al Araeajil, S<-rj;i|H-. »mall ]*>\ Im bacõmo epidopiic.UeaVJ rain» írom lho l'.lh to Itltti ult. ha.l tl<>ü«l»<l th* luwplacei *..<l <b<no »«mr damage.

T)ir Minai lirrar» ladie» aro rvidrnliy Cot lo br |!a>r Iwith. Diiiing thr l>u|«rror'i visit tara voara ago aome cri-tioinm» hy a oorrespootlettt írom llio »rrr foliOfrod bv a haalyrvacuition of Ouro Preto hy thr »a.<l OOftMtMMMMl : ioanother |<»rt tilty ol tiirm »rt- inll uu<lrr pr¦.•.-.--.ii. ,n (or<le«trny..ig Ihr i-oii»-np|n<n lnt.«; aml m-rtitlv at li ram ma, abody uf mariir-l «t,m-ii. hra.lr.1 hy llir iair lUvmun t»Ceatrii»e. ari.«-d themaelvoa with wi.ipi aad appJiad ib»meilrctiully to a certain Antônio *>Urnoa,laavioa|

bim i.l«-lu.gand prOl trate In thr mobile of Ihr tlrwt. l.r.auw Ihat di.ckoí a man ba<l been boutingol having .i.i.inatc relal.on» «iththo principal matroni oí toai auboruol I^..<«.|.||.,»

Tho robborof 7^00$írom the eolloctorol Imperial taar»at Loopoldina Utrned <mt to be a alavo oí thr ooiloctor andthr niiiiii-v wa» found llldden un.lrr a wall Thr |«>lic«. h»liireviooaly bom aoípcetod aml iu <-«>n»<^|urncr ha I l>ren pun-l«hr.| hy being *rnt l<i lhe Irvntirr.

A law haa been protnulgate-d In MioatOenoa ompow«erina tho president tocontraet thr (oundiiig of a /Aotechn.cesttbliahment, WÍlh » school oí thporclic aml practical agn-cultor.'. The uu.lrrtakri w ,!| have to rro*ive 'i*io

|K>nr boy» ol10 to 13 year» oí »cr, pr.-íerably farrnrr»' »<<ua aud ingviiuos,Instruot them durioauve years and inppív them with every-thiiiK' needed, inoluiling eloinea. The province will euarantee7 % o.. í'»0:üihu) during 20 year».The .l/oiiifor UberabtMt, oí Uberaba, Mina» fieiaea,tell» oí a marrir.1 Mineira who haa had by taro htislwnda 28ehlldren, 27 living, m N lyinga-in, ('.'of which were withtwlna, one wrlth a suiglfl child and onr wilh a tríplet. Sh*wa» married at HS, is now only 36 aml aa her aecond hitabatul,by whom she ha* ha<l 10 chddren, ia atill alive it is nol im-probable that the tl.row of doubleta and IripR-ta maycontinue some youi longer, nòtwlthatandlng Mr. KichanlProctor*! cak-ulationi of prolnbililiea.In October 880 Immlgranta arrived in the provinco o!S. Paulo. Oí them 1163 Were Italian. and 140 Portuguesa».The collected revenue of tbe province of Paraná in1881-82 waa 5,Í3:«40| of ordinarv aml .11:589$ of extraordi-nary. and ineluding 11:921$ to collect, tbe total income was597:152$, being 150:213$ Um than the estimate. The eiiarn-diture wa» 687:331$, 99:444$ ol which wa» for repavment ofdebt. "

At S. Sim»o, Rio Orande do Sul, a company has been-goLup to collect and clarify honey.

At S. Jeronymo four ehlldren were poisoned by eatingmandioca roota given to them by their father in miauke foraipim, and two died,

At Porto Alegrt a «oldier of the I3th infantry killed apoliceman on the 2*1 ult.-?

Item*Senator Correia complete.! his 52<l year on the lat ol

«OVtmber. May he ipeeohifv a thousand year» more.Secretary of Legation Henrique Lamaix ha» l*en dis-miased.

Their MM. SS. HII. the Princeaa lmi*rial and theComte d Bo removed to IVtropolis on the 3d for more rapidconvalescença of the Comte.

The Ànglo-Brazilian Times 3Baron de Ivinhèiina has been appointed Conselhor of

War and thankcd for his former services as effective meniber

of the Naval Council._ The notablo viohntst Oscar Bernardelli, who had to

leave Pernanibiico through the failure. of his empresário to

carry out a contract. had his right leg broken on board tho

nacket in which he ha.l enibarked for Rio, by the fallmg of

thc topmost cask of a pile on deek. A subscription on board

for the nnlucky violinist produced £ 20. Better, however,

his right leg broken than his skilful right arm.The Submarine Telegr.tph Coinpanys cable steamer

left London on the 3d to piok up aml rcpair the Pernambucoto St. Vincent cable, but in June will also lay down a secou»!

cable and likewise lietween Maileira anil St. Vincent, thusduplicating the whole line. With the 3 nhillings per sharo

last dividend the year's divideml was 0 %.The divorce of the post of postmaster from that of

station master on government railway is going on iu aeeor-dance with the ministerial decree forhulding aceuinulation of

employnients, and is likely to «reato -»ostal dillicnlties, the

postal remunoratio» at inanv of the atations lieing so smallas not to remunetatc even a iads labor.

At a recent ineeting of the Companhia UllHo dos La-vradores. apjiroval waa given tu a projoct of Sr. BernardoMoreira for the emancipathin of the slaves. This projeotprotKnes to bxtlngnlsh slavèry bv calling the slaves theBoniinatcd during the 15 years they would liavo to work:

the lirst live years without wages, Uiosecond with Wagcflof 60$ to 100$ a year, and the third with wages of 1008, to150$ a vear. Any Domhtated .uiiniig away or reíüsing towork wonld hsve tu serve ilouble the lòst time amlalto siillicient time to pay co«ts, expence» and damage-».Aftor the lirst fivè vears the Dòltinatól imght free himselffor S00| to 1:600$. after teu years íor 0008 to 1:200$. Severo

pmishment* against insubonlinatioii, eiiticeini-nt an I hnrbor-ing are among theprm i»i»»ns of a project which may satisfythe planter» but hnnlly the Iluminated or the abolitioiiísU,

In Rio on the evening ofthe3*1 a aohlleról thfl Ist jn«fantry attackeil in Rua do Cotòvello a bandámàtt oí the 7 thinfantry aml. taking a long kitlfs íimu him. plungctl ii iuhis bellv, inllictiiig * tnártal WO und. The as*.i«in wns seizodby a loídierol th»' Tth ,ní.*intry »a hum he disposctl of «ith a»Ub in tlu» groin, struek at a ¦•oliceinaii «ho tried to »tophim. »currie«l down the llrcct followeil by police aml a

numberofpéraoni who had armed thcmwlres with stioki,and was finally -«-curei. Canso oí the blóodshwl aÇrwtida.

(ln the3Utof October the Banco do Bnudl held 3S.050contos oí Trrasnry Bills.

tht the same d»y the government acoount-eiirretit ihoWed2.097:180$ to the

'rrnht oí th" Treasury.

At the same »i»t<- the ts-sne uí notes was '.'O.lí.^MXtS amlot letras hyj-.thrçaiiss 3,010 100$.

.— On the .llslof OctobOT the i»«ii«- nf h-trat hv|«»thecnrÍA«hy thc Banco PredUI, wilh I #20 O0O$ jtájd nj» .-apitai, was7 309 200$.'

Thal oí tbfl Banco dr Crr«litn Real »b> Braiil. «ith *-00

conU* paul «|» capital. «»« t" 211,09(1 in •'» gold and 3S0,ontew of fi " .unrn.-y, total 2.5.V1 000$

Tlie Trrasurv has .Ir, idr.l that ll>r Companhta Bahi.-tnadf Navegação a vapor ha», in wjuity, t« pay only «implosump »b,tv. an.l not U»»i <»í retalWàUwi, on tlie 7*'» !'U»f ..(capital of Uh «xtlncl Balua Steam NatlgaUoh Company,limitod, abiõrbed l»y tbe w» omj-any.

Rivor Pinto

ln «T(-»r.| tolhi- lorlnring "í lhe BriutllUn Antônio Leal »tÍndia Morria, th" UrugUayan gorernmenl nttapetided lhe

prindpa) áothoriUc-s o( lha depattmeot ol Uocha an.l ordem!Ütetn to app«*»r ai UonUvidco to *>i)»sri l'»r their Inhunun»n.l unlawful torteringa, *t ti»»- utn* Úmt gm»« Inatmetlonit,. ibr poblle prOseeiiUx i»» institui* criminal procecdlogia,j»init them

.STKAMKKS :LondonLiverpool...Antwerp....Hamburg...HavreBordeaux...Marseilles..TriesteNew-York..


fs. 25

SAIl.IXO vksski.s:Channcl f. 35/Lisbon f. o 40/Cibraltarf. 40/Cnited States. North... 20/

South... 20/

404035- -40 cents.



s u a r. k s .*Banks •

Banco du Brazil : 118, in lots, at 205?, 29 at 204$, 5 at2948500.

Banco Rural: 5 at 2948500. reported at 290.?.Banco do Coininoroio : 106, in lots, at 2238.Banco Conimercial: 75 at 2398.Banco Industrial: at 245$, 33 at 2358.Banco Mercantil ile Santos : 15 at 2758.Banco »le C. R. do Brazil : 54 at 35$.

Raiiivay :Leopoldina : 50 at 1618.Cáraiigola .* 55 at 1808.

Tramieai/s:S. Christovam ¦ 15 at 2S08.Urbanos: 150 at 220$.

Steam Navigation -.

Paulista: 52 at 110$.Insurance:

Confiança: 15 at 508.íiitogridndõ : 35 at 160$.Argos Fluminense : 10 reported nt 525$.

Sundries;Agrícola e Pastoril: 27 at 468.Carruagens Fluminense: 15 ut I58S0O0.Industrial Fluminense; 22atl20$.

IMPORTSOclober i.i—Novemher .->'.*

ltr.Kii—We anote ¦

Bass (Ihlers .V Ihll) new ale 78*00 -78900Ouimieas' Stont 7$300—7S-400Danisli, Cnrlsborg 78100-78500Suudry braiids 38800-78200

Arrivals200 |>ackages fron, Liverpool,700 from Hamburg I Bv do. do. belongingtoaml Brenien, 108 frum Trieste. "others 14,874:92I$S77

IIittkk. -Arrivals2,007 boxès aml 130 kògs from Havre, 105 cases írom Hamburg, 30 cases froiri Soutliainpton, 135 ; Shares atui debentures of hanks and com-cases atui 7.'» keg». írom New York. panies. and hypothecary bills

We quote : Bonds of the Public Debt and New Loan..,Kteiich. Peiuagtiv lsignv. kegs. . 1$0S0-— 1SIO0 ]»er lb. | Casll i

ílo. t.ns 2*áOÒ0— 21500 "kilo. | ii, the Bank of Brasil . . . 1,000:0008000

Freiciits:No àltetation to note since our last.


Shares : unissued, 35,000 at 2008Bills discou,,tedGiiaranteed bills aud accounts-currentLoans on hypothecAccou n ts-cu rrentAccounts in liquidãtionBrazilian funds in London, in conformity

with art. 42 of the statutes ofthe Bank...Bills etc. recoivableBank edilice 265:0558507"

promiaes 113:1478700

Suridry accountsDeposits :

By securities iu the Bankiu caution 10,210:20388S4





I.IABIT.1TIESCapital, nominal value of 60,000 sharesReserve fund 390:0008000Special Reserve 253:537$394

By accoiints-curreiit withtime 1,17S:300S629

By accounts-current of move-ment 1,911:4828304

By accounts-current with-out interest 27:392$124



Drafts to payDividenda:

Balance of 7th to lOth and12th to lOth

Sundries : balancesCautiòns



E. or O. ií.—Bio de Janeiro, Novemher 4,Gonçalves de Sá, Vice-President of the Bank-de oliveira Sampaio, Accoúntanfc.

íl, 738:0345487

1883- CarlosHenrique José


" lb. Ou hatid.Daniih ". 18050-18100llalian ,. 000—18080Vmeieaii.. iu tins..,.' 750— StO reis "

do, m ke;;s... 750 77*> Ci:m>-.st. Arnvali l,2oo brls from Hamburg, 11,834 from

London.We .piote English 78 -78200. Oennan'0$)00 r$;oo, liou-

loglie 7^-MHI S811H,. ., ...,. , , „-,,. n ti ,. ,. ... i < i Heservo ruiuli ui». Arrivals 3.714 tuba now I . II. I . ,»»*i ". manchara, !,, ..., ,, \ ., . .,,,, , „.. v- ¦ 1 ru its in susponaofunil l'ai[>oliiae, rotailiug al J,.*?. aii', d»,. Iwxes ísorway. '

Tubi aml hoxosofold continue t.» rdtnlt at *.'l$ 2t'.$. Market


i.Iauii.itik-»:Capital: C.0.000 shares uf 200$


«locked and cargoesof now nearly duo. DopÒsits :.»• ke.l an., .-atg.H-s ul ne« lu-.uiv une. „ ..« , , .,,,, i ; v- ,í ..-.. iii "n time l.y lnlls tOAl.S. Arrivals oí Newcastle 270 lOllS p»-r /»-'», an.l ,, J

, «n, /.. if • i .i • '<». niaccouiH-current1,095 tom |«*i ' "iiu Mana. IHjtll 011 urdei. .. r../<¦ 11 ít non un i nn.i ' l >o. lll accuiiiit-curreiit ufII! I ai ditl ».KO tou» i.er ll'll. ru', ou urdir, and 9U2 tuiiH...,,,,' inuveuietit

|»t liioniia. Mltl uOiore arnval.Ofothoi kind» 1,075 tons (ircemx-k, per CUv ofOUawa, on _,.,, ,.oíder. '""" ",vl"1

Noarriv.il ..f Suiítliy.Piic. •» continno nomiual,Kl.uCR. --Arrivals íiltCO Oclollór 23. 21,615 barreis, vi/:

18,820 bits American2,tKW " Trieste

823 " (1,750 1/2 Iwgs) R. Plate.Salt-s since OeU>Wr 23 I, 17,600 l»ils.Stock 60,000 barreis,



layaole Dividenda

Suudry accountsCautiòns, gnarantees aml securities belong

ing to others, liguring in the lissots.

Tho Pnctflc

On the moming of Ihi» 2^-1 of O *t.»Ur th»- Chlllsn lurer»•aithdrrw fn.iu Lim» »nd Crilao. lh« formei "! which »»«ímmedUtely «*ni«*r»^l bj i*»*' Perueían baMallooi and ai3 p m. Pt-rsidcnl Iglrnas airncl »n I «»s «rll rr*rivr,l. Ina ptocUmalioa be uwarod bla Inletalloo lo convóke the ,u-tional ivjogrt*» *w\ on llw lolta-sing »l»y lhe decree "í convo- (calion apj««*arr<l,

Io cy-.iiMN-u.-ncs- »»( ll.r-trraly siith L-le.us ali lhe Pu»i*»i»n priMMertln CbiU, Mtepí t;»rci»t'al.lrrun, had l«rrn s^tat blwrty.

Some .irtads ol íhe taking uí Arrqalp» hare been recwred,VVben thc ChlHatw wwe tirar lhe U»wn Admirai Mont.r..

«nd Oeoeral Çsne-niro lormod th.ir tx"«»ps *nd eucourtgetlUirni l«> sland íum, Ult it oncr the legular» btokí up liiluoiiall bodica, sbooUngi '* l^>*«n *iih Mool*fol \V« cannotrrtut, an.l di.b\ud«>l Oeoeral Caiatart Uiwl to rwtrainthem but lhey iuv-1 <>n him. Monteiro wriug «II lost »!,»¦moanted and tl«»l <»n foot. Ii.«- Chi|iao iru-.(« lhen oc-upu-lArs>|ui|-a <«íth»ut r.-«i«tane«r.

We quote :Richmond Ist, . ,,..,

Do, 2ndBAltlIllr.ie Ut .,.,

Do, 2ud..St l/mis ...,,CastillaTrieste N<- Plu« Ultra.Triestí S S > V

Do, s s. n,ileRiver Plate.

Rio do Janeiro, Nbvonibér 5, 1SS3.— liarão do Flamengo,Vice-President of the Bank.— lijnncio Loyola da Cotia,Aecountatit.

THE NEWLondon & Brazilian Bank

(LIMITED)Capital ;.- :....;..-. £. 1,000,000Do, paul up £, 500.000Reserve fund £. 200,000




Fliea and MosquitoeaA Im f>( '• Ro^gh on Bat a" »lll kes-p a hoii-w Irw íi»m

(Um, n-Mwqotloet, i»t» »i»l »»i>-<*. lhe entire ie*»on. Soiu byliruggisu



KXCIIANOKNorembtrS—H, /•**•'«**•*

After thedepartore o( th« »t<-an»er 4 th»- Ist m-t.. tlio»tirini; littl- businrM iii Collee, Banks on Um 3r«l trtir.-.l therate of 216/& The» .-ame oul again on tbe following day ai21 I 2 and thr t»t<* advan.*«*«l OO ti»»* 7lh U»2I 9 16, at «lu.lithe markrt |l rather tinn moiie)' being »»*.iti*e.

Comniereial Inlls hsve i-n-n K»rce aud in ilematM at 21 6 8an»l 21 1116, lhe IWiik« being tskirs at lhe latt.-r rate

With Pnnefl the busiu»*» has been sm.ill st 441 and 412 msBank aml l.'is rtis Commercial pape' |-»*r tnne.

Tabeliã «f fío-rembèt 81Bank pain-r On London, »0 .1,». 21 0 16 |xr mil rs.

•¦ piri«, 412 reis -x-r íiau*Hamburg, " 541 "

J»<r maik.

Boa Kl» lll* BlluKI.K-.' OniriAi. IU>k 1Uti> :

London Pari» Hamlmrtl /M/y Portugal

Oct. 31 21 6/8 «0 ra. 544 rs. 451 rs. 216 %Nov. 21 6/8 440 r». 544 rs. 451 rs. 246

" r, 21 1,2 442 rs. 544 rs. 453 rs. 247" tt 21 1,2 442 r». 514 r». 453 rs." 21 O/IO 441 ra.

moniev :Diaconnts still at 8 to 10 %.

r.iil.I»:No tales since Ofltober 31 :Cloaing rates : II $250 ollered.

Stotks, Siihkm. rn*. :Salea from Octolwr 31 to Novemlier 7 :

Stock»i6 X ArOLICtí OklUltl — 105. in reUil loU, at 1002$.Infractional 9*500$ at 1080$ to 108«1|.6 % Apólices.-46*000$ at í»0 %.6 % liou. Bus ns or l86.S:-3 at 1245$, 20:000 at 1250$.6 % Apólices or tiir 1'kovim'k op Rm d« Janeiro.—

3K)00# of 2001 at 103. 3 of 500$ at 103 1/2 %.6 % Apólices oi* the pbovisce «r Rm Üba.vde doSol.

-2 at 03 %.livroTHKCAKY nit.i.-s :

6 % Banco do Braril: 20 at 99 %8 % Banco Predial: 7»at 72 %. 15 at 7 1/2.Banco deC. R. do Braril : 73 of 5 % lOOfgohl at 90$ cur-

rency;50 rcporteil at 88f. 81 with last June coupui at !)«$,ln 0 % 1001 currency 20 at 82|.


Paulista Navigation : 15 at 208$.Nitherohv tramways : 15 at 193$.Porto Felix central sugar factory : 26 at 92.Leopoldina railwav : 50 at 190$.S. Izaliel do Rio Preto railway : 28 at 190$.

'JOViOO 21 $500108500 20$500211250 2l8-"'(-»0208000 -208500ISWÒO 188600U8230 21^500

218000—218500IS8500 I9$600IC.ÍÚiKl I78O0Olti.8000-178000IS51MK) IS8.VK)

Market has beenactive, Part »»í tho sal»-» luivoboon for tliodiipoaal »»í deterioratcd cargi«*s.

H»v. - Arrivals 3,452 bales Rosário, inostly for cdm*).inioan.l uoaleas,

KutoscxK,- No arrivals, .- . . ,• , .Wo nnote OÍ300- 81700 per casa for Devoo's B.illiant .'i. '.!¦" l;ll'.,lal •- .

. , ', . ... ,„ .2^^ ' li s liscuunteil,n Urg** lots 7Í000 ríSOO retail. _ I m> u,.0,1Víl,,.,.l.iKi..-AmsaU 4.101 kegs aud 61 cases, mostly sold .to j^, qtB-p^üml Branches

; I Loans, current and other accounts..out andmote

YorkHick. -We quote S3300 -98OO0 in second hand, Market |

dull Arrivali .'.no sacks from England;Bo-.Iv. -Arrivals 1,300 brls from Cnited States. Price

faltei! t». 8$ -111600 per brl.T«s. We iitiota llys.»n 5^600-4"S500, Black 28200-

38S00 per kilo. Kxtra green 68—68300. Arriyal 09 packngoii. CapitalTcurKNTiM*.. ArrivaU 300 casos. We quote 380 -400 n'is

|s*i kil<»gr»iii iu largo lota,Pm n PlXE. —Th»- 27S.OOO íeitarrived per />,iri./ 11'uwA,

íruiii Brunswick, «ere «ed I at reseived price, an»l the207,000 í»*»'t |"*r Fale», from Satilla, had been si.l»l beforoarrival. Tlu- niaik.t lUpphod.

WlIlTE Pim*. No arrivals, That rv l|', //. Deih conti-1 various valuesnu»-» t»> be rotailed at second hand at 115 iei» per fóot The í Suudry accbltnts<t<M*k ,s tolombl)' largr and carg.i priçes are nominal, Bdls payablo

Seu, <*i, Pim*.-- Nu atrtvals. 400 doxons oístoretl have bcensold at about 35$ |ierdt»ou, P«« 23,817:3578930

Smi.i-imi Pine. The 701 doxeni while per Bdia, from j ,.« or 0 ,« _ Ri() d(J Jflneir0| Nóvotnbor 6, ISS3. - Ed-

Rio Grande do Sul. Oct. 19-31Kituu tiik ExbitÁ.voE, Speoík k Fukicht Report ov

C. 12, BKlti:IÍXCIIaXOK: — Business has not been of an extensivo cha-

racter. Moiicy has been rather scarce and tho upward ten-I ileney the market has lately shewn, has causcd takers to

supply themselves with bills oiily for their iihiiièdiaté wants.The aiiiount of foreign bills passed I estimati: at £ 55,000.

Fui* tho Rio de Janeiro of the 25th business began on the19th inst: tlu-New London and Brazilian Bank eoiitinueil itsoííicial rate at 21 1/4, hut accepted money freely at 21 5/16,

j whilst on the following day a further concession was obtaina-23,091:1258161 [ ble. Ou tho 22„d tlio market oponed unaltered, but later oi,

was l.ar.dy so firm until tlie Agency ofthe liaucò do Brazilcauíé out a.s draw-ir at 21 3/8. Ii, Commercial paper businesswas done at 21 3/8. The next day tlio Bank kept its publicrate at 21 1/4 and at lirst refused oflers at 21 3/8 but lateron ontertained ihat rate ngain, wbilst the Banco do BrazilAgency kept ali day at 21 3/8. On tho 24th at noon thoBank raised its public rate to 21 6/16, but gave bills, as didalso tlie Banco do Brazil, at 21 3/S.

For the Rh Purandani] iiiterineiliáte Steamers tho marketopened on the.'25th at unaltered rates, hut on the followingday with the public rate at 21 5/16 in the Bank, and 21 3/8for Banco do Brazil paper, considerai-lo coucessioiis wereqb.tniiiãblc. Late iu lhe aftoríioon the Bank advahced itspublic rate to 21 3/S. Onthe 27th the market shewed in-creased lirniness; thc Bank raised its oííicial rate to 21 7/16,soou after the Banco do Brazil Àgouoy caine forward at21 1/2 when the New London and Brazilian Bank fixed itspublic rate also at that figure. A trnnsaction was reportedeven at 21 9/Ki. On the 29th and 30tll there was no altera-tion, the rate heing iu both Banks 21 1/2. Today no furthercliango has taken place.

The Bankrate on Paris has ruled at 447, 446, 445, 444 and442; on Hamburg 553,552,551,550 and 54S; on Portugalboi vyeen 2.">0 and 247 : òii Montevidéo at 3 d/s 28440.

Bills on tlie Éiiipiro have cohtiiiued scarce and in deinandafJ tu 3 .. discount for 90 d/s.

SÍ»KCtK has been neglccto 1, Sòvei-eigíis are worth 118100 to118200.

Fhkiiiiit.s:—Our Bar has coiitined unaltered. The traflicov-nr the Bar during the month eiídiiig today has been 60ships iuwaids, 60 outwards, together 120 ships. Arrivals ofvessels, owing to strong Southeiíy winds during tlio last tendays, havo beoii small. Our freight market lias been calm atunaltered rates.

The 8 shipping engagenient (of which 7 carters havobeeu ellected hy me) have been at .*Ri om fíõne nsh 27/6Assii to this port Salt G00 réisCadiz" " " r)0/_Porto Alegre to Clianhel Tobacco £ 420'Bio Cereais 420 n?is

There are 12 disposable foreign vessels in port.






7,506:2438561'. í4:6648720 í4:2788800

2,872:7688426 |

25,091:1258161 |


ii»ii»i t/um iiici 1'inii» iiv.-i ,

,,5 .... ,.„ ,. ,, , ,, .,. ,, • i, .,: Loans, current and other acco\\í nnoto435 410 réis pcrlbfnr 1. I. f»»orges llalti- f, », , , , ..,,',., , , , .,r v v .luuarantoes ofaccounta cttrro

w»ro n large luts, and 1,0 1,5 reis in l"t»s oí ..0. Nu .New j


Ils 23,817:3578930


ilepositi:lu àccount current without interest...Deposits, with 3, 6 aml 10 days' notice.

„ 30 and 60 ,", ., ,, lixed time

Ouarantoos uf accoi nts current and






Hernosand, are unsohl. Tho romainder <»í lhe atorml cargoOÍ E-tati>ii)i'jrn hau boen sold at nbout ÍUf per duzen.


(lrtol"r ."*/— ",Yoiv»l'wr 7Since the «late "f unr last uiir market has been very quiet,

but owina to a íallmg <»íí in daily arrlyala and to well su»-taine»! inaikits iu tlie CiuU*»l States and Europe price» hereare unchaiigcil aud the market oloies ipiict but steady at«nlijuiue.1 ipiotatinns.

The Syndicate have contillttctl out «»í the market either asouvem or sollera.

Án untiau&l feátttre in the artlcle I» tho relativo oheapnessof Santos coffee as compared with Rio, tho differonce i*s»ingfully 5 %, l.'„iti-»l States bltyori have largely taken advan-tag«- of this to hll tlu-ir waitta in Santos, especially for roast-ing deuiaiiil.

Beceipts here are falling ofFanil if they continue to do m>the short crop estimates will l»e fully cuiifirine»l. In thonieantimo, however, the large stock in lirst and second liaiulshere and in Santos and the relatively Inw priçes ill that mar-ket should not bo hxt sight uf.

Bnmours of a short growing crop are already boing circu-Ia ted, lt is quite too early to give any reliable informationon this Mihjoct aml it should not lie forgotten that to inter-ested parties a ahort croji, or a goneralMieliof in the probabi-lities of a short crop, would l»e most deairable.

Arrivals have averageil 12,030 bags jkt iliem, against14.510 in preceding week, and 19,400 in same period of 1882

Stock :t0l,000 bags. against 363,000 at same date of 1882

Sale* from Octolwr.11 to Novrmlicr 7, ISS.l, inclusive

Canal North of Kuropc and Mediterrânea,,... 22,570sacksCapeOood Hopo 3,910 "

United States 2,440 ''

Various |>orts 1,460Without destination

Quotations: per kilog,a,n.WashedSujterior and FineIstOooilIst RegularIst Ordinary2.U*ood2d Ordinary

30,380AV. ÍSSS Nov. S:i54 to 517 450 to422 442 672 "38S 394 545 "326 340 511 "285 306 477 "231 251 436 "183 211 375 "


ícartl Iferdman, Manager. — /'. ./. de Souza, Accou,itant.

BANCO DO COMMRRCIO77 Rua Primeiro de Março 77


Shares: .-.O.OOO of 2008000 of 3d and 4thseries, to issue

Bills discottntodBills cnutibneilBills of hj-pothecationBills receivable




Improvemcnts of preinisesInstallatioii exponcos and StationoryFurnitureAccounts current with caution, etc

Deposits:Securities received incaution 2,773:1358654

Bo. bolonging to others... 1,747:8738146

Suudry accounts: balancesSecurities in liqtiidatiouBonds of the Public Debt in depositBonds of the Public Debt cautioned with the

Comptolr iVEseompte, in accordancc withthe art. 2| 14 of the Statutes

Oeste de Minas railway sharesUniio Mineira " Banco Conimercial sharesLeopoldina railway debenturesOeste de Minas .. .. Mogyana .. .. Quissamnn Sugar Factory ti Macalu' e Caninos railway .. Bonds of ProvincesLetras Hy pothecarias

Cash:In hand

6,073:294.*- 20413:00010005:00080004:0008000




207-.3288] 4038:138860042:292850036:1118000125:8078000

. 95-45?.t100790:500800067.9948000





Nov. 1 Donati (Br.) Liverpool; to leave lOth for NewYork." Be.rlin ((ler) R. Plate ; left 5 for Bremen.' Senegal (Vv.) left for Bordeaux.

|| Menmon (Br.) left for Bahia and New York.l';7/e de Pernambuco (Fr.) left for SantosLa Plata (Br.) left for Santos aud R. Plate." Monlevulio (Cor.) left for Santos.Suvoie (Fr.) Marseille ; left 4 for 11. Plate.

|| Co(o/w.iii(Br,) Liverpool ; left3 for Valparaiso.| Pernambuco (Ger,j Santos; left 5 for Hainbiirc' llom:(M.) loft forR, Plate.

C.„Y,»,*(Bi*.) left for Rio Orando do Sul.Sempione (It) Gonoa ; loftC for ll. Plate." Rèliance (A,„.) Now York ; to leave 14 for New*i ork.Vaudi/ck (Br.) R, Plate; to loave 9 for Antwerp

and Liverpool,|| Pa/agonia (Br.) Caldora; left 6 for Liverpool.

Elbc (Br.)R. Plate: leaves9 for Southfiinptoii.Cliat/iam (Br.) Rio Grande do Sul.

ÉXPECTKDNov. 8 A rehiinedes (Br.) Liverpool; for New Orleans on

1 "tth.Poilou (Fr.) Bordeaux; forR. Plate.

FoKHICN S.UUM; AIIKIVAI.SNov. I Sw, Bk. Clara Maria, Nowcastlo, coal and cc-ko,

Wilson, Sons it Co.Br. Bk. Brimiga, Swansea, coal.lt. Bge. Tunise, Oonoa, sund." Port. Bg, Olinda, Porto, sund." Oer. Bg. Insel, Newcastle, coal and coko, D. P. II

railway." Oer. Seh. Thomas, Porto Alegre, produce.5 Nor. Bk, Sop/iia, Cadiz. salt" Nor. Seh, La Bella, Hernosand, pine." Nor. Bge. Dànneborg, Buenos Ayres, tiinber forHainbnrg.

0 Br. Sh. Maraval, London, ccinent," Port. Bk. Viiiiis, Lisbon, salt.7 Br. Sh. Cnrlew, Cardill'coal, 1). P. II railway.*| Br. Bk. Caraujali, Cardill', coal, Duvivicr k Co." Sw. Bk. Victoriã, Colmar, pine." Br. Bk. Riitlnndsliire, Newport, coal etc, Mon-

teiro, Hime k Co.FdUEIliX SAILINUS !

Oct. 31 Oer. Bg. Brilha, Lisbon f. o., coffee." Nor, Bge. Lhadnoy, Lisbon, f, o. collee.Nor. Seh. Okonom, Port Klisaheth, coffee.|' It. Bk. Tabor, Pensacola, Irai.', Br. Sh. St. George, Valparaiso, bal.

Br. Bg. Okenbury, Pernambuco' bal.Nov. Jt Nor. Bk. Nicqlay II. Knudlzon, Riclnnond, coffee." Am. Sh. Caledonia, New Orleans, bal.

Br. Bk. Howrah, Calcutá, bal. an:'. coolies." Br. Bk. Ithuriel, Pernambuco, bal.Nor. Bk. Kongsbyrd, New Orleans, coffee." Br. Bk, llroomhall, Calcutta, liai.Am. Bk. Grey Eagle, llnltimore, collee." Br. Bk. Emmaniiel Swedenborg, New Orleans,

coffee.' Nor. Seh. Palmas, St. Thomas, bal.' Dan. Bk. Deòdata, North Ports, bal." Port. Seh. AToro União, Pernambuco, sund." Port. Bg. Armando, Ilha do Sal, bal,Dan. Bk. Vira, North Ports, bal.Am. Bk. Amazon, Baltimore, collee." Nor, Sh. Boiia Fidcs, Batavia, liai." Sw. Bg. Smten, Ilha do Sal, bal.

- ;'.>'-

4 The Anglo-Brazilian TimesDUMONT À C<>., Ágeíits, 27 Pari: Placo, New York

Five First Prizes Awarded




lir' Order Only LYMAN BARB. Send for Circulars.

DOMINION BARB*WIRE FENCE CO. Montreal, Canada.N U._S 1Klmcr_ are now sailing direct iram Canada to Rio dc Janeiro, caUing en riúie :«t St. Thomas; West Indics; Tara, Maranham.

f* Tí >___._._._ ...i.l li .l,i . l!vi->ilCeara, Pernambuco, Maceió, and Bahia, Brazil.


Export and Import Druggists,382, 384, 386 ST. PAUL ST. MONTREAL, CANADA.


Pharmaceutical Preparations. Linseed Oils and Paints, Calcined and Land Plasters,Chemicals, Perfumery, &c, &c.


PROPRIETORS OFLvmarTs Wine of Beef and Iron, LymatVs Pain Reliever, LymatVs Quinino Wine, Lyman's

X Sarsaiarilla, Nonpareil Florida Water, Elliofs Dentlfrlce, Lymanjs Cherry ToothPaste; Lyman-s Standard Inks, Culexifuge ithe great Mosquito Oil», Lyman'sCargling Oil, and Canadian Farmers' Condition Powders.

A larcie stock of Chemicals, Drugs, Chemical Apparatus, Druggists' Sundries,Prourietarv Medicines, Perrumery, Toilet Articles, Surgical Instruments,

Paints, Colors, Oils, Oiln.en's Sundries constantly on hand.

O I r n-'-- ¦••"! tl.r-u -.1. V/V DA!.' EY BENTLY 4 CO. Montreal, or any cnminUsimi house in Canada or United States. Ciirrapondcnce solicitei!.

ROBE^RT GARBNER & SON,Montreal, Canada.

rniílif Tropical American lèpld Coiiipaiij, liniiti.

The Tropical American Tulopliòiio Coinpiuiv. Ltmiõed of Boston, Mass, JJiiitècl States, Iniving .icjuir-

«1, im .ei fraiicliise from th» Coirtiiíbiifcal Télephbitt Company, ali tho faí. phqne riglits veatod in that

Ooiupany as assiimee of the IiiventoiW and Pa-«ntees, Profoãsor Aloxáudor Omhain Bèll, Francis Blake,

Glõr«è Lee A.uhVs. Thomas Au_.. Wíitson, Hiítiorno Roosevelt, .lol.n GlièLòyer Full.-r, et al., and having,ani».."' pthcr entiro and exclusive tèléplibiiic riglits on tho Coiitmònfc of South Aim-rie... gives notice thatit has ceded aud trarisferrecl its riglits, prescrit and future, of ali and every kind in th.- Empire of Brazil,

iuphiding the riglits of the Inventem, imil PàtÒuteéS abôvo namtkl, to tlie Companhia Nacional dc Electn-

cidade oíltio de Janeiro. , (Further that it has e\ccut-d with the latter Company an exclusive and pennane.it. eontract by virtue

of which the Companhia Nacional de Klectricidadc is alone authoKzcd to import. sell. or lease throughout

thcei.tire Empire pf Brazil, telophqnio appàratuses and materiais manufaetured l.y the American Bell,

Continental, or Tropical American Telepliòne Companies or their lieensees. Messrs. Post Willians, Gilli-

land, Davis and Watts, Western Electric Mfg. Co- or others.P 1' 'llie Tropical Ainericaii Tolcpliono Co. LíiiiíUmI.

JUDSON Sll.TK.April 3ÕÜi; 1SJS3.

Gompànliiâ Nacional de ElectricidadeTh- Companhia íxaoional dè Electricidade of llio de .lAU-iiiii gives notice that havu.. exeouted an

exclusive and Òcrmaiicni eontract with Lhe Tropical American Toleplioni Co,..pa..y. Lmim-,., oi» this date

it Ins acquired bv virtue of said eontract full and entiro .«loplionic riglits lltraugiout il ntiro Empiro

of H.a/il aucl is alone authorized to import, sell. or lc-use Telepliouic Instrumento of ali and overy d<__cnpt|oii

manufacturod, pr which uiay in tlie future be manufaetured by ti..' Amencan B.-1I. t o.u.nental. nnd Iro-

picai \meriean Teleplioiie Companiis or their lieensees. including ali tlie i.istruti_cn_£ftcccswritsj, and

improvements iiiveniõd aud patented by Alexandór Graliátn Bell, Make, Aud.-r. W aüton, IWvqlt,

" 'ti.c Còmimnliin Nacional de Elwtricidade also declares tle Companhia dé TelegrtiphpH Urbanos to be

i,s sole representative for tl.e Municipio Neutro nml Kithcroliy foi Üic «ali. or lease of lc.i.p.tomc tiistru-

monta until further nòüco. . .0itl8.de of this dislrici Uios. wjuirtng telepliones are requ-ttta! to tn.it dicvllv «lUl Um Cimpanl.ia

Nacional de Electricitlade. wlm ivill furnish any inforinatioii desir.<l

-¦'..;.. "..' .:.'-:..*«<_.¦_."¦«'»-'•.' t'j_fc____^¦__,>¦ —*'

For tbe Companhia Kítciotul «le KliHtticítU.lc,(HAS. PAUL MACKIK

PtttiatHL,April 30th, ISS3.



CRACKER AND B1SCUIT MACH1ERY,Improved Reel Ovens, Brakes, Mixing Machines,

Self-panning Cutting Machines, SteamEngines, etc.


ROBERT GARDNER & SON, Montreal, Canada.


The hupcial Govertin-ait of Bnuil, bv letu-rs patent dah-d April 'il, 1883, having ront.nued in ti...

Empiro to 1'rof. Alexai.iler Gmliam Itell his rigliU. ra. th.. Íit-Kt nnd only inventor of " the niéUiod of anp

.i.pu-.tus for transmiti in- vocal and other Miunds by ohvirical imdulalions " (commonly fcliown an t*lc

pl.onv) tl.e iindersií.n-d gívíi notice that Uúwo patótU nre tlie ondunivepropçrty oí W<i OompanhU N»-

cional d.• Electrieidiule, in uceordane.- with th- a. reemeut mude iM-twecu it. tl.e invciiior. and lhe Conti-

nei.tal and Tropical Auieriram Teleplwne CíomnftHic* of the Unilwl SUiteKNotiic is also Btveii thal tln^- .ijbts will Ih- maii.tniued agaii»*i nll att^mpt»-»! ii.fníetinnü and inlnii-

.'ements to th'' full cxlent of tl.e patent law óf NovtmiVr 3üth 1881TllOKO interested nre Íi.vÍI.kI t.M.vm)ittur.bite wilh lhe «etual pn.pn.M«>r«»f wiid ival.i.tH, ll.v (.-...pa

nhia Nacional de Etcctrieidiide, with a \ i.-w u> avotdiiig in the fuliire itn<dl<__ düren-m^e*,

The proprieuiry conti«ii.y will hold najíOhKiWe nll tho_e who HMUitifaclun', íiiifiort, »dl õr «oiplóy

.elcpliolU-B or lelej lionic ii.Mriiii.ei.t- iu this Enipiie withnut il* lieei.M-, .•xc-pling only UiOW nlnady m u»r.

i. i. Ale.and.-r Hr»lia«« IW1I atuí tbe Co.ilit.mUl IVl^itltOn*- Oomp*_)lCHA< l'Al*b MACKIK

|<. 1). Th« Tli'i»íc*l AlnencJi" T.*bplKH»r CoiiilJOi). I.in.ilwl,JCPm.N slIlTK

For tl.e Coiniinnlii.. Na>ioual dc .-li-cíiii'i.l»'U%T)l(. hirectorv- ' »AS PAÜI. MACMK.JOAQUIM 30SK fALUAUfôs K-JORINHO.


Compdiiliia k Telenraphos .Urbanos

1:1 -\ai:i of I,._1TAT10J_S

For Names of duly AuthorisedAgents, see the preceding or foi-lowing issue of this Journal.


67. RÜA DOroiDOR, 67Subscriptions received for ali tho principal English and

American iieriodicala nnd neWspapors.Agenta for tlie " Ettropean Mau,

P li 1K.T.M A NS PATENT DREDGERAdinírabiy ailapiètl for working in Óockí, Unrbouríi;

Rivers, (anais, kc, an.l has tl.e .trung advátitagwi over tlieonlin.ny ladilerdredgcr, viz.:—Tl.e first cost is very si.vall:on.• nian only is required to work encl. dreilger; one or moredredgfrs can bo worketl l>y anv onliiiiiry bargo ofs.iHIctttntsize;if necessary, the bar^e carrying tfio dredgera is propellcil liy a screw worketl bypiifl ol the dre.lgera; costofrupairs is very s.t.nll; is worked in very slmllow or deejiwater; takos ii]. very little fOoih; tlie proportipn of weightto tl.e .mui jifted is very little; w lien not .eipii.cil for .Irwlj{-ín» it can lie HSed for any lifting pnrposes; can l»- readífypnuked ii. small pieces for sl.ipmei.t, ícc.if uecc«saty. Specialprovision being made for discliarging tlie contenta of tbeD.edger Omb, very slicky material cai. 1«; worked withoutany difficulty.


The Companhia dc Telegraplion lTrlMiiio.1, oaly 1 vtw <»f the C.mp,.iil.i.t N.idon\l de Kl.-.iricid»dr

for liio de Janeiro and Nitherohy, fumi-d.... District Td.*gmpll iu_trumt«nU for 10?WM» per a., num. and

i.-lcphoiic sc\i. c for ÍJUÍOOO |xr ai.nuni.1'artículars at tl.e eo.i.paiiVr ..tl.ee.

V1GT0H DIAS, W I DONSIU-A.Manager. C,,ocr*l Suj.l

.31. BUA 00 HOSPÍCIO. 31Prof, JasperI', Harben

lie8soni.ii» Eiiglisl., PúrtugUüfttó, Freu cb,

Keep constantly on hand a largo and varied supply ofTaiiclu.it/. aud Frankliu Sqúare editions.

Receive orders for scientific and other boõka.

Atkinsons. 1'iesse's. Lübin!s and tl.e Royal Perfume-aies and Pear'. Soap ahvays on hund.

Oatesliead Ròad Steam Brick Works,JAltROW-.ON-TYNK,

Septeinber Tth, I8S2.Messrs. Priestman Bro»., Ilull,

DearSirsiI have had your Biccavator at work diggingclay and filling

waggotis now for about six inontlig, and I am greatly pleasedwith it. It dispenses wilh ten of tlie iweire men I iras usingbefore 1 got it, and 1 consider tlie wear and tear to be verysmall.

I can most contidel.tly rcioininend itYours tridy,




_R I O ü E J" _A_. INTE I IR O


(0|;||||;\ |S|mnÍ«h, Itália... et.-._, _ . _ á >T lludinieut- of l.aün : Gretòk tiiul Gol

PROVINCE OF PARANÁlias always im haml a supply of



IIA.MS nnd IJACONat very reasonable prices;

PRIME PICKLED BE] KF,at 400 reis per küc in barreis.

Íím great prafiifc iu teticliing ejcnien-tarv .Matla-in:iti.>.(Ho_>'ni|.livaii»l His t<.rv.su. well tis CUiütònc.

Traiislati<ni>. G9rrasjK.1uiet.ee , Letters,líssayH, etc.134, ia A 1)0 ROSÁRIO; 134





PICKIjEI) SMOÍvEI) TONGURS, 1/1*'. a*, a >w */«#**$,«/»/% to m«fki^MUçr«/Rio Âgency, Rua do Visconde de Inhaúma. 1 !"'lh<>'"


CLAYTON & SHUTTLEWORTH,Stamp End Works, Lincoln, and 78. Lombard Street, London.

[f-^TTIir Royal Àgi-icultunil Society n| Englâiul have aWardod Kv«*ry BHrst Prizeto"Claytonrand Shuttlewortli t'..r j?oriable and other.Steám Engines since 1863,

anil Prizesaf every Meeting at whicb they have competetl since 1849.Steam Engines, portable and fixed,

FurC-ãl*. Ww_, Stiav. an>l Viltty k.mlof Km-l

Thrashing Machines,Straw, Corn and Hay Elevators,Chaff Gutters for Steam Power,Grinding Mills,Saw Benches,

%'**Zbè*' T&bftr' ^^^-r!^5 Traction Engines, ftc.**-*-'.".. ^^_B_i_-!^

Gold Medafs and other Prim have been awarded to C%/ort •(¦ Shuttleioorth nt ali the importantInternational ami Colonial ExhibitUmM, inehultftg

London, 1851 tfc tS6S; Paris, is:*'!. iw? .(¦ /.v;.>'; Vienna, 1861 {1866 & 1878

Catalogues in English and ali European Lanpages free on application.\,,TK.__T„ imure ilelivcrieí in tinie fer tn«' i.fxt Kaaoii, C. k S. Ix%' tlíflir Fotigi. anil Colónlat Krieml.

will not ilclay civini: their onlf-r».

. Uü^*****)H __3kl_P__il___i____ __________Aii ^ * * * * * ____L iTF^Ml 9m I^^H_L ^WnO