fTERI0P JOURNAL r- Y r 1 r 1 I f OLe XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1909 NO 99 II OTTENHEIM Andy Adams bought a horso from Richard Young for 70 W II Anderson Pettun and Elmer Adams start for Kansas this week- J D Morgan has tho contract to get out timber for four tobacco barns John Hays and Mrs Molllo Turnbull wore made ono at Eld John Longs Thursday ph Pennington of Stanford has rented a farm near this place and will put In about 20 acres of tobacco W D Wallln boasts of having an educated horse While canvassing tho county be got so he could toll a demo itrat from a republican just as soon ne- he met him The White House has got to go It Is tho Executive Mansion under Taft Washington Once Gave Up to three doctors was kept In bed for Qvo weeks Blood poison from Mpld ors bite caused large deep sores to cotcr his leg The doctors failed then Bucklena Arnica Salvo completely cured mo writes John Washington of Bosquet lllo Tex For cpowa bolts burns and piles Iw supreme 2So at Pennys Drug Store When filthy lucre Is cleaned up It doth become As people ken instanter then A tidy sum Pneumonia Follows LaGrlppo Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows tub uw of FcJcys Honey and Tar for la grlpjlo coughs and deep seated colds Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package I New Stanford Drug C- oCommissioners Sale I HoyU Circuit Court 1 V M IIIIJI AilmlnlitPdtor JtnlntllT vs Jnntew hill lUnnn In oindgtn0nt uf aalsherein ren dtml the term ltsloftheIfoyle t OUtt11w umllInlld OOllllnllllun erwlllouTUKHUAY PKBUUAKY 18 U0 AtorelautlbeIourotlol look r n In the Inndt lien lnhllaIIIll1nwIIII hest 11 t dtirrllwd hlulto tons certain tract of Inuit eituoted In InI of ttrntueky on the coin rn countHtnte < llnthevlllhltfluf lrnch road l wilnu from lwnratrrtothsbUrobNrand coiultilnR nf s dwelling house and tout tAiereeofLend na Ixtnu norol1ArtlrUIIII ly bounded follows Io wlt- rltrglnnloglnthecxnterof the turnpike ihenw new IInll repini6tpoies- to II to JH Uuv tirrnoa with lint 0iMlluI14lfitydegrrta4e lalcsto o In County wil W thnc withWla74 we H w ci1rratdrgrerss1s III ro polesIont1K111- in County road corner to o with IUtu of church lo 111iI1 dl- I eE7 uIeNbi7 tloarrvsSV77pott- in grt rntor thunco with cenpr of pIke rn I drRrro J1 SW ICft oihetxuwniitnann flU poln contln innsonoi iM1t11111ti cMtUtt C Jt Mi Hutehlni by dped of rword In the Ltn coin County Court Clrrlt ontc Hnld real cttnto and improvements will be ncnMlt of nun n whole l noul n i mnntbtequnl pnrnronta for which lands will be given pxyablo to the Uommii ioner UnrlnR InUret dnte of snlo until ie 1- 1atlhernteufeper cent Ir nrnmut with npprovrd nocurlly to btOIIpru1 pnll n d bonds to tafornianduneclofn UdRlllellcnd to rftnln iv lien on I sold Jho nmount to bo by this sale II ov Umatod m IKI IncludIng route the um of tIt U McKOWKI- lMO a Boyle Circuit Court OOIIVUUY Attorney Central rfentuckv Real Estate txhange TITLE C- o1eaacrre I 6roolll on the WnynelhurICJlk croulbulldingsnlcnorchnrd Thlipropor housu Is ty It near ebllrcu worth IblllrICI 1- lahnnl mllll tiof twuitory on 110 KIIo rondohn 1 11015 good Imrnurehnnl and Is well wntvr 4 ednbout lXlnortl of this land Is button i Inuit and produce Itue Crops A burgnlnirt- JIVO H cas1i In one and two years No lt118 pcrll Wny out neshurgi rooll1 house0ahoilier J bulldlnm plenty IlOO NO 4108 horci near Level Green Hock a cnitlooountrKy Thus farm has n new 8 r story f mine IUIUI1 would cost to build now I good barn Crlb to located IIIIIr church and school This U n nice homo nnd M for HO jHf acre VI cuih ru mnlndorlnUmonlhi e No 6188 acres adjoining tho nbove furmi 100 acres lnouUlvutlon oloolll i nlco or Slmrd onoofiuelMMUiirlngiJnthe coun ¬ ty rice JJrAI half calb j and r years No 6gl aor dj61nlhg farms Mo 4 and Q ISO acres In OlltlIIlon bulnnco In tlm lx r < 1 white oak hickory and some tine cetlir IImSatory1oghueund oroh ant woll jLIA- No7YSArtgros nonr JlnreUburu KylfiCi ncres In pond dwelling house born and necesatry rhre water and school church IrJllt HISIlUon Price fJUOi K cab b lnnro in ono und two years Noetliacres nonrOonwny Ky nearly nil of thta tonal Is tottout lam Ohio far corn nnd inendow vory Booddwelllne bRrn and other bulidlngi on county rowe miles from lloroa Uotlcgo Uaih price ti- Nooeaneres WO on Drnkoj Greek s miles from Urnb Orchard This fnrta adjoint the pike nnd Impart of tho fleo lvwus farm Thla lsllne laud and III good condition all npcennry buildings This ti a bargain > t O per acre No 81anford Ky in nice ahapetwthautnece tary buildings etc can OIl01 For full p3rttcalaritn regard to all the above farms sear or It n llughei at A James I hlteHtanfordKy J I I r IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Mrs H D Johnson of London Is deadlion W B Smith of Richmond was severely burned by his night robe catch Ing tiro Information of the death of Mrs Cal lie Smith at Fort Worth Tex has been received by Lancaster relatives- J T Cunningham died suddenly In his sons arms in the Q C railroad yards at Lexington after an attack ot apoplexyJohn aged 89 died at his home tn Boyle county Ho was a veteran of the Civil War and among the few our viving citizens who grow up with that countyWilliam Goode of Danville who had never walked a step spoken a word 01 heard sound in his life is dead For two years he had been blind Ho waa 67 years old Rufus Browder tho RusscllvHlo Ne- gro who was given a death sentence at Bowling Green was taken to Lexing- ton for safe keeping Tho soldiers who had guarded him during tho trial went with him Judge W C Dell In a decision render ed in tho Heath school book case in Mercer upholds tho right of Judge B F Roach to a fee of 6166 for recov ering a judgment of = 12133 against Heath Co for violation of tho con- tract with State to soul school books at a uniform price By a decision rendered in tho Circuit Court at Harrodaburg by Judge W C Den the city ordinance prohibiting the bringing into Harrodaburg of more than one gallon of whisky is null and void excepting when it is brought in tor the purpose of sale Tho decision was rendered in the cases of thb Corn ¬ monwealth against Cecil Dalloy charg ¬ ed with bringing into Burgin over ono gallon and the Commonwealth against Tom Turner charged with tho some of ¬ tense in which Judgo Boll sustained a demurrer to tho warrants and tho def- endants were discharged Under this decision ono can now bring as much li quor into a local option territory as they desire providing it is not brought for the purpose of sale IN MEMORIAM In memory of Louise Holmes Brady infant daughter of Mr nell Mrs L D Brady who died at Covington Feb 1 Darling baby you have loft us Two long weeks sins you have gone But I know you are safe in heaven Mingling with the happy throng God hath given God hath taken Tho it rends our hearts in twain But ho sends his frown upon us To give back his smiles again She has gono to wait your coming Smiling where the angels standI Lingering there at heavens gateway Thatsho first may clasp your hand AUNT BESSIE The Tennessee legislature is deter mined to clip tho wings of Gov Patter son by taking from him nearly over- power that tho office has heretofore carried with It Ills nntiprohibitloi ideas and his alleged ability to have stopped tho Carmack murder have made him unpopular with cranks Kentucky State Journal The unwritten law did not go in the case of the Columbus Miss planter who killed a man because ho claimed ha had betrayed his slaughter On the contrary the written law prevailed and ho was sentenced to life imprison ¬ ment The insanity racket was also worked without avail This is a grati- fying ¬ sign that juries oro coming to their senses Soldier Balks Death Plot It seemed to J A Stone a olVil war veteran of Kemp Tex that a plot existed between desperate lung trou ble nnd the grave to cause his death I contracted a stubborn cold he writes that developed a cough that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years My weight ran down to 13fl pounds Thon I began to Use Dr Kings Now Discovery which restored my health completely I now weigh 178 pounds For severe Colds ob Btlnato Coughs Hemorrhages Asth- ma and to prevent Pneumonia Its unrivaled COo and 1 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by Pennys Drug Store I wonder why that kid yells all the time Doyou suppose ho enjoys itT No I dont believe ho docs But he probably thinks it would be weakness to humor us by stopping at times II A tickling or dry cough can bo quickly loosened with Dr Shoops Cough Remedy No opium no ohloro ¬ form nothing Unsafe or harsh Sold by Pennys Drug Store William Stadelman aged 60 years dropped dead just as ho boarded a street car at Newport NEWS NOTES Unusual cold weather in Mexico has greatly damaged the cotton crop Two bodies were recovered from the ruins of the Wabash warehouse which burned In Chicago E A Temple founder and presiden of the Bankers Life Association orDes Moines Iowa died of heart failure nt Orlando Flo Tho Carroll county Fiscal Court has appropriated 500 toward erecting a Confederate monument in tho court house yard at Carrollton The Interstate Commerce Commis- sion has ruled that express companies can not be compelled to perform C 0 U II service for the liquor traffic The jury was finally made up in thi ease of Col D B Cooper Robin Coop co and John D Sharp at Nashville The hearing of testimony will begin to dayJ F McCarthy at Denver shot his wifo through the body fatally wound ing her then blew out his own brains The motive for McCarthys action Is not known Tho Board of Trustees of tho Midway Orphan School has decided to erect an other building to cost 30000 Fir destroyed the Orphans Home there a few months ago Figures just given out at Birming ham show that Alabama produced In January 148404 tons of pig iron against 146803 tons in December and 8603 tons in January of lost year Just as the Henry County Board of Health was about to announce that the county was free of Rrnallpox after deal ing with over 200 cases several cases developed near Bethlehem Casper L Simonds ason of the late United States Commissioner of Pat cnta William E Simonds was fount dead from accidental gas asphyxlatiot in his room at Hartford Conn Tho jury in the case of Rufus Brow del the Negro charged NIth tho mur del of James Cunningham a farmer or Logan county returned a verdict oi first degree murder and fixed the pen city at death At Jackson a formal call was issued for a great mass meeting of delegates from the 42 counties in Eastern Ken- t Jcky to gather there on Friday April 30 and take action to stop lawlessness In tho Eastern Kentucky mountains Six men lost their lives in a big lire at Milwaukee A falling wall caught five firemen and crushed out their lives and a laborer forced to rush through the flames to reach the open air died from the burns The property loss was about 250000 There are more convicts in the Ken tucky penitentiaries now than ever be fore in tho history of the Common- wealth the total number being 2035 which docs not include over 400 boys and girls that have been sentenced tc tho School of Reform Officers have captured a gang of K men at Palntsvillo Johnson county who it is charged have been systemat- ically robbing the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad there for months resulting ir heavy losses Many cars have beer broken open and their contents stolen At the ccnference in Hopkinsvillo be- tween General Manager Swing of the Dark Tobacco Planters Protective As sociation and the Christian county plant ors concessions were mado by which Christian county will bo allowed to sell tobacco loose in half million pound quantities I see you had n brand now joko in tbo last issue It cant be helped responded the magazine pbblishcr Unscrupulous contributors palm them off on us some- times ¬ II n Foleys Honey and Tar clears the air passages stops the irritation In tho throat Soothes tho Inflamed membranes awl the most obstinate sough disappears Sore and inflamed lungs arc healed and strengthened and tho cold is expelled from tho system Rofuso any but tho genuine in tho yel low package Now Stanford Drug Co Her folks were posted on that elope- ment Cant tell me What makes you think that 7- fine chugged up In an automobile and didnt alarm tho house Provcntics those Candy Cold Cure Tablets will safely and quickly check null colds and the Grip Trythera onco and See 14823c Sold by Penny s DrugStore- s Doeo a poet read much poetry No hes kept too busy looking over tho business chances anymalnitopped Dr Sboops Pink Pain Tablets Seo byPennys It A woman in Virginia Ilsulng her lusband for divorco after living with sum for 30 years N 4A R e HUSTON vTLLE Smith T Powell will go to Mt Sterl ing next week In quest of some good horsesRev Jones of Louisville will prone at tho Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening Emmet McCormack noting the scare ity of farm horses will go to CIncinna U this week to buy a carload Mr Shores of North Carolina who boughttho John Murphy farm has moved in and is preparing to farm ex tenaively Look out for frosts in May on thi corresponding dato upon which we have thunder storms Id February says an old inhabitant Tom Hunn of Columbia a formei citizen of the West End passed thro here Saturday with a large bunch of cattle for the Boyle county market Jumes Yowell Doc Drye John K Baughman A B C Dinwiddfe and Wm Dodd will bo among the crowd from here attending the horse sales at Lexington this week Thomas Gann sold a pair of four yearold mare mules tq Newman Pat ton for 475 Jamea Yowell bought n threeyearold gelding from James Wright for 200 and a horse and mule from G C Riffe for 287 Mrs T J Bohon will arrive home this week after an extended visit in the West D H Skinner arrived Sunday from Stonega Va where ho has beet sick for some sime Born to tho will of Hardin Mullins a 10pound girl Miss Arnola Engleman who has been visiting Mat Engleman and wife at ML Salem left Saturday for Kansas City Mo to visit her sister Mrs Zimmer man S D Yowell wife and son Les lie leave on the 17th for a visit to the Sunny South stopping a week in New Orleans for Mardi Gras Rifle Tucker shipped to Cincinnati Saturday ono car of fat hogs at 5 to 5Jc and some extra fine blackbutcher cat ¬ tie McCormack Myers Vaughn shipped a car of hogs at 5 to EJc and ono car of mixed cattle Coulter McCormack shipped a car of hogs at 4I to Gc and ono car of butcher cattle at 3J to 4c- George L Carpenter and mother nro spending tho winter at Hendersonville N C Mrs Wm Myers and Miss Ka ¬ tie Warrincr were called to Liberty Sunday on account of illness of rela- tives ¬ Mat Engleman spent Sunday with his mother in Danville Geo W Fryc who is living on the Myers farm in Casey is reported seriously ill with a complication of troubles Reports from the agricultural depart- ment ¬ at Washington show that Ken- tucky ¬ raised 376000000 pounds of to¬ bacco year before last this being more than half of the quantity raised in tho United States and one sixth of tho en tiro worlds production The prospects aro flattering for breaking the record this year and consumers over a great part of the world will continue to look to Kentucky for the weed The story of a dog returning to his Kentucky home from Tennessee recent- ly ¬ mentioncdjin several papers as a wonderful pales into insignificance when compared with this case Some years ago F At Yowell sold a band of Gypsies going South a rcgueish here The horse was recognized some months later in Barnwell S C by Uriah Dunn who asked and was told by the Gypsies where they got liliu They sold him in that vicinity and several months later the horse showed up at Mr Yow ells place here The Secret of Long Life A French scientist has discovered ono secret of long lifo ills method deals with tho blood But long ago millions of Americans had proved Electric Bitters prolongs llfoj and makes It worth living It purifies en- riches ¬ and vitalizes tho blood reb- uilds wasted nervo tells Imparts life and tono to the entire system Its a godsend to weak sick and debilitated people Kidney troublo had blighted my lIfo for months writes W M Sherman of Gushing Mo butElec trio Bitters cured mo entirely Only 50c at Pennys Drug Store- IlushandI 1 suppose you realize that was puro luxury Why then did you buy ItT You must have known that we couldnt afford it Wife Of course I did But you see my dear if it had been necessary we would have had to get it anywa- yHexamethylenetetramine Lifo n The above Is tho name of a German chemical which Is CIne of tho many valuable Ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬ lay Remedy Hexametbylonetetra nine Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a Curio acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foleys Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice say irregularities and avoid a serious malady New Stan ¬ ford DrugCo If e I Official Vote Lincoln Co Primary 909I PRECINCTS CoAtty COal Sheriff Jaila Attuof Coronrt tll Stanford No1 14 51 551115 2 931114 ci221W I I l14 31 14 3 6511 i6 Stanford No2 12 33 56 7 2 1111 26 45 17 4 691 14 Stsnford No3 121 27122 81 159 I 3 13 88 3 33 63 61 18 Stenford No4 84 3t69135 14 7654 4Z44 4 7 3 9 71111 IJ 15 4 45113 Crab Orchard 1121 4l 4l 97 3 12 3 13 13 13 II I 72 31 520 54128HutourilleNol Hiutonville No 2 5 116109 2 110 71 23 11 2113 8 2I 3 4336 35119WyneburgNo 114 47 4 6 4143104 11 29 2 3 14 63 34 4 5 34 14 12- J WayneburgNo3 57 4913519 4q 5l58 101 18 34 46 5 4139 2 3t 1419 Mioritiei 420 173 14 523 216 81 J Ward Moore was elected raagiitntc in the Gab Orchard dittrict over L K Welt Moore 143 Well 117 J 1 Helm Sr wu elated magittrale in the Hustonrflle district over W M Duddau and Zora P Smith Helm 225 Smith 158 Duddetar 146 ToilorNode Clothing t You will find 500 samples on our counters from which you can makea selection for a TailorMade Suit We have the latest styles and patterns Sat ¬ isfaction guaranteed No fit no sale I J Cummins Wearer STANFORD KENTUCKY EIEOTRIC RANGES The Range to buyn full saver a moneymaker the boat baker A line of select from and wo vill opnreciate a c- allQEORdE H I FARRIS Stanford Ir- i 1 1

Y fTERI0P JOURNAL - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bt26h/data/0066.pdf · fTERI0P JOURNAL r-Y r 1 r 1 I fOLe XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1909 NO 99 II OTTENHEIM

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Page 1: Y fTERI0P JOURNAL - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bt26h/data/0066.pdf · fTERI0P JOURNAL r-Y r 1 r 1 I fOLe XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1909 NO 99 II OTTENHEIM




1 r1


Andy Adams bought a horso from

Richard Young for 70

W II Anderson Pettun and Elmer

Adams start for Kansas this week-

J D Morgan has tho contract to

get out timber for four tobacco barns

John Hays and Mrs Molllo Turnbullwore made ono at Eld John LongsThursday

ph Pennington of Stanford has

rented a farm near this place and will

put In about 20 acres of tobaccoW D Wallln boasts of having an

educated horse While canvassing tho

county be got so he could toll a demo

itrat from a republican just as soon ne-

he met him

The White House has got to go

It Is tho Executive Mansion under


Washington Once Gave Up

to three doctors was kept In bed forQvo weeks Blood poison from Mpld

ors bite caused large deep sores to

cotcr his leg The doctors failed then

Bucklena Arnica Salvo completely

cured mo writes John Washingtonof Bosquet lllo Tex For cpowa boltsburns and piles Iw supreme 2So atPennys Drug Store

When filthy lucre Is cleaned up

It doth becomeAs people ken instanter then

A tidy sum

Pneumonia Follows LaGrlppoPneumonia often follows la grippe

but never follows tub uw of FcJcysHoney and Tar for la grlpjlo coughs

and deep seated colds Refuse any

but the genuine in the yellow packageI New Stanford Drug C-

oCommissioners Sale I

HoyU Circuit Court

1 V M IIIIJI AilmlnlitPdtor JtnlntllT vsJnntew hill

lUnnn In oindgtn0nt uf aalsherein rendtml the term ltsloftheIfoyle

t OUtt11w umllInlld OOllllnllllun


AtorelautlbeIourotlol look r n Inthe Inndt lien

lnhllaIIIll1nwIIIIhest 11 tdtirrllwd hlulto tons

certain tract of Inuit eituoted In InIof ttrntueky on thecoinrn countHtnte <llnthevlllhltfluf lrnchroad l wilnu from

lwnratrrtothsbUrobNrand coiultilnRnf s dwelling house and touttAiereeofLend na Ixtnu norol1ArtlrUIIIIly bounded follows Io wlt-

rltrglnnloglnthecxnterof the turnpikeihenw new IInll repini6tpoies-to II to JH Uuv tirrnoa withlint 0iMlluI14lfitydegrrta4e lalcsto

o In CountywilW

thnc withWla74 we H

w ci1rratdrgrerss1s IIIro polesIont1K111-

in County road corner to o

with IUtu of church lo 111iI1 dl-

I eE7 uIeNbi7 tloarrvsSV77pott-ingrt

rntor thunco with cenpr of pIkernI drRrroJ1 SW ICft oihetxuwniitnannflU poln contlninnsonoi iM1t11111ti cMtUtt C JtMi Hutehlni by dped of rword In the Ltncoin County Court Clrrlt ontc

Hnld real cttnto and improvements will bencnMlt of nun nwholel noul n

i mnntbtequnl pnrnronta for which landswill be given pxyablo to the Uommii ionerUnrlnR InUret dnte of snlo until ie 1-1atlhernteufeper cent Ir nrnmut withnpprovrd nocurlly to btOIIpru1

pnll n d bonds totafornianduneclofn UdRlllellcnd torftnln iv lien on I sold

Jho nmount to bo by this sale II ovUmatod m IKI IncludIng route the um of



Boyle Circuit CourtOOIIVUUY Attorney

Central rfentuckv

Real Estate txhange



6roolllon the WnynelhurICJlk

croulbulldingsnlcnorchnrd Thliproporhousu Isty It near ebllrcu

worth IblllrICI 1-

lahnnlmllll tiof twuitory

on 110 KIIo rondohn111015 good Imrnurehnnl and Is well wntvr

4 ednbout lXlnortl of this land Is buttoni Inuit and produce Itue Crops A burgnlnirt-

JIVO H cas1i In one and two years

No lt118 pcrll Wnyoutneshurgi rooll1 house0ahoilier Jbulldlnm plenty


NO 4108 horci near Level Green Hocka cnitlooountrKy Thus farm has n new 8

r story fmine IUIUI1 would cost to build nowI good barn Crlb to located IIIIIr

church and school This U n nice homo nndM for HO jHf acre VI cuih ru

mnlndorlnUmonlhie No 6188 acres adjoining tho nbove furmi100 acres lnouUlvutlon oloolll i

nlco orSlmrd onoofiuelMMUiirlngiJnthe coun ¬

ty rice JJrAI half calb j and ryears

No 6gl aor dj61nlhg farms Mo 4 andQ ISO acres In OlltlIIlon bulnnco In tlmlx r < 1 white oak hickory and some tinecetlir IImSatory1oghueund orohant woll jLIA-

No7YSArtgros nonr JlnreUburu KylfiCincres In pond dwelling houseborn and necesatry rhre waterand school church IrJllt HISIlUon PricefJUOi K cab b lnnro in ono und two years

Noetliacres nonrOonwny Ky nearlynil of thta tonal Is tottout lam Ohio far cornnnd inendow vory BooddwelllnebRrn and other bulidlngi on county rowemiles from lloroa Uotlcgo Uaih price ti-


on Drnkoj Greek s milesfrom Urnb Orchard This fnrta adjoint thepike nnd Impart of tho fleo lvwus farmThla lsllne laud and III good condition allnpcennry buildings This ti a bargain > tO per acreNo 81anford Ky in

nice ahapetwthautnece tary buildings etccan OIl01

For full p3rttcalaritn regard to all theabove farms sear or It n llughei at

A James I hlteHtanfordKy



I r


Mrs H D Johnson of London Is

deadlionW B Smith of Richmond was

severely burned by his night robe catchIng tiro

Information of the death of Mrs Callie Smith at Fort Worth Tex hasbeen received by Lancaster relatives-

J T Cunningham died suddenly Inhis sons arms in the Q C railroadyards at Lexington after an attack ot

apoplexyJohnaged 89 died at his home

tn Boyle county Ho was a veteran ofthe Civil War and among the few ourviving citizens who grow up with that

countyWilliamGoode of Danville who had

never walked a step spoken a word 01heard sound in his life is dead Fortwo years he had been blind Ho waa

67 years oldRufus Browder tho RusscllvHlo Ne-

gro who was given a death sentence atBowling Green was taken to Lexing-

ton for safe keeping Tho soldiers whohad guarded him during tho trial wentwith him

Judge W C Dell In a decision rendered in tho Heath school book case in

Mercer upholds tho right of Judge BF Roach to a fee of 6166 for recovering a judgment of = 12133 againstHeath Co for violation of tho con-

tract with State to soul school books ata uniform price

By a decision rendered in tho CircuitCourt at Harrodaburg by Judge W CDen the city ordinance prohibiting thebringing into Harrodaburg of morethan one gallon of whisky is null andvoid excepting when it is brought intor the purpose of sale Tho decisionwas rendered in the cases of thb Corn ¬

monwealth against Cecil Dalloy charg ¬

ed with bringing into Burgin over onogallon and the Commonwealth againstTom Turner charged with tho some of¬

tense in which Judgo Boll sustained ademurrer to tho warrants and tho def-

endants were discharged Under thisdecision ono can now bring as much li

quor into a local option territory asthey desire providing it is not broughtfor the purpose of sale


In memory of Louise Holmes Bradyinfant daughter of Mr nell Mrs L DBrady who died at Covington Feb 1

Darling baby you have loft usTwo long weeks sins you have gone

But I know you are safe in heavenMingling with the happy throng

God hath given God hath takenTho it rends our hearts in twain

But ho sends his frown upon usTo give back his smiles again

She has gono to wait your comingSmiling where the angels standI

Lingering there at heavens gatewayThatsho first may clasp your hand


The Tennessee legislature is determined to clip tho wings of Gov Patterson by taking from him nearly over-power that tho office has heretoforecarried with It Ills nntiprohibitloiideas and his alleged ability to havestopped tho Carmack murder havemade him unpopular with cranksKentucky State Journal

The unwritten law did not go in thecase of the Columbus Miss planterwho killed a man because ho claimed hahad betrayed his slaughter On thecontrary the written law prevailedand ho was sentenced to life imprison ¬

ment The insanity racket was alsoworked without avail This is a grati-fying


sign that juries oro coming to

their senses

Soldier Balks Death PlotIt seemed to J A Stone a olVil war

veteran of Kemp Tex that a plotexisted between desperate lung trouble nnd the grave to cause his death

I contracted a stubborn cold hewrites that developed a cough thatstuck to me in spite of all remediesfor years My weight ran down to 13fl

pounds Thon I began to Use DrKings Now Discovery which restoredmy health completely I now weigh178 pounds For severe Colds obBtlnato Coughs Hemorrhages Asth-ma and to prevent Pneumonia Itsunrivaled COo and 1 Trial bottlefree Guaranteed by Pennys DrugStore

I wonder why that kid yells all thetime Doyou suppose ho enjoys itT

No I dont believe ho docs But heprobably thinks it would be weaknessto humor us by stopping at times II

A tickling or dry cough can boquickly loosened with Dr ShoopsCough Remedy No opium no ohloro ¬

form nothing Unsafe or harsh Soldby Pennys Drug Store

William Stadelman aged 60 yearsdropped dead just as ho boarded astreet car at Newport


Unusual cold weather in Mexico hasgreatly damaged the cotton crop

Two bodies were recovered from theruins of the Wabash warehouse whichburned In Chicago

E A Temple founder and presidenof the Bankers Life Association orDesMoines Iowa died of heart failure ntOrlando Flo

Tho Carroll county Fiscal Court hasappropriated 500 toward erecting aConfederate monument in tho courthouse yard at Carrollton

The Interstate Commerce Commis-sion has ruled that express companiescan not be compelled to perform C

0 U II service for the liquor trafficThe jury was finally made up in thi

ease of Col D B Cooper Robin Coopco and John D Sharp at NashvilleThe hearing of testimony will begin to

dayJF McCarthy at Denver shot his

wifo through the body fatally wounding her then blew out his own brainsThe motive for McCarthys action Is

not knownTho Board of Trustees of tho Midway

Orphan School has decided to erect another building to cost 30000 Firdestroyed the Orphans Home there afew months ago

Figures just given out at Birmingham show that Alabama produced InJanuary 148404 tons of pig iron against146803 tons in December and 8603tons in January of lost year

Just as the Henry County Board ofHealth was about to announce that thecounty was free of Rrnallpox after dealing with over 200 cases several casesdeveloped near Bethlehem

Casper L Simonds ason of the lateUnited States Commissioner of Patcnta William E Simonds was fountdead from accidental gas asphyxlatiotin his room at Hartford Conn

Tho jury in the case of Rufus Browdel the Negro charged NIth tho murdel of James Cunningham a farmer orLogan county returned a verdict oifirst degree murder and fixed the pencity at death

At Jackson a formal call was issuedfor a great mass meeting of delegatesfrom the 42 counties in Eastern Ken-

t Jcky to gather there on Friday April30 and take action to stop lawlessnessIn tho Eastern Kentucky mountains

Six men lost their lives in a big lireat Milwaukee A falling wall caughtfive firemen and crushed out their livesand a laborer forced to rush throughthe flames to reach the open air diedfrom the burns The property loss wasabout 250000

There are more convicts in the Kentucky penitentiaries now than ever before in tho history of the Common-wealth the total number being 2035which docs not include over 400 boysand girls that have been sentenced tctho School of Reform

Officers have captured a gang of Kmen at Palntsvillo Johnson countywho it is charged have been systemat-ically robbing the Chesapeake and Ohiorailroad there for months resulting irheavy losses Many cars have beerbroken open and their contents stolen

At the ccnference in Hopkinsvillo be-

tween General Manager Swing of theDark Tobacco Planters Protective Association and the Christian county plantors concessions were mado by whichChristian county will bo allowed to selltobacco loose in half million poundquantities

I see you had n brand now joko intbo last issue

It cant be helped responded themagazine pbblishcr Unscrupulouscontributors palm them off on us some-times



nFoleys Honey and Tar clears the

air passages stops the irritation Intho throat Soothes tho Inflamedmembranes awl the most obstinatesough disappears Sore and inflamedlungs arc healed and strengthened andtho cold is expelled from tho systemRofuso any but tho genuine in tho yellow package Now Stanford Drug Co

Her folks were posted on that elope-ment Cant tell me

What makes you think that 7-

fine chugged up In an automobileand didnt alarm tho house

Provcntics those Candy Cold CureTablets will safely and quickly checknull colds and the Grip Trythera

onco and See 14823c Sold by Penny sDrugStore-

sDoeo a poet read much poetryNo hes kept too busy looking over

tho business chances

anymalnitoppedDr Sboops Pink Pain Tablets SeobyPennys


A woman in Virginia Ilsulng herlusband for divorco after living withsum for 30 years

N 4A R



Smith T Powell will go to Mt Sterling next week In quest of some good

horsesRevJones of Louisville will prone

at tho Baptist church next Sundaymorning and evening

Emmet McCormack noting the scareity of farm horses will go to CIncinnaU this week to buy a carload

Mr Shores of North Carolina whoboughttho John Murphy farm hasmoved in and is preparing to farm extenaively

Look out for frosts in May on thicorresponding dato upon which we havethunder storms Id February says anold inhabitant

Tom Hunn of Columbia a formeicitizen of the West End passed throhere Saturday with a large bunch ofcattle for the Boyle county market

Jumes Yowell Doc Drye John KBaughman A B C Dinwiddfe andWm Dodd will bo among the crowdfrom here attending the horse sales atLexington this week

Thomas Gann sold a pair of fouryearold mare mules tq Newman Patton for 475 Jamea Yowell bought nthreeyearold gelding from JamesWright for 200 and a horse and mulefrom G C Riffe for 287

Mrs T J Bohon will arrive homethis week after an extended visit in theWest D H Skinner arrived Sundayfrom Stonega Va where ho has beetsick for some sime Born to tho willof Hardin Mullins a 10pound girl

Miss Arnola Engleman who has beenvisiting Mat Engleman and wife at MLSalem left Saturday for Kansas CityMo to visit her sister Mrs Zimmerman S D Yowell wife and son Leslie leave on the 17th for a visit to theSunny South stopping a week in NewOrleans for Mardi Gras

Rifle Tucker shipped to CincinnatiSaturday ono car of fat hogs at 5 to 5Jcand some extra fine blackbutcher cat¬

tie McCormack Myers Vaughnshipped a car of hogs at 5 to EJc andono car of mixed cattle CoulterMcCormack shipped a car of hogs at4I to Gc and ono car of butcher cattleat 3J to 4c-

George L Carpenter and mother nrospending tho winter at HendersonvilleN C Mrs Wm Myers and Miss Ka¬

tie Warrincr were called to LibertySunday on account of illness of rela-


Mat Engleman spent Sundaywith his mother in Danville Geo WFryc who is living on the Myers farmin Casey is reported seriously ill witha complication of troubles

Reports from the agricultural depart-ment


at Washington show that Ken-


raised 376000000 pounds of to¬

bacco year before last this being morethan half of the quantity raised in thoUnited States and one sixth of tho entiro worlds production The prospectsaro flattering for breaking the recordthis year and consumers over a greatpart of the world will continue to lookto Kentucky for the weed

The story of a dog returning to hisKentucky home from Tennessee recent-ly


mentioncdjin several papers as awonderful pales into insignificancewhen compared with this case Someyears ago F At Yowell sold a band ofGypsies going South a rcgueish hereThe horse was recognized some monthslater in Barnwell S C by UriahDunn who asked and was told by theGypsies where they got liliu They soldhim in that vicinity and several monthslater the horse showed up at Mr Yow

ells place here

The Secret of Long LifeA French scientist has discovered

ono secret of long lifo ills methoddeals with tho blood But long agomillions of Americans had provedElectric Bitters prolongs llfoj andmakes It worth living It purifies en-


and vitalizes tho blood reb-

uilds wasted nervo tells Imparts lifeand tono to the entire system Its agodsend to weak sick and debilitatedpeople Kidney troublo had blightedmy lIfo for months writes W M

Sherman of Gushing Mo butElectrio Bitters cured mo entirely Only50c at Pennys Drug Store-


suppose you realize thatwas puro luxury Why then did you

buy ItT You must have known that wecouldnt afford it

Wife Of course I did But you seemy dear if it had been necessary wewould have had to get it anywa-



The above Is tho name of a Germanchemical which Is CIne of tho manyvaluable Ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬

lay Remedy Hexametbylonetetranine Is recognized by medical textbooks and authorities as a Curio acidsolvent and antiseptic for the urineTake Foleys Kidney Remedy as soonas you notice say irregularities andavoid a serious malady New Stan ¬

ford DrugCo



I Official Vote Lincoln Co Primary 909IPRECINCTS

CoAtty COal Sheriff Jaila Attuof Coronrt tll

Stanford No1 14 51 551115 2 931114 ci221W I I l14 31 14 3 6511 i6Stanford No2 12 33 56 7 2 1111 26 45 17 4 691 14Stsnford No3 121 27122 81 159 I 3 13 88 3 33 63 61 18Stenford No4 84 3t69135 14 7654 4Z44 4 7 3 9 71111 IJ 15 4 45113Crab Orchard 1121 4l 4l 97 3 12 3 13 13 13 II I 72 31 52054128HutourilleNolHiutonville No 2 5 116109 2 110 71 23 11 2113 8 2I 3 433635119WyneburgNo

114 47 4 6 4143104 11 29 2 3 14 63 34 4 5 34 14 12-


57 4913519 4q 5l58 101 18 34 46 5 4139 2 3t 1419

Mioritiei 420 173 14 523 216 81

J Ward Moore was elected raagiitntc in the Gab Orchard dittrict over L K Welt Moore143 Well 117

J 1 Helm Sr wu elated magittrale in the Hustonrflle district over W M Duddau and

Zora P Smith Helm 225 Smith 158 Duddetar 146

ToilorNode Clothingt

You will find 500 samples on our countersfrom which you can makea

selection for a

TailorMade SuitWe have the latest styles and patterns Sat¬

isfaction guaranteed No fit no saleI



EIEOTRIC RANGES The Range to buyn full saver a moneymakerthe boat baker A line of select from and wo vill opnreciate a c-allQEORdE H I FARRIS Stanford

