mmi. Y @ ~ ~ e1ejrn3a m ~ ~ ~ & ~ ~ & d ~&m303s;o -am2 mgd a&@Icr1q3da mrgm" e3rttt-e, am30am msdbo"' 6n~ldrnJrJ1~0~as 'Comedy of Errors' am, &pnIed @&34m,l6)e~ ~moq gd ny)m'id d&j@Id cmacuja~&moWlmm gmz~nd ma,-p-G (1838-'80) ~ 3 0 3 ~ 1 ~ w~nnlnm dcuammmmlcK. 1866 ma0 md ammW M X ~am myd6b~smrsilmti sod mdcnano ad&^ 1-1 c w ~ 1 ~ . 2.1:~ smj n~~wn~~l&m&d ne)m mle~der~o ~nlann8rru"rnmsmlam~m" 'rrllefl c@mm3na'. oa@wW3 m l m ~ idmlrw?dt,ml~@&m d d m anoar6 am, am ram14 ~cxu%,.m3cnnm~crn~, 1865 m~m& sorj,cm. ~63- a6bUoommi &ml& mojo ,dkmIs~ onc3erImY &~m%6mo~mo~mjm, j.m"@Im,j. imn3snfianj moq elm3milm~m m3& maau"4~o &~cajd ~)~x)~JJo qs1 (mgmo~lg Western Star am,

Y@~~ am, ad&^ anoar6 am, - INFLIBNETshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/7648/6/06... · 2015-12-04 · "There are several typographical errors besides dlvers other short comings

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Page 1: Y@~~ am, ad&^ anoar6 am, - INFLIBNETshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/7648/6/06... · 2015-12-04 · "There are several typographical errors besides dlvers other short comings

mmi. Y @ ~ ~ e1ejrn3a m ~ ~ ~ & ~ ~ & d ~ & m 3 0 3 s ; o -am2 mgd a&@Icr1q3da

mrgm" e3rttt-e, a m 3 0 a m msdbo"' 6n~ldrnJrJ1~0~as 'Comedy of Errors' am, &pnIed @&34m,l6)e~ ~ m o q gd ny)m'id d & j @ I d cmacuja~&moWlmm

gmz~nd m a , - p - G (1838-'80) ~ 3 0 3 ~ 1 ~ w~nnlnm dcuammmmlcK. 1866 ma0

m d a m m W M X ~ a m myd6b~smrsilmti sod mdcnano ad&^ 1-1 c w ~ 1 ~ .

2 . 1 : ~ s m j n ~ ~ w n ~ ~ l & m & d ne)m mle~der~o ~nlann8rru"rnmsmlam~m" 'rrllefl

c@mm3na'. oa@wW3 m l m ~ idmlrw?dt,ml~@&m d d m anoar6 am, a m

ram14 ~cxu%,.m3cnnm~crn~, 1865 m~m& sorj,cm. ~ 6 3 - a6bUoommi &ml&

m o j o ,dkmIs~ onc3erImY &~m%6mo~mo~mjm, j.m"@Im,j. imn3snfianj m o q

elm3milm~m m3& maau"4~o &~cajd ~ ) ~ x ) ~ J J o q s 1 ( m g m o ~ l g Western Star am,

Page 2: Y@~~ am, ad&^ anoar6 am, - INFLIBNETshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/7648/6/06... · 2015-12-04 · "There are several typographical errors besides dlvers other short comings
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2:1:5. omo&~ml6)~?1 ~ ~ a d n 8 q m aj3d3mlA ny)glnuo&rnld acaj d m , p

yasmjm3aSIcajmj. &j&3can8 mcalgmlomcmmjsdcm" m~mmi rna-sop3mlcalm3d

2~x2dd ~lnu3m'rnl& c d m ~ I mnn3mmlu. dim?< mmw3@jos eoca~ og)aleJwwj~

mrulosowml. m a & 9ca5 ~ d m d l d . mmj moon mwcajos cmasjcmmjm3axi

c a l m , amj m3wj m"(m1wjo 20s i d m d g . cmaa@jos mldwrn3armoclllld mda j

cnn3ml &j$&o@ 23add d w d m j W36ml; egqm3wl cl~@dcmml. dhjoom3ao

&9IM mo~~ca9/30 &jsl o m o & ~ n U l o e ~ ~ j o'I@Io& &c$IM~ W3cm mlcalg~.

&?pdeym m o e d d w3im)d36)3om~m dml. ny)mldlw, acaj m & d , am2 aawm3

(bnd ny)mlnxa mjce6)JmJ6)s m m m 6k6,mj md3&q& o@g!fwdrrll-m ny)m

2 3 a d r n j o mgj mjodca~o a q dhwol cawo& omo3dh~nulajammmil.

~ ~ a w l a r n ~ ~ s 3 ~ m ~ m 3 d c a j m m & d d m l 6 ) r n ~ ~ o~wm3wad3d e&nnjnujnnp-ml

ornwjo rn&so~aom a m s l ~ m l . 9 9 a w l d ag0jjmjo mcsrn~&smmlrnj

mjrnlmj. mod o&3gj0 &om1 mao& ng)onon~~wl6)er~. mall6)s mcln&aml

&&. m3ajm?u,l e104gdd mano@ dsI&~sl. (ro~mjca~82jm~(~rn3wmlrn3(ad

Page 4: Y@~~ am, ad&^ anoar6 am, - INFLIBNETshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/7648/6/06... · 2015-12-04 · "There are several typographical errors besides dlvers other short comings
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cwpsa O~~U)WUP)~SCW O~WUJTUGW~ wcm gUcs~o5cwmenQm gIJUWmWCW oscw

Ecw m-7 vscw Scm npcwsFq~~Yw a.umww90 mcw?(961~~

ptiZSG wwcwm wcwYscw(9 @ruwm otwpm w(4u f~fwpwQm pwmw pmp,~'(pwo &cs~wcF;s~~p wmG pt%w owta~ vscw scaram .LL:L:Z

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2:i:t.i. iggzer3m" 91. ml rma~~marmam3rr8 nu~cnlnnaom~w~ n y ) o nu0cn7m

m 3 s h oy)qjmWrni. o&m@c-udma aeflwada3dmnnrm~m3onjl m3&jm@o mdse mlmd

r r q d r n m m h @ a j o cruonercujo m m ~ l m ~ m &~ermml6.'""c8&m~dmo

mena o&cmfkmqrnm issz& a & w l a m&+leJjo mmd N@

cc&neb &@lsrmq caommxmmrn" mfmp33d r n 3 m 3 a u s m ~ W ~ r n j ~ 40%

0aav3g3 rns&nvdgr7v&& msmld e3twla~0 clroa~md'? cwdna. %il mehad@

w-5 o&m@o&ma~(ms,~#s e ~ & r n 7 m c o n n l m ~ ~mml+dm" w d m ~ o m o o

men-I & m ~ m m ~ ~ a 3 c m ~ m ~ r n ~ ~ m l g mj C m c a ~ j d -

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:www ,klJ?v (ti25 plJDw

rucwpru? bcs~crucuScPuTvcan Scruruxwsm ,puotay;SF"ucscsEPfipmcw wcqwru mtw-w?

cuscwpmwmc~, uut9ylmcrucmc~, p1wocw~tq.o .Tuut@+? ppw o?w ,,

m1Qn uumcswswceus8 p~mru Twcnncs~w?~ FP~W-WLQFJ ~otw~w gnwtru~~~tv mp

E~aono otmvcSpih EB?m~wE~wvucw pmvPwhu OWQ~~QPC~LC~~CCW #mo .L(P,

?&e~oTw twv ~MDW ww~8~S ~cwe~(~~~)?SF;(stSrue twa oceurnu 'pLuucwa

LW QU9k3 2881 -QDlWWl3 WCWrUQJB '~~I~wL@~L~(ww? SQnmusW LmCB

@umscsc~ra t'muo~pi- setm'6~~cwcm ~(~l,wera~cPv~m S@to~)csru ow?ollm so^ ww?m

orus@ ssor .twp~cs mrapw a,~wrua w(4u ot3uwPwcaocravcs m@3w3 4(pu?wcm

w-1~~ ~WVL~CW WCWP~~C((PX)~TU ~pmaa~a wreel .ZZ:L:Z

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"There are several typographical errors besides dlvers other short comings

in the publication by instalments of the work In this Journal. It Is my intention

to publish, if possible a separate edition with certain corrections and modlfl-

cation. adding also explanatory notes where they are deemed necessary

and dedicating the whole work to hls most Graclous and Royal Highness Srl.

Rama Varrna ";"

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2:~:s. go(n7&a@ m l o n ~ s g daleoaabd - (oadn\3dauQ cmdarndbd)

1866 - 1. m @ & m 3 0 o ~ (Comedy of Errors). TWJ. ,xi. - &~ljid g2mn8 d e l l o g o d

1888 - 2. o . ~ ~ ~ P J ~ ~ ~ ~ o c u ~ o (The Merchant of Venice), d. ailnn. - odrm&rn3m&


1893 - 3. 20Qd3(a(1lcD7036m1 (Much Ad0 About Nothing) - Q&.

4. daud m3s&0 (King Lear) - 0la13d mnnnjd, ng). acnocLnco?;ll@

1894 - 5. &&nnm'lnem& (The Taming of the Shrew), mn. d. - ~m'lm8 rzlOj(n"lnu'

m 3 4 s

6 mj- aFldLDCZL3 6keasj~ficiJ (TheTempest) - ~ a c c m f t w 8 @@SO

1896 - 7. d30P.lg (Hamlet) - Q&3. &A. c D ~ l l l J ~ 1 3 d

8. @U30Q3 (omello). I. 11


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1902 - 9. o(urn7~~eJ m~3n13m3 (The Merchant of Venlce) - ng). a'W3dm$!Z@

1905 - 10. m3&aummj (Mac Beth) - ?,

11. m~cudam (A Mid Summer - Night's Dream) - td.d. m36Tqd?@@

1907 - 12. CU~CTUCIF~&~~I&O (A Mid Summer - Night's Dreams) - d ~ m m m

~ ~ i h ~ ~ m ~ l l 3 m ~ a

13. 63mag43 (Othello) - a. a m 3 d m $ m

1909 - 14.6)mmImj mm?epj dm1 (The Merchant of Venice) - 5 ~ 2 3 ~ r u d (73rad0JPJ)pEbGd

1910 - 15. &%erg' (Hamlet) - ng). 5cn3dcn$@

2:2:4. O U J ~ ~ C ~ ) O ~ S & G ~ I ~ &

1884 - I. d~mrnld rde13cruo - mil. d. r n 3 r n d d l ~ ( m r * ~ ~ b o c l o ? r n ~ ) .

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39. m n m n d e n n u ~ - mil. d. m 3 m d d @ (macd&omlm~)

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2:3:6. crulmQiie~S 6j~rnmle~~m~cQIlmlm~m m.Yamo~)mmoo cswdonls~mmi)

mmmm?nsa csddm3m3a~csrn3 mcud c~~cse~3dlmbm~. mnn" ny)@j@gj

InmmM! m l o m " aa&c%mm3cQIl @do" mlmow mm@l6)6,~& ny)o hnod

m~d$ipxaY. w k i ~ ~ 7 n o 1 d clnmwlmim3a~0 m m m d mc~mmocn,~~ aw&omspnT

m I m m ' 1 . c m y ~ ~ m m ng)mmi m m o q &b6mJhnS~mmw~. &mjmo@Q3o

mawmom o m l d m 3 d mlm~moml~ mrudom3g0 m n n 3 d w o a $ l ~ o ~ & o ~ 0 & J S ~

mi. m w d , m & d rnomldmjo mmjdmm~orn3mrdi mclcnnldm3 pomnnmld dm~oml

Loom wu)'!&momm~o m c ; l & m s j . m x ~ ~ m d , culn~dsx&md, m o m d oy)mla

amammi ~~csi~&clnrnammIcs~ol ~ m ~ ~ m l ~ m ~ ~ m r n n m n l a a m ~ wc~innwod. milmmli&

m l m l d n j w 3 d ng)g)3mcaldmlm~0 m o m ~ m l m i m w d m3nnnlcajmcr8 d o l a .

m~mjcamd, anwlrunnn8 arm7 m~mlmI&jcm~ca~os moeor4lsm~m3 mlml &3mj

omgw r u ~ " w 3 d . mlmim~caocn&rndd co9mwdi~md mmomcr3mJ0 a q md3wl

m3cQIl ny)mnnld m~wmrnj a & ~ n ~ m ~ r n 3 & ~ m ~ .

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aech pcw?aw?w omov wcrmw sefmruem n,lww'tqlwcce, wcsmca qru~is seP&

~wwo .@cru-w rpmclu pw~w m%wm punsTwanPv wwcw pcmmm) oTcq,uocaacw

aeruwcwe pw!m vpp.xw .,wsccmw?mut'w ~moowrc pcmmcacwLnu .91:c:z

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:PuuQJ9oru weEJR9s guw


Pan, aewrucncs Pe,e ~~~wgcu~m~ruspwP~)~w ,mwPuuW COCPOD p~Sm swP~cww

scwcusacmchu owcucPicwac%a racsLwwscw .PwPw~a~ElF;~smow otaae

5~ ptrucmw Pa8 cmcwwPm~~wPlol pcSwe ~WIUDWW~EJL~ ~PuuruP~cwo

CWPSTU Pmcw Skewana~ru encFY.'ouru ~mcru3 Pw~aocatm p~3cw wPsem .-cuscm

0.37 mcraanraw gmEruefu@ owscw Pw~wwaPe,~w L~FL~w~ve .LZ:E:Z

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rn&o m q n l ~ m 3 n n ~ rn3s&mm,laq ddln3&w3ammj onn3m3d maon ammj

~ J O . rI3S&o nljomm,lomlwnnIq dm3aer mil. dl. cmaq,janamcsmod 9 m 3 m j 0

q m l m 3 6 r n l ~ ~ m a m 4 9 j d -

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-@we pwa cmemLwpPcs owmno mcs mccmmtru~~wct%m

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~CUSC~WF~ m~ikuPEl,s~ru ouen~cmo8uucu gmrs

cwm oramw?mm ppraw uumcsspscw ~Pcsfgmcnkuw gmam-w~wtmcnu .PL

Pw~rucmnu owscw (ofwcruccucuv) secmawmrupcrul W@J ooulss~wc~ Pscrvapem

omvnuc@wwcrao "wp~w ~nwwcana ~cuccn nocmaF3ruru~an .oo~,~Pwcno.~Puz

Pmv P~uurue?.ElspPnu oapwnu ?mcmeweurtsS ~~PrruwL~Fcw~9 g~~cwciy.3wi.

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,,;tru~c~cs ?uwcs~wcw pcmmprww

crow f-wefwuuueT+~w

o?mcrucogouascuta uufacrus Twpqcw

wrus f~~esw guw7LrUw ommcw,,

(1 : 1) Sean, jpcmc~csfw ccmwsTww gus3mcww

?acmIDl~uu~6wocn,oF' Twtv W;lWw


ofuubawcwmw ocmuwacmrwcu,?F

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~pwPw~m~wPscwe imcmCw

crouvcuv pcmwrvruavrarw .?uu?w~an@m uuw o?uumeurucmnu~w~ wRmewscw

~cslws@w8'pfw~wc~ere, omonoc~ia ~cwcve?mw TuuW Sevcw

wan ~Ywpcce, ia2a?scwwscw o?m@E3i3 scs?acmmtm .oTws~w?moce, WLWWW

ofcm!&ev-?a O~O~~~~)C(~~PWCTU Tow o?m~wW 4U~mcmw> mcmCmccn~ offiqp

.p?mfmronucuyw 8w 'tuutc3qaL5b16,~(9 ocwuccno wlwv-pan @m o?~ruYexu-crucw

~~~~w~?~cws~~uu~w 0?~~~~D~iaP @~X!~VWCLU 'aWCOQ)UVCWDO 0c9@ RUUP

rucu ~cs~omcmwulw guscu, uumJ FLSErue ,F1sEruc9 gucro?s~m ul3lrJ&Up

ruuv oPwc(plg EcwopuSe~ue,, ~pcmwcsm~ ocncvwcnuruem besz wc%o uu?(se

iwrup ?scwrou19p?w~pn~ ~@wcsumam hew pvacw w~csucuwmcuurs te:r:t

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12:4:06. lOg6 m ~ a m 605 a & o ~ a r e ~ o & r 8 ~ m ~ ~ c u ~ msm aca~ ~ c l n c m o ~ l m

d a d &j,lsmnn&tm~@ mmja3na n~)wjmlw ms&mmj nvmma0)wmo. m m a w

mkoj ~ j m l m S . m m J l a a 8.30 m p x ~ 3 cacuui1e.m rumamnfbp~ mW3

mwo. &jmld m-marm4 ern- rnwnm* m m m m l m 8


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mnnj rummmam-. ' c m ~ o u 1 3 m o m 3 v ~ ~ m l o m n3&avle136mj (mrmjm3a4 wdmm.

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RWJJ mlalgmlo~ ~ w m d d &*~omu93&~mj 036-0- wd3~

m o o mrmlmlmo awmoIlwo ~ ~ m l e m ~ o j l m ~ m 3 a u I ~ . ~ & " s s m a c l r d d 3 s p mmm3

mwjo dlm?mm, rn3spI3~. d?6wj&jsmm,Iam cosml am . a b s l ~ c m l ~ ~ m l ~ a , j ~ s d l ~ j

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yu1wcmvscw Ptmraw oPratwCcru~u~crui 0PratErnsww mLF;Lal

wruocnocu ~Cfwmcm7& p zz ow 6901 ~~WLWP PS~ePscrv oeehl -wmrnm,

LWICP, =?WI@WIJJCEXI pCO(P1W ~l9lIWfi@f2 iifWW30 ,, IU~?~I~DLWP~@ RP63QIL

we~~uuwecmru~r~pra~lu owcrumru Flo?~aeuas~sctu ~'~PLWV beLw wlru mocwom ?uuTcupcwPmuucsce, owwP~)cFqwanam, VscBsua~wscm nwpBlk

cmnp~cnPoru ~Pccucrus wvc~sru1 &etwG Puu?mpcmnow~w~~f~ceo se7manuwscw

owuucmscwem .?cw?mtP;~mwprm omuonuwscw Ymw -wncw uuP~~toc~~ru~o)c~a,~~~

sePmomcwsm '@ficm -nu~cnPon, .owcmcwl(Ptmwscur cG cllscmo~~~ beLounuacms

(SP-LE omcTmrn) BPwcnco p~rupS w1wmmlwm6ru gpusrusee LOL 9 2

Puu Pqm

C~~~FLQWIJW oo%iwS ~~w~~~~1~9nuc~wwsc~Prv gnwwscw uun, ~mcrnP3

~msmwPww ~PSwwcqw seP@~scw~Pw~~ow k~~)Pww~u) ~m~:w~wT~ruYr~

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YJL9Cmrarxwraruo Yaw racs~~omww "ymeJf8 ocmcw ~Puut(sezke*~)n,W wcw

mra uufmfcs~ .fpc~ocwcqwcTwcBn, ~rnu !&qpxmw~rua rawq~PSccruiq

.man@B pwmo Tuu(4u oTcm(pw t-wcru !pcwTh OUCWU?~~~

wmuw nocwwm ~cncrrooPm~,w~ce, .wP-.(w Zl3Puulw ~3-n~

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( L : 9 ) ;w~~Ym?wpwlw PW~(S~TUSJ om1rL

~wruracm~rn~n, pwLouwroaLru

owtw %~wt's~a~~cs oPrawlacm~

wwvCum ~nw?3c~?m~rua~ru.

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a&3sClUo. 2002). nlJ. 82.


scaard d l e i l a93m" 'mcurn>3cole' mLldm3o3;>o 2-30 nl., (ad. dl. cnil. ad., a a a 5 w o ) . dl. 13.

anu3. slw[cml m3~ia ,~r9 im)m. . D I ~ J > $ I J ~ ~ ~ J O S , j ' ~ , ; ?m~o m ~ m l 6 ~ 0 ' , ~&w~&-m~dlwd

mmrjdg &~m,l.eod (113. omi. ((wl. nul. om~&e;mi. 6&>02WO, 2000). dl. 185.

William Shakespeare - the comp!ete dorks Edltted by Peter Alexander. (The Engllsh

Language Society and coilis, London. 1965).

O h m @ C N ~ ~ ~ ? R ) ) J dlVl(mo OJ3. 4, c i l d 155.

51. d l . 285.

SZ q. 48e.

mrguL70303~0, dl . s.

@11 l d b ~ b d , C33. Gd3.. 2002, dl. 32.

f i 32p3s0 m~m3uumrrd. 0e1uugg m x , a irrll~u~i)n~cx. ( ~ d ? , . ( ~ 3 . ma. ma., 1990). dl. 65.

a&. m 3 . a]., d l . 455.

m. ma. ICLI., d ~ . 66.

~ca@rudm w ~ ~ a ~ ~ w l m m ~ m ~ m ~ n i ~ . om7(0~1u3.@ m3.ia~nmpo 2-30 d., @@0106U3d

m p u o . (am-. dl. mil. ,*mi.. a&2zwo. 1965), , ~ d ~ o o 43.

a w 3 . $6. ccml&~m3d, oaau3g i r u ~ t o l m , m 3 s b ihn,l,o?~cmo, (dh04" m~&cni", md., 20021,

dl. 59.

0sr1~ld earnil, maw32 m35h r r u r d c ~ m ~ o ( o s ~ ~ r n r n ~ dd21am&nami, d m l . , isso).

dl. 280

a,l m m r n ~ l ~ . oe1m3p mgsa ,nvnzn7(u~ lin,7~co~o, .i J G (d, ( a h . m 3 . ma. ma., ISSI),

mJA. 24

0. m3. (d.. dd. 66.

sI. di. 67

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SSl '!FJ '(~661 '~WOKW 10V

cww ~w~aocnu) ,rv oc-01 'ow>~mrjYw iacmmm 'pmw g~~rnrwwomru .we lrv 1r

.ILL .rPJ 'v .CTU 'W DCU) .w .w

.LZ .Pw 'OIP,ILQFJ ~CV~~CCWYPSCW Bcmma 'S$%wm L~E sc

'1L '?TU '(~~61 'OKD&W~J

''we .LN) '1~ .-nu@) '.lu oc- v 'OWOW ?as ~CU)DPID!(IWIU '~~9-wY~rac~~9 .we IFJ lus

.ZLI TP '(6861 '~DSCWD s-~yr~ 'LW 'LOU) ~?~VLWCYW-TWL~ ofru~uguucno &cat

ram be~cw0cwo .me 'LW .cme ',o?ruwsm(ru otmRprj, '~owru, cqowp .cw .LC

-set .?ru 'P .Cru .CW .wn -BC

.E9 'YTU '(2661 "J(~~cw '00CWO0 BcWW)

Lwtwcruocrsuca ',o&~~?rsocen weYu@m, '(w~~9~pY~mcruccne oii~!sw 'cmo .sc

.st1 .?ru 1s 'PC

.OEL .?P ,v .cw 'T.CTUJ.W .fx

.2t. .tru -1s .2&

.6l Tru 'LS It

.ZP .?FJ

'onuc~wcurucfwotw~ ~Sceu~spcm 8cruru?lru90 'p~crn?rru~~m,cw~~ru 0.prcSo~ .oc

.SOZ 'fFJ '(0~61 '@h

otuu '~ft;gtmJ p?m Oo(WCra~~nomW ~0.01) 'O~W~UVCCW &mm 'maplnlmm* T.2

.PP .?PJ '(~66~ '3 .CB .ws) '(LL~QJD~ mp)ru~o,ws 'pmcw puwmracm .we .ems

~cnunu ',oTruSceu?~cen mpruSa)we~a o~ruSceu~wcw,nocv~~cw, 'g~~cooqru we .cw sz

.OL .?w '(oooz '~?IU~SCW(S '"cw~1rn 1Ql-x~)

'owsT@ru wscw L(L~OCWCQJ :,~uaswscw tusoc~ncm, 'pwpocru p0ccmn cinm .LZ

,L .fro 'oS(puPwcw ~GIUP~LUL~W ,WTUC(~)^N)P?, 'gucmTmw~mcworqrs~ 0proSmw .st

.L1 'fFJ '(1~61 'o&k~

'0oT~m ~0uupcYolru) -nucfiqm~ov pumb15 pY#w 'ptfPdru?~cw~pcs ~LIC~LUT"(S .WB .om .sz

LL.?P ru'zz-m

LO,W~UB E86L 8n,~~~~~~ tPIt~hc0 o~SCw ~(9r.w uarpc~ ~PWWD .cm~, .*z

'61 '?TU '(0002 'oRBSCWS 'CW~P~N~ 10 'LOU)

.$los .cru 'pnW~dcP alurIw~ pm~Pp~w"rmWC) ,~7rurw?0, 'p(se~LLI9ftwb .we .CZ

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mr- P~L .PTU '(EZLL 'c .la '91 .?ru) '~f~~mrarvws

cnuuwt~,ruPqmw ;wc@?RUce,~5?~1a@Pt~~ plB&fsc&.cs, '~CWW"WI~WU~UU w

'99 - BP '?IU '(8661 LO P)CWBp(W SQ9D F~WIV ~8mm(rU

prv? 'tpl~~~~ocno) '.ru oc-z 'pca~Prwce, pSPw~wf~ 'wprueca, 1s .w .c(N;D .~g

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70 -a 71 ( ~ h p J l a m 3 ~ l m l (di.1, rn. 3, urn1 loss), mil. dl. rnnlj jmo~omo~q3 oe/bummod.

dJ . 89.

72 Odb. CIU3. d. (U3. 4, dl. 372.

73 03. OX. Id., d J . 72.

74 mav3gm35& 1880-1980, dl. 22.

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QS2.Q- ldd, a&3SalOo, 1103). 41. 5

76 a&. 0 3 . al, (U3. 4, dl. 373.

77 0 m3. LnL , dJ. 72.

78 00%. OU3. d, N3. 4, dl. 526.

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"11. 49.

80 ST dJ . 50

81 ST

82 m ~ m m @ m , am. 21 : 130, dl. 57.

83 &jsalamaIc88j~nd mjrn3oq mum(m m3s&mod (4. a&. iaaod,d, a&~@ad16)6',

1965). dl. 125

sr mqmmiam, am. 20, 41. 23.

85. &J. &j. m" mu. m3., 4 J . 269.

86. =~(TuI$~& daam(m~m.aalo~?j, . ' 0 ~ , 3 s ~ m @ ~ d & 2 6 m m I m ~ y 8 m r m p 3 & dm~rnm

w ~ Q & ~ . a&og 6 3 ~ (dmw7&(d aml ( ~ d m 3 . a o 3 m d ad3(m, cmlm~., 1902).

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87 m 3 . Q&. s l m3mCU(am, & ~ 6 m m l m ~ y f ~ mrm~m3&, ( o u o o d & a m k ~nlmlnol&mm(U

a m @ (1~06)3d, 1998). dl. 59.

8a &J.& j .m.mJ.m3. ,dJ .211.

89. *Nil. &bd0. cn0cn3(~nnmm0 mp,rnpo, &J. &J. m. mu. m3., 370.

90. & l 6 r m I m m a e o m 3 n a d . n y ) , m ~ m a i 7 ~ ~ e c u 1 8 ) w o , rmacllomb, &I. m. ml.mo., d2.424

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