XSEED Summative Assessment Test 2 © XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 1 5 Social Science, Test 2

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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 1


Social Science, Test 2

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 2

PART I – Short Answer Questions 30 Marks

1. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Correctly writes the names of the states where the given minerals are found (0.5 marks each)


B. Correctly writes the name of the state where more than 3 of the given minerals can be found


TOTAL (4 Marks) 4

A. Answers may vary. Sample answer:

Minerals States

a. Copper Telangana

b. Coal Tamil Nadu

c. Bauxite Maharashtra

d. Petroleum Andhra Pradesh

e. Manganese Karnataka

f. Mica Rajasthan

B. We can find more than 3 minerals in Gujarat.

2. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Gives an opinion

Correctly writes 1 logical reason how fuel can be saved by forming a carpool



B. Correctly writes 1 way how we can save fuel 1

C. Correctly writes 2 reasons to save fuel (1 mark each)

Writes in complete sentences



TOTAL (5 Marks) 5

A. Yes, Gautam and Anand can save fuel if they form a carpool because cars run on fuel. If

the two of them use 1 car instead of 2 cars, they will save fuel.

1.5 + 1 + 2.5 = 5

3 + 1 = 4

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 3

Answer may vary. Sample answer:

B. We can also save fuel by turning off lights and fans when not in use.

C. 1. It is important to save fuel because then we can have it available to us for a longer


2. Saving fuel can also help us keep the environment clean.

3. Assign 1 mark for each correct answer.

4. Assign 0.5 marks for each correct answer.

A. metallic, making jewellery or utensils

B. fuel, making electricity or giving power

C. nonmetallic, building

1 × 5 = 5

3 × 1 = 3

Open Voting – difference

A. Everyone knows who you are voting for. B. May be forced to vote for someone if the voter is threatened

Secret Ballot – difference A. No one knows who the other person is voting for. B. Can vote without for

Similarity Both are ways to elect people

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 4

5. Assign 1 mark for each correct answer.

Answers may vary. Sample answer:

1. If there were no government in India then there would be no laws and rules to follow.

2. People might do whatever they want to, and cause problems for others.

6. Assign 1 mark for each point of difference.

Answers may vary. Sample answer:

Coniferous Forest Thorn Forest

1. A coniferous forest grows in cold places.

2. It has trees like pine and fir.

1. A thorn forest grows in dry and hot


2. It has cactus and thorny trees.

7. Assign 0.5 marks for each correct answer.

Solid Fuels Liquid Fuels Gas Fuels

Wood, Coal Petrol, Kerosene CNG, Biogas

8. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Correctly writes 2 issues on which the central Government takes decisions (1 mark each)


B. Correctly writes 2 issues on which the state Government makes rules (1 mark each)


TOTAL (4 Marks) 4

Answers may vary. Sample answer:

A. 1. Sending the army to the borders to protect the country

2. Buying and selling things with another country

B. 1. Building more schools in the state

2. Building more hospitals in the state

1 × 3 = 3

1 × 2 = 2

1 × 4 = 4

2 + 2 = 4

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 5

PART II – Long Answer Questions 30 Marks

9. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Correctly writes 2 reasons why they think space research is important (1 mark each)


B. Correctly writes what the astronaut is wearing

Correctly writes 3 ways in which it is useful (1 mark each)



C. Correctly writes their opinion

Correctly writes 2 reasons why astronauts need a special kind of training to go into space (1 mark each)



TOTAL (8 Marks) 8

A. 1. Space research helps us to forecast the weather.

2. It helps us to send artificial satellites into space that can help the internet and

mobiles to work.

B. 1. He is wearing a spacesuit because it gives protection against the severe cold and

heat of space.

2. It provides the astronauts with oxygen so that they can breathe in space.

3. It also helps to control the air pressure.

C. Answers may vary. Sample answer:

1. Yes, they need special training to go into space because there is no oxygen in space.

2. They also need to learn to adjust to the conditions of weightlessness in space.

2 + 3.5 + 2.5 = 8

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 6

10. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Correctly writes 2 reasons why the women didn’t want the trees to be cut down (1 mark each)


B. Correctly writes 2 reasons why the man wanted to cut down the trees (1 mark each)


C. Correctly writes the method adopted by the women to protect the trees (1 mark each)


D. Correctly writes 2 more methods to protect trees (1 mark each) 2

TOTAL (7 Marks) 7

A. Answers may vary. Sample answer:

1. They did not want the trees to be cut because they collected firewood and fruit from

the forest.

2. Forests keep the air clean.

B. 1. He may have wanted to use the wood of trees to make furniture.

2. He may have wanted to cut the trees to clear the forest to build a farm.

C. Women hugged the trees so that the man could not cut down the trees.

D. 1. We can spread awareness about the benefits of forests by using slogans.

2. Laws can be made to punish those who cut down forests.

11. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


1. Mobile phones. 2. Internet 3. Television 4. Webcams/cable connection B. We will not be able to find out about the weather in advance. We will not be able to see so many channels on television. We will not be able to use the internet.

E. Answers may vary. Sample answer:

As a transport minister, I would increase the number of traffic police on the roads so

that the law is followed.

2 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 7

4 + 1 + 1 = 6

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 2

© XSEED Education Social Science | Grade 5 7

F. Answers may vary. Sample answer:

If someone does not follow the rule, a case against him/her can be filed in court.

12. Assign marks as per the given criteria.


A. Correctly writes the differences between how people become leaders in the two countries (1 mark each)


B. Correctly writes 1 problem that people in Country A face and the reason (1 mark each)


C. Correctly writes how elections can solve the problems of Country A 1

D. Correctly writes 2 qualities of a good leader (1 mark each) 2

E. Chooses secret ballot (1 mark) and gives the correct reason (1 mark) 2

TOTAL (9 Marks) 9


Leader of Country A Leader of Country B

How did he become the leader?

The eldest son of the king

becomes the next king.

The leader is chosen through


Answers may vary. Sample answer:

B. The people of Country A do not have basic facilities like clean drinking water. This is

because the king is not a good leader.

C. Elections can solve their problems. The people would be able to choose a leader who

will work for the people.

D. 1. A leader is hard-working and cares for the people.

2. A leader ensures that people have all the basic facilities.

E. Secret ballot, because the voter’s choice is not known to anyone. Voters can choose

their candidate without fear of being forced by someone to vote for them.


2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 9