Bobcats Win State Championship Honors VOU.J:\IE XXL BOZK\IAN, l\IQ, TA , A, TUESDAY, DECEi\IBER 3, 1929 . ·urnER n CLUBS WILL HOLD GIFT SALE THURSDAY EVENING NINE MEN JOIN I BOBCATS WIN GAME \VITH SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Time i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herri ck Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rls to S ing Christmas Carols. Man) New and Interesti ng Objects Procured Init iation He ld Monda y After· 1 noon. Banquet at Herrick Hall. Repor t From Eag le on ' ational Co nven tion Fray Fou gh t on Field. Victory Makes Dyche\; ;\len State (h ump s. Hecord Crowd Attended. Both Teams De· te rmin ed to Win. Record Attendance Tilt Was One of Rather 1 han Skill E\"ERYO:\"E CORDL\LLY l:\"YITED TO \"JEW EXHIBITS >Iontana A11iha chapter of Tau Beta Pi held forma l in!t:ation :\Ionclav aftet noon for nine nl''.\' memberS. Tilo.·c initiated f1 om the class \\ere: Frank Slerm it z, Henry Hell- and, C. E. Lowell Kurtz, H omer )lortcn . Erk \Vilson, E. E .; and Jameg '\'aters, ::\f. E., Robert Erb, E. E ... fo.·eph .._onntag, C. E., and Donal<l :\lcElliol. 1. E. were c 1 1osen from the FINAL SCORE, 7-0 IN FAVOR )IO:\T.\.::'\A STATE Articles Contributed By : Hi ss Hut c hin son. Home Economics Students Will Sell Food Two Hundr ed Fans, Band. Spurs and Fangs Attended . S tree t Parade Staged. Dornth y Garrett and Lou Howard Deserve Cred it The An Baznur. by the Art lub and Delta Phi, anu thl-' Christmas goods :--.de. :-pon:-orcd by the Ho tlc Economic!> dub. wil. open Thu. :-da) t•vcnii1l!, Dcl·ember 5, at i o'doC>k in Hen kk ha:I. Th1..: will opt>" Thur:-day nil!ht in Cff•ll·!· the co c faculty and stnudent!' will ha,·c , opportllnity of :--t•ein)!' thf:! •,,,, J befl:re 111· 1 ny of tht"11 are 'l'!ubs are making the op( ninl! a fe--tiH· occasion. T-fr 11 ick Hr. .ill be orated in the holiUay pirit with candl(•:-, h<•lly wreath:-:, ancl n lighted Christmas tree in the Fin•p ace rooni. Girb unch·r the ·ru.:tion of )forgarct will ing- ( ht istma:-: carob. rht• yearly patrons of thl Art Baza.ir \viii be p.ea:::ed with thl" num- nar of 1ww and exoti1..· art w :1i h han?- not been offe1 cd at nus All of the imoprtant thingo.:. huvc an in•cl and among' tht m will be .nun l unu:->ual an-1 indi,·idual gifts r1 e\·ery one. 1 ' 'lln China and Japan, there are , t:a- tiful 1.:arved and white j<.tde hnol,-l'mls. l'aned lacqm:'r boxe.-, aukk...; of c:lom;cnaie wa1c; ,Jap!lnC!3e (clt1r-p1 int.:, hoth old and origin:il anJ r ( le n to pies; lo\ clv old Chine:'C' n 1 hr.ii 'erieas to be u:-ed as. wall- THO)IPSO)I juniors. tht.:' !'tc.•llar forward who will captain the initi: tion ceremon ies the .:\lontana ba ... kethall team a was held at the banq dut1111r the season. Il e room in Herrick hall. Faculty pla::ed with the Bobcat aj!'gregat1on be r:'. in town were present. Rev. R. r. for three years . I Smith was t. h<' speaker of the cevnin•!. His topi The Spirit of )Jcdern Scholarship." D Speak Henn· presid•nt of Tau Beta ea n s Pi, a I C'llOrt on his trip to the \\'YLIE who c:aptained this years football team throuJth one of the most suc- c-essful seasons in the history of the institution. Ten Students Visit Plant . Again the Bobcats have :-allied t team dc.mon ·trated what they mi.t!'ht. fe 1th and brought home the bacon. do unde1· more favorable condition - lnanksgi,·in,.{ day saw won- . About 200 in.Ju "in,. a der team tangle with a i1ghtm;:.r ag- .iand anu a <lE.-h.•-!ation from thn )Jt. !St. Charles on a Fang- and Spur organizations, repre- siIJ,pery flf;:} I at Great Fall::; and :-;entecl )lcntana College at the emetge at tne long end of a 7-0 t( ntc::::t. The J!fl•att r number of 1 hi_s gives '.\iontana College the left here early Thuri5<la,· mo. ning on unt.ispute<l intercolkgiate ... hampiion- a second :senion of Pa ·if"c .snip tor footbal1 this year, a title train Xo. :t This tion wa:: actu- wh1ch they have not been to (Continued on Paee Four) flfTtEN MtN HOOr Intramural Ga m es Will Be Watched for :Ila t eria l. Loss of Breeden Is Strongly Felt As a t\.sult oi the hc.Ltdest chedule tha:. a team has e\·er had. th<! Bobcat!" started nracti.e with a Ja .. t \H:ek. The sqw1d is in good l l:.no1tic.n Ct uu\ ,.;;,_rict training during the last few month-". The members of the team an 1 squad wil ex pc some hard work thi$ week in getting ready to meet the St. Char 1 es quint here in the openin.t; tilt cf the season. The colll!ge may rest thoug-h that Coach D) che will han! the team whipped into shape for the eastern tour durintr the holiday". There :--eem:-: to be plenty of ).!ovd material among- Fresh- nlCn tliis vear. The new material sifted in with ti.at made UJ1 of the old veterans Fhoul:l resJlt in another suc- cessful season. The men who are now h"ldine- on the are: Thcmr,on, F. "·ard. 0. Ward. Wendt. R. Buzzetti, Ed. Buzzetti. Bret den, Homme. ).lcAda:n. Tow$end, Coffin, Runert. F1atness. Har-Eng. Kferan, Fi j...;bie )fencer, :\It-Elliott. Rrbinson, Ball. Faxon. Currier. :'IIcFarland. Sad I er . '.Ario. and DeFrate. This wil be cut down to J 5 members Dec-ember 13. (Continued on P.i.ge Four) OHIO REPORTER FINDS MOST GIRLS DIETING Minced Ham Sandwiches Hank First. J.\lost Potatoe Co sumed are French Fried \\"hac does the avera!!e co-ed order when shl! goes to a restaurant to eat·! That. is a question that is not so ea:-;y to answer at tin:it thought1 st1a111re a!' it mav seem. In ::;eaiching icff an an:-;wer, an Ohio U!f orter found that the a\era;!e J:;:rl doe:::;. not o:der a ht:a\·y Iler slender tigure mu<>t bt kept at all cost:-:. A ham !'anJwich ranks su- preme in the bread line of thOUt.!' 1 lt. X ext in popularity arl! the • o spe. ial kind is out::;tanding. The dr:s Sl!em to realize the nutrition VJ.luc.• of ::alads and profit by prac· ti"c.1l demonstrations . ham.dngs or table cover::;; unusual ( hir.c:>se silk bn)cade tables runnC'r". Thetc are hanJ l'.arnd pictme frames from Italy containing great protluctions of old master:-;; cxqui!5-ite cameo:--. both set an(l inlai.1 wooden boxe..:.; Italian rini:r:-; in semi- P s.tone:-;; I? l!! s 5 bearl!'; and Florentinl· hand-toole.I leather "ork. The :\ear Relief has Sl'nt fint> JinL•n.-:, embroidere.I the Xe<1r East refue-ees. of the em- are from Greel'e and c Continued on Pag-e Three) COMMITTEE GIVES A. W. S. CREDITS ;'\orris. Scott, an d S chultz to Organize Det ai6 of System. . \.. W. S. Book Edi tors Chosen nnrn'al con\"rntion whi1 h was held at B r Cl b the Iowa Cniver!'tiy ir Iowa Ci y. and erore u ,1,0 a short hist>ry of the Jo al Club Members Hold Meeting. Purpose of Organi· zation Explained chanter. Al pa of T rn Beta Pi wn...; here as a local in 1920 throuizn the effort" nf Erif' Therkel- and E. L. Grnnt. In the sprint? or 1926 this chapter grante<l its charter. :\Ir. Eag-le st'\tes that at the Trips Made Every Year. Of· ficials Make Trips Possible. Dean Cobleigh Accompanied the l\len morning the ?\ewman Club nre5=ent time Tau Bel;., Pi has grown held its la:::;t regular of the comprisin£?" Ten members of junir c:lass in quarter. Dean Herrick and Dean (('nntinuiPd on 'fwo) industrial chemistry and, Ocu·;cal l'O- Hamiltcn were the honor of gineerin!{ at :\lontana Collt>g-e the morning. They both ::;hart spent. Satunlay in Billings vbitir.,!! interesting laJk,. Forty-six members Musi·c Rec1"t al To Be the factor of the Great Wc,tcrn Sugar Company. \\'. ;11. Cobleid1, and the gue!'ts partook of a break- clean of the t·ollesre of engineering, fa::;t by Catholic ladies. After I G Q Dec 5 acc:ompaniC'd the students. the meeting a dancing was n ym n I nspection trips of this kind are enjore<l by several of the -- I I of the dub is to I Several Numbers to Be Given elt•tirkal. c:h ii. industrial and mech- thmgs rehg1ous, to take part m · I · · h · · 't things intellectual, and to hold meet- By Chorus and Orchestra . 0 f ings for social purposes. The club Se\'enty People to Take Part nt Great Fall•. East Helena, and Ana- daim for 21 A record crowd braved the nippy weather to fill the grandstand and b1eachers of t.he Great F'alls ball park to capa.ity. 1hcy were far from be- ing llisappointed too 1 for tl.ough th<: wet fie,J made lhe usual tootball rcethods impractical, both teams were so set on \·1<:tory that they maae the game one of the best of the season . :-.;o spc.ctacu1ar plays were made. but all the way through the game, faith- t ul, pe1 sistent plugginj! on the part ot each player the spectators \\'hat material col.ege men are made of. Althoui<h the Bobcats were list<d to win, the put t:p some re ma1·kab1e The g-ame un the whole was one of breaks rather chan skill. although a few times each CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE COMMENCED takC'::- its name from Cardinal New- tonda. th; Committee Will '\'ot Solicit own end and not for merely pnssini< t · f C w D h t From House to House. Ch1·1. examinations or to make money. The will be held next Thursda,· Dec. 5, in cour es1es u . . o er r 1 manag- ultiniatc aim of an educator, accord- the gymnasium. This annual affair i:-; er of hranch of the dren Not Authorized as Sales- f 'ookecl forward to by the entire stu- Great "e"tc1 n Company . culture in which association and in- 1.- ing- to him, was the acquisitlon ° den' bo Ji· · I Other local ''ho will assist men. terl'.hange of ideas among individual;; The program \\ill consist of several m makmg the 111spect1on as valu able I At a meE.tin,:r of the .-\ssoc:ate<l is nece:ssary. numbei:s bv the lhorus and the or- as po-.sible for th_e students are II. S. 1-Irs. G Y. fatten the \\'<.m< n ('oun il on The )\°l;!\\:man Club is a national chestra .\ larg-e number of Bai 1:111ger! superm.tendent and J. T. opening of the annual sale of Lhrist- <lay. sen:ral im1.01tant decbions were organization haYin!?' over one hundrt-'d ha,•e tned out for places m Dans. c:h1ef . mast beab. Xo hou::;e to house cam- reached. fi\·e dubs in lhe colleges and nni;cr- and :-;ince the- selection of fifty StuJentg tnp were: paign or so.iciting is being done thi:; 1hc roin for women's ac:- sities of the United On many meml:-er:-; even· individua l dven Charles Brush, Plam,·1ew. Texas; Al- year. A the clo.lar bond. however is tintie:-; was thc..1oughl,. and of the campuses the club ha::,; !t-; ,_·wn bc.:-:t toward upholdin!! the fine to_n. Belk, .Ladge; John C. Eck. oeing sent to each sororitv and t'ra- a tommittt:e was chosen to org.anizt house. re.,...utati<'n that fornwr ha\·e Evans., Deer teinity hou!:es. The .seal:-:. e"an be pur- 1..1e details of tne system and to be The local Xewman Club is made both on l'.ampus and through - Gnffm, Glendive; \.\ allace cha:;:.ed directly at a booth in the post 1e::s y to inaugmate to orttanize the to send a to Denv.·i· in the out the !;late. The Glee club is one of ITarnty. Anacon?a; Ste,·e R.upert, cftite and from the committee deta1b of the system and to be ready ::opring, at which time the the 111aior on the hill and East ?\Iilo Sands. Chinook; man . Dean Chaffin at the :\orthern to inaugu1ate it at least by the spring :\lountain Conference of Newman 1·on1netition for a ph?ce in it is very .Jack Sheridan. Butte; and Paul Automobile tompnny. Also thev can quarter. Bernice 'orris will be Clubs is to be held. kce n. . \Venaas, Butte. be purc:ha.sed at any hotel in BozCman lhairman of this committee lhe other The which l.he thoruses hildren are beinl! authorized to members of which are Pegi!.\'' will sintr are: REGISTRAR'S OFFICE sell the.se seals. Stott an<l .lb:s Helen . ).-lil:i:s REMOVAL OF SNOW IS Goodnight Beloved Bin.::.uti The aim of the is to Elizabeth Seitz will act a::i Council T f'St Chord SulJi,·an conduct an educational l'.ampaign so aUvisor . lt was decided that. hen.e- lfaq to 01 1 r :'\ati\e Land. from "Aida ' 1 HAS POSTAL SERVIC'E that every man. wornan and child in forth the point sYste11 commit.tee PROBLEM TO COLLEGE The thi-=: year has 20 the state. sha!I be s.o well informed be a standing 0 con;mittee 1 whose 1 all of whom have been !l Ieaiing fads pertaining to the c:1ahman shall sit on the: A. ,y, S., fo:· their musical urnse and pre\'ention o1 Cvuncil. The vice president. of A. \Y. , . It !'lhares with the crlee S tud ents are Urged to Look for and incidentallv all othc.r c:ommi.:nic- S. shad te Council advisor, and the \\ ork ls Being Done By Horse C'lub. the mo't important ml''ical Their l\lail. Bozeman Author· abl• di•ea"°' thnt the\• m»· rationallv committee itse1f shall be by Drawn Grader and Two l\Ic n. fun tions of the an.I four of its iti cs Forward Letters to Col- and intellig:e.nt!r com.bat ·their pnl- the Council largely upon her rccom- p f H . t . Ch the st1 mer ensemble. ac- e The fund1' for this work come mendations. The of the r o · ar nng on in arge ('cmpan\' the> former on its annual 1 ege f1om the Seal Sale, and a minimum 1,oint system promises to be one ot 1 of Project. ls an Pre· 1 tu 1 r throl•t!h the statr. cf ten (10) cents per capita h; the the most riilfic_ lt that sent Problem The p3rt of the progran1 )fany students do not kno'" that A. \\', S. has attempted for 'nclndes· there a in the Regis- Qq•r thr state for last year :!50 time. This committee will la\" '" the> . trars office ncttH·rlin.!? to the numhei· death::: frcm tuherrulosi:-. , •. ··ere re- the foun<lation for a that wiil A problem which, \he " 'h11: nu,. of letters that have accumulated while there are onl:· be ls be most. valuable to M. C women wrnter, 1:s cont mu ally 'l he \Jarl'h Bcetho\ en l there . l\lc-tn\· 8 lutlcnts can't Ul)der-, a'.Pilable at the State ll in l.he years to follow. 1 he sYstem1 1 State College 1::; ol. 1 E\'C'r Tn1c:>-'Valtz Macki<:'-BUj( r stand "hy 'they don't receke that I will be. Been that 1s as it stands tompkted at the c.·nd of clea11ng irom the s1dc\\alk::; promised letter from a friend met need of lett1!1Q" the public know how the \\inter quarter. will probably be st reel!->. year the problem Reserves Defeated <lurin2 th<:" in the Park or best to care to: the O\"erflow hOll\C', subjert to a great <lcal of fl'\'ision he sohed 111 the same manner as on that trip to the coast. lf they nnci how to t'.lat ha,·e during the next few years. when m years past. . would g-o to the r(lgistrar's offite exposed. to hon. an experience rercal its weaknesses Lefo1e, a ho1:se drawn 1s B B · 11 · p I and look undel' their initial in the 1 he :•plenchd Catklll<t that Seal and sugj!est Another im- for this work. r.h1s em- y } Ing S 0 y Postoffk<' it is \'er:.' likely that they S.ale yea1· for out portant clut,· of the ,ommittee is to r_lo)s l.wo men and on cf'rtam would find that their letter has hecn these.JH'OJect::; i::; m help for rezulate !he acti\'ities of the women, s1cns three,. ext. a shovelmi.r laving there for some time . the and nrotccuon well: < those who have fewhac- must be done It is seldom Lack of Team \Yo rk Ev id ent. ·It not lake ver:.· murh lime lt 1s !' :n?-1l-worth-wh1le ot th·ities to th!" detriment of t C'ir to :streets cxC"epl dunng- such to step into thC' Rc-gistrar's office anti work, for 1l. not onh- benefits health , of their gm 1 es or of the op- unusi; al wmlerz-.; the last _on_e when Gan1e Pla yed Before Large look in th£' :-;lwkes 011 the rig-ht hnnd ( '''n comnrnn1ty. but helvs to l'arr:.: rr.rtunitiC's of the other women . the was continually driflrng and Holiday Crowd side of tlw door. It would even be the fortunat<:" the )li$S. Fran es and blo?k11.1g" . . __ lo lo<Jk throug-h the file and ::mte ."o mul'!1 nee:L 1 hmk 1 on•r WINTtR BtlNG 0 Bradbury Js Manager. Skiing, Tobagganing and S k a t i n g Featured on Program Girls in \\'inter are to have an excf.'llent opportum . of enjoying- this year . I E, winte1 :sport. man- ager, has arranp;ed an pro- 1,:.ram for enthusiasts of skimg, to t.agganing, anc.i skating. 'l here will be a meeting of wintn spc.rts lo\"ers Tuesday. December 10, at 5 o'clock in the lounge room of g; mnasium. At thi::; time )lr. Juni.:- herr, a skiing enthusiast. will gi e an interestin_g' diSt·t.: !"Sien of the tcl'.h nie1ue anJ tun amenta1s of tne sport Thi:; jg the first year that th athletic councli has an ex- tensh·e winter spon proA"ram. EYet) girl should take advantage of the op- 1 01 tunity gi\"en to her. It depends on the number nf J?irl" who report for the C!'eneral mee-tini.r Tuesday '' hether Bob.at sweater points will be for snow acth·itil:: or not. In addtion to tr.e spo1 ts already mentioned. there are also rumours or mC'on 1 il!'ht :sleighing narties . a :ono\Y· bll fig-ht bv the flai< pole between t:lasse...,, and a :-:kating dub. Further 'iscussion on tie abo\"e points will be dis.l'us.sed at lc.ntrth at the Tuei:::day. December 10. ALPHA ZETA TAKES IN FIVE NEW MEMBERS Initiatio n Held for Copley. A. DeY ries. Shanklin. Winner. and Mclllhattan Five men were initiated into Alpha Zeta Tuesday, ?\o\"emb1 r :?ti, ·n Ag-ri- cultmal Ha.I. These men are: K. Copley, A. DeYrie>, \\'. seniors; and Piul \\"inner and A. Jlc- lllhattan, jt: niors. These men wen· chosen from the upDl two-fifths o their on b.1::i:-; of ...;(·holar- !-ihip, per:::onality anti ieatlership. For the last three \H.'l'k:-. men hn\ t.' worn straw hats, OYc:>rnlls . and rough s.hirts. besides t·nrryinir an egt!' and ether ag-riculturul commodities. Zeta Pi. the ltwnl ·hnptcr of Alpha Zeta, was founded at )lontana Colleg-e in Hl'.!2. Zeta Pi \vas a lo(·al f1at<:'rnity. estabJi...;hc>d nnJ org-anizt• l bv the ng-ri<:ult.ural of 2\1. S. C. in Febnrnry, 1B2L. for the expre=--s {Continued on PaJ?e Two) Eir.rhty per cent of con- :mmed French fried. \Yith ca<'n (Continued on Page Three) ( Continued on PaJ.?e Three) thargc of .this work, slated that this Buhl·at. to Poly- which has arCumulated there. port. Esther ilowman we1·e appointed co- T . who 1s. i.n I I lice if thert> is anv mail for your and g-1,·c 1t yo:..r sympathy and sup- the first year that such exten- B1llmg:-; to a 2v-O :\I nv of tlw letters coine to the down ------ ---- --- ----------- ---- -- ------------------------ -- ---- s1vc m.ethods have.been necessary day . Poly played with i 10 stoffice with thC' name and FARGO PEOPLE WJLL STUDY TORMENTORS ' PLA y CR EA T'£S smce he ta me here a open that uprooted th.e . 0 '. r' of the college. If the down- _,.,. e1trht years ago. heavie r resel've Th e unexpe1'1- m knows l.he name it will COLLEGIATE DRAMA TIC ERA In yca1·s past t.he 'hort <Ollr'e 'tu- cnce and Ind< o[ lNim work showed it lo the owners house. but if BASKETBALL REGULA TJONS tknt:-- r<:'ntO\'c:>d with the use up J)lamly 111 the n•servcs . .en riille "C is the onlv llaC'e left of trac·tors.. This yea1· the usual The uame was played before a lartte not 't g l t Il ,,!ould help mrtho I should l·e sUffi<.:icnt. holiday crowd. Co1nwell, the star tr 1 . \ ·ronsiderablv if The .of "A Doll's staj!e pro<luction das.!-:, ancl for th.;' Polv bae·k had returm.:d to the> ganw l lC! 1 s 0 1 · ' · on ember 25 and 26, t·o;.;tumes to :\liss Ada Wort. XOTI ('E aftCr beil{g injured a week aC"o nnt! would call there a nil g'l't marks a new era in the cleYelopment \lis\'. .\lic.·e \"andenhook gave a !-:tar gave a goo l ac.:ount of himself. the!J" mail. tf d1amatics al. .:\Iontana State Col- n'Tformante of rora, t.he \'ivaciou?!, f'lan s fer SpNi.HI Fee Co urse in line-up i:-- n:-> follows: l\l('rcer In fir:-;t attempt of the adoring' doll wife of Tor\'akl. Hc1· Su;,;':11 Dancin g and Kosma, end.-:.; llu ssmnn and T01nwntors at serious drama, the ar1pC'a1anl'c wai:; as lo\·ely as that \Cry Boynton, tatk le s; Dore and Gentry. level of attainment is one of which role eould require. She So111 t <'!' Iii lessons-2 prr \\'c.•ek 0 ua rd s; .l one:;, <:ente1·; P ond. qunrll t'- any uni\ersitv mii?ht well be proud, J aitkularly in the scene fer fi \\'N'ks January l!l, back; Cornwell and Girnus, half- an<l for which great credit is due the where she rompe I with the.) children. to be cor1C'ltuled wilh a dancinK party. la ks, Rnrbuln, ft.: llbnc:k. directcn, :\Ir .... Her c.xprcssion is extraordinarily ('oun'" Fct• 1'hc Bohcat r<'s('n·e li ne-up is !\!-i The setlin· wa'." particularly happy. n1Jhle.and she.• Jwr hi!!h cmo Plan•. Rose.• Garden Danl'.e ll all. follows: Griffen, Amundsen, ancl The atmosphere of 50 yems ago wa,:; tioial trne ·Hlmiiablv throu!.:!hout. Ill-'r llays )lon !ay and Friday, -U p. Hautala. Pepper, an I rc-C'reated, bv the test inl<•q1rctation \vas in the seen(' m. .\nd• r-:011. tnckles ; loday and )fc- cnefullv ,;Janner! details of the "stage where played opposite will he limited to :lO. All Carrpn, ,L.Yl.Hll ds: Skinner, enter; s('t {vrry well arranged go ns to per - and Dr. Ran'c nobh· in the sun,..rh who int(•nd to reg-istc.•r must Har1 ity and JohnMn, n it the g""reatest flexibilitv of move- Jimax sh<' attained ·when thl'C.·atenc.>d siC"n up wit}t '.\1i"S Stewart in the Chesarrk. fullback, and Lclnrnl. nrnl.), and «econd, hr the b:.· Krngstad. gym b( tween Dec. IG and 20. quarterhaC'k:;:., ' 'hich in fine ha1111onv with t.he '.\Jr. Sam \Vinn made a fine stazc will close with the in.elude. Up!=>haw, referc>c; I 11ers?nahties of the Th e figure as 'T'orwald H elm er, the self- I 15th woman and the 15th man.) I" erts, umoirC':. l\1acD01_1ald,. head red1t for the stage set is due to the r (Continued on Page Two) M. Stewart instructor. line man, anJ Biorgum, field Judge. XOTICE _\II freshm en "i -.h ing- to lurn nit r 0 r haskC't Im II llH\1H1,l!l?r r <' 1>ort at the Gym nt 5 :00 P. :\I. at the :\lnnae- C' rS Hoom. XOTICE There "ill he an important of all th e Fangi:.. Tu C's - da\', Dec<'mbt•r 3rd in H.ill. All Fangs are asked lo bC' there. H. Greiner, Fang Duke }< Y n ..\ pc riori dt•\"Oted to interp: t•tation of basketbll rulp::. will ht• a fe:1tu1t.· of a douhlehea<ler to bt• rlnved :lt the :-.:orth Dakota Stat<' t:ollegc> armory S:iturday, No,· . :rn. In the main l Y<.'nt whkh start::; :it S p. m., Coath Leonard Snalwac.•chtN'."' 'nr ... ity wilJ test lh('ir slrc>nzth ·1·1ain ... t an ai l'a\· of forrner ...;ta1 s now trn\·elinr.!' under the banner f the Giant! of Far_!!o. In the urlain the frosh wi'I l'll1!W"<' tt am not yet definiteh· s<'lectc I. The last hulf of thi...; game will de\'Otetl to the rules intc-rpn•- t:ltion spOll!-iOrt'd by Saalwaechter fl"' a mean or al•quainlinl:!' the funs with I som<' of tht mar(• <:ommonl\' mi::;nn· derstood nt ecrpts of the net During this period whenever a foul is Charles Kimball. former F.1r hig-h basketbnll mt>ntor, wi 1 l immedi- ately expbin the l'l a...;on r ll' t 1 1l' penally. In the aJL:o:tar whil' 1 l will oppose tlw first lNim nn• ..!led" Blakeley, Clnud1· )liller, .ru >;C'w1!'ard and Geon!'C> :HcPherson. all fornlC"r Bison rtC'l'". Tht•I e al:-.o t• Bohl,, Rusch of ·orth\•:('...;tcrn, Bu:<i l'ri· fornwr F' 1 1r •o :\Ii st:ir: Ed<lit• Powers of nnu Chuck Philips of Iowa r. Saalwiwchtt·r find<:. footbull sorc.·- nPss slowinj? up tlw l':\rlv spason 11ro- t!'r('S$ of hnrges, Blnkeslt•f'.>. '.\fa,. Grnrl n :lnd FHilhl•:td nl1 show the efff'tts of a stiff gridiron and will need time to get .l!O- ing, the Bison mentor declared.

~xpon£nt - arc.lib.montana.edu · SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herric k Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rl s to S ing Christmas

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Page 1: ~xpon£nt - arc.lib.montana.edu · SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herric k Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rl s to S ing Christmas

Bobcats Win State Championship Honors

~xpon£nt VOU.J:\IE XXL BOZK\IAN, l\IQ, TA, A, TUESDAY, DECEi\IBER 3, 1929 . ·urnER n




Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herrick Hall. Opening Night to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rls to S ing Christmas Carols. Man) New a nd Interesting Objects Procured

Ini t iation Held Monda y After· 1 noon. Banquet a t Herrick Hall. Repor t From Eagle on ' a tional Convention

Fray Fough t on ~lippery Field. Victory Makes Dyche\; ;\len State (humps. Hecord Crowd Attended. Both Teams De· te rmined to Win. Record Attendance Tilt Was One of Break~ Rather 1 han Skill

E\"ERYO:\"E CORDL\LLY l:\"YITED TO \"JEW EXHIBITS >Iontana A11iha chapter of Tau

Beta Pi held forma l in!t:ation :\Ionclav aftet noon for nine nl''.\' memberS. Tilo.·c initiated f1 om the ~enior class \\ere: Frank Slermitz, Henry H ell­and, C. E. Lowell Kurtz, H omer )lortcn . Erk \Vilson, E. E .; and Jameg '\'aters, ::\f. E., Robert Erb, E. E ... fo.·eph .._onntag, C. E., and Donal<l :\lcElliol. 1. E. were c11osen from the

FINAL SCORE, 7-0 IN FAVOR )IO:\T.\.::'\A STATE Articles Contributed By :Hiss Hutchinson. Home Economics

Students Will Sell Food Two Hundred Fans, Band. Spurs and Fangs Attended. S tree t Parade Staged. Dornthy Garrett and Lou Howard Deserve Cred it The An Baznur. ~pon~orcd by the

Art lub and Delta Phi, anu thl-' Christmas goods :--.de. :-pon:-orcd by the Ho tlc Economic!> dub. wil. open Thu. :-da) t•vcnii1l!, Dcl·ember 5, at i o'doC>k in Hen kk ha:I. Th1..: :-.alt~ will opt>" Thur:-day nil!ht in Cff•ll·!· th~t the co c faculty and stnudent!' will ha,·c , opportllnity of :--t•ein)!' thf:! thing~ •,,,, J befl:re 111· 1 ny of tht"11 are ~lu 'l'!ubs are making the op( ninl! a fe--tiH· occasion. T-fr 11 ick Hr. .ill be ·t~ orated in the holiUay pirit with candl(•:-, h<•lly

wreath:-:, ancl n lighted Christmas tree in the Fin•p ace rooni. Girb unch·r the

·ru.:tion of )forgarct ~oud1..~rs will ing- ( ht istma:-: carob.

rht• yearly patrons of thl Art Baza.ir \viii be p.ea:::ed with thl" num­nar of 1ww and exoti1..· art object~. w :1i h han?- not been offe1 cd at pre\·i~ nus sale~. All of the imoprtant thingo.:. huvc an in•cl and among' tht m will be .nun l unu:->ual an-1 indi,·idual gifts r1 e\·ery one.

I· 1 ''lln China and Japan, there are , t:a- tiful 1.:arved soa1::.to11<.·~ and white j<.tde hnol,-l'mls. l'aned lacqm:'r boxe.-, aukk...; of c:lom;cnaie wa1c; ,Jap!lnC!3e (clt1r-p1 int.:, hoth old and origin:il anJ r ( le n to pies; lo\ clv old Chine:'C' n1 hr.ii 'erieas to be u:-ed as. wall-

THO)IPSO)I juniors. tht.:' !'tc.•llar forward who will captain Followin~ the initi: tion ceremon ies the .:\lontana ~tale ba ... kethall team a banq~et was held at the banq .it:~ dut1111r the pre~ent season. Ile ~ns room in Herrick hall. Faculty men·~ pla::ed with the Bobcat aj!'gregat1on be r:'. in town were present. Rev. R. r. for three years. I Smith was t. h<' ~pecial speaker of the

cevnin•!. His topi ~ The Spirit of )Jcdern Scholarship."

D Speak Henn· Ea~le . presid•nt of Tau Beta ea n s Pi, ~a\·e a I C'llOrt on his trip to the

\\'YLIE who c:aptained this years football team throuJth one of the most suc­c-essful seasons in the history of the institution.

Ten Students Visit Plant

. Again the Bobcats have :-allied t team dc.mon ·trated what they mi.t!'ht. fe 1th and brought home the bacon. do unde1· more favorable condition -lnanksgi,·in,.{ day saw D~:c-hc'.s won- . About 200 fan~ in.Ju "in,. a 40-piec~ der team tangle with a i1ghtm;:.r ag- .iand anu a ~n.all <lE.-h.•-!ation from thn g~·cgation ~rom )Jt. !St. Charles on a Fang- and Spur organizations, repre­siIJ,pery flf;:} I at Great Fall::; and :-;entecl )lcntana ~late College at the emetge at tne long end of a 7-0 scur~. t( ntc::::t. The J!fl•att r number of the~r 1 hi_s gives '.\iontana ~tate College the left here early Thuri5<la,· mo. ning on unt.ispute<l intercolkgiate ... hampiion- a second :senion of ~orthern Pa ·if"c .snip tor footbal1 this year, a title train Xo. :t This ~e tion wa:: actu-wh1ch they have not been abl~ to (Continued on Paee Four)

flfTtEN MtN T~ M~KE HOOr TE~M Intramural Ga m es Will Be

Watched for :Ila t eria l. Loss of Breeden Is Strongly Felt

As a t\.sult oi the hc.Ltdest chedule tha:. a ba~ketball team has e\·er had. th<! Bobcat!" started nracti.e with a ;.1·u~h Ja .. t \H:ek. The sqw1d is in good l l:.no1tic.n Ct uu\ ,.;;,_rict ant~ ..:on~cientiou:io training during the last few month-". The members of the team an 1 squad wil ex pc rien~e some hard work thi$ week in getting ready to meet the St. Char1es quint here in the openin.t; tilt cf the season. The colll!ge may rest as~urt<l thoug-h that Coach D) che will han! the team whipped into shape for the eastern tour durintr the holiday".

There :--eem:-: to be plenty of ).!ovd ba~ketbaU material among- tht~ Fresh­nlCn tliis vear. The new material sifted in with ti.at made UJ1 of the old veterans Fhoul:l resJlt in another suc­cessful season. The men who are now h"ldine- p~ate$ on the ~quad are: Thcmr,on, F. "·ard. 0. Ward. Wendt. R. Buzzetti, Ed. Buzzetti. Bret den, Homme. ).lcAda:n. Tow$end, "~inn, Coffin, Runert. F1atness. Har-Eng. Kferan, Fi j...;bie )fencer, :\It-Elliott. Rrbinson, Ball. Faxon. Currier. \Yorthin~trn :'IIcFarland. Sad I er . '.Ario. and DeFrate. This ~·-· trnd wil be cut down to J 5 members Dec-ember 13.

(Continued on P.i.ge Four)


Minced Ham Sandwiches Hank First. J.\lost Potatoe Con· sumed are French Fried

\\"hac does the avera!!e co-ed order when shl! goes to a restaurant to eat·! That. is a question that is not so ea:-;y to answer at tin:it thought1 st1a111re a!' it mav seem.

In ::;eaiching icff an an:-;wer, an Ohio U!f orter found that the a\era;!e J:;:rl doe:::;. not o:der a ht:a\·y me~d . Iler slender tigure mu<>t bt kept at all cost:-:.

A n~inceu ham !'anJwich ranks su­preme in the bread line of thOUt.!'1lt. X ext in popularity arl! the :--ulad~. • o spe. ial kind is out::;tanding. The dr:s Sl!em to realize the nutrition VJ.luc.• of ::alads and profit by prac· ti"c.1l demonstrations.

ham.dngs or table cover::;; unusual ( hir.c:>se silk bn)cade tables runnC'r".

Thetc are hanJ l'.arnd pictme frames from Italy containing great protluctions of old master:-;; cxqui!5-ite cameo:--. both set an(l un~et; inlai.1 wooden boxe..:.; Italian rini:r:-; in semi­P ec1ou~ s.tone:-;; \~enetian I? l!! s 5 bearl!'; and Florentinl· hand-toole.I leather "ork.

The :\ear Ea~t Relief .Socil~t\· has Sl'nt fint> JinL•n.-:, embroidere.I h~,. the Xe<1r East refue-ees. :\-to~t of the em­emh1·oide1·ie~ are from Greel'e and

c Continued on Pag-e Three)


;'\orris. Scott, and Schultz to Organize De tai6 of System. . \.. W. S. Book Edi tors Chosen

nnrn'al con\"rntion whi1 h was held at

B r Cl b the Iowa Cniver!'tiy ir Iowa Ci y. and erore u ,1,0 ~a\e a short hist>ry of the Jo al

~ewman Club Members Hold Meeting. Purpose of Organi· zation Explained

chanter. ~Jontana Al pa of T rn Beta Pi wn...;

,.t~rtf'd here as a local in 1920 throuizn the effort" nf Profes~or Erif' Therkel­~on and E. L. Grnnt. In the sprint? or 1926 this chapter \i:a~ grante<l its charter. :\Ir. Eag-le st'\tes that at the

Trips Made Every Year. Of· ficials Make Trips Poss ible. Dean Coble igh Accompanied the l\len ~unda~· morning the ?\ewman Club nre5=ent time Tau Bel;., Pi has grown

held its la:::;t regular mectin~ of the ;boui~c~~~;OO :>~1en~~=;~~.er~ comprisin£?" Ten members of th~ junir c:lass in quarter. Dean Herrick and Dean (('nntinuiPd on Pi1.e-~ 'fwo) industrial chemistry and, Ocu·;cal l'O-Hamiltcn were the honor J!Ut~sts of gineerin!{ at :\lontana Stat,1~ Collt>g-e the morning. They both ~ave ::;hart spent. Satunlay in Billings vbitir.,!! interesting laJk,. Forty-six members Musi·c Rec1"tal To Be the factor of the Great Wc,tcrn Sugar Company. \\'. ;11. Cobleid1, and the gue!'ts partook of a break- clean of the t·ollesre of engineering, fa::;t ~en·cd by Catholic ladies. After I G Q Dec 5 acc:ompaniC'd the students. the meeting a dancing pro~ram was n ym n • Inspection trips of this kind are enjore<l by several of the member~. -- I ~~~~·se~3\~ ~::it~e=~in~. p~~~id~~ts t~~

I ~fhe purp.o~e of the dub is to fost~r I Several Numbers to Be Given elt•tirkal. c:h ii. industrial and mech-thmgs rehg1ous, to take part m · I · · h · · 't things intellectual, and to hold meet- By Chorus and Orchestra . ~~~~: i~<l~~~~f;1111~la~~~ 0

f P 1~1h; s~~e ings for social purposes. The club Se\'enty People to Take Part nt Great Fall•. East Helena, and Ana-

daim for 21 year~. A record crowd braved the nippy

weather to fill the grandstand and b1eachers of t.he Great F'alls ball park to capa.ity. 1hcy were far from be­ing llisappointed too1 for tl.ough th<: wet fie,J made lhe usual tootball rcethods impractical, both teams were so set on \·1<:tory that they maae the game one of the best of the season . :-.;o spc.ctacu1ar plays were made. but all the way through the game, faith­t ul, pe1 sistent plugginj! on the part ot each player ~hO\\:ed the spectators \\'hat material col.ege men are made of. Althoui<h the Bobcats were list<d to win, the Sainl~ put t:p some re ma1·kab1e resi~tanc:e. The g-ame un the whole was one of breaks rather chan skill. although a few times each

CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE COMMENCED takC'::- its name from Cardinal New- tonda.


forc'i~~ th; Glt~si~l~b a~~e;i~~n.':~n~~~·~~.t~·~ Bi~rn~s,·ii:\,~~Jct~,~~~rb1!\:,a~,;~i{ t~! Committee Will '\'ot Solicit own end and not for merely pnssini< t · f C w D h t From House to House. Ch1·1. examinations or to make money. The will be held next Thursda,· Dec. 5, in cour es1es u . . o er r 1 manag-ultiniatc aim of an educator, accord- the gymnasium. This annual affair i:-; er of th~ ~lontan~ hranch of the dren Not Authorized as Sales-

f 'ookecl forward to by t he entire stu- Great "e"tc1 n ~ug-ar Company . culture in which association and in- 1.-ing- to him, was the acquisitlon ° den' bo Ji· · I Other local official~ ''ho will assist men. terl'.hange of ideas among individual;; The program \\ill consist of several m makmg the 111spect1on as valuable I

At a meE.tin,:r of the .-\ssoc:ate<l is nece:ssary. numbei:s bv the lhorus and the or- as po-.sible for th_e students are II. S. 1-Irs. G Y. fatten announce~ the \\'<.m< n ~tuclent~· ('oun il on '\'edne~- The )\°l;!\\:man Club is a national chestra .\ larg-e number of ~tu dent~ Bai 1:111ger! superm.tendent and J . T. opening of the annual sale of Lhrist­<lay. sen:ral im1.01tant decbions were organization haYin!?' over one hundrt-'d ha,•e tned out for places m th~ Dans. c:h1ef ch<:~m~t. . mast beab. Xo hou::;e to house cam­reached. fi\·e dubs in lhe colleges and nni;cr- ehoru~ and :-;ince the- selection of fifty StuJentg makrn~ ~he tnp were: paign or so.iciting is being done thi:;

1hc roin s:.-s~em for women's ac:- sities of the United State~ . On many meml:-er:-; even· individual h :i.~ dven Charles Brush, Plam,·1ew. Texas; Al- year. A the clo.lar bond. however is tintie:-; was thc..1oughl,. Jisc:u~~cd 1 and of the campuses the club ha::,; !t-; ,_·wn h~s bc.:-:t toward upholdin!! the fine to_n. Belk, De~r .Ladge; John C. Eck. oeing sent to each sororitv and t'ra­a tommittt:e was chosen to org.anizt house. re.,...utati<'n that fornwr c~ort:~es ha\·e I~1\·mj?'~to11; ~y.nl Evans., Deer T;ad~e: teinity hou!:es. The .seal:-:. e"an be pur-1..1e details of tne system and to be The local Xewman Club is olannin~ made both on l'.ampus and through - Ches~er Gnffm, Glendive; \.\ allace cha:;:.ed directly at a booth in the post 1e::s y to inaugmate to orttanize the to send a dele~ale to Denv.·i· in the out the !;late. The Glee club is one of ITarnty. Anacon?a; Ste,·e R.upert, cftite and from the committee ~hair­deta1b of the system and to be ready ::opring, at which time the Rod~y the 111aior activitie~ on the hill and East H~len~\: ?\Iilo Sands. Chinook; man . Dean Chaffin at the :\orthern to inaugu1ate it at least by the spring :\lountain Conference of Newman 1·on1netition for a ph?ce in it is very .Jack Sheridan. Butte; and Paul Automobile tompnny. Also thev can quarter. )li~s Bernice • 'orris will be Clubs is to be held. kce n . . \Venaas, Butte. be purc:ha.sed at any hotel in BozCman lhairman of this committee lhe other The numher~ which l.he thoruses ~o ~ hildren are beinl! authorized to members of which are ~1 iss. Pegi!.\'' will sintr are: REGISTRAR'S OFFICE sell the.se seals. Stott an<l .lb:s Helen . ·~hultz. ).-lil:i:s REMOVAL OF SNOW IS Goodnight Beloved Bin.::.uti The aim of the A~sociation is to Elizabeth Seitz will act a::i Council T f'St Chord SulJi,·an conduct an educational l'.ampaign so aUvisor. lt was decided that. hen.e- lfaq to 01 1 r :'\ati\e Land. from "Aida '

1 HAS POSTAL SERVIC'E that every man. wornan and child in forth the point sYste11 commit.tee PROBLEM TO COLLEGE The orche~tra thi-=: year has 20 the state. sha!I be s.o well informed ~hall be a standing


con;mittee1 whose 1 member~ all of whom have been !l th~ Ieaiing fads pertaining to the c:1ahman shall sit on the: A. ,y, S., ~Pl 0"tcd fo:· their out~tandin!.? musical urnse and pre\'ention o1 tub~n.·ulo~b. Cvuncil. The vice president. of A. \Y. , . ?h:iitie~. It !'lhares with the crlee Students are Urged to Look for and incidentallv all othc.r c:ommi.:nic-S. shad te Council advisor, and the \\ ork ls Being Done By Horse C'lub. the mo't important ml''ical Their l\lail. Bozeman Author· abl• di•ea"°' thnt the\• m»· rationallv committee itse1f shall be chn~en by Drawn Grader and Two l\Icn. fun tions of the y~ar an.I four of its itics Forward Letters to Col- and intellig:e.nt!r com.bat ·their pnl-the Council largely upon her rccom- p f H . t . Ch n·cn~ber:-1, the st1 mer ensemble. ac- e re~s. The fund1' for this work come mendations. The or~anizatic.in of the r o · arnng on in arge ('cmpan\' the> former on its annual 1ege f1om the Seal Sale, and a minimum 1,oint system promises to be one ot 1 of Project. ls an E\~er Pre· 1 tu1 r throl•t!h the statr. cf ten (10) cents per capita h; the the most riilfic_ lt unc.lertakin~s that sent Problem The orl'.he~tral p3rt of the progran1 )fany students do not kno'" that ~oal. A. \\', S. has attempted for ~ome 'nclndes· there i~ a po~toffice in the Regis- Qq•r thr state for last year :!50 time. This fir~t committee will la\" ' " the> ~E",1:<H?lin . laz~neure trars office ncttH·rlin.!? to the numhei· death::: frcm tuherrulosi:-. , •. ··ere re-the foun<lation for a sy~tem that wiil A problem which, durin~ ~he \he " 'h11: nu,. Dern~hes Rollmg~on of letters that have accumulated co.t~cd, while there are onl:· 1~0 be ls be most. valuable to M. S~ C women wrnter, 1:s cont mu ally ~·onlronlrn~ 'l he 'T'urk1~h \ Jarl'h Bcetho\ en l there . l\lc-tn\· 8 lutlcnts can't Ul)der-, a'.Pilable at the State Samto~·mm. ll in l.he years to follow. 1 he sYstem1 1 )1011~.ana State College 1::; _tha~ ol. 1 E\'C'r Tn1c:>-'Valtz Macki<:'-BUj( r stand "hy 'they don't receke that I will tlm~ be. Been that t~erl· 1s ~reat as it stands tompkted at the c.·nd of clea11ng th~ sn~l\\' irom the s1dc\\alk::; promised letter from a friend met need of lett1!1Q" the public know how the \\inter quarter. will probably be a~U st reel!->. ~his year the problem Reserves Defeated <lurin2 th<:" ~umnH.'I' in the Park or best to care to: the O\"erflow ~lt hOll\C', subjert to a great <lcal of fl'\'ision ~'·ill he sohed 111 the same manner as l~ on that trip to the coast. lf they nnci how to satc~i:a1:d t~ose t'.lat ha,·e during the next few years. when u~e m years past. . would g-o to the r(lgistrar's offite bee~n exposed. to mt~- hon. an experience rercal its weaknesses ~.\s Lefo1e, a ho1:se drawn ~r~Jer 1s B B · 11 · p I and look undel' their initial in the 1 he :•plenchd Catklll<t that t~e Seal and sugj!est 1emedie~ . Another im- beu~g u~('(I for this work. r.h1s em- y } Ing S 0 y Postoffk<' it is \'er:.' likely that they S.ale gl\e~ eac~ yea1· for c-~rrymg out portant clut,· of the ,ommittee is to r_lo)s l.wo men and on cf'rtam o.~·n- would find that their letter has hecn these.JH'OJect::; i::; refl~cted m help for rezulate !he acti\'ities of the women, s1cns three,. whe1~ ext. a shovelmi.r laving there for some time. the .~1ck and nrotccuon ~or t~e well: < ncoura~ing those who have fewhac- must be done It is seldom n~cc~sary Lack of Team \Yo rk Evident. ·It clol~s not lake ver:.· murh lime lt 1s !' :n?-1l-worth-wh1le ~Hece ot th·ities to th!" detriment of t C'ir to tle~u· lh~ :streets cxC"epl dunng- such to step into thC' Rc-gistrar's office anti work, for 1l. not onh- benefits ~·our health , of their gm 1es or of the op- unusi; al wmlerz-.; a~ the last _on_e when Gan1e Played Before Large look in th£' :-;lwkes

011 the rig-ht hnnd ( '''n comnrnn1ty. but helvs to l'arr:.: ~o rr.rtunitiC's of the other women . the s~ow was continually driflrng and Holiday Crowd side of tlw door. It would even be the le~s fortunat<:" the h~n~th .:1~s1~t·

)li$S. Fran es Fo_~ler and :\Iis~ blo?k11.1g" passage.~.. . . __ ·lo~::::iblc lo lo<Jk throug-h the file and ::mte l~e:.· ."o mul'!1 nee:L 1 hmk 1 on•r

WINTtR ~rORTS BtlNG rl~NNf 0

Bradbury Js Manager. Skiing, Tobagganing and S k a t i n g Featured on Program

Girls intere~.::ited in \\'inter ~part~ are to have an excf.'llent opportum . of enjoying- rhem~cl\'es this year. I ~tlcn E, al•bur~, winte1 :sport. man­ager, has arranp;ed an exc~Jlent pro-1,:.ram for enthusiasts of skimg, to t.agganing, anc.i skating.

'l here will be a meeting of wintn spc.rts lo\"ers Tuesday. December 10, at 5 o'clock in the lounge room of thi~ g; mnasium. At thi::; time )lr. Juni.:­herr, a skiing enthusiast. will gi e an interestin_g' diSt·t.: !"Sien of the tcl'.h nie1ue anJ tun amenta1s of tne sport

Thi:; jg the first year that th athletic councli has ~ponsoreJ an ex­tensh·e winter spon proA"ram. EYet) girl should take advantage of the op-1 01 tunity gi\"en to her. It depends on the number nf J?irl" who report for the C!'eneral mee-tini.r Tuesday '' hether Bob.at sweater points will be ~iven for snow acth·itil:: or not.

In addtion to tr.e spo1 ts already mentioned. there are also rumours or mC'on1il!'ht :sleighing narties. a :ono\Y· bll fig-ht bv the flai< pole between t:lasse...,, and a :-:kating dub. Further 'iscussion on tie abo\"e points will be

dis.l'us.sed at lc.ntrth at the meetin~ Tuei:::day. December 10.


Initiation Held for Copley. A. DeY ries. Shanklin. Winner. and Mclllhattan

Five men were initiated into Alpha Zeta Tuesday, ?\o\"emb1 r :?ti, ·n Ag-ri­cultmal Ha.I. These men are: K. Copley, A. DeYrie>, \\'. ~hanklin. seniors; and Piul \\"inner and A. Jlc­lllhattan, jt: niors. These men wen· chosen from the upDl two-fifths o their das~ on th1..~ b.1::i:-; of ...;(·holar­!-ihip, per:::onality anti ieatlership. For the last three \H.'l'k:-. the~e men hn\ t.' worn straw hats, OYc:>rnlls . and rough s.hirts. besides t·nrryinir an egt!' and ether ag-riculturul commodities.

Zeta Pi. the ltwnl ·hnptcr of Alpha Zeta, was founded at )lontana Sta~c Colleg-e in Hl'.!2. Zeta Pi \vas a lo(·al f1at<:'rnity. estabJi...;hc>d nnJ org-anizt• l bv the ng-ri<:ult.ural ~tuclent...; of 2\1. S. C. in Febnrnry, 1B2L. for the expre=--s

{Continued on PaJ?e Two)

Eir.rhty per cent of polat<1c-~ con­:mmed an~ French fried. \Yith ca<'n

(Continued on Page Three) ( Continued on PaJ.?e Three) thargc of .this work, slated that this Th~ Buhl·at. r~serve\'. bow~! to Poly- ;.\~ends which has arCumulated there. port. Esther ilowman we1·e appointed co- T rnie~.;or . Harrm~ton. who 1s. i.n I I lice if thert> is anv mail for your and g-1,·c 1t yo:..r sympathy and sup-

·~as the first year that such exten- t~i:hmc ~t. B1llmg:-; to a 2v-O sl·~re :\I nv of tlw letters coine to the down ------------------------------------------------------------ s1vc m.ethods have.been necessary fol'l1hanks~1\mg day . Poly played with i ~.~ 10stoffice with thC' name and FARGO PEOPLE WJLL STUDY TORMENTORS ' PLA y CREA T'£S 1~movmgo ~now smce he ta me here a fa ~t open attac~. that uprooted th.e .

0'. r' of the college. If the down- _,.,.

e1trht years ago. heavie r resel've ~me. Th e unexpe1'1- m \~l~ ~ffke knows l.he name it will

COLLEGIATE DRAMA TIC ERA In yca1·s past t.he 'hort <Ollr'e 'tu- cnce and Ind< o[ lNim work showed ~0'd it lo the owners house. but if BASKETBALL REGULA TJONS tknt:-- r<:'ntO\'c:>d t~1s ~now with the use up J)lamly 111 the n•servcs. .en riille "C is the onlv llaC'e left of trac·tors.. This yea1· the usual The uame was played before a lartte not 1~el 't g l t Il ,,!ould help mrtho I should l·e sUffi<.:icnt. holiday crowd. Co1nwell, the star tr .w~tc 1. \ .~n.~1. lcr;?c.~ ·ronsiderablv if The prc~entation .of "A Doll's staj!e pro<luction das.!-:, ancl for th.;' Polv bae·k had returm.:d to the> ganw l lC! egi~ 1 ~u s 0 1 · ' · Hcu~e" on ~O\ ember 25 and 26, t·o;.;tumes to :\liss Ada Wort. XOTI ('E aftCr beil{g injured a week aC"o nnt! stu~lents. would call there a nil g'l't

marks a new era in the cleYelopment \lis\'. .\lic.·e \"andenhook gave a !-:tar gave a goo l ac.:ount of himself. the!J" mail. tf d1amatics al. .:\Iontana State Col- n'Tformante of ~ rora, t.he \'ivaciou?!, f'lan s fe r SpNi.HI Fee Course in Fol~":-; line-up i:-- n:-> follows: l\l('rcer lq~·e. In thi~ fir:-;t attempt of the adoring' doll wife of Tor\'akl. Hc1· Su;,;':11 Dancin g and Kosma, end.-:.; llu ssmnn and T01nwntors at serious drama, the ar1pC'a1anl'c wai:; as lo\·ely as that \Cry Boynton, tatk les; Dore and Gentry. level of attainment is one of which ~mininc.• role eould require. She wa~ So111 t <'!' Iii lessons-2 prr \\'c.•ek 0 ua rds; .l one:;, <:ente1·; P ond. qunrll t'-any uni\ersitv mii?ht well be proud, J aitkularly e·harmin~ in the scene fer fi \\'N'ks bt•~inning January l!l, back; Cornwell and Girnus, half­an<l for which great credit is due the where she rompe I with the.) children. to be cor1C'ltuled wilh a dancinK party. la ks, ~md Rnrbuln, ft.: llbnc:k. directcn, :\Ir .... '\n~en. Her c.xprcssion is extraordinarily ('oun'" Fct• ~U>O. 1'hc Bohcat r<'s('n·e li ne-up is !\!-i

The setlin· wa'." particularly happy. n1Jhle.and she.• ~rn"lained Jwr hi!!h cmo Plan•. Rose.• Garden Danl'.e ll all. follows: Griffen, Amundsen, ancl The atmosphere of 50 yems ago wa,:; tioial trne ·Hlmiiablv throu!.:!hout. Ill-'r llays )lon !ay and Friday, -U p. Hautala. end~ ; Frce~e. Pepper, an I ~uccessfulh- rc-C'reated, fir~t. bv the test inl<•q1rctation \vas in the seen(' m. .\nd• r-:011. tnckles ; loday and )fc­cnefullv ,;Janner! details of the "stage where ~he played opposite Krocr~tad f'Ja~s will he limited to :lO. All Carrpn, ,L.Yl.Hll ds: Skinner, enter; s('t {vrry well arranged go ns to per- and Dr. Ran'c nobh· in the sun,..rh ~tmlents who int(•nd to reg-istc.•r must Har1 ity and JohnMn, halfbnc·k~: n it the g""reatest flexibilitv of move- Jimax sh<' attained ·when thl'C.·atenc.>d siC"n up wit}t '.\1i"S Stewart in the Chesarrk. fullback, and Lclnrnl. nrnl.), and «econd, hr the tO~tumes, b:.· Krngstad. gym b( tween Dec. IG and 20. quarterhaC'k:;:., ''hich w~1:e in fine ha1111onv with t.he '.\Jr. Sam \Vinn made a fine stazc ( Retd~tl'ations will close with the ,Officia l ~ in.elude. Up!=>haw, referc>c; I

11ers?nahties of t he character~ . The figure as 'T'orwald H elm er, the self- I 15th woman and the 15th man.) I" erts, umoirC':. l\1acD01_1ald,. head red1t for the stage set is due to the r (Continued on Page Two) M. Stewart instructor. line man, anJ Biorgum, field Judge.


_\II freshm en "i -.h ing- to lurn nit r 0 r haskC't Im II llH\1H1,l!l?r ~h(tu ld r<' 1>ort a t the Gym nt 5 :00 P. :\I. tu1ii~ht. at the :\lnnae-C' rS Hoom.


There "ill he an important m'•eti n ~ of all the Fangi:.. TuC's­da\', Dec<'mbt•r 3rd in llerrid~ H.ill. All Fangs are asked lo bC' there.

H. Greiner, Fang Duke

}< ~lrg'<l. Y n ~.l, ..\ pc riori dt•\"Oted to interp: t•tation of basketbll rulp::. will ht• a fe:1tu1t.· of a douhlehea<ler to bt• rlnved :lt the :-.:orth Dakota Stat<' t:ollegc> armory S:iturday, No,· . :rn. In the main l Y<.'nt whkh start::; :it S p. m., Coath Leonard Snalwac.•chtN'."' 'nr ... ity ~·quad wilJ test lh('ir slrc>nzth ·1·1ain ... t an ai l'a\· of forrner collC'e~ ...;ta1 s now trn\·elinr.!' under the banner

f the Giant! All-Stnr~ of Far_!!o. In the urlain rah~er the frosh wi'I

l'll1!W"<' ~1 tt am not yet definiteh· s<'lectc I. The last hulf of thi...; game will bl~ de\'Otetl to the rules intc-rpn•­t:ltion spOll!-iOrt'd by Saalwaechter fl"' a mean or al•quainlinl:!' the funs with

Isom<' of tht mar(• <:ommonl\' mi::;nn· derstood nt ecrpts of the net ~ame . During this period whenever a foul is

(·~lied Charles Kimball. former F.1r hig-h basketbnll mt>ntor, wi 1l immedi­ately expbin the l'l a...;on r ll' t 11l' penally.

In the aJL:o:tar ug~H·l!a!ion whil'1l will oppose tlw Bi~on first lNim nn• ..!led" Blakeley, Clnud1· )liller, .ru >;C'w1!'ard and Geon!'C> :HcPherson. all fornlC"r Bison rtC'l'". Tht•I e wi~I al:-.o t• Bohl,, Rusch of ·orth\•:('...;tcrn, Bu:<i l'ri· t~l. fornwr F' 11r •o :\Ii i~l't st:ir: Ed<lit• Powers of \\"iscon~in nnu Chuck Philips of Iowa r.

Saalwiwchtt·r find<:. footbull sorc.·­nPss slowinj? up tlw l':\rlv spason 11ro­t!'r('S$ of hi~ hnrges, Blnkeslt•f'.>. '.\fa,. Go~tlw;n . Grnrl n :lnd FHilhl•:td nl1 show the efff'tts of a stiff gridiron f'ea~on and will need time to get .l!O­ing, the Bison mentor declared.

Page 2: ~xpon£nt - arc.lib.montana.edu · SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herric k Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rl s to S ing Christmas


Cb¢ W¢¢kly Expon¢nf i E>tabli. ne<l 1910 +----

C ntrnuanc-e of the :\lonthly Exponent, Establbhed 1 95



i: a ll S _\ Y l T W I T H F L 0 \\' E R S !l § ~ ii Say it ,·ith Our ft The column sufft>rs thb \H~ck as its editor failed lo :-:urvh·e the Thanks-

Published {'\ ry Tue,,.day of the collei:!e year hy the gtaff chost:n from the giving- fcstivitii .. ·::-.

As ocrnt ii Stuuent uf :\I1>ntann !:'tate Co11cJ,.i'e at Boz man, :irontann

Sub~cription Rate :$2.00 pt:'r ~chool ) enr ht Alpha Gum: ''.:\'ot \l'rY amu~ing is he?'' :?ml: "Xo, ·he couldn't. t.\l'll entertain a doubt."

AcceptC'd for mailing at spl•cinl rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Han~ you heard nbout the girl (sorority not mentioned) who said yes. Art nf Ol tuh r ,1 1 HI:!/, authorized Fc>bruary 11, wrn hut that :-;hC' had bt.:l'tl t«.•dut·ing- when askl.'.'d if :-he had C\"Cr been abroad.

Tclc1>hone: 1 li- \ sk for E~pont.nt. On :'ll onda~s after .i:OO P. 1\1. 80

blitor.in-C'hit·f • Busine s :\Ianagc>r ........•

)lannging Editor ..\s::i.stant Ed1tvr

';\'cws Staff

Leonard A . \Ying, '31 ... Carl \\' all, '32

William Fl~·nn, 3~

Ruth Platt Associate Editor .. :\lich::tel Deevy Sports Ed tor George Hart .·\ssist:mt ... , Wallace Hnr-·ity, Hur1.1ld Greint.'l'. l'hc·t lhrntley, Pat :\kElliott

Feature Editor .. ·-· .. ~- ;,\Jary Hakala \\'omen's Sports _. ...................... 11orothy Garrett

..\i:;si~tant Franct:s Fogkr .Society Editor -· .-\lit:e \ ·nndenhook

Big ~hnke>-up; Bill ;\JcCnll ha~ chnn!.!'t~d brands of '"dwwing tobackcr."

Final:-- two whole ,. l 1. • \.,' • .. l l' .. ti<lnig-ht ha!>. hcl.!Ull to burn.

Fablt.:: EYl'l'Y h Ul < nt ate t

nnd went to classt•~ Fridny.


and t'abbage on Thnnksgi,·ing day

, .. of the Yi ll.11n, Krogstad, with m• s1 .i it and p1 ~e. :\Ir. \ ·an Fle~t

1.a:-. n we I-placed , tik., and a splendid ~ra..::t• ap, c1ranc:t>. His rendition was ~lli-l'rior throug-h<• .t.

.:\fr. Stockton \"l·:tzcy dese rves espel'ial commenlwt wn for the sensi­tiveness and re~traint with which he

The tn·out.... flw thl'J) urpo~~ of selecting t~he freshman tkbntin~ team Wt. re held in the t~nd111 .. •t•rin$? ns-.cm bh· room Mon. en• .. :\o,·. 2a nt i::~o. Aithough thcH' wc-n• ~t'V('r:ll fr('sh­men who had signifktl thl'ir intention~ of participating-, only fiYt' appcarC'tl for te ..::ontcst. "Either thl' n:-;l lo~t Uteri nf'rYc or [oq.rot nbout it,"' s:iid Prof. BrC'wer.

The jud,..e:-. for th<• oct·a~ion wl'l'L'

Professor Brewc>r. 1'ootell, nnd B<'ll The team a!'I. l'iHl~t·n will t·un"'i~t of Chester Hu ntley, ][('h'n Huxlt'Y· and C"harJeg Coulter. with Berl \\"iltle1·­muth as nlt£'rnali\"C .. \ .l four of thc~e students :$hnwed mut."h ability and promise of devt•loping int.o an t. xcep­tionally g-ood team.


Refunds for the Gr<.'nf Fal ls tr ip will be is-.uc-d \\ ('dnrsday Decembe r 1. :lt the G~ mnasium . T he i;;:e "ill he i"ii;;:uecl all da' and t his "ill be the onl) da) at;, hich t hese re fund s can be had .

- Pat Dolan

!l ~

~ M. LANfiOHR I fl FLORI T ~ g 19 E. Main Phone 95 §


.... ,111111111111 1 1111111111111 1 11 111111 11 111111111119

CHRISTMAS filFTS For Mother. Father, , is ter - in fact the entire famil~

Select now while complete


I I I 1 1 111111 11 111111111111111111111 Assistants. Elirnbeth ~t.·itz. Bl•rnke ~orris, Greltht.•n Lchrkind, i\lildred Ne\'ins, H<.'!1.·n Olinr, Emma Baldwin, Loui~~ S:rnndt•rs, .JoH·phim.• :\Iiklich TypillJ! 1-.lizaLtth :--dt"', Bl'tty ).h:~t·il. lh.•lt·n Soudt'l'". Elizabeth Grnhnm

\\':llter E. l und of Helena, who int('rpretcd t he th.1ra tl'r of Dr. Rank. .e-radLated from the electrical eng-i- the intimate fril' llrl of the llelmer nce1ing dc1n1tmcnt in Hl27 was a family. The rolL 1 ~ :t minor one, but visitor at the College last wcC'k. llc .:\lr. Ye!tzey carr: J it with r eal dis­b now workin.~ for the l\lountain ~ T . h I T I . I C' tindion. I ... tate:.". e.ep o~1e .nnc . e eg-1ap1 ,_ .. ).(h;s Elizabeth l •pc wa:s a winsome and was here m the rnt.er('sts of hi..,, nrnid. ~liss :.tun Eaton pl:wC'd the

A l Greiner :·omptin)·. lie wn.., lol·at1~1~ nny lot·al / \l J \. ;nino1· part'' tlw chil:irl'ri~ nur~e Business Staff

.\tfrC'rtisin~ )[:rnag-cr ..

nm::::::..u::: •• m::::::::::=::11:::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:J::=:::.::::::::::r:


Bu:-<inel:'s .b~1~tant Ctrcu"at'on )lnrwgt·r

'Imnw Kirke~. Earl J"an::.m1. Roh .lon('s


Frank )lacCormick .Jack Erkkila

1nterft>1e1Kc trouble whH.:h may be \\ ith unusual ih.·rit , which c-ive:; rau~ed on the. tele1~ho1~e h.nes due to J l'C''1tbe of fine ll• ini.r in future roles. the_ change m d1str1but_wn \·oltag-e The chi ldren l runk Howard, :\lnr­wh1eh wns recentl)· made m Boz.l!mun i; arN Bowman.' n• d .Janet :\IacDonald, by the :\lontana Power com pan:.. wt.>rt:> ~prig-htlv and attractiH", :ind

att. adh r. aml added lllUl'h to the hun1an intercrt of tht• 'llay.

'harlc·~ llll'. Earl RudLt•n:. ).hu.E?:iret Bowman, Franklin Dt•wC'y, Lorrnirw Thomp~op \rmin Hill. Yorg-i, Hurlburt, L"hri:-; ~chlt'Chtt•n

T'roo1 l{eacll·r .lohn :Xorlin

Courier Print Bo:temnn, )fontana


Co-ed Volleyball Finals Saturday

The rapidit~· of mov~mcnt. whi('h l'Omplt:tek eliTn inateJ tht• v-unl tecli­o: ~ dclayg, and th(' ca«e and flex­il i1itY cf the act ors cm thr stne:e arc the 1lrnrks of exn·ll<•nt conrhinsr. Our nlle.l!T is fortunrtll• indeed to have

For owr a cle,·ade :'llontana State athletes ha\'e struggled for state supremacy in football :\Ian>· time' they han almo,t, but not quitl\ attaiJwd their goal. Ahrn,-s there has been some li ttle thing again<t 'heir 'o doing. Call it luck or what you may. This year the title has turned de,pite all to the contrar,-. :\Iontana State is foctball champion of :'l[ontana for the first time in many

~urh nhiiit\· . . \"ollcyl.1~111 :-.t'a::;on _is rapidly draw- I The deb..il of t hi..,, nitkigm is, after mg to a close .. _This year a lar)?er all. tht" g-reatest po..,~ible tributC' to number ~lf participant.~ than ever be~ the plar. An ordinary amateur pC'r­fore turned out. makmp: a total of formancf' lacks th C' t•crnYic:tion to ~tim­twehc . teams where th~rc hns been udte critici~m. Tlw t!'t.•neral superiority only e1g-ht team!> pre\"1ously. of thls production made tht• problem

~atunlay afternoon beginning at of thE> IIcli11E>r hnu~C'hold n matter of 1: l.5 P. )I., a YOll('yball rally will be rea l moment to the :mdiC'nee . held nt the gym, at whi<:h time the Sarah '\\~. JC'nninl!s. final tournament game$ will be pla:.·-

year~. eel off. On the sl'heclule there are Sporb \\Titers all oYer the Rock\· :\fountain Conference. and I three round-robi~' being .111.ai·ed off,

t: specially iP De11,·cr. made rash to. predid at the beginning of ~~:i~~fi?:;ur0}e:i~~~hm 0~3ct~1 e~i;·i~~f\~1i·~~~: the ,-ea<on that :'lfontana would not ha\·e a chance at the tate will compete Saturday for champion­champion<h1p. O. paper eYen 11·ent so far as to print "Montana State Colleg t wk t< ~nnual clrnbbing from the State l:nh·ersity"

a week or '" '" fore he game was played. )fany rea;:on '11'1Y be «'! forth for this condition . but it finally

<immers d1 \' • tu the foe that the football squad and its helpers pMse,scd thn' indomitable ~pirit of ne\·er gi,·ing up eYen in the face of pred c' ons of hopelessness of the cause, and to haYing the eYcr preS<•nt factor of teamwork and good coaching.


For the n ' tew years we ha,·e heard considerable argument aga; t ']pg,• athletics based on ihe a>>'Umption that ou r ath-1 te" are h1ret! and paid. The opposers maintain that for this rf'a ·on col ge ath etics are becoming professionalized and are not repre~entatJ,·e of the institution the,- represent. Those people go

ship honors. Alternating between the champion­

~hip honor games . any team will h~we an opportunity of challenging any other tt>am not in their rli,;sion. Thus there will he n round of games from I: 15 to .t :00 P. ~I. This rally was arrangl~d by nurnngl~r-at.large, :\larguerite Roscoe, for the purpose of giving C\'ery tearn a chance of playing games after they had been eliminated previously from the com­petition.

I To date the upperclass team and the \·ar~ity (compoi-:;ed of women with Bobcat sweaters) appear to be the strongest teams in the league. All chall~ng-e games arc to be reported by \·arious captains to the manager­at.Jargc before Saturday afternoon.


so f•r as t :<ay that men are enrolled and paid b,· the game, ~Ion., Dec. 2-7:1ii-D. T. ,-s. S. A. E. ~Jon., Dec. 2-8:00-B. E. n. Pi K. A.

month c• ·ear on the basi< of their ability to block, tackle, gain \Yed., Dec. ·l-7 :15-0. B. ,.s. s. A. E. yardage. ,hoot basket<, dribble or beat others to the tape. Wed., Dec. 4-o:OO- n. T. vs. lnd.

h Thurs., Dec. 5-7: 1fi-S. K. YS. D. T. T is a • ,,f affairs may be true at some schools but in the Thtirs., Dec. 5-8:00-S. A. E. vs.

ca>'e of the Ec'>cats it is indeed mot infalible. Sat.,Pt!~.A7_1 , 15_K. s. vs. Amigo

DenYer, Colo.. • -o'·· 20.- -For thr first time in the hbtor~r of stu.len• po1itics at the Coluratio \\~oman'~ Collel-!'e. a freshman hn~ been <.'lecteJ t<i an important position on the Coun­dl. :.".tudent g-on·1T1ing- g-roup of the Colle~c>. ~'\liss Carol Kl'rn of \\·ind­sor, Colo .. was named s<.'t:retary of the Council at n spec1a: c•lection here this week to fill a vat·!lnn· crcatC'd when the regular offii.:l'r failed to rctlirn tu <chool.


The AJ.!' tiub "ill hold a r egu lar nu.•1.·li nJ.! in the asse mbly of th e agrk lturaJ building. ~1 r. ::\leck.lenbu r· of the Gallatin (hick ll attlll'ry l'ill s pea k u11on the gubjC'c t ··The P ou ltry Out­look for '.\I• :1t:rna... Prof. J . • \ . ~clson has n important topic in rclat,"ou to uture financing of our Jud.r!'in teams to discuss. He ports of 1 he- .\ g- clnncc. to be held Jll''-l . ua rter and of the m£mbershi1> lOmmittee's "ill also be g-iH'n at that tim e. As this is the la."t mll ting of the quarter it i.;; a~ked that e'er) body be prC'~cnt. Hl'f reshments "ill be ~er\' ed.

Prog ram C-0mm"ttee. Chancc,]or ;\L A. Brannon. head of the :\Iontana Uni\·ersity Sat .. Dec. 7-2:00· o. B. ,s. D. T.

sy>ten, 'at< iJ an A"'ociated Press dispatch from Helena, Oct- i Sat. Dec. 7-2:*5--A. G.,n. _,·s PiK. A. b •)I h t •• . th 'd . . hi . Mon., Dec. 9-K. S. , .•. s. X. Pl f S f t

0 er-~. t a . a lS true at ai JS gn·en at etes of the state :\1 on., Dec. 9- . A. E. vs. Ind. Allhnu_I a,~'n!·:1:-:o~lt'\~ ~Uy lhe be:it,

institution~ 1n "L tring work to maintain an income through col- It was nui . ,_ hdore ihe suun;:: po

lege. Hu\\!'\ er that >ame aid is gi\"en any 'tudent who applies TOR1\1ENTOHS' PLAY lll'em: n nnrle•"I 1h:11 In """ hnu'e and I am su•e that no preference in that respect is Rhown to CREA·TES COLLEGL\TE 11""'' '"'re 1<1 11111·11111" 111 "'...,·' """n

t h! t 'fl. tt't I f th' ff' f th 'd t f h DRA.1\1 ..._\TIC ERA until Ill(' l'.1r1, hour~ of lhl" mnrnln:..:. a e es. 1•e " 1 U< e o is o ice, o e pres1 en o t e "Th:1ro1" """ mu..ii.

0m,.,.,.,, .. ,,, 1,1

i i~titutions and l' the state board of education is positi"e against lhL~ lln11st>ltoltln. 1111 IH'ing 1nrnr111l'd;

this sort of l 1 1I g.'' I (Contmued from Pa.go One) "l;ut It'!-:. 1101 .lt'f ld(•Jllal ..

He further Stl.V._, "\Ye seek bona fide students not tra,·elers. ccntere !, complacent., eminently re- ·~~Iii ':"' ::-.lid rhL• puli ~em:in, su .. 11fcl

\\ e rcqun·e a lugh deg~·ce of ~cholastic perforn1ance and we a re of TorYal.d 1 ~ a diffil'ult one, for thP "Ynn ~we, 111, nifl! Ila<:: hL't'n. on lloll • . . ~ ' ... spectable husband of ~orn Th role I ou ·'

on the nllrt to . tamp out any suggestion of profe sionali.sin charaetenz.ation must be com·eyed d:1) for u "11•1, nr t\\o, nnd 1 H' "'it

H . . . . I •]' . I. . .. ~ . . · largely by subtle satire , s mce Helmt:r l<.'11 lellin:.: lt1·r ah11u1 th<' lo1wl,\ 111:.;lir::--O\\e, e1, "e 1c tc'e t 1'1.t \\e nn1st be balanced in our attitude to- is too self-!:'atisfied to he sen~ntive:: l '\'e IWl'll :--pt>r :11,::: nt lionw."'

,·arc! the membl " of the student body. The fact that a student t".. th~ for<"es ?f life around him .. ~lr. "\\'..ti?" t t r 11 t · · ·r- . . . '' mn s rendcnng was most convmc- "ll1i 11 ·1 siin e? 1 41 ni"t llll ll ')

l~ .:in ou s anc ing at 1 e e 1~ not .1usb 1cat1on for withholding from ing- in the first of the last act, where n1t•tt·r to :.!ht· 111; :;w,is ~.:_1.0 ;;~:11 , 11 Ti~1; l'jp1 the aid gh·en to &ther,." the effects of the champai<ne seemed I Bil'.

"' th t I t · . f to have i;fren him a greater anima-r rom e ' U< en s \ • w pomt. except or the glamor and some tion. The >lowinir up of the mow-

hero-\ ·0r,-hip that ath:~•es al :\Iontana State College rerei\'e !11ev 'ment at the end of the play, which lltHltHXHltlll<W<ltHXHllltHltHlllllO<><J ' t ] · t •] · · . t . . . ' ..... seenwd to center abou t Tol""\·ald. is due .;e 1, le ' 'e 111 1 e llJ n except personal pumshment for their to an essential wrnkness. in the <lra- IQ effort. mati' 'tructure, which makes he parl Phone 286-:01 17 S. Tracy

of Tor\a}<l pnrticularly laborious.

\ T.\I• r.i~· J, ~ The role of ~Irs. Linden, presented .. \LPHA 2'F..i ~.:'! c il1ege of a,..,riculture of Ohio State b:r :\ligs Helen Oliver, wns interpreted 0

f I\ E • 'EW :\IE~II3£l!S l'ru,w>ity br J. F. Cunningham and as the inflexible, meddling, "married DIX N'S C. \ \', Burkt•tt. .\t prestnl there are old maid''. whom lif(' ha~ defrauded

6 rL tivt.> t1iapter~ in the Uniteci of happiness. In thC' reconcil ia tion c< St~ttes. with Kro~stn'.l in t he lngt act, the I

~ofter side of her nature appeared to , J .

NI:\E l\IE:\' .JOIN irreat ad,·nnt.age. ~fos Oliver is to be Wall P ape r, I a ints, I HQ_ ~OR..\ Y FR .\ T ~,~:~e:r~tul~}=~~n~t0~0~~t~·ib~~~~~; t~·h;~~ Oil, Glass

·~I. teC'e~\111.!" l 1 ria.1 :-;tatc- and

'11 ii: the'. petition ~r .\lpha Zeta hcrt Zw 1sl<>r.

\\Ill , \,;hront !er: bC'; )lluomne

t n l ~ t 1I1skin-

~ay. I (Cont llll I "rom P.ag-e One) )Ir. Raymond Yrm F leet played the ~o-~

In rq~·ar•l i.O next year's convention he stated that it would be held at the L:>hig-h l'nl\erEity in Bt•thlthem, Pa. Thi~ " hool \\a~ t ho"l'll in honor of Profe• r \\'il.:nm:-.;. ht ~td of the \lepartmcn• <1! mi11ill:?" <'ni:ine-cring t <·rt>, in a]"l»r cintion. a<.; ht• wa._ tht>

~--------·r 4 ·~-~·_at-'t_._,_,_"'-·"-· -·· ~n~1 _T~:~1u"'-'n'--' ~"~l~'i:..:..:ir~1 ~1 ~"'~9~·-~

NEW LINE Of RINfi BOOKS Yc ry Low Pri<·ed

BRIEF CASES 3.00 TO .n E\·erything for the Student



THE BAXTER FOUNTAIN .vfhc Best in Town"'


il GJY E HER ,\ :"\ E LECTRIC K\:\'GE E ?. ?. ~ Full S ize ! ~ WESTINfiHOUSE ELECTRIC RANuE ~ a E

~ SALE PRICE $75.DO ~ ~ $5.00 Do"n - $5.00 :\lonthl~ ~

~ Installed Free and 'en·iced Free as long as in operation ~ ~ on our lines ~

~" ::

8 ~.:;. THE MONTANA POWER roMPANY ~ DRl:\KLESS K.\YWOODI E i;i " ~ . lJ i::

PIPER "' U g

, ''.~;;~!;~;;:";,:~~ I [~~;:~;,~~,:;~~:--= ::; § J. B. ~eil, Prop ~

V\linning the 'Yar against,veatl1er l n the tekphonc bu<ine<s, r,·se:ut h 111a11,

ll1:lllllfiKruring- cnginet.>r and ronqrurtinn

~upen·1slH :ire rarr\'Jn~ on a succes~ful

war a~Tainsr the unruh· dc111ents, en~1nies

to sen ict·.

Cable. for e':ttnpk, housin~ 111011:· cir­

cuits and coYen:-d \\ ith l'r >tn. ti' c Ctla in~s

BELL tA fl,;; .'·Ir

ofp 1·0,·l.:'d strength ," ithSt:1nl1S ~rorms '' hich n1il!ht "lTiuuslY thre:tten open wir( hnes.

~l ltt" !·1 the Bell 5,.,;r,·111 g ·m\th is in­

tensiYe :is \\ dl as exte11si\·.._-. tmpn)\·in~

present facilirie• a• \\ell as addinl!; n'"' one<. \ nd there: is no end to :di this

dt•\ clop111e11t.

SY.STEl\I ';c,;;ng t£/tp:Zon ts

"0 L R PIO . E F H I G \Y 0 R K !I A J l ' T ~,••G l ~·

Page 3: ~xpon£nt - arc.lib.montana.edu · SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herric k Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rl s to S ing Christmas


SUCL\L CALE:'\D.\R \ley anu Bob )!anlove visited at their -- homes in Whitehall.

Friday, December ti-S. A. E . .\Ir. \ \ 7, • • Bailey of Corvallis, .\lon-

::,aturoa), December 7-A .. L. R., tana, "as the house guest of Sigma l . h. A., U . . K and Amigo. Alpha Ep;::,ilon durin~~ the pa~t we<.k .


.rail::; unday, wflere she spent t.he Ami go. w eeK t:OU \\an her pat·ents. Dean and :\lrs. Cohleigh, Elizabeth Th . 1 d b h .1J.r. ano ,.\u::; . .ttaLvey LOLL were Garoiner, and La Verne Brown wtrc he senior c.anc:e, shonsort Y t e


1 111 1 l lJ I 1 ll JU" I I I t I I I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-

H B McCAY Hardware

Dinnenvare, Glassware, Oriental Gift Goods ' ••• , •••••• , •••• , t •••••••••••••• • , ••••••••• •111111 11 1

Friuay 1.11nne:r g1..ests at. tne Lh1 g-ucsts of Amigo Sun Jay for <linner. ·op omore tlass, at It e col ege !-.'"Ynl­Umega Vtetcnu1 van \ oa;;;t spe!lt Chal'leR Reitr.:h, ex '2H, was a week ~~sium, on \Vedne~c ay CYening, :\ov. 1hanh.S){l\'lll~I' at ner home lll 'lown- encl \·i~itor at the Amigo hou~e. where El. was pronounced a huge ru~cess. send. he d~ited his brother .Jack. Charles :..o<l Pep;ram's orchest1a fund~ 1cd the • • .-.-.~-...-• ...,.,,,,.._,..._._._ • ......._.._._._.. ..... ,... ... .-.., ..... _.. • ..._..._ ..... _. . .. _. • ..._ ...... _,._._._..._ ... .. _. • ._._._ .. _ • .,.._ Laroline Cochrane and Teresce O'- Reitch is employed a!' hig-h tension music and a large crowd attended. > LET VS HELP YOU \ Donnell at.tene1ed t..ne football game m cngitll'er with the Americ:an Tele~raph As a sp~{i~l r~athre a lan~e ht}'i~ey l \

Great. taus 'lhursday. Vhile tnere. and Telephone company with he:td- ~~aR jwkrcc. tol t c pe~son ycmg ~ PLAN THAT XMAS DINNER ~ they \\€l'e gu<.sls of ~Hiss .Sell. quarters at Denvc:r. D::lta u1~a·uy tnukmh>Cr. lCh ydc ,·lynn, ,• > Wilber \'aup;hn wa s a week end <,' • oo · ome e pnz . ~ , :Jli~ B1anegan, \\ere !:::iunday dinnc1 A t t d l1 th 1 1 :.\lontana . tale Colle~e. At present 't ~

_\llss Glatll s tl1anegan and mother, , tsit( 1

of Amij?o. 1 his da~ce 1:s !rn a11nual afta1r at I.; \ guesb at the Lht Omega hou~e. · mHro en er am~ a. c•ir P ec gcs it falls on the cla ss of 1932 to cntc1- >

l A whirl" ind of ad1vitie:-; han~ filled Thani\Sl!iving week \\ ith pep and at Thanksgl\ mg dinne1. tam each outgoing class until they I MODER I «·:.:cit(·mt'nt. Howcn·r Thank~gidng- clay se('med parlicul:nly 'luiet in Boze- h.~1µpa ~1gma. ret~1 Ep'1 Ion. j are~ senio~~, .. an~I \\Ill be host .. of the ~ N MARKE'f f d (' F 11

ih~rnk·gl\lllg dum r guests at the W 3 lttr Lunti of Hel!!na, ,27 . \\as \ lc las~ of H1.1·>.1ra<l1t1on ~a;:;:;.that this ~ man, for the scenP of actidtit•s was uan-. crre lo rreat a s. 1.'he Band, Kappa ~igma house were .Mrs. Eliza- "·ednc {la. dmncr !!Ut -..t at the Beta dance mu~t be. held be-fore the I> Spur~. and Fang:-, a..; well as man)· other ~tudents journeyed tu Great Fall" bet.n 11awK:-., :Jlt~s !:iigna Lonner, }lis . IEp!'HlC'~ h~-~e \Thank~g-t\tn~ holidays. I . PHO .. ~E 83 to thccr their tc:am throu~h a \'ictoriou~ game. Hui \Cj Lotti Jl.lss Liam Roat, an<l Frances Halev an 1 Gale !'\ehrnn CI , $ Quality I\leats Delivery E\er~ Hour ~ Then. too, many ~tudcnts took ath'anta~c of the \"al"ation to go lo their .\iJ-.:-; .H:.ny Lowne) . were F1 Hlay clmner gueo;;.t" at the n _.,UBS WILL HOLD (,JFT ............................. _ .. _______ ._ ............................................ .,,._.._._._._.._ .............. -:.._.._.._._._:_.. .......... w. l(•spC(tJ\t..' homes. da{~a1~·aen1::;n·1,;m~DneaennteHrt<a~1t~1ec?k T~luar1~y- E hou~e . 'ALE'] HURSDAY EYENING I f I l ~ ,..., ' • Sundav dinner guest~ of Beta I --- ! 11 1 :1 1 I I I I • I I Ill I 1 1 t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I

Thrt't· part1e~ held tie centc1 o atlct't1on at t 1e (' o,.,e of the \\eek They Lo\\nci·. Uara Roat, Lot::. Sm1ti1, · Eosi'on were Gordon Lig-hlfoot and (Co t· d f p 0 ) \\l'IC the O H. formal part), the Kappn :--.1g-nrn fotmal and the Sigma Ch 1 1Eeat11ce :\elson, ~nn Hai·n.ngto:1, ll arold Freeman. . n ;mue rom ago . ne hard-time partj>. Bct.sv Jackson, lhelma \\11lson, they mclude bags. table lmen an<l • Do1oth) Richard~, Ruth Nelson, . l1ss .\l r\.ia Gamma~ thin~s of lha~ sort.

OLIVER~STOUT IMPLEMENT CO. Jl amiltt:n Hall ~ot<'s. Reg-ma J)anicith • njoyecl a visit

frvm her sister. Tille. who cam~ over ft om A nacon<la.

:'\1:11 ieuna :Jlurphy, Eleanor Rice, P1.arl Hir:-.ch, Harri~t L<!wi~. Yirvinia \,·arner and Beth G1aham went to their home!" in Bullt.• to spE:nd Thank,_ J,:ivim ..

Ilob Lon~ :mi A J Gate~ w<'re the Sunday dinner g-ue~+ s of Fa) Collins am! Bets:i.: .Tack~on.

Rutl1 fhmlhun· ant1 \"era Ann ()''\"pj) ~PC'nt Thai1ks1?h ·nJ? at \Yillow Creek.

Do,. thy Ford had :\far.~an•t Choate as ht'r rlinncr guest :\Ion<lay e,·ening-.

Sarah Darrint!cr and Lu illt> \\'e<;.t­r.\•er ~T'1 nt Thank"g-ivintt at theii­hnnw..; in Dillin.!!s.

. fiJdrc I 'e\·in w.a.:; the ljmH r ,£ruest ct' .l . .;;.onhit'" )f;klich Frida-.; e\·e11inC'.

Dorotlw Ford and Dorotlw :\filL~r ••• n*" t'1(: \'"Pek en1l in Helena.

Knthr\ n TTeC?"ea rmno o'> t'r froi.1 Pntte Frichn.· to !'pend the week end with :\Inn· T.,owne\· and f'l<Jr::i Roat.

AlicP Gnr<liner went to Anacon<la to srJ>., Th£nk.;;noivino

Yl•ra .\nn O'. · i 11s brother·. Di \Yil'-. came over from Kalispel1 to spenrl a .,. k with her.


'"Why Lea,·e Home "



"Cradle Snatchers"'


'"~fouJin Rogue·'


Olga Chekova



Greed and Passions

of Paris

Synchronized with

Songs and Music

FRIDAY . SATURDAY I '"Pleasure Crazed" I

All Talking

:\Io,·ietone Feature

CO:lll.\'G SlJNDA Y


Singi ng Dancing Talking

.:\lusic.11 Comedy

Shaw, \'irginin Spec.k. Delbert :\fvi·ick and \Yrh:ht Gates ~hss. Hutchmson, formerly of :\Ion-.1brct-lla Rawson e11jc1~,-etl the week Dinner guests ~aturday E.'\·ening at were Thur~da\. <linncr g-ur ·t~ of Alpha tan~ State, has. sent ~ome modern : i•nrl \\ith her folks at ~lilt!:' Cit,·. the Kappa .Sigma hou~e were .\lrs. Gatl•m ·•. Rho.· Italian an~! A~me11e·an lh1ng-~ from her\ • R .:;:;e Lowney from Butte~ spent flnrv('y Lott. :.\.liss Elizab(th Leathers, . Alpha Gamma _Rho had n~ Sunda .• • AD~~tltashoPph·,'",,~1'111nlc~onBuadruhcatraa. booth .10 , : ~unday witl1 her sister "\lary. :\liti~ .\largm ite Floyd, Jack Kaiser- I t M l I :\I II '"' Harn It n hall scr<ed tea from 5::)0 man. Bid Fowler. D<~~k~n:ues s 1 t. ai · r~. erman which they will ~ell h~nd-tooled leater ~ tntil o:::o on Thank~giYinJ? day Kappa Sig-ma entertained with their anicles which tey have dr.n -... ~ 8helf and Heavy Hardware .. .~<111dwi~he:-, ookie~, nub. and tea nnnual fall party at the Hotel Baxte1 1 AL le same tune as the Art Bazaar. • • were ~crved as 1·cfre~hments. :\Innv 1 Satu1day e\Crnmg. >Jovember 30. The OHI O H. EPOHTER P IND' I the llom e Economics food sale will!~ :> , • • • · the c:irl> in' ited ther f1 iend> O\ er rha1 erons were Professor and Mrs. MOST GIRI S DIET'~( ' be held on thr. 'econ I floot of Hen:1ck I ~ I hone 182 26 ". ;\lam : a!'\ ·:!tll'~b. The r kelson. Doctor and . lrs; Parker "" ·· L x hall They w11l sell Christmas cake~. • .. Other girl;:; who ~pent Thank~g- 1 ,._ The g-uests wtre Elizabeth Leathc1... -- fruit cake_s, man\ \~lnetie~ of hoL- =. • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 , • , • , , , , 1 •,, 1 1 1, 1, ,,, ,,, ••• 1 1 1 1 •,,,,, 1 ; in!: at their homes we1e )Jablt.• Os- ::\Jariruerite Floyd, Doroth~· Hannah, (C:ont..inucd from Page One) day cookies, home made candies. borne. Ruth Robinson, June )foe- Kay Tlig-ea, Rena Scovil, Katherine . jellies. and preserves. The food will \Jli~ter, Fn1nce~ Peter:--on. .)Jary K~lm:rn, Lucille Zortman, Thelma P,O?tton can be h('ard the old refrain, be g-aily de-.krd in rhri~tmas wrap- • .,,._......_,......_._..,,._..._....,......,..,,...,.._._._.._.._..._.._... ... _ ..... _.....-.... •.-.•.•......-..-..-..-.· ... ~..-.-..·.,,._...-........ _...-.-.. ~andt.•. :\tar on Erick!\un. :\lan!arct \\·ds:on. Gret.hen Yan Yo:i~t llelc:n . I knc:nv thcv make me fat but darn pings for gift~. ~ I "·inter~. an Edith John~on. Knli.l1ar!.- :\lary Lowney. Clara Roat it, ! hke them." . The lw_o ~·ales. will. he 01:en Thurs- ~ ~ Dons h.uhn ... Grace Ankrson. Lucille 1he coke~! How they love their lclav evPnin°· until 9: .rn Fnclay, frnm 1 ~ \\·e are al l proud of our Coach and the l\.ar1>a Delta. lfayl's, Cecile :\la ill et, Emr11a Baldwin. <:ota rol_a's ~vi th lemon flavor. To t?P 9 to 6 o'<:l0ck; an.J Saturday from ;t 1,,~ .\rione t.rane an I Yirginia .:\Iilb Ruth Bradbury. Grace 're!';sup, Mil- off t,he ~1.!-b.~t mea l t here must be pie. 9 to H . . ~ record our Football Team l\lade this year i -;ptnt 1 hanksg-iving in \\"h1tehall dred .Jackson, Yiola Ford, Gene\·ieYe App.e m hr~t place and cherry a .All <'•Jllce-e people are mYtted and ~ !Jelen and Ruth Bradbury t·ntcrtained Castor. Leona Isaacs, Betsy Jackson, close- S('~ond. . urzed .to tome ~o H errick hall to see ~ \t.tn Ann an<l Wilda J.lae U'. cil. Ruth Lowe. )lrs. Harve\• Lott, Loi!' Her<' I!" a Htrange fad. :\-lore t?ll"ls thP t'"11n'!"~ on d1solay, whether or not ~ Etl\\arc.1. f• uller. \\rt'.!nciel Jt.•nnttt. and Smtih. Fa Ye Collins, I\lanrnret Lord. drink ('Offee than boy~. The reason they intend to lake advantaire of thig ( Dl \\.1tt O':\t·il, Thank!'\:.dving·. at tht>ir Yir~inia O'i'\eil. Glady~ Elliot. Adena unknown. :!'\ow toys, here is a little exrellent ooportunitv to purchase ) home in ·wil ow Creek. S: h'-·maker. Ann Harrington. Loi.;; secret. Do gills c:>at more when the lristma P"ifts whi h tannot be ob- ~ ~ Kapr.a Delta enttrtainf>J Bob Hin- LJ:lls, ':\1arirnret Choah·. Genevie,<' boy friend pays the b ill? Yes, they tained elsewheo;e. 1 ~ E .6. .-.L ~ a• .A. ~~H ""LL .; man. Eve11.:!lt Petersun. Gary ,Jacob- "\\ ondarrl. Cathleen Henkel. Lois do, and how! ~ ~a.;;. ~. iTI ~ ~~ '""- ~ son, :'\01man Oswald, John· Cassidy, 8 heffer. :Jlr. and :\fr!'. ~laxon. 1\[idl?"c NOTI CE / $ and John Ycagtr Thur~_:av e\enin\:C. ::\larquis Bi.II Fowler . • Jack Kai-'('r- COl\1l\1 IT'fEE GIVE~ -..-..-...... ..-~_. .. ._._._,._._._._._ ... ._. ....... .._ •• ._ .. _.._,...,._.....,._..._._._.._..,,._._.._._.._w_...-.-.. -..........-v. .:\ti~ Tht:"lma Chbholm: inspector man. Herhei·t no"·ell, Sam GeMj!C'· .\ II persons intC'rested in S \\ im· ..:.C.!<'1'31 of Kappa Della, ha~ been a \·itC'h, an<l .Jam('s Jorgenson. A. W. 8. CRED I !~ ming are urged to attend a meet-'"11•" ' of Sigma Omega chapt~r the in rr Tuesday, Oc-C'ember :lrd. at latter part of the week. Sit!""llla Chi. (Continued from Patrc One) il :15 in the class room in the

Kappa. Dvlta entertained alumnae Beta Rho of Sigma Chi entertains Gym. n1 emh~r=- at dinner Friday e\•ening. at a ··hard time" ball given at the <.ditors of the A. \V. S. yt'.!ar book, The c-i::es s were ::\lr;-;. ::\lcCall. :\Ir~. Elks home. Friday eYenintr. witn ::\li~;:; :Jfartha Fl\"frn as advisor.

-Pal Dolan

YauJ!hn. ::\lar~aret Gal1agher, I.i.llian The ill\ited g-i..:e::;ts wtre: The year book is a r~(·ent inno\·ation St( ne, Ruth \\·oodward,, and Laura Dean and ~!rs. J. )1. Hamilton, :\lr. at :\L S . C .. having been published I Ill I It t 1 11 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ' 1 I 11 1 f 1111 11

Huffine. and .Jlrs. Whitfield Spain, :XL H. fo1· the first time lac::t sprinj! under 1 he Ima Chisholm, :.\lrs. Gertrude Spaulding, )lrs. R. E. Brown, :\lr. and the able editorship of )!is::; I•""'lorence Smith. a1:,I mnnber ..... of Kappa Delta .J1r-.;, Ted C:ttes, :\Ir. and ;.\frs . Keith Johnson and ::\Iiss Martha Flynn. were c:ntertained at a Sundav nig-ht :::>ime, ).lr. and :\lrs. Dewev Street, The Council dec:ided tn hol i the first sm re' at he home of :\!rs. · \Y. H. ··Blick"' Bree len, Ruth Pla·tt, ~J ary A. \V. D. assembly of the year on :\1.·Call. Francis Spain, :Jiilo Tanner, J.lartha Thur::.day, December 12. Plans. for

1 ELLEN~ I Kappa Delta entertained at :in in- f lynn, Grace Anderson, ;.\larjorie the program for this a~scmbly will be frnnnl tea in honor cf :\Ii~~ Thelma Saunders . .Katherine Ri,'ers, Lucille folly l"Ompleted within a few day~.


! C'higholm Sunda~~ afternoon. The ~adler, Rena CO\'il. Lu~ ille Zortman. gue~ts were Dean Herrick, :\liss Hap- Jo:-ephine Gary, Lora Brown, Eliza- U~ ITED ST.ATES Cl\ JL E RVl C'E net'. )fi~s: E. F. Bunk<•1\ :J.Irs. R. •"". beth Griffith. C1auclina 011dykie. E XJ\:\llN ATJO., Fur :um, .:\lrs. H. ""elch. )!rs. C'. L. Eleanor Brown,LnVerne Brown.Doris Anc·e-ney. ::\lrs. \Y. H. )kCaJl. and rep- Purdom. Dorothy Hannah, ::.\Iariena r ~entative~ of other ~ororities. )lurphy, Elizabeth Smith. Bei;.sic

)Ji5~ Thelma Chisholm was a i;ruest Aime~. Shirley Brown. aHzel Huffine, of Hamilton Hall Monday e,·ening-. Gary Peterson 1 Caroline Cochrane,

Alpha Gamma Delta. Ddta Gamma.- of Alpha Gamm:i

Delta ente1iained for :Jlr:;. Richard­~on. house c:nape, u1w, ;it a delightful ath.ruoon pal ty, ~O\t't lber 23. Fo..;r­lten guests t pt?nt the afternoon with scw~ng. Dainty retr1..shments were served at t.he clo..::.e of the afternoon .

Tate~· O'Donnel. Rae Anccney. Betty :.\Jathews, Fay Collins, Beatrice !\el­~on. Beth Pope, :\largaret Rowe. Elizabeth Hendrickson, Luci 11 e 'Wright, Helen Zortman, Betsy Ja~k­s.on, Jean )filler. Edith \Yaterman, Katherine Byr<l, Genevie\'e " roodard, Helen :\laxey, Genevieve Benepe, Glady~ nain, GencYieve Lutes . Lucy Owens. Margaret Lord, anJ 1\farjorie Little.

The United States Ch ii erdce ' ~ Commis~ion annourn:es the following ~ open c.ompetitive examination: 1 ~

Junior Chemist. -Applications for junior ch(mist •

mu:--t te on file with the Civil Sen i ... e • Commission at \Vashington D. C., not later than ~Tanuary 21, 1930.

The entrance salary is $2,000 a • year. Higher-salaried positions arc filled through promotion.

The duties. a1 e in connection with different phases of chemistry, chemi­cal engineering-, and industrial tech­nolog-y. The fadlities of the difier-

.\liss ltene l\IcDonald and her fr.end. ::\Ii;:;s .:\largarct Brutts, we1t! guest~ of Alpha Gamma Delta Fri­day noon.

Omega Beta. ent bureaus make ~hem in many ~·e·

This Week


"Street Girl" All Singing and Talking


Jack Mulhall in

"Dark S treets"

FRI. and AT. Alrha Gams. who went to Gren;;.

Falls for the game were, Xorma ft.:k, '..\faqraret Chenoweth, Virginia O'Xcil, Lucy Bowman, and Alice ::\lae C'ar.·.

F. E. \Yillson of Big Sandv F. ~I. ~perts, t~e best cqmpped laborato~es .Tone~ of Deer Lodtre ad 'Clifford m th_e worl.1, and close contact .w1t11 C f \Yh' t ~ ' h n S · the mdustrics make the experience \\·.a~non o . , .1 e .. u;~p ~r pnng"'• t..hus. obtained ideal preparation and

~ ~ Gentlemen of The Press ell the \\€\ k en~ .uests of the train111g ideal preparation and train-

Omeg-a Beta ~n.\tern~ y. I ing- fof industrial research. Chemist~ The Tanksg-iving dmner i:rue5 ts -~we~·.e who desire tt) continue college work

1fr. and .:\1r 4 • .I: .J. Jacobson of Noi .. ii are offered good opportunities to do Dakota. and Miss Dorothy. Shephen"'. so, not only in the universities in

• I COMING SUNDAY • • ~ Comedy Riot of the Sea~on ~ "3 Lh·e Ghosts"

Those who went home for Thanks­gh•ing we1e Lillian Tubbs, Helen f;.hultz. Harriet Tullock. Lucille "-esto,·er. :.\tarnlla Rawson. and F'ranct. s Peters0n. ).)argaret f'rest ;:;pent Thanks~i\·ing in Lcnnop, 1\Iont., Ju iith Belden in Livingston. and Genevieve Ka~ter in Three Forks.

Ome~a Beta. formal d1.nner-dance \\'ashington, whi{"h arrange their das;:; was gl\'en Fnda,· e,·enmg at the hours lo suit th(> convenience of per­Hotel Ba.xtcr. The ,.irn.c~ts :vere: sons in the J!OYemment scrvi<..<• bv j.Ia:y 'Vi 11 so nc;::, \u.·.1r~n.1 a h.eye~. J:?;iving courses in most subjects in Dorothy Sten~en" · \ 1q:m:1a Rector, late afternoon or e'>·en in~. but in ad­Emmll Baldwn:i: I--~ona. haac. Flot:- dition. the departments the~sehes. ence Tolson. Vu1?1_ma ;\elRon, Gene ... 1- in a number of ca~es, offer courses in eve Castor •. Carohne E~~,·~rds, Gr:wt? advanced wo1 k which are g-iven suit­Cre_sap .. Judith Belden, V J\"lennc Boul- ab'.e credit by reco~nize<l colleves.

; I 111 I I I Ill I I I I· I I 11 t Hl l lll I UI Ul h l l ll l l l

I .:\Iargucrite Roscoe had as her week end g-ue;;t. hl r sister ::\lary Bernice who attends ~chool in Helen~1.

f'i Beta Phi. ~~a'~· ~rma ~wan~on, .oral Rettor, Competitor_;:; will i.,e rate.I on gcn-Dan Barri1wer, Harrim an :.\fains, C'lcn Fmch. ~orma Beck, I:ene M~- er a I chemistry a nd elementary

Don Seitz. Al Kelly, Keith Gastin(au, ~onal~. ('arolmc Bush. Ahce na_ni· physic~. and an ·opt ·nal subject. The I Bob Gjulien. Bill " rall. an·) )Tiss •rh. _ farv Couttes, Gladys Elliot. (1p~iQna l ~ubjects an: Ach anced in­llelen Cornwell were dinner gue~ts at Rn!"C' \b:ne.. Le.ota l"a~·" Arlone org-:inic chemistry, 'tnalyti~al chem­the Pi Beta Phi house on Thanksgiv- f'r:me, '!mmc Kirkes Echth Easha~. ;st1y, or~anic chernh•try, and physi.:al mg- day Lula Stone, Ad.enea Schumak~r, chemistry. • .

:Jfi~s Esther Bowman spent Thanks· P~P'Q"~; ~<'ott. Loui;e Sa~m<ler~. >1t1- Full information ·my be obtained givin1r da;\' in Great Falls visiting her 'heel Richard-.; Katherme Henk~l. from the United ~tateg ivil Se1·vit-e I ~i:.ter an<l brother-in-law. 'Misses\ ~frs. r.eor$re Haves, l\ Irs. E. B. \Vil- .,ommi!'.'!:-iion at \"\'aF-hington, D. C., or Dorothv Grib~by and Elizabeth ~on. \fr. :incl :'-[rs. Bob Adams ... :\fr, from the ~ecreL1.1)' of the United r;ardiner visited at their homes in :in 1 )frs. Tod!!, Mr. and )frs . l" ·. R ':>tat<.·~ Civil Sen·ice Boar 1 of exam­LidT1e-ston and Anacoml& res1>ettively D\·e Pro_fC"ssor anrl :\Irs. _Conklmt!'. ·nt.rs at the post ol 'ice in any cit.y. ('11 Thankst.riving-. an<l Pres1cknt nncl ~·fr:?.. Atkmson.

\fig~es Frances Kyle, Shirley Fab­ric-k, and Mildred Cameron were Pi Pela Phi dinner 21.H.!-\ts on Saturday.

)!r•. n. E. Evan•. Pi Beta Phi hru"'e mother '"ent to Helena \Ved­ne"'(da\· to ~pend Thanks1?ivine: Yuca­tion with hPr .;on and hi<.: familv. Miss ,..( rinne rerrv. of the Gallatin -county hi1: ~rhool faculb·. took :\frc;. E\·rin's

laC'f• at the Pi Phi house until Sun­<lav.

Sun<la\· clinner !!uest~ at thr Pi °R(>h Phi ho··"'e in ·lnde-d Miss Tillie Drini,.ich of .\.nar·nnda, Chet N"c-l!'ion, and Jordan Burkhart.

\ J1·ha Omicron p·.

S il!ma Alr>ha E11~i l o n . Thankst!'h•ing dinner g-uests at lh""

S. A. E. house included :Jlr~. Edwin Pegram, )li s~es Ruth Lowe nn I Shirley Brown, and Mr. \V. S. B:tilev of ron·am--. 'Montana. .

Gorden 'Williams. Jake Wentworth and Frank and George Shanlcv spent Th1nk~eiving- at their bon1C's iil Gre~1t Frills. C'arlctc111 Dale l'>P<'nt that dav at his home in Billings, and Chet Hunt -

111 1 - l ll!ll I I II I I I Ill l ll l rl l !l l l ll l ll t l l il l \1 1 111 1 ;;; ~ ; ~





THE.'!' AF<.E. [:;AD. ---:---

1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111

WHEN YOU WANT A fiOOD MEAL and Some Courteous Service


MAIN CAFE I I If I I I I I I I'' I I I I I I I If I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I I I I I 11 U


Phone 77 Cleaning and Pressing, Repairing and Dyeing

40 W. MA.L'<

CLASSIC BARBER SHOP Basement Commercial National Bank




WEST SIDE GROCERY Sta1ile and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right Phone 266


7 S. Tracy

PHONE 311-\V


B;p,(er Hotel Baltimore Hotel The Thanksgi\'ing- dinner guc~ts of

1 he Alpha Omi{"ron Pi sororil\· were '\fr. and .:\Ir". Baldwin "f Butte· H elen Ru.:;:;hin,tr. and. Kathleen Vaughn.

;\!rs. C'harhe Boulwan:o and daul?h­tpr, Adaline. vi~ite<l with Vivienne 8f'1ilwarr O\'t.•1· the week en l

i CANDY SHOPPE I DO YOUR Xl\l.\ SHOPP! G •• 11111• 11111811 NOW 11•• ••n• E,·crythmg for Fath. i-, i\Iother. I D RY C L E A N J N G Try some ~

~ :.\[rs. ;\, PopP and dau!l'hters )far­

arPt Olive and . fartha Lee were the • wpr-lc end l!'uest~ of F.lizaheth Pope .

The Sunda,· dinner ~1·l•rsb were "\fr~. E. 'furtin '1rs. "Roulware. )r[r!'.'. Pope. Helen Oliver iifan:rnrct. Olh·e Pnnn. Martha f <'e Pope and Adaline Boulware.


It's the Best Ever

Chi Ome!!•. 622 Grand Ave. So . ~Ji!'1!'; ::\Iiln Tanner, Knth]e('n Bird,

and Fnve Hahn snent Thanksp;iYi np; Phone 357·M

• • • . ~

which w ill carry Sun sh In e to all who receive

and jolj to all who send th em

Brother and Srnter

Our low prices will surprise ;;(\U I p h 0 n e 7 9 Wagner Bros. I

Bozeman's Leading Men's and Gallatin Laundry Boys' Store " It Pays To l\<'CJ> (Jean"

at tl-ieir homec; in Butte. • -ill•••••••••••••iii 1 ~fiss I rene Seil returned from Great 11111 1 • • • 111 11 1 111 11 1 1 1.-rrT1 111 1 1 11 1 1. 11111 1 1· 1 11 1 1 1 ~ Alexander Art Co.

Page 4: ~xpon£nt - arc.lib.montana.edu · SAI NTS AT GREAT FALLS Tim e i"et at 7 o'clock. To Be Held in Herric k Hall. Opening Nig ht to Be Festh e Occassion. Gi rl s to S ing Christmas


MONTANA STATE OEtEATS MOUNT ST. GHARlES TO TUNE or l TO ~ I GRme Is Played on :->no\\ Co»ered Field. Helena Lacks Punch. Bobcat Football Team Ends One of College's Dutch .Clark I :i~!~0~ro~::hd1(~:::;: ~Jost First Do\\nS But Did ~ot !Ian

M S f, } G .d. S 1,h d Is High Man ost UCCeSS1U fl Iron easons UfS ay , ··ri)ln)< --;;utchtn"" ... ,.~,utncd P .\SS FHOill DEFlL\TE TO WYLIE Gl\' ES TITL E

~gh1p a:-. till' h1J,!hC'-.t. l!ldl\ 1dual er in the R '.\l \. ·. "hl'n he gnr­

.l'd ::-l poi 11 i:-. ncnin:-;L \\'c.-::tcrn ,;He last ~atunl:n. lit.• jumped to a -..: point marJ?in ;Hl r "Powerhouse"

Wylie. O'Lcar.' . Worthington. )lcFarland. Semingsen ;rnd \\ agncr .\re Outstanding Performers. Saints Try Passing But Con­sis tently Lose Out. Helena Being Offside _\ ccount s For Ex tra Point

O UR d ia monds ARE exactly what we

say they are-and you can depend on that. Our name and reputation assure it.

Fort) :\Jen Turned Out. Won First Game lh a :!li-0 Score. l}efcated B) Yanda! '· la h A :~·it Won lh Tom·hdown and Safch. Both ~id<'" Sho" ed Lat!-. of Polbh . T rouneed B. \. l. Senn ;fhou~and Spectators S;tw Tilt llet\\een Grizzlie,,. and Oyche's )Jtn at Butte. Twent y ­one Year Jin'I. Broken. O>ercame W) oming al Sheridan and St. Charles at Great Fa lls

1 ;1·L•ro,· who !'at on lhl' beneh ns the t playl' I \\"J t. nin.i::. 1 ht. lutd('rs :

I Yl r~ Clnrk. l \.'.

<..; , TD. l':tt. FG. pts, A~ a fitting- di"'l' lo t:-:l' mo:-;t ~Ul' hnth tt.nms. The :-;pceh' Saint backs,

l'l!i:;;s,ful sL':tson :\h'lnt.:llln ~t:ll1,; ('olll'l!l' Jll)t1,;•1l for their ahiht\' to skirt th1• g-ritlclt.•r8 h:l\"(' had in m:tn\' n•ars. tht.• ('nds for Ion"' gaini::.' n>ultln't get Bobl.'nts dd('at('d :\1ount ·~i. Chnrlt.•" started and . .\u~tin Ih•Fratl', th(' collcp-t.• of llcll'ml, 7 tn U. on tl snow- :-·naky BohL·at halfbm·k. c:ot loo~t.· onl\' l"O\"Crcd g"ridiron ~It :\lontana l\m('r onn• and tlwn his gain wa:-; not whllt park in Gl'Nlt Falls Thur~day u!°tt.'I'- it nlig-ht ha\'C' he<'n had he bt•t.>n able

(Jl)· l;vo. L. Hnrt) u ti " 4~ • I llllH'l'O)'. L'. l'. 0 0 12

H. A. Pease & Co. Ahout fo1 ty n1t:n H'f)t.lrtt.·d for< o.al·l1 D) hL•':-. at".) football l·amp thjs fall. Jn thi numbt.·r wa:-; nC'luth•d 1wt only :.cn•1al last vt.·:u"s h•tlt>r nu·n but. nbo a good!)· n-un1ht.•r !1om the Frosh squad la:-t ) l'ttr rcpoi it. 1 for thi::. prc­=-'l a:-;01;. workout.

rn,ll• wht.·n fl I· 1.1h J..Ot :1wu.\· lute in the fir ... t } l'rJOtl t' at. 11\'L•r half M tlw len~th 111 1· l h•ld for a t11~ c.:n· d0\\11. But h1• Hoh.:H~ \\t'll unahll' t 1 <·orn-("rt tlw ext1:1 pt1int. Thl Bl.it.. nnd Gol.l w·1 riot~ m:ulc tlH·;r :- .. 'l"llJHI

~l'c l°l' a..:. ;1 n•-.ult of a long IH'a\'l' from l1C'F1att.• :rncl \\ 111thin.cton l'Oll\'l'l'tt.•d thl• t•\.tra noin: whkh pron·d to be tlw 1h>eidinl! m:lrgin. Tlw B. Y. C ~tag"t•il a dL• .... perate 1 ·1lly in the t 11ircl ciuartL·r :rn l ..: 11red two t1Hllhdowns

Lril•tl un~tll· t.·~~fulh· to Sl'lll·t.· fn•· th1 l'rice. L'tah l'. o o :io

Cenlt.•niJle ThL• Bobt·at:-.' t1r~t battll· of the sea

son wu~ \\ ith L'L·ntL·n·ilJt.•, an indL>­pcndt.•nt. tcalll from Buttt•, Tue Bob­cats took thl'ir opcnin!! ).!ame by thl• ont.• ~Idl•d !'t.'Ort. of :!ti to 0. \\'\·lie. Dl'l· rate, h.lclfman . and O'Lt..•ar\' ,\·crC' a t.ombiu~uion \\ hkh the Butt~ bon; found 1111pos:-ihll• to !-Ot(,p; ho\\'t.'\'~r . l t•ntC'n ille put up a g-ood fi).!ht with G1a.!y ~ccn n,... to bt. their oJbtan<l-llli- man.

Yanda I-.. ThL• first ~allll' Wit l t·O!IL·~e ('O'll­

P titi11n \HI~ \\ ith t 1e pow1:rful \ andal ll'am of ldnho l ni,·cr:-it\ a· :\I11:-;t.ow on .'t.·J tc111bl·r :...s. [he D)·t.·hc­mt..n \H'll unah l to ho!: the :-::ipt•ric 1·

and ht.·a\ lt~r lllll' l)i thl' \ .:rnoal~ and '' l'l t.' dcfonktl by a ;rn-li sL·orl'. The Bobcats "l'l'l' fon.·{•d to u~t.· an :wrial att:H·k and though thq· Wl'lc.> quit.., :-<Ut.et..!"~!ul \\;th it thl•\· \H•rt• unable to :.,ain on 1 ... tantly · through thr Jdaho t!cfon~e. The \"andn.:-. usin.:

tr.J.ight fo ·.ill, man·ht.•d down th.e fil·I f l'l ('ated) for ::;(Ort•:-, ""ith the f"Xl'Cpti n of 11nl' tou hoo\\n, ....... re1I by < ·aplain Jl;t. h. all of t: <' \"and 11 I oints 1.md prat 1rnlh all of tht b.a! toting wa,, 1'onc l1y ihc:> f1 l' qu:utt.r­back" \\ h · l h t oat. l l\11 :1111 J ... cd du -inl!' thl' cont1..· ... t

te~t of tlw h:\lf ,'rnd t.lt..' final c;l41l j Rick<.>rt, \\'. S . (', fount! th(' :-nirl' ~• lI :\lontnnn St:ttl.' Thm·nt..'. B. Y. l" ,1

·l I I


0 ::!D 0 ~ll

11. l'ni,·c1~it\' 1:.!. As lht' whit't1c 1IooH1 r, B. Y. l ' hl<>w thl' Bi.:b~llb \Hl"C fighting- fer- L'a1r. C'. ;\l ines

0 2.i 1 22

l h1n~ly tu holu the Grizzlic:-- in th<:' Ball. Colo . .\~~­shade:\\: 11f thl•ir )!oal posb. Ever.~· Oay, C'olo . . \g~. man on t\ L' B11bt•at Htund pl:1ycd n $.ummerJrny~. l'

0 2l ,) 0 21

0 21 t.·onrn1C'11d:1hl(• galllC' hut thC' hC't'f)it• C't'­fort~ or 11l'Fratl'. Tw~I h. \\"ylil'. "·orthin ion. l'n•st1 n. :1n :\lcFarlan will H hnty~ lw n•mt.•mbl•rcd in Bohl'.h Handball Schedule

Completion Urged All handball playC'rs an• urj?c>d to

play their ~a mes as soon a~ possible a:-- Lhl'" :-l'ht.•dulc must ht• l'Ompleted by llt..~t.·emh<'I' 7. Jf unahk t11 arrange g-nnwg, player~ arc urgl'd to notify .Jot.• Dt.>lanC'y, intrnmur:d manager, phone :~5- 1 -) 1.

At the pre~t.·11t timl' S(1011ta~ :rnd Bownw.n are in tlw lt"ad. while Bauer

I anti ;\lurphy must play their )tame to dl•cidc the phtyl'l'!'.-- for Llll' ::.emi-fi na l 1·ouml.

BOBC \TS WI :'> G .\~IE WITH S \l:'>TS .\ T


(Continued f om pagl.' One)

noon. to di.I!" i::. ckat~ into dry t.•arth.

we~~· \·~~-,~~~·la~:~it.~Sis ~L~~ry l'~;~J:, 1 ~~~~ Saint Star .. <'hampions a" thl"y J11'l'\ iou~ly hn7 de- Garner, .J;ll·k:-:.on and Gt~lhm1sen d(;'featt.'d thC' Stall' l"nin'r:-.itv Griz.- \\'l're the lC'ading- J)L'rformcrs for thl' zlies. l·! to 1~. 011 a Butte fiCld. Saint~ in tlw bal'kfil'l.! whilt' C\·ans. ~ot ~int'C' 1 Hl)~ ha,·e tlw Hubl.'nts :\turphy. :\lurtha anti Thornburg- di11

bct?n able to l'lOst.' a football s('ason g-1)011 work in thl' line. without a los:; or til' with n st:ll'...' 1-"or the Bobcats, O'Ll'ar\' was the .-:chool to mnr their rel'ord. Lnst ,·car mnst. C'On~i:otC'nt ground ~aim r an I th('y ~mcceeded in holdinJ!' the (;riz- did t'.!11 CXl'cllent j1\b of bnckin~ up zlic~ to a st.'OtC'lel'$ tii.: but droppl'd tt"it• l111c . but thC' dt.•nfon:-;iVt• w1Hk of a rn to 0 <lcl'ision to thl' Saint:-.. Thi~ Caria.in \\" yliC> wns Yery mut.·h in e\'i· year. in the two ganw::. ag-ainst the dt.'m·e. Tht:" Rt)b.at ('nd-.;, W orthin!.!­othcr out8tanding- stnle school,.;, the ton and )IC'Farl:lnd. who helpl' I tie Cat~ took an t.~al'ly lt.·ad and Jll'Otl~ te ! (;rt at Fall" hh~h in rn~;; when thl"\' it to the finbh. \H'rt.• l'('prcsl•ttt~n.1!' Billini.?s. hi z h

.Ju~L a::; in the Duttl• game. thl Bob- ~chncJ, li\'etl up to their reg-utution a" t.·at~ Thurnlay ust.>d forward pas'"'l~::. to t C'inu the he~t pair of wimrnwn in an achanag-t.•. The> lorw touehdown th•.' <;,lflll'. Earl ··Fat " ~l·mint!"~en, who 1·amt.' C'~lri)· in thl• Sl t'Ontl qu:trtt.•r wlwn nl:l.yL·d for Great Falis in thnt C'ame tlw boy~ fl'flm Bozt.•man npenc.•d up frur Yl''.ll:s a.~11 against. thl Billinc::-o \\ith an aerial atind.: :tnd thn1..• ~u - bo~·. rect.•l\·ecl one fumhll' and workl•d t'<'~~rul pa~sl's hroui.::ht th(' :--core well in the lin~ \\'ntrner wa~ another whit•h was, 1·c~pfln!"'iblt.• for dw \"il"tory. ntll~t:rndin!! rcrforn~C'r for hl• Cats

whill' he wns in the linv. Star t from \l idfi('ld As further pr<:1of that first down::,



I Good Eats } g That's Us! g

I Electric Coffee Shoppe l O<H>~~g

Takin.tr thl' bull nn 1lw Suint -W- nnd rntal ,·ardu 1n caiiwd from ~ rim­) ad linl' thL' Bl'bl'at~ went all the l~'al!e mt3.n nothing- in modern foot­way to tnt.• goal lirll', with the aid of l all. it mny be nointC' l 0 •t that St . ! I •• ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

unly Onl· iin-y:trd Jll'tll.t.ty. .\ pa~.;. Char}...,~ Wt\'1; l'l'C'ditL•cl with 10 firs.t -fl om Twiltit.• t•1 :\kFai lanll ~tnrtNl ,,own<;, to fi\'e for thC' Bobenb. The • thl' firewo1 ks. Dl·Frntt.> ninnL>t·tl·d wit :1 S•1•nt:s c-ainC'J ::-.lig-htly more thnn :?00 Worthing-ton·:-; arm:-; for tht.• lll'Xt y:n·cls from si.:rimmnt!" indudinE!" s:i l''11nplete 1 a:--s . Twildl' hrokl• th1 oug-11 yar 1:-:. from pa:->:::e~. while tht.• Bobrntg the lint.~ for a si-..:-yard J!llin :.ind tht.· Wf're ht>ld to 100. of whiC'h 21 cnmc ~ Cat~ Wt'rl ~toppl·d with only a ynrJ ,.,a the ae··ial route.

The Park Kt..EFFMRN tf!1ct-1nR.os

a1ly a ::-pel'ial tram . nnn was tnkl'll dirt.•d1y Lo Jl ell•na whC"n• it w:ts ~ookl•d on to thl• Gnat. Xorthern special which took many llt.>lena fans to thl'" )!"amc. The train aniYcd at the Falb about nonn. an.I immcdiatl'h· nftL•r its m ti,·nl t hl' Bobl'at band le~i a p:.i rntle of the ~tudl•nt~ throug-h t h r> bus.inc~:.-. l'lCtion t)f tht~ tity. ...\fter the parade time wa~ left for n good Thanksg-ivin~ fcl'd when :;treet. ca rs took thl• ::.tucl('nts lo tlw ball )!l"OUncls

on the lll•Xt play It wa:-- t hir.l down Tl'e Saints tried a otnl of 1:-.. pnss('g and the g-onl wa~ 1'.! y.ud:-; away. dudng- lht.• gnmC' but onh- four were



a h1:h wind ma e a, ... ::-ing- and k. k­ine; impossible> Joe l 1111. the quarter­bai.:k and l'apt. 111 o" the .:\J:J!Je!'.-, l•rou.[!ht the cro\\ d ... o their feet manv time. with H·nsa 11 na, run~. Tht.• Uub·· t..at. hackfield lackl·d -tJie punch to/ ~cor~ and the line \\ :-. :1 bit ragg-e.l ~t time:-.. Preston wa~ t1w shinin~ light for tht.· llyl'h( men on dl'fcnsc and Wo1·thington at t.nd wa'"' duwn on en·ry punt in fint.• f'hapc.

ll. l. l'. :\lontann !"=late '' t,n t. e fir..:t l'On­

ft. 1 C'n <' vh tory hi thc·ir J.,.ra tl(> e ain:-~ B. Y. e. wlien a t.10-) ard r n b,· Dl'­F 'a•t.• to M Faria nil, ~ind a t omt · afte~

but wcrt.' not ahh.· t11 L·ount thl' L'xtra points.

(;rinli1..•.-. Thl n1111ual c1.1 <::il' lH'tWl'l'n lhl!

Statt.• Coll1..•gl' .me the ltniH•rsit\· was a ..... :-iin held at Buttl'. H1..•fo1·1 1 a ~-rowd l f l.OllO Lll.husia~tit; football fans tht.' • .\C" .... iL·:·.' :?1-y1..•1r jinx \\a.;. broken when ·1 I u.:k tif fi(.!'hting B>h1::ll~ dawNl thl'ir \\3Y to a 11-1~ win o\er tht! Grizzlil'-.. T' e t'l'hu of thc- RL•frees ...ir1..•nin_ \\ hi:-:t\• had hardly died <lown wt•n th1..• Boha1t-.. wer1..• vn tlwir wa\· tn th1..1 fir"'t t Ul h :own. Tht ,. re­l'ein•d the Ollt•nin:.! ki k-off and 'three n11nutes l:ltt·r h.ul st.·01ed 1 n a :?H yard

ass DeFrate to \\·onhi· _!!'ton. The Grizzlie--. immt.a!att.•h· rl'laliated bY rccon·tinl! a Bobrl1t fumble and


n ar.:h ng ,:! ) .i1d:-; 011 :l I Ill' :--ma~ht.>s to l"Ome wlthin onL point of tymg- the c re. In the- :t. •rd qua1 ter thl· Bob-ats mar .cd 71 y rd,.. to ~t·orl' and

am the <;. iz;drs came ri~ht batk t.. 'mg the ktt.:k-nff to march 68 ~r h. ur a to chdown. Two adtk<l lin ... on c:rop-kkk:- L\' TwilJe g-a\·e · B11bc:its a 1 t· l:.! lt·i1d nt the half

nll. In thC'" :<('C' nd half the Grizzlies am{' a k fiµ: tml! ha1 dtr and more

1t peratc>l:. ! ut f t' Hnht.·ats h:u] a

had that n 1 t· ·im f1 om \lontana .::t.at . 11r :lll\' othC'1' eolll'l!C for that mat l'I·, t" r f1n1ght sn ch·s11l·l'att.•l~· rnil Ut.ll h 1·ly tn a\"C'. Both teams

circlL·s. This was the last game for many of tht.• men ag-ainst their oH tra1Jitivnal 1in1ls. \\"ith the in:-;pira­tion of thL· yN1r':s win thl next fc\\ year~ oug-ht tl1 !-Oet.• )lontanu .State go­ini: forward to many nHH'c 'idol'it.•s o\·er their old rintl:). ·

W)om ing-~lont•ma ~talc Colll'~C retained

their 1n.:vious )·car's title wlh.•n tney 1.h.•1eated the l'owboys to the tune uf 13-U. lhl' g.11ne wns pla)·eJ on a wet and snow-l'O\t.•lc<l ficlu bt.fuie a rcl.'ord l'l'o\\ <l of )lonta11u and \\"\'o­ming" inns. Aftl'r playrng l'areiul. e\·cn footl>aJ) 111 the 11r::.t q ... arter and neither team being- able to ~core in tht.: nexl two periods thl:! Bolxats with :<.pectat.·ular long- runs and pas.::;ing broug-ht the g-ame to a dimnx in the last perioJ. \\' yominir and .,lontnna ~tate haYc met six timl·s on the foot­bnll field. \\" yoming- won lb-17 in ~ 1amous game at. Laramie in 1~24, unJ ier,eated again next yu1r at Hoz4!man by a rally with a 'i-0 s.Ol't.l . Sinte th;lt tune ~lontana has won four time~, lU-0, 6-0, H-i. and 1::-0. The 1\'vo­ming game ha~ been on<' of the ICa­ture i.:ards for both ~l'hools. l n ca::.;t­t. I'll .\lontana and \\' J·oming- the Cow­boys were toted to win in spite of the Bobcat ,.ktories on•r B. Y. U. and the Grizzlies and the l'owbon5 list of fh·e ,:eftab. \\'yomins.; wa~ kl•pt on the defcnsi\'C• during- the llltl:-;t uf thl' tilt but in the last pl'riod the acgrl's~fre­nc~s of DcFratc, \\"yliL', nnd \\'orth­ington t.·ould not be deniL·.l. .\lonta1H1 put al.'tUss thl'ir fir::-t ~l'Ort.• whL•n with the ball. 16 yards from lhl' g-oal line. DeFnttt.• plungl'd Cl\'l'l' for a tou h­clo\\ n. O'Leary took a pass. from \\ orthington to H·o1e th(• extra puint. DeF1 at~ also madt.• tht.• other :score when after a :-.eries of long- gains he went O\'('r tal'kle fvr the ::-l'l'ond touch­dcwn. \\'orthincton mis:-:(' I the kiri~ fC'r t..Xtra point. This \\as the Bohcats' 'bl confon,•nt.·e game of thl' vear and

,..a\·<' them a l'l'tord of two \,·ins out rf three start~.

l'l!l ( TI C'E ll OLHS FOR l'\T!Ll'll' l! IL B \ ~l\Elll \LL

La rge r.sm 7-h Ind.

Sm:1ll G)m 7-~ B. E.

1:'-!1 I nd. 8-~1 B. E. D<•c. :11 (Tut.•HlaY,

7-}; Pi K. A 7-S 0. n. S-!} Pi K .. \. .R-!I 0. B.

7-X ~-!I

7-~ X-H

I Friday, Det•. Ii) A. G. R. 7-S Amhro A.mi1to B-!l A. G. R.

!Ttll'~ciay, Dec. 10) K. S. 7-~ 8. A. E. S . .\. E. R-!1 K .S.

(\\\•cinl'.·doy, Der. l 1) 1.1· !· '.-~ s. x. S. X. R-!l D. T.

( Friday, 11t'l' ta)

Patronize Exponent Advertisers

. TE.ID) l!E\DI C: Writing or fii..mnng oftl•n pru· duel·~ cyt·-st1ain, whkh bnng..:. 011 ('Yl'-nt'lw, lwadal'he a n d nen·ousrwss. CtHTt•l"ting­strain is my spN·ialty.

L('( mt.• l1t.•l11 You

LESLIE E. GAGE Or>tom('frist :rnd )lfg. Optician

Brokt.•n Lc•ng('g R eplnC'rd the Snmc Dny

I 20 S. BlaL·k .\' e . Phone 12.l- W


$pl•t·ial rredit ... Jwt;Jd he g-i,·en to the dfo1 ts of Porotlw Garrt.'lt nn·I Lou Howard. 1t was· 1.rnly through their pesi::.tent efforts thnt th(' ~perial train and rate~ W('l'l.' obtained and thnt :\lontana Sta t.· was Hs ably repr~ ­~t'nted at tht.i :.:ame as it wa~ .


( Continul' I from Pap;<' On(') Olli ing- the imrnmural tournament all games will lw witched by the- mentor~ in sl'a1.h f'lf n1•w and promising ma­terial.

The los~ nf the ,·eternn g-unrd, '"Brfrk" Bn•t.•dt.•11 1 hns cnu~l~'.1 much comment throul!hllut lhl? entire .!'port world <.1f the• 'Yesl U!; to who will be the man taking over th(' position left unfilled. Tht• wav condition!; now :-;tam! and judC": ni from thc> way in whieh pul.Jil· opinion i~ r.-oinc- Ario. R. Ruzzetti. Dl'f<'rate. ";\ fencer or most an,· o fthe morl' ~tnlwnrt memhc>r ... o f the srtuad ... tand an equttl C"hnnre of filliiHr thb t.•Md('d po!'ition. There will he ~omr wdl foug-ht r-mne~ nml J:Of1;I playinP- ns. a rf'sult of th e un­

('l t:1inty o · thi:- position.


There "ill he a mu~ical a ssC' m­hb from 9: 10 to 1 0:2:.~ o'clock at lhC' Gymnasiu m on Thursda~. OC'remh<'r F'ift h.


)lr. 11;:111.,.t·n \\-i'IJ be in hi s of­fi rC' nn T ut ... day and \\~edne:-.day aflt.>rnOOll"'i l o int<'r\'i('\\ peopl e \\ho "i:-h lo try out for the 1>la) rr :focti on.

"Pass Your Exams"


.All 1>rohlcms nork('(I out cn•ry skp s hon n. Oohan Puhlis hing Co., 610. 3rd \\'r., N. Y. C.

rt ll lt I Ill t I I t I It 11 11 11' 111 1 11 11 rl l l t t t

I ~ i i • i • • • • ~ i


on the Columbia Records

Nobody 's Sweetheart Bio\\· the Smoke Away

Could l Cry? Wishing E~l rillitu


Six fine ~e lection s played by \'ic illeyers' Orches tra. This 01·che, lra is playing th dance Thursday night at th e Rose Garden .

Roecher Drug Co. Phone 3:!7

Prescriptions a Specllllty

~ I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I I f l 11 I

DeF1atC' ~tl'ppC'd bat.·k and Cant. ' •mrlNcd and four were· intercepted. Gus "·)·lie of thl• Bobt.·at~ ran to th"' The' Bobcats rrie I fi\·(• pas.:;cs and had side of tht' fi('ld :.ind l'Ul ::.harply. IIc two intercepted and all of the rest took the ball into his arm:-; tl!"i lie• wC'rf' C'OmplC'te.

Fou ntain Drinks

stepped on Uk fivt.•-)"ll'd line and ran The fact rl"ntains that th(' Bobcats 011 for a tuul'iulown. did take nth-antae:l'.' of their one out -


TwiLle's dropkL k for tht> extrn !'landinc- chan.e to Hore nnd g-ninf'ti point was low but it wu-. ht.\ld that ~l \'t:"ll point~ for 1hl'ir l'ffort~. The> ~lount St. Chal'les was offside tm th(' Saints worked the hnll down into ., flay ~o the:> uoint wa~ nllowed . .\lany what is regarded as :::('oiinl! territon· fan~ _111 tht:" ~tand-.; t11l~_d to ctttch the fin three o<-C'asion~ :tnil ould not de°-~ ec1s10n. and left l.le I 1eld ttllll~r the li\'er. They pla~· on tott<'hdown~. not unpre~~1on th:i~ t.h(' t.•ount \\a~ h tv 0.1 fir::t down~. in the gridiron j.."AlllE.\.

Billiards Smokes

9 ~:.\ST '.\L\I. sh;n~e th\~~~~1.n l'~~~n~~ \i~~.si~!~dn~nUOtl!-. G. F. T. ~ .• ' ' I I I I I I ' I t ' ' I ' ' I ' I • I • ' I;

but the bn·aks. c·ouph·tl with E.\Xt.·ellL•nt 1l'fcnsiHl work hy the Bobrats pre­,·emed thl' llilltom1C'r" from !'>l'OrinJ!.

Bobcat.:-. lloiU I n the fir~t qunrtt.•r th<' .Saint:<;

gtarteri a marl'h from the Bob<'at .J.4-y:trd line whil'h ~eem('d dc~tinetl to produce a ::>l'OJ'(' but. aftC'r thrN• first down:-:. had bN•n madL•. thC' Cats hel.l on thC'ir O\\ n six-yard lint.• and De­Frate pountE.\d out of dan.C:( r.

Earl)• in tht~ third quartt.•r the Bob­rab found thL• vi:;itors on thC'ir own 10-yard linC' but tllC' Saint::. t'umblC'<l an 1 Earl Sc>ming-:.:L•n, n Great Falls r.oy, rel·o,·ereci. D('Frate nj!ain punted to miclfidd hut tlw Saints wl'rl' de­termined and n short time Inter the H('lC>na ~quad wa~ on the 1~-yarcl linr A forward pa~:- was lril~d but it wai' l"1oun 1erl in the end zone. d\ing tlll' Robt•at.;: rosH~s~ion of the ball on thl'ir (lwn ~O-\·:nd line.

Thl Saints opE.\neil up with thC>ir aC'rial att.:ll'k in tht.' la~t quarter and thn•e timC's in th1• final minutf'~ of ''

1ilY !'aw their 11n~'"'C'~ intC"r. f'Pl<'d b~·

I R1-hcub. Captain \Y\' lie took in two while Twildt.• nabLcd thC' othl'r on thC' pl,,•· which nrC'CNled Ow final w~ti!'tlf'.

T he WC't fiC>ld . wh't'h wn~ pcrf<' th· dn· onl\' 2-l hour~ hf'for<:'. hnmperctl

';-............ , ...... _ ....................... -.;..-............................ ~ ...... ~ YO UNG l\IEN'S DRESS ~ ~ GLOYES ~ ~ Lined or l'nlined • ~ Kid Leather ~ \ Cape Skilrn \ ~ Arabian ilfochas ~ , Pig Skins \

~ Kar ff ~ ~ Buck Skins .;

\ FRO:\! ~ ~ ~

+--------------------------- ----·+ I WHERE THE COL.LEGE )!.\::'> GOES I I BAXTER BARBER SHOP I i Phone 1067 Hotel Baxter I +·--.. - ------·------- ----------· ----- - ·-+ ~"'""""" ......................... ......_.._.._ .............. -........................................................................................ -......................... ~ ~ E .\T A:"l'D REST ~

~ CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS LUNCHEON ! ~ Dainl)· Sandwich es - Tas ty Des.~ert.;; ~ ~ Hot Drinks \

~ THE BUNGALOW ~ ~ ~ l. ~ ................................................................... _ .... .._ ..... _ .. _.._ ............ ~ ............ , ....................................................... .,,. ................ ,

" s2.oo to , 7.:;o .: ~ - .\T - ~ « ~ BOVEE & PAODOCI{ ~

BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET We s pecia lize in the be:.'t of Dressed ;11ea ts. Poultr)

~ nd Fish .... ................................ """' .............. ....,... ........................... ~


~lalled l\Iilks

Good Eats

\\"e Cater to Frnternities and Sororitil'S

Phone Hi7 135 E. Main Four Dclh-cries Daily


THAT BOX OF CANDY FOR XMAS Pick one early and we \\ill mail it for ) on

Fn•sh Stock of ,Johns ton's - Ca nt crbur.' - Bu nt es

The''~ '' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111s111111111'