Xotox Profile Presentation

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branding agancy company profile

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تتعـــدى عملية " الوســم التسويقي " أو الـ Branding مجرد كونهــا " تصــميـــم لهويــــــة بصريــــة " أنيقـــــة وبّراقـــــة!! و هذا ال يلغي أبــدا أهميـــة

التصميـم ، ببساطة �ن ٧٥٪ مما نتلقاه يصل إلينا " بصريــا ".


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Xotox "Award Winning Agency"is a branding and design focused company operating for 6 yearsof success and creative work serving over 100 clients spread in8 countries: Jordan, KSA, Qatar, UAE, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria,and the UK.

The company is keen to maintain a personal and customized relationship with each and every client.

Upon participating in the Jordan Advertising Award for the first timein 2009, Xotox won the Golden Award for the "Corporate & Public Service Literature" category.



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A brand is the identity of the product, service, or business. It cantake many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, color combinationor slogan. The word brand began simply as a way to tell one person's cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. A legally protected brand name is called a trademark. The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity - it affects the personality of a product, company or service.Hence, branding is selecting and blending tangible and intangible attributes to differentiate the product, service or corporation in an attractive, meaningful and compelling way.The company has four main departments: The Marketing Department, Department of Creative Art, Department of Web Development, and Department of Content Development.

Our departments generate a wide variety of services such as: brand audit and research, brand focusing and strategy, corporate identity and design, print media, and digital and interactive web design.

What Xotox is specialized in completebranding and marketing solutions.


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With our professional talents on board,Xotox tells your company’s unique story using professional writing, striking imagery, and state-of-the-art technology.

We start by getting to know the style of your company as well as your particular goals for the project. Then, we start painting the whole picture using the technical specifications as parameters and the idea as a template in order to come up with the most striking and effective result one can ever get.


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who would simply try to make a big splashy picture forgetting the time-honored principles which truly craft a well-made piece, Xotox uses the classic principles to ensure not only that your project is eye-catching but also tasteful and refined.

Simply, Xotox understands how the eye works-what pleases it, what attracts it, and what intrigues it.

At Xotox, we completely respect the humanity of women and totally reject abusing them so that they become cheap pieces of commodity used brutally to promote products and services.

WhatUnlike the amateur companies,


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يـــروق لعمالئنــــــــا وصفنـــا بالشركـــــاء االستراتجييــــن لمؤسسـاتهـــم،و الحقيقــــــة أننـــا نمثــل دائـــرة أو قسمــ� كامــًال للتسويـق داخـــل مؤسســة العميـل أثنـاء عملنـا "شراكتنــا" معـه؛ حيـث ندير و نوجـه و ننفــذ و بعدهــا نراقب بشغف نتائـج و نجاحـات عميلنـا و نسعـد بمـا أبدعنــاه وإضفنــاه إلى

أعمال شركائنا الحقيقيين.

هنــاك تشابــة كبيــر بيــن الهيئــات و المؤسســات و الشركــات و حتى الــدول من ناحيــة وا�فــراد مــن ناحيــة أخــرى، إذ أن لكـــل شخصيــــة لونهــا

و صورتهــا و سمعتهـا و أسلوبهـــا و صفاتهـا التي تميزهـا و تفرقهـا عــن الغير، و لهذا فإن الهوية المؤسساتية هي أكبــر بكثير من مجرد تصميـم شعــار " جميــل وبــّراق " !! كمــا أن هويتــك الشخصيــة هي أكثـر بكثير مـن

مجرد هندام و تصفيفة شعر !!



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Marketing Services:• B2B/B2C marketing • Media / marketing research, planning, consulting, and purchasing • Advertisements for print (brochures, mailers, newspapers, magazines, etc.) • Advertisements for media (radio, television, internet, billboards, indoor/outdoor signs, etc.) • Direct advertising services (physical mail, email, and cell phone campaigns) • New product launches / campaigns • Special promotions / event planning

Corporate Identity Services:• Naming/Branding • Logo Design/Development • Company Forms/Stationary

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Promotional Writing Services (Arabic / English):• Corporate / strategic communication development • Meeting planning and presentations • Copywriting for brochures, catalogs, etc. • Promotional writing for websites, advertising campaigns, etc. • Press releases / company newsletters • Public / media relations • Publicity campaigns • Media / marketing kits

Graphic Design Services:• Theme / Concept Development • Logo Design • Newspaper / Magazine Ads • Postcards • Flyers • Posters • Brochures • Catalogs • Corporate Presentations / Annual Reports • Book / Magazine Covers • Packaging

Web Services:Online Presence:• Online Branding• Website Structure, Design and Development Search Engine Marketing:• (PPC) Pay-Per Click Campaigns• (SEO) Search Engine Optimization/through Content Management

Social Media Marketing:• (CPC) Cost Per Click• Ad campaigns

Social Network Marketing:• Viral Marketing• FLinT Customized Services (Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter)

Email Marketing

Mobile Applications

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رغم وجود مئات " المصطلحات " الدارجة في مجال التسويق و ا«عــالن و التي يبرع المسوقون في توظيفها لدعم أفكارهم و يطرب لها العمــالء خــــالل االجتماعــات مع المستشاريــن وخبـراء التسويـق الذيــن يكثــرون من استخدامهـــا إال أن التسويــق ليـس علمـا بحتــا أو منهجـا جامــدÂ، بـل ال تـزال كتب التسويق تزخر بالقصص و تعتمـد على الحــاالت الدراسيــة و التجــارب العملية كمرجعية و كمادة دراسية بعيدا عن المسلمات والقواعد الصرفة

أو المنهجة العلمية الجامدة في كثير من ا�حيان !!!إن فكـــــرة إبداعيــــة واحـــدة مـن شأنهــــا أن تغيـــــر مــسيــــرة منشأتــــك إلى ا�فضل! ، نتائج مبهرة و نجاحات غير متوقعة قد تقوم على قرار تسويقي جريء و جديــد ! حتى لو لــم تقــم بإ«جــراءات الورقيـــة الروتينيــة والخطــط التسويقيــــة و ""االستراتيجيـــات "" و "دراســات الجــدوى" و "تحليل الســوق"و "تصنيف الفئات المستهدفــة" و رســـم " خرائــط التوّضــع في الســـوق "،و ... و ... ( المصطلحات مرة أخرى )... فجميع هذه ا�مــور مــن شأنهــا ضمــان الوصول لبر ا�مـــان التسبب بنجاحــات " عاديـة " فقط ، إذا ... فالتسويق هو

فن و خبرة و إبداع و (( حلول )).


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"If you want to do something, do it perfectly or do not do it at all."Serage for "after printing services" witnessed a declination in market demand due to weakness in product demonstration.The difficulty of after-printing services lies in the fact that it is not enough to demonstrate them visually using a website or brochure.

Our team decided to create a booklet, which clearly highlights allthe "after printing services" through adding the "touch" feature tothe existing "visual" feature. The team has also worked on getting an image for each product or "printing effect" to add the "feeling" feature to the previous two features.

Volumes of sales increased significantly.

Xotox won the Golden Award in "The Jordan Advertising Award" for this solution


A Declination In Market Demand


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"Great achievements require great ideas"Our talented team came up with the idea of a giant campaign for this important occasion, Hayat FM's second anniversary on February 13, 2008, keeping in mind that we want to present the station using its effective image known to the community and the position it occupies inside its listeners' hearts…

The solution was by organizing a community campaign that our team called: Two years of life-a life for the Jordanian babies….The campaign aimed at paying all the childbirth costs during that day in a number of private hospitals (which sponsored the campaign) in addition to a gift box giveaway that contains a number of special gifts for the mothers and the infants as well. Splendid results.

Hayat babiesHayat


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“If the wind will not serve,take to the oars.”Our team tackled this branding challenge, to present the companyin a way that protects its originality and boasts its king-size work worldwide, by means of an interior design solution.

The idea was to decorate the company’s offices with illustrations inspired by a combination of the history of the world economic regime and the history of this region. We have chosen a classic style to be in harmony with the old building and the type of the deep-rooted wooden interior decorations. All the objects of the illustrations were taken from reliefs and images on ancient coins and banknotes, simply because each relief/image has its own deep-rooted, historical story.

Our solution has given KPMG Jordan a distinguished identity that celebrates the company’s historical success within the Levantine context.

KPMGRecent Access to the Jordanian Market!


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"Drive thy business or it will drive thee"After some strong competitors entered into the market with more or less the same degree of quality for notebooks, the purchase decision became dependant on the cover's look by 95%. There, ABC's sales dropped down significantly for two years in a row.

"To double your sales or even triple them, let Xotox handles it for you"

Our solution came in the following categories of notebooks by age groups: "Exercise" (directed to students up to Sixth graders),"College" (teens), "University" (university students), and "Drawing" (brings together categories 1 & 2).

The sales at ABC have witnessed a significant increase since then.

Declinationin Sales!



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“Rather than thinking 'if andwhen', start doing, take action, stop talking about 'if and when'”The national campaign has encountered a difficult challenge represented by being the one and only Arab campaign confrontingthe Zionist professional international counter-campaigns spread throughout the whole world.

We have devised a set of rules for the visual outputs to make each element standing on its own and protect the visual identity for the campaign as a whole. The campaign has covered a wide varietyof events and activities during a period of 9 months. We have useda variety of advertizing techniques included, but were not limited to, street banners…

The campaign succeeded to convey its message in an obvious wayin spite of the dreadful counter-campaigns.

The National Campaign Celebrating al-Quds Capital of Arab Culture 2009The General Taste for the Target Audience and Clients.

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“Create your own visual style...let it be unique for yourself andyet identifiable for others.”NamingA well-crafted name is the guardian of any successful brand. It should reflect all aspects the brand stands for; customer experience, market insights, strategic thinking and creativity.

SloganeeringWell-designed slogans have a very strong impact on your target audience. Thus, a striking, memorable slogans could help your business stand strong.

We have successfully crafted brand names/slogans for many well-established business brands in the region.

Naming Creative Writing Cases &


Namingعمرة العمر


O minus


Waseela integrated telecommunication solutions.

The Group: The Scheme, The Canal, The Firm, The Story


Q light

Client Hayat Fm Umra campaign

Lebanese snacks restaurant

Marketing Agency

Architectural Woodwork

Intergrated Telecommunication Solutions

A group of Media-related Companies

Petrochemicals and construction materials manufacturer

Film making company

Sloganeeringنصمم النجاح و نصمم عليه

رسالتنا : إعادة طباعة العراق

Business never waites.

Building as literiture.

Grow it your way.

Safe landing

Function Osool Training & Consulting

Arwa printing press

ABC for Office

Babel Contracting co.

Nora Gardens

Real Estate Ad Concept


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Strengthening customer relations and staying close to clients. As the World Wide Web represents one of the most reliable gates to success in business nowadays, GCE wanted to stay updated and become even closer to their clients in the Jordanian market as well as the regional market.Xotox made it possible for GCE to launch their new electronic gate: (www.gce.com.jo). This new service makes it easier for the clients to stay in touch with any new products or services that the company provides. It also represents a channel of communication betweenthe company and its clients.


GCEThis gigantic website was executed on schedule by our talents on board.


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أصبحـت االنترنت تمثـل عالم� افتراضيـــ� موازيــ�؛ يعيــش النــاس هنــاكويتواصلــــــون و يتحادثـون و يتفاعلـون، يتســوقــون و يبيعــون و يشتــرونويستمتعون بأوقاتهم الطويلة التي يقضونها على الشبكة العنكبوتية!!يعلـــم المعلـــن الذكــي أن مستهدفيــه موجــودون هنــاك علــى الشبكــة،

فهو يعرف كيف يصل إليهم بل ويتواصل معهـم ... بل و يتفاعل معهـم بأسرع وقت وأعلى فاعلية و"" أقّل كلفة ممكنة ""... كيــف !

التســـويق و الحمـــالت ا«عالنيـــة ا«لكترونيــة تكلــف ٦٢٪ أقــل مــن الحمـــالت ا«عالنية التقليدية و بنفس العائد على االنفاق ا«عالني.


Seha TV

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Seha AdsSeha TV Network, a healthcare TV channel, wanted an advertisement that reflects the idea of a life full of health and happiness with Seha. Our team came up with this idea, where circularity refers to the life cycle and the natural green color to the green, clear nature.

Problem solved!

Seha TV


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Que is a cartoon characterthat we created for GCE,

a Jordanian company specialized in electronics. We thought about this solution on the ground that attaching the company’s slogan witha cartoon character could maximize the loyalty of the customersfor the company. This also could strengthen the ties between the consumer and the company through such a lovely cartoon character. This new advertising character will convey the message that the company is not only a service provider but also a reliable source of useful information as Que will pass a new piece of information related to the world of technology on a weekly basis. Such a solution goesin harmony with the company’s general attitude, where GCE isa professional voice in the world of technology in Jordan since 1985.



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Arwa New Concept Arwa Printing House, a deep-rooted printing company in the Jordanian market, demanded a new concept that combines their long history in the industry with the fact that they own the latest technologies and most advanced German printing machines in the Middle East.Our solution came in the form of an abstract interior design idea representing the timeline of printing and publishing, starting fromthe primitive printing techniques up to the latest technologies inthe industry.




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GroupThe Group Logo Design The Group, a mass communication group combining four daughter firms, wanted a logo representing the whole group as well as a separate logo for each daughter firm in a way that all the logos relate to the mother company logo. Our creative team came up with the idea of a pyramid-shape logo representing the group as a whole. The logo consists of four logos that represent the four daughter companies. The group's logo is made up by combining the four separate logos in a way that (1) represents the activities of each one of the daughter companies and (2) showthe strong connection between the four companies and their mother company; the Group.Xotox takes pride in naming all the Group's daughter companies.



Home Of Logo Design

36OrientInternacionalImp. Exp. Ltda.


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KSA- 1st paintball - Abu Ali - Al-Eid Stables - Alitco - AMASA - Archwood - Bishil - Decor & more - Floor & moor - Islamic Press League- Jura contracting - Jura holding - Nora gardens - Sascom - Seha mall - Seha TV - Story Media - The Group mass communication - Wistarea world

IRAQ- Al-Tafaweq - Ard Al-‘Ataa- Fire King - Future City - Haditha Tower - Lagash - Tawasul

LEBANON- Al-zaytonah Studies Center - Al-quds International Institution

QATAR- Q-square - Sahab - Smart Brains

UAE- Al Fursan Food Stuff - Al Ghurair Commodities- Al-Fursan - Amoun- Gulf Dura - Mobasher Press - Prestige - Waseela


- Arab International Campaign For The Construction Of Gaza- Oig



Our Clientele- ABC 4 Office - Ahment altarawneh co- Al-Quds Forum- Alseraj al-Muneer - Aman - Amlak - Arwa- Asronyeh - BAA Bunat al-Ghad Academy - Babel- Beth Press- Children World- Civil Campaign for Celebrating AL-QUDS as the Arab Capital of Culture- Dar al-Idara - Dar al-Safwah- DB International - Fact- Finvo - Food City

- Food Time- GCE- Geracia- Hajjer- Hayat Mall- ICDL- Injaz - Investment House - Izhiman Coffee - JCS - Jo NAV - Jordan Chalk- Jordanian Engineers Association- Juman for Educational Investment- Juton - K&F - KPMG - Ma'ani - MAP Architecture- Mayar Schools- Mirsalcom

- Nawras Media - NMC New Media Center- Nuql Group- Obaido - Osool Training - Prestige travel - Q-light - Rahati - Saife contracting - Sajeh Snacks Restaurant- Sarh - Serage - Shatha TV - Sho'a'a Training- Tamdean- Tandoor- Tazaj – Restorant (MENA)- UNICEF - Universal Kitchen- Universal Paints- World Plastic- Zarqa' University


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ينبغـــي علــى المنتجيــن وأصحــاب الشركــات أن يدركــوا مــدى أهميــة عالماتهم التجارية ومقدار خطــورة عـدم ضبط الصــورة البصريـة والذهنيــة لمؤسساتهم / منتجاتهـم في الســـوق، حيث أن جميع نشاطـات الشركــةو ظهورهـــا في الســوق و عالقتهــا مع الجمهــور و مجمـوع تجــارب العمــالء

و حصيلة نتائج ونجاحــات الجــودة و حســن السمعــة باالضافــة إلى مجمــوع مصاريــف وجهــود التسويــق واالعــالن كلهــا ستجيــر إلـى الـ brand (اسمـا

وعالمــــــــة تجاريـــة)، و هكــذا تتراكــم و تكتنـــز العالمـــة التجاريــة ( الصــورة ) كتحصيل حاصل لمجموع خبرات الناس و عالقتهـم بهــا ، فــال يترصد هــذا النجــــاح أو يتخــّزن في " مـــادة المنتـــج " و ال يترّصــد لكــوادر المؤسســة و ال «دارتها و ال حتى لمالكهـــا، و إنما الى " اسمهـا "، وعليــه فــإن على أصحــاب الشركـــات أن يتذكـروا دائمــا أن للعالمــة التجارية قيمـة رقميــة مـدونــة في

دفاتر و كشوفــات ا«دارة الماليــة في شركاتهــم !!


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ThankJordanTel. +962 6 55 41 848Fax. +962 6 55 41 847

P.O.Box 5708 Amman11953 Jordan

KSATel1. +966 1 4742002 Tel2. +966 1 4797770

Fax. +966 1 4748222 P.O.Box 878 Riyadh 11323

[email protected]