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[XLS]List of Papilionidae - UCL - London's Global · Web viewTL - Ayan Lake, near Ayan River, Putorana plateau, Taimyr Peninsula, Russia. HT in Zoological Museum of Moscow University

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List of Papilionidae

introCreated:18 Mar 2007 by Vladimir LukhtanovFilename:D:\jim\Web\taxome\GBN db parsed\[Lukhtanov_Nymphalidae_Satyrinae_18_03_07.xls]intro

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SatyrinaeGenusSubgenusSynonyms of genus nameSpecies-groupsSuperspeciesSpeciesSubspecies as probable monophyletic entitiesValid names (subspecies as local forms and synonyms)Available, but invalid namesHybridsunavailable names (infrasubspecific, nomen nudum)MisspellingsAuthorDateOrig. comb.Orig. desc. (journal)Orig. desc. (article)Type localityType materialCommentsDistributionVariaFamilia Nymphalidae Swainson, 1827 TG: Nymphalis Kluk, 1780Subfamilia Satyrinae Boisduval, [1833]. TG: Satyrus Latreiile, 1810Pena, Carlos {a}; Wahlberg, Niklas; Weingartner, Elisabet; Kodandaramaiah, Ullasa; Nylin, Soren; Freitas, Andre V.L.; Brower, Andrew V.Z. Higher level phylogeny of Satyrinae butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40(1), July 2006: 29-49. We have inferred the first empirically supported hypothesis of relationships for the cosmopolitan butterfly subfamily Satyrinae. We used 3090 base pairs of DNA from the mitochondrial gene COI and the nuclear genes EF-1 and wingless for 165 Satyrinae taxa representing 4 tribes and 15 subtribes, and 26 outgroups, in order to test the monophyly of the subfamily and elucidate phylogenetic relationships of its major lineages. In a combined analysis, the three gene regions supported an almost fully resolved topology, which recovered Satyrinae as polyphyletic, and revealed that the current classification of suprageneric taxa within the subfamily is comprised almost completely of unnatural assemblages. The most noteworthy findings are that Manataria is closely related to Melanitini; Palaeonympha belongs to Euptychiina; Oressinoma, Orsotriaena and Coenonympha group with the Hypocystina; Miller's (1968). Parargina is polyphyletic and its components group with multiple distantly related lineages; and the subtribes Elymniina and Zetherina fall outside the Satyrinae. The three gene regions used in a combined analysis prove to be very effective in resolving relationships of Satyrinae at the subtribal and tribal levels. Further sampling of the taxa closely related to Satyrinae, as well as more extensive sampling of genera within the tribes and subtribes for this group will be critical to test the monophyly of the subfamily and establish a stronger basis for future biogeographical and evolutionary studies.AcropolisTS: Acrophthalmia thalia LeechHemming1934Entomologist 67 (4): 77,TS: Acrophthalmia thalia LeechPhariaTS: Acrophthalmia thalia LeechFruhstorfer[1911]in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9: 295 (preocc. Pharia Gray, 1840), TS: Acrophthalmia thalia LeechPharia Fruhstorfer, [1911]; in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9: 295 (preocc. Pharia Gray, 1840), TS: Acrophthalmia thalia LeechthaliaLeech1891Entomologist 24 (Suppl.): 25W.ChinaAphantopusWallengren1853Skand. Dagfjar.: 9, 30,TS: Papilio hyperantus LinnaeusMartin, J.-F. {a}; Gilles, A.; Descimon, H.Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary patterns of the European satyrids(Lepidoptera: Satyridae) as revealed by mitochondrial gene sequences Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15(1), April 2000:70-82. Aphantopus hyperantus (Nymphalidae) : Taxonomic position P. 77 In the case of Aphantopus hyperantus, molecular data and reexamination of morphology of this taxon indicate that this species has to be included within Maniolini.hyperantusLinnaeus1758Papilio hyperantus Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1: 471, TL: SwedenSutcliffe, Odette L. {a}; Thomas, Chris D.; Yates, Tina J.; Greatorex-Davies, J. Nick Correlated extinctions, colonizations and population fluctuations in a highly connected ringlet butterfly metapopulation. Oecologia (Berlin) 109(2), January 1997:235-241. Aphantopus hyperantus; Population dynamics; Metapopulations; influencing factors; Distribution within habitat; Aridity; Drought effect on metapopulation dynamics; Climate and weather; Light; Shade effect on metapopulation dynamics; England; Cambridgeshire;Kocak, A.O. On the nomenclature of the genus Hipparchia (Fabricius), 1807 (Lep.,Satyridae) Priamus 2(4) 1983:166-169. Aphantopus Wallengren 1853 (Nymphalidae) : New synonym Of Hipparchia Fabricius 1807, p. 167. Hipparchia Fabricius 1807 (Nymphalidae) : Status P. 166. Papilio hyperantus Linnaeus 1758 (Papilionidae) : Type species Of Hipparchia Fabricius 1807, p. 167.Roos, P.Die Praimaginalstadien der Satyriden. 7. Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus (Lep., Satyridae) Dortmunder Beitraege zur Landeskunde 15 1981:25-31. Enodia hyperantus; Measurements; Developmental stages; DescriptionabaensisYoshino2003Yoshino, Kazuyoshi 2003 New butterflies from China 8 Futao 43, March 24 2003:6-20 Aphantopus hyperantus abaensis Aphantopus arvensis deqenensis Li (Nymphalidae) : Downgraded from Aphantopus deqenensis, p. 9 Aphantopus deqenensis Li (Nymphalidae) : Downgraded to Aphantopus arvensis deqenensis, p. 9 Aphantopus hyperantus abaensis (Nymphalidae) : Subsp nov Sichuan, P. 9alpheoisFruhstorfer1908Ural, W.SiberiaamurensisStaudinger1892Mem. Roman.6, p.205arcticaSeitz1908Gro!schmett. D. Erde1, p.137, t.46aarcuataZusanek1925Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver.10, p.61areteMuller1764Fauna Frankenp.36bietiHormuzaki1897Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wienp.43bietiOberthr1884Etud. Ent9, p.17, t.2, f.2cabeauiPioneau1929Echange45, p.3caecaFuchs1884Stett. Ent. Ztg.45, p.253centriferaSeitz1908Gro!schmett. D. Erde1, p.137, t.46aelongataMuschamp1910Entom. Rec.22, p.77hyperanhoidesStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 15hyperanthanaStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 16hyperantheHbner1816Verz. bek. Schmett.p.61hyperanthellaStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 15hyperanthesPorritt1883Entom.16, p.188hyperanthoidanaStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 16hyperanthusElwes1881Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.p.907hyperophthalmusStauder1922Ent. Anz.2, p.55insularisKurentzov1966krymaeusObraztsov1936lanceolataShipp1895Entom.28, p.17languescensCabeau1923Rev. Namur23, p.57lutiEvans1915Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.23, p.536marpurgensisStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 16maximaVerity1916Entom. Rec.28, p.171minorFuchs1891Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat.44, p.215obsoletaTutt1896Br. Butt.1, p.412ocellanaButler1882Amur, UssuriocellatusButler1882Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(5) 9, p.14ochraceaHauder1901Beitr. Lep. Fauna Ob. Osterr.p.22octoculataGoeze1779Entom. Beitr.3, 1, p.285pallensSchultz1908Ent. Zeitschr.21, p.267polymedaScopoli1763Ent. Carn.p.157pseudhyperantusStrand1919Archiv f. Naturg.85A, 4, p.3 u 16rutiliusFruhstorfer1909Int. Ent. Zeitschr.3, p.121sajanusO. Bang-Haas ) Sayan Mts.1906iris19, p.128semialbescensTutt1908Entom. Rec.20, p.247septentrionisGomez-Bustillo1974Vives Moreno, A. Catalogo sistematico y sinonimico de los lepidopteros de la Peninsula Iberica y Baleares (Insecta: Lepidoptera) (segunda parte)- Secretaria General Tecnica, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion, Madrid. 1994: i-x, 1-775. Aphantopus hyperantus septentrionis Gomez-Bustillo 1974 (Nymphalidae): New synonym Of Papilio hyperantus hyperantus Linnaeus 1758, p. 560,sibiricusObraztsov1936supernumerariaStauder1922Ent. Anz.2, p.55viduaMuller1766Fauna Frankenp.36cuneataBarrington1992Barrington, R.D.G.Breeding Aphantopus hyperantus L. ab. cuneata Gillmer Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 104(7-8) 1992:186-187. Aphantopus hyperantus ab. cuneata; Colour; Variation in captive bred specimens; Captive breeding and rearing records; Colour variation;Barrington, R.D.G.Breeding Aphantopus hyperantus L. ab. cuneata Gillmer Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 104(7-8) 1992:186-187. Aphantopus hyperantus ab. cuneata; Colour; Variation in captive bred specimens; Captive breeding and rearing records; Colour variation;oligocellatusMerit1993Aphantopus hyperantus form. oligocellatus (Nymphalidae) : New form P. 179Merit, Xavier C.Les aberrations d'Aphantopus hyperantus Linne (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)- Alexanor 18(3), julliet-septembre 1993:178-180. Aphantopus hyperantus form. oligocellatus (Nymphalidae) : New form P. 179pauciocellatusMerit1991Merit, X.C. Aphantopus hyperantus f. ind. nov. pauciocellatus (Lep. Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) Alexanor 17(1) 1991:40. Aphantopus hyperantus form. pauciocellatus (Nymphalidae) : New form P. 40yunnanusSwinhoe1915Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(8) 16, p.72maculosaLeech1890Entom.23, p.30arvensisOberthr1876Etud. Ent2, p.30, t.4, f.2W.ChinaarvensisOberthr1876campanaLeech1892Butt. China1, p.79deqenensisLi1995Aphantopus deqenensisThe type specimens are deposited in the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.Li, Changlian A new species and four new subspecies of satyrs (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) in Yunnan Province, China - Entomotaxonomia 17(1), March 1995:38-43. Aphantopus deqenensis (Nymphalidae) : Sp nov Yunnan, P. 38 [English p. 42], fig'dYoshino, Kazuyoshi 2003 New butterflies from China 8 Futao 43, March 24 2003:6-20 Aphantopus hyperantus abaensis Aphantopus arvensis deqenensis Li (Nymphalidae) : Downgraded from Aphantopus deqenensis, p. 9 Aphantopus deqenensis Li (Nymphalidae) : Downgraded to Aphantopus arvensis deqenensis, p. 9 Aphantopus hyperantus abaensis (Nymphalidae) : Subsp nov Sichuan, P. 9ArethusanaTS: Papilio arethusa Denis & Schiffermllerde Lesse1951Rev. franc. Lepid. 13 (3/4): 40,TS: Papilio arethusa Denis & SchiffermllerKudrna, O. An annotated checklist of taxa referable to the genus Arethusana Lesse, 1951 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) Entomologist's Gazette 40(1) 1989:23-30. Arethusana Lesse 1951 (Nymphalidae) : Taxonomic position P. 24Garcia-Barros, E.; Martin, J. Immature stages of Hipparchia Fabricius and the systematics of the 'Satyrus series' (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) - Systematic Entomology 16(4) 1991:407-426. Satyrini; General morphology; Phylogenetic character analysis;taxonomic significance; Phylogeny; Morphological character analysis Characters of