Prices are subject to change a ISBN Title Author CUR Price PubDate 9780792325710 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1959-01-01 9789024709465 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1960-07-01 9789024709472 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1962-07-01 9789024709489 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1962-12-01 9789024709496 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1963-01-01 9789024709502 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1965-12-01 9789024709519 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1966-01-01 9789024709526 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1967-01-01 9789024709540 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1969-01-01 9780333693520 The European Union Series GBP 0 1970-01-01 9780333716953 The European Union Series GBP 0 1970-01-01 9789024711161 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1971-07-01 9789024751020 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1971-07-01 9789024713103 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1972-07-01 9789024715046 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1973-07-01 9789024715466 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1973-07-01 9789024717170 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1974-12-01 9789024717453 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1975-02-01 9789024717835 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1975-09-01 9789024717842 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1975-11-01 9789024718382 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1976-03-01 9789024718634 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1976-06-01 9789024718191 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1976-08-01 9789024719938 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1977-08-01 9789024719693 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1978-02-01 9789024720958 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1978-11-01 9789024722150 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1979-11-01 9789024719709 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1979-12-01 9789024723836 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1980-09-01 9789024727179 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1983-09-01 9789024727223 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1983-09-01 9789024722303 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1985-12-01 9789024728923 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1985-12-01 9789024728930 Collected Edition of the `Trav EUR 343 1985-12-01 9789024732623 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1986-06-01 9789024732630 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1987-05-01 9789024735396 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1988-06-01 9780941320368 Transnational Legal P Linda Spe EUR 68 1988-12-01 9780792302070 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1989-12-01 9780792306528 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1990-12-01 9783598109355 Library automation an Herman Li EUR 109.95 1991-01-01 9780631221838 The European Union: T Geoffrey GBP 21.99 1991-01-16 9780792311096 Yearbook of the European Conve EUR 369 1991-09-01 9780854967582 The European Communit B. Nelson GBP 53 1992-01-01 9783111808192 Europäische Integrati Werner vo EUR 149.95 1992-01-01

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Arkusz1Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice - list generated on 02-02-2017ISBNTitleAuthorCURPricePubDateFormEd.PagesPublisherSupplierLanguageReadershipDisciplineCategorySubjectDescriptionTOCLink9780792325710Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 1 (1958)EUR3691959-01-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id190959789024709465Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 2 (1959)EUR3691960-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192809789024709472Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 3 (1960)EUR3691962-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192819789024709489Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 4 (1961)EUR3691962-12-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192829789024709496Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 5 (1962)EUR3691963-01-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192839789024709502Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 6 (1963)EUR3691965-12-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192849789024709519Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 7 (1964)EUR3691966-01-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192859789024709526Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 8 (1965)EUR3691967-01-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192869789024709540Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 10 (1967)EUR3691969-01-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192879780333693520The European Union SeriesGBP01970-01-01Paperback10Palgrave Higher Education (JL)Macmillan Distribution LimitedengCollege/higher education9780333716953The European Union SeriesGBP01970-01-01Hardback10Palgrave Higher Education (JL)Macmillan Distribution LimitedengCollege/higher educationThe European Union Series provides an authoritative library on the European Union ranging from general introductory texts to definitive assessments of key institutions and actors, policies and policy processes, and the role of member states. Books in the series are written by leading scholars and reflect the most up-to-date research and debate. Particular attention is paid to accessibility and clear presentation for a wide audience of students, practitioners and interested general readers.9789024711161Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 12 (1969)EUR3691971-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192929789024751020Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 11 (1968)EUR3691971-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id196309789024713103Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 12 AEUR3691972-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id192979789024715046Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 13 (1970)EUR3691973-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193029789024715466Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 14 (1971)EUR3691973-07-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193049789024717170Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 15 (1972)EUR3691974-12-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193129789024717453Collected Edition of the `Travaux Preparatoires' of the European Convention on Human Rights: Volume I: Preparatory Commission of the Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers, Consultative Assembly (11 May-13 July 1949)EUR3431975-02-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlySocial ScienceLaw & CriminologyInternational human rights lawHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193139789024717835Collected Edition of the `Travaux Preparatoires' of the European Convention on Human Rights: Volume II: Consultative Assembly, Second Session of the Committee of Ministers, Standing Committee of the Assembly (10 August-19 November 1949)EUR3431975-09-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlySocial ScienceLaw & CriminologyInternational human rights lawHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193179789024717842Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 16 (1973)EUR3691975-11-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193189789024718382Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 17 (1974)EUR3691976-03-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193239789024718634Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 18 (1975)EUR3691976-06-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193259789024718191Collected Edition of the `Travaux Preparatoires' of the European Convention on Human Rights: Volume III: Committee of Experts (2 February-10 March 1950)EUR3431976-08-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlySocial ScienceLaw & CriminologyInternational human rights lawHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193219789024719938Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 19 (1976)EUR3691977-08-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193379789024719693Collected Edition of the `Travaux Preparatoires' of the European Convention on Human Rights: Volume IV: Third and Fourth Sessions of the Committee of Ministers, Conference of Senior Officials (30 March-17 June 1950)EUR3431978-02-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlySocial ScienceLaw & CriminologyInternational human rights lawHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193339789024720958Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 20 (1977)EUR3691978-11-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193419789024722150Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 21 (1978)EUR3691979-11-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193479789024719709Collected Edition of the `Travaux Preparatoires' of the European Convention on Human Rights: Volume V: Legal Committees, Ad Hoc Joint Committee, Committee of Ministers, Consultative Assembly (23 June-28 August 1950)EUR3431979-12-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlySocial ScienceLaw & CriminologyInternational human rights lawHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193349789024723836Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 22 (1979)EUR3691980-09-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, annuals, almanacsHTTP://www.brill.com/product_id193539789024727179Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, Volume 23 (1980)EUR3691983-09-01Hardback10Brill (JL)TurpinengProfessional and scholarlyReferenceReference/LibrarianshipYearbooks, a