Xiao Jianmin Rainforest Alliance Program China Office www.cfcn.cn Tel: (010)62889719 E-mail:[email protected] Promoting Trading of Legal and Sustainable Wood Through Third Party Certification/Verification

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Promoting Trading of Legal and Sustainable Wood Through Third Party Certification/Verification. Xiao Jianmin Rainforest Alliance Program China Office. www.cfcn.cn Tel: (010)62889719 E-mail:[email protected]. Topics. 1. Rainforest Alliance Rainforest Alliance Program China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Xiao Jianmin Rainforest Alliance Program China Office

Xiao Jianmin

Rainforest Alliance Program China Office

www.cfcn.cn Tel: (010)62889719

E-mail:[email protected]

Promoting Trading of Legal and Sustainable Wood Through Third Party


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• Rainforest Alliance

• Rainforest Alliance Program China

• Promoting Trading of Legal and Sustainable Wood

Through Third Party Certification/Verification

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Rainforest Alliance

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Rainforest Alliance






Mission - Protect ecosystems and communities by fostering better conservation and business practices.• FFounded 1987• LLocated in New York, USA• FFocus on sustainability• FForestry, Agriculture, Tourism & Education Divisions• IIn Forestry: TREES & SW

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Rainforest Alliance






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Rainforest Alliance Program China

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Rainforest Alliance Program China

Project : Capacity building for responsible forestry in China

– TREES: Program of RA Forestry Division

– 3-year training initiative on Certification

– Innovative capacity-building

Project objectives:

• Build awareness of responsible forest management & certification

• Build awareness of the requirements of Chain of Custody certification

• Carry our forest certification training, including legal origin

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Our Services

Establishment of information and training platform: Chi

nese Forest Certification internet ( www.cfcn.cn )

Professional and comprehensive information service

Online training system

Certified company and market information publishment

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Our Services

Forest certification training and extension service

compiling and providing Training material

Holding specific and general workshop

Providing specific service according client’s requirement

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Our Services

Market liaison and information service

Database of certified company

Certified material supply and demand

Certified product application and extension

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Our Services

Training contentsFM certification

COC certification

Auditor skill

Certification label use

Certification standard

Certification preparation and application

Assessment process

Certification cases

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Promoting Trading of Legal and Sustainable Wood Through Third Party Certification/Verification

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Certification Body



Let me to verify it.

Third party certification/verification is necessary to make sure the legal origin of the timber.


Third Party Certification/Verification

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• Verification of Legal Origin (VLO)

• Chain of Custody

• Controlled Wood

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Verification of Legal Origin

SmartWood Program has developed a Generic Standard f

or Verification of Legal Origin (VLO) that shall be applied

upon request by companies or organizations requesting v

erification services for 3rd party independent auditing.

This standard is generic in nature and will be adapted for t

he laws, regulations, acts and decrees of each country wh

ere the standard is applied.

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Principle 1: Legal Right to Harvest

Clear, documented and unchallenged legal registration

of company with authorization for specific activities

shall exist. Company shall have authorization to harvest in the

forest management unit. Evidence shall exist that the forest management area

is legally classified for the type of land-use or

commercial activities conducted.

Verification of Legal Origin

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Principle 2: Approved Planning Authorizations

If legally required, a forest management plan shall be approved

by the relevant authorities.Annual operating or harvest plans shall be approved by relevant

authorities. If legally required, Environmental or Social Impact Assessments

shall be prepared.

VLO Standard

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Principle 3: Payment of Fees and Taxes Required to Mai

ntain Rights

All applicable and legally prescribed fees, royalties, taxes and

other charges shall be paid. Clear and documented evidence of past and present payments shall exis

t. Acknowledgement of receipt of royalties, fees and dues by beneficiarie

s shall exist.

VLO Standard

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Principle 4. Fulfillment of Harvesting Regulations

Evidence of compliance with local and national laws and legally-

binding codes of practice relating to forest management and harv

esting operations shall be provided.

Evidence of compliance with forest management plan requireme


Evidence of compliance with annual operating plan or harvest pl


VLO Standard

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Principle 5: Fulfillment of Environmental Regulations

Required obligations and mitigation efforts of the environmental impact

assessment shall be implemented or demonstrated. All legally required procedures for surveying, managing and protecting

endangered or threatened species within the management unit shall be

followed. Unless legally permitted, employees of the company shall be prohibited

from commercial hunting and trade in wildlife.

VLO Standard

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Principle 6. Fulfillment of Social Regulations

The forest management organization or contractors shall meet all applicable

laws and/or regulations covering health and safety of employees and their

families. All employees of the forest management organization or contractors shall be

under contract (as required) and shall be paid and treated in conformity with

national regulations. Legally recognized customary user rights shall be taken into account in

management of forest resources. Where notification of stakeholders affected by forest operations is legally

required, timely announcements shall be made about planned activities.

VLO Standard

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Principle 7. Control of Unauthorized Activities

Illegal or unauthorized activities that may occur within or through

the forest shall be identified. Illegal or unauthorized activities shall be controlled, where

appropriate in collaboration with other parties including

regulatory agencies.

VLO Standard

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Principle 8. Legally Traded

Compliance with the applicable provisions and requirements of CITES –

the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wilde

Fauna and Flora. shall be demonstrated. Evidence of compliance with requirements in relation to the

transportation of forest products shall be demonstrated. Timber processing facilities shall hold the appropriate licenses and

comply with required laws and regulations. Exportation shall meet any nationally defined restrictions or limitations.

VLO Standard

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FM Certification

The lowest requirement of validitycompliance with laws, regulations and FSC principles

Other standard in environment, social and economy

Chain of Custody CertificationThrough independent certification to make sure the

timber is come from well-managed forest.Identify the certified product and uncertified.

Chain of Custody

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Chain of Costudy

• Input of FSC Product Categories should be one of the following at least:

FSC-PureFSC-MixedControlled Post-consumer reclaimed Other reclaimed

To make sure the validity of the material!

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• Company complies w/FSC-STD-40-005

• Forest origin known (to the district level)

• Risk assessment done on forest origin

• Supplier declaration confirming origin for each shipment (to district level)

• Supplier declaration confirming wood is Controlled (per the FSC definition)

Controlled Wood

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• wood harvested from forest areas where traditional or civil rights are violated;

• wood harvested from non FSC-certified forest areas having high conservation values which are threatened;

• wood harvested from genetically modified trees;• illegally harvested wood;• wood from natural forest areas that have been c

onverted to plantations or non-forest use


Controlled Wood, con’t

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SmartWood Services

• Multi-service in certification and verification:


– Verification of Legality

– Verification of Controlled Wood

– Verfication of HCVF

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