The Enterprise la among' of country yyijeklle^ and G) from 50 communities into 3,900 hoitn^s each week'* S? Mw&%Y>mm ""' X .'n li-VA «>«^. And ALBANY COUNTY TOST rise EnterpriseI d s Our long list of advertisers speaks welt of the value of advertising In this, paper. Use Enterprise acte to tell readers about what you have to sell. '""" "•' iiiii'iliiiliii'i i)iiniiiiiiiirriii"'iiii--" Sin^tl0pie^l^«^rt3 mftmom, K. %.$$&£% wartEmm•&» mes AFTERMATH This was a pa'rt of the p . & H wreck scene at Altamont, after the clean-up ne- cessary to relay track and ties to get the trains running. IVfore than 40 pars of a coal train wer^ de- railed beginning at this point* on theeaWy morning of Aug, 22. Note the debris still tyirtg'around, especially the piles of soft coal a£the right* the rails shovvn here are all newly rela^d. YHE PIC^ TCf^E BELOW was taken from the Main street crossing^ looking soutlu A careftil jpok w|(l reveal ^©jtYail left by the *'r&naojalBe ,> car which traveled aboq,t two* miles wjth one sej of trucks off /the foaite, before precipitating the, huge derailment beyond the, curve in the far background*, NOTJ©: The upper photo was takeh looking noriln,, (Photo by Edward C Branckw) m '"'•^ ' m ^ ^ t R a l e m e l k j ^ ^ ,of*$Iev£; jfand^Slas- been awarded, the &wm$m ^nsteuct St^tey's fMAtipt^.'afe-Mtambijt. .'Wort; k%m$n£?4ffi.W cohMucted --& I tS$fcrti*«Jl. i, *K*«r'' ** *~ "' *""" ----- petiple, a" kitchen, eloa1?~;rttQn1 s me/ chanical mfa&jgest rophi4'^nd % -p;ifttMitfie ; iio^oMifft "ana vprn$#^vWaJ.k, ^Township ffljriwirbe at bus; tid 'plans, loathe;. ._, . id 2 .eampaigning wiU;be;m'ade, l l*Alli,metobers"aiife:wilS^fa.-' ! ajt i !,? Hew Scotland, .has announced* that final plans .have been made for •the largest turnout in t h e , five- year history of this popular event M the fall season. It will be 'held Sunday, Sept. 22, at Murray Jennex Sunset Park, Orchard Bill Road in, the town of New Scotland,' beginning at, 1:30,p; - rrt. As in prior years, special plans nave beeh made to make mis ft "happy day for the entire tathiliy. .Special events are scheduled' for children, as well as for "parents. TV" sets will alsp be. available- jfosfr. those interested in the Sporting events to be televised that '•$$.'.• v Lunch will be served at ItSQ, followed by clams, chowder , l and. refreshments throughout \the -af- ternoon --' to be topped pff .'by^'ihe' family Murray Jehhex gtealp:^i)l- ajer at 6 p.m. ' .:''.' ^ ;;';^' - . Republican candidates,who,.'ma., attend are Congressman' feanieT •&, Buttoii, AssemblymEln/ £arr^ : Aane; Walter Langley.-cSJidltoe Jor State Senator:; : 'Arnolft ;fr09^ '.kin, candidate for district'• MtQr-' my,- and Ulchael Reg'aii, '•:jmiih date for county treasure?. ' ,'..,>' Tickets are still obtaiiiat>le fr*oiia club members, RepufeUcan ,t^wn officers, and Republican (foffti^lit- teemen. Newcomers to the town 0f New Scotland are aar&imy fa* Vited t& attend, and a'watfSi wel- come awaits them, ; IMMUNIZATION CLINIC The monthly immunisation clin- ic, sponsored by the Albany Coun- ty Health department and -ihe Berne-Knox PTA, will bp hpkl in Aho Berne fitrehouae from 10 ,t. in, 'to noon on Friday, Sepi, 20. ,„„,,,-.. ... -,-.„-<-.,. ..'m&> •.- a %rbuiJd, Sreakmg." tntfoduction of the architect and the epijtraotpr. Re-> marks, Lawreftce l j ; Vtefter, Al- tamoht maydr. Remarkl? Father, PobrzynsM,\pastpi?.\:bf Sfc: Lucy's church. Benediction, Rev. James K. Hilton, pastor of St. John's* Lutheran church. .' ' '„• Ckrch Wpm^ Plan Fjfr. Ecumenical Retreat Day The of Helderberg, Council' -.- Church Women United .has com^' pleted, plans fqr.its sefcond Day of Retreat. The. host church wilj be Helderberg Reformed in Gull- derland Center and-the date. A Thursday, Sept. 26. •'..','., The day's program begins at .10 a, m. and ends at 3 p; m., with, a, break for lunch, •Womea atten#g ing should bring a sandwieh'r provideid. .. . r , .. ' Miss .Estelle. Career of LasellJ House, Whitinsvflje, Mass., wiEbe the leader for the„fey. She, hss had years ..of eSPMeftce working with wonten s. group? ' $nd'. is" a, master, at preseriting .the Bifefe, as a nitiist wbriderful' attd' e,xc^1ii^g ,, book. In'days like these, when our bodies and minds need, re- pair and refreshing, it i& impor* tanf to .look |o the needs of the spirit. Busy people need this most of all. Plan,to clear this date; come and bring a Mend. Everyone fe welcome. Nursery care will bo provided. If trans* portation is a. problem contact someone in youf church. Subscribe to the Aliamont En- terprise —15J&S0 per year. ' ' '^'bpShing' ^m" i968-.g9v : |i^n|; $Jnox Fl'A'iyear will' be : v tfe'41»* tiuai' 4 "iVieet the Faculty%4tiglii on Monday, Sept. 16, at a Cfclock M tne felementary eafet^'a,*. v>,» ^ -' Faculty members*%a^e, W6ki" in- vited to sit with.'their'^es'Meeti^i nomeifoom mothers: .',Ne;wXf#tii»' memh'efs will he 'iuitrMueMaVi)Se is a unique might of eh'tlf'talnmeht at the nigh school, Friday, Sept. 27, at 7:30 p.m. It -will be a talent show'—"but bine witb a melfling- fui difference.":;. ,', .,-,'•,' . All the talent (candidate) ap- pearing will be. spohsoiJjeil" -by other- local groups - such -a^. rthe churches.' Giran^es,-' ana'-'Eti^anis.' Admission will be free; -The [audience will vote for the ; win- n"&rs. '~ 1 ' ''"" ,,v * wi,,-*?':.: 1 ,. < The manner in which they will vote is the..key to this MMe-a.^ yeaf" fund-raising activity'by the Berne-Knox. PTA. Those.^ Ihe aiUdience will vote by maliihg a coptribution td support trieiS? can^ didate. The candidate whet, earns the most money for Me PTA will >tte\the winner and, aldng%^W\th««. sponsoring organization, .will- be awarded a prize. •,'-'• A*V- i/c,.Ul •'. p 'There will m-'dMi/'^zesVV^e- coffee, Jm and'lessWl^^fe^^.^a a. bakS^fe^q leyeryone Mil have an-oppol'tiih- ity to helpi-the PTA and the.si&bpL ;". Make sure your .groupfe.Repre- sentedin this election. To place your candidate for elec'tiofi -tfall' Mrs. Irwin King at fol482; Wo eontrlhttte to the bake ^ale,;get %' touch with Mrs. Ray : m$<it •Ik., at 895-2433. Fdr further r in- iprmation contact ^trs, MWai'd Feidmantf, at 89S-2454. .;/';-''• ; GYIVI,KHANA- :C^N%1Uf&. ' The Dusty Boots Riding Club, RyneSt Corners Rd., Pattersonville, has decided to cancel its* Sept. 22 gymkhana this year. The club will hold no further horse shows this year. Shows, and gvmkhunad will be fumounecd a usual n>s1 ,yeai J . , ANNOE MEETINGiS SET OCT. 101H FOR FARMBB8E0 Anne Whipple, woman'fc, ctauvl man and annual msetiftg Cjair-J man of the Albany County Farnri J Bureau, reported to the bbftrd of directors at the September meet- ing that plans had been fjn§tu>ed to bold the annual county meet-' ing at the Altamont Refbrmed,' church at 7:30 P; m. Oct 10. The women of the church will serve a i oast beef dinner. The board ap-i proved the practice of the past] several years of a free dinner j. ticket to each member whose dues; 1 for the corning year are paid atr op before the meeting. ,3 Charles Van Wie* vice-foresjden:t,^ reported on the district-wide mem- i bership meeting attended by nim-'i self, Conrad Hartman, member- ship committeeman, and Chairman Mary Zuk, aj,Burnt Hills. DougU$ - Sj^iitoh; •; a«^gat^M. New,-fork"' Kip ,:Bure ; al| i .hls!e|«.:- ings, - ; . Mouisjs,e.fc%e i; ¥ # # t , , 4 ^ the' by-«L $m ', A quick-thinkhig workman mir- aculously $3cftped death Wednes-; day when he dove through a door seconds before hundreds of tofts of derailed freight cars careened against the voorheesville building' behind which he had been work- ing.' Jerry Winnan of Preston Hol- low fled for his life as 17 cars, of a 76 car Penn Central freight were derailed at 12:05 p: m., leay^ ing three tracks a mass,of twisted .steel and rubble. One car crashed into the hopper Sar he had oeen unloading behind Ihe Purina plant. Winnan doi'e into the-Purina building to avoid being struck by the car as it toppled ' The train was eastbound along & main freight route from the De- #M0to'''»eaf,.-',§!S«acuse' *&• -the. marnii*. •.41e^:..,;^ftWl6fe,,'..HjEOldl Boomhower, George Vap, Etteh, Charles TonmeU and ChUck. v"a»" wie'' 'compijiSfcif,.-;With: : ; M | M l p Bell as. ch^toan> " .Me$»lts:'.|rey being held ,tci.sit(rY e y mfehabefs,hlB opinion on'; iivariofs issHes v »' an,d,; present i?e;sol«)iitibhS'fou aCtiott'byMi the members 7 !a.r ; liliife,' ! ahnuai; meet-t Appointment j ••*6$v& nominatin^j sisting,^f^©a^dy,Bejces|Qr%Jiii| tAMi> Mim-^Mbh^lraU^M„... Vaii..%etten., ,,Seci;etary'. J4;Hrat eciceasLa,l,et,ter,JErpm. MeMjSnt Osum A .,. ! to.; .Chfijirinjn, 'EifeMard, expi# ; ..this, ye^t and ,,-thtf the^ posmohs of pres/ideht 'a1ii'd""Vice- aitoenj' hg^dgcte; Wednesday, as, Js'Mrs of a freight tiJaih on its ipay,.to fec^ton froRi Albany ran |M.'.,;the-;' tracks•; -Seat ','i^pster, " ass. i There. werJa no uljtei^s. y'ear' jas ? .the •'A^^y1poJiJHtS? :, #^Si 1 - dent and-was> not.a^jpndid^.for re-eleetion:,fqi? thfe ^ m % , s i $ r , . - He outtmed F^te^uj^ajK^jef- torts ; -'-,'loJdate- ; MVb| fa^S}e#l':^i^j^M?i| M pa,:® 1% MameJL i&niMth", Mfe* master piari; feqsefei-RofOhalrhlM •« the' KwJI'iWl|»iit^loa'EC'fs^t f V^ ||Pnsp%|?f >)#&&&*%Wfafo: ;• p&M' W$ opihwft>'on;••'a,yarletyfof tow |e*Vie*es -'and •educational, busine'ss am- re'creational facilities,, was ||ft|«ottf''-te,June. Mailing was | » p b ^ r W t e , ever,^ $hir^' vaj% i»ioi' P*h^|^i ^,..,.,,.. ®i»i?lifp^ ; To^*,,-_.-., factory fojutfeh. tc-.L «iev problem cph^eete*^with ; ..^fe^h^issipn#;s rlce"nfr riping on ftis opemlpi 'nof ,Miy@orj^%^^jM ..^^te^^cr^^ljii^tftief,^! couplyipr president .M New York ,Fa«n* BttfeauJo sUcoied William dldaey'iad^lnW&efecf |Mr.-Pitcher to^MrAis^fttdors^nii^nt to Wil% Mn^Jo|y|W^glpi^-W^mngf Seekniff Volunteers l,w At. Jit.- ft? ;t ^iMSa'„i«ui;' -?ii^mi- vtlbip'esV 'fdfk^iihe: 1969'/campaign «vSul'a v "be , ' , t§preclatea./ ; '"-'5- ' , tiidividualpit school groups* clubs/ ^''^Mafifeafibn^wim' be w$x®$6'. •• mwm. W " tiiinfy hea«o:da^fe¥s, • 17» : 'florth' • Main Ave*, Albanyi-: or ii_ |%S||ioM!'<~H «^f ; tytte,vfriter,' ^&;ofe'iiffi|es office" is' opin Learn To Spare Dance The Altamont Station Squares, local square dance club, wjtll sponsor a series of Western s'quare dariiee lessons startmg; jlMfondSy, nightt, Oct. 7; Fr^e fun, nights will be held Monday, Sept. 23, and Monday, Sept. 30, frotn 8'to 3,Q ( :30 p, m. at the Altamont JEJle- hientary school With Al Caopetti as caller. For further informa- tion call Bob or Helen Fries, 861-6659. Churches, Schools, Fraternal), ;"• artd Othfeic Orflanteatib'n* « CHURCH BAZAAfe, SKJPPfeR , (.-•• . , ...SEPT.'l4 •'"' McKpwnyJilie Uhitect Metfioflist church w0 hoic( a bazzar Sept. 14 starting at 10 a. m.' A roast beef dinfier will be served; a 5i30 p. m. (one ^tthjlgf,";t|c:kets sold aliead), Sp^(S,wiT'l ; i i .''SO-l(*FE« $EPT» "14 Th^ ; anniial spaghetti supper, spfrn'sbred. by St. Matthew's R. C. chttfeh, VoorheeHvilieVwili b& held Sept.--14 At the Legion hall, Voor- heeSvule, albiig with a «ext-to:-new clothing sale and a food sate. Sates will begin at 10 a. m. Supper served from 5 p. m. oii. Take-out •orders also available. LORD'S ACRE SALE SfePT. 14 A Lotd's Acre auctwin, fair and (Continued on Pago ,6) 17 CARS DERAILED I TRAIN WRECK VOORHEESVILLE 'fged',',cal|•8 , Si^Mss,".^*. isp The MCKownVilil XXhite'd Meth- odist church. WSCS bazaar will be heid tomorrow starting at 10 a, m., rain or , shine. Fourteen booths, including home made/ cahdies,. baked, . ugoods,., ( . white ,. w elephant, Christinas items,, spirting eq,uip : ment, apd many others, Booths , Luncjieon will b,e available ,dur- ] roast.be,ef supper will be served. iife^jfesentingi' ®j869.w|ieople., have <3ulfde#lan'd' is dlvid^d.ahto sep- arate^'• autonomous .sejfer and water.districts,.and hasl'ho police force. Othe* than;' Slate Police forcey ChiM,|t©^a1*ff ©ie'hl. .w„ . When-'&kVC n list tdp pr^ii .tigs ih» e^pe»j|uy^.of t .towtt funds' the public, overwhelmingly speci- fied*water 1 ..Sewer, and police^.'pro' naire, satisfafctlon'f^th' present facilities In these ireas;"..; ^ .•• , , ' V ' Preptoatt»h"ofc'5the master' .pla^i which ,4s tovbe..-ifhe blueprint for ©uilderland 1 feyje^all development, iS"und0r'.%e„'feeVc%ibto 6J th.e ; |>lan- hing fifm;.ofcft| , 0^4.|hS Anthony. Matthew, •&#«,. *epi;esenting ttie wmh-M f >^MmL # ^ n e r . lor., both,] Aata^onfv«Wlderland. -./"^ '' Stress'ed;.-<hy::l!j|r. Deiany in 'the nee%ieft;ej*f$y .for the township -was';' ihe^SSe®, Mpf reerfeatipnai: areas,'The:t|fe'ftis fall will pur- chase Tawaipi|!^, Park for this furposp, Dssi^ie the need .seen by Mr.',. Dpl||»,' , J3^sidents' indicat- ed that<;aWnppfi>}fchey would use new-toecrteStiOn^p-<areas, they wiere riot/|>a™cvilaia© dissatisfied.'with & - J ""-' *•" mamm&t- ' ' ^SideftsiSij; .juadic'ated -their te | i r M # , - % r f & w • andt(Sjry;;:,and in re •Ijigh- appropriate rise apartments zones,", On the plus sjde, those answer- ing-: the questionnaire praised the district school system, fire pro- tection, maintenance of .roads, and garbage and trash removal On the whole, the results show- ed that.the residents of Guilder- land ar- generally pleased with their .town; a„ gtreat majority of those answering said they chose the area because of its attractive surroundings, :good .schools, good environment''for. children, and reasoMbfy priced hotnes, ' ' Refieetihg ithe tt^end 'iti the rapid growth 'ol, sttbufban'residen- tial areas' in-.ifife fC&piJal District, a majority, bjf' tnose\ ^inpwe^ng thr questiohnaire eame to QpLderiani •from.'i?utsi4fe.f!|iie- stftt^U ;f .. •, , <ki wt Sept 20 Thfe annual.card party will be held by,Fort Hunter Fire depart- ment,, auxiliary at the firehouse on Carman VRoad Friday, , Sept. 20, at 7s0O p. m, The public is in- vited. There will be door and ta- ble prizes,, . v.,-. Chairman is Betty Smith. As- sisting will be %s., Molly Bach- and,' Mrs. Gloria Sllngerland, Mrs. Barbara Smith, Mrs. - Nell Spoon* er, Mrs. Mildred Biackman and Mrh. Flo Colon. "Ho who lives at high tension usually blows a fus,e." Harold S. May, The Florence (Aid..) 'Herald,- , ciCownviileC •- /. Haft, 482-7301. tary, "489J0004.- or church secre* Enrollment for the ®rst day Monday' at, Quilderlahd schools totaled'.'5,495' students. Late rgg- [isfratiqns 'may add 20 to this 'nyinbef*.'" t .'..";.]', - , •'•':' "[•, '"' '•• ,. 7A'year .]kjBT$$&l were Jjresent ,on,the"fii:||^|y,,' 5r Th# gain'of 214 |i$. about dp-Uple. thSt of the open'-. Ung„ in 1967..|«id maintains the 10-year average growth which has been about .200., :, . , p ..Enroillnient: J3y^sc|jgo J ls, |ollows;, fcA%roori^ jM^sl-^M ;schc*fel.„^;; Mlaerlarid- Etenron- y.%ai Apbr^hnateiy' : 50 adult'educa» Woh^pses -' 'a¥d •' adtilt 1 ' se^viet ^burses &re beihg t ,dffiei;ed for the fali term by the'-jiqllderland Central School disSiefeaecording to Ronald J. .Pfe^il&ec^or of. continuing, educatiqftaffllsses .will begin. |he; .Mtew||i%23 v &I 1 j^onisnM foi-, Wk&mmMewii, gram-fas be&"##|w»-flaK arid; ;ii»|des fi « -courMs ,'•M^mM) 'Mm. The ,^ti^ij^m^^p history'rwUf •be > 'tto||^fSi f e'd : Senior^High %enW«oWMe1iatfo' aieWf '-who; »«ef#|ly r '>'.jiim , plete'd' studies; in' 'this ,f|eld5ffl.the iSt&te tJniVersity of .'New?; iRMsr-at. Al- bany, V ?• •:.£; C^'"% >- ;;'••'. •" _ parental ^mcf^te,fe,educ|- as^sublecl^atSFIlrreh^ time wHl be prbviled ?for "group' discussions, films ahd djaestipning. In addition to'tntfali program' pf regularly sch;edwledi4a'sses r a series of public; ,te$#s£bn human relations is curr^titiy ^beihg platan ned The forums which Will re- late directly t6 "President John- son's National Advisory Cbmmis- (Conti4ued 'on ^age 4) ^•ciifuniori ^.ynh^b'opr-lgfiswfh 'of ^l.is the is 79, and the Senior High 47. The largest elementary grade is the second with 463; in the secondary schools, the ninth gr&de leads at '460; *"• '. '•' "" ^^ -4,5, - '-•- •• 'The 395 in .kindergarten :is a Return to norrijal. enrollment Mute for life, district-and Con- trasts'•; with th&" kindergarten en-' rollmtehtVof one,yearrago ? of 332. JJftieiil.sp; MMirgMgte?^ have ' Mbre •{ .Y'dlunteer • drivers are heeded aV this time, Albany Are^ Red Crdss Chapter - officials say.' The'•increase, is caufeed primarily by greater": volume of blood'don- :6rs-given at the Blood Cbllectidn? CeMter ni. the- new RM Cross building btt Hackett Blvd'. at Clara Barton Dr., Albany, and the~re- opjening^of. special services for the handicappeji with which the Red Cross has tradionajly aided. Also, nfgbjt and weekend volun- teers are, needed to. speed blood to area, hospitals for emergency cases; ,/'if.w'.\:V j '-!"7 • •- Persons 'interested in serving are urged to call the new Red Cross number (462-7461) Or call at the new building to offer Services iversary A party in honor of Mrs.. Rebek- kah Liarf of Oak'Hill, N. Y., who was, 80 years old on Sept. 9, was held at the Maple Inn, E&st Berne, Sunday, Sept. 8: •:_•".' The party Was given, by Mrs. Lian's two sons,. Clarence, pf Howes Cayel ,.atjd,Thomas. of-Fair Haven, Vt., and her two daugh- ters, Mrs; Ruth YTatum of East Berne and Gadlyce Linden of Pine Bush, N. Y,",, : , . ' "• The event was attended by.over 40 friends and relatives. Among them were her 12 grandchildren, and" four-.^reai-gra«flbhild^ehi*" ; *. Mrs. ,I%n-BaW;k|rfi in iNoiway and.' ean«fto' AmHrl|a in 1910. Her | : husmrtd Olaf, also from Norway, whom she 'raarM'ed . in Billings; I frofi'l.'§i4";!o r . : 'i9l8T Their three oldest. qhildr|n were born in a log ca;bin that M*. Lian built on the 'homestead. They farmed and ranched throughout the West until 1937 when they came to New York state. ! ijirs. Lian is still very active and enjoys her hobbies of fishing and knitting. , .. Annual Auction Sept. 21 i v.-'-. •„„„ f.-^jii'--; .* [' .The Ho)y Name*society of Our ,Lady of Fatima btech in Delan- son will hold" its annual auction on Saturday, Sept. 2L;,^ Auctioneer- ing will be by Joe^Oeihik. The, : auction features everything frote„., ii¥ » furniture and bric-a-prae to cloth'jsg^jil ing and jewelry. Co-chairmen fbtf"" * ' s the- event are EuleM.-'Ferrj and Leon Neadle. ,, Refreshments will •hej..availabl^ ' : g ^ •, •4 M I •4 w <*!?& Pony Races at Trotterdale : :«$ S.unday,' Sept. 15,,' th4, pastern New. York Pohy a'sSbl|afi»'Will sponsor poriy 'harness' raampM^e Trotterdale Raceway,' W p a Rbiite 163, 'half-wlsf' ®#e'bn' Sloansville and Canajoprle, Eight eyehts have been scheduled and post time is 1,30 p^.m. Programs wjlf be available and lunch will be? served I m EIGHTY YEARS Mrs. Rebekka Lian of Oak Hill outs her 80th birthday oake at party given for hor Sunday at the Maple Inn, East Berne. The party was given by her two stns and two daughters. Over 40 guests attended the celebration. In tho group above arc (from left): Mrs. Cladyoo Linden, daughtor, of Pino Btwft, N. Y.; Mrs. Lian, the guest of honorj Lisa Plotkin, great-granddaughter, of Monticello, N. Y.; and- Mrs. Sharon Plotkin, granddaughter. (Photo hy Edward C. Brandbw)

X rise - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031267/1968-09-13/ed-1/seq-1.… · cessary to relay track and ties to get the trains running. IVfore than 40 pars of

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Page 1: X rise - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031267/1968-09-13/ed-1/seq-1.… · cessary to relay track and ties to get the trains running. IVfore than 40 pars of

The Enterprise la among' of country yyijeklle^ and G) from 50 communities into 3,900 hoitn^s each week'* S?


""'X.'n li-VA

« > « ^ .

And ALBANY COUNTY TOST rise Enterprise I d s

Our long list of advertisers speaks welt of the value of advertising In this, paper. Use Enterprise acte to tell readers about what you have to sell.

'""" "•' iiiii'iliiiliii'i i)iiniiiiiiiirriii"'iiii--" —

Sin^tl0pie^l^«^rt3 mftmom, K. %.$$&£% wartEmm •&» mes

AFTERMATH — This was a pa'rt of the p . & H wreck scene at Altamont, after the clean-up ne­cessary to relay track and ties to get the trains running. IVfore than 40 pars of a coal train wer^ de­railed beginning at this point* on theeaWy morning of Aug, 22. Note the debris still tyirtg'around, especially the piles of soft coal a£the right* the rails shovvn here are all newly rela^d. YHE PIC^ TCf^E BELOW was taken from the Main street crossing^ looking soutlu A careftil jpok w|(l reveal ^©jtYail left by the *'r&naojalBe,> car which traveled aboq,t two* miles wjth one sej of trucks off /the foaite, before precipitating the, huge derailment beyond the, curve in the far background*, NOTJ©: The upper photo was takeh looking noriln,, (Photo by Edward C Branckw)

m ' " ' • ^ ' m ^ ^ t R a l e m e l k j ^ ^ ,of*$Iev£;

jfand^Slas- been awarded, the &wm$m ^nsteuct S t ^ t e y ' s fMAtipt^. 'afe-Mtambijt . .'Wort;

k%m$n£?4ffi.W cohMucted --&

I tS$fcrti*«Jl.i,*K*«r'' ** *~ "' *""" - - - - -

petiple, a" kitchen, eloa1?~;rttQn1s me/ chanical mfa&jgest rophi4'^nd %

-p;ifttMitfie ; i io^oMiff t "ana vprn$#^vWaJ.k, ^Township

ffljriwirbe at bus; tid 'plans, loathe;. ._, . id2.eampaigning wiU;be;m'ade, ll*Alli,metobers"aiife:wilS^fa.-'!ajti

! ,? Hew Scotland, .has announced* that final plans .have been made for •the largest turnout in the , five-year history of this popular event M the fall season. It will be 'held Sunday, Sept. 22, at Murray Jennex Sunset Park, Orchard Bill Road in, the town of New Scotland,' beginning at, 1:30,p; -rrt.

As in prior years, special plans nave beeh made to make mis ft "happy day for the entire tathiliy. .Special events are scheduled' for children, as well as for "parents. TV" sets will alsp be. available- jfosfr. those interested in the Sporting events to be televised that '•$$.'.• v Lunch will be served at ItSQ, followed by clams, chowder ,l and. refreshments throughout \the -af­ternoon --' to be topped pff .'by 'ihe' family Murray Jehhex gtealp:^i)l-ajer at 6 p .m. ' .:''.' ^ ;;';^' -. Republican candidates,who,.'ma., attend are Congressman' feanieT •&, Buttoii, AssemblymEln/ £arr^:

Aane; Walter Langley.-cSJidltoe Jor State Senator:;:'Arnolft ;fr09^ '.kin, candidate „ for district'• MtQr-' my,- and Ulchael Reg'aii, '•:jmiih date for county treasure?. ' , ' . . ,>'

Tickets are still obtaiiiat>le fr*oiia club members, RepufeUcan ,t^wn officers, and Republican (foffti lit-teemen. Newcomers to the town 0f New Scotland are aar&imy fa* Vited t& attend, and a'watfSi wel­come awaits them, ;

IMMUNIZATION CLINIC The monthly immunisation clin­

ic, sponsored by the Albany Coun­ty Health department and -ihe Berne-Knox PTA, will bp hpkl in Aho Berne fitrehouae from 10 ,t. in, ' to noon on Friday, Sepi, 20.

,„„,,,-.. ... -,-.„-<-.,. ..'m&> •.-a%rbuiJd, Sreakmg." tntfoduction of the architect and the epijtraotpr. Re-> marks, Lawreftce • l j ; Vtefter, Al-tamoht maydr. Remarkl? Father, PobrzynsM,\pastpi?.\:bf Sfc: Lucy's church. Benediction, Rev. James K. Hilton, pastor of St. John's* Lutheran church. .' ' '„•

Ckrch Wpm^ Plan Fjfr. Ecumenical Retreat Day

The of Helderberg, Council' -.-Church Women United .has com ' pleted, plans fqr.its sefcond Day of Retreat. The. host church wilj be Helderberg Reformed in Gull-derland Center and-the date.Ai§ Thursday, Sept. 26. • ' . . ' , ' . ,

The day's program begins at .10 a, m. and ends at 3 p; m., with, a, break for lunch, •Womea atten#g ing should bring a • sandwieh'r

provideid. .. .r, .. ' Miss .Estelle. Career of LasellJ

House, Whitinsvflje, Mass., wiEbe the leader for the„fey. She, hss had years ..of eSPMeftce working with wonten s. group? ' $nd'. is" a, master, at preseriting .the Bifefe, as a nitiist wbriderful' attd' e,xc 1ii g,,

book. In'days like these, when our bodies and minds need, re­pair and refreshing, it i& impor* tanf to .look |o the needs of the spirit. Busy people need this most of all. Plan,to clear this date; come and bring a Mend.

Everyone fe welcome. Nursery care will bo provided. If trans* portation is a. problem contact someone in youf church.

Subscribe to the Aliamont En­terprise —15J&S0 per year. ' '

'^'bpShing' • m" • i968-.g9v :|i^n|; $Jnox Fl'A'iyear will' be:

vtfe'41»* tiuai'4"iVieet the Faculty%4tiglii on Monday, Sept. 16, at a Cfclock M tne felementary eafet^'a,*. v>,» ^ • - ' Faculty members*%a^e, W6ki" in­vited to sit with.'their'^es'Meeti^i nomeifoom mothers: .',Ne;wXf#tii»' memh'efs will he 'iuitrMueMaVi)Se

is a unique might of eh'tlf'talnmeht at the nigh school, Friday, Sept. 27, at 7:30 p.m. It -will be a talent show'—"but bine witb a melfling-fui difference.":;. , ' , .,-,'•,' .

All the talent (candidate) ap­pearing will be. spohsoiJjeil" -by other- local groups - such -a . rthe churches.' Giran^es,-' ana'-'Eti^anis.' Admission • will be free; -The [audience will vote for the ; win-n"&rs. '~1' ''"",,v * wi,,-*?':.:1,. • <

The manner in which they will vote is the..key to this MMe-a.^ yeaf" fund-raising activity'by the Berne-Knox. PTA. T h o s e . ^ Ihe aiUdience will vote by maliihg a coptribution td support trieiS? can^ didate. The candidate whet, earns the most money for Me PTA will >tte\the winner and, aldng%^W\th««. sponsoring organization, .will- be awarded a prize. • •,'-'• A*V- i/c,.Ul •'.

p 'There will m-'dMi/'^zesVV^e-coffee, Jm a n d ' l e s s W l ^ ^ f e ^ ^ . ^ a a. b a k S ^ f e ^ q

leyeryone Mil have an-oppol'tiih-ity to helpi-the PTA and the.si&bpL ;". Make sure your .group fe. Repre­sentedin this election. To place your candidate for elec'tiofi -tfall' Mrs. Irwin King at fol482; Wo eontrlhttte to the bake ^ale,;get %' touch with Mrs. Ray: m$<it •Ik., at 895-2433. Fdr furtherrin-iprmation contact ^trs, MWai'd Feidmantf, at 89S-2454. .;/';-''•

;GYIVI,KHANA- :C^N%1Uf&. '

The Dusty Boots Riding Club, RyneSt Corners Rd., Pattersonville, has decided to cancel its* Sept. 22 gymkhana this year. The club will hold no further horse shows this year. Shows, and gvmkhunad will be fumounecd a usual n>s1 ,yeaiJ. ,


F A R M B B 8 E 0 Anne Whipple, woman'fc, ctauvl

man and annual msetiftg Cjair-J man of the Albany County Farnri J Bureau, reported to the bbftrd of directors at the September meet­ing that plans had been fjn§tu>ed to bold the annual county meet-' ing at the Altamont Refbrmed,' church at 7:30 P; m. Oct 10. The women of the church will serve a i oast beef dinner. The board ap-i proved the practice of the past] several years of a free dinner j . ticket to each member whose dues;1

for the corning year are paid atr op before the meeting. , 3

Charles Van Wie* vice-foresjden:t, reported on the district-wide mem- i bership meeting attended by nim-'i self, Conrad Hartman, member­ship committeeman, and Chairman Mary Zuk, aj,Burnt Hills.

DougU$- Sj^iitoh; •; a«^gat^M. New,-fork"' K i p ,:Bure;al|i.hls!e|«.:-ings, -;. Mouisjs,e.fc%e i; ¥ # # t , , 4 ^ •

the' by-«L


', A quick-thinkhig workman mir­aculously $3cftped death Wednes-; day when he dove through a door seconds before hundreds of tofts of derailed freight cars careened against the voorheesville building' behind which he had been work­ing.'

Jerry Winnan of Preston Hol­low fled for his life as 17 cars, of a 76 car Penn Central freight were derailed at 12:05 p: m., leay^ ing three tracks a mass,of twisted .steel and rubble.

One car crashed into the hopper Sar he had oeen unloading behind Ihe Purina plant.

Winnan doi'e into the-Purina building to avoid being struck by the car as it toppled ' The train was eastbound along & main freight route from the De-#M0to'''»eaf,.-',§!S«acuse' *&• -the.

marnii*. • •.41e^:..,;^ftWl6fe,,'..HjEOldl Boomhower, George Vap, Etteh, Charles TonmeU and ChUck. v"a»" wie'' 'compijiSfcif,.-;With: : ;M |Mlp Bell as. ch^toan> " .Me$»lts:'.|rey being held ,tci.sit(rYey mfehabefs,hlB opinion on'; iivariofs issHes v»' an,d,; present i?e;sol«)iitibhS'fou aCtiott'byMi the members7!a.r;liliife,'!ahnuai; meet-t

Appointmentj••*6$v& nominatin^j

sisting,^f^©a^dy,Bejces|Qr%Jiii| tAMi> Mim-^Mbh^lraU^M„... Vaii..%etten., ,,Seci;etary'. J 4 ; H r a t eciceasLa,l,et,ter,JErpm. MeMjSnt OsumA.,.!to.; .Chfijirinjn, 'EifeMard,

expi# ; ..this, ye^t and ,,-thtf the posmohs of pres/ideht 'a1ii'd""Vice-

aitoenj' hg^dgcte; Wednesday, as, Js'Mrs of a freight tiJaih on its ipay,.to fec^ton froRi Albany ran |M.'.,;the-;' tracks•; -Seat ' , ' i^pster, " ass. i There. werJa no uljtei^s.

y'ear' jas?.the •'A^^y1poJiJHtS?:,#^Si1-dent and-was> not.a^jpndid^.for re-eleetion:,fqi? thfe ^m%,s i$ r , . -• He outtmed F^te^uj^ajK^jef-torts;-'-,'loJdate- ;MVb| fa^S}e#l ' :^ i^ j^M?i |

M pa,:® 1% MameJL

i&niMth", M f e * master piari; feqsefei-RofOhalrhlM •« the' KwJI'iWl|»iit^loa'EC'fs^tfV^ ||Pnsp%|?f>)#&&&*%Wfafo: ;• p&M' W$ opihwft>'on;••'a,yarletyfof • t o w |e*Vie*es -'and •educational, busine'ss am- re'creational facilities,, was ||ft|«ottf''-te,June. Mailing was | » p b ^ r W t e , ever,^ $hir^' vaj% i » i o i '

P*h^|^i ,..,.,,.. ®i»i?lifp^;To^*,,-_.-., factory fojutfeh. tc-.L «iev problem cph^eete*^with;..^fe^h^issipn#;s rlce"nfr riping on ftis opemlpi 'nof , M i y @ o r j ^ % ^ ^ j M

. . ^ ^ t e ^ ^ c r ^ ^ l j i i ^ t f t i e f , ^ !

couplyipr president .M New York ,Fa«n* BttfeauJo sUcoied William

dldaey'iad^lnW&efecf |Mr.-Pitcher to^MrAis^fttdors^nii^nt to Wil% M n ^ J o | y | W ^ g l p i ^ - W ^ m n g f

Seekniff Volunteers l,w At. Jit.- •ft?€;t^iMSa'„i«ui;' -?ii^mi-

vtlbip'esV 'fdfk^iihe: 1969'/campaign «vSul'av"be,',t§preclatea./ ; '"- '5- ' , tiidividualpit school groups* clubs/ ^''^Mafifeafibn^wim' be w$x®$6'. •• mwm. W " tiiinfy • hea«o:da^fe¥s, • 17»: 'florth' • Main Ave*, • Albanyi-: or ii_|%S||ioM!'<~H « ^ f ;tytte,vfriter,'

^&;ofe' i iffi |es office" is' opin

Learn To Spare Dance The Altamont Station Squares,

local square dance club, wjtll sponsor a series of Western s'quare dariiee lessons startmg; jlMfondSy, nightt, Oct. 7; Fr^e fun, nights will be held Monday, Sept. 23, and Monday, Sept. 30, frotn 8'to 3,Q(:30 p, m. at the Altamont JEJle-hientary school With Al Caopetti as caller. For further informa­tion call Bob or Helen Fries, 861-6659.

Churches, Schools, Fraternal), ;"• artd Othfeic Orflanteatib'n* «

CHURCH BAZAAfe, SKJPPfeR , (.-•• . , ...SEPT.'l4 •'"'

McKpwnyJilie Uhitect Metfioflist church w 0 hoic( a bazzar Sept. 14 starting at 10 a. m.' A roast beef dinfier will be served; a 5i30 p. m. (one tthjlgf,";t|c:kets sold aliead),

Sp^(S,wiT'l;ii.''SO-l(*FE« $EPT» "14 Th^; anniial spaghetti supper,

spfrn'sbred. by St. Matthew's R. C. chttfeh, VoorheeHvilieVwili b& held Sept.--14 At the Legion hall, Voor-heeSvule, albiig with a «ext-to:-new clothing sale and a food sate. Sates will begin at 10 a. m. Supper served from 5 p. m. oii. Take-out •orders also available.

LORD'S ACRE SALE SfePT. 14 A Lotd's Acre auctwin, fair and

(Continued on Pago ,6)






The MCKownVilil XXhite'd Meth­odist church. WSCS bazaar will be heid tomorrow starting at 10 a, m., rain or , shine. Fourteen booths, including home made/ cahdies,. baked, . ugoods,.,(. white ,.welephant, Christinas items,, spirting eq,uip:

ment, apd many others, Booths

, Luncjieon will b,e available ,dur- ]

roast.be,ef supper will be served.

iife^jfesentingi' ®j869.w|ieople., have

<3ulfde#lan'd' is dlvid^d.ahto sep­arate^'• autonomous .sejfer and water.districts,.and hasl'ho police force. Othe* than;' Slate Police

forcey ChiM,|t©^a1*ff ©ie'hl. .w„ . When-'&kVC n list tdp p r ^ i i

.tigs ih» e^pe»j|uy^.oft.towtt funds' the public, overwhelmingly speci-fied*water1..Sewer, and police .'pro'

naire, satisfafctlon'f^th' present facilities In these ireas;"..; .•• , , ' V • ' Preptoatt»h"ofc'5the master' .pla^i which ,4s tovbe..-ifhe blueprint for ©uilderland1 feyje^all development, iS"und0r'.%e„'feeVc%ibto 6J th.e;|>lan-hing fifm;.ofcft|,0^4.|hS Anthony. Matthew, • & # « , . *epi;esenting ttie wmh-Mf>^MmL # ^ n e r . lor., both,] Aata^onfv«Wlderland. • -./"^ ''

Stress'ed;.-<hy::l!j|r. Deiany in 'the nee%ieft;ej*f$y .for the township -was';' ihe^SSe®, Mpf reerfeatipnai: areas,'The:t|fe'ftis fall will pur­chase Tawaipi|!^, Park for this furposp, Dssi^ie the need .seen by Mr.',. Dpl||»,',J3^sidents' indicat­ed that<;aWnppfi>}fchey would use new- toecrteStiOn^p- <areas, they wiere riot/|>a™cvilaia© dissatisfied.'with •&-J""-' *•" mamm&t- ' '

^ S i d e f t s i S i j ; .juadic'ated -their t e|irM#,-%rf&w • andt(Sjry;;:,and


re •Ijigh-

appropriate rise apartments zones,",

On the plus sjde, those answer­ing-: the questionnaire praised the district school system, fire pro­tection, maintenance of .roads, and garbage and trash removal

On the whole, the results show­ed that.the residents of Guilder-land ar- generally pleased with their .town; a„ gtreat majority of those answering said they chose the area because of i ts attractive surroundings, :good .schools, good environment''for. children, and reasoMbfy priced hotnes, ' ' Refieetihg ithe tt^end 'iti the rapid growth 'ol, sttbufban'residen­tial areas' in-.ifife fC&piJal District, a majority, bjf' tnose\ inpwe^ng thr questiohnaire eame to QpLderiani •from.'i?utsi4fe.f!|iie- stftt^U;f.. • •, ,

<ki w t Sept 20 Thfe annual.card party will be

held by,Fort Hunter Fire depart­ment,, auxiliary at the firehouse on Carman VRoad Friday, , Sept. 20, at 7s0O p. m, The public is in­vited. There will be door and ta­ble prizes,, . v.,-.

Chairman is Betty Smith. As­sisting will be %s. , Molly Bach-and,' Mrs. Gloria Sllngerland, Mrs. Barbara Smith, Mrs.- Nell Spoon* er, Mrs. Mildred Biackman and Mrh. Flo Colon.

"Ho who lives at high tension usually blows a fus,e." — Harold S. May, The Florence (Aid..)

'Herald,- ,


•- /.

Haft, 482-7301. tary, "489J0004.-

or church secre*

Enrollment for the ®rst day Monday' at, Quilderlahd schools totaled'.'5,495' students. Late rgg-[isfratiqns 'may add 20 to this ''nyinbef*.'" t.'..";.]', - , •'•':' "[•, '"' '•• ,. 7A'year .]kjBT$$&l were Jjresent ,on,the"fii:||^|y,,'5rTh# gain'of 214 |i$. about dp-Uple. thSt of the open'-. Ung„ in 1967..|«id maintains the 10-year average growth which has been about .200., : , . , p..Enroillnient: J3y^sc|jgoJls, |ollows;, fcA%roori^ j M ^ s l - ^ M ;schc*fel.„^;; • Mlaerlarid- Etenron-

y.%ai Apbr^hnateiy':50 adult'educa»

W o h ^ p s e s -' 'a¥d •' adtilt1' se^viet ^burses &re beihgt,dffiei;ed for the fali term by the'-jiqllderland Central School disSiefeaecording to Ronald J. .Pfe^il&ec^or of. continuing, educatiqftaffllsses .will begin. |he; .Mtew||i%23v &I1

j onisnM foi-, Wk&mmMewii, gram-fas be&"##|w»-flaK arid; ;ii»|des f i« -courMs , ' • M ^ m M ) 'Mm.

The ,^ti^ij^m^^p history'rwUf •be > ' t t o | | ^ fS i f e 'd :

Senior^High %enW«oWMe1iatfo' aieWf '-who; »«ef#|lyr'>'.jiim,plete'd' studies; in' 'this ,f|eld5 ffl. the iSt&te tJniVersity of .'New?; iRMsr-at. Al-bany, V ?• — •:.£; C^'"% >- ;;'••'. •"

_ parental ^ m c f ^ t e , f e , e d u c | -

a s ^ s u b l e c l ^ a t S F I l r r e h ^

time wHl be prbviled ?for "group' discussions, films ahd djaestipning.

In addition to ' tntfal i program' pf regularly sch;edwledi4a'ssesr a series of public; ,te$#s£bn human relations is curr^titiy ^beihg platan ned The forums which Will re­late directly t6 "President John­son's National Advisory Cbmmis-

(Conti4ued 'on ^age 4)


^.ynh^b'opr-lgfiswfh 'of ^l.is the

is 79, and the Senior High 47. The largest elementary grade is the second with 463; in the secondary schools, the ninth gr&de leads at '460; *"• '. '•' "" ^ ^ -4,5, - '-•- •• ' T h e 395 in .kindergarten :is a Return to norrijal. enrollment M u t e for life, district-and Con­trasts'•; with th&" kindergarten en-' rollmtehtVof one,yearrago?of 332.

JJftieiil.sp; MMirgMgte?^ have

' Mbre •{ .Y'dlunteer • drivers are heeded aV this time, Albany Are^ Red Crdss Chapter - officials say.' The'•increase, is caufeed primarily by greater": volume of blood'don-:6rs-given at the Blood Cbllectidn? CeMter n i . the- new RM Cross building btt Hackett Blvd'. at Clara Barton Dr., Albany, and the~re-opjening^of. special services for the handicappeji with which the Red Cross has tradionajly aided.

Also, nfgbjt and weekend volun­teers are, needed to. speed blood to area, hospitals for emergency cases; ,/'if.w'.\:Vj'-!"7 • •-

Persons 'interested in serving are urged to call the new Red Cross number (462-7461) Or call at the new building to offer Services

iversary A party in honor of Mrs.. Rebek-

kah Liarf of Oak'Hill, N. Y., who was, 80 years old on Sept. 9, was held at the Maple Inn, E&st Berne, Sunday, Sept. 8: •:_•".'

The party Was given, by Mrs. Lian's two sons,. Clarence, pf Howes Cayel ,.atjd,Thomas. of-Fair Haven, Vt., and her two daugh­ters, Mrs; Ruth YTatum of East Berne and Gadlyce Linden of Pine Bush, N. Y,",, : , . ' "•

The event was attended by.over 40 friends and relatives. Among them were her 12 grandchildren, and" four-.^reai-gra«flbhild^ehi*"; *. Mrs. ,I%n-BaW;k|rfi in iNoiway and.' ean«f to' AmHrl|a in 1910. Her

|:husmrtd Olaf, also from Norway, whom she 'raarM'ed . in Billings;


frofi'l.'§i4";!or.:'i9l8T Their three oldest. qhildr|n were born in a log ca;bin that M*. Lian built on the 'homestead.

They farmed a n d ranched throughout the West until 1937 when they came to New York state. ! ijirs. Lian is still very active and enjoys her hobbies of fishing and knitting. , ..

Annual Auction Sept. 21 • i v . - ' - . •„„„ f.-^jii'--; .* [' •

.The Ho)y Name*society of Our ,Lady of Fatima btech in Delan-son will hold" its annual auction on Saturday, Sept. 2L;,^ Auctioneer­ing will be by Joe^Oeihik. The,: auction features everything frote„., i i¥» furniture and bric-a-prae to cloth'jsg^jil ing and jewelry. Co-chairmen fbtf"" * '

sthe- event are EuleM.-'Ferrj and Leon Neadle. ,, Refreshments will •hej..availabl^ ' : g ^ •,



I •4

w <*!?& Pony Races at Trotterdale : :«$

S.unday,' Sept. 15,,' th4, pastern New. York Pohy a'sSbl|afi»'Will sponsor poriy 'harness' raampM^e Trotterdale Raceway,' W p a Rbiite 163, 'half-wlsf' ®#e ' bn ' Sloansville and Canajoprle, Eight eyehts have been scheduled and post time is 1,30 p^.m. Programs wjlf be available and lunch will be? served

I m

EIGHTY YEARS — Mrs. Rebekka Lian of Oak Hill outs her 80th birthday oake at party given for hor Sunday at the Maple Inn, East Berne. The party was given by her two stns and two daughters. Over 40 guests attended the celebration. In tho group above arc (from left): Mrs. Cladyoo Linden, daughtor, of Pino Btwft, N. Y.; Mrs. Lian, the guest of honorj Lisa Plotkin, great-granddaughter, of Monticello, N. Y.; and- Mrs. Sharon Plotkin, granddaughter. (Photo hy Edward C. Brandbw)