FR OFFIC IAL SE VOL II , No. 3 ON I E 'I LETTIB DEPART T F THE NA VY SHINGTO , D. C. (P r ep ar ed by Op - 92 1) 15 Sep ember 1 958 (This Ne sl ette r is intended for dissemination t all persons c ncerned with inv es tigations , Suffic i ent co pi es are furnished o all w dist ri ution f indi vidual co pi es to each aval Int e lli gence gent ,) This is sue co mes t o you Hi th summe r d rawin g to a close , vacati ns ending , and schoolrooms , i nc ludin g eur own Ag e nts Scho ol , e h in g t e voices ha py (?) s t ud ents . Except fo r our favor ed b r ethern in So the r Calif mia an lik e cli me s, the f r ost will soon be on t he pumpkin, and &10 tir e s and skid c ains will s tart to figure jri ou r road trip plans , This is a good ti e f r taki.n stock of pa st achiev ements and also of thin s yet l ef t undone , In the rec ent past , a number of factors hav e contri uted ma e rially t the welfare of a gen ts as a gr up. The pay rai se , of c r se , is a shot in th e am for e verybody , run the re troactive f eat ur e g iv e s an added boost , The r e cent directive aut h orizing further promotions furnishes addi ti onal i c ent i ve to comp etent , caree r- minded age nts . Passa ge of l eg islation ich rovi de s statuto ry af f irm ation of th e authority fo r agent s to carry firearms in the perf ormance of thei. r duties is anoth er step which enhances the pre sti ge of the ag e nt's job. The op inion from t he Civil Service Commission holdin g th NI ag ents core within the provisions of t he law pe rmittin g t wenty- yea r- hazard ous- duty-at- age -fifty re tir emen t may also be counted as a solid gain , All harx:i s may b e assured that the Gre at White Fat her in W ashin g ton in the pe roon of NI Headquarters will continu e to fost e r and f urth er the ir int er ests . On the other side of th e l edge r, however , is the positiv r equireme nt for renewed effort on th e part of ev e ryone to incr e ase his volume of wo rk. Since the beginning of th e ye ar t here has been a gradual diminution of the bac klo g, but it is still at an unacceptable level and in the month of July even r eg :is- tered a slight ris e, This probl em i s of dir ect conce rn to ve ry person in the Organization with duti es involving inv esti ga tions and eve ry possibl e m asure must be taken to corr e ct it. At the s ame time , it goe s without sayin g, there must be no compromise with the quality of our inve stigations . It b hooves ach and every one of us, t he r e for e, to r es olv e at this time to contri but e even more than he has in th e past in oroer th at ou r pr esent high standards may be main- tained and surpas sed. KEEP UP THE GOOD IDRK-- BUT 00 MORE OF I T, AND 00 IT BETTERL LEGAL BEAGIES Messrs. Charle s R, 1rlilson, Francis x. Mc Ke nna, and John w . Lynch, all of the Office of N aval Int e lli gen ce (Op-9 21D), were recen tl y admitted to practice before the Unit ed Stat es Court of Military App e als. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

x. - ncisahistory.orgncisahistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ONI-Newsletter-Vol-II... · Messrs. Charle s R, 1rlilson ... nated case was brougr-t t o a successful conclusion and

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VOL II , No. 3


SHINGTO , D. C. (Pr epar ed by Op- 921)

• 15 Sep ember 1958

(This Ne sl etter is intended for dissemination t all persons c ncerned with inve s tigations , Suffici ent copi es are furnished o all w dist ri ution f ind i vidual copies t o each aval Intelli gence gent , )

This is su e comes t o you Hi th summer d rawin g to a close , vacati ns ending , and schoolrooms , i ncluding eur own Agents School , e h ing t e voices ha py (?) s t ud ents . Except fo r our favored b r ethern in So ther Calif mia an like climes, the f r ost will soon be on t he pumpkin , and &10 tire s and skid c ains will s tart to figure jri ou r road trip plans , This is a good ti e f r taki.n stock of past achievements and also of thin s yet l ef t undone,

In the rec ent past , a number of factors have contri uted ma erially t the welfare of agents as a gr up. The pay rai se , of c r se , is a shot in the am for everybody, run the r e troactive f eature give s an added boost , The r ecent directive authorizing further promotions furnishes addi tional i centi ve to competent , career-minded a gents . Passage of l egislation ich rovides statutory aff irmation of the authority for agent s to carry firearms i n the perf ormance of thei. r duties is another step which enhances the pre stige of the agent's job. The opinion from t he Civil Service Commission holding th NI agents core within the provisions of t he law permitting t wenty- year-hazard ous­duty-at-age-fifty r etirement may also b e counted as a s olid gain , All harx:i s may be assured that the Great White Father in Washington in the peroon of NI Headquarters will continue to foste r and f urther their inte r ests .

On the other side of the l edger, however , is the positiv r equirement for renewed effort on the part of eve ryone to increase his volume of work. Since the beginning of the y ear t here has been a gradual diminution of the bac klog, but it is still at an unacceptabl e l eve l and in the month of July even r eg:is­tered a slight rise , This problem i s of dir ec t conc ern to very person in the Organization with duties involving investi gations and every possible m asure must be taken to correct it. At the same time , it goe s without saying , there must be no compromise with the quality of our inve stigations. It b hoove s ach and every one of us, t he r e fore , to r esolve at this time to contribute even more than he has in the past in oroer that ou r pre sent high standards may be main­tained and surpassed. KEEP UP THE GOOD IDRK--BUT 00 MORE OF I T, AND 00 IT BETTERL


Messrs. Charle s R, 1rlilson, Francis x. Mc Kenna, and John w. Lynch, all of the Office of Naval Intelligence (Op-921D), were r ec ently admitted to practice before the United States Court of Military App eals.


• FOR FFICIAL SEO LY • ONI N SI.ETTER, V L II, No , 3 (con t'd)

In a recent investigation of an alleged compromise of Classifi matter (Category 5(a)) a Postal Inspector i Char ge advised that in such case s (where there appears to have b een a violatio of Post al Regulations) the O I investi­gation should be pursued only to the point , h r e it i s defini t l y e stablishcd that the Classifi ed matter has be n r ecei vcd at a local p st offic c . From that point on , it was explained , the Postal I nspectors should be iv the facts and they in turn wi 11 conduct their i nve s i gation to p ro e or di s prov the r sponsibility of any p rson or p r sons e loyed by the ost Offic e D part­ment, Inasnruch as that a.tency has juri oo iction o er viol tion of ostal la ti.ens, any qu stioning c-f witne s se s empl oyed by the Post Offic e De ar should be conducted by the Postal Ins ector s .


A r ecent case investigat d by DI0- 4ND serv s to p size surprising r esults which are so times experienced during t course of a tine inv sti-gation, s a r sult of i formation r eceived on an C that a bj ct , mo di sc laimed arrests on his PSQ, h in fact b e,n arr sted on s cral occ asions, the files of the Philadel hia Polic wer ami.ned , said file s r aling that Subje ct was at that time a fugitive from just ·ce .

A l ead to DIO-llND contained an addre ss at Evening Shade, Arizona , This place could not b located in availab l e dir ctorie s r th Postal Gu.id , Thinking that Evening Shade might b e an Indian Trading Post , a D\ri e Ranch , or Country Store , the a [: €nt making the road t rip mcrle inquiri e s as h went on his way , but to no avail, cooperative Sh riff's Offic e assisted by sending out an APB but this also met with negative r esults . One into e sting reply was r eceived though i-hich is quoted s "Can 't find Evening Shade, rizona , Have a ' 10rning Sun Rise , 1 Arizona , will that do?"


All nail from the various components of Nava l Intellig ce int med for IO-COr1NAVPHIL should be addressed as f ollows:

Intelligence Officer Commander U , S, Naval Forces Philippin s o/o Flee t Post Offic e San Francisco, California


Addressees are r eminded to insure dissemination of copi s of reports of ONI investi gations to signatorie s of the Delimitations Agreement , locally, when they havG an investigative or information interest , Section 1-0603,11 of the Manual for Investigations (ONI 63-1) refers,


• • FO OFFICIAL SE O LY ~ISLET ER, V L II , Jo , 3 ( cont ' d)


ONI otic 12000 of 25 ugu st 1958 announc es cha e s to the a ents gr ade struc ture and solici ts r eco mendation s for p r om tion to ay r ad 11 , These promotions, as her tofor, wi ll b ased n t he r e comm ndat·on of t he DI O/I , th e total servi ce as an ag t of t e nominee arrl th sult s of a written examinati on to b h 1d during Octob r, T examination will be based on the Manual for Investigati ons and will be desi gned to t e s f airl the oxamince 1 s overall lmowl ed ge of p r tinen t gulatio s a rrl procedure s , as t· ell as his r easoning abili t y arrl judgment. Ther e will b no tricky qu stions , Fa.miliari ty with the Iianual, r eading the questions p roper ly, and t he exer ise of common sense will make the examination a b r eeze to th qualifi d man , word to t he wise, etcL L

P, S, An added pr ayer from tbe myopic individuals who ust correct you r papers--please write l e gi l y , and by all m ans us e a typ writ er whe ver possible ,

Special Ag nt F.dwin V. DUNLOP (FIO- ) has b Supervising Agent., DIO- llND ,

promoted to · ssistant

The follm-T.ing name.ct a5ents who hav alr -ady be n ser i ng as ssis·1.,ant Supervising Agcmts i n their r sp cti ve Distric ts , have r cently been officially so de signated and promotro one gr ade each:

Thomas J, EGAN - JD William A,T. McNU LTY - D Vernon A, OON JEY - 5ND David N, PI.ANTON - 6 D Earl S , RICH EY - 9 D Stewart C, IcDOUGALL - PRNC


Special Agent artin J • FOTUSKY (DI0-3ND ) to IO- COMNAV iAmANAS as relief for Special Agent Carlton J, ENDRES., r eassigned to DIO-llND ,

Special Agent Donald E, SAUER (DI0-3ND) to IO-COMNAVFORJAPAN as relief for Special Agent James R, DRISCOLL, reassigned to DIO-JND .

Special Agent Adelbert c. VonMAUCHER (DIO-llND) to IO-CINCNEIM as relief for Special Agent Patrick P. DALY, reassi gned to DIO-llND,

Special Agent Thomas J, LEYDEN (DI0-4ND) to IO-COMNAVPHIL as relief for s ecial A ent Wilbur E. BLAKE r eassit ned to DIO•l4ND .




0 I NEHSLETTER,& II, o. 3 (cont'd)

A special Modified Basic Training Course w s cond uct 21 August t o 5 Septemb r 1958 f or th following enlist assignm nt to IO- COMN VFORJAP N:

B KS , Robert G, BILLICK, nneth E. BROOM, Harris C, CORLEY, Ge rge R. DUFEL , Fr ederick G. ELl,IS , Roy L.

-IEO , P ul Y. RE , William R,

WHITLEY, F.dwin L.

during th period nts des ined for

The above men hnv r ec ived the r ecently pr mulgat Cod e 9592 cl ssification . They are the first grou p to r eceive as a group , organizcrl t r · in in in csti­gati vc work. They ar e to b congr atulated upon compl ting succe ssfully, an in ten sif i ed course .

Attenti on is invited t o the f act t hat COMSUPACT inv stigations are gi.ven the highe st pri ori ty in t he fie Jd of Background Inv stigati.ons . In furtrer impl mentation of this conc ept the f ollowing dv£l.!1c Chang to the Manual for Inv sti­gations i s hereby pronrul gated ,

At the end of S cti.on 1-0310.J( c) , add new sent c e as f oll ws :

11 When a t all practicable, a 60-<iay dead line will be adhcr to . 11

This a.ddi ti on will be included i n the next printed Change to the Mmual. .


DI0- 4ND has assembled a kit containing vorious i t erns which are of value on surveillance assignments . The carrying kit is an ordinary, zippered shaving kit which fits easily into a car glove compartment . DIOs/IOs interest :d in assem­bling similar lei. t s should wr:I. t o t o DI0- 4ND for details .


A r occnt case which involved intentional do.mage t o a Navy ship, well demonstrates the t 0amwork c onc ept as applied to a. complex Naval Intelligence inv6 stigation . A DIO-lli'ID agent from the FIO-Long B cch was in contr 1 of the case, assisted by others from tha t Offic e, from the FIO- Los Angol s, and from DIO-llND H0adquo.rtors. Prior to complet ion, assi stance was also furnished by ag ents of DI0-12Nn end DI0-14ND. This exccllontly c oro ucted am well cooroi• nated case was brougr-t t o a successful c onclusion and r esul t L~ in a conviction by General Court-Martial of the accused .


• • F R FFICIAL USE ON!X 0 I SLETTER , VOL II, • 3 (c nt 1d)


A program of quarterly dinners f r military intelligence arrl security officer s a.n:i with Federal, State an:i Municipal Law Enforcemen t off icials as e sts , has been inaugur ated in the Norfolk, Vir gini a , area . t the ost cent di nner, the DI 0- 5ND served as host and provided the guest speaker . These affai rs have proven v ery successful and each one has had a 1 g a t tendanc e th the one previous . They provid e a ost effec tive means of promo ti ng liaison arrl c ating a closer wor king r el.a ti on ship , rurl afford an excellent op ortW1i for dis-cussing probl ems of mutual inte r est . Personn el of the participating ag cie s have mutuall y agre o:l t hat each individ u 1 defray the cost of his own dinner, thus r sulting in pr actically no xpens t o the host organiza t i on . In t he interest of gocd public r e lations and the attainm n of even better coop ration with our se rvice an:i civili an count rparts , similar progr s are ncou r g in othe r Districts.


Frequent r eque sts are r ec iv by DI 0- 9ND to r eview I&NS tired records held by th GSh Federal Records Center, Kansas City , Mo.

Und er ational rchive s Regulations , I&NS r ecords cannot be mooe available directly to r epresentatives of ONI, but must be obtained t h rough I s.

I&NS internal r e gulations prohibit th Kansas City Offic e of I &N S from withdrawing file s retired by another Office of the I &NS . Only the I S Offic e which r etired the file may withdraw it dire ctly•

To pr eclud e unn ec essary handling and to eliminat e delay , Districts desiring r eview of r etir d I&NS r cords should ascortain t he location of the I &NS Office r etiring the r cord, arrl s et out a le ad to t District Int lligcnc: e Office covering the area where tha. t Office is located.


All DIOs/IOs are again reminded that the NOCP should inclui e a statement that the FBI has been notified concerning the provisions of th e Delimitations Agr eement , the M€:morandum of Understanding and /or the Fraud Statute (S ction 1001, Title 18, US Cod e ) where applicabl e to the case . The sta ment should also indicat e ltlether the FBI has acceptoo or d eclined juriooictioo, or wheth r decision is pending•


The fonncr SEC Branch (Op-921E) of tho Securl ty Division of ONI is now officially designated the Counterintolliganco Branch (Op-921E) •




I E1·/SLETTER , t II , • 3 (cont ' d)

iJiU SNA Djakarta advis s that t he Ind on sian p lie gr phical dat on each r esid nt as well as a c mp -t fingerprints .

maintain compl t bio-fi of for ei r e sident

Information can be mad availabl to t h U .s, Embassy i f accompanied by a set of Subj ect's fing rprints .

· ccordingly, all futur r equ sts to NI for fi l e c hecks in Ind n sia should includ e fin gCJ r prints.

I n Background Inv stigati ons of gent pplicants ( 1( c)) , att ti n is invited t o the fact tha the BUPERS , USMJ or G- 2 laments f th a ti onal Ag ncy Check do not of thems lv s b ring fo r th a detail d vi w of SUbj ec t 1 s s e rvic e r ecord. Th provisions of irticle 4006 of ONI-70-2 r quirin verifi­cati on of claimed military se rvic e fr om appropriat e mill tary r cord hav b en interpr t d by ONI t o includ e th preparation of a 119 setting fo rth a verifi ­cation of mill tary s rvic e , typ of discharge , and t he d t · ls of any d rog-atory informati on. Addr ssee s a r e r emirrl ed t a t in nt applicant c ses, originating Districts will disseminat an appr opria t l ead reque sting verifi­cati on of prior SGrvicc a s follows:

rmy Personnel.

Lend to ONI . sin ONI Instruction 05520.18, xc pt for

Re s rve Personn 1 \oilich requires a l ad to DI0- 9ND to crock Res rv Records Cent r , Denv r, Color ado . (a) Officer and Enlist ed Regular, Res rv , or

Retir e.tl --Lead to ONI. (b) Offic rand Enlisted Discharged from active

servic --Lead to 9ND .

In addition, Section 4005 of ONI-70-2 provid e s tha t at the tine the investigati on of an agent applicant is initiated, a 1£tt r in duplicat shall be forwarded to DNI (Op-92)P), containing the applicmt 1 s name , and giving his prefer ence for assignmm t () or moro Districts). A l etter in duplicate will also be forward ed giving the r easons for non- ace ptance w hon applicants are E.£1 employed.


In an effort to roduc o the nec essity of r ewriting 119 1 s within DIO-)ND, a comprehensivG (unclassifi ed) Instruction was prcparod and disseminated to all JND investigative personnel , ONI is of the opinion that this nmme r of acquainting new investigative personnel with the preferred report writing t ech­niquGs as well as refreshing the m8morie s of experi need peroonnel is very commendable. Addrcssc8s may wish to obtain copies of this Instruction an:i may do so by writing dire ctly to DIO-)ND,


' FOR OFFI IAL USE O LY • 0 I Ei·ISLE TER, vt II , , 3 (c nt 1d)


Some riginnting Di stric t s are subnr( tti ng 119 1 s whic i ncltrl e t phr:is "DI O ND i nv sti g t i on compl eted . Case may be consid c I Cl osed r upon r c i pt • • • , 11 r f e r ring t o an und v l ope l ead in the c nt lling Di stric t 's own Fi el d Offi c s r Resident gen e· e s . This pr ced u is ppro­print onl y wh r the outstan::iing l ad is in an t r Di strict. The c nt lling Di s tric t mey not empl oy t his phr aseol ogy xcept in the fin a l report submit ; when mor e than one r eport i s to b e made from wi hin that Distric t , e • • , f rn d i ff r nt . eogr aphic2.l a r as of th Di stric t , S ction l - 0603 , 7(e)(2), ONI 63-1 and ONI Instruction 5520 . 46 of 15 January 1958 .

/ · n screeni ng Bi s f r Crypt cl e2.r ru1c es , d i t i s discove cd t t SUbj e c t 1 s Jtifo and / o r his i mm d i nt f ami l y a r not U, S, citi z ns , I Os or advis t retu rn t he i:- qu st to the origin r wi th notation that a wai vor ( xcept i n t o eligibility r equi r emmts f r Crypt o c l .:ir ~ c e ) must b ob tai ed from CNO(D C) prior t o submi t t ing r qu s t to DI O, Paragr ph 8 f OP V Ins tructi on 5510 ,3 7

ef ers,

I nquirie s hav b ean r eceived as t o the use of t he v. r d 11 C GED " i n the Subject bl ock of 119 1 s and 152 1 s . It i s sugg s t cd t h t t rd "C GED" b ussd only wher · t hcr , a r sub s t antiv chang s, i. ,, in th spe lling f Subj ec t• s name s or a chang i n add r e ss (particularly in Cat egory 3 case s ) , \ e it is nee sso.ry t o inclu:1 add i ti.onal nicknames i t i s c orrec t t o r ly pr ef ace t hat name by "aka ," If t he ndd i tiona l narre i s ot her than a nicknarre ( fil TH .:ika : J O ES) it is rugt;, stcd t hat t he Subj ect be ma r ked 11 C GED . 11 ·Jh n th Subj t block is s o ma rkod , t he fir s t paragr aph of t oo synopsis should fl c t the r v~ son f or t he c hange , It is a l so pt: rtinent to point out t hat t he Subj ect block shouJrl 2.lwey s cont Di n the maid en narnE) or forme r married nom ( s) of w men . This is es peciDJ.ly i rnpo rtru1 t t o R si den t gent s r c-c eivin l ead s wi trout copie s of the PHS,

Secti on 0409 of the new Security Mru1ual f or Clas sifi d Information (OPN V Instruction 5510,lB) now r equire s that, r eg rdlcs s f th ov r all cl..:i.ssificati on of a clas sifi Erl d ocwncnt, the ori ginat or s hall a s s i t o it an unclassified title or subj e ct whenever consis tent with s curi.ty .:ind c la rity, It is rcqu stod thc?.t all DIOs/IOs c ompl y with this Section of th S curity Manual in tho prep­aration of all future c orrospond enc e , This provisi on applie s to c r sp ndonc, not to 119 r ports.

In cornpliru1c o with ONI Instruction 5520.46A of 15 January 1958, ori ginating Districts submit stamped Fonn 152 1 s or Form 397 1 s t o ONI ad visinG as t o tho date of c ompl ution of Cat egory 1 and Ca t egory ?(c) invcstiLations, It ha s ban not ed r 0ccntly that mnny of those Forms aro r ·cciv cd in a druna c on:iiti on apparontly huving b oon torn out of DIO/IO !ilos, nee ssitating considorablo r epair work pri or to filing in the cont ro l file s. It is r equ stcd that mor e care b0 exercised ih removing instant Forms,

Occasionru.ly, Stan:lard Form 79 1 s arc r ec eived in ONI attachc-<i to th NOCP's, ONI Instruction 05520.19 directs that Form 79 1 s will be submittoo directly to


• • F R FFICIJ\L SE O LY ON NE.TS TTER , L II , k . 3 (ccn 1 )

Chief InvGsti6ati ons Divisi on , U, S. Ci vil S rvice Commission , ' ttn : R l Gas of Infor mation S ction , Washingt on D, C, It i s a.loo r oqu st cx:i that th so F r Ms be f or ward d in triplicate . S me Di stricts ar e: submitting th i r For 79 1 s by m ans f a c ov r 1 -tt r which is unn c ssary .


Th followin f it ms r pre se t o se rvati ons made uri £ the months with re gard to Cat g ry 6(j) r eports r ec ·vcd i n OfI , Certai th se obs rv tions ar ap lic ab l e tc oth r Catogori s of i nvcs · ti w~ll:

1 -m ts,

b . B ·c us of d ernand s from Con c ss · onal and oth r s urc s f r inf r­mation en inv -stigati ons while in p r o r c ss, it is abs lutcl y sscnti th:lt otice s of Cas Pcndinb b e submitted without delay upon initiati on of an

inv stication . In this connection , not o also ONI Instruction 05520 . 51 f 27 F bruary 1956 in too case of officer pcroonnel.

c. Ono p~gc r ep rts ar e n ver ac cept abl e in a 6(j) cas, r in any other criminal t ype case , xc ept as provid Erl in Secti n l-o603.2 of the Manual f or Inv sti gations, where r ef r enc8 to a Mast r Report, This is b ecause dotail0d informati on is nec essary t o make a prop valu ti n at th Dcpartroont al level. Whil e rcpcti ti ve infonnation and axtron ous d otail S1ould be eliminated , the specifics of homos xuo.l activity should always b includc:rl, particulnrly the full id entification of all individuals inv lv in such activity . Such infornatic n will l end crooibility t admissi ons 311d rovid s a basis for corrobor ation , This is particulc.rly so in o s s -..tuch go to trial, or whore ll:?.t c r board proc cooing s f or a chanr in char acter of dis­charge are: held .

d . Where pornographic pictures or pictures of male irrl i victuals in female attire are discovered during the course of a 6(j) inv stigation, samples of such pictures should be made enclosures t o tho inv sti [ ativo report sent t o ONI. A written description of th picture will g n rally not suffic since it is frequently difficult to evaluate as hav:Lne signific one o or s being ITErcly a II eag" picture . The quotation " one picture oquo.ls ten thousand woros" still holds trueL


• • FOR OFFICI UJ USE O LY I EU LETTER, V L II, o, 3 (c nt 1 )

Prior to cceptan:: e of an investi a ti.on, it should b scc..rtain d that the cas h s n t been c mpromis , On occ sion , non-O I inv sti t rs ave c cmpr mis"' cas s via r mature inte rvi e1· s , tc., and then the comman shave requested ONI 1 s assistance in oroer unravel the roblern, It is I ! belief that the chances of ringing such an inve stigation to a satisfactory conclusion are at a rrdnirnurn, It is appreciated tha t it is necessary to keep g od relations with the variru s commands, ut it is also f el t that an agent I s time and effort should be expended on matters that are more lik to be r so lved ,

If the Subj ct of an investigation submits a stat rrent incriminating him­self in homosexual activ:i. ty, the command should be fumis ed t his · nfarmation as soon as possibl e , In rec nt instanc es where commarrl s wer not furnished stat ment s, s lf•adrni. tted homosexuals were transferr an:i ven discharged under hon rab l e conditions at the expir ti.on of their enlistments. This is also true , of course, a s to admissions to any type of punishable affens8",


An ~ ent v2cancy is in prospect at ONI in overnber, This agent, while carried on th e O I Hec{i quarters allowanc e, will be on detached duty as liaison ag nt at the Anny In lligence Cent r, Fort Holabird, Baltimore, Maryland, arrl i.zi.11 be r esident in Baltirnor • A good knowledge of aval Intelligence procedures and policies is required, together w:i th demonstrated administrative ability• Interested pers nnal should submit applications for this duty to DNI via their DIO/IO as soon as possible. Transportation expense will be at the convenience of the government,