WWW.SYBARI.COM Peter Eicher, Product Manager [email protected]

Peter Eicher, Product Manager [email protected]

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Page 1: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Peter Eicher, Product Manager

[email protected]

Page 2: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com



• Anti-Spam Challenges• Typical Anti-spam solutions

– Content filter, heuristics, Bayesian

• RPD™ (Recurrent Pattern Detection)Patent Pending Technology

• Implementation and Management• ASD Evaluation Mode

Page 3: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Two Unique Anti-Spam Issues• The growing number of spam attacks

– Over 500,000 unique spam attacks detected in our service center each DAY

– Compare to virus technology (1000 per month)– Need for a real-time solution with minimal IT


• For the first time with a security product, the user must be involved in the decision-making– Spam is not black and white– Need flexibility to fine-tune solution to client’s


Page 4: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


The Problem

• “Spam is a rapidly growing problem for all email users. The traffic is doubling every 4 months, as are the associated costs”

• Today : 40-60% of all e-mail is Spam

• Unique spam attacks have increased 200% in 2002 (Osterman Research)

• A study shows that the annual cost of spam is : $8.9-billion for U.S. corporations (Forrester research)

• Typical user receives 14,500 spam emails each year

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Market Trend: The Volume of SpamTotal spam messages/day (Billions)

Graph source: The Radicati Group, Inc. 2003

Spammers will continue to improve infiltration tactics…

…and demand will grow for a real-time

adaptive solution


Damages exceed $500 per-employee, annually


Enterprises cannot afford staying unprotected

Early 2002:

Annoyance-only level






Page 6: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


• Most anti-spam solutions rely on a combination of content filtering, heuristic scanning and/or Bayesian filtering

• These techniques have numerous flaws• Spam detection rarely higher than 70%

without extensive administrator attention

• False positives extremely high

Typical Anti-spam Solutions

Page 7: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


• Useful as a content management tool– Prevent certain words/topics from being

sent to or from your employees• However, both inefficient and

unsuccessful for spam management– Requires continuous administrator

attention (multiple hours per day)– Simple spelling tricks defeat content

filtering• Examples: $ave, V*i*a*gr*a, Chëὰρ

– There are 105 variations available just for the letter A!

– Results in numerous false positives• Impossible to use in certain industries

Content Filtering

Page 8: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


• Think your administrators can keep up? Here’s a few ways to spell Viagra…

Content Filtering

V I @ G R A , [email protected], \./iagra, Viiagra, V?agr?, V--i--a--g--r-a, V!agra, V1agra, VI.A.G.R.A, vi@gra, vIagr.a, via-gra, Via.gra, Vriagra, Viag*ra, vi-agra, Vi-ag.ra, v-iagra, Viagr-a, V^I^A^G^G^A, V'i'a'g'r'a', V*I*A,G,R.A, VI.A.G.R.A..., Viag\ra!, Vj@GRA, V-i:ag:ra, V'i'a'g'r'a, V/i;a:g:r:a, V i a g r @, V+i\a\g\r\a, Viag[ra, V?agra, V;I;A*G-R-A, V-i-a-g-r-a, V*I*A*G*R*A , V-i-@-g-r-a, VI@AGRA, Vi@gr@, \/^i^ag-ra, VlAGRA, V\i\a.g.r.a, V1@GRA, v_r_i_a_g_r_a, V\i\a:g:r:a, V^i^a^g^r^a, V-i-@-g-r-@, Viag(ra.

Page 9: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Heuristic Scanning

• A “scoring” technique that looks at thousands of “characteristics” to determine spam and creates a score– Level of “spaminess” must be constantly

adjusted• Used in many spam products• Well understood by spammers

– Spammer websites allow “testing” of spam vs. heuristic scanners

• Extremely performance intensive– Every detection is a new event that doesn’t

benefit from previous detections• Very high false positive rate

– A “best guess” solution

Page 10: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Bayesian Filtering

• A learning system that uses statistical analysis of vocabulary• Lists of “good” and “bad” words

• Requires active user participation to be effective

• Can be very effective for individual user• Far less effective in an enterprise setting

– One user’s choice can negate another’s• Deliberately attacked by spammers

– “Invisible” random text lowers spam score by increasing count of “good” words

• High rates of false positives

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Five anti-spam challenges

1. Catching spam and spammer evolution• Need a high detection rate today• Solution must overcome tomorrow’s spammers

2. What defines “spam” for the end-user?• Unsolicited emails – considered spam by almost

everyone• Solicited commercial email – may or may not be

considered spam• ‘Opt-out’ and unsubscribing are often tricky and users

have been trained to avoid this• Anti-spam should handle all of these situations

3. Reaching a near-zero false positive level without compromising the detection level

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Five anti-spam challenges

4. Real-time updates & filtering• Blocking from the first minute of an

attack• Remove the “window of vulnerability”

created by scheduled filter updates• Improving anti-virus filtering

5. International efficacy• Languages, encoding methods &

double-byte can cut the effectiveness of content-based detection to zero

Page 13: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Outsmarting Spam

All messages in a spam outbreak have a repetitive component – the

attack “pattern”

… and Sybari ASD knows how to trace it!

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First, some statistics• The ASD Service Center detects on average over

600,000 unique spam attacks per day– Based on statistics from 12/07/03 to 1/06/04– High of 799,000 to low of 340,000

December 29, 2003








Time of Day






Actual new outbreaks per hour from 12/29/03

Page 15: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


The ASD Spam Detection Engine• Located at the ASD Service Centers,

monitoring over 15 million message signatures daily

• Automatically detects the repetitive component of each spam outbreak

• Uses Recurrent Pattern Detection technology, or RPDTM

– Powered by Commtouch Software• Identifies the identical or approximate

patterns appearing in spam– Statistical analysis determines spam– Spam “signatures” created based on detection

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Recurrent Pattern Detection• Identical match and approximate match

techniques detect spam attacks– Every spam attack has some element of similarity– Checks sender, subject line, body

Classification system,

statistical analysis



Valid mailMail Signatures

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The ASD Spam Detection Engine• Based on message prevalence, mail is

rated as “not spam,” “bulk mail” or “confirmed spam”

• Bulk Mail and Confirmed Spam can be handled differently

• Spam is “confirmed” by human monitors to ensure complete confidence in rejecting confirmed spam messages

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RPDTM Benefits

1. 95%+ detection rate - detects solicited & unsolicited spam

2. No false positive mistakes due to “suspicious” content in legitimate person to person messages• Does not rely on specific words• Critical for industries that use many “spam”

words – financial, real estate, medical, retail, marketing, etc.

3. Immune to constantly evolving spammer tactics• Relies on the one factor that remains

consistent for all spam – it is sent in volume

Page 19: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


RPDTM Benefits

4. The fastest spam detection technology:

• Blocks spam from the first minutes of an outbreak

• Real-time spam signature updates ensure the highest detection levels

5. Content-agnostic – detects spam in:

• All languages• All encoding methods, and double-byte• All file formats

Page 20: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com




Service Center/Gateway Interaction

• Real time signature updates from Service Center






Recurrent Pattern Detection

Signature Database – over six million sigs


Classifier InboxInbox

Tag, Junk Folder or Reject

Tag, Junk Folder or Reject

Local Signature Cache

Local Match

If unknown

Service Center

Data Center

Local detection first, remote detection as


Page 21: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Implementation and Management

Page 22: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


ASD Implementation• Installed on

Windows 2000/2003 server

• Installs on SMTP Gateway or Exchange server

• Supports Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003

• Uses SQL MSDE database

Sample deployment scenario

• Directory integration allows controlled deployment– One user/group at a time

Page 23: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


The ASD Gateway and Service Center

Policy Flow and Spam Management Options

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ASD Gateway Administration• Centralized administrator control of

system-wide block and accept rules– Spam can be rejected, quarantined or

sent to user• Maintains database of individual user

preferences for delegated control• Easy to use browser interface

:Strong anti-spam-filtering capabilities, flexible deployment options; easy to set up and manage.




Page 25: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Gateway Administration

Lists blocked mail received from specific Domain or From field

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Gateway Administration

Approve (white list) –

all future mail from sender

will be allowed

Reject (black list) – all future mail from sender will be rejected and

treated based on group/rule settings

Quarantine – all future mail from sender will be sent to site Quarantine

based on group/rule settings

User Decision – all future mail

from sender will be sent to user

for decision

Page 27: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Gateway Administration

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Gateway AdministrationSpam is

identified as Confirmed or


Three actions for confirmed or suspected spam

• User Decision – send to Junk Mail folder

• Site Quarantine – send to quarantine for administrator decision

• Reject – reject message

Because spam is fluid and attacks happen quickly, mail with “low” or “moderate” chance of being spam can be held until Service Center is


Page 29: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Gateway Status report

Page 30: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Gateway Status report

An overview of system status

Total number of Block and Approve rules created by

users and Admins

Total number of Users and Users in Exception group

Total number of spam messages in given time

period, and percentage of emails considered spam

Page 31: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Gateway General Traffic Reporting

An overview of system traffic

Total messages, spam and non-spam,

processed by policy or detection

Number of messages

approved and blocked

Page 32: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


About the ASD Junk Mail folder• Users make their own spam decisions• Users can white-list desired messages or

black-list unwanted messages with one click– No need to impose system wide blocks– Completely private and secure– Relieves admin from constant decision making

• The Junk Mail folder is automatically created in the user’s Outlook client– Does not disrupt the user experience

• Junk Folder is self-cleaning, based on administrator defined life cycle

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What the User Sees…

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What the User Sees…

Approve Sender: all further emails from this sender

go to Inbox

Block Sender: all further emails

from this sender will be blocked at

the Gateway

Policy Manager: allows user to

review and change existing rules, write new


Page 35: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


What the User Sees…

• The Policy Manager allows end users to modify or create rules

• Provides support for POP3 accounts (clients that are not MS Outlook)

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Non-Junk Folder users

• Users who don’t use or want a Junk Folder can have spam “tagged” with admin-defined prefix– For example, Outlook Express users or

other POP3 clients

• A second ASD user group is defined in the Directory Services to support users that do not want/need a Junk Folder– Created using a simple utility

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About the Site Quarantine

• Administrator can direct spam to a Quarantine folder rather than the Junk Mail folder

• Spam and/or suspected spam can be sent to the Quarantine folder– Depends on administrator settings

• Administrator takes actions on quarantined messages– Reject message– Approve: release to user’s inbox– User Decision: send to user’s Junk Mail folder

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Quarantine Folder

Approve sender – mail is delivered to

end user Inbox

Reject sender – mail is deleted

User Decision – mail is delivered to user’s Junk

Mail folder

Page 39: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


ASD Evaluation Mode

• Run ASD in “Spam Analyzer” mode• Detects spam without taking any

actions– No Junk Folders created– No stamping of email– End users are unaffected/unaware

• Administrators receive full report data on number of spam messages detected, spam domains, etc.

• Understand ROI potential of ASD

Page 40: Peter Eicher, Product Manager peter_eicher@sybari.com


Summary – Sybari Advanced Spam Defense (ASD)

• Manages spam as a background service– Minimal IT maintenance– External Service Center scales to increasing volume– Global view of Internet traffic

• Gives IT control over inbound e-mail– Integrates directly into e-mail system– Fine-tune sensitivity when needed – Enforcement of enterprise policies

• Keeps responsibility in the hands of end users– Only they know the real definition of spam for them– Reduces false positives and non-delivery complaints– Preserves confidentiality and security