www.parotary.com A new direction! Presentation to Members October 18, 2011 Warren Philp www.parotary.com 1

Www.parotary.com A new direction! Presentation to Members October 18, 2011 Warren Philp 1

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www.parotary.comA new direction!

Presentation to MembersOctober 18, 2011Warren Philp


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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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History: An award winning newsletter that goes back at many years.

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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The Problem: Maintaining A Website that serves much of the role the Navigator does so why have both? Do we have resources to do a good job of both?

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Prepared on Feb 5, 2011 by Kevin Holloway. Feel free to update and improve this guide.

First sign on as an administrator. You must have the appropriate username and password to do this.

To make the basic page for the Navigator1. Click on 'create article' from the list shown on the 'Admin menu'. You may have to click on the + sign by the words 'Article Management' to get the complete list of work spaces.

2. A blank article will appear on your screen in which you will create the Navigator. Type in the menu title box 'Navigator Feb 1 ' 11' use correct date

3. Type in the Page Title box 'Navigator February 1, 2011' use correct date

4. Starting at the top of the page, type all the text for the Navigator - see previous issues for a template - no harm in copying and pasting then editing!

If someone else is the scribe then copy their text from the email and paste it into the page. Normally you will experience some formatting issues - no easy fix.

Use the centering, bold and text size operations from the icons on the line above your typed text.

5. Do a save. (Do this often)

If you have photos then do then next steps otherwise skipP1 Crop and do colour balance on photos using photo software. Prepare for email by reducing the size and quality - In Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0, I use 'small' and high quality. Make sure you know the location of the folder where the photos are stored. Write down the file name for each photo.

P2. Go to 'File Upload' Click on browse to get the correct path to the folder with the photos. Double click on the first one (or single click and select open). Repeat this for each photo - there is no 'select all' facility. When you have all the photo files identified then click on 'upload files' .

P3. To put the photos into your Navigator page -1st get the page up on the screen by going to article bin and selecting the appropriate Navigator from the list - using the date you have entered in step 1.

P4. Place the cursor where you want a photo. Usually I put it into a table so I can write a caption that will be attached to the photo. So Select a table 2 columns by 1 row form the icon next to the anchor.

P5. Put your cursor in the cell you want and then select the insert file icon at the top left of the screen next to the save icon. Your computer will show a window and finally a list of images will appear. These are all the photos used on the website in alpha order. Find your 1st photo's file name and click on the file name. The image will appear in the right hand window. If correct then click on Insert. Minimize this window. To adjust the size of the photo select it by clicking on it , then grab the corner and pull to the size you want - being careful not to distort the person by too wide or too tall.

P6. Now you have the photo where you want it ( if not use the centering icon etc. you should put in a caption. Put your cursor into the cell next the photo (this is hard since the cell is almost invisible use the tab button on your keyboard to enter the cell OR type the caption in first. After type the caption of who and what is going on in the photo you could use bold or underline to spice it up, adjust the with of your caption by selecting the table and grabbing the sizing handles to make it wider.

P7. The above is very fiddly work - if you get it close to ok then do a save since the save will likely change the look anyway.

P8. Repeat P1-P8 for all photos that you want in the article.P9. Do a save P10 Do a 'view page' click on these words to the right of the save icon - to see how it looks.

The Problem cont’d: Here’s a two page memo outlining how to produce the NavigatorPage One......

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Now put the page into the Navigator Menu Area1. Click on 'Navigator Archive' Click on 'Edit navigation'2. Find the article you have just written in the left column - select it, then click the big right arrow to move it into the right column. Click 'up' to place into the correct oorder. Click 'save' at the bottom of the centre area.3. Test this by clicking on ' View Site' near the top of the left side of Admin Menu. Then click on Navigator archive - In the drop down menu your article should be in the top position according to date then click on the article you have done and bask in the beauty of your handiwork when it loads!How to put a link into the home page1. Click on 'home'. Then select the 'home' article from the list of choices shown.2. Place cursor at the top of the page and press enter a few times to get some working room.3. Move cursor to the top of the screen and type " At our club on xxxxxxx' - enter the date. Make sure the font is the gold colour by highlighting and selecting heading 5 from the drop down font menu at the left side of the two menu lines.4. Press enter to move cursor to the next line then insert a 1 column by 2 row table using the insert table icon next to the anchor.5. Place cursor in the top cell. and insert a photo related to the meeting - this could be a repeat of one of the photos already used on the navigator page.6. Place cursor in the cell below the photo and type a short headline followed by 'click here to read the Navigator'.7. Highlight the words 'click here to read the Navigator' and select the 'insert link' icon next to the anchor icon.8. When the window 'Link properties' appears click on right hand icon on the line named URL - this icon is named 'select document'9. A drop down list of article names will appear - scroll down until you are sitting on the article named that you have just created. Click on the 'select' button, then click on 'ok' If this has been done correctly then the colour of the selected words will be blue. Add a dashed line by holding the minus sign on your keyboard down for a second. Then highlight these minus signs and change their font to heading 5 - the gold one.10. Save this page - then do a view site to see if the link has worked.If this looks good and the link works, pat yourself on the back for a good job well done!

The Problem cont’d: Here’s a two page memo outlining how to produce the NavigatorPage Two......

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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Responsibility: The Board of Directors charges the Administration Prime the responsibility of Publicity which includes Communication such as the Website and any Newsletters.

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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PlanUtilize the Website to communicate as

much relevant information from the Meetings as possible thereby avoiding the duplication that invariably would occur by maintaining both a newsletter and a website.

Utilize the services of a Club member whose business in Website Design and Management.

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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Keys to Success: 85 Members, 85 Webmasters means that each member participating in some key aspect of our weekly meeting needs to communicate, by email, this information to our webmaster in a timely fashion.

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Keys to Success: What needs to be sent to [email protected]

1. At the Door2. Visiting Rotarians and Guests3. Photos: All content to [email protected]

(Photographers needed)

4. Announcements5. Recognition/Allocations6. Fine Master Fines7. Weekly Program, speaker notes sent by presenter

to Art Warwick8. Program Next Week9. Ace of Clubs, if there is a winner.10. Remember our Facebook Group!

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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Review Period:Two Month trial:I’ll report back immediately after the

December Board meeting with a progress report on how we are doing.

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Outline1. History2. The Problem3. Responsibility4. Plan5. Keys to Success6. Review Period7. Conclusion

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Conclusion:The Navigator needs to be recognized as

what it was....a first class communication tool.

The Website can do everything the Navigator did and we’d be doing it one time, not duplicating efforts.

This plan will fail without us all participating.Let’s all help. It’ll be beneficial to all

concerned!Thank you!

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