www.dolphind.co m Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automatio n in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013

Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013

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Company and Product Presentation

Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales

Automation in Dolphin

Customer Webinar

6th June 2013

Page 2: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

DocumentationGenerate invoices and statements in bulk

Scheduled TasksThe system takes care of the repetitive


How Automation Could Help

GDS/XMLCan Reduce Errors In Data Transfer

ReportsProduce high quality sales reports

Pricing EngineCreate commercial/pricing tariffs per

corporate account

Inbox & Vendor RecStreamline Operational Processes

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Full Automation

Dolphin System

No Automation

Page 3: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Auto PNR

Create new or update existing travel folders without having to manually action every PNR that comes into the Interface Box.

The system goes through the process for each Interface Box record automatically.

Can be configured to create folders for existing clients only or new clients

Configuration is done within the security settings of the User:

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Dolphin Pricing Engine

A module based on rules that triggers automated update of pricings

Can calculate vendor deposits thereby dictating customer deposits Apply additional pricings such as fees or discounts

Matches pricings against a list of configured rules

Automatically performs “update” or “insert” actions specified in the rule.

Update actions allow pricing changes such as tactical discounts, commissions or deposits calculations, which may contradict normal amounts from your vendors.

Insert actions allow fees or discounts to be shown as an additional pricing line on the client booking/invoice

The Pricing Engine allows your sales staff to focus on the sales aspects of the booking, rather than the calculations of commissions, discounts, fees and deposits and reduces possible errors.

Page 5: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Auto Invoice

Auto Invoice Enables invoices to be automatically generated without any user

intervention at the time when PNRs are interfaced from the GDS.

Configuration is done within the security settings of the User

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Auto Invoice, cont.

Bulk Invoicing

You decide when and which folders are to be queued and the invoice printed.

A Bulk Print Template is configured specifying: which folders to capture when and how often invoices are to be printed on a mass

basis whether to execute printing of invoices immediately or

scheduled to be printed at a particular time

For further details or to discuss training on the Bulk Invoicing functionality, simple send your requests through to us after the webinar.

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BSP Auto Reconciliation

Vendor Payment Reconciliation A process used to flag pricings as partially or fully vendor paid:

search for outstanding vendor payments reconcile any vendor payments that have been made.

Auto Vendor Payment Reconciliation This module allows a BSP (or any other vendor) statement:

To be imported into BMM Items compared between the stored and the imported

values Automated updating and reconciling of the statement Discrepancy threshold range to be set for each vendor Exceptions to display on an investigation list

Page 8: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Automation in Reports

Reports Export Engine Use the existing report database queries to design your

own output Create and upload your own database queries (SQL query writing experience required)

Re-use the templates as often as required

Reports Scheduler Dolphin can be configured to generate reports based on a

schedule Send to specific email addresses Output to a printer Or use a defined export template

Page 9: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Automation in Workflow Management

Inbox Set up inbox profiles by job

role/department making it easier when new staff join or users change job roles

Configure “prompts” to the user to take appropriate actions i.e Chase customer balance payments Follow up with a supplier for on-request

items Ensure booking margin level achieved

Page 10: Www.dolphind.com Company and Product Presentation Roberto Da Re – Enterprise Sales Automation in Dolphin Customer Webinar 6 th June 2013


Automation in Workflow Management

Inbox Move the booking between departments by status

Reservations amend booking status to “balance reqd”. Item then appears in accounts department inbox

Accounts amend booking status to “ok to ticket” once balance taken. Item then appears in ticketing department inbox

Internal mail between users for actions required i.e.: Booking fee not applied

appropriately (identified by manager/supervisor)

Call client to get health/special assistance info

“Whilst you were at lunch….”

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Questions RaisedQ How does the automation work with multiple segments, different tickets and hotels

A Dolphin will capture the multiple segments/tickets and hotels (depending on the GDS used) automatically and can process them through the Pricing Engine before ultimately issuing documents to the client i.e. an invoice

Q What happens is the hotel is not booked in the GDS but from a different supplier?

A Dolphin will also allow products to be loaded manually into the folder and then the automation can invoke i.e. the Pricing Engine rules or invoicing

Q Is it possible to send statements from the system which have headers and footer such as are used on invoices? Also can we have an email address (like a finance address) set up for statements i.e. an e-recipient?

A Dolphin currently allows statements to be sent from the system using the template “statement” report however using the default template does not allow customisation for header/footers but it is possible to define the text to appear in the “body” of the email. Emails can be configured to send to a number of To/CC/BCC addresses in the client record or can be specifically set in the scheduled report configuration.

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Questions Raised

Q Can the pricing matrix rules be specified by company or do we have to set one set of fees up for all?

A The Pricing Engine allows pricing to be driven by the client of the booking therefore you can configure different fees/markups according to the individual customer i.e. company A has booking fees of £25 whereas company B has booking fees of £15

Q Do you have any plans for Automatic Rail Reconciliation for RSP, like you have with BSP?

A The Vendor Reconciliation process already supports uploading reconciliation files from a number of vendors but can also use the six “generic vendor” formats too therefore ANY supplier’s reconciliation file could be converted (potentially) to one of these formats in order to take advantage of the automation in Dolphin.

Q The AutoPNR is an actual user session, would you consider moving the process to being a service?

A Dolphin currently requires a user (or robotic licence account) to be configured with the various automation functions. We will raise it internally as to the potential of replacing the licence to a “service”.

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Questions Raised

Q If a company is set up for mandatory PO numbers to appear on the invoices, if we adopt the auto invoice option - will the invoice be sent before we have the chance to manually enter the PO number?

A This will depend upon whether you use Auto Invoicing or Bulk Invoicing. Auto Invoicing will generate the invoice immediately the file is interfaced from the GDS whereas Bulk Invoicing will allow the user time to enter the mandatory field values or manipulate the folder as necessary before the invoice is produced by the automated routine.

Q Any plans to integrate bookings made with virtual cards through 3rd party providers whom we open our GDS access to i.e. we book on the GDS via the third party in order to use a virtual card as a guarantee / payment?

A Dolphin is currently analysing this function and we will advise in due course.

Q Do you have a list of codes for Amadeus for the entries for sending items like PO Numbers across to Dolphin?

A We have a list of supported commands for each GDS and can be provided as necessary. Please email your Account Manager or the Support Desk to request this.

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Many thanks for viewing this webinar presentation, we hope it has been useful for you.

If you have any other questions afterwards, please send them through to either your Account Manager or the Support Desk.