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Crawford 1

Hope Crawford

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1103-002

March 25, 2011

Writing to Explore 9: Writing Log

As the instructions of this paper states, I kept a writing journal for four consecutive days

(Monday the 21st -Thursday the 24th) and discovered that I write a lot less than I assumed I did.

 Not to say that I do not write a lot, just I thought that my journal would be packed by the time I

got through and it was not. I also discovered that my writing takes a lot of different forms. For 

example, I take notes on a regular basis, sign receipts, do homework, chat on Facebook, Tweet,

etc. The final thing that I discovered which I thought was very interesting was that my

handwriting gets progressively worse as the week draws on. On Mondays my writing will be

very neat but by Thursday, my handwriting is barely legible. My Writing Journal:

Monday, March 21st: The first thing I wrote that day was “Happy birthday!” to my friend Micah

on Facebook at 1:28pm. I then went to my American History class and took one and a half pages

of notes on our topic of the Civil War from 3:30-4:45pm. From 5:00-7:15pm, I took notes in my

Chemistry class about Carbohydrates. Back in my room at 8:00pm, I wrote the dates and times of 

my up coming physical therapy appointments on my calendar.

Tuesday, March 22nd: The first thing I wrote on Tuesday was Statistics notes from 3:30-4:45pm.

When I came back to my room, I made several Facebook posts which include: “M'kay, here's

what I'm thinking... I really want to spend another year here at Charlotte, but if I can't then I can

use my pre-nursing credits at Western, Tennessee, or West Virginia and still be on track with

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everyone else.” at 6:17pm to my mother. “Clemson and Alabama work too, but you know where

I want to go.” at 6:31pm to my mother. And in reply to my mom’s counter offer of East

Tennessee, I replied at 6:39pm “Don't want. Guess what? At WVU, all I would need to do is take

three more courses and I would be able to start nursing school next spring!” The final thing I

wrote on Tuesday was a status up date on Facebook at 8:53pm which said “Why does every

other nursing school in America accept a "C" in chemistry but not Charlotte?”

Wednesday, March 23rd: At 11:02am, I posted a status update on Facebook that said “I've

decided that I don't care where I get the degree, as long as I get it.” Surprisingly, that was my

only Facebook interaction that day. Because I skipped my American History class, the only other 

writing I did was to take two pages of notes on Lipids in Chemistry.

Thursday, March 24th: I posted a status update which said “Woke up with a killer ear-ache, took 

a shower and made a doctor's appointment for later. I hate being up so early.” at 7:21am. At

9:30am, I wrote my directions on how to get to the Student Activity Center from the North side

of campus for my physical therapist who had a meeting there later that day. I signed a receipt for 

my physical therapy appointment at 10:00am. At 11:00am, I signed another receipt for my

 prescription at the Student Health Center. At 1:12pm, I posted a status that said “Hopefully I'll be

feeling better for the lady's b-ball game tonight. Seriously, get your butt to this game. Real talk.”

I then went to Statistics and took two and a half pages of notes. The last thing I wrote on

Thursday was a comment on one of my friend’s statuses that said the girl’s basketball team had

won. My comment was “They seriously won?! I left at half-time because I didn't think they had a
