WSO CASH Imran Naseem Copyright 2008

WSO CASH - rajeun.net and Affiliate marketing. ... It used to be free to submit a WSO but due to the recent ... follow my simple WSO cash blueprint that shows you which types of

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Imran Naseem

Copyright 2008

Copyright 2008

Imran Naseem

All rights reserved


What is a WSO?

WSOS Exposed - What existing sellers are selling on the WSO

Marketplace – Spy on the type of products that do well on the WSO

marketplace (Video)

How to launch a successful WSO and get it on “fire”

How to take the “reporter” approach and still make money

Best time to launch a WSO

How I easily raked in $2000 in just a week with a single WSO! (Video 2)

How to price your WSO using a simple powerful strategy

How to use the $1.00 business model for your WSO and build

a paid list

“its all in the headline stupid” – How to use headlines to attract

attention to your WSO

How to automate your WSO – Step by Step video (Video 3)

Getting Traffic to your WSO

Thankyou for purchasing WSO CA$H and putting your faith and

trust in me. My name is Imran Naseem and it gives me great

pleasure to introduce WSO CA$H to you.

Let me first reveal a little bit about myself. I consider myself to be

an ordinary guy living in the north west of the UK. In fact the

population of my town is just over 20,000. Here is where I live.

As you can see it is a very small industrial town. In my town there

are not many jobs and therefore, unemployment is quite high. Most

people who work often have 9-5 jobs and the people who want

professional jobs always go to cities like London and Birmingham

in the hope of a “better career”.

As I write this guide currently we are experiencing the credit

crunch or “world recession” as the financial problems. However, I

think that is great news for you if you are reading this guide

because you can now have the opportunity to actually make

money on the Internet with my WSO CA$H guide. I started making

serious money on the Internet in 2007 starting off with Article

Marketing and then moving on to other income streams such as

CPA and Affiliate marketing.

However, the easiest way to generate cash on the Internet is

simply Instant Cash.

I have always been a fan of Instant Cash and it is one of my

favourite ways to make money. Instant Cash which you can

instantly have access to is the best feeing ever. I sometimes can’t

be bothered for monthly cheques, its good but having access to

your funds early rather then later is even better!

Anyway, I soon stumbled upon one of the best methods of making

money on the Internet – and that was the WSO section of the

Warrior Forum. For me this is simply a goldmine and in fact I even

consider it to be better than Ebay because quite simply the WSO

section is where almost anyone can make instant cash. Quite,

easily I can launch a WSO today and make a few hundreds of

dollars easily without having to worry about any extra costs.

I have come up with a simple formula – I call it the WSO CASH

formula and it is this same formula that has helped me generate

hundreds of dollars in a short space of time – all on autopilot.

By using this guide, you will be able to make hundreds of dollars in

a short space of time with just the WSO section of the Warrior

Forum. Now if you think I am nuts then please let me tell you that

my average WSO on the Warrior forum is $2000. Yep – I always

make sure I make over $2000 when I launch a WSO.

Quite simply – my WSO Cash system is so powerful that by the

end of this guide and after watching a few videos you will soon see

the true potential of this system and soon you too will have the

same kind of success I was having.

Imran Naseem


So now sit back, grab a mug of coffee and let me take you to an

underground secret WSO Cash strategy that I use and during this

journey we will spy on existing sellers to see what they are selling

what secret strategies they are using to profit from the WSO

section of the warrior forum.

What is a WSO?

Quite, simply a WSO is a “Warrior Special Offer” which means a

seller on the Warrior Forum must offer a special deal for his/her

product that no other gets, i.e. in other words your product has to

be cheaper than the actual retail price you are offering anywhere

else. It used to be free to submit a WSO but due to the recent

success of the WSO marketplace there is just a tiny fee of $20.00 to

post a WSO – and trust me that $20.00 is so tiny in comparison on

how much you can make with the WSO section.

So, let’s take a look at the forum on what is being said about the

WSO section.

Firstly, here are the rules – taken from the WSO section of the


So quite, simply a WSO is a product of your own that you must

have created.

Here are “hints” that have been taken from the Warrior Forum.

Now if you notice number 3 (highlighted above) then you should

know that this is reality. People have actually used the WSO section

of the forum to launch $20,000 a month businesses.

Now that’s leverage!

Allen Says (the owner of the Warrior Forum) calls refers the WSO

section of the forum as “gold” – and trust me that is not an

understatement. Before as you further read this guide you will soon

discover why the WSO section of the marketplace will always

remain the best kept secret to some.

People have used this section of the Warrior Forum to make a name

for themselves. In fact I built a solid reputation as the “guy who

over delivers” as you will find out soon when you read on.

WSOs Exposed - What Existing Sellers are Selling on the WSO Marketplace

Complimentary Video 1 (15:59 Duration)

How To Launch A Successful WSO And Have

It On “Fire”

There is no real magical formula or any real miracle that is required

to launch your WSO and make it a success. In fact some people

who have excellent reputation on the Warrior Forum fail to make

their WSO a success simply because they have not used all the


Launching a WSO is fairly straight forward. What you need to do

firstly is head over to the WSO Section of the forum and click on

“new thread”. This should then take you to a screen (as you can see


The rules are simply. You pay $20.00 for your WSO to go live. You

can run 3 WSOs at any given time as the rules state. Once you

have clicked submit and paid your WSO goes live after a few


But the real question is how you can make sure your WSO is a

success? Before I do that let me give you the type of WSOs that can

sell well and people will buy them.

Types of WSOs you can launch – WSO Cash Blueprint

If you are just starting out or have never ever launched a WSO then

follow my simple WSO cash blueprint that shows you which types of

WSOs will do well based on research and experience.

“Money Making” WSOs – “The Dreamers”

These types of WSOs are very popular and are usually the ones that

most people buy from the Warrior Forum. However, these type of

WSOs carry the greater risk because if you are selling a product and

you claim you make “$100 a day” then you must be able to answer

questions, offer good customer support and show proof of earnings.

However, these WSOs are the most profitable and the market for

these is always huge. More and more people will buy these WSOs

for many years to come because quite simply they “go for the

dream” or are always curious. Due to the current financial problems

more and more people will flock to buy these type of WSOs in huge

numbers. I usually call these type of people The Dreamers. This

section of the market want to explore every single way possible to

make lots of money and therefore, have a “WSO” addiction that

they cannot be rid of. Therefore, it is this market that you should be

aiming at when launching your “money making wsos”.

“Article Marketing” WSOs – “The Opportunist”

There has been a growing trend and a lot of buzz surrounding

article marketing as more and more people find ways of generating

traffic to their website and want to make money using other

profitable ways. Article Marketing also known as “Bum Marketing” is

one topic that always crops up on the Warrior Forum. In fact all you

have to do is look at the number of topics related to Ezine Articles

and Article Marketing in general and you will know that the demand

for this market is huge. If you have had success with Article

Marketing and want to share your methods then you can write a

report or a short video guide on this and sell it as a WSO. People

love article marketing success stories and therefore, would literally

“beg” to buy your product if you can give proof of earnings of

course and offer good customer service support once again. I call

these kind of people the opportunities because these kind of people

will always find an opportunity do make money using things like

Article Marketing.

“Coaching WSOs” – “The Babies”

Coaching type of WSOs are also popular. For example, if you know

a method that makes you $100+ a day or if you had recent success

with some other method that makes you money and you wish to

offer coaching then you can charge $97.00 or $197 coaching to

individuals. Usually, the people who buy these WSOs – I call them

the “babies”. This is because these people will always want to be

“coached” like a mother or a father “babies” their kids and

therefore, they would want everything to be taught to them step-

by-step. Many people who offer coaching wsos often limit coaching

spots and usually the price is quite high. However, coaching wsos

carry a lot of risks, i.e. you have to give good customer service, and

if people want a refund you need to be prepared to say yes.

“Blackhat WSOs” – “The Blackhatters”

These kind of wsos are generally popular amongst the “blackhatter”

community. Generally these wsos are very popular because the

market for these kind of wsos are people who like to “bend the

rules” and would do anything to make money on the Internet. I

have had success with “blackhat” wsos where I generated $2000 in

just less than two weeks. However, these kind of wsos carry a lot of

risk because not everyone might agree with the methods if they do

not work. However, they are still popular and I would recommend

anyone who wants to do a blackhat wso to fully plan ahead and

offer good customer service.

“Traffic Generating” wsos – “The Seekers”

Traffic type wsos are also popular. The people who buy these kind

of WSOS are often “seekers” who are looking for ways to help

improve their online business, not make money in particular. These

kind of people are passionate about traffic type products and would

be willing to pay a lot of money provided the methods work. These

kind of wsos do not carry that much risk because firstly it depends

on the individual as to how to they will use the methods. Looking at

the WSO marketplace several WSO sellers are making lots of money

with traffic wso type wsos.

“Blogging” Wsos – “The Bloggers”

Making money “blogging” and “blogging type” of wsos are very

popular. The people who buy these wsos are regular bloggers who

are always looking to add an extra income stream to their business

blogging. These type of wsos are very popular and I highly

recommend anyone who has had success blogging to actually

launch a product towards “making money” off blogging. There are

not many wsos that are devoted to blogging and therefore, the

market is not saturated with products devoted to blogging.

Flipping Sites/Blogs – “The Property/Website


Wsos that are related to blogs and flipping sites have always sold

well over the last few years on the wso section of the warrior forum.

I have personally generated $3000 with wsos related to flipping

websites/blogs easily in just a week. The market for these people is

“property/website entrepreneurs” who are always looking to think

outside the box. This kind of market will try to make lots of money

flipping websites and will see this as a long-term income to their

online business. These kind of wsos always do well but its best to

take a “reporter” approach when selling wsos related to this niche

(you will soon find out why, as you read further)

Articles – PLR Packs – “The Lazy Webmaster/Entrepreneur”

There are lots of people who often sell articles and bundle it as a

package, usually offering Private Labels Rights. These kind of wsos

are aimed at the “lazy” entrepreneurs who are always looking for

content for their websites. You can make anywhere from a few

hundred dollars selling PLR pack articles but personally I would not

sell articles as a wso since I always want to aim for at least $2000

with each wso. Always aim for high – but if you are a good quality

writer then you can still make a decent income selling Articles.

Software/Scripts – “The Explorers”

People are also selling softwares and scripts as wsos on the

marketplace. You can make a lot of money selling softwares and

scripts as a wso because there is always a need for softwares. Bill

Gates made a fortune selling software. There are many people who

are outsourcing software and producing them for different niches

and markets. For example, there are now software for bloggers,

craigslist and gumtree posters etc. Some scripts and software target

Blackhatters but the market that software is aimed at falls under

Explorers since these people will buy any software they consider will

help improve their business and would therefore would buy it just to

“explore” it and then ask for a refund later on! (Well some do


Offline Gold Reports – “The Internet Marketing Consultant”

Finally, another popular niche that has a lot of wsos related to it is

the “offline” market. More and more people are now exploring ways

to make money “offline” rather than online. These people are

interested in these kind of products are independent Internet

marketing consultants who would love to make lots of money

offering their consulting services to local business owners. These

kind of WSOS always tend to perform well but they also carry risks.

People who buy these wsos often always after “quick and easy”

results but it requires a lot of work and patience before anyone can

see results. However, I would highly recommend exploring this

niche and experimenting before launching a wso.

Getting your WSO On “Fire”

A Wso that generates a lot of views and replies in a short space of

time eventually goes on “fire”. This is when your WSO is either

being viewed a lot or has generated a lot of responses. Usually the

WSO’s that go on “fire” are the ones that generate a lot of interest

and views from prospective buyers.

99% of all my WSOS usually go on “fire” simply because they get

viewed a lot of times and people leave reviews.

So how do you make your WSO a success?

Well the key here is to firstly focus on several things.


Price of WSO

Sales Copy

The type of WSO you are selling, i.e. the niche

You need an attention grabbing title for your WSO to attract

attention (more on this later)

Price of WSO – You need a price that is not too high or too low –

remember this is a WSO so your price must be a special offer just

for the warriors. (More on this later)

Sales Copy – your sales copy must be written in a clear style. For a

WSO I usually avoid long-winded sales letters. What I usually do is

have a short sales pitch or I direct people to a separate sales page.

The key here is to have a “call to action” feature, i.e. a payment

button that will make people buy your WSO instead of getting

“bored” reading your long sales pitch. I usually put down reviews

and testimonials as people start leaving their reviews on your


I usually follow this format when writing sales copy.


Second Sub headline

Text (i.e. Dear Warriors, blah blah welcome to my wso..)

Payment Button


How to take the “reporter” approach with a WSO

One of my favourite methods of writing a wso is to take the

“reporter” approach. This is being done by a lot of successful

Internet marketers. This is simply “reporting” or “researching” any

method that you find on the Internet and just writing a research

report about this.

For example, a few months ago I wanted to research the website

“flipping” market on Ebay and I decided to research on what each

Ebay seller was doing and how much he/she was making by flipping

sites. I used a free tool called Goofbay and simply wrote a research

report on each seller, giving case study examples of what sellers

were doing and how much they were making. This wso made me

well over $3000 in just a couple of weeks. The “reporter” approach

can be used by almost any niche, and almost anything. People love

reading quality information and they would be happy to pay you for

good quality information, well researched. You do not always have

to write a report or an e-book and try “out the method” first. You

can take the reporter approach and make a name for yourself easily

and create a group of “addict” buyers who would be willing to buy

your next report/guide.

So lets say you want to write a wso on “how to get the best results

from Youtube”, what you can do is to follow a series of steps that I

call the 5 Step Reporter Model.

1. What are you going to research on?

In this case if you want to research on what existing people are

doing on Youtube to get the best results then you can conduct a

series of case studies on what each member is doing to get the best

results for their niche.

2. How are you going to present the information?

Once you know what you are going to “report” on then you need to

decide how the information will be presented for your wso. For

example, are you going to do a series of Camtasia videos, audio or

do a full research guide on this?

3. Who is going to be interested in this information?

This is where you need to look at the WSO CASH Blueprint and

decide which type of people will buy this WSO and how you intend

to present this information.

4. How long is this WSO going to be?

This is important because from my experience people like short

reports, and short videos where they can read and start applying

the strategies. However, this is not always the case.

5. How much is this information going to be worth?

This is important because you will need to decide on a suitable

price. If you overprice your wso then you will not have many

interested buyers. However, if you can price your WSO at an

affordable price then more people will buy your wso (more on this


So take the reporter approach if you have not had any success in

“make money methods or techniques” and start building a

reputation with your customers as someone who can research the

market and present the information.

In fact I am aware of several successful Internet Marketers who are

easily making 4-5 figures a month doing this and are making a

successful living online.

Best “Time” to Launch your WSO

Your timing of your WSO is just as important when deciding on

what to sell. For example, it would be no point launching your wso

on a Saturday because it is the weekend and many people are out

spending time with their family.

However, I have launched many successful wsos on a weekend and

still made good money. But personally I focus on launching my

wsos between Mon-Fridays because a weekday is the time when

you will find a lot of prospective buyers on the Warrior Forum.

From my experience the best day to launch on a weekday

afternoon, i.e. 1pm. If you are based in USA then you should launch

your wso during this time because this is when most people are at

the “peak” of their work hours.

However, looking at the WSO marketplace here are the typical days

people have launched their WSOS and have gone on to be


Monday - 1

Tuesday – 1, 1

Wednesday – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Thursday – 1

Friday - 1

Below is a rough breakdown of several popular WSOS. The 1= A

wso that was launched on that day and was gone one to be

successful. As you can see Tuesday and Wednesdays are the best

days to launch your WSO simply because it is proven that on these

days people tend to make more of a “purchasing” decision as

opposed to other days.

So I personally, would launch on a Wednesday, in the afternoon.

This would be a perfect time because mid-week is when people are

always looking to buy something and therefore, will not have to

worry about the weekend for another two days or so.

However, Tuesday is also a good date to “launch” your WSO as you

might be aware of many product launches that occur on the

Internet always happen to be on a Tuesday.

How I easily raked in $2000 in just a week with a

single WSO!

Quite recently, I had major success with one of my WSOs that

generated me just over $2000. In fact here is the complimentary

video for this.

Complimentary Video 2 (10:36 Duration)

So what did I do to achieve the above results?

I simply chose to share or sell an existing method that was working

well for me and decided to sell it to the “Blackhatters”. In fact here

is the link to my actual main original WSO..

Well the first thing I did was to have an attention grabbing title. You

cannot see the title of my WSO right now in this link as I have

“closed it” but my title read…

The first thing you should notice is that I used an attention grabbing

headline. I capitalised my letters and created urgency. (More on this


I also created scarcity where I limited copies of this WSO. This

makes people want to buy the product now rather than later. For

example, I had several PM requests on the forum from people who

literally asked me to “save” them a copy before I “close” the offer.

Proof Of Earnings

I also like to give “proof of earnings” if a method works well for me.

Many people do not give proof of earnings when selling a WSO but

for my last wso I decided to do a video on my “proof of earnings” so

people take me seriously. However, it is entirely up to you if you

want to give proof of earnings.


Sometimes it is best to use graphics or visuals to help “convert”

your sales copy for your WSO. This is exactly what I did for my last

wso. I basically paid about $10 and got a nice basic “DVD cover”

created for my WSO. This helped a lot with the conversions.


I also like to add reviews and testimonials on my sales page once

people choose to leave a review after buying my WSO. This helps to

convey a positive message as people buy something “after reading

several positive reviews”. Since my WSO was getting a lot of

reviews I decided to add each long-detailed positive review on the

sales copy (obtaining permission from the buyer of course)

Reviews can help make you more and more sales.

How to Price Your WSO

In today’s economy price is important as people will buy something

based on price. If something is overpriced then no one will buy

anything from you. However, if you are selling a WSO then my

favourite price is to use the number 7 – simply because the number

7 works.

For example, for my last WSO I priced my WSO at $17.00

There is something special about the number 7

I like to price my high priced products from $47.00, $37.00, $27.00

and $17.00.

However, I have also priced my products as low as $1.00 (which I

will explain later on).

But the best price is $17.00 simply because it works and is the best

price for a report, guide or e-book you are selling (I often avoid the

term “e-book” because a “guide” sounds much better).

How to use the $1.00 business model for your WSO and build a paid list

Believe it or not I have priced my WSOs at $1.00 and have gone on

to sell 200-300 copies in just a day. However, there was a reason

behind this and that reason was simply to “build a list of paid

buyers” or to simply to separate the freebie seekers from the “paid


For example, have you noticed sometimes on the wso marketplace

some sellers are giving their reports or products for free in return

for your email address? Now, I often ignore these “free products”

simply because they do not entice me in anyway. However, if I see

something low and is valued at $1.00 then I would simply pay the

extra $1.00 to download the product. This is the exact same

process I used to build a paid list for my WSOS.

I remember back in August when I launched my Secret Article Code

product for $47.00. However, after a month or two I decided to sell

my product as a WSO for just a dollar. People thought I was crazy

but in the end I sold well over 300 copies, and was getting a sale

after every 2 minutes. The aim here was not to make sales at the

frontend but to make money at the “backend”. In this case my

backend strategy was simply – I wanted to build a paid list for my

WSOS. However, you can use other backend strategies, i.e. upsell

to your buyer through a “one time special offer”.

In fact if you are selling a WSO you should always be capturing a

person’s email address. Get them to opt in so you can sell to them

time after time. I use this strategy a lot of times and each time I

launch my WSO I email my list of “wso buyers” who buy again from


By using the $1.00 business model you can create a huge list of

buyers who will buy from you again in the future.

List = More money.

Simply formula, yet very powerful.

“its all in the headline stupid” – How to use headlines to attract attention to your WSO

One of the most successful WSOS always have the best headlines. I

make sure I have an attention grabbing headline. I use a simple

formula to use on my headline and this model is called






Aida means getting attention, creating interest and desire and

then getting your audience to take action.

So if you were launching a wso then your headline needs to be

attention grabbing, create interest and then a desire and then

entice someone to take action. In fact looking at the WSO

marketplace right now the following headlines use the AIDA formula


At the time of writing this is taken from the first page that shows

two “bumped” WSOs. Notice the headlines from both of these

WSOS are attention grabbing.

“The $1000 Per Day” sentence is using the AIDA model and so is

the “$9188 in 2 weeks” is also generating interest.

This shows what happens if you use an attention grabbing headline.

Here is another example.

Notice how many views this has and responses because they have

successfully implemented the AIDA model in their headlines.

Examples, of attention grabbing headlines

There are different variations of headlines you can use. I would

avoid using certain symbols to attract attention, e.g. some wso

sellers use symbols and dark bold features to “get noticed” but

things like that only put people off.

What you can do is headlines such as…

“Make $3000+ A Month Writing Articles” – AMAZING


(Notice in this headline the income claim is not made, rather it is

being said that one can make $3000 a plus writing articles and

leaves the reader feeling curious).


(This is another headline above that is successful. In this headline

the person is saying that they made over $2000 with just one blog

in couple of days. Headlines like this tend to attract the most


Using different variations of headlines is the best way to get people

clicking on your WSO. Be sensible and smart but at the same time

make sure your headline uses the AIDA model.

How to automate your WSO – Step by Step video

Complimentary Video 3 (7.03 Duration)

The best way to get more and more people buying your product is

to automate your WSO, i.e. when people make a purchase they are

given a download link immediately. This is quite easy. Just watch

the video below.

Getting Traffic to your WSO

Finally, once your WSO goes live and you are happy with it you now

need people to view your thread and buy your wso. Now most

people often make the same mistake. They simply pay $20.00 fee

for the wso and then simply expect a surge of sales in their inbox.

That is not the way.

I usually use a 3 step wso traffic system on getting sales. This is

what I usually do to attract prospective buyers to my wso thread.

1 – WSO Goes Live

2 – Email my “list” of buyers who have bought my products in the


3 – Give a review copy to 1-2 people on my list so they can help me

make more sales.

4 – Submit my wso to social bookmarking sites – StumbleUpon and


I hope this WSO CASH guide and the videos have given you the

confidence to make your future WSO a success.

If you need help on anything or would like to ask me any questions

then my email address is [email protected] or you can add

me on MSN messenger at [email protected] where I

will be happy to provide you support on this.

Once again I want to Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for

taking the time to read this guide and I hope you too can follow my

WSO CASH system to generate long-term profits from the WSO

section of the Warrior Forum.

This is Imran Naseem signing out!

Imran Naseem