W.S. Powell et al- The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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  • 8/3/2019 W.S. Powell et al- The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


    The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI.Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectro~copyl,~

    W . S . POW ELL,^'^ R . A . H E A CO CK ,'D. G . SMITH,'AND A . G. M C I N N E S ~Chrrnis try Depnr.tmerzt , Dalhousir U ni~ er si t y , a l i fau, Nova Scot ia , and Atlantic Regional Lab oratory ,National Reaerrrch Co~lncrl f Can ada, Hnli fax , No va Scoria

    Received August 21 , 1972The p.m.r. spectra of a number of aminochromes and aminochrome monosemicarbazones have beenmeasured and the major features of the spectra discussed. The synthesis of a new aminochrome, 2-methylnoradrenochrome is described.Les spectres de r.m.n. d 'un certain nombre d 'aminochromes et de semicarbazones d 'aminochromes ontetC mesures et leurs principales caracteristiques sont discutees. La s ynthtse d 'un nouvel aminochrome,le methyl-2 noradrenochrome est decrite. [Traduit par le journal]

    Robinson (1) in 1965 reported some p.m.r .da ta for adrenochrome (compound 1, Table 1)which had previously been assigned a zwitter-ionic mesomeric structure by Harley-Mason (2).Th e spectrum was recorded in DMSO-d, solu-t ion and resonances at 5.47 and 6.50 6 wereassigned to the hydrogens at C-4 and -7. How-ever in a personal communication to one of us(R. A. Heacock) in 1966, Dr. Robinson s ta tedthat the assignments for these hydrogens shouldhave been reversed. Since his original paper (1)no fur ther p .m.r . da ta on adrenochrome orrelated aminochromes have been reported. Tofill this gap in the literature we have recordedthe p.m.r . spectra of some aminochromes andaminoch rolne mono sen~icarbazones (see struc-tures listed in Table I ) in DMSO-d, a t 60 MHz.All p.m.r . parameters in Table 2 were obtainedby comparing the experimental spectra withthose simulated with the Varian Spectro System100. Because the spectra were comparativelysimple it was not considered necessary to checkthe results at a second radiofrequency.In al l of the compounds examined, except 2,2a, a n d 4, two resonances with chemical shiftscharacteristic of "aromatic" type hydrog ens (3)were observed for H-4 and -7. Moreover H-7could be assigned to the resonance at higher

    ' F o r P a r t XV , see ref. 12.2 N R C C N o . 1 29 32 .3Taken, in part, from the Ph .D. Thesis ofW . S. Powell,Dalhousie University, 1972.4Holder of NRCC Scholarship, 1967-1971.'Reprint requests can b e addressed to any of theseau thors a t the At lan tic Reg ional Laborato ry .

    field (5.30-5.47 6) because th e low field signalfor H- 4 (6.42-6.80 6) was absen t from thespectra of 2 a n d 2a which are of know n structurewith R, = C H , (4). It follows, therefore, thatthe iodine atom in 4 must be located at C-7since a characteristic resonance was observedfor H -4 (6.56 6) whereas n o signal at higher fieldwas observed for H-7. This work thereforeconfirms that the iodine atom in iodoamino-chromes is at C-7 (5) rather th an a t C-2 as wasoriginally suggested (6).Th e "benzylic" type methylene hydrogen s atC-3 in 8 were readily assigned (3) to the highfield multiplet a t 3.00 6 whereas the correspond-ing hydrogens at C-2,which also bears a nitrogenato m , occurred as expected at lower field at 3.806 (3). Fo r those com pounds in which there is anhydroxyl or methoxyl group at posit ion 3, thehydrogen at C-3 exhibited a characteristic down -field shift appearing in the range 4.50-5.00 6. Onthe other hand, replacement of one of themethylene hydrogens at C-2 with a methylsubstituent as in 7 did not appreciably affect thechemical shift of the hydrogen at C-2 whichappeared as expected at 3.76 6. The remainingsignals in all the spectra were readily identifiedon the basis of their chemical shifts, multi-plicities, and/or intensities, or their ease of re-placement with deuterium. Assignments wereconfirmed by decoupling experiments.C o m p o u n d 7 was synthesized from 1-(3,4-dihydroxypheny1)-2-aminopropan-1-01, he sidechain of which has an erythro configuration,thus requiring that the methyl and hydroxyl sub-st i tuents on C-2 and -3, and therefore H-2a

  • 8/3/2019 W.S. Powell et al- The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


    POWELL ET 4L.: AMIKOCHROhlES. XV ITABLE. Structures of aminochromes a nd monosemicarbazone derivatives

    Compound X RI RZ R3 Rq R7AdrenochromeAdrenochrome monosemicarbazone4-Methyladrenochrome4-MethyladrenochromemonosemicarbazoneAdrenochrome methyl ether7-Iodoadrenochrome methyl e therNoradrenochromeNoradrenochrome



    and -3a, have a trans relationship to one another.This follows because the experimental conditionsfor cyclization preclude epimerization at thetwo asymmetric carbons (see Experimental).From Table 2 it can be seen that, apar t from thetypical geminal coupling constants (7, 8), thespin-spin couplings between hydrogens on C-2and -3 fall either in the range 1.8-4.0 or 6.2-7.0Hz. The data for 7, (J,,,,, = J,,,,, = 3.6 Hz),together with known trends in the behavior ofspin-spin couplings in other similar five-memberring systems (8), enabled the lower range ofvalues discussed above to be assigned to trans,and the higher range of values to cis, spin-spincouplings for the compounds listed. It is alsoworth noting that for those compounds with amethylene group at position 2, the hydrogen(H-2a) cis to R, = OH or OCH,, occurred athighest field and was trans coupled to H-3a. Inthe case of compound 8 which bore no electro-negative substituent at C-3 the trans (J,,,,, =J2,,,,= 4.0 Hz) and cis (J2,,,, = J,,,,, = 7.0Hz) couplings were the largest observed through-out the series of compounds investigated, aswould be expected (8).For those compounds in which R, = H long-range coupling (1.5 < J,,, < 2.3 Hz) was ob-served between this hydrogen and all hydrogensdirectly bonded to C-3. When R, = CH,, long-range coupling (8) was observed between H-3aand these methyl hydrogens in 2 but surprisingly

    not in 2a . The presence of long-range couplingbetween one of the aromatic hydrogens (H-4)and H-3a in the iodoaminochrome 4 is of coursefurther evidence that the iodine atom must beattached to C-7 in this compound.Experimental

    AminochromesMethods described in the literature were used to pre-pare adrenochrome (9), adrenochrome methyl ether (lo),7-iodoadrenochrome methyl ether (lo) , 4-methyladreno-chrome (4), 1-isopropylnoradrenochrome (lo), noradren-ochrome (1 I), and epinochrome (12).2-Methylnoradrenochrome was prepared in a manneranalogous to that for noradrenochrome (11). The freebase 1-(3,4-dihydroxypheny1)-2-aminopropan-1-01 3,4-dihydroxynorephedrine; 2 g), prepared according to oneof the standard procedures (cf. ref. 4) from the cor-responding hydrochloride, was treated with silver oxide(8.3 g) in methanol (200 ml) for 8 min and the reactionmixture subsequently filtered through anhydrous sodiumsulfate and then Dowex-1 x 8 (C1-). Crystallization wasinitiated by adding ethyl acetate (250 ml) and reducingthe volume to % 30 ml at i 5' in naclto followed by thefurther addition of ethyl acetate (30 ml) and once againreducing the volume of the solution to z 2 5 ml. 2-Methylnoradrenochrome (515 mg; 26% yield) wasobtained as dark red microcrystals which completelydecomposed without melting by 115"; h,,, (H,O) nm(E): 216 (26 800), 295 (9600), 488 (3690); v,,, (Nujol):3235, 3210, 1667, 1617, 1582, 1543 cm-'.Anal. Calcd. for CyHyN03:C, 60.33; H, 5.06; N,7.82. Found: C, 59.94; H, 4,86; N, 7.79%.Ami~?ochromeMonosemicarbazonesMethods in the literature were used to prepare 4-methyladrenochrome and noradrenochrome monosemi-

  • 8/3/2019 W.S. Powell et al- The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


  • 8/3/2019 W.S. Powell et al- The Chemistry of the Aminochromes. Part XVI. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


    P O W E L L ET AL . : AM I NOC HR OM E S. XV I 77 9carbazones (4, 11). Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone D A L Y , n d B . WITKO P. . Am. Chem. Soc . 85, 1825was obtained from the Koch-Light Laborato ries. (1963).6 . D . R I C H T E R n d H . B L A S C H K O .. Chem. Soc. 601

    The au thors wish to thank M r . J. van lnge n for record-ing some of the spectra. 7 . R . C A H I L L .R . C . C O O K S O N ,nd T. A . CRABB . e t-rahedron. 25. 4681 119691.8 . S . STERNHEL L. uar t . Rev . 23, 236 (1969).1 . B . ROBINS ON.. Pharm. Pharmacol. 17 , 89 (1965). 9 . R . A . H E A C O C K , . N E R E N B E R G ,n d A . N . P A Y Z A .2. J . H A R L E Y - M A S O N .xper ien t ia , 4 , 307 (1948). C a n . J . C h e m . 36, 853 (1958).3 . L. M . J A C K M A Nnd S . STERNH ELL. ppl ica t ions of 10 . R. A. HEACO CKnd B . D . SCOTT.Can. J . Chem. 38,nuclear magnetlc resonance spectrosco py in organic 516 (1960).chemistry. Pergamon Press, Ne w Yo rk. 1969. Part 3. 11 . W. S . PowELLand R. A. HEACOC K.an . J . C h e m . 49,4. R. A. H E A C O C K ~ ~ ~.H U T Z I N G E R .an . J . C h e m .43, 341 (1971).2535 (1965). 12 . W. S . POW ELL n d R . A . H E A C O C K .an . J. C h e m . 50,5 . R . A . H E A C O C K , . H U T Z I N G E R ,. D. SCOTT, . W. 3360 (1972).