Jack Wright Written summary of ideas generation When deciding to produce a music video for our main coursework piece we explored a number of different ideas for the music to be based on. We also came up with different genres, character types, props and settings for our video and produced these in the mind map. To produce our video we are going to use Nick Laceys repotiere of elements aswell as cinematography and different types of editing The genre we have eventually decided to use for our music video is house as we both like the music a lot, listen to it regularly and have an interest in producing our own video for the genre. Originally we had thought about doing a music video to rap genre but as this proved to be difficult as the lyrics used and the props in a rap genre can be offensive and would be hard to film. House music doesn’t usually have many lyrics meaning the video can be filmed in a number of locations without the need to show the artist or artists. Our music video is going to be set in Manchester and show a group of girls/lads on a night out. The video we start at each other’s houses and we show the groups starting to drink and get ready to go out. From there on it will mostly be at night and show scenes from a club/clubs in Manchester. The video will then show the groups meeting up and one male and one female taking an interest to each other more than the others. The night ends with them getting into a taxi with each other and it will then wake up with them in bed in the morning. The characters involved in our music video are the two love interests and their friends; we also see a number of background characters. (We may also show the artist mixing in a studio)

Written summary of ideas generation

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Jack Wright

Written summary of ideas generation

When deciding to produce a music video for our main coursework piece we explored a number of different ideas for the music to be based on. We also came up with different genres, character types, props and settings for our video and produced these in the mind map. To produce our video we are going to use Nick Laceys repotiere of elements aswell as cinematography and different types of editing

The genre we have eventually decided to use for our music video is house as we both like the music a lot, listen to it regularly and have an interest in producing our own video for the genre. Originally we had thought about doing a music video to rap genre but as this proved to be difficult as the lyrics used and the props in a rap genre can be offensive and would be hard to film. House music doesn’t usually have many lyrics meaning the video can be filmed in a number of locations without the need to show the artist or artists.

Our music video is going to be set in Manchester and show a group of girls/lads on a night out. The video we start at each other’s houses and we show the groups starting to drink and get ready to go out. From there on it will mostly be at night and show scenes from a club/clubs in Manchester. The video will then show the groups meeting up and one male and one female taking an interest to each other more than the others. The night ends with them getting into a taxi with each other and it will then wake up with them in bed in the morning.

The characters involved in our music video are the two love interests and their friends; we also see a number of background characters. (We may also show the artist mixing in a studio)