Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

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Page 1: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog

Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Page 2: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

What this session will cover

•Why short blogs have worked for Time to Change•Content and successful blogs•Structure of a good blog

Blog swap time!

•Setting up your own blog

Page 3: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Why short blogs?

Better experience for people•People reading on the go – we can see this from data and analytics• Series of shorter blogs - #StoryShorts. • Better reader/user experience – likely to translate to return visits to your blog

Great way to get into blogging or focus on one subject•Try out a new subject, or talk about a core experience• Your ‘First Times’ blogs will helped you to think about writing about a experience you had in a different way

Long blogs not forgotten! Great for detail, and for readers on desktop or at home wanting a longer read.

Page 4: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Content of successful blogs

The Power of Stories• Powerful stories are...relatable• Powerful stories make...you think about an issue, topic or person in a way that you might not expect.

Everyone has different metrics for success•Comments •Social media response•Data...look at as much or as little as you want!

Irum’s blog Wayne’s blog

Page 5: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Irum’s blog

• Bold title• Frank, honest•Theme of authenticity

Wayne’s blog

• #StoryShort•Thought-provoking title•A different perspective•Theme of strength and silence

Blog examples

Page 6: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Blog structure

Five Things to Think About•The Arc – the beginning, middle and end•The Audience•The Angle – what’s your hook or theme•The Action – stories need conflict•The Answer – what was the conclusion to your story?

Features of less successful blogs

Page 7: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Blog titles, keywords and search engines

Search Engine Optimisation•How do people find blogs?•When showing you search results, Google takes into consideration the age of the content, the traffic or visits to the page, the links to and from that page, etc.

Let’s play.....

Page 8: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Is it a good title?

A Blog About Talking

How do you tell someone that you’re depressed?

Living with emotionally unstable personality disorder

I talked about mental health with my friend &now I am going to talk to more people about getting diagnosed with depresion

Page 9: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Blog swap time!•Swap your blog with your partner –read for 5 mins•Reflect back to your partner for 8 minutes each (taking turns – 16 minutes total) on:

• What was strong about the blog in terms of:•Storytelling – did it make you think? Was it relatable? How did it make you feel?•Structure – has it got a beginning, middle and end? Does it carry a theme through?•SEO – does the title reflect the content of the blog?

•What could have been better in terms of:•Storytelling – was it missing a ‘hook’?•Structure- did it not flow well? Was it a chunk of text?• SEO – was the title too long? Too generic?

Page 10: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Setting up your own blog

Free platforms •Wordpress.com•Blogger•Tumblr


How to choose the right platform?

•Conventional blogging or Tumblr?•Free or self-hosted?

Page 11: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Driving traffic to your blog

Online and social media



•Twitter•Be nice to people! •Re-post older content

Page 12: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Driving traffic to your blog

Other tips for publicity

•Write more!

•Look for partnerships

•Publish to a regular schedule

•Titles & Keywords

•Social sharing buttons

Page 13: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Analysing performance

Most blogging platforms have built-in analytics platforms.

You can look at: •Raw numbers of views/visitors•Demographic data •Popular times of the day/week •How people are coming to your blog

Using analytics is an imperfect science – requires some creative thinking.

Page 14: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Feedback & Boundaries

Feedback & conversation can be a great part of blogging, but you may also need to manage it

Blog comments •You can turn them off & on •Moderate the comments before they appear•You can respond to comments or not.

Building relationships via social media – your choice.

Page 15: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

Useful links

Tools for helping you to decide on blog titles:

Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator - http://www.hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator

Google AdWords Keyword Planner – https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner - free to set up

Blogging links in your Little Book of Storytelling

Page 16: Writing (Short Blogs) and Setting up your own Blog Crystal Hall, Digital Officer, Time to Change and Seb Baird, Digital Officer, Time to Change

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