Writing Paper Part 1

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  • 8/18/2019 Writing Paper Part 1


    Writing Paper Part 1. Task Type: Essay


    In your English class you have been talking about technological developments. Now

    your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

    People have become overlydependent on technology with the result

    that we are not as mentally challenged as we used to be. !o you agree"


    Write about:

    1. positive ways in which technology simpli#es tasks that would

    otherwise be timeconsuming.

    $. the e%tent to which technology stops us working things out &orourselves.

    '. ................ (your own idea)

    Write your essay &or your teacher (around 1*+1,+ words).

    What you need to do to pass

    -ead our checklist #rst to understand what the e%aminer is looking &or in a good


    Ideas for writing

    sk yoursel& the &ollowing /uestions to help you get started:

    • In which ways does technology simpi&y tasks"

    E.g. Researching subjects on the Internet? Finding your way around using Sat 


    • 0ow might technology limit out ability to work things out mentally"

    E.g. Are search engines making research skills redundant? Are we becoming

    overreliant on devices and losing our ability to work things out !or ourselves?

    • Is there another way o& looking at the issue"

    E.g. Are we learning new skills !ollowing technological develo"ments# !or

    e$am"le# online networking?