Writing for Gifted Students

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  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students



    Exercise 1 (week 1):

    1. We couldnt have managed without my fathers money. -f it................

    !. had only "ust #ut the #hone down when the $oss rang $ack. - %ardly.........

    &. t was Walter 'aleigh who introduced #otatoes and to$acco into England. - he Englishowe..........

    . *f my mem$ers agree to that+ ll $e very sur#rised+, said the union delegate. - he union

    delegate o$served that...........

    . While strongly disa##rove of your $ehavior+ will hel# you this time. -es#ite my...........

    /. m sorry missed 0rofessor akers lecture. - m sorry not............

    2. We may not $e a$le to give the condert. - he concert.......

    3. was not sur#rised to hear that %arry had failed his driving test. -t came......

    Exercise !:

    1. 4ohn inflated the tyres of his $icycle. ($lew)

    !. Wed $etter leave them a note+ $ecause its #ossi$le theyll arrive later (case)

    &. efore he came here he worked for 5r6 7mith. (#revious)

    . %e s#eaks 8erman extremely well (command)

    . %is criticisms are 9uite unfair. ("ustification)

    /. cant understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract ($affled)

    2. always find chess #ro$lems like that 9uite im#ossi$le. (defeat)

    3. his must $e ke#t secret. (know)

    . cant afford a new dress+ that old $lue one will have to do. (make)

    Exercise & (week !):

    1. only recogni;ed him when he came into the light. - ou cant #ossi$ly ex#ect me to have su##er ready $y 3 oclock. (9uestion).

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    !. t is my o#inion that there is no advantage in further discussion. (see)

    &. 0lease excuse 4anes #oor ty#ing. 7hes only $een learning for a month. (allowances)

    . here is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. ($ound)

    . ?lthough the dog a##eared harmless+ it was+ in fact+ 9uite dangerous. (contrary)

    /. f 7mith hadnt $roken his leg+ he would have #layed foot$all for England. (re#resented).

    2. his hotel is inaccessi$le in winter. (#ossi$le)3. ?s far as know he is still working in ristol. - (knowledge).

    Exercise (week &):

    1. he workers only called off the strike after a new #ay offer. - =nly after......

    !. %e was sentenced to six months in #rison for his #art in the ro$$ery. - %e received a........

    &. >ou can eat as much as you like for @ at the new lunch-$ar. - here is no.......

    . 7he wore a hearing-aid+ even though she could hear the #hone ring #erfectly well. -7he wasnt so.....

    . >ou will never meet anyone more generous than 5rs. 4ones. - 5rs. 4ones is.......

    /. 5y #arents let me go a$road alone for the first time last year. - was...............

    2. t was his incom#etence which led to their ca#ture. - f.............

    3. m certainly not going to give you any more money. - have no........

    Exercise /:

    1. dont think there will $e any a##licants for this #ost. (likelihood)

    !. t was difficult for 7usan to $elieve the good news (hardly)

    &. >ou must make allowances for his inex#erience. (account)

    . his contract is not $inding until we $oth sign it. ($ound)

    . %e wasnt to $lame for the accident. (fault)

    /. >ou shouldnt take his hel# for granted. (assume)

    Exercise 2 (week ):

    1. =ur hotel $ooking hasnt $een confirmed. - We havent received...........

    !. he sales man told me that my new car would $e delivered next Wednesday. -


    &. he >eti has very rarely $een seen at this altitude. - here have.............

    . ts not certain that 4ones will get the "o$. - t is o#en.........

    . Everyone started com#laining the moment the announcement was made. - ou wont $e a$le............

    3. ?lan worked too hard at the office+ and this led to his illness. - ?lans illness...........

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    Exercise 3:

    1. 5r. ill managed to re#air the garage roof only $ecause his neigh$or hel#ed him. (without)


  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    . >ou can try to get im to lend you his car $ut you wont succeed. - heres no #oint..........

    /. 4ohn didnt cele$rate until he received the offer of #romotion in writing. - ou must su$mit articles for the maga;ine $y 4une 13th. -he final date............

    . ?lthough 4immy was the stronger of the two+ his attacker soon over#owered him. -es#ite


    . What a sur#rise to see you hereF -Gancy..........

    /. dont intend to a#ologise to either of them. - have ...........

    2. t was only when left home that reali;ed how much my father meant to me. -

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    Exercise 1 (week 3):

    1. ?lice and Charles did not decide to move to a $igger house until after the $irth of their second

    child. -=nly when............

    !. >oure under no o$ligation to acce#t their offer. - >our can #lease.......

    &. 5artin may not $e very well $ut he still manages to en"oy life. -5artins #oor............. he com#any #resents a gold watch to each of its retiring em#loyees. -Each.......

    . he only thing that ke#t us out of #rison was the way he s#oke the local dialect.

    - ut for his command......

    /. he 0acific =cean is on average dee#er than the ?tlantic. -he average.........

    2. 5y father finds ma#s hard to follow. - 5y father has............

    3. Hnder no circumstances should you #hone the #olice. - he last............

    Exercise 1/:

    1. 0eo#le dont want to $uy cars with large engines any more. (call)

    !. wenty years ago this region #roduced twice as much coal as it does now. (halved)

    &. he #rime 5inister is unlikely to call an early general election (likelihood)


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    . he councilor answered every 9uestion frankly. (frank)

    . t is said that he has $een to #rison several times (re#uted).

    /. 5ost stores will acce#t a credit card instead of cash. (alternative).

    2. =ur o#inions on the su$"ect are identical. (difference)

    3. Iocal residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (disa##roval)

    Exercise 1 (week 1A):

    1. oull certainly meet lots of #eo#le in your new "o$. - >ou are....

    . left without saying good$ye as didnt want to distur$ the meeting. - 'ather...../. here arent many other $ooks which ex#lain this #ro$lem so well. - n few other $ooks......

    2. dislike it when #eo#le critici;e me unfairly. - o$"ect.....

    3. 'o$ert is sorry now that he didnt acce#t the "o$. - 'o$ert now wishes.................

    Exercise !A:

    1. f interst rates are cut+ the economic situation may im#rove. (reduction)

    !. he architects new design was heavily critici;ed. (criticism)

    &. ery little money was raised $y the charity a##eal. (res#onse)

    . =urs is the only com#any allowed to im#ort these chemicals. (mono#oly)

    . he coachs tactics were directly res#onsi$le for the teams defeat. (conse9uence)

    /. We have no idea where he is. (wherea$outs)

    2. he #oliceman acted 9uickly and averted an accident. (#rom#t)

    3. his new record is certain to sell a lot of co#ies. (dou$t)

    Exercise !1 (week 11):

    1. am having a lot of trou$le now $ecause host my #ass#ort last week. - f .....

    !. When the #olice caught him+ he was clim$ing over the garden wall. -he #olice caught........

    &. ts sad+ $ut unem#loyment is unlikely to go down this year. -7ad.......

    . t is $elieved that the man esca#ed in a stolen car. -he man is.........

    . 7ince we had nothing else to do+ we decided to go for a walk. - %aving......

    /. *ou wont find a more dedicated worker anywhere than 5rs 4ones. -

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    Exercise !!:

    1. want to $e left alone (distur$ed)

    !. %e took the com#any to court on the grounds of unfair dismissal. (unfairly)

    &. Were likely to $e a little late+ m afraid. (every)

    . he Committee said they liked the first #ro#osal $est. (#reference)

    . really must answer all these letters. (get down)/. ts not your fault. ($lame)

    2. 0eo#le seem to $e critici;ing the #olice 9uite a lot nowadays. (criticism)

    3. n a nutshell+ the mans an idiot. ($luntly.

    Exercise !& (week 1!)

    1. 7he had hardly $egun to s#eak $efore #eo#le started interru#ting her. - %ardly........

    !. t was a $it difficult to get into work this morning. -8etting.........

    &. We regret to inform you that your a##lication has not $een successful. - 5uch to ....... %e knows really everything there is to know a$out whales. - heres .......

    . f we can solve the #ro$lem soon+ it will $e $etter for an concerned. -he sooner.........

    /. he demand was so great that they had to re#rint the $ook immediately. - 7o........

    2. m a$solutely sure that they werent #laying in this weather. -hey cant.........

    3. * didnt steal the car+, he said+ * "ust $orrowed it,. %e denied.........$ut admitted.........

    Exercise !:

    1. m dying to meet them (wait)

    !. hey lay on the $each the whole week sun$athing. (s#ent)

    &. seriously dou$t whether this will work. (dou$ts)

    . %es always found it very difficult to learn English. (difficulties)

    . have no intention of giving u# now. (intend)

    /. heyve always $een allowed to do what they want. (freedom)

    2. his is 9uite a common occurrence. (fre9uently)

    3. 7omething told me to say exactly what thought+ $ut didnt. (sorely)

    Exercise ! (week 1&):

    1. only made that terri$le mistake $ecause wasnt thinking. -f ............

    !. We had #lanned to visit grandmother+ so we left early in the morning. - We were........

    &. 7omeone rang the alarm as soon as the $urglars left the $uilding. -

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    3. t would have $een a su#er weekend if it hadnt $een for the weather. - ut............

    Exercise !/:

    1. was told the film would $e very good. (led)

    !. 7he a#ologi;ed for having to go so early+ and left. (a#ologies)

    &. >ou have to register $y 1st

    ?#ril at the latest. (deadline). he refugees are in serious need of warm clothes. ($adly)

    . was mystified $y the whole thing. ($affling)

    /. >ou dont have to $uy one if you dont like it. (o$ligation)

    2. f you #romise not to laugh+ ll show you our holiday sna#s. (long)

    3. %ow do you think the #resent negotiations will turn outJ (outcome)

    Exercise !2 (week 1):1. *>ou should have waited for us+, the team leader said to 4ohn. -he team leader


    !. ts #ossi$le that he didnt get my letter. - %e might......

    &. he last time it snowed here was six years ago. - t.............

    . only reali;ed what had missed when they told me a$out it later. -=nly when.........

    . here werent nearly as many #eo#le there as had ex#ected. - here were far........

    /. When the 5inister was asked a$out the strike+ he declined to comment. - =n..........

    2. here was no need for you to have gone to all that trou$le. - >ou................

    3. 0lease dont say things like that. - wish.........

    Exercise !3:

    1. d like you to waid until they $ring out a new model. (rather)

    !. We couldnt find the cat anywhere. (nowhere)

    &. What finally ended the dis#ute was the fact that the union agreed to go to ar$itration.


    . %e wont let anyone else touch his records (o$"ects)

    . he fact that no$ody said anything at the time sur#rised me. (what)

    /. he referee first $lew the whistle &A minutes into the game. (#laying)

    2. admitted it was my fault for $urning the toast. ($lame)

    3. ts $ecoming extremely ex#ensive to maintain the museum. (unkee#)

    Exercise ! (week 1):

    1. his is the $est essay have ever written. -

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    &. am terri$ly sorryK thought you were a friend of ?nnas. - took............

    . ?lthough she was $usy+ she managed to find the time to #roofread for me. -usy.........

    . would #refer you to do com#uter science. - d rather..........

    /. %e didnt get his visa until last 5onday. - t was............

    2. hey continued to say that was to $lame. - hey #ersisted............

    3. ietnamese coffee is considered to $e one of the $est in the world. - ietnamese coffee........ f you ask me well in advance ll $e willing to work over time. - 0rovided you...............

    1A.* never used $ad language+, she said. - 7he denied..............

    Exercise &A:

    1. %e failed his exam $ecause he missed classes so often. (conse9uence)

    !. 7end me a #ostcard as soon as you arrive. (minute)

    &. >ou dont have to do it if you dont want to. (o$ligation). tried as hard as could $ut still failed my driving tests. (however)

    . felt that it had $een a $ig mistake to give u# that "o$. (regretted)

    /. 7trangers are not to $e let in. (account)

    2. %e "oined the army as soon as he had finished school. (sooner)

    3. f it werent for the weather+ would en"oy working here so much ($ut)

    . t rained torrentially all day yesterday+ which really de#ressed me. (got)

    1A. wrote this $ook $ecause want to hel# students with their writing. (view)

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    Bey to exercise 1:

    1. f it hadnd $een for my fathers money+ we couldnt have managed.!. %ardly had #ut the #hone down when the $oss rang $ack.

    &. he Englis


    . h owe the introduction of #otatoes and to$acco to W'

    /. he union delegate o$served that he would $e very sur#rised if his mem$ers agreed.

    2. es#ite my strong disa##roval of your $ehavior+ will hel# you this time.

    3. m sorry not to have heard6attended 0ro akers lecture.

    . he concert may have to $e cancelled.

    1A.t came as no sur#rise to me that %arry had failed his driving test.

    Bey to exercise !:

    1. 4ohn $lew u# the tyres of his $icycle.

    !. Wed $etter leave them a note in case they arrive later.

    &. efore the came here+ his #revious $oss6em#loyer was 5r. 7mith.

    . %e has an excellent command of 8erman.

    . here is no "ustification for his criticisms.

    /. am $affled $y their reluctance to sign the contract.

    2. Chess #ro$lens like that (always) defeat meF

    3. >ou mustnt let anyone (else) know (this).

    . cant afford a new dress. ll (have) to make do with that old $lue one.

    Bey to exercise &:


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    &. =ne runner was so exhausted (that) he couldnt6was una$le to com#lete the last la# of the


    . ve never known a more warm-hearted #erson than my mother (was).

    . We were never made to do anything we didnt want to.

    /. %ad it not $een for the death of the 05 the $ill would have $een #assed6got through.

    2. heres no #oint in com#laining.

    Bey to exercise :

    1. here is no 9uestion of su##er $eing ready $y 3 oclock.

    !. ?s far as can see+ there is no advantage in further discussion.

    &. 0lease make allowance for 4anes #oor ty#ingK shes only $een learning for a month.

    . hat young man is $ound to fail in this test.

    . rontrary to (its) (harmless) a##earance+ the dog was in fact 9uite dangerous./. f 7mith hadnt $roken his leg+ he would have re#resented England.

    2. ts not #ossi$le to get to6to reach this hotel in winter.

    3. o (the $est of) my knowledge+ he is still working in ristol.

    Bey to exercise :

    1. =nly after a new #ay offer did the workers call off the strike.

    !. %e received a sentence of six months for his #art in the ro$$ery.

    &. here is no limit6restriction to how much you eat at the new lunch-$ar.

    . 7he wasnt so deaf6hard of hearing that she coulnt hear the #hone.

    . 5rs. 4ones is the most generous #erson you will6could ever meet6 ($e likely) to meet.

    /. was allowed to go a$road alone for the first time last year.

    2. f he hadnt $een so imcom#etent they wouldnt have $een ca#tured.

    3. have no intention of giving you any more money.

    Bey to exercise /:

    1. here is little6no likelihood that there will $e a##licants for this #ost.

    !. 7usan could hardly $elieve the good news.

    &. >ou must take his ex#erience into account6 >ou must take account of his ex#erience.

    . ou should 6do not assume (that) he will hel# you.

    Bey to exercise 2:

    1. We havent received confirmation of6a$out our hotel $ooking (yet)

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    !. ?ccording to the salesman my new car would6will $e delivered next Wednesday.

    &. here have $een very few sightings of the >eti at this altitude.

    . t is o#en to 9uestion (as to) whether 4ones will get the "o$.

    . ou wont $e a$le to $uy6get a house in that district for less than6under @1AA.AAA.3. ?lans illness was caused $y6$rought a$out6due to6the result of his working too hard at the


    Bey to exercise 3:

    1. Without the hel# of his neigh$or+ 5r. ill would6could not6never have re#airted the garage roof.

    !. We all make mistakes6 Everyone makes mistakes6Everyone can make mistakes.

    &. he last =lym#ic 8ames took #lace in 7eoul.. %is sale to#ic6su$"ect of conversation was the weather.

    . had no regrets a$out6on6over leaving the clu$ in the end.

    /. >ou are an idiot to refuse 'ichards offer of a loan.

    2. ts the com#anys intention to re#lace this model.

    3. Were likely to hear a lot more a$out environmental #ollution in the next few years.

    Bey to exercise :

    1. ?s long as you (can) kee#6stay calm+ you will6should6ought to #ass your driving test.


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    3. can scarcely remem$er anything 6a thing a$out my childhood.

    Bey to exercise 11:

    1. he rail workers have no intention of calling off their strike.

    !. 5rs 7cott #rides herself on her cooking6on $eing a good cook.

    &. f it hadnt $een for the goalkee#er we could6would have lost the match.. t came as no sur#rise (to me) (to hear) that Baren had changed her "o$.

    . heres no #oint (in) (you6your) trying to get im to lend you his car6to $orrow ims car.


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    . 5y cat has gone6is off its food.

    . he children did6tried their $est to #lease their father.

    /. %is $ehavior took me a$ack6 was taken a$ack $y his $ehavior.

    2. Gor fear of $eing6getting seasick they decided not to go $y $oat.

    3. he $ank ro$$ers made6effected their getaway in a stolen car.

    Bey to exercise 1:

    1. =nly when ? and C (had) had their second child did they decide to move to a $igger house.

    !. >ou can #lease yourself6yourselves a$out whether you acce#t their offer or not.

    &. 5artins #oor health does not sto#6#revent him from en"oying life.

    . Each of the com#anys retiring em#loyee is re#resented a gold watch.

    . ut for his command of (the) local dialect we would have $een "ailed6#ut into "ail.

    /. he average de#th of the 0acific (=cean) is greater than that of the ?tlantic.2. 5y father has difficulty6difficulties in following the ma#s.

    3. he last thing you should6must6ought to do is to #hone6#honing the #olice.

    Bey to exercise 1/:

    1. here isnt much call for cars with large engines.

    !. Coal #roduction6he coal #roduced in this region has ($een) halved in the last !A years.

    &. here is little likelihood of the 05 calling a(n) (early general) election.

    . he story he told us is6was $eyond $elief.

    . he whole committee was6were in favour of the #ro"ect.

    /. 7cientists $lame our #ollution for the destruction of the forests.

    2. =ne never knows how he is going to6will6may6might react.

    3. here are several categories of #eo#le who are exem#t from (#aying) the new tax.

    Bey to exercise 12:

    1. he film star avoided recognition6$eing recogni;ed $y wearing dark glasses.

    !. What ama;es me is6are the mistakes he makes.

    &. t came as no sur#rise to us (to hear) (that) he was6had $een successful.

    . 4eans mother com#limented 4ean on her lovely new dress.

    . =nly after6when all the guests had gone home6could we relax6were we a$le to relax.

    /. 8eorge was nowhere to $e found.

    2. ?n increased num$er of travellers is6are $eing sto##ed $y customs officials this week.

    3. 7he is a more sym#athetic listener than anyone else know.

    Bey to exercise 13:

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    1. he scandal had a $ad6negative effect.

    !. here was (an) agreement among the teachers to introduce new methods.

    &. 4enny wasnt in the mood to go to the #arty6for (going to) the #arty.

    . he councilor gave frank answers to every 9uestion.

    . %e is re#uted to have $een (sent) to #rison.

    /. 5ost stores will acce#t a credit card as an alternative to cash.2. here is (a$solutely) no difference in6$etween our o#inions on the su$"ect.

    3. Iocal residents ex#ressed6voiced then disa##roval of the new traffic scheme.

    Bey to exercise 1:

    1. his is the first time (that) someone has challenged his authority.

    !. he manager threatened not to select rian (if he didnt train harder6unless he trained harder).

    &. he house had its6the roof $lown off $y6in6during6$ecause of the hurricane.. >ou are $ound6sure6certain to meet lots of #eo#le.

    . 'ather than distur$ the meeting+ left without saying good$ye.

    /. n few other $ooks would one see this #ro$lem so well ex#lained.

    2. o$"ect to #eo#le critici;ing me unfairly.

    3. 'o$ert now wishes (that) he had taken6acce#ted the "o$.

    Bey to exercise !A:

    1. ? reduction of6in interest rates may im#rove the economic situation.

    !. here was a heavy criticism of the architects new design.

    &. here was very little res#onse to the charity a##eal.

    . =ur com#any has got (the6a) mono#oly of6on6over the im#ortation of these chemicals.

    . he teams defeat was a6the direct conse9uence of the coachs tactics.

    /. We dont know his wherea$outs6%is wherea$outs is6are unknown to us.

    2. he #rom#t action of the #oliceman averted an accident.

    3. here is no dou$t that this new record will sell a lot of co#ies.

    Bey to exercise !1:

    1. f hadnt lost my #ass#ort last week+ wouldnt have $een having so much trou$le now.

    !. he #olice caught him (as he was) clim$ing over the garden wall.

    &. 7ad though6as it is+ unem#loyment is unlikely to go down this year.

    . he man is $elieved to have esca#ed in a stolen car.

    . %aving nothing else to do+ we decided to go for a walk.

    /. 7he flatly refused to slee# in that haunted house.

    2. hey didnt have6need to call for hel# after all.

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    3. >ou wont find a more dedicated worker than 5rs. 4ones.

    Bey to exercise !!:

    1. dont want to $e distur$ed.

    !. heres every likelihood6#ossi$ility (that) well $e late.

    &. he committee ex#ressed a #reference for the first #ro#osal.. really must get down to answering all these letters.

    . ont $lame yourself6>oure not to $lame6 >ou musnt $lame yourself.

    /. heres 9uite a lot of criticism directed at the #olice nowadays.

    2. Luite $luntly6o #ut it $luntly60ut $luntly60utting it $luntly6luntly+ the mans an indiot.

    Bey to exercise !&:

    1. %ardly had she $egun to s#eak $efore6when $eo#le started interru#ting her.!. 8etting into work this morning was a $it difficult.

    &. 5uch to our regret+ we have to6must inform you that your a##lication hasnt $een successful.

    . heres hardly anything he doesnt know a$out whales.

    . he sooner we (can) solve the #ro$lem+ the $etter it will $e for all concerned.

    /. 7o great was the demand that they had to re#rint the $ook immediately.

    2. hey cant (#ossi$ly) have $een #laying in this weather.

    3. %e denied stealing6having stolen the car $ut admitted $orrowing6having $orrowed it.

    Bey to exercise !:

    1. ("ust) cant wait to meet them.

    !. hey s#ent the whole week lying on the $each sun$athing.

    &. have serious dou$ts as to whether this will work.

    . %es always had difficulties in learning English.

    . hont intend to give u# now.

    /. heyve always had6$een given6$een allowed the freedom to do whay they want.

    2. his (sort of) thing ha##ens6occurs 9uite fre9uently.

    3. was sorely ten#ted to say exactly what thought.

    Bey to exercise !:

    1. f had (only) $een thinking+ wouldnt have made that terri$le mistake.

    !. We were #lanning to visit grandmother+ so we left early in the morning.


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    /. ?nyone found tres#assing on this land will $e #rosecuted ($y the authorities)

    2. d rather go out for a meal than stay at home.

    3. ut for the weather+ it would have $een a su#er weekend.

    Bey to exercise !/

    1. was led to $elieve the film would $e very good.!. 7he made6offered her a#ologise and left early.

    &. he deadline for registration si 1st?#r.

    . he refugees $adly need warm clothes.

    . found the whole thing $affling.

    /. >oure under no o$ligation to $uy one if you dont like it.

    2. ?s67ong long as you #romise not to laugh+ ll show you our holiday sna#s.

    3. What do you think the outcome of the #resent negotiations will $eJ

    Bey to exercise !2:

    1. he team leader critici;ed 4ohn for not waiting6having waited for them.

    !. %e might not have got my letter.

    &. t last snowed here six years ago.

    . =nly when they told me a$out it later did reali;e what had missed.

    . here were far fewer #eo#le there than had ex#ected.

    /. =n $eing asked a$out the strike+ the 5inister declined to comment.

    2. >ou didnt need to go to all that trou$le.

    3. wish you wouldnt say things like that.

    Bey to exercise !3:

    1. d rather you waited until they $ring6$rought out a new model.

    !. he cat was nowhere to $e found.

    &. What finally ended the dis#ute was the unions agreement to go to ar$itration.

    . %e o$"ects to anyone else touching

    . What sur#rised me was (the fact) that no$ody said anything at the time.

    /. hey had $een #laying for &A minutes when the referee first $lew his whistle.

    2. admitted was to $lame for $urning6having $urnt the toast.

    3. he u#kee# of the museum is $ecoming extremely ex#ensive.

    Bey to exercise !:


  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    &. took you for a friend of ?nnas+ m sorry.

    . usy as6though she was+ she............

    . d rather you did com#uter science.

    /. t was not until last 5onday that he got his visa.

    2. hey #ersisted in saying that was to $lame.

    3. ietnamese coffee is regarded as one of the $est in the world.. 0rovided you aske me well in advance+ ll...........

    1A.7he denied using6having used $ad language.

    Bey to exercise &A:

    1. ?s a conse9uence of missing classes so often+ he failed his exam.

    !. 7end me a #ostcard the minute you arrive.

    &. >oure under no o$ligation to do it if you dont want to.. %owever hard tried+ didnt #ass my driving tests.

    . regretted ever having given u# that "o$.

    /. =n no account are strangers to $e6must strangers $e let in.


  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students



  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    /. 0arents6once6well-off6go out of $usiness.

    2. Bee#6eye6$a$y6while6$uy6milk.

    3. 7#eak6louder6he6hard of hearing.

    . 7orry6sli#6tongue.


    11.%e6cannot afford6small flat6su$ur$6let alone6$ig house6city centre.1!.4anuary6alone6forty $reak-ins6outskirts6city.

    1&.hey6advantage6hos#itality6stay6whole week6without6#ay.

    1.6$e used6get u# early6dont mind6leave6 oclock6morning.

    1.%e6used to6go hunting6forests6younger.

    Exercise &:

    1. %ardly66water6garden6$egin6rain.!. Who6take6minutes6last meetingJ

    &. 0ermanent mem$ers6Hnited

  • 8/13/2019 Writing for Gifted Students


    . t6$eing6holiday6few sho#s6o#en.

    1A.7hee#6outnum$er6#eo#le6ou6entitled6drive a car6without6your drivers licence.