How to write a scientific paper Patty Kane April 12, 2017

writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

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Page 1: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

How to write a scientific paper


Page 2: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

Somehelpfulresources!1) http://www.nature.com/scitable/ebooks/english-communication-for-scientists-


2) https://www.elsevier.com/connect/11-steps-to-structuring-a-science-paper-editors-will-take-seriously

3) --partofaseriesfromanauthor/reviewer/editoronhowtogetstartedonyourpaper

3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3009394/pdf/pro0019-2261.pdf--”TheArtofWritingScience”byKevinPlaxco--excellentpaperonhowtodevelopyourscientificwriting


Page 3: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

• When am I ready to write my paper?• What do I write?• Where do I start?• How do I know when I’m done?• Where do I send my paper?• What happens after I’ve submitted my


Page 4: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them






Page 5: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them



• Buttherearedifferenttypesofstories:--shortcommunication/letter--regularresearchpaper--comprehensivepaper


Page 6: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them





Page 7: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Outlineyourstory(oneapproach)– Startwithabroadoutline,thinkingaboutthequestionyouarestartingwithandwhereyouwanttoend

– Graduallymakeyouroutlinemoredetailed—whatpointswillyouneedtomake(whatdatawillyouneedtopresent)tobuildyourargument

– Outlinewilleventuallycontainsectionsofyourpaper

Page 8: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

WheredoIstart?• Figures—letthedatadriveyourstory

• Resultssection—writearoundyourfigures

• Discussion—putsyourpaperincontext

• Materialsandmethods—writeafteryouknowwhatisgoingtobeinyourfinalfigures

• Introduction—presentsthequestionyouareaddressingandplacingyourpaperinyourfield

• Abstract—writeafterothersectionsarecomplete

Page 9: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them
Page 10: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Relatesexperimentstoyourlargerquestion• Shouldpresentexperimentaldesignforeachfigure,butwithouttremendousexperimentaldetail

• Objectivelydescriberesults• Canincludesomeinterpretation/conclusions,butmuchofthisgoesinDiscussion

Page 11: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

Discussionsection• Discussesyourresultsasawholeinthecontextofyourquestion—moredetailedanalysisofresults

• Pointsoutwhatyourresultsarecontributingtothefield

• Canthinkofa“pyramid”—startingfromyourdetailedresultsandmovingoutinbreadthtoendwithhowyourworkfitsintoyourfield

• Sometimesgoodtoendwithremainingquestionsornextsteps

Page 12: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Shouldallowreadersofyourpapertoreproduceyourexperiments

• ShouldNOTberequiredforreaderstounderstandyourresultsanddiscussion(Manypeoplewon’treadthissection)

• Asageneralrule:referenceestablishedmethods,butdescribeneworsubstantiallyrevisedmethodsinmoredetail

Page 13: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Makesthequestionyouareaaddressingclear• Canconvincereadertocontinuereadingyourpaper

• Couldbethoughtofasinvertedpyramid:mostgeneralinformationtomorespecificinformationtoyourproject

• PurposeisNOTtoshoweverythingyouknowaboutyourfield(youcandothatinyourthesis!).Shouldbeunbiasedbutbedirectedtowardframingyourquestion/results.

Page 14: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

References• Formatisdependentonjournal

• Useareferencemanager(Endnoteorothers)

• Knowwhatisactuallyinthepapersyoureference!Trytofindsourcereferences.Don’tciteapaperforareferencethatisinthatpaper.

• Whenindoubt,reference—IntroductionandDiscussionwillgenerallyhavelotsofreferences;MaterialsandMethodsmayhavequiteafew,too.

Page 15: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


Page 16: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Veryimportantpartofpaper—willbeonPubMed.NEEDSTOCAPTUREINTEREST.

• Avoidalotofbackground,butmakeyourquestionclear.

• Generalexperimentalapproachandmostimportantresults.

• Requiresclear,concisewriting—haveothersoutsideyourlabreaditforclarity.

Page 17: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Currenttrendistowardtitlesthatdescriberesults:“TheRAVEcomplexisanisoform-specificV-ATPase assemblyfactor”

• Olderpapershadmoregeneraltitles:“BiochemicalcharacterizationofyeastV-ATPase”,“Astudyof…”

• Shortaspossible,butinformative

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Page 19: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

• Themostimportantruleissimple:ignoreanyandallotherrulesifdoingsomakesthepapereasiertoread.Writingtheclearest,easiesttoreadpaperspossibleistheone-and-onlygoal


Page 20: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

Scientificwritingisanart!• Makeyourreader’sjobaseasyaspossible• Trytoavoidpassivevoice• Becarefulaboutsentencestructure—ifyouuselongsentences,thenneedtobeveryclear

• Watchoutforlabjargon,unnecessaryabbreviations

• Trytonoticepapersthatyoufindexceptionallyclearwhenyouarereading—lookatwhatmakesthemclear

• Improvingyourwritingisalife-longeffort.

Page 21: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Complicatedissue—manyfactorstoconsider:--Impactfactor???--Wherewillpeopleinyourfieldbemostlikelytoreadyourpaper?--Isthepaper’stopicnarroworbroad(bothcanbeverysignificant)--Journalsgivesomeguidelinesaboutthetypeofpaperstheyarelookingfor--Thinkaboutjournalsyoureadandcitefrequently

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Page 23: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them


• Editorialreviewfirstatmanyjournals

• Editorsendspaperouttoreviewers(cansuggestreviewersincoverletteratsubmission)

• Reviewersaregenerallyanonymous;communicatewitheditorwhocommunicateswithyou.

Page 24: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

Outcomes• Acceptwithoutrevision—rarebutjoyous

• Acceptpendingrevisions—lookatreviewercommentstoseeifyoucananswerthem.Don’thavetodoeverything,butdohavetoaddressthemseriously.Cantalktoeditoraboutcomments.

• Reject—mournforalittlewhile,butthenlookatreviewercommentsandresubmitsomewhereelse.

Page 25: writing a scientific paper workshop• Accept pending revisions—look at reviewer comments to see if you can answer them. Don’t have to do everything, but do have to address them

• Questions????