new String[] {"hip”, "hip”}; (hip hip array!) Q: What’s the object-oriented way to become wealthy? A: Inheritance To understand what recursion is, you must rst understand recursion. Q: Why don't jokes work in octal? A: Because 7 10 11 Session: Write Bulletproof Trigger Code

Write bulletproof trigger code

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Page 1: Write bulletproof trigger code

new String[] {"hip”, "hip”};

(hip hip array!)

Q: What’s the object-oriented way to become wealthy?

A: Inheritance

To understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion.

Q: Why don't jokes work in octal?

A: Because 7 10 11

Session: Write Bulletproof Trigger Code

Page 2: Write bulletproof trigger code

Write Bulletproof Trigger Code

 Steve Cox  Senior Software Developer  [email protected]  @SteveCox67  

Writing Apex triggers can be simple, safe, and fun!

Page 3: Write bulletproof trigger code

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Safe Harbor

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Steve Cox Senior Software Developer, Exponent Partners

Page 5: Write bulletproof trigger code

1.  What are the “bullets”?

a)  Pop Quiz

b)  What makes trigger writing challenging?

2.  What’s our defense?!

a)  Don’t write a trigger

b)  Avoid DML

c)  Write great unit tests

d)  Use a good trigger framework


Page 6: Write bulletproof trigger code

1.  // When an account changes, set the description on all contacts associated with that account2.   trigger MyAccountTrigger on Account(before insert, before update) {3.  Account a = Trigger.new[0];4.  Contact[] contacts = [SELECT Salutation, FirstName FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];

5.  for (Contact c : contacts) {6.  c.Description = a.Name + ': ' + c.Salutation + ' ' + c.FirstName;7.  update c;8.  }9.  }

How many “bullets” is this trigger code littered with? “Bullets” Quiz

Page 7: Write bulletproof trigger code

1.  A variable number of records may be passed to your trigger

2.  Your trigger may be called multiple times due to workflow, other triggers, process builder, or flows

3.  The order of execution of multiple triggers on the same object is not defined

4.  Performance may be an issue if the object contains many records

5.  Limits!

6.  Testing triggers can be very involved

7.  Writing great Apex code is difficult

Several factors make trigger writing challenging “Bullets”

Page 8: Write bulletproof trigger code

Dealing with “Bullets” Defense #1: Don’t Write a Trigger - Configure

Page 9: Write bulletproof trigger code

•  Formula fields

•  Validation rules

•  Workflow

•  Roll-up summary fields

•  Approval processes

•  Visual flow

•  Process builder…

When possible, use point and click solutions rather than custom code Don’t Write a Trigger - Configure

. . . Use ANYTHING BUT a trigger

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Dealing with “Bullets” Defense #2: Avoid DML

Page 11: Write bulletproof trigger code

•  Just because a trigger is called doesn’t mean there’s anything that needs to be done

•  Don’t update records that don’t need to be updated

•  Don’t execute code that doesn’t need to be executed

Avoiding DML protects us from several “bullets”

•  Limits

•  Multiple calls and trigger “loops”

•  Performance issues

P.S. Be careful relying on static variables to determine multiple executions

Avoid DML

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1.   public class AccountHandler extends BaseHandler {

2.  public override void bulkAfterUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldAccounts, Map<Id,SObject> accounts) {3.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};4.  for (Account a : accounts) {5.  accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Description = a.Name + ': ' + a.AccountNumber);6.  }

7.  update accountsToUpdate;8.  }9.  }

What changes could be made to the code below to postpone or isolate DML? Avoid DML – But How?

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1.  public class AccountHandler extends BaseHandler {

2.  public override void bulkAfterUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldAccounts, Map<Id,SObject> accounts) {3.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};4.  for (Account a : accounts) {5.  Account oldAccount = (Account)oldAccounts.get(a.Id);6.  if ((a.Name != oldAccount.Name) || (a.AccountNumber != oldAccount.AccountNumber)) {7.  accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Description = a.Name + ': ' + a.AccountNumber));8.  }9.  }

10.  update accountsToUpdate;11.  }12. }

Method 1: has a relevant field changed? Avoid DML – But How?

Advantages / Disadvantages?

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1.   public class AccountHandler extends BaseHandler {

2.  public override void bulkAfterUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldAccounts, Map<Id,SObject> accounts) {3.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};4.  for (Account a : (Account[])accounts.values()) {5.  String newDescription = a.Name + ': ' + a.AccountNumber;6.  if (a.Description != newDescription) {7.  accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Description = newDescription);8.  }9.  }

10.  update accountsToUpdate;11.  }12.  }

Method 2: are we making a change? Avoid DML – But How?

Advantages / Disadvantages?

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1.   public class AccountHandler extends BaseHandler {

2.  public override void bulkAfterUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldAccounts, Map<Id,SObject> accounts) {3.  Map<Id,SObject> changedAccounts = accounts.clone(true);4.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};5.  for (Account a : changedAccounts) {6.  // logic / update a.field17.  // logic / update a.field28.  // ...9.  // logic / update a.fieldN10.  if (!accountsAreEqual(a, accounts.get(a.Id))) {11.  accountsToUpdate.add(a);12.  }13.  }

14.  update accountsToUpdate;15.  }16.  }

Method 3: are we making a change (complex logic)? Avoid DML – But How?

Advantages / Disadvantages?

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Dealing with “Bullets” Defense #3: Write Great Unit Tests

Page 17: Write bulletproof trigger code

1.  Design for testability!

2.  Use asserts

3.  Always test in bulk

4.  Test the happy path

5.  Don’t test if the trigger handler is disabled

6.  (?) Test error and exception conditions

7.  (?) Cover all logical branches

Write Great Unit Tests

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1.  trigger MyAccountTrigger on Account(before insert, before update) {2.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};

3.  for (Account a : (Account[])Trigger.new) {4.  String newDescription = a.Name + ': ' + a.AccountNumber;5.  if (a.Description != newDescription) {6.  accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Description = newDescription);7.  }8.  }

9.  update accountsToUpdate;10. }

Design: why is this code difficult to test? Write Great Unit Tests


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1.  public class AccountHandler extends BaseHandler {2.  public override void bulkAfterUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldAccounts, Map<Id,SObject> accounts) {3.   update Accounts.setDescriptions((Account[])accounts.values());4.  }5. }

6.  public class Accounts extends Domain { // enterprise patterns7.  public static Account[] setDescriptions(Account[] accounts) { // reusable!8.  Utils.preCondition(null != accounts, 'a list of accounts is required');9.  Account[] accountsToUpdate = new Account[]{};10.  for (Account a : accounts) {11.  String newDescription = a.Name + ': ' + a.AccountNumber;12.  if (a.Description != newDescription) {13.  accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Description = newDescription);14.  }15.  }16.  return accountsToUpdate; // no DML!17.  }

Design: fixes Write Great Unit Tests

Advantages / Disadvantages?

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1. @IsTest class TestAccounts extends BaseTest { // base does setup, creates myAdminUser, etc.2.  static testMethod void testSetDescriptions() {3.  System.runAs(myAdminUser) {4.  Account[] accounts = newAccounts('name'); // no DML!

5.  Test.startTest();6.  // no accounts7.  System.assert(Accounts.setDescriptions(new Account[]{}).isEmpty());

8.  // bulk accounts with changed descriptions9.  Account[] results = Accounts.setDescriptions(accounts);10.  Test.stopTest();

11.  for (Integer i = 0; i < accounts.size(); ++i) {12.  //TODO assert description was correctly set13.  }14.  }15.  . . .

Create a base class; always test in bulk Write Great Unit Tests

Advantages / Disadvantages?

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1.  @IsTest class TestAccounts extends BaseTest {2.  static testMethod void testSetDescriptions() {3.  System.runAs(myAdminUser) {4.  Test.startTest();5.  //TODO test with null values for Name, AccountNumber

6.  //TODO test with blank values for Name, AccountNumber

7.  //TODO test with long values for Name, AccountNumber

8.  //TODO test case where description doesn’t change

9.  //TODO test Accounts.setDescriptions(Accounts.setDescriptions())10.  Test.stopTest();11.  }12.  }13.  }

Cover all logic Write Great Unit Tests

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1.  @IsTest class TestAccounts extends BaseTest {2.  static testMethod void testTriggerHandlerAssertions() {3.  System.runAs(myAdminUser) {4.  Test.startTest();5.  try {6.  Accounts.setDescriptions(null);7.  System.assert(false, ‘records are required');8.  } catch (PreConditionException ex) {}9.  Test.stopTest();10.  }11.  }12.  }

Test error conditions & exceptions Write Great Unit Tests

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1. @IsTest class TestAccounts extends BaseTest {2.  static testMethod void testTriggerHandler() {3.  if (Utils.triggerIsEnabled('MyAccountTrigger', 'SetAccountDescriptions')) {4.  System.runAs(myAdminUser) {5.  Account[] accounts = newAccounts('name');6.  insert accounts;7.  //TODO assert descriptions are NOT set

8.  Test.startTest();9.  update accounts;10.  Test.stopTest();

11.  //TODO assert descriptions ARE set12.  }13.  . . .

Test the trigger Write Great Unit Tests

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Dealing with “Bullets” Defense #4: Use a Good Trigger Framework

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A framework can provide consistency and save loads of time

•  Allows you to specify the processing order

•  Makes enabling/disabling individual handlers a snap

•  Provides centralized diagnostics and error handling

•  Decreases development and ramp-up time

Use a Good Trigger Framework

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Framework Features Use a Good Trigger Framework

1.  trigger MyObj on MyObj__c(after delete, after insert, after undelete,2.  after update, before delete, before insert, before update) {3.  new TriggerFactory().handle(MyObj__c.SObjectType); // non-testable / non-reusable code4. }

// Trigger body is reduced to a single line

1.  public static Handler__c[] handlers {2.  get {3.  if (null == handlers) {4.  handlers = [SELECT ... FROM TriggerSettings WHERE Active__c = true ORDER BY Type__c, Order__c];5.  //categorize as desired – SObjectType, subsystem, feature, etc.6.  }7.  return handlers;8.  }

9.  private set;10. }

// Handlers are declared in custom settings, where they can be disabled or the order set

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Framework Features Use a Good Trigger Framework

1.  public void handle(SObjectType o) { // centralized trigger handler2.  final String type = String.valueOf(o);3.  if (!Boolean.valueOf(TriggerSettings.getInstance().EnableTriggers__c)) return;

4.  try {5.  if (!Boolean.valueOf(TriggerSettings.getInstance().get(‘Trigger_’ + type)) return;6.  } catch (Exception ex) {} // if no setting exists, handlers are enabled by default7.  8.  for (Handler__c h : handlers) {9.  if (h.Active__c && h.Type__c.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {10.  final String handlerName = h.Name.trim();11.  try {12.  ITrigger t = (ITrigger)Type.forName(handlerName).newInstance();13.  if (null != t) {14.  execute(t);15.  }16.  } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}17.  }18.  }19. }

// Centralized dispatcher enforces disabling

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Framework Features Use a Good Trigger Framework

1.  private void execute(ITrigger handler) { // centralized trigger handler2.  try {3.  if (Trigger.isBefore) {4.  if (Trigger.isInsert) {5.  handler.bulkBeforeInsert(Trigger.newMap);6.  for (SObject so : Trigger.new) {7.  handler.beforeInsert(so);8.  }9.  } else if (Trigger.isUpdate) {10.  handler.bulkBeforeUpdate(Trigger.oldMap, Trigger.newMap);11.  for (SObject so : Trigger.old) {12.  handler.beforeUpdate(so, Trigger.newMap.get(so.Id));13.  }14.  } else if (Trigger.isDelete) {15.  handler.bulkBeforeDelete(Trigger.oldMap);16.  for (SObject so : Trigger.old) {17.  handler.beforeDelete(so);18.  }19.  }20.  } else if (Trigger.isAfter) {21.  . . .

// A common, logical ‘execute’ pattern provides consistent routing

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Framework Features Use a Good Trigger Framework

1.  public virtual class BaseHandler extends BaseClass implements ITrigger {2.  /** the records that will be inserted when "andFinally" is called */3.  protected SObject[] toInsert = new SObject[]{};4.  . . .5.  6.  /** handle bulk "before" processing of insert */7.  public virtual void bulkBeforeInsert(Map<Id,SObject> sos)8.  { Utils.preCondition(Test.isRunningTest() || (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)); }9.  10.  /** handle bulk "before" processing of update */11.  public virtual void bulkBeforeUpdate(Map<Id,SObject> oldSos, Map<Id,SObject> sos)12.  . . .

13.  /** insert, update, and delete the processed records */14.  public virtual void andFinally() {15.  Utils.preCondition(isValid());16.  17.  insert toInsert;18.  . . .

// Base classes make handler writing a snap

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1.  Avoid them if possible!

2.  Only do DML when absolutely necessary

3.  Test thoroughly

4.  Use a good trigger framework

Writing bulletproof trigger code is challenging Summary

Page 32: Write bulletproof trigger code

Sample frameworks and additional guidance Additional Resources

•  Trigger Frameworks and Apex Trigger Best Practices – Kevin O’Hara

•  An architecture framework to handle triggers in the Force.com platform – Hari Krishnan

•  Trigger Pattern for Tidy, Streamlined, Bulkified Triggers – Tony Scott

•  Advanced Apex Programming – Dan Appleman

Page 33: Write bulletproof trigger code

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