WRD 103 Rhetorical Analysis for Petition Final

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  • 8/13/2019 WRD 103 Rhetorical Analysis for Petition Final


    Kinga Mamulska

    WRD 103

    Rhetorical Analysis for Petition - Final

    A petition usually has the goal of convincing and informing an audience about an issue

    and gives ideas about what should be done, and that is exactly what I did in my petition. The

    audience for this genre would mainly include people of all ages 18 and older that could take

    action and sign a petition but also be willing to listen to or read the change that should be made.

    The petition doesnt reallycontain the technique of much ethos to make the argument convincing

    since I dont put too much of myself in the petition. In a petition I wouldnt expect anyone to use

    too much ethos since a petition doesnt show an authors background in depth and most time the

    author may even be unknown. In my petition I used a lot of logos and some pathos to convince

    readers to take an action because those two techniques are more dominant in a petition.

    I mostly used the technique of logos because I assumed my audience to be somewhat

    uninformed about the issue. In my first paragraph of my petition I give a lot of information on

    why nursing homes are bad. While I am giving this information I also include many examples of

    how people are treated badly by saying specific things like the people not being bathed and fed

    properly and often. I argue that people in prisons get treated better because of the facts that

    people in prison get more attention and better care than people in nursing homes. A counter

    argument that isnt dealt with in depth is the issue of money but I do touch on it by saying that

    the government spends more money or prisoners anyway. I also mention that often times the

    people who are in nursing homes have it paid by their own money or their familys money. I

    dont believe I have left anything out when trying to use logic because everything I put into my

  • 8/13/2019 WRD 103 Rhetorical Analysis for Petition Final


  • 8/13/2019 WRD 103 Rhetorical Analysis for Petition Final


    the format of a petition very well, the final draft was not too long so it makes it an easy read as
