Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014

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  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    OpenWorld HighlightsContinuing the DW and Big

    Data Conversation


  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    Chapter 1

    Key Highlightsfrom 2014...

    Overview of the most important highlights from this

    year's OpenWorld conference...

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    OverviewOracle Executive Chairman and CTO Larry

    Ellison emphasized ease of use and cost

    advantages for customers during his keynote

    presentation on Tuesday at Oracle OpenWorld

    2014. Ellison said new capabilities introduced

    by Oracle in 2014 enable customers to easily

    move their on-premises databases and

    applications to Oracle Cloud, helping them

    achieve higher performance at lower costs.

    Thomas Kurian, Oracles executive vice president of product development, began

    his keynote speech at Oracle OpenWorld 2014 by discussing three major trends in

    business and culturebig data, mobility,

    and the cloud. He then detailed and

    demoed new products and services fromOracle that enhance customers ability to

    make use of all these important

    technologies. To watch the Thomas's

    keynote in full click here.

    Section 1


    1. Plugging Your Data Warehouse into the


    2. In-Memory: Speed of thought processing

    3. Big Data SQL: run SQL over all your data

    Key Messages

    Oracle Copyright 2014 2

    Oracle EVP Thomas Kurian

    Oracle Executive Chairman and CTOLarry Ellison

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    During his Oracle OpenWorld General Session on the Oracle Database, Andy Mendelsohn, EVP of Database Server Technologies, shared

    information about the latest Oracle Database 12c innovations, including Oracle Database In-Memory and Oracle Big Data SQL.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 3

    Click above to watch the Oracle OpenWorld General Session on the Oracle Database. Andy Mendelsohn, EVP of

    Database Server Technologies, shares the latest Oracle Database 12c innovations, including Oracle Database In-

    Memory and Oracle Big Data SQL.

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    Plugging your Data Warehouse into the Cloud

    As well as providing applications with more-modern characteristics that businesses need to compete more successfully, the automation

    provided by Oracle Cloud relieves customers from the burden of having to perform manual procedures that also sometimes result in

    costly human error. During his presentation on Tuesday Larry Ellison stated that:

    Automation is a huge di!erence. When you move from on-premise or infrastructure as a service toplatform as a service, your costs

    drop precipitously because Oracles so much easier to use.

    Getting onto the Cloud using Oracle Multitenant is very simple. Administrators can utilize familiar upgrade-in-place methods to upgrade

    existing databases and plug them into a multitenant container database or use data integration tools such as Data Pump and GoldenGate

    to migrate data to pluggable databases.

    Administrators can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to simplify the management of Oracle Multitenant from database

    creation, to workload resource management, problem diagnosis and more. This creates the perfect environment for delivering an

    enterprise data warehouse alongside departmental data marts and self-contained analytical sandboxes that are now a vital part of dataexploration within the logical data warehouse (For more information about building a logical data warehouse please refer to the session by

    Brian Beckman - DW Platform Manager, Procter & Gamble - from this year's conference, click here).

    For more information about visit the Multitenant home page on Oracle.com, click here.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 4

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    In-Memory: Speed of thought processing

    During his keynote presentation Oracle Executive Chairman and

    CTO Larry Ellison personally handled the live, on-stage

    demonstration, in which he showedhow easy it was forcustomers to move an Oracle Database 12c database from an

    on-premises to cloud deployment and graphically displayed the

    queryperformance improvements enabled by the Oracle Database In-Memoryoptions in-memory

    column format capabilities. To watch the keynote session click here.

    A new option for Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Database In-Memory optimizes both analytics and mixed workload OLTP, delivering

    outstanding performance for transactions while simultaneously supporting real-time analytics, business intelligence, and reports. For

    more information about Oracle Database In-Memory watch the following videos.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 5

    Database Industry Experts Share

    Perspectives on Database In-


    Oracle Applications Executives

    Discuss the Real-Time Enterprise

    Oracle Executive Chairman and

    CTO Larry Ellison

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    SQL over all your Data

    Hadoop is a big data platform for many companies, but can be problematic because it requires expertise in a programming model called

    MapReduce. Oracle Big Data Discovery lets users profile, explore, and analyze Hadoop data, and do prediction and correlation. With

    Oracle Big Data Discovery you will be able to explore and find patterns and problems with your data.

    Oracle Big Data Discovery combined with Oracle Big Data SQLa recently introduced toolset for working with data across relational

    and big data systems using Structured Query Languagerepresents a powerful combination of technologies for supporting a truly

    e"ective big data strategy:

    # Provides single, optimized SQL query for distributed data

    # Supports multiple data sources, including Hadoop, NoSQL and Oracle Database

    # Includes automatic, extensible Oracle Database external table generation

    Oracle Copyright 2014 6

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    # Provides Smart Scan on Hadoop to minimize data movement and maximize performance

    # Ensures advanced security for Hadoop and NoSQL data

    The key benefits of Big Data SQL are:

    # Use the SQL skills you already have to query any data source

    # Access Hadoop and NoSQL using existing applications with SQL

    # Extend Oracle Database security to Hadoop and NoSQL

    For more information about how Oracle Big Data SQL enables you to use a single query to quickly and securely access your distributed

    data read the in-depth article on Oracle.com, click here.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 7

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    What are the next steps...

    Now you know about the key messages get more in depth analysis about each area by checking out the session catalog and

    downloading the presentations. We have grouped the presentations into the following categories:

    # Data Warehousing with Database 12c

    # General Data Warehouse and Big Data Sessions

    # Performance and Scalability Sessions

    # SQL Analytics

    # Industry Solutions

    # Unstructured Data

    # Big Data

    Stay up to date on all the latest developments in data warehousing and big data by bookmarking our social mediapages listed in Chapter


    Oracle Copyright 2014 8

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    Chapter 2

    OracleDatabase 12cGet ready to plug your data warehouse in to theCloud.

    In the following section you can listen to George

    Lumpkin, Vice President of Product Management

    for big data and data warehousing, talk about the

    exciting new features in Oracle Database 12cthat

    will enable your data warehousing and big data

    projects to deliver the FUTURE, today.

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    Overview: Big Data and Data Warehousing for the Enterprise

    Oracle Database 12c provides a comprehensive database platform for data

    warehousing and big data that combines industry-leading scalability and

    performance, deeply integrated analytics, and embedded data integration and

    data-quality:all in a single platform running on a reliable, low-cost grid


    Oracle Database 12c provides best-of-breed functionality for data warehouses and

    data marts, with robust partitioning functionality, proven scalability to 100's of TBs,

    and innovative query-processing optimizations.

    Oracle Database 12c also provides a uniquely integrated platform for analytics; by

    embedding OLAP, Data Mining, and statistical capabilities directly into the

    database, Oracle delivers all of the functionality of standalone analytic engines in a

    single scalable server.

    Watch the following videos with George Lumpkin, Vice President of Product

    Management for big data and data warehousing, to learn more about Oracle

    Database 12c and how it delivers a true enterprise platform, providing advanced

    security, high availability, and self-managing capabilities for the most demanding

    data warehouses. For the full set of Oracle Database 12cvideos clickhere.


    1. Overview

    2. Video Presentations

    1. Transformational time for Data


    2. Uncovering more business value with


    3. Easier management and administration

    4. Lowering TCO

    5. Ready for the FUTURE with big data

    Oracle Database 12c for Data Warehousing

    Oracle Copyright 2013 10

    Section 1

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    PDF Users - clickhereto link to movie - this movie requires an internet connection

    Movie 2.1

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    Oracle Copyright 2013 12

    PDF Users - clickhereto link to movie - this movie requires an internet connection

    Movie 2.2

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    PDF Users - clickhereto link to movie - this movie requires an internet connection

    Movie 2.3

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    PDF Users - clickhereto link to movie - this movie requires an internet connection

    Movie 2.4

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    Oracle Copyright 2013 15

    PDF Users - clickhereto link to movie - this movie requires an internet connection

    Movie 2.5

    Oracle Copyright 2014

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    For more information about the new data warehousing and big data features of Database Oracle 12c please refer to the following links:

    # Data Warehousing

    # Analytical SQL

    # Advanced Analytics(Oracle Data Mining)

    #Data Warehousing Best Practices

    # OLAP Option

    # Parallelism and Scalability

    # Partitioning

    # Query Optimization

    # Text

    # XML DB

    #Spatial and Graph

    # Industry Data Models

    # Airline, Communications, Retail

    There are additional links to product related blogs and social media sites in Chapter 7: Keeping You Updated

    Oracle Copyright 2013 16 Oracle Copyright 2014

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    Chapter 3

    SessionCatalogueThis section contains a list of the most importantdata warehouse and big data sessions at this years

    OpenWorld. It includes all the sessions by the

    Oracle Product Management and Development

    teams along with key customer sessions, details of

    this years Big Data hands-on lab.

    Read on for the list of the best, most innovative

    sessions at Oracle OpenWorld 2014...

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    This section provides a detailed list of all the key Data Warehousing general sessions from this years OpenWorld. Clicking on the session

    title will link though to the OpenWorld content catalogue where the presentation is available for download.

    Key for General Sessions

    Session marked with a redbox are presentations by Oracle Product Management

    Session marked with a bluebox are presentations by customer/partner

    The last 12 months have witnessed a range of Oracle product releases to help customers embrace the cloud and gain easier access to

    reservoirs of big data. Join Oracle Executive Vice President Andy Mendelsohn in this session to learn how the latest Oracle Database 12c

    innovations, including Oracle Database In-Memory and Oracle Big Data SQL, can help businesses improve their bottom line with fast,

    real-time access to all their datasources.

    Section 1

    General Sessions

    Oracle Copyright 2014 18

    Section 1 - Your MUST-DOWNLOAD sessions

    General Sessions

    Whats New from Oracle Database Development?

    Speaker Andy Mendelsohn - Executive Vice President Database Server Technologies, Oracle

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    For more than 30 years, Oracle has extended the database with industry-leading innovations, never breaking its pledge to bring your

    existing applications and DBAs along. That trend continues with the introduction of Oracle Database In-Memory, an in-memory columnstore second to none and compatible with all existing applications. This session explains in detail what motivated Oracle to develop this

    new technology and provides a clear understanding of how this unique dual format architecture works. It also illustrates how the new in-

    memory functionality interacts with key database performance features such as Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), Oracle

    Partitioning, parallel execution, and much more.

    Oracle Exadata has transformed Oracle Database for online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and database as a service

    (DBaaS). In this session, you will learn about the latest Oracle Exadata technology and where Oracle Exadata is going in the future.

    Tomorrows data warehousing platform embraces all the innovations and cost advantages of Hadoop while continuing to deliver the high-

    performance run-your-business analytics of todays database platforms. Oracle is introducing its big data management system, an

    integrated platform across Oracle Database 12c and Hadoop, as the platform for the future. In this session, learn


    Oracle E adata: Whats New and Whats Coming

    Speaker Juan Loaiza - Senior Vice President, Oracle

    Oracle Database 12c and the Future of Data Warehousing in the Era of Big Data

    Speaker George Lumpkin - Vice President, Product Management, OracleNeil Mendelson - Vice President, Big Data, Oracle

    Oracle Database In-Memory: The Next Big Thing

    Speaker Juan Loaiza - Senior Vice President, Oracle

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    # How Oracle Database 12c expands the power of your existing data warehouses

    # How Oracle Big Data Appliance is the ideal platform for your Hadoop applications

    # How the integration of these two platforms into Oracles big data management system unifies the best of both worlds

    In this session, hear how customers are solving challenges of cutting-edge data management by using Oracle data warehousing and big

    data solutions on engineered systems such as Oracle Exadata and Oracle Big Data Appliance. Learn how these customers are applying

    innovative data management and analytic techniques to drive their business, make the right decisions, and find hidden information. Theconversation will be wide-ranging, with customer panelists from a variety of industries discussing business benefits, technical

    architectures, implementation best practices, and future directions.

    This session covers the fundamentals of Oracle Multitenant, including the new features delivered with Oracle Database 12c Release


    Data Wa ehousing and Big Data Customer Panel

    Speaker George Lumpkin - Vice President, Product Management, Oracle

    Reiner Zimmermann - Senior Director, DW & Big Data Product Management, Oracle

    Laura Mckechnie - Principal Product manager, Oracle

    Oracle Multitenant: Whats New in Oracle Database 12c Release

    Speaker Patrick Wheeler - Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle

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    A successful deployment of Oracle Multitenant will depend on following best practices in several key categories. This session reviews the

    best practices that have been established and validated by several early adopters of Oracle Multitenant.

    With 12c, Oracle adds a columnar in-memory data store to Oracle Database. This new feature results in a massive acceleration of query

    execution. Even better, the columnar store is integrated transparently. Not a single line of application code, ETL, or reporting logic has to

    be changed to benefit from it. This presentation assesses the application of the in-memory columnar store to the areas of data

    warehousing and business intelligence. Live demonstrations show typical tasks that benefit significantly from the columnar store, andlow-hanging fruits are identified. Thus, attendees will get a clear picture of why it is to their best advantage to use the option in their

    environments and how they can get the most out of it.

    As business intelligence needs have evolved, Procter & Gambles existing data warehousing reporting applications that meet criticalbusiness needs werent able to evolve e"ectively to meet all new BI requirements. Thus, the company needed to evolve its data

    warehousing approach to establish a solid foundation that would enable native agility. It chose to implement a logical enterprise data

    warehouse, using its existing data warehousing environments to build upon its successful data warehousing implementations yet deliver

    new functionality quickly. At the end of this presentation, participants will have learned how logical data warehousing can be built within

    and used from existing data warehouses to meet new business needs.


    Oracle Multitenant: Best Practices

    Speaker Patrick Wheeler - Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle

    Oracle In-Memory: The Game Changer in Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

    Speaker Holger Friedrich - CTO, sumIT AG

    Building a Logical Enterprise Data Warehouse from Existing Data Warehouses

    Speaker Brian Beckman - DW Platform Manager, Procter & Gamble

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    This section provides a detailed list of all the key Data Warehousing general sessions from this years OpenWorld. Clicking on the session

    title will link though to the OpenWorld content catalogue where the presentation is available for download.

    Key for Performance and Scalability

    Session marked with a redbox are presentations by Oracle Product Management

    Session marked with a bluebox are presentations by customer

    If You Think Partitioning Is Only for Performance, Think Again

    Speaker Hermann Baer - Senior Director Product Management, Oracle

    Oracle Partitioning is one of the most proven and successful examples of Oracle Database functionality, used by tens of thousands of

    customers. However, more than 15 years after its introduction, there is a common conception that Oracle Partitioning is mainlyor even

    onlyfor performance. Although it is true that Oracle Partitioning provides tremendous performance benefits, there is way more to it. So

    whats this secret functionality? Why do many customers even use Oracle Partitioning only for these other reasons? Attend this session

    to learn the secret part of the tremendous benefits Oracle Partitioning has to o"er.

    Section 2 - Your MUST-DOWNLOAD sessions

    Performance & Scalability

    Oracle Copyright 2014 22

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    Against the backdrop of rapidly changing business requirements, rapidly increasing data sets, increasing levels of analytical

    sophistication, and more users wanting shorter execution times, it has become increasingly necessary to balance resource consumption

    and service levels in a flexible and dynamic manner. This session covers Oracle Database 12c parallel processing and resource

    management. You will learn how to meet your data warehouse performance needs, how to achieve optimal parallelism and good

    workload management, and how to drive excellent query performance. Although the presentation covers some of the latest features in

    Oracle Database 12c, you will learn about best practices that are applicable to all data warehouse environments.

    Oracle Database In-Memory introduces in-memory columnar tables and a new set of SQL execution optimizations such as single

    instruction, multiple data (SIMD) processing; column elimination; storage indexes; and in-memory aggregationall of which are designed

    specifically for in-memory tables. The Oracle Optimizer feature of Oracle Database has fully incorporated in-memory features into its cost

    model to enable existing query workloads to take full advantage of in-memory columnar tables. This session provides an overview of key

    in-memory features and shows how to understand new execution plans and how query workloads benefit from in-memory tables. Thissession uses real-world examples to illustrate features and help you understand how to best leverage in-memory tables.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 23

    Parallel xecution and Resource Management in Concurrent Environments

    Speaker Nigel Bayliss - Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle

    Yasin Baskan - Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle

    Oracle Database In-Memory Meets Oracle OptimizerSpeaker Mohamed Zait, Architect, Oracle

    Bud Endress, Director, Product Management, Oracle

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    The modern data scientist needs self-contained private sandbox environments in which to perform what-if read-write analytics with

    full data sets. The dream is to provision these sandboxes in an instant and perform analytics at the speed of thought. In this session, learnhowwith Oracle Multitenant and Oracle Database In-Memorythat dream has become a reality today.

    To help physicists at CERN analyze their data more e$ciently, a study was done of the use of database technology to store and analyze

    data recorded by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Because reconstructed physics objects are described with hundreds of

    variables, this physics analysis database has very wide tables. Each physicist typically requires a unique combination of variables to find

    the events of interest for a particular analysis, making it di$cult to choose appropriate indexes for this data. This presentation shows how

    Oracles new in-memory columnar store helps improve performance when analyzing this type of data.

    Oracle recently announced the availability of Oracle Database In-Memory, a memory-optimized database technology that transparently

    adds real-time analytics to applications. Because it is 100 percent compatible with existing Oracle Database applications, its easy to

    integrate it into your environment and to begin reaping the benefits. This session explains in detail the top five things you need to know to

    Oracle Copyright 2014 24

    Oracle Multitenant Meets Oracle Database In-Memory

    Speaker Patrick Wheeler - Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle

    Using th In-Memory Columnar Store to Perform Real-Time Analysis of CERN Data

    Speaker Emil Pilecki - DBA, CERN

    Manuel Marquez - data scientist, CERN

    Top Five Things to Know About Oracle Database In-MemorySpeaker Maria Colgan - Master Product Manager, Oracle

    Sudheendra Vijayakumar - Principal DBA, Yahoo!

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    get the most from Oracle Database In-Memory out of the box. With easy-to-follow real-world examples, the presentation explains exactly

    what steps you need to take to get up and running on Oracle Database In-Memory and demonstrates just how much performance you

    can expect.

    A SQL statement that calls a PL/SQL function is slower than one that defines the same result by using only SQL expressions. The culprit

    is the SQL to PL/SQL round-trip. Its cost can be reduced by marking the function deterministic, by invoking it in a scalar subquery, by

    using the PL/SQL function result cache, or by some other caching scheme. With caching, you cant predict the result set if the function

    isnt pure, so it would seem that caching should be used with caution. This session shows that a function must have certain properties to

    be safe even without cachingin other words that the possible semantic e"ect of caching is a red herring. You cant rely on the ordering

    and number of function invocation any more than you can rely on group by to do ordering.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 25

    Doing PL/SQL from SQL: Correctness and Performance

    Speaker Bryn Llewellyn - Distinguished Product Manager, Oracle

    S ti 3 Y MUST DOWNLOAD i

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    This section provides a detailed list of all the key Data Warehousing general sessions from this years OpenWorld. Clicking on the session

    title will link though to the OpenWorld content catalogue where the presentation is available for download.

    Key for SQL Analytics

    Session marked with a redbox are presentations by Oracle Product Management

    Session marked with a bluebox are presentations by customer

    Analyzing data reservoirs in the brave new world of big data can be very challenging and time-consuming. What if you could quickly andeasily apply sophisticated analytical functions to any datawhether its in Hadoop/NoSQL sources or an Oracle Database instance

    using a simple declarative language you already know and love? Welcome back to SQL! This presentation is based on a live demo that

    takes you from big data application log files to deep, sophisticated, multilayered data discovery analytics via pattern matching, analytical

    summarizations, and predictions in just 45 minutes. No one knows SQL like Oracle knows SQL, so come and be amazed at how much

    SQL can really do to help you deliver faster, richer, better big data analytics.

    Section 3 - Your MUST-DOWNLOAD sessions

    SQL Analytics

    Oracle Copyright 2014 26

    Using Analytical SQL to Intelligently Explore Big Data

    Speaker Marty Gubar - Director of Big Data Product Management, Oracle

    Keith Laker - Senior Principal Product Manager, Data Warehousing and Big Data, Oracle

    Joerg Otto - Head of Database Engineering, IDS GmbH - Analysis and Reporting Services

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    Moving data mining algorithms to run as native data mining SQL functions eliminates data movement, automates knowledge discovery,

    and accelerates the transformation of large-scale data to actionable insights from days/weeks to minutes/hours. In this session, Fiserv, a

    leading global provider of electronic commerce systems for the financial services industry, shares best practices for turning in-database

    predictive models into actionable policies and illustrates the use of Oracle Data Miner for fraud prevention in online payments. Attendees

    will learn how businesses that implement predictive analytics in their production processes significantly improve profitability and maximize

    their ROI.

    The debate is over. Customers experience performance increases of 50x to 350x for common operations with Oracle Spatial and Graph in

    Oracle Database 12c. With no changes to application codeusing the same hardware, same data, and same queriesapplications

    realize these performance improvements. In this session, learn how this has been achieved, the benefits obtained by customers, and how

    you can get the same results. In the session, experts from Oracle, Neustar, and Think Huddle share test results for

    Oracle Copyright 2014 27

    Big Data and Predictive Analytics: Fiserv Data Mining Case Study

    Speaker Charles Berger - Senior Director, Product Management, Data Mining and Advanced Analytics, Oracle

    Miguel Barrera - Director, Risk Analytics, Fiserv, Inc

    Julia Minkowski - Risk Manager, Fiserv, Inc.

    Big Data Spatial Performance with Oracle Database 12c

    Speaker James Steiner - Vice President, Product Management, Oracle

    Daniel Geringer - Senior Software Development Manager, Oracle

    Siva Ravada - Senior Director of Development, Oracle

    Nick Salem - Distinguished Engineer, NEUSTAR INC

    Steven Pierce - CEO, Think Huddle, LLC

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    # Aggregation, distance, and containment operations

    # Geocoding, bu"er, and raster operations

    # LiDAR workloads on the newest Oracle Exadata systems

    Also see the results of tests comparing Oracle Spatial and Graph with several other open source and commercial products.

    Learn how graph databases now provide a scalable and secure semantic metadata layer to unify and federate relational, big data, and

    fast data sources. Oracle Spatial and Graph is completely integrated with Oracle Database 12c, thereby providing developers with the

    enterprise-class performance, scalability, and security necessary for todays graph-based applications. Lines of businesses are migrating

    to graph databases to build out their linked data, logical data warehousing, and data integration solutions. This presentation highlights

    how customers are benefiting from the enterprise-class performance, scalability, and security necessary for todays graph -based


    With the advent of R and a rich ecosystem of users and developers, a myriad of bloggers, and thousands of packages with functionality

    ranging from social network analysis and spatial data analysis to empirical finance and phylogenetics, use of R is on a steep uptrend. With

    new R tools from Oracle, including Oracle R Enterprise, Oracle R Distribution, and Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop, users can

    Oracle Copyright 2014 28

    A Perfec Storm: Oracle Big Data Science for Enterprise R and SAS Users

    Speaker Marcos Arancibia Coddou - Product Manager, Oracle Advanced Analytics, Oracle

    Mark Hornick - Director, Advanced Analytics, Oracle

    Coolest raph Features in Oracle Database 12c

    Speaker Xavier Lopez - Director, Product Management, Oracle

    Zhe Wu - Architect, Oracle

    Jayanta Banerjee, Oracle

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    scale and integrate R for their enterprise big data needs. Come to this session to learn about Oracles R technologies and what data

    scientists from smart companies around the world are doing with R.

    SAS Solutions OnDemand, through its software as a service (SaaS) o"ering, provides a cloud-based service for more than 500 customer

    sites and tens of thousands of users across 70 countries. In this session, SAS discusses the innovative techniques and best practices it

    uses to support its premium customers on an Oracle engineered systems and Oracle Database infrastructure. It describes how using new

    features in Oracle Database 12c and Oracle Multitenant on Oracle Exadata systems increases e$ciencies for lowering TCO while

    maintaining the highest standards of security, availability, agility, and performance that its customers demand and expect.

    Starting from common problems facing SQL developers, this session gives insight into how the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause provides

    solutions that are more straightforward and e$cient than pre-12c methods such as analytics or the MODEL clause. Among the problemareas covered: grouping sequences, grouping based on intervals or running totals, and bin fitting problems. Real-life examples in the

    session illustrate how to solve advanced analytical problems, with a focus on regular expressions. Attendees will learn how to think of

    common problems in terms of pattern matching; how to discern problem types that MATCH_RECOGNIZE can help solve; and how to

    work around some limitations, including the major pitfall of regular expressions: catastrophic backtracking.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 29

    SAS Solutions OnDemand: A Multitenant Cloud O#ering Based on Oracle Database 12c

    Speaker Patrick Wheeler - Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle

    Aalok Muley - Sr. Director Database Development, Oracle

    Randy Wilcox - DBA Team Manager, SAS Institute Inc.

    Oracle Database 12c Row Pattern Matching: Beating the Best Pre-12c Solutions

    Speaker Stew Ashton, BNP Paribas

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    The functionality available to Oracle Database developers has evolved over all releases of Oracle Database. The improvements have

    allowed for faster development, richer functionality, and better-performing code as well as clearly establishing the role of the database in

    multi-tier applications and SOA architectures. Areas of recent improvement include core SQL (with inline PL/SQL), flashback, data pattern

    processing, zero-downtime application upgrades, XML manipulation, JSON support, inbound and outbound HTTP processing, data

    redaction, fine-grained auditing and authorization, and PL/SQL language extensions. This session demonstrates the most-useful

    Database 12c features for application developers.

    This session presents three case studies related to predictive analytics with the Oracle Data Mining feature of Oracle Advanced Analytics.

    Service contracts cancellation avoidance with Oracle Data Mining is about predicting the contracts at risk of cancellation at least nine

    months in advance. Predicting hardware opportunities that have a high likelihood of being won means identifying such opportunities at

    least four months in advance to provide visibility into suppliers of required materials. Finally, predicting cloud customer churn involves

    identifying the customers that are not as likely to renew.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 30

    Everythi g That Is Really Useful in Oracle Database 12c for Application Developers

    Speaker Lucas Jellema - Solution Architect, AMIS Holding B.V.

    Predictive Analytics with Oracle Data Mining

    Speaker Bryan Hodge - Global Leader, Customer Intelligence, Oracle

    Vinay Deshmukh - Senior Director, Oracle

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    Traditional database applications use SQL queries to filter, aggregate, and summarize data. This is called descriptive analytics. The next

    level is predictive analytics, where hidden patterns are discovered to answer questions that give unique insights that cannot be derived

    with descriptive analytics. Businesses are increasingly using machine learning techniques to perform predictive analytics, which helps

    them better understand past data, predict future trends, and enable better decision-making. This session discusses how to use machine

    learning algorithms such as regression, classification, and clustering to solve a few selected business use cases.

    Dunnhumby is all about driving value by understanding what each individual customer wants, needs, and prefers. But insights can deliver

    results only when they are appliedwhen you listen, make better decisions, and reward customers for what they do. This is true for all of

    us, whether our customers are consumers or other businesses. Attend this session to hear about Dunnhumbys own internal journey to

    enable greater customer-centricity by leveraging Oracle Customer Experience solutions.

    Oracle Copyright 2014 31

    Advance Predictive Analytics for Database Developers on Oracle

    Speaker Pirama Arumuga nainar - Senior Software Engineer, Oracle

    Ekine Akuiyibo - Software Engineer, Oracle

    Debabrata Sarkar - Senior Engineering Manager, Oracle

    Customer Case Study: Putting Customers at the Center of Every Decision

    Speaker Angelique Moon, Oracle

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    With almost 120 years of franchising experience, Dunkin Brands owns two of the worlds most recognized, beloved franchises: Dunkin

    Donuts and Baskin-Robbins. This session describes a market basket analysis solution built from scratch on the Oracle Advanced

    Analytics platform at Dunkin Brands. This solution enables Dunkin to look at product a$nity and a host of associated sales metrics with

    a view to improving promotional e"ectiveness and cross-sell/up-sell to increase customer loyalty. The presentation discusses the

    business value achieved and technical challenges faced in scaling the solution to Dunkin Brands transaction volumes, including

    engineered systems (Oracle Exadata) hardware and parallel processing at the core of the implementation. Have you ever wanted to add

    some data science to your Oracle Application Express applications?

    This session shows you how you can combine predictive analytics from Oracle Data Miner into your Oracle Application Express

    application to monitor sentiment analysis. Using Oracle Data Miner features, you can build data mining models of your data and apply

    them to your new data. The presentation uses Twitter feeds from conference events to demonstrate how this data can be fed into your

    Oracle Application Express application and how you can monitor sentiment with the native SQL and PL/SQL functions of Oracle Data

    Miner. Oracle Application Express comes with several graphical techniques, and the presentation uses them to create a sentiment


    Oracle Copyright 2014 32

    Market asket Analysis at Dunkin Brands

    Speaker Mahesh Jagannath, Dunkin Brands

    PrasannaKumar Palanisamy - Development Manager, Dunkin Donuts

    What Ar They Thinking? With Oracle Application Express and Oracle Data Miner

    Speaker Brendan Tierney - Consultant, DIT & Oralytics.com$

    Roel Hartman - Director, APEX Consulting$

    Section 4 - Your MUST-DOWNLOAD sessions

  • 7/24/2019 Wrap-Up OpenWorld 2014


    This section provides a detailed l