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  • 8/3/2019 WR_A14_FinancesLHO



    Analysis of Lee Harvey Oswalds FinancesFrom June 13, 1962,

    Through November 22, 1963The following analysis of Lee Harvey Oswalds receipts and ex-penditures for the period June 13, 1962, through November 22, 1963,contains a complete record of all funds that he and his wife are re-ported to have received and disbursed from all known sources. It alsocontains an estimate for food, clothing, and incidental expenses, whichinclude telephone calls, money order and check cashing fees, postage,local transportation costs, personal care goods and services, local news-papers, and similar small items. Oswalds expenditures for food, cloth-ing, and incidentals were estimated at $100 per month, except for those

    months in which his wi fe and children resided with relatives oracquaintances. The estimate reflects Oswalds frugal living habitsduring this period, as described in chapter VI of this report. TheCommission has been advised by the Bureau of Labor Statistics ofthe U.S. Department of Labor that this estimate is a little higher thanwould be normal for a family in Oswalds income class residing in thesouthern region of the United States. (See Commission ExhibitNo. 1169.)Lee Harvey Oswald Receipts and ExpendituresJune 13, 1962, to Nov. 22, 1963

    June 1962: ReCeipt8 Ew& BalanceOn hand on arrival, New York Ci ty 1-------- $63.00Received from Robert Oswald ------ _____ -_ 290.00Received from Marguerite Oswald __________ 10.00Transportation in New York City ---------- ----___- $10.35Plane fare, New York City to Dallas, includingluggage-__-____-_________-_____________ _----__- 201.94Hotel bill, New York City- __--________ ---- __-----_ 15.21Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses------------------------------- -------- 5.00Public stenographer--------- ___- -_-___-_-_ ___--___ 10. 09Estimated repayment, Robert Oswald_____ -- ___--_-_ 30.00- -Total----------__-_____________________ 273.00 271.60- -- -Cash on hand, June 30, 1962-- ____________________ -_- -__________ $1.40

    July 1962:Net salarylo~~~~~~~___~___---______________ 46.82Estimated repayment, Robert Oswald------- --_____- 10.00Subscription for Time magazine----------- _----_-_ 3.87~ ~Total______-____-______________________ 46.82 13.87- --Cash on hand, July 31, 1962------------------------------------- 34.35741

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    August 1962 :Net sa81ary------------------------ _-______Repayment, State Department loan ---------Estimated repayment, Rohert Oswald 5------Rent and utilities ________________ ---------Subscription for the \Vorker I7------ ---______Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses-------------------------------

    Cash on hand, Aug. 31,1962- ________ -___---_--

    September 1962 :Net salary18- _____________ ---- ________ --_---Received from Paul Gregory 2o---- ________-__Rent and utilities=--------------------- ____Repayment, State Department loan E---------Estimated repayment, Robert Oswald 23-------Subscription for the Russian humor magazineKrokodil ______________________ ------Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses _-_______---______-_____________

    Total----------------------------------Cash on hand, Sept. 30,1962 ____ -- ____ -_-----_

    October 1962 :Net salary=--------------------------------Received from George Bouhe %---- __________-Repayment, State Department loan 3 _______--Rent, room in YMCA ls------------- ______---Post otEce box rental 28 ____---_________-----Estimated repayment, Robert Oswald 30-------Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses-------------------------------

    Total----------------------------------Cash on hand, Oct. 31,1962----- --___ ---- _____

    Receipt8 EWM&i- Balance$207.31__------ $10.00__------ 50. 0071.50_------- 2.00--_----- i5.00-- 207.31 208.50- ~__-_____----------- $33.16

    November 1962 :Netsalary52--------------------------------Rent.= ----___-__-_--______----------------Rental of U-Haul Trailer ?-----------------Repayment, State Department loan ~---------Bus fare, Dallas to Fort Worth and return s-eEstimated cost of food, clothing, and incidental

    Total----------------------------------Cash on hand, Nov. 30.1962 ____ ---_---___-----_

    187.5935. 00___----- 71.50__------ 9. 71- - - - - - - - 50. 00__------ 2.20- - - - - - - - 100.00- -

    222.59 233.41- -______-__-_____----- 22.34

    228.225.00-------- 10.00-_------ 9.00-_------ 4.50-------- 60.00-------- 50.00

    233.22 133.50- -----____-__--e-s--- 122.06

    315.71-------- 73. 00-------- 5.00-------- 10.00__------ 4.60-------- 50.00

    315.51 142.60- -- -,___-_----__-____-- 295.17742

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    December 1962 : Receip t8 Expendi-twes BalanceNet salary-----_------__-----_____________ $243.13Rent88~~----~~~--i~~~~_----~-~~---~~~---~~~ ---_____Post off ice box rental----------- _____ ----_ $68.00----L--- 4.50Repayment, State Department loan I ___- ---_- --- _____ 190.00Subscription for the Militant-- _____ -- _____ - _______ 1.00Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses -___---____-----________________ -.----_-_ loo. 00~ -Total__---_-_------____________________ 243.13 363.50----Cashon hand, Dec. 31, 1962 _-___ -___-- _____- ---_- _--- --_-___-_-_- $174.80

    January 1963 :Net salary --_____-_____ - ___-_____________Rent and utilities _____ ------------_ ____ --_Repayment, State Department loan 16---------Deposit, Smith & Wesson revolver----------Fee paid Crazier Tech High School ---------Subscription for Ogonek, Agitator, SovetskayaBelorussiya* __________ - -______ -- ______ -_Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses---------------------------------

    247.12 75.13------__ 206.00----_-__ 10.00----__-- 9. 00-------- 13.20

    Total-------_--_---_--------------------_-____- 100.00- -

    247.12 413.33-- -_-____--__---__--__ 8. 59ash on hand, Jan. 31,1963 ____-_______-______

    February 1963.:Net salary--------------------------------Rent and [email protected] for the Worker 61_-___ --- -__-- --Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses -_____--__--_-_---______________

    Cash on hand, Feb. 28,1963--- _-____ ----_-----

    March 1963 :Net salaryb~~-~~~--~-~~~----~_____________Rent and utilities65-- _-___ ---___----_-_-----Post of fice box rentalM ____- --- __-- ----__----Cost of rifle=-----------------------------..Subscription for Time magazine 60------------Balance due on revolver and freight charge --Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidental

    327.55 78.564. so21.45-------_ 3. 8221.22

    expenses _-_-__---_-___---__-____________Total-------_------_-------------------

    -------_ 100.00--327.55 229.75~ ~~ ~_-------__-------_~_ 184.70ash on hand, Mar. 31, 1963---------- ___- ---_

    256.95-------_ 71.64-------_ 7. 00- 100.00~ ___

    256.95 178. 64~ -- ___--_~~---__-----____ 86.90


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    April 1963 :Net salary--------------------------------Income Tax refund I0_______________________Rent and utilitiesBO-- ____ -__-_-------__-_--_Bus fare from Dallas to New Orleans -------Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses=-------------------------------Total----------------------------------

    Cash on hand, Apr. 30,1963- _________________-May 1963:Net salaryO-------------------------------Unemployment compensation check ~--------Rent and utilitiesM6_------------- ___________Subscription for the Militant =--- ___________Dues and printing-Fair Play for Cuba sr-----Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses~-------------------------------

    Total----------------------------------Cash on hand, May 31, 1963 _______------_----

    June 1963 :Netsalarya--------------------------------Rent and utilit ies _____ ------ ____-_________Post office box rental n------------ _--_______Printing-Fair Play for Cuba *--------------New alien registration card ----------------Estimated cc& of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses ____________--------____________Total----------------------------------

    Cash on hand, June 30, 1963 _______________-__July 1963 :Net salary--------------------------------Rent and utilit ies 76-------------------------Printing-Fair Play for Cuba OIB_----- ________Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses ____________--------____________

    Total--------------------------------..-Cash on hand, July 31, 1963---- __________--__

    Receipts ETK: Balance$108.8657.40__---_-- $62.97- - - - - - - - 13. 85- - - - - - - - 100.06- -

    166.26 176.82- -- - ---- $174.14107.4433.00- - - - - - - - 75.00- - - - - - - - 1.09- - - - - - - - 9.00

    - - - - - - - - 100.00- ~140.44 185.00--

    _-_____------------ 129.58

    August 1963 :Unemployment compensation payments R-..---Rent and utilities-------------------------Fine ____------__------~------~~~~~~~~~~-Distribution, Fair Play for Cuba circulars O---Estimated cost of food, clathing, and incidentalexpenses ----------_-_~______-~~~~~~~~~~~

    Total____------------------------------Cash on hand, Aug. 31,1963------------------.

    216.00-------- 67. 85-------- 4.00------- - 15.23-c------ 5.00-------- 160.00~ ___

    216.00 192.08--- -,------------------- 153.50224.97--.------ 72.22-------- 3.50

    -------- 109.00~ ~224.97 i75.72--- -____-_-_--------~-__ 202.75165.00

    -------- 73.54-------- 10.00- - - - - -- 2.00-------- 100.00~ ___

    165.00 185.54- -- -_------------------ 182.21744

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    Sept. l-24, 1963 :Unemployment compensation payments B1----- $132.60Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses8*---~--~~-~~~~---~~~~~~~~~----~- -------- $109.00~ -Total--_~~~~~~~~~~~____________________ 132.00 190.00- -- ~Cash on hand, Sept. 24,1963 __--____ - _-____ -- ______ - ____ ---------ss$214. 2lSept. 25-Oct. 2, 1963:Mexican trip :Estimated transportation cost I ________ - _---__-_ 50.55Hotel plus estimated food cost =- _______ - ___- ____ 18.70Estimated cost of entertainment and mis-cellaneous items m _-_________________ ___--__- 15.20

    Total------_-------________________ ___-____ 84.45Cash on hand, Oct. 2, 1963 ____________________________ - _____ 129.76

    Oct. 3-31, 1963 :Unemployment compensation payments uI-----Net salary-_---_--------_-----------------Rent, rooms and YMCA Op--______ -- _______ -_Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpensesm-----__-___-__--_______________Total--_--------_----------------------

    Cash on hand, Oct. 31, 1963 -_--______-_______Nov. l-22, 1963 :NetsalaryoO~_~~_-~~~-~_~~-~_~______________Room rent08-__----__--_--_---______________Post office box rental----- _-____ -- ______ ---American Civi l Liberties Union dues 96--------Bus and taxi fares Nov. 22, 1963 W-----------Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidentalexpenses _-_____-_____--__--_----------

    Total----_----__-__-___________________Cash on hand, Nov. 22,1963- ___-_ ---_-__---___Grand total, June 13, 1962-Nov. 22, X%3----

    Contents of Oswalds wallet---~--~---~--~--- ____Cash taken from Oswald when arrested---------Total---__-----__--_____________________-

    39.00164.41- - - - - _ - 33.26

    -------- 76. 00- -143.41 108.25--------___e-m_________ 164.92




    105.23-------- - 104.10- -- -3,501.79 164.10--- -