Wound Healer Reiki © Level 1 of 3 Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds. It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers. Wound Healer Reiki’s unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being. Complete instructions for doing a session for other people in the same room. Wound Healer Reiki© channeled and manual written by: Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT July 15th, 2010 ~All Rights reserved Attention Resellers: From July 15 th through August 15 th , 2010 Mariah Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell, gift or exchange Wound Healer Reiki© level 1 manual and attunement.

Wound Healer 1[1]

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Page 1: Wound Healer 1[1]

Wound Healer Reiki© Level 1 of 3

Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds. It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers.

Wound Healer Reiki’s unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being.Complete instructions for doing a session for other people in the same room.

Wound Healer Reiki© channeled and manual written by: Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT July 15th, 2010 ~All Rights reserved

Attention Resellers: From July 15th through August 15th, 2010Mariah Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell, gift or exchange Wound Healer Reiki© level 1 manual and attunement.

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Wound Healer Reiki level 1© attunement and manual may only be passed on after you’ve accepted your 3rd level attunement of Wound Healer Reiki.Wound Healer Reiki Level 3 gives you the ability to pass a Wound Healer Reiki level 1 attunement even to someone who has never had a Reiki attunement in any Reiki variation prior to now.

Each level of Wound Healer Reiki© has a fixed resale price of $21.99 USD or the equivalent in your currency. Always provide this manual with any Wound Healer Reiki© attunement, fully intact, with no changes.

You are embarking on an incredible new journey! Life will never be the same. Some people feel excited, others nervous, all is ok. You will now received, strongly from your Source, all the healing that is healthy for you at this time. Even healing is change, and a body and being can only handle so much change at one time. That is why frequent use of Wound Healer Reiki will bring the most complete and lasting results.

After you receive your attunement, prayer will be an active, two-way connection. You shall request that Wound Healer Reiki be brought through and out of you to the intended recipient when you put your hands on, or above a person, animal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, plant or rock.

Wound Healer Reiki is felt first and foremost as a pulse, after you receive your attunement. You will become accustomed to feeling it with heat eventually, if your body is comfortable with allowing such.

Wound Healer Reiki may feel as a heat that gently melts into us if we are working on ourselves, or into the intended recipient. It is important to know that Wound Healer Reiki will flow through as needed. If you are attending a migraine sufferer, your hands may turn ice cold. INTENTION IS KEY.

Wound Healer Reiki will respond to intention and amplify its benefit to you or the person you are sending Wound Healer Reiki to, there in the same room with you. While Wound Healer Reiki may start flowing on its own, after you have received an attunement to it, when need be, that is not always so, Wound Healer Reiki usually needs a person to request it, for it to flow at the most effective concentration for wound healing.

Wound Healer Reiki© level 1 is designed for emotional, physical and etheric body wounds. Physical wounds heal quicker with this energy.

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As you ‘call in’ and accept your Wound Healer Reiki attunement from your teacher, it helps your body to become familiar with and open to this Healing energy with your participation. Say this affirmation three times with feeling:

“I now receive Wound Healer Reiki level 1 in its entirety. I am now attuned to the highest flow of Healing Life, Light and Love that is appropriate for me now, from the Divinity Beyond, the Divinity Within.

My body’s energy pathways are strengthened in flexibility and capacity to easily and gracefully be a conduit of Wound Healer Reiki for myself and then others as I use my free will to activate its flow.

Wound Healer Reiki is now available to me, through me and in each moment that I ask for its Presence and Flow. It matters not whether I feel Wound Healer Reiki’s presence and movement, I accept its cleansing and sanctifying power through all of my feelings, memories, and experiences.

I honor the sentient awareness and compassion Wound Healer Reiki is.”

After you have read this affirmation three times, please relax and allow Wound Healer Reiki to move through your body. Please know that Wound Healer will provide support from within. Eventually your body and mind will not need to constantly keep bright the details of old traumas. This is normal as your body trusts it has the support and help it needs to heal.

Now that you have received your attunement, you can draw or say the name of the basic reiki symbols, to amplify the flow of Wound Healer Reiki and assist in the first stages of your body’s ease of accepting this healing energy.

To activate Wound Healer Reiki: simply say, out loud or in your mind, “Wound Healer Reiki On!” or “Wound Healer Reiki, Heal me Now!”

It is best to allow 20 to 30 minutes of time when you are relaxed, and still in on physical location, preferably reclined, after you activate Wound Healer Reiki. You can listen to music or read a relaxing book watch a funny movie.

It is fine to let your mind wander and in truth, give it something to do, while you are being tended to by Wound Healer Reiki.

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Many people like to activate this energy as they drift off to sleep for the night. It is well to lift up to Wound Healer Reiki, in your mind, the topics or areas that hurt, and that you want to feel better. This is not necessary, however, because of the sentient, aware nature of this Divine Healing energy. It will do what is there to be heal you into wholeness.

This symbol is Sei-He-Ki and it helps with emotional healing.

Wound Healer Reiki is under the authority of your Higher Self and Soul, together with what your personality allows to be healed at this time.

Wound Healer Reiki level 1 is also very effective for repairing holes and tears in your etheric bodies. Simply ask for healing of your energy bodies and lay still as you are worked on by this compassionate, intelligent energy.

Repair at this level takes more time and it is helpful to remain still for close to an hour if you want your aura and all the etheric levels of your energy body to be strong and shine with health!

When you bump a knee or elbow, immediately activate Wound Healer Reiki on the spot! You will find less bruising, and less tenderness. It is as if the cells are a wind chime, just bumped into, moving around, bumping into one another. Wound Healer Reiki in this type of application is like putting your hand on the wind chime to stop the movement.

The cells are not vibrating to the frequency of the injury anymore. Wound Healer Reiki is now able to start repairing the cells.

Wound Healer Reiki responds well to these symbols and now that you have received your attunement, these symbols will help you also.

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Cho-Ku-Rei is a symbol that is used both in traditional reiki and also in Seichim. Wound Healer Reiki uses the Seichim version of Cho-Ku-Rei to increase the power, the strength of the energy flow. In Wound Healer Reiki, when Cho-Ku-Rei is used in reverse, (the Usui Reiki form) it reduces the shock of trauma.

Cho-Ku-Rei in either form is for physical healing and increases flow.

If this is your first time to receive any Reiki attunement, you can use this energy for yourself or for people who are in the same room with you. In subsequent levels of Wound Healer Reiki, you will receive attunements and training that will give you the ability to send Wound Healer Reiki and indeed any Reiki, long distance. You will also receive healing through time and space for any previous incarnations and other aspects of your soul.

If you are a Reiki level 2 in another reiki modality or a Reiki Master Teacher, then you can confidently send Wound Healer Reiki over a distance to persons, animals, plants, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles or rocks, now.

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You may wish to provide a Wound Healer Reiki Session for a friend, loved one or client. Here are some important guidelines to follow.A massage table is usually the most comfortable for both the practitioner and the recipient. However the use of a recliner is good for those who cannot comfortably get onto a table and lie flat. A straight back chair also will work if that is all that is available, such as in a nursing home or kitchen.

If you are going to be doing a Wound Healer Reiki Session for a client, it is good and proper to have a client fill out an information form before the session. In it you request health information and clarify your fee for the session as well as stating disclaimers that you want the client to read and sign. It is important for them to sign that they understand that you are not a licensed counselor or psychologist or massage therapist (unless you are) and to give you permission to place your hands on their body during the session.(Obviously, appropriate places only please!) It is also necessary to determine if they have had any recent surgeries that would indicate more sensitive body areas physically and what medications they are taking. Please also get their emergency contact information before beginning the session.

I give instructions here, for a ‘hands on’ session. Please check the regulations in your state and local municipality before doing a ‘hands on’Wound Healer Reiki session. Some places do not allow any hands on sessions if you are not a licensed massage therapist or physical therapist.

Ask the person to lie down, generally face up to begin with, fully clothed, excepting shoes, hat and tie. Ask the person what term they would prefer for God or Higher Power or Spirit. Ask the person if hands on is acceptable, telling them that Wound Healer Reiki can be received from an area just over their body, without touching if preferable. This may seem repetitious since they just signed a permission form, but some people really don’t completely read the paper they just signed!

Then ask if there are any places, other than the obvious, that they do not want to be touched. For example, some common ‘no touch’ places are the neck and belly. Ask the person what they would like the focus of this session to be in addition to general wound healing of all kinds.

Tell them that if they do not want Wound Healer Reiki, it will bounce off of them. Upon receiving the confirmation, once again, that they want this flow,Ask them to think of themselves as a sponge, to receive.

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Suggest to them to see as a waterfall, falling away from their body on all sides, pain and discomfort, dropping away. As Wound Healer Reiki practitioners, we believe in the power of intuition. As such, know that we are able to place our hands wherever we are drawn to place them and for however long it feels necessary. Usually until the heat starts to dissipate.

Examples of session hand positions are as follows. If this session is with a new client or the first time you’ve provided a session for a friend or even a loved one, it may take a few minutes for your hands to heat up if they are going to. This means that not all Wound Healer Reiki practitioners experience hot hands while sending the energy out to another person. This is perfectly normal. It is not necessary to have warmth flow out of your hands for Wound Healer Reiki to be working properly on behalf of the recipient. Activate the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol with your mind, draw it.

Pulse of Wound Healer Reiki is another sensation you may feel. We all know that warmth or pulses bring extra confidence to new practitioners that ‘something’ is actually happening! Be courageous and stay confident no matter what temperature you feel your hands to be!

If you are sensitive to subtle energies, you may want to choose a few different hand positions to get a sense of where a person’s body wants to start ‘taking in’ Wound Healer Reiki. Generally, if your hands usually heat up when you work on yourself with Wound Healer Reiki, they will when you channel the energies for other people too.

Stand behind the person’s head and ask permission to place hands over face, palms over each eye, with the fingers pointing toward the feet, a forefinger beside each side of the nose.

Do this for as long as you feel it is beneficial, or for about 2-3 minutes.

Then move to over the forehead, sometimes stacking your hands sideways.Then put your hands toward the back of the head, hands pointing inwards with forefingers tips touching and the tips of the thumbs touching, creating an open space that looks like a triangle between your hands.

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Then place your hands on each side of their head, over the ears, for people hear much that hurts through their ears, and that is a prime entry point for Wound Healer Reiki to arrive into the emotional body.Then reach down with your arms on either side of the person’s head to put your hands on the collarbone (clavicle) area, sending Wound Healer Reiki toward their heart center. Think of the Sei-He-Ki symbol.

Now stand on one or the other side of the person, as their arms, and crook of the inner arm usually accepts a lot of Wound Healer Reiki. The upper arm muscles and wrists like Wound Healer Reiki also.

Some people want Wound Healer Reiki to flow, your hands to their, however, for other people, the touch would seem too intimate and thus inappropriate, Ask!

Ask also if the person wants you to place your hands on their belly. The belly is important to do Wound Healer Reiki on, but always remember that hands a few inches above or simply directly mentally with your intent from one body area to another, works perfectly.

Now move your hands to their knees, or their thighs, directly above the knees. Most people’s calves take in a lot of Wound Healer Reiki, simply by the place that part of the leg is, in relation to the rest of their body.When you are working on a calf, stand beside it and have one hand with fingers pointing toward their head, and the other with fingers pointing toward their feet.

Then move to stand below the feet of the person, (assuming this is a horizontal table the person is on, otherwise sit in front of their feet!)Once again send Wound Healer Reiki to their calves, this time with both hands point toward their head, one hand on each leg.

Please ground yourself and the person at this time. Either think of being a tree with deep roots, or you can ground up into the vastness of your being and ground the person up into the vastness of their own soul.

Place your hands on either side of their ankles, then on the feet. Some people’s feet want a lot of energy, other people’s do not. By now you will likely have a feeling of how long to spend on each area as you move along.

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Move around to the other side of the person’s body, moving along at a faster pace than you did when you went down the body.

You might choose to work on the mirror image areas as you spent time on the other side of their body, or not. Simply feel where you want to put your hands, and where you don’t. That is sufficient indication of where to place your hands and for how long. If you feel like it is time to move along, or that you are done. Then it is so. Each person accepts energy into their body at different rates and in different areas. It is important to leave time to work on the person’s back with Wound Healer Reiki, if you feel you want to.

If for some reason, at the beginning of the session, you feel that a person’s body is unreceptive to Wound Healer Reiki on their front side, even if they have said that they want it, ask them to turn over. You can begin sending Wound Healer Reiki to their back first as the back is an areas people are more accustomed to having ‘worked on’ and thus it may not feel so strange to them if they are new to reiki.

On the back, start up near their shoulders, either from a standing beside the person or sitting behind them and reaching around their head. Take care not to tug their hair by mistake! Yes, also put your hands upon their head for a few moments to allow Wound Healer Reiki to flow freely into their skull.

Work down their back with your hands on either side of the spine. Yes, you will need to step around and stand beside the person fairly quickly. One hand on the lower back and one at the base of the neck with the fingers of each hand pointed toward the other. This is helpful also for balancing the pulses of spinal fluid. Wound Healer Reiki will do this automatically when your hands are in that position. Often it will feel like your hands want to move on their own, or you will get a flash image in your mind of the next hand position.

Determine if the back of the knees and calves want more energy. Do attempt to work on the feet again and remember to ground!

Finish by working on the back of the head and neck. Most people feel much more Wound Healer Reiki flowing out of your hands at this point than they did when you started at their head, for the energy has been working with them for awhile now.

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There are many time that I simply run my hand above the person’s head at the beginning of the session if the head is not particularly receptive initially.

Then I’ll work on their head at the end of the session instead. Ask the person, upon completion of their session to remain still for awhile and then rise slowly, when they are ready as a full vessel, so as to not spill!

Wound Healer Reiki© is an original energy system channeled by Mariah Windsong Couture and is unlike any by any other person previously or any that may arrived in the future.

Wound Healer Reiki © Channeled and manual by: Mariah Windsong Couture.July 15th, 2010 ~All Rights reserved

Disclaimer: Legal Reasons, Mariah Couture states that this Wound Healer Reiki©

attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of

natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or

initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to

replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Couture is not engaged in rendering medical

service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information

and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the

validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual you are agreeing to

indemnify Mariah Couture from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of

rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly

caused. Mariah Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment.

You further agree to indemnify Mariah Couture from all liabilities and expenses including lawyer’s fees

arising from such claims based on this manual. July 15th, 2010

All photos and images I own a lifetime royalty free license to use commercially.

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