1 ISSUE 397 Worship 24 th May 2020 Aldersgate Sunday Our service today is led by our Circuit Ministers. The service is based on the theme for Aldersgate Sunday which is an audio file and a separate video file. (A full order (transcript) of these services can be emailed out to you, please ask your minister) ~ To hear the services click on this link here. ~ For a video of this service (with words to the hymns) ~ click on this link here. ~ NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE METHODIST CIRCUIT WEEKLY BULLETIN 22 nd May 2020 This is our weekly bulletin. The bulletin can be received by anyone who has an e-mail address. To subscribe to this service please send your e-mail address to: [email protected]. All items for the bulletin need to be in for Wednesday morning. THE CIRCUIT OFFICE IS NOW CLOSED. PLEASE MAKE CONTACT VIA E-MAIL AS ALL E-MAILS WILL STILL BE REPLIED TO.

Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity

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Page 1: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity



Worship 24th May 2020

Aldersgate Sunday

Our service today is led by our Circuit Ministers.

The service is based on the theme for Aldersgate Sunday which is an audio file and a separate video file.

(A full order (transcript) of these services can be emailed out to you, please ask your minister)

~ To hear the services click on this link here. ~

For a video of this service (with words to the hymns)

~ click on this link here. ~



This is our weekly bulletin. The bulletin can be received by anyone who has an e-mail address. To subscribe to this service please send your e-mail address to: [email protected]. All items for the bulletin need to be in for

Wednesday morning.


Page 2: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


For general guidance and resources for the coronavirus pandemic click on this link here.

North Staffordshire Circuit Notices

Service via Zoom

Sunday 24th May at 10.30 am

The theme is the vital sense of BELONGING through CHRIST, based on 1 Corinthians 3, v.16-23. The sermon will include a short story.

There will also be a short piece about John Wesley as this is ALDERSGATE Sunday.

If you would like to join this service please email Nigel Jones (email: [email protected]) for the password details.

Nigel and Hilary

Page 3: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Aldersgate Sunday

Aldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity

to celebrate the work of God in our lives, and to reflect on how we should respond to everything that God has given us.

Aldersgate Sunday marks a significant event in John Wesley’s life which some people call his ‘conversion experience’. You

can read more about Aldersgate Sunday here on the website of the New Room Bristol. Click on this link here.

Online service This Sunday, the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit are streaming a special service for Aldersgate Day.

The service will be streamed here from 3pm. Click on this link here.

Page 4: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Page 5: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Page 6: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Foodbank – click on this link here. Thank you to everyone across the circuit who gives regularly to Foodbank through their

church. Foodbank remains open through these troubled times and demand for food is high. Can

I please ask you to all keep on giving by taking your donations to your nearest Foodbank.

Clayton St Luke’s host a session on Tuesday morning. 10.00am – 12 noon

All Saints, Madeley host a session on a Wednesday Morning.10.30 am - 12.30 pm The Bethel Centre Silverdale 2.00 pm – 4.00pm

Chesterton Pentecostal church on: Thursday Morning. 10.00 -12.00 noon

Newcastle Congregational church on: Thursday afternoon. 2.00 pm – 4.00pm St Thomas church Kidsgrove on:

Friday afternoon 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm or you can take your contribution to our warehouse on the Parkhouse estate

on a Monday afternoon or Wednesday morning ... please give us a ring if you want details of how to get there, it is on the Aspire work complex.

Your gifts large or small are very much appreciated and are a lifeline to those sadly more vulnerable than ourselves.

Please give us a ring if you want to drop your gift off at our house! Carol and Marion Reddish TEL 01782 613265 If you would like to make a monetary donation to Newcastle Staffs Foodbank

you can contact the Trustee/Treasurer Michael Heap for details: - 01782 639882 or email him on [email protected].

Page 7: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity



So here it is – the end result!! I can’t tell you how cold it is without hair but

I’ve perfected a number of scarves now!! I think I’m going to grow it long now – at least for the boys sake (grandsons) – they really don’t like it. So far, I’ve raised over £1000 and still counting so all in all it was worth the moment

of madness. My thanks go especially though to all those who have supported me – you are the real heroes in all of this. Every blessing. Karen

I have set up a Just Giving page which you can access via https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Karen-Barnett8

Page 8: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


(Click on any of these links below from The Methodist Church also

the Circuit has added more links)

Worship during the pandemic

Suggestions for worship opportunities and how to help

others in worship can be found Click on this link here. including service sheets to be printed at home.

For those Methodists feeling the loss of communion, a

short act of spiritual communion

Click on this link here

A selection of streamed Methodist services are taking

place online. The list of services, produced with current guidelines in place.

click on this link here.

The Methodist Podcast

In this week's Methodist Podcast, we hear from Calais on the situation for refugees, we preview this weekend's Cliff Festival, learn how a district has handmade

thousands of pieces of protective equipment and hear about Ramadan under lockdown. With a prayer from the

Revd Martyn Atkins, who preaches for the last time as

superintendent at Methodist Central Hall Westminster this weekend.

Listen here.

Page 9: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Sthie ('At home')

To join in a very different worship experience, try Sthie ('At home') from the Isle of Man (see image of Peel Hill, right, by Andy Fishburne). Join in live on

Sundays by joining a Facebook group. For details

Click on this link here.

Telephone - Dial-a-Prayer A FREE phone service to hear prayers and

news from the Methodist Church has been launched.

Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514

Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening. Click on this link here.

Radio BBC Radio 4 Sundays 8:10am Sunday Worship

Living well while waiting

Catherine Fox and the Bishop of Sheffield Pete Wilcox reflect on living well

during this time of continued hoping and uncertainty.

Click on this link here.

See additional selected resources below


During the pandemic ROOTS is offering free resources to use at home every

week on the ROOTS website.

Click on this link here.

Page 10: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Morning Prayers

Prayer for the Day BBC Radio 4

A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day duration is 2 minutes

Click on this link here.

09:00 Monday-Friday - from Wesley House Cambridge:

Click on this link here.

Resources for following the prayers and readings are available

Click on this link here.

10:00 Monday-Friday - from Wesley’s Chapel London

Click on this link here.

Northumbria Community

Click on this link here.

Regional Pinterest Board has lots of ideas for creative worship and prayer

Click on this link here.

An at-home service if you can't get to a funeral

With the current restrictions on movement in place it may not be possible for everyone to attend a funeral. We offer this short act of worship to help you

say your formal goodbyes while remaining in your home.

At-home service if you can't get to a funeral (Pdf) Click on this link here. At-home service if you can't get to a funeral (Word) Click on this link here. At-home service if you can't get to a funeral (Pdf) LARGE PRINT VERSION

Click on this link here.

Resources for personal prayer and Bible study From the Methodist Church in Britain

Daily Prayers from the Methodist Prayer Handbook

Click on this link here.

Page 11: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Take Time produced by Reigate Methodist Church has many themed

meditations on topics such as anxiety.

Click on this link here.

Cliff College - Weekday morning prayers The College site may be closed, but Cliff’s life and ministry never stops!

The Cliff community continues to gather at 8:45am every weekday morning for prayers, broadcast live on our Facebook page, and at 6:15pm for our

reflection and worship time, also on Facebook Click on this link here.

We encourage you to join us at these times.

We’re also hosting two virtual open days, on June 2 and 3 – you can find all the information on our website. Click on this link here.

Other Resources

Pray As You Go are producing a daily retreat for people socially isolating:

Click on this link here.

Additional worship resources

From Andrew Brown, a hymn for when we feel vulnerable - revised in light of the Coronavirus pandemic: When life is shaken to its core Click on this link


Prolific Methodist hymn writer Andrew Pratt has written two responses to the Coronavirus pandemic, "This sudden Sabbath gives us pause" and "The care

of all we seek or see".

Click on this link here.

You can find them on Andrew's blog Click on this link here.

Our friends at Family Friendly Churches are offering, free of charge,

weekly prayers, address and a couple of hymns as videos (with words and music) for use within the home. These can be found at:

Click on this link here.

Page 12: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


The Worship Cloud are producing a free weekly sheet as well as making

our Local Arrangement services freely available Click on this link here.

Video Prayers

Click on this link here.


BBC 1 Sunday Worship at 11.45am

Sunday After Ascension The Very Rev Kathy Jones leads a service from Bangor Cathedral.

This service was filmed before the closure of all church buildings. Click on this link here.

Songs of Praise BBC 1 Sunday at 1.15pm

Islands of Faith

Katherine Jenkins looks back on stories of faith from islands around

our coastline, including Caldey Island in Wales and its 1,400 years

of Christian history.

Click on this link here.


The Methodist Conference

The Conference Business Committee met and agreed that the Conference should meet 25 June – 2 July 2020

in order to conduct its essential business. The committee recognised that the restrictions that are likely still to be in place at the end of June, mean that a virtual meeting is

necessary. Click on this link here.

Page 13: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


Property guidance

The Property Team are currently working on guidelines with regard to the safe reopening of

nurseries and pre-schools in Methodist buildings.

Updates will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click on this link here.

All We Can Appeal

Thanks to the ongoing generosity of the Methodist people, the AWC Emergency Coronavirus Appeal is

already having an impact on vulnerable people across the globe – including new mothers, like Kwagala from

rural Uganda you can read about here. But the global need to help communities face the pandemic is growing fast.

Click on this link here.

Cliff Festival at Home

This weekend's Cliff Festival will be as spectacular as ever, if a little different from previous years. Cliff College has

been hosting a spring/summer festival for over 100 years. But this year, Festival is moving online, welcome to

Festival at Home, Friday May 22 to Monday May 25.

Click on this link here.

Safeguarding guidance

Inevitably at this time, churches are being encouraged to

think about those who may be in greater need, isolated or unable to get out and about. Updated coronavirus visiting

guidance (updated 16 April) can be downloaded from The Methodist Church website. Click on this link here.

Page 14: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


A Methodist Way of Life

A Methodist Way of Life is a new way of living – with daily disciplines – based on

‘new monasticism’ ideas and on Our Calling. It seeks to express what it means to follow Jesus in the regular,

practical actions of worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism.

Click on this link here.

Thy Kingdom Come 21 - 31 May

Thy Kingdom Come is an ecumenical, global prayer

movement inviting all Christians to pray between Ascension

and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Click on this link here.

Hymns Ancient and Modern are offering free UK delivery for online orders

until further notice. Please order your resources by noon, 13 May.

Click on this link here.

Posters to display outside your church or home

To download posters Click on this link here.

Regular updates will be given on social media pages And on the Methodist Church website.

Click on this link here.

Page 15: Worship 24 May 2020 Aldersgate SundayAldersgate Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 24 May (traditionally known as 'Wesley Day') or the Sunday before it. Aldersgate Sunday is a great opportunity


John Wesley (1703-1791)