World Waste WATCH BUSINESS GUIDE 2012-2013 World Waste Watch is circulated in cooperation with the Swedish Trade Council and Stockholm Business Region Development WEINE WIQUIST, CEO SWEDISH WASTE MANAGEMENT: RECYCLING INCREASES MORE RAPIDLY THAN GROWTH OF WASTE Adding energy and heat recovery to material recovery, 99 per cent of Swedish household waste is recycled. The efficient waste management actually mitigated the effects on climate by 30 per cent between 1994 and 2005, despite increasing waste quantities. >>> Swedish Expertise, Products & Research Available Worldwide COMPILED BY VENATOR MARKETING AB AND SPACE 360 AB SINCE 1991

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World Waste Watch is circulated in cooperation with the Swedish Trade Council and Stockholm Business Region Development

Weine Wiquist, CeO sWedish Waste management:

ReCyCling inCReases mORe

Rapidly than gROWth Of Waste

Adding energy and heat recovery to material recovery, 99 per cent of Swedish household waste is recycled.

The efficient waste management actually mitigated the effects on climate by 30 per cent between

1994 and 2005, despite increasing waste quantities.>>>

swedish expertise,

products & Research

available Worldwide

CompIlED By VENator marKEtING aB aND SpaCE 360 aB SINCE 1991

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We ARe of CouRSe open To

ShARe ThiS knoWleDge

the Climate is One of the most impor-tant issues for the Swedish Government. Environmental technology will play an important part in the transition to a more climate-friendly society. Although not all our problems can be solved by technology alone, there can be no doubt about the fact that green tech will be a vital factor in making our society more climate-smart.

The Waste management and recycling sec-tor attracts much attention in a number of countries – we look upon waste as a resource. We have legislation at different levels in place, knowledgeable companies and municipalities and good technologies for example to reuse the energy in the waste that is left after it has

been sorted. We are of course open to share this knowledge.

We are experiencing a huge interest regard-ing our SymbioCity concept. We are a step or two ahead of the countries we are competing with when it comes to systemic solutions and comprehensive approaches. Symbio-City is a concept to bring pieces together and to present the big picture. We are currently working with the elaboration and deepening of the concept.

Swedish expertise is in demand in various areas, such as waste management, water purification, power generation and commu-nity planning. There are great opportunities for innovative Swedish green tech companies everywhere in the world. ■

“The Waste management and recycling sector attracts much attention in a number of countries – we

look upon waste as a resource.”

Goverment : the sWedish ministeR fOR tRade

Areas of responsibility:• international Trade policy• promotion of trade, investment and Sweden• The internal market of the european union• nordic cooperation

mINIStry for forEIGN affaIrS

dr ewa Björling minister for trade

photo by Jonna thomasson

photo by

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Energy efficiency, efficient use of resources and sustainable development are issues that are be-coming increasingly important – even though a global agreement was not achieved in Durban. The reason is simple: there is money to be made with a more effective use of resources and energy savings. Leading this development are not nations, but cities and companies who see the financial and social upside of sustainability. Many of these companies are Swedish to whom this is a favorable trend.

Swedish exports within environmental technol-ogy reached about 40 billion SEK in 2010. The largest markets are Germany, Scandinavia, and Western Europe. One significant difference com-pared to the total Swedish export is that China is a key market – in fact the fourth largest market for Swedish environmental technology. The rapid urbanization in China creates opportunities for Swedish expertise on how to develop sustainable cities. The newly adopted Chinese five year plan lists the environment as a prioritized area which could further increase investments and imply new opportunities for Swedish companies. Germany’s move away from nuclear power may also be favorable for Swedish companies.

A study from 2011* analyzed business op-portunities in 62 markets and compared them with the strategic agenda and current presence of Swedish companies. The results show that traditional Swedish export markets such as Germany, UK, France, US, Canada and the Baltic region were identified as key markets for Swedish companies. Some additional results from the study show that:

fAVoRABle gloBAl ouTlook foR SWeDiSh SoluTionSWhile traditional Swedish export markets are still relevant for the Swedish environmental technology industry, new markets are becoming more and more interesting and ready for Swedish solutions.

Several markets with high potential for busi-ness opportunities appear to be off most Swedish companies’ radars. These include South Korea (very ambitious plans for sustainable development combined with a solid economy), Japan (needs to restructure the energy system), Australia (growing interest in green building and energy efficiency), the United Arab Emirates (very large investments planned in sustainable development and a show case for the region), and Singapore (mature mar-ket, relatively easy to do business). There are a number of countries with

growing markets for environmental technol-ogy that currently are considered immature but could prove to be tomorrow’s key markets. South Africa, Kenya, Vietnam and Indonesia belong to this group.

While this market analysis is useful as a guideline, account should be taken that signifi-cant differences between these markets exist. The contexts and needs are different and subse-quently also the potential business opportuni-ties for Swedish companies. One main obstacle is that many markets are not mature enough for most of the solutions that Swedish companies have to offer. Each company must make their own assessment and interpretation of the exist-ing global opportunities. Avoid “herd mental-ity” and while defining a global go-to market strategy with a clear focus and be prepared to reconsider the strategy and act swiftly.

The Swedish Trade Council has 67 offices around the world and we are happy to discuss global business opportunities while you start your exciting journey! Good luck! ■

* By the Swedish Trade Council and the Swedish energy Agency

håkan dahlforsBusiness Area Managerenergy & environmental [email protected]

Government : sWedish tRade COunCil

Cecilia schartauproject leaderenergy & environmental [email protected]

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the SwediSh way : sWedish Waste management

ReCyCling inCReASeS MoRe RApiDly ThAn gRoWTh of WASTe

A s in all of Europe the economic growth has resulted in in-creased amount of waste in Sweden. From 1997 until 2010 the amount of household waste increased by almost 20 per

cent or 686 000 tons. This trend is especially noticeable for electric and electronic waste (see below). It’s quite natural – as consump-tion increases during times of prosperity, so does the amount of waste. In spite of this, Sweden will be compliant with several of its national environmental quality objectives due to its efficient waste management. Statistics on Swedish household waste and waste treatment methods show that recycling is increasing more rapidly than the growth of waste.

ambitious goalsBy 2010 at least 50 per cent of all household waste was to be recycled as materials, including waste subjected to biologi-cal recycling and treatment. This was one of Sweden’s national environmental objectives set by the Swedish parliament. According to preliminary figures Sweden achieved a recycling rate of 49,2 per cent last year.

During 2009 each Swede produced 480 kg waste. Out of this 35 per cent was recovered as material and 14 per cent was recove-red through biological treatment.

Adding energy and heat recovery to material recovery, 99 per cent of Swedish household waste is recycled. The efficient waste ma-nagement actually mitigated the effects on climate by 30 per cent between 1994 and 2005, despite increasing waste quantities.

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the SwediSh way : sWedish Waste management

Almost the same amount of waste, 48 per cent, was treated in waste-to-energy plants. They also produced the equivalent of elec-tricity requirements of 275,000 households. Furthermore, a well-developed district heating system in connection with waste-to-energy incineration plants give Sweden a unique advantage compared to many other European countries. This is one reason why Avfall Sverige (Swedish Waste Management) regards waste-to-energy incineration as a re-covery method, which also has been ratified by the Waste Framework Directive.

The use of electricity and heat from waste incineration is one reason why waste treat-ment is an important part of the Swedish in-frastructure. Waste is seen, not as a problem, but as an essential resource.

pioneers to run cars on food wasteIn total 236 kg household waste per capita was recovered in 2009. For paper, glass pack-ages and cardboard packages the recovery rate was between 74 and 91 per cent – well exceeding the parliaments objectives. Plastic packages however did not so well. Only 27 per cent was recovered, to compare with the objective of 70 per cent.

Of the 236 kg recovered waste per inhabi-tant 66 kg was biowaste recovered through biological treatment. In total 93 140 tons of household waste were digested and 461 540 tons were composted. According to a national environmental objective 35 per cent of all food waste should be recovered by me-ans of biological treatment by 2010, home composting included. The result was 24 per cent. Though, biological treatment is rapidly increasing its capacity. The new suggested national objective for food waste, recycling of 40 per cent of the energy and nurture by 2015, is tough but inspiring.

World leaders of electro-recyclingRecycling of electric and electronic waste, WEEE, has in just a few years turned into a success story. Each Swedish resident handed in average 15,4 kg of WEEE in 2009. This is amongst the highest numbers in Europe.

Increased consumption of electronics is one reason why so much is collected. Flat screen televisions and computer monitors have been consumed en masse, leaving thou-sands and thousands of old ones behind. But the organisation behind WEEE recycling also contributes to the good result – local

authorities and producers in cooperation. Lately there has been a lower rate of

recycling of small WEEE, such as mobile phones and light bulbs. However, a couple of municipalities are testing collection of these items at grocers´ stores. If this turns out well, Sweden will certainly place itself at the very top of the WEEE recycling list.

Climate saviourBy recycling and in other ways optimising our waste management we can not only save natural resources, it also helps restrain climate changes. Between 1994 and 2005 climate changes due to the effects of waste treatment have decreased by 30 per cent in Sweden despite the fact that the quantity of waste has increased by almost the same percentage during this period.

With the moderate assumption that the heat and electricity production in waste-to-energy incineration plants replaces the equal amount of oil, then direct emissions of 2.4 Mtons of fossil carbon dioxide is avoided. If the alternative instead had been coal it would be much larger. If the credit gained by the avoided emissions of methane from landfills is added then in fact an efficient waste-to-energy plant is a carbon sink.

The increased recycling also results in lower emissions; compared to mined iron ore and aluminium, for example, recycled steel saves 85 per cent of the energy required to produce steel and recycled aluminium 95 per cent.

Biological treatment through digestion can even result in negative CO2-emission if manure is treated, which is often the case. And if all biogas already produced at Swe-dish bio waste treatment plants was used as vehicle fuel, it would replace approximately 30 million litres of petrol.

The early Swedish introduction of the landfill ban in 2002 for burnable waste and 2005 for biowaste has also greatly contri-buted to a decrease in methane emissions, which has a far worse effect on the climate than carbon dioxide.

early adoptersWhy then is Sweden so successful when it comes to recycling? I would say there are two main reasons. One is the municipals’ explicit responsibility for household waste, paper and packages excluded. This is the guarantee for a long-term commitment and high level

Weine Wiqvist, Ceo Avfall Sverige

Avfall Sverige, Swedish Waste Management, is the Swedish interest organization for the waste manage-ment and recycling sector. The as-sociation has almost 400 members: chiefly local authorities, federations of local authorities, and municipal companies, but also businesses. The organization represents the mu-nicipal members visà-vis politicians, decision makers, authorities, and the eu.

faCts: SwEDISh waStE maNaGEmENt

of service to inhabitants all over the country. The second reason for the Swedish success

story is the Swedes. Every Swedish toddler learns the importance of protecting the en-vironment. Many day care centres have their own composting facilities – a perfect oppor-tunity to learn the kids how potato peelings turns into dirt with the assistance of nice little worms and untiring microbes. Many see sorting and recycling waste as a way to make a difference, an effort for the environment.

Considering waste-to-energy incineration a recycling method, as today 99 per cent of the Swedish household waste is recycled. I believe the awareness of the new generation will make material recycling increase even more in the years to come. ■

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safe drinking Water in the marine environmente.C.T. offshore Service AB is probably the only company in the world tak-

ing full responsibility for installation, service, backup and education in drinking water in offshore and marine environments.

non-conforming water quality might incapacitate a great deal of people onboard a ship or platform, which may cause serious economic consequences.

e.C.T. enjoys a well-earned reference list worldwide for installation, service and know-how. The equip-ment and systems comply with stringent governmental regulations for drinking water treatment for ships and platforms.

e.C.T. arranges courses in drinking water treatment every year for offshore and marine personnel, for the purpose of creating an awareness in and the importance of safe drinking water.

e.C.t. Offshore service aBovädersgatan 14Se-418 34 gothenburgSwedenTel: +46 31 53 00 40fax: +46 31 53 00 45email: [email protected]

Optimizing Waste-Collection productivityBotek Systems AB is Scandinavia’s leading

supplier of onboard information systems for waste collection trucks. our systems include modules for weighing, RfiD documentation, gSM/satellite position-

ing/communication, computers and application programs.for efficient waste collection, Botek is unrivalled in Scandinavia. our systems are fully compatible with all

kinds of waste collection trucks.

Botek systems aBp. o. Box 35Se-523 21 ulricehamnSwedenTel: +46 321 53 07 30fax: +46 321 53 07 39email: [email protected]

Boliden extracts and recycles metals that make modern life work

Boliden is one of the key players in supplying base metals and other critical metals to the european market. The first source of raw materials is Boliden’s own mines in northern europe, the second is Boliden’s recycling of complex wastes and scrap. Specialized flow sheets and proprietary technology is the base of the company’s sustainable operations: resource efficiency, top eh&S performance and profitability.

Boliden’s smelter operations include the Rönnskär copper smelters in Sweden, the harjavalta copper-nickel smelter in finland, the zinc smelters kokkola and odda in finland and norway respectively and Bergsöe, a secondary lead smelter in Sweden.

Secondary raw materials are imported to Boliden’s smelters on a large scale from all over the world. Secondary raw materials include: copper scrap, copper-nickel scrap, precious metal scrap, copper-zinc ashes, residues, drosses, sludge, sweeps, catalysts, slag, eAf dusts, electronic scrap and waste. Since the start up of its new kAlDo in early 2012, Boliden has become the world leader in e-scrap recycling.

All Boliden’s operations are subjected to licensing requirements and are conducted in accordance with the legislation in the various countries of operations. Apart from that Boliden holds certificates of iSo 9001 (qual-ity), iSo 14001 (environment), ohSAS 18001 (work environment) and SS-en16001 (european management system for energy).

Boliden mineral aBRönnskär SmelterSe-932 81 SkelleftehamnSwedenTel: +46 910 773 000fax: +46 910 773 138email: [email protected]

anttilator internationalStagnellsgatan 3Se 652 23 karlstadTel: +46 70 576 1314email: [email protected]

Waste management Consultants and ResearchersAnttilator is a knowledge based company carrying a wide experience of

industrial and domestic waste management and recycling. We are dealing with processes of change in technology as well as social work of change.

Disaster waste management is currently a main profile. We are active worldwide in the field, and normally alerted in the early Recovery phase, but also with contingency planning and dissemination of knowledge and guidelines. our partners are national and international authorities as well as universities and local colleagues.


ÄlMhulTS el-Mek has been working at the forefront of the electro-mechanical industry for more than 50 years, developing, manufacturing and marketing lifting Magnets & Metal Separators

Älmhults el-mek aBBox 24Se-34321 ÄlmhultSwedenTel: +46 476 150 05fax: +46 476 147 15www.elmek.nu

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envac aBfleminggatan 7Se-112 26 StockholmSwedenTel: +46 8 785 00 [email protected]

envac AB is the global leader in the vacuum waste collection industry and pioneer of the automated underground vacuum waste system.

With the power to transport waste via an underground pipe network at speeds of up to 70km/h and over distances as long

as 2 km to a central collection point, envac has established a worldwide reputation for pushing the boundaries of waste management.

envac provides a 21st century solution to the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges as-sociated with waste. As part of a development’s infrastructure, similar to sewerage, gas and electricity, envac represents a long-term sustainable investment that is currently used in a wide range of applications, such as large-scale residential and commercial developments, hospitals, airports, industrial kitchens and town centres.

Since the first vacuum waste system was installed in 1961, envac has developed an international presence with 37 offices across 21 countries in europe, north and South America, the Middle east and Asia.

flagship installations include florida’s Disneyland, Barcelona’s olympic Village, london’s Wembley City, ham-marby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Tianjin eco City and the Middle east’s Jumeirah Beach.

Wholly owned by Stena Adactum AB and led by Christer Öjdemark, Ceo and president of envac AB, the system is now widely regarded as the future of urban waste management.

iVl swedish environmentalResearch institute ltd.Box 210 60Se-10031 StockholmSwedenTel +46 8 59 85 63 43fax +46 8 59 85 63 90email: [email protected]

Contact person:Åsa StenmarckAssistant DirectorClimate & Sustainable [email protected] +46 8 598 563 66

sweden’s leading organisation for environmental research and sustainable development

in the field of waste management, iVl works with avoiding waste through improved production processes and internal re-use, waste as a product, waste to energy, and tox- and leachate tests for wastes, recycling – material recycling and biological treatment, working environment for recyclers, landfilling – closure plans, cov-erage and leachate water, hazardous waste classification of hazardous waste, investigations of households’ hazardous waste, waste characterisation, and waste management, including life-cycle-assessment.

Waste handling on a system leveliVl Swedish environmental Research institute has extensive experience on waste handling from a system

perspective. The entire waste hierarchy is included in our work with waste issues. our focus is on the preven-tion of waste. We also work with waste streams and volumes of waste from different types of businesses. We can help companies and municipal waste firms to develop different waste management solutions and analyse what effect they may have on the environment.

system analysis of waste systems and productsSystem analysis tools such as lCA (life-Cycle Assessment), lCC (life-Cycle Cost analysis) and CBA

(Cost-Benefit Analysis) are used in this area to perform environmental and economic assessments of various technologies, strategies and control mechanisms for products and product systems. System analysis methods and tools are also used in assessing how waste can be prevented, minimised, and processed.

prevention and processing of wasteiVl conducts projects to study material management efficiencies (waste prevention) and performs analy-

ses of waste management. Several of the projects include the study of methods of recycling waste in a more environmentally acceptable manner. iVl offers tailor made analyses to identify the most environmentally favor-able solutions, including the use of waste to manufacture new products.

Waste to energy – profitable energy recovery from waste materials

iQR Works with systems and solutions for energy recovery from waste materials. nowadays our system for the recycling of wood waste, household waste and other types of industrial waste materials is used right across europe. it sets the standards for how waste materials can be transformed into energy. industrial Quality Recy-cyling (iQR) consists of a number of business areas, all of which work together to

create advanced systems for energy recovery. A new business line is the manufacturing of wood waste gasification technology in the range 6-15MW thermal. our work is made up of a number of elements, but overall our target is the same: to develop sustainable solutions to help us recover energy from worn-out materials. iQR develops its solutions by means of turnkey systems, be it for crushing, shredding or the build of a Chp-plant with all interlinked. in this way we convert our ideas into reality and prove that environmental work can be profitable. Want to know more? Visit us at www.iqr.se!

iqR systems aBfredriksbergsgatan 16Se-212 11 MalmöSwedenTel: +46 40 680 89 90fax: +46 40 680 89 99email: [email protected]

hong Kong installation

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Invest in Stockholm€30 billion in planned urban infrastructure investments, 80 000new apartments and a rapid transition to a CO2-free city & industry.2 700 internationally positioned cleantech companies, world renownedR&D institutions and award-winning cutting edge technologies.

Welcome with your investment!

Stockholm Business Region Development is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We offer professional assistance regarding investment opportunities in the Stockholm region – free of charge. www.investstockholm.com

Stockholm - leading the way to sustainable development

Hammarby sjöstad – a world leader in sustainable city development www.hammarbysjostad.se

Visit Stockholm!Meet the Leading Cleantech Companies!


TO: y




Cutting edge technologies and technical visits www.smtc.se

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Grow House for innovativecleantech businesseswww.stockholminnovation.com


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Invest in Stockholm€30 billion in planned urban infrastructure investments, 80 000new apartments and a rapid transition to a CO2-free city & industry.2 700 internationally positioned cleantech companies, world renownedR&D institutions and award-winning cutting edge technologies.

Welcome with your investment!

Stockholm Business Region Development is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We offer professional assistance regarding investment opportunities in the Stockholm region – free of charge. www.investstockholm.com

Stockholm - leading the way to sustainable development

Hammarby sjöstad – a world leader in sustainable city development www.hammarbysjostad.se

Visit Stockholm!Meet the Leading Cleantech Companies!


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Cutting edge technologies and technical visits www.smtc.se

show room for green technologieswww.sjostadsverket.se

Grow House for innovativecleantech businesseswww.stockholminnovation.com


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the new generation of nVa-balers – a profitable and Sustainable Solution

nVA (i.e. nättraby Verktygs AB) is an iSo 9001 registered company. Since the mid-sixties, nVA has been developing and producing a comprehensive range of highly reliable and long lasting balers, for many types of waste material.

We have now delivered more than 10,000 balers!The unique electro-mechanical drive results in a baler that is silent running, easy to operate and delivers

high capacity on a minimum of floor space. The compaction of paper, cardboard, plastics, wet-waste and the like is done in a profitable way and cares for the environment – a sustainable solution for the future.

The new generation of nVA balers are lower, stronger, have a larger feed opening and start automatically. Several functions can be programmed after customer demands such as the bale size. We are now looking for representatives in certain european countries.

mRt system international aBMRT provides environmentally safe and advanced technology for

recycling of discarded hazardous e-waste products, and are recognised as the world leader in designing and manufacturing mercury recovery systems. The unique technology can process a broad range of mercury

bearing products such as straight fluorescent lamps, Cfl lamps (energy saving lamps), discarded electrical components, dental and medical waste, etc.

The MRT portfolio also includes CRT Separators for recycling of TV/pC monitors. All MRT’s recycling solutions meet the strictest requirements from environmental legislation. Characteristic of our technology is very clean operating conditions, reliability and environmentally sound performance. The mission and goal is to provide high quality, user-friendly systems at the best value. We strive for maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, and a world leading position in developing core products for recycling of e-waste.

mRt system international aBlumavägenSe-371 47 karlskronaSwedenTel: +46 455 30 28 70fax: +46 455 30 28 79email: [email protected]

nps supplies dispensers for environmental fueling

npS is the leading manufacturer of dispensers for the refueling of biogas and natural gas, in the Scandinavian market.

During the last decade npS has been developing equipment for fueling stations for methanegas driven vehicles. The developement and construc-tion work, has been done in close cooperation with the Swedish authori-

ties and npS has also been involved in setting the standard for this type of equipment on the Swedish market. Biogas is concidered to be the most environmentally friendy alternative for fueling vehicles because it

is a renewable fuel when biogas – also called digester gas, swamp gas, or marsh gas – is produced by the fermentation of organic matter including manure, wastewater sludge,

npS has been on the market for over 35 years and during that time built a substantial network of employ-ees and subcontractors that guarantees the aftermarket and maintenance.

nps service aButängarna 25p.o. Box 10100Se-400 70 gothenburgSwedenTel: +46 31 55 02 90fax: +46 31 55 26 86email: [email protected]

environmental science and engineering groupThe environmental Science and engineering group at linnaeus university in kalmar,carries out interdisciplinary research and teaching in environmental science and

technology. Research is oriented towards solid waste management, industrial wastewater treatment and stormwater management. other areas of competence are: pollution control through treatment technologies; prevention of environmental pollution in modern urban/

industrial society; landfill mining and remediation of contaminated sites; leachate treatment; ecological engi-neering solutions; phyto-remediation and bioremediation of contaminated sites; storage of waste for energy recovery and recyclinga, environmental and natural resources economics. The group is arranging the confer-ence linnaeus eCo-TeCh 26-28 november 2012, see http://lnu.se/eco-tech

linnaeus universityschool of natural sciencesSe-391 82 kalmarSwedenTel: +46 480 44 67 21fax: +46 480 44 63 30Mobile: +46 70 58 58 352Contact: prof. William hoglandemail: [email protected]/eseg

Baling systems for solid Wasteflexus Balasystem AB develops and manufactures systems for storing and

handling of solid waste. The product range includes a round baling system, which compresses the waste into cylindrical bales. The integrated plastic wrapping unit provides a water- and airtight cover, which prevents material decomposition, littering and odours. The system is well-proven, with over 100 installations in 20

countries for a wide range of materials including household waste, RDf, industrial waste, car tyres as well as agricultural by-products such as sugar beet pulp and MBM meal.

flexus Balasystem aBSödra vägen 36Se-465 31 nossebroSwedenTel: +46 512 325 00fax: +46 512 325 25email: [email protected]

nättraby Verktygs aBAngelskogsvägen 8Se-372 38 RonnebyTel: +46 457 192 20fax: +46 457 157 47email: [email protected]

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Control of solvent Vapor emissions with energy RecoveryMiAB has developed an innovative process for the control of Volatile organic Compound

(VoC) emissions from industrial plants. The MiAB system provides a cost-effective approach to controlling low concentrations of VoCs in high-volume air streams. The MiAB system pre-concentrates the solvent vapors for recovery or efficient destruction in a catalytic incinerator, which can thus be sized for a much smaller air stream. The solvent is oxidised in the catalytic incinerator without the need for supplemental fuel and the heat can be recovered for use in the process.

MiAB is represented in poland by Marcin kowalski, poznan tel +48683397147

mölnbacka industri aBActivumSe-669 91 DejeSwedenTel: +46 552 104 50fax: +46 552 104 51email: [email protected]

VOlatile ORganiC COmpOunds

in the workplace or released into the environment – a serious pollution problem

Control of Workplace solvent VaporsMIAB provides equipment protecting workers and the environment by removing solvent vapors from the industrial workplace.

Many industrial processes release solvent vapors into the workplace. Examples include solvents from painting, printing, de-greasing. and styrene from fiberglass operations.

These solvent vapors are termed volatile organic compounds (VOC), and even at low concentrations they present a serious worker health risk. VOC’s released to the environment are harmful to people, animals, nature and property.

miaB – mölnbacka industri aB of Deje, Sweden – manufactures equipment that cleans solvents from the air through a process combining a high degree of purification with a low level of energy consumption. The patented MIAB process uses activated carbon adsorbers to remove the VOC from the ambient air, and then concentrates the VOC so it can be efficiently destroyed in a catalytic oxi-dizer. The resulting heat is recovered and used in the control process.

miaB was established in 1989 and has become a leader in the development of industrial air purification systems. MIAB has more than 50 operating installa-tions.

Some application examples are:• Chemical Industry• Painting of manufactured products (metal, wood, plastics, etc.) • fiberglass-reinforced plastic operations using styrene and acetone • Paint and glue manufacturing, etc

miab – for a cleaner future!

Solvent contaminated process air is drawn through the carbon adsorber and purified.

When the carbon filter becomes saturated with solvent it is shut off from the process flow and then regenerated using hot gas from the catalytic unit. During continuous operation, a second carbon filter takes over the adsorption process.

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the leading Recycling and Waste management Company of West sweden

Renova manages all types of waste for all types of industries and is the leading recycling company of West Sweden. We offer the community and commerce and industry complete solutions for waste management with a strong focus on reduc-

ing environmental impact. We do this with broad knowledge, flexibility and modern equipment. Central to our operations is consultation, waste analysis and training, along with the collection, transportation and treatment of all types of waste.

We constantly strive to find new methods and new technologies to make waste management even smarter, even cleaner. We have also committed ourselves to helping curb the runaway rise in waste.

Both of these issues are about the need to think long-term and do more for the community, the environ-ment and our customers.

Renova aBp.o. Box 156Se-401 22 gothenburgSwedenTel: +46 31 61 80 00fax: +46 31 61 86 84email: [email protected]

aB Orwakp.o. Box 58Se-576 22 SävsjöSwedenTel: +46 382 157 00 fax: +46 382 106 07email: [email protected] www.orwak.com

horizontal and vertical waste balers and compactors for paper, plastics, etc.

orwak is a world leader in compac-tion and baling solutions for solid waste material at source.

We develop, manufacture and market a comprehensive range of waste compactors, baling systems and Brickman briquette presses for recyclable materials that make waste management more profitable

Recycling equipment for professionalspresona AB is one of the world’s leading designers and

manufacturers of balers with pre-pressing technology for ef-ficient baling of a wide range of recyclables – from paper and plastic to household and industrial waste.

our offer also includes pneumatic waste extraction systems for the graphics industry, paper and packag-ing manufacturers and sorting plants for household waste. The company is based in Tomelilla in southern Sweden, close to the continent. our head office and factory are housed in modern airy buildings in which the working environment has been prioritized. We have an efficient production flow and cooperate with estab-lished suppliers in order to ensure quality at every stage. We make sure that the equipment we supply always fulfils expectations and gives the customer the greatest possible security.

presona aBp.o. Box 63Se-273 22 TomelillaSwedenTel: +46 417 19900fax: +46 417 19932email: [email protected]

total monitoring solutions for Waste incinerators

opsis AB is a global company that develops, manufactures and markets state-of-the-art, innovative systems for gas analysis and process control. our goal is to provide our customers with the most advanced, reliable and cost-effective systems, regardless of applications. opsis is a leading supplier of continuous emissions monitoring systems for waste incinerators.

opsis offers total monitoring solutions and the product line includes both monitoring hardware and data handling software. The opsis system is approved by TÜV, MCeRTS and the u.S. epA. The opsis monitoring system meets all the requirements for measurement and reporting stated in the eC directive (2000/76/eC) for waste incinerators.

Several hundreds of opsis systems are installed worldwide. By focusing on our customers’ requirements and on continuous research and development, opsis continues to lead the way and set the standard in gas monitoring.

Opsis aBp. o. Box 244Se-244 02 furulundSwedenTel: +46 46 722 500fax: +46 46 722 501email: [email protected]

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sp technical Research institute of sweden links industry and Research

We specialize in R&D, technical evaluation, testing, metrology and certification of products and management systems. Assignments carried out for industrial companies make up much of our work, and our operations cover a broad range of technologies. The lion’s share of our research projects is carried out in cooperation with universities and industry.

Sp is conducting major ongoing operations in a great variety of environmental fields that include recycling, recovery and re-integration of materials, indoor air qual-ity, atmospheric chemistry, content of harmful substances, energy/incineration, fire conciderations in life cycle analysis, environmentally sound building technology and noise reduction.

Sik – The Swedish institute for food and Biotechnology is a subsidiary research institute to Sp and con-ducts strategic and applied research within food and biotechnology in accordance with an industry-governed, goal-oriented research programme and through joint industrial projects. We offer extensive consulting activities within product and process development, focusing on matters related to quality, product safety, production ef-ficiency and environment.

We also run extensive training operations for companies and we are involved in undergraduate and postgradu-ate programmes at universities and colleges.

sp technical Research instituteof Swedenp.o. Box 857Se-501 15 BoråsSwedenTel: +46 10 516 53 50fax: +46 33 12 37 49email: [email protected]

stena metall – innovative recyclingThe Stena Metall group is a leading, innovative recycling company

and operates in more than 250 locations in Sweden, norway, Denmark, finland, poland, germany, Czech Republic and italy. The group offers innovative waste management solutions that benefits customers, the

environment and society. in addition to recycling ferrous and non-ferrous metals, paper, board, Weee, hazard-ous waste and other production waste, the group´s operations also comprise processing and distribution of steel, aluminium production and international trading in ferrous and non-ferrous metals and oil.

stena metall aBp.o. Box 4088Se-400 40 gothenburgSwedenTel: +46 10 445 00 00fax: +46 31 775 36 46email: [email protected]

integrated Waste managementSySAV (South Scania Waste Company) is responsible for recycling and waste

management in a region with 650,000 inhabitants in southern Sweden. SySAV treats household waste, industrial waste, building- and demolition waste, hazard-

ous waste and hospital waste with a combination of methods. SySAV operates incineration plants equipped with advanced emission control and energy recovery for

district heating and electricity. At our landfills, composting, gas collection and advanced landfilling methods are used. SySAV also operates recycling centres for households. our strategies are waste minimization, material recycling by source separation, optimal waste treatment with energy recovery, and safe deposit of residues.

The SySAV group offers advisory services based on profound operational experience.

sysaVSpillepengsgatan 13p.o. Box 50344Se-202 13 MalmöSwedenTel: +46 40 635 18 00fax: +46 40 635 18 10email: [email protected]

Funding opportunity through DemoEnvironment The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth in collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) launches the new DemoEnvironment programme, providing grants for clean tech projects.

The programme aims to promote the introduction of environmentally-friendly technology solutions through bilateral projects between private sector companies, public sector organizations, civil society and membership organizations in Sweden and Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, India, Indonesia, China and Vietnam.

The goal of DemoEnvironment is to contribute to sustainable growth and to improve the living conditions for poor people.

For more information: www.tillvaxtverket.se/demoenvironment

TillväxtverketBox 4044102 61 StockholmPhone: +46 8 681 91 00Fax: +46 8 19 68 26E-mail: [email protected]

funding opportunity through demoenvironmentThe Swedish Agency for economic and Regional growth in collabora-

tion with the Swedish international Development Corporation Agency (Sida) launches the new Demoenvironment programme, providing grants for clean tech projects.

The programme aims to promote the introduction of environmentally-friendly technology solutions through bilateral projects between private sector companies, public sector organizations, civil society and membership orga-nizations in Sweden and Botswana, namibia, South Africa, india, indonesia, China and Vietnam.

The goal of Demoenvironment is to contribute to sustainable growth and to improve the living conditions for poor people.

for more information: www.tillvaxtvarket.se/demoenvironment

tillväxtverketBox 4044Se-102 61 StockholmSwedenTel: +46 8 681 91 00fax: +46 8 19 68 26email: [email protected]

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the SwediSh way : gReen ReseaRCh

In 1994, the Swedish Government made funds available following the abolition of the so-called wage-earners’ funds (löntagarfonder). The money was to be used in the support research. The then ruling government founded Mistra – the Foundation for Strategic Environ-mental Research. They were given two and a half billion Swedish kronor and an encourag-ing pat on the back. Since its inception, Mistra has been politically independent and annually allocates about 200 million SEK to projects that prevent or solve environmental problems.

“A better environment reduces environ-mental-related ill-health and increases quality of life for the population. We do not feel well if the air is unbreathable, the water is un-drinkable and the ground is contaminated”, says Lars-Erik Liljelund, CEO of Mistra. The last 30 years he has divided his time between the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) and the Govern-ment Offices of Sweden (Regeringskansliet).

The Foundation acts in two different ways. They either develop ideas internally or call for proposals directed at various research groups, from which the most appropriate project for the assignment is selected from the appli-cants, or there are examples where researchers contact Mistra directly with a project pro-

posal that is then developed. In comparison with when the Foundation was established almost twenty years ago, environmental re-search today is focused mainly on the climate. Other prioritised areas are biodiversity and the availability of clean water.

“We want the knowledge that we are fund-ing to be used and we want there to be a clear perspective on the benefit. And, of course, it should also be about improving the envi-ronment. That is the basic requirement for everything that we fund.”

What to businesses stand to benefit from taking environmental responsibility?

“For one thing, it involves their reputation and thereby customer interest in the products and operations of the company. A company that is ineffectual in taking environmental responsibility will find it increasingly difficult on the market. Another aspect to consider is that a company with established methodical environmental practices has more efficient in-ternal operations overall. That is, in addition to improving the environment, the company also earns more money.”

But, surely, does it not also cost a lot of money?

“Preventing problems is much cheaper than waiting until they arise. Sooner or later,

we have to clean up after ourselves, and wait-ing until later will be more expensive.”

How thorough is environmental research globally?

“Overall, you could say that the area of en-vironmental research is very knowledge-driv-en, even from a political standpoint. There is a constant great need for new knowledge in order to solve environmental challenges.”

When will Mistra’s money run out?“I think that will happen some time be-

tween 2025 and 2030. We could, of course, reduce our annual investments and theoreti-cally last forever, but I believe that it is better that we stay at the level that we have had since the beginning. That way, we can start a few large research programmes each year and have a presence in different areas.

facts: projects funded by mistra:

future fashion:Environmental problem: The fashion industry is growing at the same rate as clothing con-sumption increases. Unlike other products, clothes are rarely recycled. The environmen-tal impact occurs in several stages; from the amount of water used in cotton farming to the production of fabrics, the manufac-

Swedish research foundation provides money

for green researchClimate concerns, water shortages and threats to biodiver-

sity. environmental problems are many, and researchers are in constant want of large sums of money to help them find

beneficial solutions. Swedish research foundation Mistra has the means with which to assist.

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the SwediSh way : gReen ReseaRCh

founded: 1994initial capital: 2.5 billion SekCapital in 2012: 2.8 billion SekResearch: Completed 31 research programmes, and has more than 20 others currently under wayinvestments: Annually invests 200 million Sek in research projects

faCts: mIStrature of garments and the delivery to retail outlets.

Research: An interdisciplinary research programme on sustainable fashion. SP Tech-nical Research Institute of Sweden has been allocated 40 million for a project comprised of eight separate programmes.

Aim: To develop new business models, materials and designs in order to achieve a more environmentally-friendly process for the fashion industry’s current throwaway system. The research will generate knowledge and solutions that can be used by retail outlets, the industry and consumers.

future forests: Environmental problem: The demand on forest resources that are used for timber and paper is increasing all over the world. Alternative ways of cultivating and making use of the forest are needed if it is to last as a natural resource in the future.

Research: A programme on sustainable for-estry, supported by Mistra, Swedish forestries and two universities to a total of 143 million SEK. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet) is leading the project, whose first phase runs from 2009 to 2012.

Aim: Find methods for intensifying boreal forestry in order to increase the amount of lumber whilst preserving the natural ecosystems and allowing the ground time to recover. The goal is to gain knowledge of sustainable management.

steel eco-Cycle:Environmental problem: The extraction of metals consumes natural resources in terms of both energy and raw materials. Instead of reusing metals, more are mined. This leads to a negative development from an environmen-tal standpoint.

Research: A programme that embraces the entire steel cycle. The work is led by Jernkon-toret, the Swedish Steel Producers’ Associa-tion, and runs from 2004 to 2012. Mistra is investing 97 million SEK.

Aim: A more resource-efficient use of steel, smarter construction methods and more ex-tensive recycling of scrap and waste products. The vision is: “a closed cycle for the manufac-ture and use of steel in society.” ■

text: louise fauvelle

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avfall sverige – swedish Waste management is an organisation in the Waste Management and Recycling Sec-tor. We have 400 members, primarily

within the public sector, but also private enterprises. We are aiming towards environmentally correct and sustainable waste management, for the benefit of society.

Avfall Sverige creates networks, provides information and influence decision makers. our members are responsible for municipal waste management and provide services for other waste categories. They represent an important part of the societal infrastructure. our members employ 12 000 people and account for a total annual turnover of 1,32 billion €.

Avfall Sverige – Swedish Waste Management is the national member of the international Solid Waste Association, iSWA, and the european federation of Waste Management, feAD.

Municipal Waste europe, a network of national municipal waste association started up in 2008. The network will, for example, raise attention to municipal waste management in Brussels and promote public responsibility for waste. Also in 2008, Avfall Sverige started up a network for export of Swedish waste man-agement, a cooperation between public and private sector.

avfall sverige– swedish Waste managementprostgatan 2Se-211 25 MalmöSwedenTel: +46 40 35 66 00fax: +46 40 35 66 26email: [email protected]

Clean environmentClean is the magazine making

it easier for Swedish companies focusing on the environment to market themselves and their products in the Middle east. for example the next issue contains

an article about electrolux. Clean is distributed all over the Middle east.

this Business guide is targeted at decision-makers in both private and public sectors throughout the world, interested in state-of-the-art environmental care technology. in it you will find a wide range of products and services available by Swedish companies and universities to enhance environmental sustainability.

World Waste Watch Business guide is the oldest and most widely distributed information booklet about Swedish environmental care. The first edition was published in 1991. The main language is english, but the guide has also been published in polish, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

This booklet is distributed worldwide, through Swedish embassies and consulates, and through

the offices of the Swedish Trade Council. it is posted to companies, cities and institutions in Sweden and abroad, and handed out at seminars and conferences.

in collaboration with Venator Marketing AB, these companies organize:4Business and study tours in Sweden

and abroad.4international student exchange pro-

grams.4projects undertaken on a joint-venture


World Waste Watch is circulated in cooperation with exportrådet (the Swedish Trade Council) & Stockholm Business Region Development

swedish trade Council stockholm Business Regionp.o. Box 240 p o Box 16282Se-101 24 Stockholm Se-103 25 StockholmSweden Visiting address: Drottninggatan 33Tel: +46 8 588 660 00 Tel +46 8 508 28 000fax: +46 8 588 661 90 fax +46 8 508 28 [email protected] www.stockholmbusinessregion.com www.swedishtrade.se

World WasteWATCH BUSINESS GUIDE 2012-2013

for specific information, contact the individual companies.for general information, contact:

yngve nilssonVenator Marketing ABRågvägen 7Se-182 75 Stocksund, SwedenTel: +46 8 85 12 10e-mail: [email protected]

Clean magazinefor information about adver-tising rates and other details, please contact:Örjan SvenssonTel: +46 8 556 68 963email: [email protected]