World War II Review

World War II Review

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World War II Review. Terms. Technique by which planes scattered large numbers of bombs. A. Carpet Bombing . Suicide Plane. A. Kamikaze. Home projects that raised vegetables during World War II. A. Victory Gardens. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II Review

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Technique by which planes scattered large numbers of


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A. Carpet Bombing

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Suicide Plane

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A. Kamikaze

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Home projects that raised vegetables during World War II

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A. Victory Gardens

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Offensive strategy of American admirals to beat the Japanese in the Pacific

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A. Island Hopping

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Government savings notes bought by Americans to help finance World War II

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A. War bonds

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Vessels built in the United States that usually carried troops or war supplies

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A. Liberty Ships

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Referred to U.S. Servicemen

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Ages of required military registration for males as specified by the Selective Service Act

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A. 21-36

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Victory for the allies, fought from the air, attacked Japanese carriers and airfields

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A. Battle of Midway

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Brutal march of American and Filipino prisoners by Japanese soldiers

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A. Bataan Death March

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Gave marines first taste of jungle warfare, allies conquered their first piece of Japanese


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A. Battle of Guadalcanal

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Allied invasion of France; Normandy

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A. D-Day

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Largest battle in Western Europe during World War II; Germany’s final attempt to win in


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A. Battle of the Bulge

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Location of the Battles of Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal

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A. The Pacific

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The Germans were finally stopped in their advance into the Soviet Union here

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A. The Battle of Stalingrad

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The Japanese leaders believed they could cripple the American Naval Fleet here.

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A. Pearl Harbor

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The Allies sunk all four Japanese carriers and 250 planes here

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A. Battle of Midway

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Hitler used this military strategy when invading Poland

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A. Blitzkrieg

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Lasted the length of the war in Europe; protected trade routes

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Battle of the Atlantic

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Resulted in the famous photo of soldiers raising the American Flag at Mount Surabachi

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Battle of Iwo Jima

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Second only to Normandy in invastion size; gave Allies clear path to Japan

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Battle of Okinawa

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Leader of the Soviet Union during World War II

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A. Joseph Stalin

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Fascist leader who became dictator of Italy

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A. Benito Mussolini

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British Prime Minister during World War II

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A. Winston Churchill

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General who became Prime Minister of Japan

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A. Tojo Hideki

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Leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

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A. Adolf Hitler

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Spanish military dictator during World War II

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A. Francisco Franco

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What Fascist made a pact with a Communist during World War II?

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A. Hitler with Stalin

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Japan allied itself with this group in 1940

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A. The Axis Powers

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After the U.S. declared war on Japan, what two countries declared war on the U.S.

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A. Italy and Germany

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What did Hitler, Mussolini, and the leaders of Japan begin doing in the 1930’s?

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A. Invade neighboring lands

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Who inspired British people to resist German invasion?

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A. Winston Churchill

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Which country had control of most of Western Europe by 1940?

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A. Germany

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Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with this country.

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A. Soviet Union

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How did Hitler and Mussolini view expansion of territory?

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A. A way to increase national pride

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After Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, he headed here.

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A. Poland

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What was the next target of the Allies after gaining control of Africa?

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A. Italy

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What historic event contributed to the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and the rise of

totalitarianism in the Soviet Union?

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A. World War I

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In 1932, Manchuria (part of China) was taken over by this country.

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A. Japan

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The U.S. during World War II

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What did the U.S. mainly focus on during the 1930’s?

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A. Domestic affairs

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How did Henry Kaiser contribute to wartime production?

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A. Using mass production to build Liberty Ships

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Why did President Roosevelt create the Office of War Mobilization?

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A. To centralize agencies dealing with war production

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As a result of the war, many women began fulfilling what roles?

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A. Steelworkers and welders

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How were African American soldiers treated during World War II?

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A. Fought in segregated units

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What was part of American policy during the early years of World War II?

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A. Remaining neutral while providing aid to Britain

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During World War II, what did the Ford Motor Company make?

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A. Bombers

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Why did the United States evacuate Japanese Americans from the West Coast?

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A. Fears because of Pearl Harbor

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Why did the U.S. feel that Pearl Harbor was safe from attack?

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A. Shallow water (too shallow for torpedoes)

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Why was the U.S. unprepared to defend themselves during the attack on Pearl Harbor?

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A. Early Sunday morning (soldiers sleeping), weapons unmanned, ammo locked down

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The Holocaust

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What was the “Final Solution?”

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A. Kill all the Jews

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What was one of the main goals of the Nazis in the 1930’s?

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A. Get rid of the Jews

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What does Kristallnacht mean?

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A. Night of Broken Glass

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Group of men that served as policemen and concentration camp guards

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Prejudice or hatred towards Jewish people is known as

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A. Anti-Semitism

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The End of the War

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What was the result of the U.S. dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

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A. Japan surrendered

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What was the goal of the Manhattan project?

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A. Develop an atomic bomb

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What were “code talkers?”

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A. Navajo radio operators that helped in the Pacific

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What brought an end to World War II?

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A. Dropping of the atomic bombs

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What did the Allies do with Europe after Germany surrendered?

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A. Divide it into 4 parts to be governed by the U.S., Britain, France, and the Soviet Union

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What was V-E Day?

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A. The end of war in Europe

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Who made the decision to drop the atomic bomb?

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A. Harry Truman